Sample size 120
Probability of an event of interest 0.5
Mean 60
Variance 30.0000
Standard deviation 5.4772
160 160
Chi-Square Test
Observed Frequencies
Column variable Calculations
Row variable C1 C2 C3 Total fo-fe
R1 45 55 70 170 -11.96649
R2 905 890 870 2665 11.96649
Total 950 945 940 2835
Expected Frequencies
Column variable
Row variable C1 C2 C3 Total (fo-fe)^2/fe
R1 56.96649 56.66667 56.36684 170 2.513704
R2 893.0335 888.3333 883.6332 2665 0.160349
Total 950 945 940 2835
Level of Significance 0.025
Number of Rows 2
Number of Columns 3 PHStat User Note:
Degrees of Freedom 2 Enter replacement labels for
and column variables as we
observed frequency counts
Results table that starts in row 3.
Critical Value 7.37776
Chi-Square Test Statistic 6.23392 Note: The #DIV/0! error mes
p-Value 0.04429 will disappear after you ente
Do not reject the null hypothesis observed frequency counts.
0.04902 3.297381
0.003127 0.21034
at User Note:
r replacement labels for the row
column variables as well as the
rved frequency counts in the
e that starts in row 3.
Observed Frequencies
Column variable
Row variable C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
R1 600 288 204 24 84
R2 410 340 180 20 50
Total 1010 628 384 44 134
Expected Frequencies
Column variable
Row variable C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
R1 550.9091 342.5455 209.4545 24 73.09091
R2 459.0909 285.4545 174.5455 20 60.90909
Total 1010 628 384 44 134
Level of Significance 0.01
Number of Rows 2
Number of Columns 5
Degrees of Freedom 4
Critical Value 13.2767
Chi-Square Test Statistic 32.6266
p-Value 1.42E-06
Reject the null hypothesis
Total (fo-fe)^2/fe
1200 4.374437 8.685582 0.142045 0 1.628223
1000 5.249325 10.4227 0.170455 0 1.953867