Plumbing Works Merged
Plumbing Works Merged
Plumbing Works Merged
by lorenzo galicia
Composition and Properties of Concrete
Cement Aggregates Water
Cement is a fine powder that acts as a binder, Aggregates are coarse and fine materials, Water is essential for the chemical reaction
reacting with water to form a paste. materials, such as sand and gravel, that reaction that allows cement to harden and
provide strength and volume. and bind aggregates.
Advantages and Versatility of
1 Strength 2 Durability
Concrete is known for its Concrete is highly resistant to
compressive strength, making it weather and wear, making it a
making it ideal for load-bearing long-lasting building material.
bearing structures.
3 Versatility 4 Affordability
Concrete can be molded into Concrete is a cost-effective
various shapes and sizes, allowing material, making it a popular
allowing for diverse architectural choice for construction projects.
architectural designs. projects.
Sustainability and Innovation in Concrete
Concrete Technology
1 Recycled Concrete
Recycling concrete waste helps reduce environmental impact and conserve resources.
2 Self-Healing Concrete
This technology allows concrete to repair itself by using embedded microcapsules that contain
healing agents.
3 Lightweight Concrete
Lightweight concrete reduces the weight of structures, minimizing the need for heavy support
heavy support systems.
4 Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
Adding fibers to concrete enhances its tensile strength and reduces cracking.
Types of Concrete
Concrete is a versatile and durable material used in various construction projects. Its
projects. Its types vary in their properties, strengths, and applications.
by lorenzo galicia
Portland Cement Concrete
1 Most Common Type 2 Versatile Strength
Made from Portland cement, Its strength can be adjusted by
aggregates, and water, it's strong varying the proportions of
and widely used in foundations, ingredients, allowing for different
pavements, and structures. applications.
3 Cost-Effective
The abundance of materials makes it a cost-effective option for many
many construction needs.
Reinforced Concrete
Increased Strength Structural Applications
Reinforced concrete combines the compressive strength of concrete It's essential for structures like bridges, buildings, and parking garages,
concrete with the tensile strength of steel. where resistance to bending and tension is crucial.
Prestressed Concrete
Tensioned Steel
High-strength steel tendons are tensioned within the concrete before
it sets, creating a pre-existing compressive force.
Improved Resistance
This pre-compression improves the concrete's resistance to bending
bending and cracking, allowing for longer spans and thinner sections.
Diverse Applications
Prestressed concrete is widely used in bridges, parking structures, and
structures, and building floors.
High-Performance Concrete
Enhanced Properties Special Additives
High-performance concrete is It often uses admixtures, such as
designed for specific applications as silica fume, fly ash, or
applications where high strength, superplasticizers, to achieve desired
strength, durability, and other desired properties.
performance characteristics are
High-performance concrete is used in structures exposed to harsh conditions,
conditions, such as bridges, tunnels, and marine structures.
Lightweight Concrete
1 Reduced Weight
Lightweight concrete uses aggregates like expanded clay, pumice, or
perlite, which are lighter than traditional aggregates.
2 Construction Advantages
This reduced weight makes it ideal for non-structural applications
applications like roof decks, walls, and insulation.
3 Energy Efficiency
The lighter weight reduces the load on structures, leading to
to potential energy savings and lower construction costs.
Pervious Concrete
Steel Fibers Increased strength and impact resistance. Parking garages, pavements, and structures
structures exposed to impact loads.
Synthetic Fibers Improved crack control and durability. Roof decks, walls, and other applications
requiring enhanced crack resistance.
Geopolymer Concrete
by lorenzo galicia
Key Components of Concrete and
and Foundation Design
Load Analysis Soil Investigation
Determining the load the foundation Evaluating soil properties, such as bearing
needs to support, including the weight of bearing capacity, to ensure the
the building and its contents, as well as foundation can adequately transfer loads
potential wind and seismic forces. loads to the ground.
2 Geotechnical Investigation
Collecting soil samples through drilling, testing the soil's strength,
strength, compressibility, and other relevant properties.
Determining the proper proportions of cement, aggregates, water, and Selecting the appropriate type, size, and arrangement of steel bars or
water, and admixtures to achieve desired strength, durability, and mesh to reinforce the concrete and enhance its strength and resistance
and workability. to cracking.
Shallow Foundation Systems
Large, hollow cylinders sunk into the ground to provide deep support
support for heavy structures or structures built on weak soil.
Pile Caps
Concrete structures connecting individual piles together and providing
providing a platform for supporting columns or beams.
Grading and Drainage
1 Slope and Drainage 2 Surface Runoff
Proper grading and drainage are Installing gutters, downspouts,
essential for directing rainwater downspouts, and drainage
away from the foundation and systems to control surface runoff
preventing water infiltration. runoff and prevent erosion
around the foundation.
3 Waterproofing
Applying waterproofing membranes or coatings to protect the foundation
foundation from moisture and prevent leaks.
Building Code Requirements for
Concrete and Foundations
National Structural Code of the Philippines Specifies design requirements for concrete
(NSCP) concrete and foundation systems to
ensure structural integrity and safety.
Wood terminology:
▪ Strength-to-Weight Ratio: Wood has a high
strength-to-weight ratio, making it ideal for
structural components.
▪ Thermal Insulation: Wood has low thermal
conductivity, offering good insulation properties.
▪ Aesthetic Appeal: Its natural grain and texture add WOOD
warmth and character to constructions.
Wood is a natural material with unique
▪ Workability: Wood is easy to cut, shape, and properties that make it suitable for
assemble using basic tools. construction