The environment is typically stated in the form of a Markov decision process (MDP), as many
reinforcement learning algorithms use dynamic programming techniques.[2] The main difference between
classical dynamic programming methods and reinforcement learning algorithms is that the latter do not
assume knowledge of an exact mathematical model of the Markov decision process, and they target large
MDPs where exact methods become infeasible.[3]
Due to its generality, reinforcement learning is studied in many disciplines, such as game theory, control
theory, operations research, information theory, simulation-based optimization, multi-agent systems,
swarm intelligence, and statistics. In the operations research and control literature, RL is called
approximate dynamic programming, or neuro-dynamic programming. The problems of interest in RL
have also been studied in the theory of optimal control, which is concerned mostly with the existence and
characterization of optimal solutions, and algorithms for their exact computation, and less with learning
or approximation (particularly in the absence of a mathematical model of the environment).
A basic reinforcement learning agent interacts with its environment in discrete time steps. At each time
step t, the agent receives the current state and reward . It then chooses an action from the set of
available actions, which is subsequently sent to the environment. The environment moves to a new state
and the reward associated with the transition is determined. The goal of a
reinforcement learning agent is to learn a policy:
Formulating the problem as a Markov decision process assumes the agent directly observes the current
environmental state; in this case, the problem is said to have full observability. If the agent only has
access to a subset of states, or if the observed states are corrupted by noise, the agent is said to have
partial observability, and formally the problem must be formulated as a partially observable Markov
decision process. In both cases, the set of actions available to the agent can be restricted. For example, the
state of an account balance could be restricted to be positive; if the current value of the state is 3 and the
state transition attempts to reduce the value by 4, the transition will not be allowed.
When the agent's performance is compared to that of an agent that acts optimally, the difference in
performance yields the notion of regret. In order to act near optimally, the agent must reason about long-
term consequences of its actions (i.e., maximize future rewards), although the immediate reward
associated with this might be negative.
Thus, reinforcement learning is particularly well-suited to problems that include a long-term versus short-
term reward trade-off. It has been applied successfully to various problems, including energy storage,[6]
robot control,[7] photovoltaic generators,[8] backgammon, checkers,[9] Go (AlphaGo), and autonomous
driving systems.[10]
Two elements make reinforcement learning powerful: the use of samples to optimize performance, and
the use of function approximation to deal with large environments. Thanks to these two key components,
RL can be used in large environments in the following situations:
The exploration vs. exploitation trade-off has been most thoroughly studied through the multi-armed
bandit problem and for finite state space Markov decision processes in Burnetas and Katehakis
Reinforcement learning requires clever exploration mechanisms; randomly selecting actions, without
reference to an estimated probability distribution, shows poor performance. The case of (small) finite
Markov decision processes is relatively well understood. However, due to the lack of algorithms that
scale well with the number of states (or scale to problems with infinite state spaces), simple exploration
methods are the most practical.
One such method is -greedy, where is a parameter controlling the amount of exploration vs.
exploitation. With probability , exploitation is chosen, and the agent chooses the action that it
believes has the best long-term effect (ties between actions are broken uniformly at random).
Alternatively, with probability , exploration is chosen, and the action is chosen uniformly at random. is
usually a fixed parameter but can be adjusted either according to a schedule (making the agent explore
progressively less), or adaptively based on heuristics.[13]
Criterion of optimality
The agent's action selection is modeled as a map called policy:
The policy map gives the probability of taking action when in state .[14]: 61 There are also deterministic
State-value function
The state-value function is defined as, expected discounted return starting with state , i.e. ,
and successively following policy . Hence, roughly speaking, the value function estimates "how good"
it is to be in a given state.[14]: 60
where the random variable denotes the discounted return, and is defined as the sum of future
discounted rewards:
where is the reward for transitioning from state to , is the discount rate. is less
than 1, so rewards in the distant future are weighted less than rewards in the immediate future.
The algorithm must find a policy with maximum expected discounted return. From the theory of Markov
decision processes it is known that, without loss of generality, the search can be restricted to the set of so-
called stationary policies. A policy is stationary if the action-distribution returned by it depends only on
the last state visited (from the observation agent's history). The search can be further restricted to
deterministic stationary policies. A deterministic stationary policy deterministically selects actions based
on the current state. Since any such policy can be identified with a mapping from the set of states to the
set of actions, these policies can be identified with such mappings with no loss of generality.
Brute force
The brute force approach entails two steps:
These problems can be ameliorated if we assume some structure and allow samples generated from one
policy to influence the estimates made for others. The two main approaches for achieving this are value
function estimation and direct policy search.
Value function
Value function approaches attempt to find a policy that maximizes the discounted return by maintaining a
set of estimates of expected discounted returns for some policy (usually either the "current" [on-
policy] or the optimal [off-policy] one).
These methods rely on the theory of Markov decision processes, where optimality is defined in a sense
stronger than the one above: A policy is optimal if it achieves the best-expected discounted return from
any initial state (i.e., initial distributions play no role in this definition). Again, an optimal policy can
always be found among stationary policies.
A policy that achieves these optimal state-values in each state is called optimal. Clearly, a policy that is
optimal in this sense is also optimal in the sense that it maximizes the expected discounted return, since
, where is a state randomly sampled from the distribution of initial states
(so ).
Although state-values suffice to define optimality, it is useful to define action-values. Given a state , an
action and a policy , the action-value of the pair under is defined by
where now stands for the random discounted return associated with first taking action in state and
following , thereafter.
The theory of Markov decision processes states that if is an optimal policy, we act optimally (take the
optimal action) by choosing the action from with the highest action-value at each state, . The
action-value function of such an optimal policy ( ) is called the optimal action-value function and is
commonly denoted by . In summary, the knowledge of the optimal action-value function alone
suffices to know how to act optimally.
Assuming full knowledge of the Markov decision process, the two basic approaches to compute the
optimal action-value function are value iteration and policy iteration. Both algorithms compute a
sequence of functions ( ) that converge to . Computing these functions involves
computing expectations over the whole state-space, which is impractical for all but the smallest (finite)
Markov decision processes. In reinforcement learning methods, expectations are approximated by
averaging over samples and using function approximation techniques to cope with the need to represent
value functions over large state-action spaces.
Monte Carlo methods apply to episodic tasks, where experience is divided into episodes that eventually
terminate. Policy and value function updates occur only after the completion of an episode, making these
methods incremental on an episode-by-episode basis, though not on a step-by-step (online) basis. The
term "Monte Carlo" generally refers to any method involving random sampling; however, in this context,
it specifically refers to methods that compute averages from complete returns, rather than partial returns.
These methods function similarly to the bandit algorithms, in which returns are averaged for each state-
action pair. The key difference is that actions taken in one state affect the returns of subsequent states
within the same episode, making the problem non-stationary. To address this non-stationarity, Monte
Carlo methods use the framework of general policy iteration (GPI). While dynamic programming
computes value functions using full knowledge of the Markov decision process (MDP), Monte Carlo
methods learn these functions through sample returns. The value functions and policies interact similarly
to dynamic programming to achieve optimality, first addressing the prediction problem and then
extending to policy improvement and control, all based on sampled experience.[14]
The second issue can be corrected by allowing trajectories to contribute to any state-action pair in them.
This may also help to some extent with the third problem, although a better solution when returns have
high variance is Sutton's temporal difference (TD) methods that are based on the recursive Bellman
equation.[16][17] The computation in TD methods can be incremental (when after each transition the
memory is changed and the transition is thrown away), or batch (when the transitions are batched and the
estimates are computed once based on the batch). Batch methods, such as the least-squares temporal
difference method,[18] may use the information in the samples better, while incremental methods are the
only choice when batch methods are infeasible due to their high computational or memory complexity.
Some methods try to combine the two approaches. Methods based on temporal differences also overcome
the fourth issue.
Another problem specific to TD comes from their reliance on the recursive Bellman equation. Most TD
methods have a so-called parameter that can continuously interpolate between Monte
Carlo methods that do not rely on the Bellman equations and the basic TD methods that rely entirely on
the Bellman equations. This can be effective in palliating this issue.
The algorithms then adjust the weights, instead of adjusting the values associated with the individual
state-action pairs. Methods based on ideas from nonparametric statistics (which can be seen to construct
their own features) have been explored.
Value iteration can also be used as a starting point, giving rise to the Q-learning algorithm and its many
variants.[19] Including Deep Q-learning methods when a neural network is used to represent Q, with
various applications in stochastic search problems.[20]
The problem with using action-values is that they may need highly precise estimates of the competing
action values that can be hard to obtain when the returns are noisy, though this problem is mitigated to
some extent by temporal difference methods. Using the so-called compatible function approximation
method compromises generality and efficiency.
Gradient-based methods (policy gradient methods) start with a mapping from a finite-dimensional
(parameter) space to the space of policies: given the parameter vector , let denote the policy
associated to . Defining the performance function by under mild conditions this function
will be differentiable as a function of the parameter vector . If the gradient of was known, one could
use gradient ascent. Since an analytic expression for the gradient is not available, only a noisy estimate is
available. Such an estimate can be constructed in many ways, giving rise to algorithms such as Williams's
REINFORCE method[21] (which is known as the likelihood ratio method in the simulation-based
optimization literature).[22]
A large class of methods avoids relying on gradient information. These include simulated annealing,
cross-entropy search or methods of evolutionary computation. Many gradient-free methods can achieve
(in theory and in the limit) a global optimum.
Policy search methods may converge slowly given noisy data. For example, this happens in episodic
problems when the trajectories are long and the variance of the returns is large. Value-function based
methods that rely on temporal differences might help in this case. In recent years, actor–critic methods
have been proposed and performed well on various problems.[23]
Policy search methods have been used in the robotics context.[24] Many policy search methods may get
stuck in local optima (as they are based on local search).
Model-based algorithms
Finally, all of the above methods can be combined with algorithms that first learn a model of the Markov
decision process, the probability of each next state given an action taken from an existing state. For
instance, the Dyna algorithm learns a model from experience, and uses that to provide more modelled
transitions for a value function, in addition to the real transitions.[25] Such methods can sometimes be
extended to use of non-parametric models, such as when the transitions are simply stored and "replayed"
to the learning algorithm.[26]
Model-based methods can be more computationally intensive than model-free approaches, and their
utility can be limited by the extent to which the Markov decision process can be learnt.[27]
There are other ways to use models than to update a value function.[28] For instance, in model predictive
control the model is used to update the behavior directly.
Both the asymptotic and finite-sample behaviors of most algorithms are well understood. Algorithms with
provably good online performance (addressing the exploration issue) are known.
Efficient exploration of Markov decision processes is given in Burnetas and Katehakis (1997).[12] Finite-
time performance bounds have also appeared for many algorithms, but these bounds are expected to be
rather loose and thus more work is needed to better understand the relative advantages and limitations.
For incremental algorithms, asymptotic convergence issues have been settled. Temporal-difference-based
algorithms converge under a wider set of conditions than was previously possible (for example, when
used with arbitrary, smooth function approximation).
Research topics include:
actor-critic architecture[29]
actor-critic-scenery architecture [3]
adaptive methods that work with fewer (or no) parameters under a large number of
bug detection in software projects[30]
continuous learning
combinations with logic-based frameworks[31]
exploration in large Markov decision processes
human feedback[32]
interaction between implicit and explicit learning in skill acquisition
intrinsic motivation which differentiates information-seeking, curiosity-type behaviours from
task-dependent goal-directed behaviours large-scale empirical evaluations
large (or continuous) action spaces
modular and hierarchical reinforcement learning[33]
multiagent/distributed reinforcement learning is a topic of interest. Applications are
occupant-centric control
optimization of computing resources[35][36][37]
partial information (e.g., using predictive state representation)
reward function based on maximising novel information[38][39][40]
sample-based planning (e.g., based on Monte Carlo tree search).
securities trading[41]
transfer learning[42]
TD learning modeling dopamine-based learning in the brain. Dopaminergic projections from
the substantia nigra to the basal ganglia function are the prediction error.
value-function and policy search methods
Algorithm Description Policy Action space Operator
Sample-means of
Every visit to Monte
Monte Carlo Either Discrete Discrete state-values or action-
State–action–reward– Off-
TD learning Discrete Discrete State-value
state policy
State–action–reward– Off-
Q-learning Discrete Discrete Action-value
state policy
State–action–reward– On-
SARSA Discrete Discrete Action-value
state–action policy
DQN Deep Q Network Discrete Continuous Action-value
SAC Soft Actor-Critic Continuous Continuous Advantage
Distributional Soft Actor Off- Action-value
DSAC[43][44][45] Critic policy
Continuous Continuous
Self-reinforcement learning
Self-reinforcement learning (or self-learning), is a learning paradigm which does not use the concept of
immediate reward after transition from to with action . It does not use an external
reinforcement, it only uses the agent internal self-reinforcement. The internal self-reinforcement is
provided by mechanism of feelings and emotions. In the learning process emotions are backpropagated
by a mechanism of secondary reinforcement. The learning equation does not include the immediate
reward, it only includes the state evaluation.
The self-reinforcement algorithm updates a memory matrix such that in each iteration
executes the following machine learning routine:
Self-reinforcement (self-learning) was introduced in 1982 along with a neural network capable of self-
reinforcement learning, named Crossbar Adaptive Array (CAA).[66][67] The CAA computes, in a crossbar
fashion, both decisions about actions and emotions (feelings) about consequence states. The system is
driven by the interaction between cognition and emotion. [68]
See also
Temporal difference learning Optimal control
Q-learning Error-driven learning
State–action–reward–state–action Multi-agent reinforcement learning
(SARSA) Apprenticeship learning
Reinforcement learning from human Model-free (reinforcement learning)
feedback active learning (machine learning)
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Further reading
Annaswamy, Anuradha M. (3 May 2023). "Adaptive Control and Intersections with
Reinforcement Learning" (
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems. 6 (1): 65–93.
doi:10.1146/annurev-control-062922-090153 (
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S2CID 255702873 (
Auer, Peter; Jaksch, Thomas; Ortner, Ronald (2010). "Near-optimal regret bounds for
reinforcement learning" ( Journal of
Machine Learning Research. 11: 1563–1600.
Bertsekas, Dimitri P. (2023) [2019]. REINFORCEMENT LEARNING AND OPTIMAL
CONTROL ( (1st ed.). Athena Scientific.
ISBN 978-1-886-52939-7.
Busoniu, Lucian; Babuska, Robert; De Schutter, Bart; Ernst, Damien (2010). Reinforcement
Learning and Dynamic Programming using Function Approximators (http://www.dcsc.tudelft.
nl/rlbook/). Taylor & Francis CRC Press. ISBN 978-1-4398-2108-4.
François-Lavet, Vincent; Henderson, Peter; Islam, Riashat; Bellemare, Marc G.; Pineau,
Joelle (2018). "An Introduction to Deep Reinforcement Learning". Foundations and Trends
in Machine Learning. 11 (3–4): 219–354. arXiv:1811.12560 (
0). Bibcode:2018arXiv181112560F (
F). doi:10.1561/2200000071 ( S2CID 54434537 (ht
Li, Shengbo Eben (2023). Reinforcement Learning for Sequential Decision and Optimal
Control ( (1st ed.). Springer
Verlag, Singapore. doi:10.1007/978-981-19-7784-8 (
7784-8). ISBN 978-9-811-97783-1.
Powell, Warren (2011). Approximate dynamic programming: solving the curses of
dimensionality (
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Sutton, Richard S. (1988). "Learning to predict by the method of temporal differences" (http
s:// Machine Learning. 3: 9–44. doi:10.1007/BF00115009
Sutton, Richard S.; Barto, Andrew G. (2018) [1998]. Reinforcement Learning: An
Introduction ( (2nd ed.). MIT Press.
ISBN 978-0-262-03924-6.
Szita, Istvan; Szepesvari, Csaba (2010). "Model-based Reinforcement Learning with Nearly
Tight Exploration Complexity Bounds" ( (PDF). ICML 2010. Omnipress. pp. 1031–1038. Archived
from the original ( (PDF) on 2010-07-14.
External links
Dissecting Reinforcement Learning (
g-reinforcement-learning.html) Series of blog post on reinforcement learning with Python
A (Long) Peek into Reinforcement Learning (