2.a) Differentiate between Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning. 6 1 3
b) Write Candidate Elimination Algorithm and illustrate with an example. 10 1 3
c) Define Concept Learning and Vector Space. 4 1 2
3.a) Develop a scikit-learn code for housing price prediction for housing dataset using 10 2 3
linear regression model. Assume that the dataset has only numerical attributes.
b) Explain Accuracy, confusion matrix, precision, recall score, F1Score and ROC for 10 2 3
classification problem with codes using scikit learn library.
4.a) Explain Feature scaling concept used in machine learning. 6 2 2
b) Explain the transformation pipelines concept with the codes used in predicting the 8 2 3
housing price problem.
c) Explain grid search and Randomized Search used in machine learning algorithms. 6 2 3
5.a) Explain the Gradient descent optimization algorithm used in linear regression 10 3 3
b) What is regularization. Explain the different types of regularization techniques 10 3 3
6.a) Explain the polynomial regression and logistic regression used in machine 10 3 3
learning models.
b) Explain support vector machine algorithm used for training the machine learning 10 3 2
7.a) Write a scikit-learn code for classifying iris dataset using DecisionTreeClassifier. 10 3 3
b) What is Adaboost algorithm. Explain the adaboost algorithm. 10 3 3
8.a) Explain Gini impurity and entropy used in decision tree algorithm. 10 4 3
b) Define boosting and explain the gradient boosting algorithm with scikit learn 10 4 3