Foreword ................................................................................ 5
User Guide ............................................................................. 7
Math Mammoth is mastery-based, which means it concentrates on a few major topics at a time, in order to study
them in depth. The two books (parts A and B) are like a “framework”, but you still have some liberty in planning
your student’s studies. In eighth grade, chapters 2 (geometry), 3 (linear equations) and chapter 4 (functions)
should be studied before chapter 5 (graphing linear equations). Also, chapters 3, 4, and 5 should be studied
before chapter 7 (systems of linear equations) and before chapter 8 (statistics). However, you still have some
flexibility in scheduling the various chapters.
Math Mammoth is not a scripted curriculum. In other words, it is not spelling out in exact detail what the teacher
is to do or say. Instead, Math Mammoth gives you, the teacher, various tools for teaching:
• The two student worktexts (parts A and B) contain all the lesson material and exercises. They include
the explanations of the concepts (the teaching part) in blue boxes. The worktexts also contain some advice
for the teacher in the “Introduction” of each chapter.
The teacher can read the teaching part of each lesson before the lesson, or read and study it together with
the student in the lesson, or let the student read and study on his own. If you are a classroom teacher, you
can copy the examples from the “blue teaching boxes” to the board and go through them on the board.
• Don’t automatically assign all the exercises. Use your judgement, trying to assign just enough for your
student’s needs. You can use the skipped exercises later for review. For most students, I recommend to
start out by assigning about half of the available exercises. Adjust as necessary.
• For each chapter, there is a link list to various free online games and activities. These games can be used
to supplement the math lessons, for learning math facts, or just for some fun. Each chapter introduction
(in the student worktext) contains a link to the list corresponding to that chapter.
• The student books contain some mixed review lessons, and the curriculum also provides you with
additional cumulative review lessons.
• There is a chapter test for each chapter of the curriculum, and a comprehensive end-of-year test.
• You can use the free online exercises at
This is an expanding section of the site, so check often to see what new topics we are adding to it!
• There are answer keys for everything.
Have ready the first lesson from the student worktext. Go over the first teaching part (within the blue boxes)
together with your student. Go through a few of the first exercises together, and then assign some problems for
the student to do on their own.
Repeat this if the lesson has other blue teaching boxes.
Many students can eventually study the lessons completely on their own — the curriculum becomes self-
teaching. However, students definitely vary in how much they need someone to be there to actually teach them.
Each chapter introduction contains a suggested pacing guide Worktext 8-A Worktext 8-B
for that chapter. You will see a summary on the right. (This
summary does not include time for optional tests.) Chapter 1 13 days Chapter 5 15 days
It can also be helpful to calculate a general guideline as to Chapter 4 14 days Chapter 8 11 days
how many pages per week the student should cover in TOTAL 75 days TOTAL 59 days
order to go through the curriculum in one school year.
The table below lists how many pages there are for the
student to finish in this particular grade level, and gives you a guideline for how many pages per day to finish,
assuming a 160-day (32-week) school year. The page count in the table below includes the optional lessons.
School Days for tests Lesson Days for the Pages to study Pages to study
Grade level
days and reviews pages student book per day per week
The table below is for you to fill in. Allow several days for tests and additional review before tests — I suggest
at least twice the number of chapters in the curriculum. Then, to get a count of “pages to study per day”, divide
the number of lesson pages by the number of days for the student book. Lastly, multiply this number by 5 to
get the approximate page count to cover in a week.
Number of Days for tests Lesson Days for the Pages to study Pages to study
Grade level
school days and reviews pages student book per day per week
8-A 214
8-B 189
Now, something important. Whenever the curriculum has lots of similar practice problems (a large set of
problems), feel free to only assign 1/2 or 2/3 of those problems. If your student gets it with less amount of
exercises, then that is perfect! If not, you can always assign the rest of the problems for some other day. In fact,
you could even use these unassigned problems the next week or next month for some additional review.
In general, 8th graders might spend 45-75 minutes a day on math. If your student finds math enjoyable, they can
of course spend more time with it! However, it is not good to drag out the lessons on a regular basis, because that
can then affect the student’s attitude towards math.
Using tests
For each chapter, there is a chapter test, which can be administered right after studying the chapter. The tests
are optional. The main reason for the tests is for diagnostic purposes, and for record keeping. These tests are not
aligned or matched to any standards.
The student books contain mixed review lessons which review concepts from earlier chapters. The curriculum
also comes with additional cumulative review lessons, which are just like the mixed review lessons in the student
books, with a mix of problems covering various topics. These are found in their own folder in the digital version,
and in the Tests & Cumulative Reviews book in the printed version.
The cumulative reviews are optional; use them as needed. They are named indicating which chapters of the main
curriculum the problems in the review come from. For example, “Cumulative Review, Chapter 4” includes
problems that cover topics from chapters 1-4.
Both the mixed and cumulative reviews allow you to spot areas that the student has not grasped well or has
forgotten. When you find such a topic or concept, you have several options:
1. Check for any online games and resources in the Introduction part of the particular chapter in which this
topic or concept was taught.
2. If you have the digital version, you could simply reprint the lesson from the student worktext, and have
the student restudy that.
3. Perhaps you only assigned 1/2 or 2/3 of the exercise sets in the student book at first, and can now use the
remaining exercises.
4. Check if our online practice area at has something for that
5. Khan Academy has free online exercises, articles, and videos for most any math topic imaginable.
While this is not absolutely necessary, I heartily recommend supplementing Math Mammoth with challenging
word problems and puzzles. You could do that once a month, for example, or more often if the student enjoys it.
The goal of challenging story problems and puzzles is to develop the student’s logical and abstract thinking
and mental discipline. I recommend starting these in fourth grade, at the latest. Then, students are able to read
the problems on their own and have developed mathematical knowledge in many different areas. Of course I am
not discouraging students from doing such in earlier grades, either.
Math Mammoth curriculum contains lots of word problems, and they are usually multi-step problems. Several of
the lessons utilize a bar model for solving problems. Even so, the problems I have created are usually tied to a
specific concept or concepts. I feel students can benefit from solving problems and puzzles that require them to
think “outside of the box” or are just different from the ones I have written.
I recommend you use the free Math Stars problem-solving newsletters as one of the main resources for puzzles
and challenging problems:
Math Stars Problem Solving Newsletter (grades 1-8)
Sample worksheet from
9 ©2024 Taina Miller
I have also compiled a list of other resources for problem solving practice, which you can access at this link:
Another idea: you can find puzzles online by searching for “brain puzzles for kids,” “logic puzzles for kids” or
“brain teasers for kids.”
If you have more questions, please first check the FAQ at
If the FAQ does not cover your question, you can then contact us using the contact form at the Math website.
suggested your
The Lessons in Chapter 5 page span pacing pacing
Graphing Proportional Relationships 1 ........................... 13 3 pages 1 day
Graphing Proportional Relationships 2 ........................... 16 3 pages 1 day
Comparing Proportional Relationships ........................... 19 4 pages 1 day
Slope, Part 1 .................................................................... 23 4 pages 1 day
Slope, Part 2 .................................................................... 27 3 pages 1 day
Slope, Part 3 .................................................................... 30 5 pages 2 days
Slope-Intercept Equation 1 ............................................. 35 4 pages 1 day
Slope-Intercept Equation 2 ............................................. 39 3 pages 1 day
Write the Slope-Intercept Equation ................................ 42 3 pages 1 day
Horizontal and Vertical Lines ........................................ 45 3 pages 1 day
The Standard Form ......................................................... 48 3 pages 1 day
More Practice (optional) ................................................. 51 (2 pages) (1 day)
Parallel and Perpendicular Lines .................................... 53 3 pages 1 day
Mixed Review Chapter 5 ............................................... 56 3 pages 1 day
Chapter 5 Review .......................................................... 59 4 pages 1 day
Chapter 5 Test (optional)
TOTALS 48 pages 15 days
with optional content (50 pages) (16 days)
We have compiled a list of Internet resources that match the topics in this chapter, including pages that offer:
• online practice for concepts;
• online games, or occasionally, printable games;
• animations and interactive illustrations of math concepts;
• articles that teach a math concept.
We heartily recommend you take a look! Many of our customers love using these resources to supplement the
bookwork. You can use these resources as you see fit for extra practice, to illustrate a concept better and even
just for some fun. Enjoy!
Example 1. The wholesaler posted the following table for the price of potatoes:
weight (kg) 5 10 15 20 25 30
cost $5.50 $11.00 $16.50 $22.00 $27.50 $33.00
Each pair of cost and weight forms a rate — and so does each pair of weight and cost. However, it is more
common to look at the rate “cost over weight”, such as $27.50/(25 kg), than vice versa.
If all of the rates in the table are equivalent, then the weight and the cost are proportional.
To check for that, we have several means. One is to calculate the unit rate (the rate for 1 kg) from each of
these rates, and check whether you get the same unit rate.
In this case, that is so. The unit rate is $1.10/kg, no matter which rate from the table we’d use to calculate it.
One other way to check is, if one quantity doubles (or triples), will the other double (or triple) also?
This is especially useful for noticing if the quantities are not in direct variation.
The price does not double! So, the quantities are not in proportion.
The seller is giving you some discount if you purchase higher quantities.
Also, if you calculate the unit rate from $6/(5 kg) and from $22/(20 kg), they are not equal. (Verify this.)
1. Are the quantities in a proportional relationship? If yes, list the unit rate.
c. age (days) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
height (cm) 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10
2. Now consider the tables of values in #1 as functions, where the variable listed on top is the independent
variable. For the ones where the quantities were in proportion, calculate the rate of change.
What is its relationship to the unit rate?
Sample worksheet from
13 ©2024 Taina Miller
Chapter 5: Graphing Proportional Relationships 1
When two quantities are in a proportional relationship, or in direct variation (the two terms are synonymous):
(1) Each rate formed by the quantities is equivalent to any other rate of the quantities.
(2) The equation relating the two quantities is of the form y = mx, where y and x are the
variables, and m is a constant. The constant m is called the constant of proportionality and
is also the unit rate.
(3) When plotted, the graph is a straight line that goes through the origin.
y= y = 3x
xy = 3 y = x3
a. b. c.
x 0 1 2 3 4 5
d. e. y = 2x + 9
y 15 17 19 21 23 25
x 0 4 8 12 16 20
f. y = (3/4)x g.
y 0 3 6 9 12 15
5. Two of the above representations are the exact same relationship. Which ones?
Example 2. In a direct variation, y = 9 when x = 12. Write an equation for the relationship.
Since this is direct variation (proportional relationship), the equation is of the form y = mx,
where m is the constant of proportionality.
The constant of proportionality is the ratio (dependent variable)/(independent variable),
so in this case it is y/x = 9/12, or 3/4. So, the equation is y = (3/4)x.
At this point, it is good to check that the point (12, 9) satisfies the equation, to check for errors:
Is it true that 9 = (3/4) · 12 ? Yes, it is.
To graph the equation, we could simply plot the point (12, 9), and draw a line through it and the origin.
Chapter 5 Review
1. Refrigerator companies make estimates of how much energy their fridges consume in typical usage. The
table shows how many kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy fridge 1 consumed over time, and the graph shows
the same for fridge 2.
Fridge 1 Fridge 2
time (mo) energy (kWh)
2 75
4 150
6 225
8 300
10 375
12 450
6. Find s so that the point (s, 12) will fall on the same line as the points (3, 9) and (15, 18).
8. Mr. Henson runs a garbage pick-up business, with 12 garbage trucks. To run one truck costs him
$2100 per month in maintenance costs, plus $180 a day for fuel.
Consider the cost of running one truck as a function of time, in days (during one month only).
Is this a linear relationship, a proportional relationship, or neither?
10. Transform each equation of a line to the standard form, and then list its x and y-intercepts.
a. y − 6 = 2(x + 2) 1 3
b. − x − y =1
3 2
11. A heater was turned on at 10 AM in a cold, uninhabited house, to prepare it for people later that day.
The graph shows the temperature of the house. The count of hours starts at 10 AM.
Like square roots, most cube roots are irrational numbers. When it comes to integers, only
the cube roots of perfect cubes are rational; the rest are irrational.
a. ∛ 27 b. ∛ 125 c. ∛ 64 d. ∛ 1000
e. ∛ 1 f. ∛ 216 g. ∛ 27 000 h. ∛ −8
i. ∛ −1 j. ∛ −125 k. ∛ 0 l. ∛ −8000
b. What is (∛ 4)3?
3. (optional) Find the cube roots of these fractions and decimals, without a calculator.
8 64 1
d. e. f. −
125 27 8
Example 2. We can know that √98 lies between 9 and 10, because 9 = √81 < √98 < √100 = 10.
We can even tell it is much closer to 10 than to 9, since 98 is much closer to 100 than to 81.
From that, we can estimate that 2√98 is slightly less than 20, and that √98 + 4 is slightly less than 24.
Example 3. The opposite of √2 is −√2. Since √2 is approximately 1.41, then −√2 ≈ −1.41.
4. Find between which two whole numbers the root lies. Notice some of them are cube roots.
a. _____ < √31 < ______ b. _____ < √65 < ______ c. _____ < √87 < ______
d. _____ < −√5 < ______ e. _____ < −√44 < ______ f. _____ < −√50 < ______
g. _____ < ∛7 < ______ h. _____ < ∛37 < ______ i. _____ < ∛101 < ______
5. Plot the following numbers approximately on the number line. Do not use a calculator, but think about
between which two integers the root lies, and whether it is close to one of those integers.
6. Compare, writing >, <, or = between the numbers. Think between which two whole numbers the root
lies, using mental math.
7. a. Between which two whole numbers does √30 lie? And √60?
9. Use the decimal approximations of common irrational numbers on the right to estimate π ≈ 3.14
the value of the expressions below, to one decimal digit. Use mental math and paper-
and-pencil calculations, not a calculator. √2 ≈ 1.41
10. a. Find an approximation to √11 to one decimal digit, without using the square root function of a calculator.
b. Use the approximation you found to estimate the values of √11 − √2 and 3√11.
11. Sarah has used the method of squaring her guesses to find out that √45 is between 6.7 and 6.8.
How can she continue from this point to get a better approximation? Do it for her, to two decimal digits.
12. Order the numbers from smallest to greatest. Estimate the value of the roots, thinking between which two
whole numbers each square root lies, using mental math.
13. Plot the following numbers approximately on the number line. Do not use a calculator, but think about
between which two integers the root lies, and whether it is close to one of those integers.
Fractions to Decimals
(This lesson is review, and optional.)
Each fraction is a rational number (by definition!). Each fraction can be written as a decimal. It will either be
a terminating decimal, or a non-terminating repeating decimal.
It is easy to rewrite a fraction as a decimal when the denominator is a power of ten. However, when it is not
(which is most of the time), simply treat the fraction as a division and divide. You will get either a
terminating decimal or a non-terminating repeating decimal. See the examples below.
1. The denominator is a power of ten or the fraction can be simplified so that it is. In this case, writing the
fraction as a decimal is straightforward. Simply write out the numerator. Then add the decimal point based on
the fact that the number of zeros in the power of ten tells you the number of decimal digits.
2. The denominator is a factor of a power of ten. Convert the fraction into one with a denominator that is a
power of ten. Then do as in case (1) above.
9 45 2 16 9 1125
Examples 2. = = 0.45 = = 0.016 = = 1.125
20 100 125 1000 8 1000
3. Use division (long division or with a calculator). This method works in all cases,
even if the denominator happens to be a power of ten or a factor of a power of ten.
31 0 0.7 7 5
Example 3. Write as a decimal.
40 )
40 3 1.0 0 0 0
This division terminates (comes out even) after just three decimal digits. -280
We get = 0.775. This is a terminating decimal. - 280
40 200
(The fact the division was even means that the denominator 40 is a factor of some power -200
of ten, and so we could have used method 2 from above. In this case, 1000 = 40 · 25.) 0
18 0 1.6 3 6 3
Example 4. Write as a decimal.
11 11 ) 1 8.0 0 0 0
-1 1
We write 18 as 18.0000 in the long division “corner” and divide by 11. Notice how 70
the digits “63” in the quotient, and the remainders 40 and 70, start repeating. -66
18 40
So = 1.63. -33
The fraction 18/11 equals 1.63, which is a repeating decimal. -66
Notice that −√48 doesn’t mean that we take a square root of a negative number. Instead,
−√48 means we first take the square root of 48 (a positive number) and then take the opposite of that result.
1. Solve. Remember, there will be two solutions: one positive and one negative. When the two
answers aren’t integers, give them as square roots and also as decimals rounded to two decimal digits.
a. x2 = 25 b. y2 = 3600
c. x2 = 500 d. z2 = 11
x3 = 125 ∛ x3 = 35 ∛
x = ∛125 = 5 x = ∛35 ≈ 3.27
With cube roots, there is no other solution. Since 35 is not a perfect cube, ∛35 is an irrational
For example, in this case, (−5)3 does not number. Depending on context, we might give the
equal 125. answer in root form, or with a decimal approximation.
Hint: If your calculator does not have a button for the cube root, you can instead use the button for
exponentiation, with the exponent 1/3. For example, on my computer calculator, I enter ∛23 this way:
2. Solve. If the root is not a whole number, give it rounded to two decimal digits.
a. x3 = 64 b. n3 = 216 c. z3 = 27 000
d. x3 = 7 e. b3 = 109 f. a3 = 18
3. Below, the variable V signifies the volume of a cube. Find the edge of the cube (s) when the volume
is given. Give the answer to the same amount of significant digits as the given volume.
s =
If this is strictly a math problem and does not involve quantities with units, the answer can be left in the root
form, which is exact. Otherwise, you should find its decimal approximation.
5. Solve. Since these are pure mathematical problems, give the solutions in root form. Check your solutions.
a. a2 − 8 = 37 b. y2 + 100 = 1000
a. x3 − 5 = 59 b. x3 + 78 = 437
8x5 x−5 −2 2 3s 4
e. = f. = g. = h. =
28x8 x 2 5y t2
a. from point A with scale factor 1/3 b. from point C with scale factor 1/2
4. Chloe bought 10 metres of material, five metres at the regular price of $5.95/m and the rest at some
discounted price. Her total came to $53. At home, she started wondering how much the discount was.
Write an equation to solve what the unknown discounted price was. Use p for the discounted price.
Then solve your equation.
5. a. Make up two functions for the cost of renting a surfboard as a function of time. The first should be a
proportional relationship, and the other nonlinear. Make your functions reasonable so that the cost of
renting a surfboard for an entire day (8 hours) is $50 at a maximum.
Give the linear function as an equation, and the nonlinear one as a table of values.
Function 1:
time (hours) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Function 2:
Cost ($)
b. Which function gives a better deal if you are renting a surfboard for 2 hours? For 6 hours?
7. a. What is the equation of a horizontal line that passes through (−3, −5)?
b. What is the equation of a vertical line that passes through (9, 8)?
c. What is the equation of a line that is parallel to y = 5x + 2 and passes through (1, 2)?
8. Convert, rounding your answer to the same number of significant digits as the measurement.
9. If 3 cm of rain falls over one square kilometre, how many raindrops fell? Give your answer in
scientific notation, to three significant digits.
Besides the well-known conversion factors, here are some facts you may need:
• One cubic metre = 1000 litres.
• The size of raindrops varies but for this problem, use 2.65 · 104 raindrops per litre.
The equation 2x + 3y = 16 has two variables, x and y. One solution to the equation is x = 2 and y = 4,
because when we substitute those values to the equation, it checks, or is a true equation:
2(2) + 3(4) = 16
But it also has the solution x = 0.5 and y = 5:
2(0.5) + 3(5) = 16
In fact, we can choose any number we like for the value of x, and then calculate the value of y, and thus find
another solution to the equation.
For example, if we choose x = −1, then we get
2(−1) + 3y = 16
from which y = (16 + 2)/3 = 6. So, x = −1, y = 6 is yet another solution.
All of these solutions, having both x and y values, are
number pairs, and can be considered as points on
the coordinate plane.
We can make a table of some of the possible
(x, y) values (solutions):
x y
−1 6
0 16/3
0.5 5
2 4
A line in the coordinate plane represents all the solutions to the equation that is the equation of the line. In
other words, each point on the line is a solution to the equation.
4. A certain linear equation with two variables has as solutions (0, −5), (2, 3) and (4, 11). Find the equation.
5. A certain linear equation with two variables has as solutions (−1, −5) and (2, 8). Find the equation.
6. Party hats cost $2 apiece and party whistles cost $3 apiece. Randy bought x hats and y whistles.
How many hats and how many whistles could Randy have bought?
7. Recall the formula tying together distance (d), constant speed (v), and time (t): d = vt.
Sarah jogs at the speed of 9 km per hour, and she rides her bicycle at the speed of 18 km per hour.
a. Convert these speeds to kilometres per minute.
8. General admission to a gardening seminar was $15 but seniors paid only $10. If the total of the admission
fees was $900, give three possibilities as to how many non-seniors and how many seniors could have attended.
9. A mystery basket contains a mixture of adult cats and kittens (it could even contain zero adults
or zero kittens).
Each cat weighs 4 kg and each kitten weighs 0.5 kg.
The total weight of the cats and kittens is 20 kg.
a. If there are x cats and y kittens, write an equation
to match the situation.
d. If x = 1.5, what is y?
Why is this not a valid solution?
10. Ava and her family went to stay in a resort for a few nights. Each night cost $120 (for the whole family).
The resort offered horse rides for $20 per person.
a. If the family stayed for x nights and did y horse rides in total, write an expression for the total cost
of these two things.
b. In total, Ava’s family spent $760 on the horse rides plus the nights they stayed.
How many nights and how many horse rides could they have paid for?
11. The equation 2x2 − 6x − y = 5 is a quadratic equation because the variable x is squared. If x = 0,
then y = −5, so (0, −5) is one solution to the equation. Find two other solutions to it.
(The answer is found at the end of the lesson.)
−(1/4)x + 4
b. { yy == −2x +6
c. { −2x(1/3)x + y = −1
Sample worksheet from
Solution: ( _____, _____ )
123 ©2024 Taina Miller
(This page intentionally left blank.)
Why is this okay to do? If you multiply both sides of an equation by a non-zero number, the resulting
equation is equivalent to the original: it has the same solution(s).
1. Solve each system of equations. In (a), first multiply the top equation by 2. In (b), you figure out
which equation to multiply by what, at first. Then add the equations.
3x + y = −7 ·2 −5x + 3y = −8
{ −6x − 4y = 8
{ 3x − y = 4
___x + ___ y = _____
+ { −6x − 4y = 8
2. By what numbers should you multiply these equations in order to create a zero pair? You do not have to
solve the systems.
a. (1)
(2) { 4x5x −+ 7y3y == 5−11 b. (1)
(2) { 2x9x ++ 3y4y == 20−1
3. Solve each system of equations. In (a), first multiply the equations as indicated. In (b), you figure out
which equation to multiply by what. Then add the equations. Lastly, check your solutions.
2x + 7y = −3 ·3 6x − 2y = −38
{ 3x − 2y = 3 · (−2)
{ −10x + 5y = 70
___x + ___ y =
+ { ___x + ___y =
6x − 2y = −20 10x − 6y = 48
{ 12x + 6y = 30
{ (5/3)x − y = 8
2x + 3y = −19 2x − 5y = −11
{ −3x + 5y = 95
{ 7x + 3y = −100
5. Find the error in the solution of this system of equations. Then correct the error and solve the system.
6. Find the error in the solution of this system of equations. Then correct the error and solve the system.
(2) { 10x + 3y = 5
2x + 7y = 3 ·5
10x + 3y = 5
{ 10x + 35y = 15
38y = 20
y = 10/19
(1) 10x + 3(10/19) = 5
10x + 30/19 = 5
10x = 5 − 30/19
10x = 65/19
x = 65/190 = 13/38
Finish solving the system.
−x + 5y = 11 (1)
+ { x − 4y = 6 (2)
y = 17
Sample worksheet from
151 ©2024 Taina Miller
Chapter 7: The Addition Method, Part 2
8. Solve each system of equations and give the solutions rounded to two decimal digits. Note: in the
intermediate steps, use at least five decimal digits. Round only the final answers to two decimals.
e. { −0.3xx ++ 0.9y
0.7y = −0.5
= 0
f. { 150x − 0.25y = 17.5
600x + y = 70
Find the values of a and b if the system below has (1, −3) as its solution.
{ 6xax +− byby == 23
Scatter Plots
A scatter plot depicts bivariate data, meaning that the data involves two variables. In the scatter plot
below, the variables are the husband’s age and the wife’s age. Each dot in this scatter plot represents a
husband-wife couple. In other words, the coordinates of the dot give us the ages of the husband and the
a. Locate the dot with coordinates (36, 41). What does it signify?
b. Find two couples where the wife is the same age in both cases. Estimate the ages of their husbands.
c. Find the couple with the third oldest husband in this data set. How old is his wife?
d. Is it true that the youngest wife is married to the youngest husband? Explain.
e. Is it true that the oldest wife is married to the oldest husband? Explain.
f. Do you notice a relationship between the two variables? Explain what you see.