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Machine Learning in Design Exploration: An Investigation of the Sensitivities

of ANN-based Daylight Predictions

Conference Paper · June 2019


4 336

4 authors:

Clara-Larissa Lorenz Achim Benjamin Spaeth

RWTH Aachen University Technische Hochschule Lübeck


Clarice Bleil de Souza Michael Sylvester Packianather

Cardiff University Cardiff University


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"Hello, Culture!"
Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures
Machine Learning in Design Exploration:
An Investigation of the Sensitivities of ANN-based Daylight

Clara-Larissa Lorenz1, A. Benjamin Spaeth1, Clarice Bleil De Souza1, Michael


Cardiff University, Welsh School of Architecture
Cardiff University, School of Engineering

Abstract. The use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) promises greater

efficiency in the assessment of daylight situations than simulations. With the
daylight factor under scrutiny and the recent adaptation of climate-based daylight
metrics in British and European buildings standards, ANNs provide a possibility
for instantaneous feedback on otherwise time-consuming performance metrices.
This study demonstrates the application of ANNs as prediction systems in design
exploration. A specific focus of the research is the flexibility of ANNs, their
reliability and sensitivity to changes.

Keywords: Artificial neural networks, atria, climate-based daylight modeling,

daylight autonomy, daylight performance, parametric design

1 Introduction

Exposure to daylight is a key determinant of human well-being and health [1]. As a

measure of ensuring daylight quality in buildings, climate-based metrics have been
introduced in building design standards (BS EN 17037:2018). Two climate-based
metrices that have been developed are the daylight autonomy metric (DA) and the
spatial daylight autonomy metric (sDA). DA was developed for energy considerations
in sustainable building design and defines the number of occupied hours in a year in
which an illuminance threshold (of typically 300 lux) can be maintained by daylight
alone [2]. sDA was developed as a threshold to ensure occupant satisfaction and well-
being and defines the percentage of space that can meet a DA threshold of 50% [3].
With the impetus towards annual simulations of daylight however, design exploration
has become much more time consuming. Research into emulators and surrogate models
has addressed the challenges of computational burden by proposing various models to
mimic and simplify time-consuming processes. One of the proposed models is Artificial
Neural Networks (ANNs), which can be used to replicate the behavior of simulation
programs without degrading their accuracy [4].
ANNs are often formulated as a construct of neurons comprising an input layer, a
hidden layer and an output layer (Fig. 1). The input layer is provided with data
describing a problem and the output layer with the solution. The data that characterizes
the problem is referred to as training data and the data describing the solution is referred
to as training target. Typically using gradient-descent and Newton-based algorithms
between all neurons, ANN models are trained to form relationships between the
provided data in such a way that the model can solve new problems [5]. Trained ANNs
have been shown to successfully model complex functions and non-linear problems [6].

Output Layer

Hidden Layer

Input Layer

Fig. 1. Representation of a network architecture.

Research has also looked into using ANNs to model daylight. Kazanasmaz et al. [7]
for instance used an ANN prediction model to determine daylight illuminances in office
buildings. The results were compared to field measurements, ultimately showing that
the model could successfully predict daylight. Daylight illuminances have also been
predicted using ANNs for the automation of split blinds [8]. Other studies were able to
use ANNs to predict energy savings as a result of daylighting [9], model sky luminance
and luminous efficacy, as well as irradiance data [10–12].
In terms of climate-based metrics, ANNs have been used to classify the UDI (Useful
Daylight Illuminances) metric, showing a better performance than support vector
machines in predicting daylight [13]. The predictions were done for hourly data which
meant that weather data had to be included in the training data. The necessity of
including weather data was bypassed in two studies that trained ANN models directly
to predict annual simulation results [14-15]. These papers serve as foundations for the
current work. This study predicted the DA and sDA metric to explore design options
for a central atrium. Specifically, we evaluated the sensitivities of ANN prediction
accuracies to different daylight simulation setting (i.e., ambient bounces, sensor-point
spacing) and the number of ANN training samples. By identifying a minimum number
of training samples, we also investigated the efficacy of these models in terms of the
overall reduceable simulation time. The research thus aims to provide guidance on the
application and integration of ANNs and serves as a display of the efficiency of ANN
based daylight modeling.

2 Methodology

ANNs were used to predict daylight performance in a building design. The

corresponding ANN-integrated process is shown in Fig. 2. First, a space of possible
design solutions had to be identified. For this purpose, a parametric model was built in
Grasshopper, where the design variables were selected and ranges specified in order to
generate the necessary design alternatives for a base case design scenario. The
respective design variables of the solution space will be specified in the following
sections. In a second step, samples from the solution space were randomly identified.
Daylight simulations were run on the samples and data was extracted as training data
for our ANN models. The training data describes the design changes and the resulting
daylight levels. Third, ANN models were developed by passing the data to a network
architecture. The topology that achieved the lowest Mean Squared Error (MSE) was
selected for predicting daylight autonomy. Before being used to predict daylight for all
solutions in the solution space, the ANN models were validated against unseen
simulation results. In the case of insufficient accuracies, additional training samples
were taken from the design solution space and the networks were retrained.

Fig. 2. ANN-integrated workflow

The research was divided into three parts, each with a distinct setup and focus for
exploring design solutions for a central atrium. The first part focused on evaluating the
sensitivities of prediction accuracies to daylight simulation settings, specifically
Radiance Parameter Settings, the inclusion of surrounding buildings and the spacing of
sensor points in the daylight simulation model. The second part focused on sampling a
design solution space for training data and validating the ANNs for DA and sDA
predictions. In the third part, the solution space was extended by an additional design
variable. The sampling of training data and resulting accuracies were therefore
reevaluated for this solution space. The following section details the design and ANN
setup for each part.

2.1 Experimental Setup: ANN Sensitivities to Daylight Simulation Settings

Design Setup: The Katharinen School in Hamburg was used as a base case to explore
design solutions for a central atrium. The dimension of the atrium base was selected as
a design variable and scaled in order to generate ‘V’-shaped atria with varying splay
angles (Fig. 3). The atrium base dimension (in m2) was scaled by a factor of .05 to 1 in
increments of .05, resulting in 20 possible solutions.
Simulation Settings: Daylight simulations were undertaken in Diva. The simulation
settings were varied, producing different results to train the neural networks with. A
calculation plane was set at a height of .8m above the floor, and sensor points for the
calculation of daylight levels were distributed with .6m and 1.2m spacing across the
plane. Diva calculates daylight through backward ray-tracing and the ambient bounces
(ab) determine the number of bounces undertaken to trace sources of light. The settings
were set to 2 ab and 4 ab. Simulations were run twice, once with and once without
surrounding buildings in the model. This was done so as to investigate whether
including surrounding buildings would negatively affect the accuracy of ANN
ANN training: To train the ANN model, a list of features describing the design
changes was extracted. The features included the coordinates of all sensor points, their
distance to the facade and the atrium, the direction of the atrium (from the sensor point),
the atrium dimension and the glazing area of the atrium well. All data was normalized
between -1 and 1 before it was passed to a back-propagation feedforward network. The
Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithm was employed [16] and the training epochs
were set to 150. A custom script was used to optimize the network architecture between
1-20 neurons in the hidden layer. The MSE was used to measure how well the network
was able to fit the provided input features with the provided DA results and predict
daylight for individual unseen sensor points. The MSE was calculated for the training
data set, which was subdivided into a training, validation and test subset at the ratio of
65:20:15. An ensemble of ten networks was trained for every network architecture and
the networks with the lowest MSE were selected for predicting daylight.
ANN training: The training data was extracted from 18 out of the 20 solutions. The
ANN models were used to predict daylight for the 2 remaining scenarios. The accuracy
of prediction was measured using the Mean Absolute Error (MAE), which describes
the absolute difference between the simulated and predict DA values.
)-.|() *+) |
MAE = /

Fig. 3. The Katharinen School. The central atrium of the building is highlighted in green.

2.2 Experimental Setup: Sampling of Design Solution Spaces

Design Setup: For this part of the study, ANNs were integrated as a prediction system
in a larger solution space of 54 possible solutions. The design variables are shown in
Fig. 3. The atrium base was scaled by a factor of .5 to 1, in increments of .1, generating
6 possible solutions with dimensions ranging from 56.25 to 225m2. Additionally, the
central atrium was slanted by moving the atrium base and atrium top in opposite
direction, 1 unit at a time. This generated another 9 possible solutions, resulting in a 6
by 9 matrix of 54 combinations.
Simulation Settings: Diva simulations were settings were set to 6 ambient bounces
and the sensor point spacing to .6m. The daylight model included the surrounding
ANN training: Additional training features were extracted for this solution space.
Optimizing the selection of input features reduced the bias of certain features, improved
prediction accuracy, and reduced the overall training time. A detailed description of the
selection process is beyond the scope of this paper and will therefore not be discussed
any further. ANN prediction accuracies were investigated for four training data sets
comprising different sample sizes. The simulations from which the training data was
extracted are highlighted in Fig. 4 and 5. Training data set A consisted of data from 18
simulations and 71.167 samples, training data set B of 12 simulations and 50.049
samples, training data set C of 9 simulations and 33.464 samples and training data set
D of 6 simulations and 25.088 samples. ANN architectures with up to 40 neurons in the
hidden layer were tested and the training epochs were increased to 200.
ANN validation: A full-factorial validation was done by comparing all predicted
daylight levels to the simulation results. Prediction errors were calculated for the DA
and sDA metrics. With regard to DA, two further measures were included aside from
the MAE: the Mean Biased Error (MBE), as a measure for the bias of predictions, and
the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), as a measure for the robustness of predictions
)-.(() *+) )
MBE = /
)-.(() *+) )
RMSE = 5 /

Fig. 4. Training data set A and B (left to right): The matrix represents the solution space of 54
design variants. The simulations from which the training data was extracted have been
highlighted. Training data set A comprised 18 simulations – 3 from every column of the matrix.
For training data set B, 2 simulations were selected from every column of the matrix.

Fig. 5. Training data set C and D (left to right): Training data set C comprised 9 simulations, 1
simulation from every row of the matrix. Training data set D comprised 6 simulations, 1
simulation from every column of the matrix.
Following the validation of DA prediction accuracies, the same was done for the sDA
metric. By comparing the simulated and predicted sDA results, we examined how
closely the neural networks were able to predict the DA 50 threshold.

2.3 Experimental Setup: Predicting sDA for a Larger Solution Space

Design Setup: Another dimension was added to the solution space by incorporating
window-to-wall ratio (WWR) distribution of the atrium well walls as a design variable.
The atrium well had been fully glazed in the prior solutions. In order to increase
daylight levels on the ground floor, the glazing area was reduced, thus increasing the
reflected light within the atrium. Three options were selected for the distribution of
window-to-wall ratios, based on recommendations from research in the field [18–20].
The distribution of WWR of the 6-storey building from the 6th to the ground floor were
as follows: the first option had a WWR distribution of 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100%, the
second option had a WWR distribution of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 100% and the third option
has a WWR distribution of 20, 35, 50, 65, 80, 100%. These options were applied to the
previously generated solution space, adding another 3 matrices of 54 solutions each to
the design space. Simulation and ANN training settings were kept the same as in the
previous section. In terms of testing prediction accuracies, a partial-factorial validation
was undertaken with a select number of simulation results.

3 Results

3.1 Simulation Settings and ANN Prediction Accuracies for DA

The average difference of the simulated and predicted DA for all sensor points of 2
design variants of the scaled atrium are shown in Fig. 6. For simulation settings with 2
ambient bounces in a simulation model without the surrounding buildings, this
difference was 2.12 DA. As a reminder, DA values range from 0 to 100% and 1 unit
refers to 1% of occupied hours per year. Thus, the result can be considered highly
accurate. The results became even more accurate after increasing the number of
ambient bounces, in effect reducing the errors to 1.07 MAE. This stands to reason as
there were now fewer fluctuations in the daylight simulation results. The result did not
worsen after increasing the spacing between sensor points, although this meant that the
number of samples used to train the networks were reduced. Aside from the number of
ambient bounces, a factor that negatively affected the prediction was the inclusion of
surrounding buildings in the simulation models, after which ANN prediction errors
increased to 1.8 MAE. Nonetheless, predictions generally remained close to the
simulated DA results.
3 Sensor point spacing .6m
Ambient bounces (2)
Without surrounding buildings
Sensor point spacing .6m
2 Ambient bounces (4)

Without surrounding buildings

Sensor point spacing 1.2m
Ambient bounces (4)
Without surrounding buildings
Sensor point spacing 1.2 m
Ambient bounces (4)
0 With surrounding buildings

Fig. 6. ANN sensitivities to simulation settings

3.2 Data Sampling

Fig. 7 compares the prediction accuracies of ANNs trained on data extracted from
18 (data set A), 12 (data set B), 9 (data set C) and 6 (data set D) daylight simulations.
The MSE of the trained networks is shown alongside the prediction errors on the 36
(data set A) to 48 (data set D) unseen cases. Interestingly, while the MSE remained low
for all training data sets, the MAE of the predictions increased by 314% from data set
B to C (12 to 9 simulations) and by 916% from data set C to D (9 to 6 simulations). The
MSE values ranged from .0005 (C) to .0009 (A), whileas the MAE ranged from .66 and
.68 (data sets A and B with 18 and 12 simulations) to 2.32 (data set C with 9
simulations) and 6.23 (data set D with 6 simulations).
Although the MSE was low for all training data sets, it should be noted that the MSE
is primarily an indicator for the ability of the ANN model to approximate a function for
data it has been provided with. As such, the MSE indicates how well the network would
be able to predict daylight for sensor points of design solutions which are part of the
training data. As can be seen in the results, the MSE does not necessarily give insight
into prediction errors on unseen design variants: The models that were trained on data
sets C (9 simulations) and D (6 simulations) were able to fit the data very well, but were
presumably unable to map daylight performance of the design landscape. This becomes
clear when looking at the MAE, MBE and RMSE, which were considerably higher for
training sets C (9 simulations) and D (6 simulations), as compared to sets A (18
simulations) and B (12 simulations). Nonetheless, it was yet unclear how the errors
were distributed across the solution space and how they affected the overall assessment
of daylight performance for each design variant. Therefore, in the next part, we take a
look at the sDA accuracies for all predicted design variants individually.
Training Data Set A
Training data: 18 simulations,
0.001 71.167 sensor point data samples
0.0008 Test data: 36 simulations,

0.0006 154.640 sensor point data samples

Training Data Set B
0.0002 Training data: 12 simulations,
0 50.049 sensor point data samples
MSE Test data: 42 simulations,
175.758 sensor point data samples

12 Training Data Set C

Training data: 9 simulations,
33.464 sensor point data samples
8 Test data: 45 simulations,
6 188.143 sensor point data samples

Training Data Set D
2 Training data: 6 simulations,
0 25.088 sensor point data samples
Test data: 48 simulations,
MAE MBE RMSE 200.719 sensor point data samples

Fig. 7. Mean Squared Errors of the trained networks and resulting prediction accuracies for
training data set A to D

3.3 ANN Prediction Accuracies for sDA

As mentioned before, the sDA metric denotes the percentage of space achieving a DA
of 50% or more. By assigning a summative value to a space, the metric becomes useful
for the assessment of the overall daylight performance of the space. A Grasshopper
script was run to convert all DA predictions from the ANN models into sDA results.
The predicted sDA results were then compared to the simulated sDA results. The
prediction accuracies for the sDA metric are shown in Fig. 8, shedding light on how
closely the ANN models were able to predict the DA 50% threshold.
Fig. 8 gives the predicted and simulated sDA results for atrium adjacent spaces
on the ground floor for training data sets A to D. The sDA results are shown according
to the matrix entries in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. As seen in the figure, the sDA of the 54 design
solutions varied between 20 and 29%. For training data sets A and B with data from 18
and 12 simulations respectively, simulated and predicted values showed considerable
and consistent overlap, indicating high prediction accuracies. The ANN models were
thus suitable for predicting daylight for the entire design space. For training sets C and
D however, predictions diverged from simulated results, most noticeably so for data set
D. The strong discrepancies show that training data extracted from 9 and 6 simulations
were insufficient for mapping the daylight performance of the entire solution space of
54 solutions. Data from 12 simulations (data set B) on the other hand were already
sufficient to accurately map the performance across the solution space. The achieved
time-savings therefore equal the simulation time of 42 simulations less the training time
of the ANN models. On a 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7, one daylight simulation took a little
over three hours. Using ANNs to predict daylight for 42 design solutions thus reduced
the time spent on simulations by approximately 126 hours, or 123 hours after taking
into account the time spent on training and optimizing the networks with architectures
between 37-40 neurons in the hidden layer.

Fig. 8. sDA performance of the 54 generated design solutions: Predicted and simulated sDA for
training data sets A to D
3.4 Sampling Solution Spaces with Similar Daylight Performance
To increase daylight levels on the ground floor, three WWR distribution options were
tested. ANN models were trained on data from 36 randomly selected simulations out
of 162. After training, the ANNs were validated against simulation results. The
obtained errors of .74 MAE, .01 MBE and 1.12 RMSE for the DA metric were similar
to those for the 54 solutions of fully-glazed atrium facades. The sDA metric showed an
equally high accuracy. Evaluated against 84 simulations, the highest obtained absolute
error for the sDA metric was 1.16. This is in itself a small error, seeing as 1% of floor
area receiving more light does not strike as a significant impact.
In the context of choosing the WWR distribution as a design variable, the correct
identification of differences in daylight performance between the design options
appears to be more crucial than a high prediction accuracy. In line with expectations, a
WWR distribution of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60% WWR from the top to the ground floor
provided higher daylight levels in atrium adjacent spaces than the other two options.
The option with a 50 to 100% WWR distribution from top to ground floor had the
weakest daylight performance (Fig. 9). The ANN models were able to identify the
trends in the design alternatives, successfully predicting the ranking of options in
accordance with the order of the simulated results. Furthermore, the accuracies of the
prior solution space of 54 variants could be maintained within a solution space of 162
variants despite an increase in design variables.

Fig. 9. Predicted and simulated sDA performance for WWR distributions

4 Conclusions

This paper demonstrated the reliability and accuracy of ANN models in mapping
solution spaces. A surprisingly small number of 12 and 36 simulations were sufficient
to train accurate ANNs to predict daylight for a solution space of 54 and 162 design
variants. Importantly, the networks were able to learn the relation between design
options with very similar daylight performance. Consequently, the ranking of design
solutions according to their predicted performance stayed true to the ranking of design
solutions established by simulation. The findings of this paper are limited to the design
variables employed in the study. Ongoing research is therefore looking at more
complex design variables that generate a greater breadth of design solutions.

Acknowledgements. We gratefully acknowledge Funds for Woman Graduates and

thank them for their support.


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