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Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej Nr 67

(Research Bulletins of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology No 67)

Konferencja „Jakość Dostawy Energii Elektrycznej -

Wspólna odpowiedzialność wytwórców, dystrybutorów, konsumentów i prosumentów”
(“Quality of Electric Energy Supply – Joint responsibility of producers, distributors, consumers and prosuments”)

Częstochowa, 28th-29th November 2019


Jarosław CZORNIK, Maciej HALTOF

ELHAND Transformatory Sp. z o.o.
tel.: 34 3473 132 E-mail : j.czornik@elhand.pl
tel.: 34 3473 131 E-mail : m.haltof@elhand.pl

Summary: The world market of converter drive systems introduces specific regulations and requirements for
is one of the most dynamically developing markets particular groups of devices (for instance EN 50598-2 or
nowadays. Today, over half of the globally used electric UE Regulation No. 548/2014 - EcoDesign Directive).
energy is consumed by drive systems. A thorough These regulations determine, most of all, the minimal
economic analysis as well as the real return on requirements in the scope of the efficiency of particular
investment are increasingly becoming a decisive factor machines and devices. This is to protect against too
for the purchase of those devices. The objective of this “economical” designing of devices and to improve the
article is to make users of converter drive systems energy efficiency of the system and the industry.
aware of the significant influence the harmonic filters
have on the efficiency of the entire system. Dependency
of the converter input current on parameters of the point
of common coupling and serial reactances have been
shown. The work also presents negative impact of Point of common coupling (PCC) may be treated
current wave deformations on magnetic components. as the source of sinusoidal voltage or the electrical grid
The impact of harmonic filters on parameters and with specified internal impedance of inductive
operation of the converter drive system have been characteristics. The indicator which directly binds the
presented. dependence of the input current of coupled converter
with the parameters at the point of common coupling is
Key words: harmonic filters, harmonics in drive
the short circuit ratio SCR.
systems, converter drive systems.
The necessity of the rotational speed adjustment
and soft starting of electric motors has existed where:
practically from the beginning of their origin, i.e. for over ISC – short circuit current at the point of common
150 years. Over this period, both motors and different coupling,
methods of its speed adjustment developed I L - load current at the point of common coupling.
tremendously. Normalization and parametrization of
solutions were introduced and this changed the attitude Ratio of short circuit is also denominated as R SC ; it
towards the design and optimisation of electric determines the stiffness of point of common coupling in
machines. Most of all, numeric methods, sudden relation to the supplied receivers. Generally, the greater
development of computer hardware and software, as the relation of the short circuit power at the point of
well as significant progress in the area of active and common coupling to the power of the supplied receiver
insulation material contributed to that revolution. the stiffer the grid is, and the current supplied from the
Adjustment of rotational speed through resistors and grid by the converter is more converted, with higher
regulating reactors or Leonard systems was replaced by effective value. Figure 1 presents this dependency in
the development of semiconductors and modern the grid with the converter of power rating of 250kW. To
converter systems. Modern drive systems are not limit THDi distortion and effective value of the converter
completely free of faults, they are still being strongly input current, the short circuit current at point of
developed. The knowledge relating to electromagnetic, common coupling should be limited. The interference in
mechanical, thermal, acoustic and other phenomena the short circuit power of point of common coupling is
occurring therein is deepened. However, the everlasting costly and, basically, it is possible only at the stage of
conflict, but at the same time, the need to achieve the grid designing. In practise, the most common and
compromise between energy saving and material the easiest manner to limit (to a certain level) the
saving of a given solution still makes up the biggest distortion of the current course is to increase the
challenge. The times when reserve capacity was a impedance of the short circuit loop of the drive system
standard are long gone. That is why, today the by applying of additional serial reactances on the input
European Commission regularly prepares and
Figure 1. Time course and input current spectrum of 250kW 6-pulse converter in case of different short circuit powers at the point of common
coupling; a) STR=315kVA, uX=6%; b) STR=1000kVA, uX=6%; c) STR=2500kVA, uX=6%
side (for instance: rectifier transformer with appropriate Significance of the serial impedance of the circuit
short circuit voltage or line reactor of determined is tremendous. Influence of additional reactances in the
inductance, Figure 2). current circuit of converter supply was presented in
Figure 3. Properly chosen rectifier transformer and
serial reactors limit, to a certain degree, the influence of
REACTOR the converter on the supplying grid and other receivers,
but it is only the necessary minimum. Even the
application of 5-6% additional serial reactance shall limit
the THDi total distortion ratio only to about 35%.
Application of greater serial impedances is not used in
practice due to large drops of voltage and, at the same,
Figure 2. Converter system with additional serial reactances [1]
decrease of the drive system power [1].
Relative impedance of such system equals to: 3. INFLUENCE OF THE DISTORTION OF THE
(2) Distortion of converter input current influences
where: disadvantageously the work of all magnetic elements
which supply it and of other elements supplied by the
IN, UN – current and voltage rating, same grid. The quantitative increase of power losses in
XTR, XD – reactance of transformer, reactor. transformers and reactors depending upon harmonic
contents in the load current may be calculated by
denominating the ratio of stray losses and total losses.
[2, 3, 4]:
Deflection of current THDi, %

a) ratio of stray losses and increase of current

effective value:

Additional serial inductance XD, %
I h - value of current of harmonic of grade h,
Figure 3. Influence of additional serial reactance on the
I 1 - effective value of basic harmonic,
distortion of the converter input current
h - number of harmonics.
b) ratio of eddy current losses in windings (K-

Translation of „Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki PG”

(Research Bulletins of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology), ISSN 2353-1290, No. 67/2019
Power of Sn transformer
c) ratio of eddy current losses in connections and
construction parts (stray losses)


Total load losses in PC transformer, with the flow in the Figure 4. The degree of transformer power oversizing
depending upon K-factor
winding of deflected current amount to:
P p - basic losses, P w - eddy current losses in windings, There are many methods of elimination and
Pdk - stray losses in construction parts, P do - stray losses limitation of harmonics in the converters input current.
in outflows. Starting from simple AC and DC reactors, multi-pulse
In case of reactors, total losses Pc should be completed systems, passive filters and ending with complicated
with one, very important component of stray losses PFF active systems. Each of the filtration method is
(fringing flux), which represents losses associated with characterized by different efficiency of harmonics
leakage flux around non-magnetic gaps in reactor core. attenuation, different losses, different purchase prices
The value of this component may be minimized by the and different costs of operation (Table 2).
application of multi-gaps cores or introducing magnetic Table 2. Comparison of efficiency and relative costs of
material of very low permeability µr into the space. different methods of elimination of current harmonics
Load current distortion causes the stray losses Method of limiting of Current deflections Relative
in magnetic elements may increase even several times current harmonics (THDi) cost
(Tab. 1). Systems without filtration 60 – 120 % 1
Table 1. Influence of current distortion on stray losses 2% AC or DC reactors 30 – 60 % 2
in magnetic elements 4% AC or DC reactors 25 – 45 % 3
12-pulse systems 10 – 15 % 4
Rsc 100 Rsc 50 Rsc 20 Passive filters 5–8% 4
THDi 99.7% 74.2% 35.4% 5% 18-pulse systems 4–6% 5
Active filters 3–5% 5
1.99 1.55 1.12 1.01
AC and DC reactors are the cheapest method
F w (K factor) 43.9 20.8 5.53 1.19 of limiting the effective value of supply current and
F p = Fk 5.23 3.21 1.49 1.01 certain harmonics reduction in supply current
(depending on the reactor reactance) – unfortunately,
In consequence, increased losses mean today it is the insufficient minimum as it does not fully
increased heat production and increase in working observe the standards in force.
temperature of devices, and as a result thereof, In multi-pulse circuits, due to phase shift
decrease of their life duration or even their destruction. between secondary windings of the transformer (two
As a result of the above, to cooperate with deflected secondary windings in case of 12-pulse circuit, three
currents, the magnetic elements must be thermally secondary windings in 18-pulse circuit) and the
oversized, depending on the degree of current distortion application of appropriate number of rectifiers, 5th and
(larger cross-section of core, coil wire or tape, 7th harmonics are eliminated (in 12-pulse circuit) and
application of transpositioned winding, etc.) or their additionally 11th and 13th (in 18-pulse circuit). The main
power rating must be limited. Estimated oversizing of defect of multi-pulse circuits is their sensitivity to load
power may be carried out based on the K-factor ratio asymmetry and unbalance or distortion of supply
(Figure 4), which, however, has the largest share with voltage. Then, it is not possible to limit harmonics
reference to stray losses. It should be remembered that efficiently (5th, 7th as well as 11th and 13th). It causes
in this manner we do not limit basic or stray losses of the current THDi to increase above the assumed values,
power. We can only counter the effects thereof at the which in many cases, may lead to non-fulfilment of
expense of bigger and more expensive device. Only the assumed parameters.
limitation of higher harmonics in the current spectrum to Both passive and active filters are partially
appropriately low level allows to limit the stray losses. resistant to supply voltage asymmetry and their
This, in turn, improves the efficiency of the entire attenuation properties allow to fulfil

Translation of „Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki PG”

(Research Bulletins of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology), ISSN 2353-1290, No. 67/2019
Table 3. Permissible limits of current harmonics deflections for all devices at the point of common coupling depending on
ISC / IL according to IEEE 519-2014

ISC/IL h < 11 11 ≤ h < 17 17 ≤ h < 23 23 ≤ h < 35 35 ≤ 50 THDi

< 20 4% 2% 1.5% 0,6%. 0.3% 5%
20 < 50 7% 3.5% 2.5% 1% 0.5% 8%
50 < 100 10% 4.5% 4% 1.5% 0.7% 12%
100 < 1000 12% 5.5% 5% 2% 1% 15%
> 1000 15% 7% 6% 2.5% 1.4% 20%

Table 4. Admissible limits of voltage harmonic at the point

of common coupling according to IEEE 519-2014 5. HARMONICS FILTERS - EFFICIENCY AND
Voltage at PCC point harmonics
U ≤ 1kV 5.0% 8.0% The efficiency of electric device is the relation of the
1kV < U ≤ 69kV 3.0% 5.0%
power given on the output by that device (POUT) to the
power taken on the input (PIN). In this manner, the total
69kV < U ≤ 161kV 1.5% 2.5%
losses of the device power may be determined. The
161kV < U 1.0% 1.5%
situation is similar in case of defining of the efficiency
and losses of converter drive system. However, in this
the restrictive standards for voltage and current at the case, the issue becomes more complex as these
point of common coupling. Active filter advantage is circuits are usually made of several machines and
maintaining of low level of current THDi in full load, but devices, which, additionally are mutually
it is directly reflected in the purchase price of such interdependent. For example, the efficiency of the circuit
device. in Figure 5 may be determined in the following manner:
Today, no one needs to be convinced that
limitations or elimination of harmonics is a necessity.
However, there is still doubt what method should be
chosen and what standards should be fulfilled to avoid
unnecessary problems and costs. Current norms and
regulations in the scope of harmonics emissions relate where:
to, most of all, harmonics voltage at the point of common
coupling (EN 50160, EN 61000-2-2, EN 61000-2-4),
and more rarely in current (EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-
12) [5]. However, it should be remembered that voltage or in the form of efficiency:
deflection is caused by harmonics in the current input
collected by non-linear receivers. That is why, the
requirements with reference to the limitations of the
levels of harmonic emissions, relating both to current Total efficiency of the drive system is the product
and to voltage in the point of common coupling, in of the efficiency of each of its elements, starting from
accordance with IEEE 519-2014 standard are more and the point of common coupling (PCC) or billing point. In
more frequent [6]. It is the standard including in its scope practice, the issue of the efficiency of converter drive
all the grids, levels of voltage and current in the point of system is very often recognised erroneously, without
common coupling (Tab. 3, Tab. 4). Application of taking into consideration the influence of the converter
admissible limits of harmonics deflections of current and into transformer, grid and other receivers. It lowers the
voltage, already at the early stage of designing of the supply quality and power effectiveness of the whole
systems of power supply and non-linear receivers system. To avoid it, each converter should be separated
allows for stable and predictable operation of the and equipped with the device limiting the harmonics
system during the whole exploitation period. emission to input grid.






Figure 5. Power flow in a typical converter drive system in the circuit with harmonic filter and without harmonic filter [7].

Translation of „Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki PG”

(Research Bulletins of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology), ISSN 2353-1290, No. 67/2019
Due to high attenuation and efficiency, passive
harmonics filters make up optimal alternative (filtration
efficiency compared to the costs of application) when
compared to the remaining methods of harmonic
elimination in input current of converter circuits (Tab. 2).

Attenuation ratio
The filtration efficiency of passive harmonic filters is
similar to the 18-pulse circuits and the attenuation
dependency on the load level and input voltage
unbalance is smaller than in the multi-pulse circuits.
Current passive filters are not only the combination of Frequency, Hz

reactors and condensers adjusted to single harmonics.

More and more often, they are advanced combination
of a set of reactors and condensers to attenuate a
defined harmonic scope. Compact reactor solutions, Figure 7. Exemplary characteristics of multi-reactor attenuation.
performed on a common ferromagnetic core become a
standard (Figure 6) [7].
Based on typical powers of converter systems,
corresponding families of harmonics filters are created,
which fulfil the attenuation requirements pursuant to the
standard IEEE 519-2014, irrespective the parameters of
the point of common coupling.
Figure 8 presents the results of measurements of
harmonics contents in input current of 55kW converter
in the circuit without filter and in the circuit with multi-
reactor harmonics filter EF3H-55kW 380-415V±10%
T40F. Application of harmonics filter in the system of
pumping station supply allowed to decrease THDi in the
current from the level of 40% to the level below 4.5%,
thus eliminating the adverse influence of the distorted
current onto the remaining receivers in the grid.
The influence of the converter systems on the grid
is a very broad, still current and increasing problem. It
forces the legislators to introduce normative solutions
which help to maintain the quality of electric energy at
the point of common coupling. Converter transformers
or series reactors do not solve all the problems and are
not in the position to limit the harmonics emission of the
current to appropriately low level. Proper analysis of
Figure 6. EF3H 55kW harmonics filter: a) structure of multi- harmonics contents in the converter input current has a
reactor core with mutual yokes; b) compact structure of particular significance in the selection and thermal
harmonic filter; c) schematic diagram of the filter [7] balancing of the magnetic elements cooperating
therewith. Oversized transformers are a waste of
energy; it is more reasonable to reduce the harmonics
Structure of mutual magnetic core (mutual yokes) than to counter their effects. Increasing awareness of
in multi-reactor filter contributes to limiting of the customers and the demand for the harmonics
dimensions and weight of the device. Inductance of reduction devices cause that the passive harmonics
particular reactors allows for shaping the characteristics filters are still heavily developed and optimised, which
of filter attenuation appropriately (Figure 7). Parallel increases their competitiveness. Application of the
reactor, together with the condenser’s battery makes up harmonics filters not only contributes to lowering of
resonance trap for a determined harmonic. Series electric energy costs, but also, improves the efficiency
reactors (input and output) influence the attenuation and reliability of converter drive system, even in a
band width and preliminary limiting of harmonics of significant manner.
higher grade. Reactors inductance and capacity of
condensers are selected so that the filter could achieve
proper attenuation in the broad scope of load. Also, the
capacity current intake with lack of load or with
insignificant loads makes up a crucial parameter. The
structure and optimisation of multi-reactor filters allows
to decrease the capacity current even below I C < 15%I N
of rated current.

Translation of „Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki PG”

(Research Bulletins of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology), ISSN 2353-1290, No. 67/2019
Figure 8. Results of measurement of 55kW converter input current harmonics; a) in the circuit without harmonics filters; b) in the
circuit with three-reactor filter with common yokes EF3H-55kW 380-415V±10% T40F [7]
przemysłowych” (Converter transformers. Industrial
application transformers)
7. BIBLIOGRAPHY 5. Pozowski A.: Nowe trendy ochrony sieci zasilających
1. Czornik J., Łukiewski M.: Filtry harmonicznych przed wyższymi harmonicznymi prądu i napięcia przy
gwarancją kompatybilnosci elektromagnetycznej oraz zasilaniu z przemienników częstotliwości (New trends of
wysokiej sprawności przekształtnikowych układów supply grid protection against higher harmonics of
napędowych (Harmonics filters as the warranty of current and voltage with the supply from frequency
electromagnetic compatibility and high efficiency of converters) Maszyny Elektryczne – Zeszyty
converter drive system) – Maszyny Elektryczne - Zeszyty Problemowe, (Electric Machines - Research Bulletins),
Problemowe, (Electric Machines - Research Bulletins), No. 79/2008, p. 57-62.
No. 2/2015, p. 51-58. 6. IEEE 519-2014 - IEEE Recommended Practice and
2. Wolnik P., Sobota J.: Wpływ występowania wyższych Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric Power
harmonicznych w prądzie obciążenia transformatora Systems.
dystrybucyjnego na sposób jego eksploatacji (Influence 7. Own materials and works - Elhand Transformatory Sp. z
of higher harmonics occurring in the load current of o.o., Lubliniec.
distribution transformer on the manner of its exploitation) Additional information:
Conference – Zarządzanie eksploatacją
transformatorów (Managing the transformers The article was written as part of the RPO (Regional
exploitation) Wisła – Jawornik 2012, p. 99-107. Program) WSL 2014-2020: "Nowoczesne, energooszczedne
3. Rak J., Gała M., Jagieła K., Kepinski M.: Analiza układy przetwarzania energii elektrycznej wolne od
obciążenia i strat w transformatorach harmonicznych generowanych przez przekształtniki mocy"
przekształtnikowych układów napędowych (Analysis of (Modern, energy saving systems of electric energy converting
load and losses in transformers of converter drive free from harmonics generated by power converters) - WND-
systems) Maszyny Elektryczne – Zeszyty Problemowe, RPSL.01.02.00-24-0548/17.
(Electric Machines - Research Bulletins), No. 89/2011,
p. 139-147.
4. PN-EN 61378-1:2000 „Transformatory
przekształtnikowe Transformatory do zastosowań
The world market of converter drive systems is one of the most dynamically developing markets nowadays. Today, over half of
the globally used electric energy is consumed by drive systems. A thorough economic analysis as well as the real return on investment
are increasingly becoming a decisive factor for the purchase of those devices. The objective of this article is to make users of converter
drive systems aware of the significant influence the harmonic filters have on the efficiency of the entire system. Dependency of the
converter input current on parameters of the point of common coupling and serial reactances have been shown. The work also
presents negative impact of current wave deformations on magnetic components. The impact of harmonic filters on parameters and
operation of the converter drive system have been presented.
Keywords: harmonic filters. harmonics in drive systems. converter drive systems.

Translation of „Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki PG”

(Research Bulletins of the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology), ISSN 2353-1290, No. 67/2019

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