CAADFutures ANN in DesignExploration
CAADFutures ANN in DesignExploration
CAADFutures ANN in DesignExploration
4 336
4 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Clara-Larissa Lorenz on 28 June 2019.
Cardiff University, Welsh School of Architecture
Cardiff University, School of Engineering
1 Introduction
Output Layer
Hidden Layer
Input Layer
Research has also looked into using ANNs to model daylight. Kazanasmaz et al. [7]
for instance used an ANN prediction model to determine daylight illuminances in office
buildings. The results were compared to field measurements, ultimately showing that
the model could successfully predict daylight. Daylight illuminances have also been
predicted using ANNs for the automation of split blinds [8]. Other studies were able to
use ANNs to predict energy savings as a result of daylighting [9], model sky luminance
and luminous efficacy, as well as irradiance data [10–12].
In terms of climate-based metrics, ANNs have been used to classify the UDI (Useful
Daylight Illuminances) metric, showing a better performance than support vector
machines in predicting daylight [13]. The predictions were done for hourly data which
meant that weather data had to be included in the training data. The necessity of
including weather data was bypassed in two studies that trained ANN models directly
to predict annual simulation results [14-15]. These papers serve as foundations for the
current work. This study predicted the DA and sDA metric to explore design options
for a central atrium. Specifically, we evaluated the sensitivities of ANN prediction
accuracies to different daylight simulation setting (i.e., ambient bounces, sensor-point
spacing) and the number of ANN training samples. By identifying a minimum number
of training samples, we also investigated the efficacy of these models in terms of the
overall reduceable simulation time. The research thus aims to provide guidance on the
application and integration of ANNs and serves as a display of the efficiency of ANN
based daylight modeling.
2 Methodology
Fig. 3. The Katharinen School. The central atrium of the building is highlighted in green.
Fig. 4. Training data set A and B (left to right): The matrix represents the solution space of 54
design variants. The simulations from which the training data was extracted have been
highlighted. Training data set A comprised 18 simulations – 3 from every column of the matrix.
For training data set B, 2 simulations were selected from every column of the matrix.
Fig. 5. Training data set C and D (left to right): Training data set C comprised 9 simulations, 1
simulation from every row of the matrix. Training data set D comprised 6 simulations, 1
simulation from every column of the matrix.
Following the validation of DA prediction accuracies, the same was done for the sDA
metric. By comparing the simulated and predicted sDA results, we examined how
closely the neural networks were able to predict the DA 50 threshold.
3 Results
Training Data Set B
0.0002 Training data: 12 simulations,
0 50.049 sensor point data samples
MSE Test data: 42 simulations,
175.758 sensor point data samples
Training Data Set D
2 Training data: 6 simulations,
0 25.088 sensor point data samples
Test data: 48 simulations,
MAE MBE RMSE 200.719 sensor point data samples
Fig. 7. Mean Squared Errors of the trained networks and resulting prediction accuracies for
training data set A to D
Fig. 8. sDA performance of the 54 generated design solutions: Predicted and simulated sDA for
training data sets A to D
3.4 Sampling Solution Spaces with Similar Daylight Performance
To increase daylight levels on the ground floor, three WWR distribution options were
tested. ANN models were trained on data from 36 randomly selected simulations out
of 162. After training, the ANNs were validated against simulation results. The
obtained errors of .74 MAE, .01 MBE and 1.12 RMSE for the DA metric were similar
to those for the 54 solutions of fully-glazed atrium facades. The sDA metric showed an
equally high accuracy. Evaluated against 84 simulations, the highest obtained absolute
error for the sDA metric was 1.16. This is in itself a small error, seeing as 1% of floor
area receiving more light does not strike as a significant impact.
In the context of choosing the WWR distribution as a design variable, the correct
identification of differences in daylight performance between the design options
appears to be more crucial than a high prediction accuracy. In line with expectations, a
WWR distribution of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60% WWR from the top to the ground floor
provided higher daylight levels in atrium adjacent spaces than the other two options.
The option with a 50 to 100% WWR distribution from top to ground floor had the
weakest daylight performance (Fig. 9). The ANN models were able to identify the
trends in the design alternatives, successfully predicting the ranking of options in
accordance with the order of the simulated results. Furthermore, the accuracies of the
prior solution space of 54 variants could be maintained within a solution space of 162
variants despite an increase in design variables.
4 Conclusions
This paper demonstrated the reliability and accuracy of ANN models in mapping
solution spaces. A surprisingly small number of 12 and 36 simulations were sufficient
to train accurate ANNs to predict daylight for a solution space of 54 and 162 design
variants. Importantly, the networks were able to learn the relation between design
options with very similar daylight performance. Consequently, the ranking of design
solutions according to their predicted performance stayed true to the ranking of design
solutions established by simulation. The findings of this paper are limited to the design
variables employed in the study. Ongoing research is therefore looking at more
complex design variables that generate a greater breadth of design solutions.
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