CE224L CMT Lab 5_copy
CE224L CMT Lab 5_copy
CE224L CMT Lab 5_copy
Plate No. 5
Schedule: _________________________________________
II. OBJECTIVE To determine the hardness of aggregate and to evaluate the resistance
of coarse aggregates against abrasion.
III. EQUIPMENT sieves, mechanical shaker, balance, steel spherical balls, Los Angeles
Abrasion testing machine
Reminder: Do not copy this procedure in your laboratory report, create from your
own understanding on the experiment you’ve conducted.
1. Wash the reduced 2 samples and oven dry at 110±55°C [230±99°F] to a constant mass.
2. Record the mass of the 2 samples prior to test with an error to the nearest 1 g.
3. Place one test sample and the Spherical balls (charge) in the Los Angeles testing
machine and rotate the machine at a speed of 30 to 33 r/min for 250 to 500 revolutions
(Depends on the mass of the sample).
4. After the prescribed number of revolutions, discharge the material from the machine
and make a preliminary separation of the sample on a sieve coarser than the 1.70 mm
(No. 12) sieve. (If No. 12 Sieve is unavailable, use the No. 10 Sieve)
5. Sieve the finer portion and determine the mass of the sample retained from the 1.70 mm
(No. 12) sieve. (If No. 12 Sieve is unavailable, use the No. 10 Sieve)
6. If the aggregate is essentially free of adherent coatings and dust, the requirement for
washing after the test is optional.
7. Calculate the loss (difference between the original mass and the final mass of the test
sample) as a percentage of the original mass of the test sample.
8. Proceed to the 2nd sample with similar procedure from the previous one.
Charge – The Charge must consist of steel spheres averaging (46.8 mm) in diameter and each
weighing between 390 to 445 g. The charge, depending upon the grading of the test sample as
Grading No. of Spheres Mass of Charge, g
A 12 5000±25
B 11 4580±25
C 8 3330±25
D 6 2500±25
*For further understanding of the exercise, watch the video with the link below:
Mass of Sample, g
Mass of retained
Sample after
abrasion, g
% Abrasion
Important note: ASTM Specifications C33-86 requires that the abrasion percent should not exceed
50% for coarse aggregate used in concrete mixes.
1. The abrasion value found from Los Angeles test for two aggregates A and B are 50% and
38% respectively. Which aggregate is harder? Why? For what types of constructions are
these suitable?
2. Why Los Angeles abrasion test is considered superior to the other form of tests which
are used to determine the hardness of aggregates?