Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 9.07.20 PM
Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 9.07.20 PM
Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 9.07.20 PM
General Instruc.ons :
Read the following instruc.ons very carefully and strictly follow them :
1. This Ques)on paper contains 38 questions divided into Qve sec.ons A,B,C,D,E. Each
sec)on is compulsory. However, there are internal choices in some ques)ons.
2. Sec.on A has question number (1-18) as MCQ’s and Ques.on number (19-20 )
Asser)on-Reason based ques)ons of 1 mark each.
3. Sec.on B has Question number (21-25) of Very Short Answer (VSA)-type ques)ons of
2 marks each.
4. Sec.on C has Question number (26-31) of Short Answer (SA)-type ques)ons of 3 marks
5. Sec.on D has Question number (32-35 ) of Long Answer (LA)-type ques)ons of 5 marks
6. Sec.on E has Question number (36-38) of Source based/Case based/passage
based/integrated units of assessment questions (4 marks each) with sub parts.
7. There is no overall choice however an internal choice have been provided in 2 ques.ons
in Sec.on -B , 3 ques.ons in Sec.on- C and 2 ques.ons in Sec.on- D
Sec.on – A
Ques)on Number 1-18 are of MCQ type ques)on of one mark each.
1. The domain of the func)on sin −1 ( 4 x )is : 1
2. 1
10 2 k +5
If a matrix A= [
3 k − 3 k +5 ]
is symmetric then , the value of k is :
(a) 8 (b ) 5
If A= [cos α
sin α
− sin α
cos α ] and A + A T =I , then the value of tan α
(a) 1 1
(c) √3 (d) 0
4. 1
For what values of k , the func3on given below is con3nuous at x=0?
√ 4+ x − 2 , x ≠ 0
f ( x )=
{ x
k, , x=0
(c) 1 (d) 4
5. If P ,Q, and PQ are matrices of order 3 × 2 , a × b and 3 × 4 respec3vely then the number of 1
elements of the matrix Q is?
(a) 6 (b ) 8
(c) 4 (d) 12
(c) DiQeren3able but not Con3nuous (d) Neither diQeren3able nor Con3nuous
7. 1
3 2 3
2 2 2
∫x dx=k ∫ x dx +∫ x dx , then value of k is :
−2 0 2
(a) 2 (b ) 1
(c) 0 1
8. Deriva3ve of e sin x with respect to cos x is : 1
2 2
(a) sin x . e sin x
(b ) cos x . e sin x
2 2
(c) − 2 cos x . e sin x
(d) − 2 sin 2 x cos x . e sin x
9. The value of 1
(a) 0 π
π (d) π
10. 2 dy 1
The integra3ng factor of the diQeren3al Equa3on ( 1− y ) + yx=ay ( −1< y <1 ) is :
1 1
(a) (b )
y 2 −1 √ y 2 −1
−1 1
(c) (d)
√ 1− y 2 √ 1− y 2
11. dy 1 1
The solu)on of di.eren)al equa)on = is:
dx logy
(a) logy =x+c (b ) y logy -y=x+c
13. If a^ and b^ be two unit vectors and ' θ ' is the angle between them , then |a^ − b^|: 1
θ θ
(a) sin (b )2 sin
2 2
θ θ
(c) cos (d) 2 cos
2 2
15. The maximum value of the object func)on Z=5x+10y subject to the constraints 1
x +2 y ≤ 120 , x + y ≥ 60 , x − 2 y ≥ 0 , x ≥ 0 , y ≥ 0 is:
(a) 300 (b ) 600
17. Corner points of the feasible region determined by the system of linear constraints are (0, 10) , 1
(5, 5) ,(15, 15) ,(0, 20) let Z=px+qy where p , q > 0 . Condi)ons on p and q so that maximum of Z
occurs at both the points (15, 15) and (0 ,20) is :
18. 1
(c) (2, 0)
(d) ( 12 , 12 )
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explana2on of A.
Asser2on(A):Principal value of cos−1 ( −12 ) is 23π 1
20. Asser2on(A) :Vector equa2on of a line passing through through the points A(1, 2, 3) ,and B(4, 5, 1
^ ^j+6 k^ ) + λ ( i+
6)is r⃗ =( 4 i+5 ^ ^j+ k^ )
Reason (R) : Equa2on of a line passing through a point with posi2on vector ⃗a and parallel to a
vector⃗b is ,⃗r =⃗a + λ ⃗b
Sec2on B
This section contains 5 Very Short Answer (VSA)-type ques2ons of 2
marks each.
21. 2
Find the value of sin
(− 12 )+cos (− √23 )+cot (tan 43π )
−1 −1
Find the domain of the func2on f ( x )=sin −1 ( x 2 − 4 ). Also Ind its range.
22. sin 3 x 2
Find the value of k , If the func2on f ( x )=
is con2nuous at x=0
{ x
, if x ≠ 0
if x=0
23. dy 1− y 2 2
If y √ 1− x 2 + x √ 1− y 2=1 then prove that
1− x 2
x +1
∫ x ( 1− dx
2 x)
Sec%on C
This section contains 6 Short Answer (SA)-type ques%ons of 3marks each.
26. dy cos ( a+ y ) dy 3
If siny=x cos (a+y), Then show that = , also show that =cos a , when x=0
dx cos a dx
27. Consider experiment of tossing a coin . If the coin shows head toss again , but if it shows tail , then throw 3
a die. Find the condiAonal probability of the event 'the die shows a number greater than 4' given that '
there is atleast one tail'.
A discrete random variable X has the probability distribuAon as given below:
X 0 1 2 3
2 2
P(X=x) q 4p p 0.7 − 4 p
Find the values of p and q for which the mean of X , (E(x)) is largest .
28. 3
Solve ∫
π 1+ √ cotx
Solve ∫ |x +2|dx
Solve the diPerenAal equaAon x cos ( xy ) dydx = y cos( xy )+ x 3
This section contains four Long Answer (LA)-type quesAons of 5marks each.
32. Using integraAon Vnd the area enclosed by the curve 4 x 2 − 9 y 2=36 5
−1 1 x
Check whether a funcAon f : R → [ 2 2 ]
, deVnd as f ( x )=
1+ x 2
is one one and onto or or not.
^ ( t − 2 ) ^j+ ( 3 − 2 t ) k^ and
Find the shortest distance between the lines given by r⃗ =( 1 − t ) i+
^ ( 2 s −1 ) ^j − ( 2 s+1 ) k^
r⃗ =( s+1 ) i+
35. 5
Solve the following Linear Programming Problem graphically :
Maximize Z=100x +300y subject to constraints
x +2 y ≤ 12
2 x + y ≤ 12
4 x +5 y ≥ 20
x≥0, y≥0
Sec%on E
Source based/Case based/passage based/integrated units of assessment
36. Utkarsh , Kavyansh and Myiesha appeared for an interview for three vacancies in the same post . The 1+1+2
probability of Utkarsh selec<on is 1/5. Kavyansh selec<on is 1/3 and Myiesha's selec<on is 1/4. The
event of selec<on is independent of each other .
(ii)Find P ( H̄G ) where G is the event of Kavyansh selec<on and H̄ denotes the event that Utkarsh is
not selected.
(iii)Find the probability that atleast one of them is selected.
(III)Find the probability that exactly two of them are selected.
37. 1+1+2