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Grade 7 Math Curriculum Map

Bachelor of Secondary Education (Holy Cross of Davao College)

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St. Francis Xavier Learning Center

Catalunan Grande, Davao City
Academic Year 2022-2023

Curriculum Map in Math – 7

School Year 2022-2023

Subject Title Mathematics 7 Name of Teacher Mohammad Saide M. Langco

Class Schedule Monday (8:00-9:00) and Tuesday-Wednesday (11:20-12:20) Consultation Time Monday – Tuesday (9:00-10:20)
Pre-requisite Contact
Mathematics 6
Subject Hours/Week

Course Description

This course demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of numbers and number sense (sets and real number system); measurement
(conversion of units of measurement);patterns and algebra (algebraic expressions and properties of real numbers as applied in linear equations and inequalities in
one variable); geometry (sides and angles of polygons); and statistics and probability (data collection and presentation, and measures of central tendency and
variability) as applied - using appropriate technology - in critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations, and
decisions in real life. The General approaches to be used in this grade level will be interactive, collaborative, demonstration, lecture, discovery, project,
modelling and Mathematical investigation. In this level, the learners will be able to generate new knowledge and/or big ideas, and strong sense of
responsibility that enhance their leadership and cultivating skills.

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Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Competencies Duration Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards
Core Values
The learner …

illustrates well-defined Written Pair activity(look Ricardo Amiable
sets, subsets, universal examination(Essay) around) Crisostomo &
sets, null set, cardinality of Alicia Padua Competence
sets, union and Venn Think pair and (2018). Our World
intersection of sets and the Week 1 diagram(Graph) share of Math 7, Quezon
The learner is able different of two sets Word problem Group City, Vibal Group,
The learner to formulate solving using Venn activity(Venn Inc.
demonstrates challenging diagram Diagram)
Numbers and understanding of situations involving
Number Sense key concepts of sets and real solves problems involving Word problem Individual Ricardo Crisostomo Excellence
sets and the real numbers and solve sets with the use of Venn Week 2
solving activity(Venn & Alicia Padua
number system. these in a variety of Diagram diagram) (2018). Our World
strategies of Math 7, Quezon
represents the absolute Graph(using Line Pair Initiative
City, Vibal Group,
value of a number on a graph to represents activity(board Inc.
number line as the distance the absolute value) work) Responsiveness
of a number from 0.
Week 3
performs fundamental Quiz(solving) Group
operations on integers. activity(show
and tell)

Interactive quiz

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illustrates the different Main concepts map Think-pair-and- Ricardo Crisostomo Respect
properties of operations on share & Alicia Padua
the set of integers. (2018). Our World Responsiveness
expresses rational numbers Week 4 Graph(number line) Individual of Math 7, Quezon
from fraction form to activity(board City, Vibal Group,
decimal form and vice work) Inc.
performs operations on Worksheets(Math Scramble words - Ricardo Respect
rational numbers. Week 5 drill) Crisostomo &
Alicia Padua Responsiveness
describes principal roots Quiz(Identification) Circle the sage Competence
(2018). Our World
and tells whether they are
of Math 7, Quezon
rational or irrational.
City, Vibal Group,
The learner is able Week 6 Inc.
determines between what Problem Gallery walk - Ricardo Excellence
The learner to formulate
demonstrates challenging two integers the square root recognition tasks Crisostomo &
of a number is. Alicia Padua Competence
Numbers and understanding of situations involving
Number Sense key concepts of sets and real (2018). Our World
estimates the square root of Quiz(Solving Brainstorming Intelligence
sets and the real numbers and solve of Math 7, Quezon
a whole number to the Numbers)
number system. these in a variety of City, Vibal Group, Competence
nearest hundredth.
strategies. Week 7 Inc.
plots irrational numbers (up Graph(number Think-pair-and- Picture Commitment
to square roots) on a line to plot) share
number line. Ricardo Crisostomo Responsiveness
illustrates the different Labeling Picture analysis & Alicia Padua Competence
subsets of real numbers. (2018). Our World of
Math 7, Quezon City,
Vibal Group, Inc.

arranges real numbers in Week 8 Graph(line Classroom voting Ricardo Crisostomo

increasing or decreasing graph to arrange & Alicia Padua Amiable
order and on a number line. real numbers) (2018). Our World
of Math 7, Quezon
City, Vibal Group,

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writes numbers in scientific Quiz(matching Individual Ricardo

The learner The learner is able notation and vice versa. type) activity(cross Crisostomo &
demonstrates to formulate word) Alicia Padua Service
understanding challenging represents real-life Application cards Think-pair-and- (2018). Our World
Numbers and Week 9 Responsiveness
of key concepts situations involving situations and solves share of Math 7, Quezon
Number Sense Quiz(problem Competence
of sets and the sets and real problem involving real City, Vibal Group,
solving) Initiative
real number numbers and solve numbers. Group Inc.
system. these in a variety of activity(look
strategies around)

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Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Competencies Duration Activities Resources Institutional Core Values
Content Standards Standards

approximates the -Quiz Brainstorming(by Ricardo Respect
measures of quantities (Multiple pair) Crisostomo &
particularly length, choice) Alicia Padua Responsiveness
The learner is able weight/mass, volume, Week 1 (2018). Our Competence
to formulate real- time, angle and World of Math 7,
The learner temperature and rate. Quezon City,
life problems
demonstrates Vibal Group, Inc.
Measurement understanding of converts measurements Quiz (Solving) Group Ricardo Amiable
measurements and
the key concepts from one unit to another in activity(Board Crisostomo &
solve these using a
of measurement both Metric and English Rotation) Alicia Padua Responsiveness
variety of
systems. (2018). Our Competence
strategies. Week 2
World of Math 7,
Solves problems Quiz(Proble Ask the
Quezon City,
involving conversion of m solving) winner(Group
Vibal Group, Inc.
units of measurement. activity)
The learner The learner is able -translates English phrases Math drills Think-pair-share Ricardo Service
demonstrates to model situations to mathematical phrases and Crisostomo &
understanding of using oral, written, vice versa. Alicia Padua Responsiveness
key concepts of graphical, and illustrates and differentiates -written Group (2018). Our Competence
algebraic algebraic methods related terms in algebra: exam(Own activity(Peer World of Math 7,
expressions, the in solving a. where n is a positive statement) review writing Quezon City,
properties of real problems involving integer task) Vibal Group, Inc.
Patterns and
numbers as algebraic b. constants and variables Week 3
applied in linear expressions, linear c. literal coefficients and
equations, and equations, and numerical coefficients
inequalities in one inequalities in one d. algebraic expressions,
variable variable. terms and polynomials
e. number of terms, degree
of the term and degree of
the polynomial.
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evaluates algebraic Quiz(Probl Buzz Session

expressions for given Week 3 em
values of the variables. Solving)
classifies algebraic True or False (with Circle the sage Ricardo Amiable
expressions which are guide questions) Crisostomo &
polynomials according to Alicia Padua Responsiveness
degree and number of terms. Week 4 (2018). Our Competence
adds and subtracts documented problem Show and World of Math 7,
polynomials. solution tell(Pair Quezon City,
activity) Vibal Group, Inc.
- derives the laws of - Quiz(Solving) Bird box
exponent. (Group
The learner The learner is able Week 5 activity)
demonstrates to model situations multiplies and divides Documented Show and Ricardo Excellence
understanding of using oral, written, polynomials problem solution tell(Pair Crisostomo &
key concepts of graphical, and activity) Alicia Padua Responsiveness
algebraic algebraic methods uses models and algebraic Quiz (Problem Pair (2018). Our Competence
Patterns and expressions, the in solving methods to find the: (a) solving using Activity(Exit World of Math 7,
Algebra properties of real problems involving product of two binomials; models and methods) Slips) Quezon City,
numbers as algebraic (b) product of the sum and Vibal Group, Inc.
applied in linear expressions, linear difference of two terms;
Week 6
equations, and equations, and (c) square of a binomial;
inequalities in one inequalities in one (d) cube of a binomial;
variable variable. (e) product of a
binomial and a
solves problems Quiz(Problem Seatwork Ricardo Service
involving algebraic Solving) Crisostomo &
expressions Alicia Padua Responsiveness
differentiates between Written Exam Group (2018). Our World Competence
algebraic expressions and (Statement form) activity(Pair- of Math 7, Quezon
Week 7-8
equations. share-repeat) City, Vibal Group,
illustrates linear equation Line graph(with Picture analysis Inc.)
and inequality in one guided given)
variable. Pictures

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finds the solution of Problem Solving Document Commitment

linear equation or (with Line Graph) ation
Crisostomo Responsiveness
inequality in one activity
& Alicia Competence
variable. (Group
(2018). Our
The learner The learner is able
World of Math 7,
demonstrates to model situations
Quezon City,
understanding of using oral, written,
Vibal Group, Inc.
key concepts of graphical, and
solves linear equation or Olympiad Problem Math Service
algebraic algebraic methods
inequality in one variable (with Line Graph) Olympiad
Patterns and expressions, the in solving Responsiveness
involving absolute value by: Week 9 (Group
Algebra properties of real problems involving Competence
(a) graphing; and (b) Activity) Ricardo
numbers as algebraic
algebraic methods. Crisostomo &
applied in linear expressions, linear
equations, and equations, and Alicia Padua
inequalities in one inequalities in one (2018). Our
solves problems involving Long Quiz (Problem Brain Storming
variable variable. World of Math 7,
equations and inequalities solving)
Quezon City,
in one variable
Vibal Group, Inc.

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Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Competencies Duration Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards
Core Values

- represents point, line and Graphs (Line Think-pair-share Ricardo Respect
plane using concrete and Graph with guided Crisostomo &
pictorial models. questions) Alicia Padua Responsiveness
(2018). Our World Competence
illustrates subsets of a line. Math Factors Brainstorming (by of Math 7, Quezon
Week 1 Organizer(Graphic pair) City, Vibal Group,
Organizer) Inc.
classifies the different Look Around Pair
kinds of angles. (Word Hunt) Activity(Draw a
The learner is able House)
The learner -derives relationships of Essays (with guide Group activity Ricardo Excellence
to create models of
demonstrates geometric figures using questions) (Show and Tell) Crisostomo &
plane figures and
understanding of measurements and by Alicia Padua Responsiveness
formulate and
Geometry key concepts of inductive reasoning; Think-pair- (2018). Our Competence
solve accurately
geometry of supplementary angles, repeat World of
authentic problems
shapes and sizes, complementary angles, Week 2 Math 7,
involving sides and
and geometric congruent angles, vertical Quezon City,
angles of a
relationships. angles, adjacent angles, Vibal Group,
linear pairs, Inc.
perpendicular lines, and
parallel lines.
derives relationships Written Exam Think-pair-share Ricardo Service
among angles formed by (Essay) Crisostomo &
parallel lines cut by a Alicia Padua Responsiveness
transversal using Week 3 (2018). Our World Competence
measurement and by of Math 7, Quezon
inductive reasoning. City, Vibal Group,
Geometry The learner The learner is able -uses a compass and Week 4 Application cards Picture Analysis Picture Amiable
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straightedge to bisect line (construct

segments and angles and perpendicular and Ricardo Responsiveness
construct perpendiculars parallels) Crisostomo & Competence
and parallels. Alicia Padua
(2018). Our World
of Math 7, Quezon
City, Vibal Group,
illustrates polygons: (a) Quiz( construct Gallery walk Picture Excellence
convexity; (b) angles; and Week 5 figure) Ricardo
(c) sides. Crisostomo & Responsiveness
derives inductively the Written Think pair repeat Alicia Padua Competence
relationship of exterior and examination(Essay) (2018). Our World
demonstrates to create models of
interior angles of a convex Week 6 of Math 7, Quezon
understanding of plane figures and
polygon. City, Vibal Group,
key concepts of formulate and
geometry of solve accurately
-illustrates a circle and the -Pie chart (illustrate Picture analysis Picture Commitment
shapes and sizes, authentic problems
terms related to it: radius, geometric
and geometric involving sides and Circle the sage Ricardo Responsiveness
diameter chord, center, arc, relationships)
relationships angles of a Crisostomo & Competence
chord, central angle, and
polygon. Week 7 Alicia Padua
inscribed angle.
(2018). Our World
of Math 7, Quezon
City, Vibal Group,
constructs triangles, Line graph(plotting Yes/No Chart Ricardo Respect
squares, rectangles, regular to construct (Individual Crisostomo & Responsiveness
Week 8 Compete
pentagons, and regular different shapes ) Activity) Alicia Padua
hexagons. (2018). Our World nce
solves problems involving Quiz(problem Brainstorming of Math 7, Quezon Amiable
sides and angles of a solving) Board City, Vibal Group,
polygon. Week 9 Rotation(Group Responsiveness
Activity) Competence

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Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Competencies Duration Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards
Core Values

poses problems that can be written exam Thin-pair-share
solved using Statistics. (Solution Initiative
formulates simple Week 1 Quiz(Statement Buzz Session
statistical instruments. form)
The learner
demonstrates The learner is able
understanding of to collect and Ricardo
key concepts, uses organize data -gathers statistical data. Research Paper Group activity Respect
Crisostomo &
and importance of systematically and (Brainstorming)
Alicia Padua Initiative
Statistics, data compute (2018). Our World
collection/gatheri accurately Week 2 of Math 7, Quezon
Statistics and ng and the measures of Case Study Yes/No Chart
City, Vibal Group,
Probability different forms of central tendency (Individual
data and variability and Activity)
representation, apply these - organizes data in a Data Grid Think-pair-share Service
measures of appropriately in frequency distribution (Frequency distr.
central tendency, data analysis and table. Week 3 Table) (Responsiveness
measures of interpretation in Competence)
variability, and different fields.
probability - uses appropriate Graphs (Draw Circle the sage Commitment
graphs to represent graphs with Board work
organized data: pie guided (Individual) Competence
Week 4-5
chart, bar graph, line questions)
graph, histogram, and

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- illustrates the measures of -Quiz(Solving) Pair Activity Ricardo Service

central tendency (mean, Crisostomo &
median, and mode) of a Alicia Padua Responsiveness
statistical data. (2018). Our World Competence
- calculates the measures Week 6 Quiz(Problem Peer review of Math 7, Quezon
of central tendency of Solving) writing task City, Vibal Group,
The learner ungrouped and grouped
The learner is able Inc.
demonstrates data.
to collect and
understanding of
organize data - illustrates the measure of Board Ricardo Respect
key concepts, uses
systematically and variability (range, average Rotation(Group) Crisostomo &
and importance of Wisdom from Competence
compute accurately deviation, variance, standard Alicia Padua
Statistics Statistics, data another (Pair
measures of central deviation) of a statistical (2018). Our World
and collection/gatherin Activity)
tendency and data Week 7 of Math 7, Quezon
Probability g and the different
variability and -calculates the measures of Math Drills City, Vibal Group, Excellence
forms of data
apply these variability of grouped and (Solving) Inc.
appropriately in ungrouped data. Responsiveness
measures of central
data analysis and Competence
tendency, measures -uses appropriate statistical Written Exam ( Think-pair-and- Ricardo Service
interpretation in
of variability, and measures in analyzing and Solving and share Crisostomo &
different fields.
probability. interpreting statistical data. Statement form) Alicia Padua Initiative
Week (2018). Our World Competence
- draws conclusions from 8-9 of Math 7, Quezon
graphic and tabular data and Written Exam Exit Slips (Pair
City, Vibal Group,
measures of central (Statement form) Activity)
tendency and variability.

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Course Requirements Portfolios, Projects
Class Policies Regular Attendance, Tolerate no tardies
Grading System Written Works: 40%; Performance Task:40%; Quarterly Exam: 20%
Other Textbooks and Supplementary Readings Curriculum Guide, Teachers Guide, Learning Module, Online Websites
Prepared by: Approved by:
Mohammad Saide M. Langco Edina S. Libres
Teacher School Principal

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