The English word car is believed to originate from Latin carrus/carrum "wheeled vehicle" or (via Old
North French) Middle English carre "two-wheeled cart", both of which in turn derive from Gaulish
karros "chariot".[20][21] It originally referred to any wheeled horse-drawn vehicle, such as a cart, carriage,
or wagon.[22] The word also occurrs in other Celtic languages.[23]
"Motor car", attested from 1895, is the usual formal term in British English.[2] "Autocar", a variant
likewise attested from 1895 and literally meaning "self-propelled car", is now considered archaic.[24]
"Horseless carriage" is attested from 1895.[25]
"Automobile", a classical compound derived from Ancient Greek autós (αὐτός) "self" and Latin mobilis
"movable", entered English from French and was first adopted by the Automobile Club of Great Britain
in 1897.[26] It fell out of favour in Britain and is now used chiefly in North America,[27] where the
abbreviated form "auto" commonly appears as an adjective in compound formations like "auto industry"
and "auto mechanic".[28][29]
In 1649, Hans Hautsch of Nuremberg built a clockwork-driven
carriage.[32][33] The first steam-powered vehicle was designed by
Ferdinand Verbiest, a Flemish member of a Jesuit mission in
China around 1672. It was a 65-centimetre-long (26 in) scale-
model toy for the Kangxi Emperor that was unable to carry a
driver or a passenger.[18][34][35] It is not known with certainty if
Verbiest's model was successfully built or run.[35]
Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot is widely credited with building the first Steam machine of Verbiest, in 1678
full-scale, self-propelled mechanical vehicle in about 1769; he (Ferdinand Verbiest)
created a steam-powered tricycle. [36] He also constructed two
steam tractors for the French Army, one of which is preserved in
the French National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts.[36] His inventions were limited by problems with
water supply and maintaining steam pressure.[36] In 1801, Richard Trevithick built and demonstrated his
Puffing Devil road locomotive, believed by many to be the first
demonstration of a steam-powered road vehicle. It was unable to
maintain sufficient steam pressure for long periods and was of
little practical use.
In 1807, Nicéphore Niépce and his brother Claude created what was probably
the world's first internal combustion engine (which they called a
Pyréolophore), but installed it in a boat on the river Saone in France.[37]
Coincidentally, in 1807, the Swiss inventor François Isaac de Rivaz designed
his own "de Rivaz internal combustion engine", and used it to develop the
world's first vehicle to be powered by such an engine. The Niépces'
Pyréolophore was fuelled by a mixture of Lycopodium powder (dried spores
of the Lycopodium plant), finely crushed coal dust and resin that were mixed
with oil, whereas de Rivaz used a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen.[37] Carl Benz, the inventor
of the modern car
Neither design was successful, as was the case with others, such as Samuel
Brown, Samuel Morey, and Etienne Lenoir,[38] who each built
vehicles (usually adapted carriages or carts) powered by internal
combustion engines.[39]
In 1879, Benz was granted a patent for his first engine, which had
been designed in 1878. Many of his other inventions made the use
of the internal combustion engine feasible for powering a vehicle. His first Motorwagen was built in 1885
in Mannheim, Germany. He was awarded the patent for its invention as of his application on 29 January
1886 (under the auspices of his major company, Benz & Cie., which was founded in 1883). Benz began
promotion of the vehicle on 3 July 1886, and about 25 Benz vehicles were sold between 1888 and 1893,
when his first four-wheeler was introduced along with a cheaper model. They also were powered with
four-stroke engines of his own design. Emile Roger of France, already producing Benz engines under
license, now added the Benz car to his line of products. Because France was more open to the early cars,
initially more were built and sold in France through Roger than Benz sold
in Germany. In August 1888, Bertha Benz, the wife and business partner
of Carl Benz, undertook the first road trip by car, to prove the road-
worthiness of her husband's invention.[43]
The first design for an American car with a petrol internal combustion engine was made in 1877 by
George Selden of Rochester, New York. Selden applied for a patent for a car in 1879, but the patent
application expired because the vehicle was never built. After a delay of 16 years and a series of
attachments to his application, on 5 November 1895, Selden was granted a US patent (U.S. patent
549,160 ( for a two-stroke car engine, which hindered,
more than encouraged, development of cars in the United States. His patent was challenged by Henry
Ford and others, and overturned in 1911.
In 1893, the first running, petrol-driven American car was built and road-tested by the Duryea brothers of
Springfield, Massachusetts. The first public run of the Duryea Motor Wagon took place on 21 September
1893, on Taylor Street in Metro Center Springfield.[44][45] Studebaker, subsidiary of a long-established
wagon and coach manufacturer, started to build cars in 1897[46]: 66 and commenced sales of electric
vehicles in 1902 and petrol vehicles in 1904.[47]
In Britain, there had been several attempts to build steam cars with varying degrees of success, with
Thomas Rickett even attempting a production run in 1860.[48] Santler from Malvern is recognised by the
Veteran Car Club of Great Britain as having made the first petrol-driven car in the country in 1894,[49]
followed by Frederick William Lanchester in 1895, but these were both one-offs.[49] The first production
vehicles in Great Britain came from the Daimler Company, a company founded by Harry J. Lawson in
1896, after purchasing the right to use the name of the engines. Lawson's company made its first car in
1897, and they bore the name Daimler.[49]
In 1892, German engineer Rudolf Diesel was granted a patent for a "New Rational Combustion Engine".
In 1897, he built the first diesel engine.[39] Steam-, electric-, and petrol-driven vehicles competed for a
few decades, with petrol internal combustion engines achieving dominance in the 1910s. Although
various pistonless rotary engine designs have attempted to compete with the conventional piston and
crankshaft design, only Mazda's version of the Wankel engine has had more than very limited success. All
in all, it is estimated that over 100,000 patents created the modern automobile and motorcycle.[50]
Mass production
Large-scale, production-line manufacturing of affordable cars was
started by Ransom Olds in 1901 at his Oldsmobile factory in
Lansing, Michigan, and based upon stationary assembly line
techniques pioneered by Marc Isambard Brunel at the Portsmouth
Block Mills, England, in 1802. The assembly line style of mass
production and interchangeable parts had been pioneered in the
US by Thomas Blanchard in 1821, at the Springfield Armory in
Springfield, Massachusetts.[51] This concept was greatly expanded
by Henry Ford, beginning in 1913 with the world's first moving
assembly line for cars at the Highland Park Ford Plant.
Development of automotive technology was rapid, due in part to the hundreds of small manufacturers
competing to gain the world's attention. Key developments included electric ignition and the electric self-
starter (both by Charles Kettering, for the Cadillac Motor Company in 1910–1911), independent
suspension, and four-wheel brakes.
Since the 1920s, nearly all cars have been mass-produced to meet market needs, so marketing plans often
have heavily influenced car design. It was Alfred P. Sloan who established the idea of different makes of
cars produced by one company, called the General Motors Companion Make Program, so that buyers
could "move up" as their fortunes improved.
Reflecting the rapid pace of change, makes shared parts with one another so larger production volume
resulted in lower costs for each price range. For example, in the 1930s, LaSalles, sold by Cadillac, used
cheaper mechanical parts made by Oldsmobile; in the 1950s, Chevrolet shared bonnet, doors, roof, and
windows with Pontiac; by the 1990s, corporate powertrains and shared platforms (with interchangeable
brakes, suspension, and other parts) were common. Even so, only major makers could afford high costs,
and even companies with decades of production, such as Apperson, Cole, Dorris, Haynes, or Premier,
could not manage: of some two hundred American car makers in existence in 1920, only 43 survived in
1930, and with the Great Depression, by 1940, only 17 of those were left.[52]
In Europe, much the same would happen. Morris set up its production line at Cowley in 1924, and soon
outsold Ford, while beginning in 1923 to follow Ford's practice of vertical integration, buying Hotchkiss'
British subsidiary (engines), Wrigley (gearboxes), and Osberton (radiators), for instance, as well as
competitors, such as Wolseley: in 1925, Morris had 41 per cent of total British car production. Most
British small-car assemblers, from Abbey to Xtra, had gone under. Citroën did the same in France,
coming to cars in 1919; between them and other cheap cars in reply such as Renault's 10CV and
Peugeot's 5CV, they produced 550,000 cars in 1925, and Mors, Hurtu, and others could not compete.[52]
Germany's first mass-manufactured car, the Opel 4PS Laubfrosch (Tree Frog), came off the line at
Rüsselsheim in 1924, soon making Opel the top car builder in Germany, with 37.5 per cent of the
In Japan, car production was very limited before World War II. Only a handful of companies were
producing vehicles in limited numbers, and these were small, three-wheeled for commercial uses, like
Daihatsu, or were the result of partnering with European companies, like Isuzu building the Wolseley A-9
in 1922. Mitsubishi was also partnered with Fiat and built the Mitsubishi Model A based on a Fiat
vehicle. Toyota, Nissan, Suzuki, Mazda, and Honda began as companies producing non-automotive
products before the war, switching to car production during the 1950s. Kiichiro Toyoda's decision to take
Toyoda Loom Works into automobile manufacturing would create what would eventually become Toyota
Motor Corporation, the largest automobile manufacturer in the world. Subaru, meanwhile, was formed
from a conglomerate of six companies who banded together as Fuji Heavy Industries, as a result of
having been broken up under keiretsu legislation.
Fossil fuels
Most cars in use in the early 2020s run on petrol burnt in an
internal combustion engine (ICE). Some cities ban older more
polluting petrol-driven cars and some countries plan to ban sales
in future. However, some environmental groups say this phase-out
of fossil fuel vehicles must be brought forwards to limit climate 2011 Nissan Leaf electric car
change. Production of petrol-fuelled cars peaked in 2017.[55][56]
In almost all hybrid (even mild hybrid) and pure electric cars regenerative braking recovers and returns to
a battery some energy which would otherwise be wasted by friction brakes getting hot.[60] Although all
cars must have friction brakes (front disc brakes and either disc or drum rear brakes[61]) for emergency
stops, regenerative braking improves efficiency, particularly in city driving.[62]
User interface
Cars are equipped with controls used for driving, passenger
comfort, and safety, normally operated by a combination of the
use of feet and hands, and occasionally by voice on 21st-century
cars. These controls include a steering wheel, pedals for operating
the brakes and controlling the car's speed (and, in a manual
transmission car, a clutch pedal), a shift lever or stick for changing
gears, and a number of buttons and dials for turning on lights,
ventilation, and other functions. Modern cars' controls are now
standardised, such as the location for the accelerator and brake, In the Ford Model T the left-side
but this was not always the case. Controls are evolving in response hand lever sets the rear wheel
to new technologies, for example, the electric car and the parking brakes and puts the
integration of mobile communications. transmission in neutral. The lever to
the right controls the throttle. The
Some of the original controls are no longer required. For example, lever on the left of the steering
column is for ignition timing. The left
all cars once had controls for the choke valve, clutch, ignition
foot pedal changes the two forward
timing, and a crank instead of an electric starter. However, new gears while the centre pedal
controls have also been added to vehicles, making them more controls reverse. The right pedal is
complex. These include air conditioning, navigation systems, and the brake.
in-car entertainment. Another trend is the replacement of physical
knobs and switches by secondary controls with touchscreen
controls such as BMW's iDrive and Ford's MyFord Touch. Another change is that while early cars' pedals
were physically linked to the brake mechanism and throttle, in the early 2020s, cars have increasingly
replaced these physical linkages with electronic controls.
Dedicated automotive fuses and circuit breakers prevent damage from electrical overload.
Cars are typically fitted with multiple types of lights. These
include headlights, which are used to illuminate the way ahead
and make the car visible to other users, so that the vehicle can be
used at night; in some jurisdictions, daytime running lights; red
brake lights to indicate when the brakes are applied; amber turn
signal lights to indicate the turn intentions of the driver; white-
coloured reverse lights to illuminate the area behind the car (and
indicate that the driver will be or is reversing); and on some Audi A4 daytime running lights
vehicles, additional lights (e.g., side marker lights) to increase the
visibility of the car. Interior lights on the ceiling of the car are
usually fitted for the driver and passengers. Some vehicles also have a boot light and, more rarely, an
engine compartment light.
Some places tax heavier cars more:[72] as well as improving pedestrian safety this can encourage
manufacturers to use materials such as recycled aluminium instead of steel.[73] It has been suggested that
one benefit of subsidising charging infrastructure is that cars can use lighter batteries.[74]
Traffic collisions are the largest cause of injury-related deaths
worldwide.[17] Mary Ward became one of the first documented car
fatalities in 1869 in Parsonstown, Ireland,[75] and Henry Bliss one
of the US's first pedestrian car casualties in 1899 in New York
City.[76] There are now standard tests for safety in new cars, such
as the Euro and US NCAP tests,[77] and insurance-industry-backed
tests by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).[78]
However, not all such tests consider the safety of people outside
the car, such as drivers of other cars, pedestrians and cyclists.[79] Result of a serious car collision
Environmental effects
Car production and use has a large number of environmental impacts: it causes local air pollution plastic
pollution and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.[85] Cars and vans caused 10%
of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in 2022.[86] As of 2023, electric cars produce about half the
emissions over their lifetime as diesel and petrol cars. This is set to improve as countries produce more of
their electricity from low-carbon sources.[87] Cars consume almost
a quarter of world oil production as of 2019.[55] Cities planned
around cars are often less dense, which leads to further emissions,
as they are less walkable for instance.[85] A growing demand for
large SUVs is driving up emissions from cars.[88]
Social issues
Mass production of personal motor vehicles in the United States and other developed countries with
extensive territories such as Australia, Argentina, and France vastly increased individual and group
mobility and greatly increased and expanded economic development in urban, suburban, exurban and
rural areas. Growth in the popularity of cars and commuting has led to traffic congestion.[97] Moscow,
Istanbul, Bogotá, Mexico City and São Paulo were the world's most congested cities in 2018 according to
INRIX, a data analytics company.[98]
Access to cars
In the United States, the transport divide and car dependency resulting from domination of car-based
transport systems presents barriers to employment in low-income neighbourhoods,[99] with many low-
income individuals and families forced to run cars they cannot afford in order to maintain their
income.[100] Dependency on automobiles by African Americans may result in exposure to the hazards of
driving while black and other types of racial discrimination related to buying, financing and insuring
Health impact
Air pollution from cars increases the risk of lung cancer and heart disease. It can also harm pregnancies:
more children are born too early or with lower birth weight.[85] Children are extra vulnerable to air
pollution, as their bodies are still developing and air pollution in children is linked to the development of
asthma, childhood cancer, and neurocognitive issues such as autism.[102][85] The growth in popularity of
the car allowed cities to sprawl, therefore encouraging more travel by car, resulting in inactivity and
obesity, which in turn can lead to increased risk of a variety of diseases.[103] When places are designed
around cars, children have fewer opportunities to go places by themselves, and lose opportunities to
become more independent.[104][85]
New materials which may replace steel car bodies include aluminium,[111] fiberglass, carbon fiber,
biocomposites, and carbon nanotubes.[112] Telematics technology is allowing more and more people to
share cars, on a pay-as-you-go basis, through car share and carpool schemes. Communication is also
evolving due to connected car systems.[113] Open-source cars are not widespread.[114]
Autonomous car
Fully autonomous vehicles, also known as driverless cars, already
exist as robotaxis[115][116] but have a long way to go before they
are in general use.[117]
Car sharing
Car-share arrangements and carpooling are also increasingly
popular, in the US and Europe.[118] For example, in the US, some
car-sharing services have experienced double-digit growth in A robotic Volkswagen Passat shown
at Stanford University is a driverless
revenue and membership growth between 2006 and 2007. Services like car sharing offer residents to
"share" a vehicle rather than own a car in already congested neighbourhoods.[119]
The automotive industry designs, develops, manufactures,
markets, and sells the world's motor vehicles, more than three-
quarters of which are cars. In 2020, there were 56 million cars
manufactured worldwide,[120] down from 67 million the previous
year.[121] The automotive industry in China produces by far the
most (20 million in 2020), followed by Japan (seven million), then
Germany, South Korea and India.[122] The largest market is China,
followed by the US.
A car being assembled in a factory
Around the world, there are about a billion cars on the road;[123]
they burn over a trillion litres (0.26 × 1012 US gal;
0.22 × 1012 imp gal) of petrol and diesel fuel yearly, consuming about 50 exajoules (14,000 TWh) of
energy.[124] The numbers of cars are increasing rapidly in China and India.[125] In the opinion of some,
urban transport systems based around the car have proved unsustainable, consuming excessive energy,
affecting the health of populations, and delivering a declining level of service despite increasing
investment. Many of these negative effects fall disproportionately on those social groups who are also
least likely to own and drive cars.[126][127] The sustainable transport movement focuses on solutions to
these problems. The car industry is also facing increasing competition from the public transport sector, as
some people re-evaluate their private vehicle usage. In July 2021, the European Commission introduced
the "Fit for 55" legislation package, outlining crucial directives for the automotive sector's future.[128][129]
According to this package, by 2035, all newly sold cars in the European market must be Zero-emissions
Established alternatives for some aspects of car use include public
transport such as busses, trolleybusses, trains, subways, tramways,
light rail, cycling, and walking. Bicycle sharing systems have been
established in China and many European cities, including
Copenhagen and Amsterdam. Similar programmes have been
developed in large US cities.[133][134] Additional individual modes
of transport, such as personal rapid transit could serve as an
alternative to cars if they prove to be socially accepted.[135] A
The Vélib' in Paris, France, is the
study which checked the costs and the benefits of introducing Low largest bikesharing system outside
Traffic Neighbourhood in London found the benefits overpass the costs approximately by 100 times in
the first 20 years and the difference is growing over time.[136]
See also
Cars portal
Automotive safety
Car classification
Car costs
Green vehicle
Model vehicle
Motor vehicle fatality rate in U.S. by year
Motor vehicle theft
Peak car
Traffic collision
Car dependency
Effects of the car on societies
Energy consumption of cars
Environmental effects of transport
Externalities of automobiles
Fenceline community
Mobile source air pollution
Noise pollution
Roadway noise
Traffic congestion
Urban sprawl
Car-free movement
Carfree city
Congestion pricing
Highway revolt
New Urbanism
Smart growth
Transit-oriented development
a. Auxiliary power outlets may be supplied continuously or only when the ignition is active
depending on electrical wiring.
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Further reading
Berger, Michael L. (2001). The automobile in American history and culture: a reference
guide. US: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9780313016066.
Brinkley, Douglas (2003). Wheels for the world: Henry Ford, his company, and a century of
progress, 1903-2003. Viking. ISBN 9780670031818.
Cole, John; Cole, Francis (213). A Geography of the European Union (
com/books?id=xREfAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA110). London: Routledge. p. 110.
ISBN 9781317835585. – Number of cars in use (in millions) in various European countries
in 1973 and 1992
Halberstam, David (1986). The Reckoning (
New York: Morrow. ISBN 0-688-04838-2.
Kay, Jane Holtz (1997). Asphalt nation : how the automobile took over America, and how we
can take it back ( New York: Crown.
ISBN 0-517-58702-5.
Margolius, Ivan (2020). "What is an automobile?" ( The
Automobile. 37 (11): 48–52. ISSN 0955-1328 (
Sachs, Wolfgang (1992). For love of the automobile: looking back into the history of our
desires. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-06878-5.
Wilkins, Mira; Hill, Frank Ernest (1964). American Business Abroad: Ford on Six Continents.
Williams, Heathcote (1991). Autogeddon. New York: Arcade. ISBN 1-55970-176-5.
Latin America: Economic Growth Trends (
0C&pg=PA11). US: Agency for International Development, Office of Statistics and Reports.
1972. p. 11. – Number of motor vehicles registered in Latin America in 1970
World Motor Vehicle Production and Registration (
B9EPDtQC&pg=PA3). US: Business and Defense Services Administration, Transportation
Equipment Division. p. 3. – Number of registered passenger cars in various countries in
1959-60 and 1969–70
External links
Media related to Automobiles at Wikimedia Commons
Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (
Forum for the Automobile and Society (
Transportation Statistics Annual Report 1996: Transportation and the Environment by
Fletcher, Wendell; Sedor, Joanne; p. 219 (contains figures on vehicle registrations in various
countries in 1970 and 1992) (