Tom Myers
Abstract Extensive phosphate mining in the Blackfoot Nevada, USA (Tuttle et al. 2000), and the Blackfoot River of
watershed of Idaho (USA) has substantially increased the southeast Idaho, USA (Tetra Tech 2002; USFS 2009; IDEQ
selenium (Se) concentration in the river during both 2009). In general, wildlife and livestock are more sensitive to
snowmelt and baseflow when groundwater discharge Se in their water supply than are humans, as evidenced by
dominates. Phosphate mines create a linkage between the difference between the aquatic and drinking-water
Se-laden shale that occurs in the Phosphoria Formation standards (5 and 50 μg/l, respectively; IDEQ 2009).
and the underlying regional Wells Formation aquifer. Livestock deaths near historic phosphate mines
Using a reconnaissance-level transport model, mines in (Newfields 2005) initiated concern of Se contamination
the watershed were prioritized for remediation and for resulting from mining the Permian Phosphoria Formation
comparing the results of simulations of remediation in the Blackfoot watershed. Twelve major mines have
scenarios with a baseline of no remediation, for which operated within the watershed starting in 1906 (Fig. 1);
Se concentration in the river will exceed the aquatic investigations under the Comprehensive Environmental
standard along an extensive length. An accurate simula- Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980
tion of recharge distribution around the watershed and (CERCLA) have commenced at five of those mines, the
simulated flux to the river is essential. Remediation of Enoch Valley, Ballard, Conda, North Maybe and South
mines north of the river will substantially decrease the size Maybe Mines (BLM 2011).
of the Se plume, although significant Se will continue to Se concentrations have exceeded aquatic standards in
discharge to the river. Similarly, remediation of three the Blackfoot River during both snowmelt and baseflow
mines south of the river would decrease the Se discharge for years (IDEQ 2009). Exceedences during snowmelt are
to the river but allow substantial amounts to remain stored primarily due to runoff leaching Se from the soils. High
in the groundwater north and far south of the river. A lack Se concentrations during baseflow represent groundwater
of calibration data is not a reason to forgo remediation, but quality because baseflow is primarily groundwater dis-
rather ongoing data collection can be used to fine-tune charge from the regional aquifer, Pennsylvanian Wells
plans as they are implemented. Formation, which underlies the entire watershed (Ralston
and Williams 1979; Ralston et al. 1977 and 1979, 1983;
Keywords Contaminant transport . Groundwater modeling . Mayo et al. 1985), and the alluvium near the river. Mining
Blackfoot River . Phosphate mining . USA creates pathways both for surface (Newfields 2005;
Knudsen and Gunter 2004) and groundwater Se contam-
Introduction ination to reach the river.
Remediating abandoned mines should decrease the Se-
Selenium (Se) is a naturally occurring element in soils and laden runoff (Mars and Crowley 2003) if it decreases the
bedrock that often leaches due to agricultural and mining contact time with seleniferous waste. Even if the runoff
developments into surrounding water bodies such as ceased immediately, however, Se in the groundwater
occurred at the Kesterson Reservoir in California, USA would continue to discharge to the river due to continuing
(Schuler et al. 1990), the Stillwater Wildlife Refuge in seepage through the mine wastes, which are much more
difficult to eliminate, and the long groundwater flow path
to the river (Winter 1980). In a watershed with many
Received: 8 May 2012 / Accepted: 6 January 2013 contaminant sources, it is necessary to prioritize the
Published online: 25 January 2013
expenditure of remediation funds on the mines that would
* Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 lower Se concentrations on the river most quickly.
The goal of this study is to provide a tool that can
simulate Se transport to the river during baseflow and
T. Myers ())
Reno, NV, USA demonstrate its use in considering remediation of different
e-mail: tom_myers@charter.net mines. The study includes development of a conceptual
Tel.: +1-775-5301483 flow and transport model in the Blackfoot watershed
Fig. 1 Blackfoot watershed showing the subwatersheds, rivers, Wells formation outcrops, alluvium, springs, 303(d) water-quality
monitoring sites on rivers and streams, flow measuring points along the river, mines, and conceptual flow direction
(Fig. 1) and a numerical model which implements the Blackfoot watershed and the Salt River watershed. The
conceptual models. It demonstrates the use of the model to Blackfoot watershed has four main subwatersheds—the
prioritize among three potential remediation scenarios. upper and lower Blackfoot, Slug and Dry Creek Valleys,
and Diamond Creek (Fig. 1), which may more appropriately
be referred to as the Upper Valley (Ralston and Williams
Method of analysis 1979; Ralston et al. 1977 and 1979). The Blackfoot River
effectively begins at the exit from Upper Valley where
Study area Diamond Creek and Lanes Creek converge (Fig. 1).
The Blackfoot watershed lies in southeast Idaho. It heads The climate of the watershed is marked by cold winters
in the Webster Range which forms a divide between the and moderately warm summers (Ralston et al. 1983).
Fig. 2 Cross section A–A′ from Fig. 1 showing stratigraphy and conceptual flow (blue arrows). Qal is alluvium, Trd is Thaynes formation,
PPwu is Wells Formation, Mb is Brazer Limestone, and Mn is Lodgepole Limestone. Adapted and simplified from Winter (1980)
Fig. 6 Distribution of Se concentration in seeps and springs from around the Blackfoot watershed, with data collected generally in the
spring as part of Idaho water quality monitoring (IDEQ 2009). The pink shaded areas are Wells Formation outcrops. See Fig. 1 legends for
mine names and descriptions for other features
groundwater, which would take much longer to manifest Se can exist in multiple oxidation states (−2, 0, +4, and
because of long flow paths, although fractures and faults, +6) with different geochemical characteristics affecting
mapped (Fig. 4) and unmapped, could reduce the transport fate and transport (Herring and Grauch 2004; Newfields
time or change the concentration as compared to transport Inc 2005). Selenate is the most mobile state, but if
in unfractured formations in portions of the watershed reduced, precipitation or adsorption to small charged soil
(Nordqvist et al. 1996). River concentrations could also particles can attenuate transport (Drever 1997). In the
fluctuate as different parts of the heterogeneous alluvium Wells Formation, the upper several hundred meters have
contribute load to the river (Osiensky et al. 1984). oxidizing conditions, but at depth Se species may be
Dozens of phosphate mines have been constructed reduced causing attenuation of any Se transport to those
through time in the Blackfoot watershed since 1906, with levels (Newfields Inc 2005).
the Georgetown Canyon Mine being the first (Lee 2000), Tributaries below many mines have elevated Se
thereby increasing the potential Se sources (Mayo et al. concentration (Fig. 6), with the highest levels occurring
1985; Winter 1980; Ralston and Williams 1979; Herring during the runoff period (IDEQ 2009). Most high
and Grauch 2004; Tetra Tech 2002). Contaminants move concentrations occur downstream of Diamond Valley and
through groundwater by advection, dispersion, and diffu- in all tributary valleys that contain phosphate mines. Other
sion toward the sinks, primarily the rivers and springs of measurements are of springs and seeps directly below the
the watershed. mines (Fig. 5b).
Table 1 Average of Se concentration from seeps underlying dumps and overburden piles compiled from various sources (JBR 2006; Tetra
Tech 2002; MWH 2010; IDEQ 2009; Formation Environmental 2010). SD standard deviation
Location Mean (μg/l) SD (μg/l) No. of observations Comments
Ballard Mine Dump Seep 773 469 26
Conda Mine Dump Seeps 901.6 888 14 Highly variable but no trend
Conda/Woodall Mine Seeps 1,017 8
Dry Valley Mine Dump Seeps 19 16 13
Enoch Valley Mine Seeps 164 368 24
Henry Mine Seeps (not including waste 69 63 3 Several dry observations not counted
rock dump)
North Maybe 262 2
South Rasmussen Seeps 152 73 14
Wooley Valley Dump Seeps 163 411 11 Highly variable but no trend
Fig. 8 Groundwater model recharge zones and rates. White areas are the mines; see Fig. 1
Fig. 9 Calibrated hydraulic conductivity values by zone for a layer 1, b layer 2, and c layer 3
Table 2 Blackfoot watershed mines, and relevant mining and modeling year. For modeling, the seepage continues until it is remediated
Mine First mining Start open pit End open pit Model start year
Georgetown Canyon 1906 1958 1964 1960
North Trail/Woodall 1956 1984 1960
Ballard 1946 1946 1994 1960
Maybe Canyon 1951 1951 1996 1960
Wooley Valley 1955 1955 1989 1960
Diamond Gulch 1957 1957 1960 1960
Mountain Fuel Mine 1965 1987 1993 1987
Henry Mine 1969 1969 1989 1969
Lanes Creek 1977 1977 1989 1977
Champ 1993 1993 1996 1991
Rasmussen Ridge 1991 1991 Present 1991
Dry Valley 1993 1993 Present 1991
Fig. 13 Se concentration contours in layer 2 in 2010. Contours are 1, 10, and 100 μg/l. See Fig. 1 for mine identification. The map also
shows the simulated monitoring points used in Fig. 14
Fig. 14 Se concentration for a baseline scenario monitoring wells for the baseline scenarios, b river reach (R) endpoints and inflows for
the baseline scenario, c scenario 2, and d scenario 3. See Fig. 13 for monitoring well sites and Fig. 7 for reach numbers. DS is downstream
end, referring to a river reach. Scenario 4 is not shown