Department of medicine
11-july-2024, Thursday
Causes of constipation.........................................................................................4
Evaluation of constipation....................................................................................5
Management and treatment................................................................................5
Pharmacologic Treatment................................................................................5
First and foremost, I would like to thank the University of Amoud
for giving me this learning opportunity that helped me to develop
valuable life lessons of research, scientific writing, perseverance,
cooperation, and most of all, the endless pursuit of knowledge.
Lastly, my thanks go to all the people who have supported me to
complete the research work directly or indirectly.
Causes of constipation
(Hsieh, 2021)Pathogenesis is multifactorial with focusing on the type of
diet, genetic predisposition, colonic motility, and absorption, as well as
behavioral, biological, and pharmaceutical factors. Furthermore, low fiber
dietary intake, inadequate water intake, sedentary lifestyle, irritable bowel
syndrome (IBS), failure to respond to urge to defecate, and slow transit
have been revealed to be associated with predisposition. Diseases and
conditions as secondary cause of constipation Mechanical cause of
constipation: colon, rectal, or anal stricture, megacolon rectocele,
intestinal pseudo-obstruction, injured tissues, diverticulosis, and abnormal
narrowing of the intestine or rectum.
Evaluation of constipation
Evaluation of constipation begins with detailed history and physical
examination, including an adequate visual and digital anal examination.
Diagnostic testing for constipation is not routinely recommended early on
in the absence of alarm signs. Diagnostic testing is often targeted at
symptoms or signs elicited in the history or physical that suggest an
organic process and should be employed if the information gained is apt
to alter treatment. Not all patients require the same diagnostic approach.
Nonpharmacologic Treatments
Pharmacologic Treatment
(Journal2022.Htm, n.d.-b)If a medication or a medical condition is the
cause of constipation, eliminating the offending medication or treating the
underlying medical condition may relieve the constipation. A systematic
review found that increased fiber intake and the use of laxatives improved
the frequency of bowel movements compared with placebo in adults.
However, the data concerning the superiority of individual treatments
were inconclusive because of the limited number of studies, small sample
size, or methodologic flaw. There also are limited data about long-term
benefits and risks of laxatives and fiber preparations. The formulations,
dosages, and costs of commonly used laxatives, stool softeners, and prokinetic
agents. There are no evidence-based guidelines on the preferred order of
using different types of laxatives; however,(Treatment of Constipation,
2022) the AGA has developed a treatment algorithm for patients with
functional, normal transit constipation. sometimes can be managed by
surgical intervention.
Constipation is a very common problem worldwide that presents as a
subtle disease yet can have relenting effects in a patient’s life. There are a
number of preventable risk factors, like food habit and personal habits,
causing constipation; taking care of them on time can play an important
role in minimizing their effects which in turn minimizes the
socioeconomic burden of constipation significantly. Apart from that, the
early diagnosis and management of other underlying factors are important
to give relief to the patient from the undue physical and psychological
555.htm. (n.d.).
2024.htm. (n.d.).
Con2.pdf. (n.d.).
Journal2022.htm. (n.d.-a).
Journal2022.htm. (n.d.-b).
Treatment2.htm. (n.d.).
Van Der Schoot, A., Helander, C., Whelan, K., & Dimidi, E. (2022).