• Riemann also
geometry, which
unifies and vastly
Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann generalizes the three
(1826 - 1866)
types of geometry
• beginning of a great deal
of abstract algebra
• George Boole devised an
algebra that soon
evolved into what is now
called Boolean algebra,
in which the only
numbers were 0 and 1
• Boolean algebra - the
starting point of
mathematical logic with
important applications in
George Boole computer science
(1815 – 1864)
• Augustin-Louis
Riemann, and
Karl Weierstrass
reformulated the
calculus in a
more rigorous
Baron Augustin-Louis
Karl Theodor Wilhelm
Weierstrass (Weierstraß)
(1789 – 1857)
(1815 – 1897)
• Georg Cantor -
foundations of set
A four-coloring of a map
of the states of the
United States (ignoring
lakes) - an example of a
four color theorem put
in use.
• mathematical collaborations of
unprecedented size and scope took
• an example is the classification of
finite simple groups (also called the
"enormous theorem"), whose proof
between 1955 and 1983 required
500-odd journal articles by about
100 authors, and filling tens of
thousands of pages
• differential geometry came into its
own when Einstein used it in Albert Einstein
general relativity (1879 - 1955)
I know you’re wondering who the man on
the last photograph was. To answer what
everyone is thinking - yes, there are some
pictures where he doesn’t look like this:
• entire new areas of mathematics such as mathematical
logic, topology, and John von Neumann's game theory
changed the kinds of questions that could be answered by
mathematical methods