Tricky [The Wire - March 1995]
Tricky [The Wire - March 1995]
Tricky [The Wire - March 1995]
Tricky's debut album Maxinquaye is the most feted, discussed and misunderstood record of the
moment. Ian Penman steps back from the media feeding frenzy to consider a music that wreaks
havoc with our notions of sex, soul and technology
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Tricky [The Wire - March 1995]
One of the last lines on Maxinquaye may well Tricky (dis)solves such problems - the false
express this same idea; excepting/accepting that - oppositions set up between technology and
fittingly enough - it is hard to make out exactly what humanity, punk and funk - precisely by ignoring
words Tricky emits, although he does appear to them. What he (and others in Jungle, New
rhyme "From the margins" with "Lost our origins"... Electronica, etc) do cannot be described as a `retreat'
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Tricky [The Wire - March 1995]
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Tricky [The Wire - March 1995]
white musics in this country (especially with On "Hell Is Round The Corner" he sieves the whole
reference to indie's lager-loutish technophobia) ever so-called Bristol vibe through a healthy dose of
since. Some of the palest music in the world (One paranoia. On "Abbaon Fat Track" he injects
Dove, say) is more inherently in touch with the BritFunk with an unhealthy dose of Donald Goines's
black digitalised world of tricknology than the Dopefiend. On "Strugglin" he sounds like an
whole of the Face-cover/Talkin Loud/Jazzie B nexus African griot relayed through Tom Waits's more
of groovy One World vibery. And some of the Partched inscapes. On "Pumpkin" he jettisons
blackest music in the world (Public Enemy, say) had audible meaning altogether.
more in common with the overturnings of punk than
98 per cent of indie whining.
On Maxinquaye, Tricky sounds like ghosts from sings so: "I think ahead of you/I think instead of
another solar system. Not so much fear of a black you..." Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that
planet as fear of a planet left behind - fear of the Tricky is unwilling to S-P-E-L-L out to interviewers
space and silence out there, which is internalised stuff which he has already toiled long and hard to
into this odd, liminal, multi-layered music. Tricky find the correct way of saying on Maxinquaye.
whispers, he doesn't scream, and it's all the more Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of certain
unsettling (politically as well as aesthetically) for Gnostic, magickal and African traditions will know
that. He has adroitly staged his inaugural ceremony that it is considered foolhardy, dangerous even, to
as a disappearance, a mutation, a street-political spell out to one's inferiors things for which the
sideswipe and a polysexual put-on. maker has already found an effective formula.
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Tricky [The Wire - March 1995]
phalanx of contradictory personae. "And as I grow, I Stone: pimp, sadist, freak, struggler, seer. Truth be
grow collective..." told, maybe "nationality" never was such a sure
thing to hang a life on: it was always shaky, fragile,
* limned with the spectres of its own imminent
"Moreover, he is a channeler of contamination,
particularly when it comes to linguistic pollutants *
such as `cuss words'."
- Avital Ronnell "Strugglin'... with the remains."
- Tricky
The eroticism of Maxinquaye is startling. If most
rap (or `slack' DJ-ing) is stuck at a level of sexual The place where all this comes together most
projection which inevitably steers towards either evocatively is across the monumental expanse that
misogyny or frivolity, Maxinquaye balances out its is "Aftermath", with its encrypted meditation on a
askew extremities ("69 degrees/My head's between politics of aftermath. It is the LP's pivot in more
her knees") with a most un-rap-like polysexuality, ways than one, in which all voices become equal in
whereby Tricky (the rude bwoy) is always cancelled the endless replay/relay of the technological ether;
out by Martika or some other other. (Thus, in the in which anything can come back to haunt you, in
midst of Maxinquaye's filthiest, murkiest track we which anything can become haunted. Just as Voodoo
get what may well be the first recorded mention in redeploys harmless images of Catholic saints, so
such circles of "The pre-menstrual cycle".) If rap is Tricky plus Martika plus Mark Stewart use a David
sometimes all too present, Tricky stages a Cassidy lyric, no less, to essay ontological
disappearing Trick, and the shock of the words sung uncertainty: "How can I be sure? In a world... that's
becomes disassociated from their singer, who fades constantly changing?" And slip samples from Blade
away, leaving a stand-in persona or ghost to mouth Runner and David Sylvian/Japan into the mix.
them. You can't pin him down from song to song - David Cassidy, David Sylvian, Blade Runner all
he is a latterday Trickster figure, pulling our assume equal weight/lessness in the circuits of the
(signifying) chains. Taking the Michael. Having us night.
The Blade Runner sample is particularly
"They guarded the knowledge of genealogies and noteworthy. In a song that may (or may not) be
the complex `praise names' attached to every about the relationship between mother and son (and
surname." therefore: legacy, continuity, memory) the decisive
- Entry on African `Jali' singers in The Rough Guide expression of this theme is the sampled quote from
To World Music Blade Runner. "Lemme tell you about my mother!"
Anyone who knows the scene from which this is
"And later on, maybe, I'll tell you my real name." lifted will already be aware of the `irony' (although
- Tricky that is too paltry a word for this staged
reverberation) at work here: the voice belongs to a
It is fairly obvious after a few spins through the replicant - half-man half-technology, and devoid of
infected micro-cosmos of Maxinquaye that Tricky memory (and thus legacy, continuity, memory...).
knows more than he is letting on. Knows, as in: a
secret knowledge he quite rightly fears to name. Is it merely coincidence that the Sylvian quote and
This silent discourse echoes around Maxinquaye as the Blade Runner lift converge in the same song?
a kind of rhythmic ebb or evaporation, voices "Ghosts"... Replicants? Electricity has made us all
trailing in and out, never settling on one definite angels. Technology (from psychoanalysis to
past or present: "Confused by different memories/ surveillance) has made us all ghosts. The replicant
Details of Asian remedies..." ("Your eyes resemble mine...") is a speaking void.
The scary thing about "Aftermath" is that it suggests
We may read that Tricky shies away from that nowadays, We All Are. Speaking voids, made
`theorising' about his work, but this may just be the up only of scraps and citations... contaminated by
sane response of a man suddenly confronted by the other people's memories... adrift...
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Tricky [The Wire - March 1995]
photos: ???
You can see the digital edition here (but you have to pay to read it)
analyze me (Tricky)
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