MID – 2 ( 2024 )
1) Describe the basic operation of an OpenFlow solution and the ingress processing in an openflow switch?
2) What are different categories of controller-to-switch messages?
3) Draw a self-explanatory figure showing the SDN architecture.
4) Explain the importance of counters in OpenFlow.
5) Describe CoAP layered structure.
6) Explain the confirmable and non-confirmable request-response model in CoAP.
7) Why DTLS is useful in COAP?
8) With the help of example, explain how IPv6 address may be generated for 6LoWPAN device and how the
edge router will use it.
( MID – 1 2022 )
1) Compare and contrast four-layer design approach of IoT and traditional wireless networks.
2) Assume a cognitive radio networks (CRNs) consists of a SU nodes and I channels. Write the flow chart for the
below given two situations and discuss their step-wise text descriptions using suitable example/diagram;
a. Route maintenance in Inter-route diversity CAODV protocol
b. Route formation in Intra-route diversity CAODV protocol.
3) What is 6LoWPAN? Describe 6LoWPAN header frame of Internet of Things (IoT) in detail.
(MID – 2 2022 )
1) Compare and contrast cross-layer design approach of xG networks and layered architecture of traditional
wireless networks
2) How can we ensure liveness property in leader election in CRNs? Illustrate with suitable example.
3) Describe spectrum opportunity, dynamic spectrum access and software defined radio in xG networks. Also,
explain the various issues of the xG user.
( MID – 1 2023 )
( Exam )
1) Why do we have controller in SDN? How does it communicate? Explain. Give four examples of SDN
2) Draw the architecture of OpenFlow switch.
3) Explain in detail various categories of messages and their roles in OpenFlow switch.
4) What are different fields in OpenFlow flow table match fields?
5) What are the working requirements and principles of RESTful application?
6) Why do we have Observe option in CoAP? Explain in detail working of Observe option
1) Explain how service oriented architecture has contributed towards development of cloud computing.
2) describe the role of cloud broker in cloud computing
3) what are effects of CPU architecture on virtual machine design and deployment?
4) what is live VM migration ? what are its requirements ?
5) how does MQTT protocol work ? under which scenarios we should use it ?
6) how do blockchains accumulate blocks ?
1) Describe data centre interconnection issues in cloud computing and various different architectural designs of
cloud systems in brief
2) what is dynamic scalability architecture for cloud service provisioning ?
1) what are virtual servers ? how are they useful ? differentiate between type-1 and type-2 to hypervisors
2) what is containerisation ? describe the concept container orchetration, Dockers and docker engine
1) How routing and information exchange is carried between different SDN domains and the Autonomous
2) Describe SDN Control Plane Architecture including functions carried out and available interfaces.
1) a) Describe CON and NON COAP transactions.
2) Why do we require 6LoWPAN adaptation layer? Explain 6LoWPAN route over and mesh under architectures.
3) Write short notes on the following terms: Gossip Sync, Bitcoin Mining and Block Reward.
1) What do you mean by service-oriented architecture (SOA)? What are its benefits and challenges? Explain
how does SOA accelerates and supports Cloud Computing.
2) Elaborate the cloud broker support services.
3) Describe the concept of virtualization? What are different types of hypervisors? Discuss
4) what support is available from CPU manufacturers regarding virtualization implementation?
1) What do you mean by cloud architectures? Describe the location and role of load balancer.
2) Explain resource pooling cloud architecture.
3) Explain the functioning of different interfaces available in OpenFlow SDN architecture
4) What type of messages are exchanged between OpenFlow controller and switch?
5) What is VM migration? What are issues and challenges here?
6) Explain use case scenario for CoAP protocol. Explain messages used and role of proxy and caching in COAP.
7) Describe the concept of consensus in distributed systems? What are its types? How does it relate to
8) Explain the meaning of block and how the blockchain accumulates blocks.