Surgical NCP
Surgical NCP
Surgical NCP
Nsg. Diagnosis
Altered body temperature related to infection by increased body temperature, warm, and flushed skin.
That the patient will maintain core temperature within normal range within the shift.
INDEPENDENT: Monitor core temperature. To evaluate effects or degree of hyperthermia To help lower the body temperature
Objective: Flushed skin; warm to touch Vital signs taken as follows: Temp: 37.7 C RR: 22bpm PR: 83bpm
Promote surface cooling by means of cool, tepid sponge baths Administer replacement fluid and electrolytes
Goal met. After hours of intervention, the patient was able to maintain the core temperature within normal range within the shift.
Maintain bedrest
DEPENDENT: Maintain IV fluids as ordered by the physician. Administer antipyretic as ordered. Administer antibiotic as ordered. Prevents dehydration.
Reduces fever.
Nsg. Diagnosis
Objective: Vital signs taken as follows: Temp: 37.7 C RR: 26bpm PR: 117bpm
Risk for infection related to inadequate primary defenses as manifested by broken skin.
That the patient will be able to verbalize understanding of causative or risk factors.
INDEPENDENT: Establish rapport. To gain trust and cooperation of the patient. To prevent cross contaminatio n and bacterial colonization. To limit exposures, thus reducing cross contaminatio n. To impart to patient when the wound become
Goal is met. The patient was able to understand the causative or risk factors.
Monitor patients visitors and caregivers for respiratory illness. Discuss to patients the following signs of
Nsg. Diagnosis
Impaired Skin Inte grity related to sugat ko to nong skin destruction naaksidente ako secondary to as verbalized by vehicular accident. the patient. Objective: - redness noted - pain on the affected area with moist wound noted
That the patient will be able to participate in prevention measures and treatment program.
INDEPENDENT: Establish rapport. To gain trust and cooperation of the patient. Health teachings regarding how to take care the impaired skin. Do not position the client n site of impairment. To educate the client.
To protect the patient from advance effect of mechanical forces such as pressure, friction, and shears. Inadequate nutrition intake places individuals at risk for skin breakdown
and it compromise healing. Monitor I and O. Adequate hydration improves wound healing. Decreased urine output is a sign of dehydration. An increased temperature can be a sign of infection.
Monitor temperature.
DEPENDENT: Maintain IV fluids as ordered by the physician. Administer medication (antibiotic) prescribed by the physician. Prevents dehydration.
To prevent infection.