This tender is an e-Tender and is being published online for the import of Raw Cashew nut. The
tender is invited in two cover system from the registered and eligible firms through e-
procurement portal of Government of Kerala (https://www.etenders.kerala.gov.in). Prospective
bidders willing to participate in this tender shall necessarily register themselves with above
mentioned e-procurement portal.
The tender timeline is available in the critical date section of this tender published in
Bidders should have a Class II or above Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) to be procured from
any Registration Authorities (RA) under the Certifying Agency of India. Details of RAs will be
available on www.cca.gov.in. Once, the DSC is obtained, bidders have to register on
www.etenders.kerala.gov.in website for participating in this tender. Website registration is a
one-time process without any registration fees. However, bidders have to procure DSC at their
own cost.
As per the IT ACT, e-procurement portal does not allow to register any DSC issued by
CAs other than Indian CAs. However, Some Certifying agencies issue DSC for foreigners
without visiting India. The details of which are already made available under the
Downloads link of this portal in the title ‘DSC for Foreign Bidders’
Once, the DSC is obtained, bidders have to register on www.etenders.kerala.gov.in website for
participating in this tender.
The PAN / TAN is a mandatory field. As foreign bidders need not possess a PAN /TAN
they may enter the dummy value TEMPZ9999Z as a PAN number and continue the
process. This will be applicable exclusively for foreign bidders or specially exempted
It is usual practice that the value of conversion is normally done on the day of Financial
Bid Opening based on the selling rate as on that date.
The general instructions regarding foreign bidders can be accessed through the link
Bidders may contact e-Procurement support desk of Kerala State IT Mission over telephone at
0471-2577088/188/388 or through email: etendershelp@kerala.gov.in or
helpetender@gmail.comfor assistance in this regard.
B). Online Tender Process:
The tender process shall consist of the following stages:
i. Downloading of tender document: Tender document will be available for free download
on www.etenders.kerala.gov.in. However, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall be payable
at the time of bid submission as stipulated in this tender document.
ii. Publishing of Corrigendum/updation/Addendum: No press advertisement shall be issued
for the updation/corrigendum/ Addendum. Prospective bidders are therefore advised to
regularly visit our website – www.keralacashewboard.comand www.etenders.kerala.gov.in
and shall not be available elsewhere.
iii. Bid submission: Bidders have to submit their bids along with supporting documents to
support their eligibility, as required in this tender document on
www.etenders.kerala.gov.in. No manual submission of bid is allowed and manual bids shall
not be accepted under any circumstances.
iv. Opening of Technical Tender Bid: The Technical Tender Bid will be opened, evaluated and
shortlisted as per the eligibility and technical qualifications. All documents in support of
technical qualifications shall be submitted (online). Failure to submit the documents online
will attract disqualification. Bids shortlisted by this process will be taken up for opening the
financial bid.
v. Opening of Financial Bids: Bids of the qualified bidders shall only be considered for
opening and evaluation of the financial bid on the date and time mentioned in critical
date’s section.
Technical Tender Bid shall contain the scanned copies of the following documents which every
bidder has to upload:
The Bidder shall complete the Price bid as per format given for download along with this
Note: The blank price bid should be downloaded and saved on bidder’s computer without
changing file-name otherwise price bid will not get uploaded. The bidder should fill in the
details in the same file and upload the same back to the website.
Fixed price: Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the bidder's performance of the
contract and not subject to variation on any account. A bid submitted with an adjustable/
variable price quotation will be treated as non - responsive and rejected.
To upload the same, bidders shall use EMD Exemption mode by following below steps while
bid submission:
1) Please click “Yes” button against the query “Are you exempted from payment of
2) In the following page, select exemption type as “Percentage” and enter the
Percentage/Amount value as “100”.
3) In the Upload EMD Exemption document field, upload and digital sign the proof of
EMD remittance with value as USD 10,000/-.
4) Finally, Click “Next” to effect the amount in the paid section of payment page.
Note: Foreign Bidders shall not click “Pay Online” and further, “Confirm to Pay” buttons in any
circumstances. By doing so, this will cause the eProcurement system to accept tender payments in INR
only (via online). The same cannot be reverted.
(D2) In case of theauthorised agent of Direct Exporter and Direct Seller, the bidder shall
pay EMD of INR7,25,000/- (Rupees Seven Lakh Twenty Five Thousand only) via SBI MOPS
payment mode of eProcurement System only. Please note that EMD Exemption mode is not
applicable for above bidders.
The EMD is required to protect the purchaser against risk of Bidder’s conduct, which would
warrant the forfeiture of security.
Online Payment modes: EMD can be paid in the following manner through e-Payment facility
provided by the e-Procurement system
State Bank of India Multi Option Payment System (SBI MOPS Gateway): Bidders are required
to avail Internet Banking Facility in any of below banks for making tender remittances in
eProcurement System.
A) Internet Banking Options (Retail)
1 Allahabad Bank 32 Kotak Mahindra Bank
2 Axis Bank 33 Lakshmi Vilas Bank
3 Andhra Bank 34 Mehsana Urban Co-op Bank
4 Bandan Bank 35 NKGSB Co-operative Bank
5 Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait 36 Oriental Bank of Commerce
6 Bank of Baroda 37 Punjab and Maharashtra Cooperative Bank
7 Bank of India 38 Punjab National Bank
8 Bank of Maharashtra 39 Punjab and Sind Bank
9 Bassein Catholic Co-operative Bank 40 RBL Bank
10 BNP Paribas 41 Saraswat Cooperative Bank
11 Canara Bank 42 ShamraoVithal Cooperative Bank
12 Catholic Syrian Bank 43 South Indian Bank
13 Central Bank of India 44 Standard Chartered Bank
14 City Union Bank 45 State Bank of India
15 Corporation Bank 46 Syndicate Bank
16 Cosmos Bank 47 Tamilnad Mercantile Bank
17 DCB Bank 48 Tamilnadu Cooperative Bank
18 Dena Bank 49 The KalyanJanataSahakari Bank
TJSB Bank (Erstwhile Thane JanataSahakari
19 Deutsche Bank 50 Bank)
20 Dhanalaxmi Bank 51 UCO Bank
21 Federal Bank 52 Union Bank of India
22 HDFC Bank 53 United Bank of India
23 ICICI Bank 54 Vijaya Bank
24 IDBI Bank 55 YES Bank
25 Indian Bank
26 Indian Overseas Bank
27 IndusInd Bank
28 Jammu & Kashmir Bank
29 JanataSahakari Bank
30 Karnataka Bank
31 KarurVysya Bank
B) Internet Banking Options (Corporate)
1 Bank of Baroda 21 Laxmi Vilas Bank
2 Bank of India 22 Oriental Bank of Commerce
3 Bank of Maharashtra 23 Punjab & Maharashtra Coop Bank
4 BNP Paribas 24 Punjab & Sind Bank
5 Canara Bank 25 Punjab National Bank
6 Catholic Syrian Bank 26 RBL Bank
7 City Union Bank 27 ShamraoVitthal Co-operative Bank
8 Corporation Bank 28 South Indian Bank
9 Cosmos Bank 29 State Bank of India
10 Deutsche Bank 30 Syndicate Bank
11 Development Credit Bank 31 UCO Bank
12 Dhanalaxmi Bank 32 Union Bank of India
13 Federal Bank 33 UPPCL
14 HDFC Bank 34 Vijaya Bank
15 ICICI Bank 35 Axis Bank
16 Indian Overseas Bank
17 JantaSahakari Bank
18 Jammu & Kashmir Bank
19 KarurVysya Bank
20 Kotak Bank
During the online bid submission process, bidder shall select SBI MOPSoption and
submit the page, to view the Terms and Conditions page. On further submitting the
same, the e-Procurement system will re-direct the bidder to MOPS Gateway, where two
options namely SBI and Other Banks* will be shown. Here,Bidder may proceed as per
a) SBI Account Holdersshall click SBI option to proceed with its Net Banking
Facility., where bidder can enter their internet banking credentials and transfer
the Tender Fee and EMD amount.
b) Other Bank Account Holders may click Other Banksoptionto view the bank
selection page. Here, bidders can select from any of the 54 Banks to proceed
with its Net Banking Facility, for remitting EMD.
*Transaction Charges - 1% of transaction value subject to a minimum of Rs. 50/- and maximum
of Rs. 150/- . GST Applicable
* Bidders who are using Other Banks option under SBI MOPS Payment Gateway, are advised by
SBI to make online payment 72 hours in advance before tender closing time.
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 37267932550, State Bank of India,Main Branch, Thiruvananthapuramas already
mentioned at (D1) above.
To upload the proof of EMD remittance, please click on EMD Exemption as “Yes”. Then upload
the EMD remittance document and sign the documentdigitallyand click on NEXT to complete
the procedure
Any transaction charges levied while using any of the above modes of online payment has to be
borne by the bidder. The supplier/contractor's bid will be evaluated only if payment status
against bidder is showing “Success” during bid opening.
It is necessary to click on “Freeze bid” link/ icon to complete the process of bid
submission otherwise the bid will not get submitted online and the same shall not be
available for viewing/ opening during bid opening process.