Macro II
Macro II
Macro II
Unity University
Unity, Ethiopia
4.1. Defining Economic Growth
In other words, one can say that the economy has increased its physical
ability to produce more goods and services
If a country is often facing war and political instability then large part o
resources will be wasted
A sound Law and order, stable price, competitive markets and private
property helps investment and production.
Other factors like international trade which can help in promoting growth of
less developed countries.
4.3. Theories of economic Growth
4.3.1. The Harrod–Domar Model
Roy Harrod (1939, 1948) and Evsey Domar (1946, 1947) independently
developed theories that relate an economy‟s rate of growth to its capital
stock. We will only refer to the Harrod-Domar model not the separate one.
It is one of the simplest growth theories, which extends the simple short run
Keynesian model into the long-run
It is an extension of Keynesian short-term analysis of full employment and
income theory and provides “a more comprehensive long period theory of
While Keynes emphasized the impact of investment on aggregate demand,
Harrod and Domar emphasized how investment spending also increased an
economy‟s productive capacity (a supply-side-effect).
A major strength of the Harrod–Domar model is its simplicity.
The assumption of the model
A. The economy is closed and there is no government economic activity.
B. There are only two factors of production, labor (L) and capital (K), and in our
simple version of the model, there is no technical progress.
C. Labor is homogenous and exogenous, measured in its own units and grows at
the constant natural rate of growth.
D. The production exhibits constant returns to scale.
E. Saving (s) is a fixed proportion of income (Y) that is S = sY where s is both the
average and marginal propensity of save. Investment (I) is autonomous and
there is no depreciation.
F. The potential level of national income (Y) is proportional to the quantity of
capital and to quantity of labor. Thus, a given technology exhibits fixed
factor proportions (constant capital–labour ratio, K/L) and a fixed capital–
output ratio (K/Y).
Then we can write the simple national income account as:
Yt = Ct + St
Where Yt= GDP, Ct = consumption and St = saving. It = investment.
Equilibrium in this simple economy requires:
It= St
Substitutions yields
Yt = Ct + It
The growth of real GDP is assumed to be proportional to the share of
investment spending (I) in GDP and for the growth of an economy, net
additions to the capital stock are required.
The accumulation of the capital stock over time is given in equation:
Kt+1 = (1-δ)Kt + It
The relationship between the size of the total capital stock (K) and total GDP (Y) is
known as the capital–output ratio (K/Y = k) and is assumed to be fixed.
It also follows that k = ∆K/∆Y (where ∆K/∆Y is the incremental capital–output ratio,
or ICOR).
Assume that total new investment is determined by total savings. And the total
saving is some fraction (s) of GDP (Y).
St= sYt
Since K = kYt and It = St, it follows that we can rewrite equation for
accumulation of the capital stock as:
kYt+1 = (1-δ)kYt + sYt
Dividing through by k, simplifying, and subtracting Yt from both sides of
equation yields:
Yt+1 –Yt = [s/k-δ]Yt
Dividing through by Yt gives us equation:
[Yt+1 –Yt]/Yt = (s/k)-δ
Since [Yt+1 –Yt]/Yt is growth rate of GDP(G or ∆Y/Y), we can write the Harrod–
Domar growth equation as:
∆Y/Y= (s/k)-δ
This simply states that the growth rate of GDP is jointly determined by the savings
ratio (s) divided by the capital–output ratio (k).
The higher the savings ratio and the lower the capital–output ratio and depreciation
rate, the faster will an economy grow.
We will ignore the depreciation rate and consider the Harrod–Domar model as being
represented by the equation:
∆Y/Y= s/k
The model says that in the absence of government, the growth rate of national
income will be directly or positively related to the savings ratio
i.e., the more an economy is able to save and invest out of a given GDP, the greater
the growth of that GDP will be
And the growth rate of national income is inversely or negatively related to the
economy’s capital-output ratio (i.e., the higher k is, the lower the rate of GDP
growth will be)
The economic logic of the model is for an economy to grow, it must save and invest
a certain proportion of their GDP.
But the actual rate at which an Income can grow for any level of saving and
investment, how much additional output can be had from an additional unit of
investment, can be measured by the inverse of the capital-output ratio, k, because this
inverse, 1/k, is simply the output-capital or output-investment ratio.
Ar =s* – s
Weakness of Harrod–Domar model
The Solow growth model shows how saving, population growth, and
technological progress affect the level of an economy‟s output and its
growth over time.
iv. Since the model is concerned with the long run, the economy is always
producing its potential (natural) level of total output
Y =F (K, L)
Where Y is real output, K is capital, L is the labour input and At is a
measure of technology
First, for all values of K > 0 and L > 0, the function exhibits positive
but diminishing marginal returns with respect to both capital and
labour; that is, ∂F/∂K > 0, ∂2F/∂K2 < 0, ∂F/∂L > 0, and ∂2F/∂L2 <
In the Solow model the MPK should be much higher in developing countries
compared to developed countries
The consumption function
Since output per worker depends positively on capital per worker,
we need to understand how the capital–labour ratio evolves over
In a closed economy aggregate output = aggregate income and
comprises two components, namely, consumption (C) and
investment (I) = Savings (S). Therefore we can write equation for
income as:
Y= C+I or equivalently Y=C+S
Here S =sY is a simple savings function where s is the fraction of
income saved and 1 > s > 0. We can rewrite as:
Y=C+ sY
The capital accumulation process
∆k=sf(k)- δk
The economy is assumed to begin in a steady state with saving rate s1and capital
stock k1*.
When the saving rate increases from s1 to s2, the sf(k) curve shifts
At the initial saving rate s1 and the initial capital stock k1*, the amount of investment
just offsets the amount of depreciation
Immediately after the saving rate rises, investment is higher, but the capital stock and
depreciation are unchanged.
Therefore, investment exceeds depreciation. The capital stock will gradually rise
until the economy reaches the new steady state k2*, which has a higher capital stock
and a higher level of output than the old steady state.
The Solow model shows that the saving rate is a key determinant
of the steady-state capital stock.
If the saving rate is high, the economy will have a large capital stock
and a high level of output in the steady state.
If the saving rate is low, the economy will have a small capital stock
and a low level of output in the steady state.
c=f(k*)- δk*
This figure shows that there is one level of the capital stock, the
Golden Rule level that maximizes consumption
If the capital stock is below the Golden Rule level, an
increase in the capital stock raises output more than
depreciation, so consumption rises.
The production function is steeper than the depreciation line, so
grows as k* rises
MPK and the slope of the δk* line is δ. These two slopes are
equal at k*Gold.
MPK – δ=0
∆k=sf(k)- (n+δ)k
In order to prevent k from falling, some investment (δk) is required to
offset depreciation
Some investment (nk) is also required because the quantity of labour is
growing at a rate = n.
Hence the capital stock must grow at rate (n + δ) just to hold k steady.
When investment per unit of labour is greater than required for break-
even investment, then k will be rising and in this case the economy is
experiencing „capital deepening‟.
In the steady state with population growth, capital per worker and
output per worker are constant.
∆k=sf(k)- (n+δ+g)k or
∆k=sy- (n+δ+g)k
As before, the change in the capital stock k equals investment minus
depreciation along with population growth and efficiency rate.
We have seen already seen three cases in Solow model i.e. with capital
B. Although an increase in the savings rate does not affect the steady
state growth rate, it does increase the steady state level of income
We have seen already seen three cases in Solow model i.e. with capital
accumulation, with population growth and with technological progress.
The key concepts of Solow model are as follows.
B. Although an increase in the savings rate does not affect the steady
state growth rate, it does increase the steady state level of income by
increasing the capital labour ratio.
Beyond the Solow Model: Endogenous Growth Theory
One goal of growth theory is to explain the persistent rise in living
standards that we observe in most parts of the world.
The Solow growth model shows that such persistent growth must
come from technological progress. But where does technological
progress come from? In the Solow model, it is just assumed!
the productivity slowdown of the 1970s and speed-up of the 1990s
suggests that changes in the pace of technological progress are
tremendously important.
Models that explain technological advance often go by the label
endogenous growth theory because they reject the Solow model‟s
assumption of exogenous technological change
The Basic Model
Y = AK
Notice that this production function does not exhibit the property
of diminishing returns to capital.
∆K = sY- δK
If we double both the amount of physical capital (K) and the effective
and service(Y ).
The relationship between this model and the Y = AK model.
The economy exhibits constant (rather than diminishing) returns to
capital, as long as capital is broadly defined to include knowledge.
The two-sector endogenous growth model just presented still tells only
a rudimentary story about the creation of knowledge.
Third, when one firm innovates, other firms build on that innovation to
produce the next generation of innovations
These, essentially microeconomic, facts are not easily connected with
the (essentially macroeconomic) growth models we have discussed so
One question these models are designed to address is whether, from the
standpoint of society as a whole, private profit-maximizing firms tend
to engage in too little or too much research.
On the one hand, when a firm creates a new technology, it makes other
firms better off by giving them a base of knowledge on which to build
in future research. These positive externality is called “standing on the
On the other hand, when one firm invests in research, it can also make
other firms worse off if it does little more than being the first to
discover a technology that another firm would have invented in due
course. This negative externality is “stepping on Toes”
Whether firms left to their own devices do too little or too much
research depends on whether the positive “standing on
shoulders” externality or the negative “stepping on toes”
externality is more prevalent.
This technological advance was good for consumers, who could clothe
themselves more cheaply.
Yet skilled knitters in England saw their jobs threatened by new
technology, and they responded by organizing violent revolts.
THAKS!!! 72