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FACE Assessment
FACE Assessment helps to discover your Core Personality Style.
There are 4 personality styles namely Fact, Action, Concept and Emotion. All 4 characteristics are present in each of us and no one style is
better or worse.
Your personality style is representative of the dominating trait present in you.

Your Personality Pattern is

Degree of Influence


68.75% 61.25% 60% 60%

Creative, Original Imaginative, Methodical, Analytical, Organized, Practical, Challenging, Hard- Team Player, Helpful, Willing to
Inventive Detail Oriented driving, Competitive adapt, Caring
How to read your report?
Tally your percentage with the scale given below to find out the degree of influence of each personality trait in you. The probability
of expressing the traits increases as the numbers scale up.

Highly Dormant – It is likely that you do not at all exhibit this trait naturally.
Dormant But Visible Very Rarely – The trait exists in you, but is expressed very rarely.
Visible Rarely – The trait is expressed rarely and only when the circumstance arises or environment demands it.
Visible – This point (62.5%) marks the visibility of the trait.
Visible and Active – The trait stands out in character and finds expression in your daily activities.
Visible and Very Active – You strongly exhibit this trait; it has high influence throughout your life.
Highly Active – This trait defines you and dominates all your actions.

Degree of Influence Scale

More about FACE Personalities

Fact Behavior Action Behavior

Fact Man is an organized and systematic individual who is very An Action Man is an assertive and competitive individual, who is
keen while taking decisions, analyzing deeply into all the pros highly directional and confident in dealings. They are action-
and cons of the matter. This makes them risk-free and always oriented people who look for results and quick completion of
prepared to face all odds. This personality type is excellent in tasks. An Action Man’s greatest strength is their belief in
processing information and gives intense care to detailing and themselves. They are people of the present and do not let their
precision in all their tasks. Fact Man likes to make as well as thoughts wander off much into the past or the future. This
follow rules and regulations and hence will have a method in makes them focused and difficult opponents. Action Man
even the simplest task, making them work efficiently. learns best by doing and experiencing and is an active
They have a good way of organizing and utilizing and dynamic person who have the ability to influence
their time. others into action as well.

Concept Behavior Emotion Behavior

A Concept Man is rich in fresh and innovative ideas Emotion Man enjoy dealing with moods and emotions
and is a hard-to-predict mysterious person. They survive and is an expert when it comes to bridging relations and
on their wits and ideas and can charismatically influence the keeping up the bonds between people. This makes them
people around them. This personality types love to dream and excellent team players who can keep the team adhered through
is mostly in a world of imagination, trying to bring out thick and thin. Warm and friendly, an Emotion Man is a dynamic
innovation through odd combinations and “out of the box” and stimulating individual who is also very loving and caring.
solutions. They are original and idealistic who harbors open and They make good influencers and are very talkative. This
liberal attitude which makes the Concept Man a creative personality types like to make friends and people love to hang
problem solver and a versatile character. around with them. They are fun loving, but emotional, and at
times highly sentimental people.
Your general behavior is as follows:

You are an explorer who examines the You can handle a crisis well with your
world around you with cool rationale ability to come up with practical
and deep curiosity. creative solutions.

You are very imaginative when it

You are an optimistic and energetic
comes to practical situations and can
personality who is cheerful and rarely
formulate innovative ideas with ease
get stressed out.
which you try to implement.

You have a good sense of humor,

You are bold, practical and willing to
tends to follow an effective hands-on
improvise and find unique solutions to
approach to build practical solutions
seemingly impossible challenges.
and come up with logical explanations.

You are prone to changing plans

suddenly because of which you You choose the best possible
may not consider others' views. decision following careful
This makes you seem quite analysis.

Sometimes you can be You have a tendency to jump

impulsive which makes you from one concept to another.
explode without warning, taking However, you make it a point to
your interests in bold, new learn something new from each
directions. experience.
Your career strengths are as follows:

Career Strength Need focus Progressing Blooming Advancing Master

Quick in building relations and efficiently maintains them.

Details are carefully considered and accurate.

Creative and easily innovative.

Capable of creating structure out of chaos and confusion.

Enjoys adventure and may take risks in accepting most


Ability to work in Teams.

Enjoys challenges and does not easily bend down to pressures.

Open and flexible to changes.

Quick in action and prefers quick results.

Always analyses oneself to correct past mistakes and advance

further each time.
You prefer to communicate with the world in the following ways:

Communication Pattern Need focus Progressing Blooming Advancing Master

Expresses emotional concern and care for the well-being of others.

Speaks and encourages visions for long-term plans and

To be a notable voice, may take over the conversations dominating
the talk.

Provides precise and crisp explanations and instructions.

Direct and defined speech.

Openly expresses thoughts and feelings.

May follow a structure and method while conversing.

Overall goals and objectives are given more importance.

Friendly and free type of behavior to others.

Interested in finding out the reasons or causes of things.

This is how you deal with people around you.

You are likely to experience difficulty in

You can foster friendships without letting it
predicting others' emotions because of your
interfere with your principles and freedom.
natural inclination to be fair in your decisions.

Your involvement in the relationships that you You prefer to be in an environment where you
foster through your actions and principles can work with people who understand your
rather than empathy can lead to some very bad style, depth of your creativity and even the
outcomes. unpredictability of your methods.
Based on your personality, this is how others view you.

People may find it hard to

understand you, but they still You tend to act too soon due to
prefer to be acquainted with you your permissive nature and
because you share your views wrong assumptions.
and thoughts with them.

People find it hard to predict

You will be viewed as a person
your mood as you may appear
who tends to define your own
friendly yet private, calm but
rules and will strictly adhere to
spontaneous, curious and at
times, unable to focus.
You can think in extremes at times. This can pose problems for you. However, you can apply your rationale
to overcome such circumstances.

YOUR You tend to dislike long-term commitments and can easily get bored. This trait can affect your relationships.
Your spontaneous nature to move from one project to another without completion can question your

You can be stubborn at times, paying no attention to others and can carry on with your ways without as
much as an apology in instances where you are wrong.

Being an action oriented personality you might greatly enjoy works where you are constantly on the move
and can expertly handle multiple tasks even if they cover a broad area of focus.
The Multiple Intelligence Orientation test is an assessment based on the influential Multiple Intelligences theory by Howard Gardner. Each individual
possess numerous intelligences in varying degrees. These intelligences can be nurtured to increase the quality of life and have strong ramifications
in the classroom. It bridges the gap between your intelligences and career choice.
This test renders a new way of looking at your life, suggesting several ways in which you can apply your strengths and potentials.

100 100%
70 73.33%
60 63.33%

40 46.67%




naturalistic interpersonal intrapersonal rhythmic logical visual kinesthetic linguistic

Based on your Multiple Intelligence Orientations you are gifted with the following strengths.

Visual Smart Body Smart

Architect, Artist, designer Athlete, Physical, Action
People who are able to visualise information by creating a mental Body smarts are people who use physical skills such as balance,
model. They like to view and observe everything before taking strength, flexibility, speed etc. They tend to be active, often like to
action. work with their hand.

Nature Smart People Smart

Outdoorsy, Botanist Influencing, Popular, Friendly
Nature smart individuals tend to nurture and relate information People smart individuals are able to respond to the emotions of
from their natural surroundings. They have a knack for identifying others. They are gifted at establishing rapport with strangers and
plants and animals. make friends easily.

Word Smart Self Smart

Linguistic, Speaker and reasoning Skills Introspection, Thinker, Philosopher
People who display strengths in speaking, writing and reading and It is the ability to decipher and analyse your individual motives,
have strength in acquiring languages. Their auditory skills are very desires thoughts and emotions. Self smart people have an innate
well developed. ability to know oneself.

Logic Smart Music Smart

Objective, Factual, Problem Solving Composer, Rhythmic, Singer, Instrumental
Logic Smart people display an aptitude for numbers, reasoning and Music Smart is the ability to perceive, transform and express musical
problem solving. Good at critical thinking and have well developed forms. They tend to love music and rhythmic sounds.
reasoning abilities.
Expert Advanced Learner Novice

Curiosity about natural

Self-Awareness Word Power

Observational Skills Confident

Exploring the environment Sound Memory

Co-operating Rhythm Sense

Working relationships Reasoning Skills

Encouraging others Analytical

Color Sense

Visualization Ability


More about your multple intelligence orientation

You seem to show a strong affinity towards nature and You may have an excellent ability for verbal and non-
hence, may indulge in outdoor activities. verbal communication and are able to influence the
opinions and actions of others.
You are likely to be extremely aware of your
surroundings and may identify subtle changes in the You can be a natural leader among your peers and
environment. groups, with the ability to resolve conflicts peacefully.

You seem to prefer being in tune with the emotions of

You are likely to display a sense of surprise, awe or those around you and may try to give and receive
naturalistic wonder at natural phenomena. interpersonal positive feedback.

You may feel alive when in contact with nature and can You may be a very sensitive and understanding
be very interested in the behaviour, habits and habitats person who cares about people's feelings and
of other species. appreciates their perspective.

You are likely to be good at communicating with

You may be able to easily recognize and classify different others, picking up on the emotions of those around
types of plants and animals. you.

You may be an intuitive person who is aware of You are likely to be gifted with an ability to recognize tonal
yourself and spends time thinking and reflecting. patterns, rhymes and beats.

The awareness of your inner feelings, desires and

You seem to have a sensitivity to environmental sounds,
dreams may enable you to rectify mistakes and strive
human voices and musical instruments.
for self-improvement.
intrapersonal rhythmic
You are likely to have wisdom, intuition, motivation You have an innate talent to play several musical
and a strong will. You may use these to organize your instruments as you have a sharp ear.
You have a talent for composing music, understand the
As an independent person, you are likely to spend
details of rhythm and have a good flair for music.
more time thinking and reflecting.
You may be good at creating codes and formulas as you may You are likely to have creative talent, with the ability to visualize
like the challenge of a complex problem and design, see things in space, or even conjure up concepts in
2D and 3D formats.
You may enjoy learning by solving puzzles, logical games and You also have a keen sense of direction.
You may have the ability to think in images and pictures, to
logical visual visualize accurately.
You may follow an organized and systematic approach towards
You may be skilled at using diagrams and charts to clearly
understand ideas and concepts.
You are likely to be more inclined towards science subjects and
can easily remember dates. You may have a good sense of colour. Hence, you are likely to
enjoy painting and other art forms.

You may have the ability to express emotions, to play You may have the ability to handle language well,
sports, and to develop new inventions. communicating easily with others.

You seem to have the ability to use your hands and

fingers to carry out delicate movements requiring precise You may easily remember quotes and famous sayings and
control. may have the capacity to use language well.
kinesthetic You are likely to be highly sensitive and responsive to the linguistic
environment around you.
You may show an interest in learning new languages.
You may have the ability to watch, observe, imitate, and
re-create anything that you perceive.
You may show interest in reading books, playing word
You are likely to have a well-developed, coordinated and games and writing poetry and stories.
complex level of physical movement.
The MTI Assessment attempts to understand an individual’s responses to the environment. Assessment categorizes people into 4 main domains
based on their usual way of responding to the environment. These domains are called as Commander, Influencer, Follower, Sustainer.

These environmental influences are present in each of us and no one style is better or worse.

Ability to take charge of the situation and 60%

Ability to win over people by convincing 45%

Prefers consistent and steady nature of 45%
tasks and group acceptance.

Prefers to conform to rules and 50%
How to read your report?
Tally your percentage with the scale given below to find out the degree of influence of each personality trait in you. The probability
of expressing the traits increases as the numbers scale up.

Highly Dormant – It is likely that you do not at all exhibit this trait naturally.
Dormant But Visible Very Rarely – The trait exists in you, but is expressed very rarely.
Visible Rarely – The trait is expressed rarely and only when the circumstance arises or environment demands it.
Visible – This point (62.5%) marks the visibility of the trait.
Visible and Active – The trait stands out in character and finds expression in your daily activities.
Visible and Very Active – You strongly exhibit this trait; it has high influence throughout your life.
Highly Active – This trait defines you and dominates all your actions.

Degree of Influence Scale

Commander Influencer Sustainer Follower
People with the Commander style place People with the Influencer style place an People with the Sustainer style place an People with the Follower style place an
an emphasis on shaping the emphasis on shaping the environment emphasis on cooperating with others emphasis on working conscientiously
environment by overcoming opposition by influencing or persuading others. within existing circumstances to carry within existing circumstances to ensure
to accomplish results. out the task. quality and accuracy.

Is motivated by winning, competition and Is motivated by social recognition, group Is motivated by cooperation, Is motivated by opportunities to gain
success. activities, and relationships. opportunities to help and sincere knowledge, showing their expertise, and
appreciation. quality work.

Prioritizes accepting challenge, taking Prioritizes taking action, collaboration, Prioritizes giving support, collaboration Prioritizes ensuring accuracy, maintaining
action and achieving immediate results. and expressing enthusiasm. and maintaining stability. stability, and challenging assumptions.

Is described as direct, demanding, forceful, Is described as convincing, magnetic, Is described as calm, patient, predictable, Is described as careful, cautious,
strong willed, driven, and determined, enthusiastic, warm, trusting and deliberate, stable and consistent. systematic, diplomatic, accurate and
fast-paced, and self-confident. optimistic. tactful.

May be limited by lack of concern for May be limited by being impulsive and May be limited by being indecisive, overly May be limited by being overcritical,
others, impatience and open skepticism. disorganized and having lack of follow- accommodating and tendency to avoid overanalyzing and isolating themselves.
through. change

May fear being seen as vulnerable or May fear loss of influence, disapproval May fear change, loss of stability and May fear criticism and being wrong.
being taken advantage of. and being ignored. offending others.

Values competency, action, concrete Values coaching and counselling, freedom Values loyalty, helping others and Values quality and accuracy.
results, personal freedom, challenges. of expression and democratic security.
Commander Influencer Sustainer Follower
Unique accomplishments Victory with flair Personal accomplishments Unique accomplishments

New opportunities Friendship and happiness Group acceptance Correctness

Control of audience Authority and prestige status symbols Power through formal roles and positions Stability
of authority

Independence Popularity Maintenance of status quo and controlled Personal growth


Showing patience Following-through completely Adapting quickly to changes or unclear Letting go of and delegate tasks

Showing sensitivity Researching all the facts Multitasking Compromising for the good of the team

Getting into the details Speaking directly and candidly Promoting oneself Joining in social events and celebrations

Allowing deliberation Staying focused for long periods Confronting others Making quick decisions

When communicating with the When communicating with the Influencer When communicating with the Sustainer When communicating with the Follower
Commander style individuals, give them style individual, share your experiences, style individuals, be personal and amiable, style individual, focus on facts and details;
the bottom line, be brief, focus your allow the i style person time to ask express your interest in them and what minimize ”pep talk” or emotional
discussion narrowly, avoid making questions and talk themselves, focus on you expect from them, take time to language; be patient, persistent and
generalizations, refrain from repeating the positives, avoid overloading them provide clarification, be polite, and avoid diplomatic.
yourself, and focus on solutions rather with details, and don’t interrupt them. being confrontational, overly aggressive
than problems. or rude.
These are the ways in which you deal with the world.

You may be a problem solver, Your personality style may

which enables others to look be direct and decisive,
upto you for decisions and sometimes described as
direction. dominant.

You may prefer to lead than

You may have high self
following, and tend towards
confidence and you are a
leadership and management
risk taker.
The following are the factors that motivate you.

Prestige and

Opportunity for
advancement Power and

Freedom from
control and
Your leadership strenghts are as follows.

You may be able to set and You may have the ability to
stick to aggressive take up challenges and
timelines. solve problems.

You may have a

You may be comfortable to
competitive streak that
take charge when a group
helps you achieve your
lacks direction.

You may often trust your

gut instincts and you're not
afraid to take risks.

Seeing: 32%

Hearning: 29%

Doing: 38%

You are a dominant Kinesthetic Learner

Being a predominant 'Learn by doing' (Kinesthetic) learner, you like to try things out. You remember well what action has occurred, and not what
you have seen or what was talked about. You prefer a direct involvement in what you are learning. You enjoy physical activities and appreciate
freedom of movement. You will focus more easily if you have objects to manipulate instead of just using pencil and paper.You also show a good
amount of strength in learning through visual aids. Watching videos and television amuses you but may not always be your first preference as you
tend to learn comfortably through activities. You may also show a considerable amount of preference for appearances and presentations. You can
also learn and remember through observations.Listening to lectures and conversations is not your 'cup of tea'. You like to go out there to explore
and experience. Even though you show preference to watch videos and presentations, you may easily forget about what was said. You rather enact
expressively using hand gestures than simply deliver dialogues if you are put in a play. But you push yourself to listen to lectures if the situation

63% 54%
Act Conceptualize
Reflect Experience

63% 71%

You may learn best through methods or theories that gets results most effectively. You may strongly excel at quickly identifying what works at a practical, realistic
level. This makes you fond of theories and concepts that are result oriented.
You are likely to get excited with the opportunities of field work and projects. Small group discussions, practice of the given tasks is of your liking. Having a similar
study environment at home as your school may help you learn better.
You may also have a likelihood to learn by doing and participating. You are likely to get tasks done at a short notice. In certain situations, you may take action
without deeper thought process.
You may like to participate in challenging tasks. You may like to get involved in role-plays and skits. Learning through games and quizzes gets you excited.
You may rarely think from different perspectives to come to a conclusion. You are more likely to go with your gut feeling than taking opinions from others. You may
not be interested in facts and figures generally.
Based on your learning style and preferences these are the suggestions for your to learn better.

Divide the work into short study

Make sure to get a good view of the
Maintain notes and key points of sessions. Get a timer after 20 minutes,
teacher, the board, demonstrations
important information. or when a task is completed, take a 5-
etc., as this will help you learn better.
minute walk or even listen to a song.

Interact and discuss with other people,

Perform activities like doing quizzes, and solve problems as part of a team
Write down what you have learnt.
writing on the chalkboard, or even and join activities such as games,
Keep a supply of paper on hand.
rearranging desks. competitive teamwork activities and
role-playing exercises.

Personal tuition can help you a lot in Participate in group discussion, role- Try to plan your activities and stay
your studies. playing and learning games. focused during study hours.
An insight into your passion and perseverance

You have a high level of grit, of endurance, which means you almost always follow something through until the end, ready to face
challenges, work around them, and finally achieve your goal.
don not let a little thing like failure get you down. Plough on, grind away, stop at nothing, leave no stone unturned.
Always remember you have more than one shot to success.
"At the very moment when people underestimate you is when you can make a breakthrough." -- Germany Kent
Essentials skills to excell in the modern age

Skill Blooming Evolving Expert Master





Decision Making

Problem solving

Critical Thinking

Processing Large Information

Cultural Difference Understanding and Adaptation

Blooming - Early stages of development of competency. Needed more inputs aan practices over skills and knowledge.
Evolving - The competencies are picking up and gaining efficiency. In progress of development.
Expert - Higher command and control on competency. Delivers good results and only slight area for improvement.
Master - A supreme order of proficiency on competency. Can use the same very efficiently and delivers the best during applications.
A visualization of how fit you are for various careers.

Perfectly Aligned Proficiently Aligned Partially Aligned Passively Aligned

Tourism and Hospitality 96% Medical Technology 84% Marketing and Advertising 66% Content Writing 47%

Luxury Hospitality Services 96% Alternative Energy Sciences 83% Social Sciences 61% Instructional Designing 47%

Data analytics, Statistics and Community and Social

Mathematics 92% Development 82% Journalism and Mass Media 55% Language and Linguistics 41%

Earth and Environmental 92% Law and Legal 82% Online Journalism 55%

Big Data Analysis 92% Physical Sciences 80%

Engineering Bio Science 90% Life, Farming and Forestry 79%

Medical Sciences 90% Pharmaceutical Science 79%

Engineering Category I 87% Robotic Engineering 79%

Human Health and Care

Services 87% Energy Auditing 79%

Artificial Intelligence 87% Accounting and Finance 78%

Speech-language pathology 87% Engineering Category II 78%

Careers where you are likely to meet the Careers that may not exactly match your
Blockchain Science 87% Genetics 78% basic expectations. However, extra efforts natural aptitude. However, sincere efforts
and training may help you excel if you really and training help you get up to speed, if
want to pick one of these for a life-long you’re really serious about pursuing these in
Gamification 87% Actuarial Science 77% career. the long run.

Digital Marketing and E-

commerce 87% Augmented Reality 76%

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