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1. Inheritance is generally referred to which kind of relationship between two classes ?

(A) ‘not is – a’ relationship (B) ‘a – part – of relationship

(C) ‘is – like’ relationship (D) ‘is – a’ relationship
2. Composition model refers to which of the following relationship ?
(A) Non exclusive (B) Exclusive (C) ‘a – kind – of relationship (D) None of these
3. From the following which mechanism providing protection to data and methods of a
program ?
(A) Aggregation (B) Composition (C) Polymorphism (D) Encapsulation
4. When the program gets compiled without errors, compiler creates which type of file
extension in Java ?
(A) .class (B) .java (C) .C++ (D) .c
5. From the following which is not compiled or interpreted in Java ?
(A) if statement (B) Function (C) Comment (D) Variable
6. Which menu-option is used if the program is compiled without any error ?
(A) Tools → Execute (B) Edit → Go (C) Tools → Go (D) Tools → Compile
7. In Java, boolean data type hold which logical values ?
(A) Y, N (B) 0, 1 (C) True, False (D) Yes, No
8. Which zip format is used in Java ?
(A) ZAR (B) Openoffice.org (C) TAR (D) JAR
9. To open a play list in VLC player which menu – option is used ?
(A) View → Open directory (B) Media → Open directory (C) View → Play list (D)
Media → Save play list
10.Which service provides the facility of finding the nearest ATM centre, bank, bus stop ?
(A) Hotspot (B) GSP (C) GPS (D) Will
11.Which software is used for Statistical computing?
(A) Rational plan (B) Skype (C) ‘R’ software (D) Character map
12.From the following which Rational plan allow us to manage independent projects ?
(A) Multi (B) Viewer (C) Single (D) None of these
13.Which option of Image Properties dialog box will display the text in case the image is not
displayed in the browser in KompoZer ?
(A) Alternate text (B) Don’t use altemet text (C) Text (D) Tooltip
14.Which menu-option is used to change the page title of web page in KompoZer ?
(A) Format → Page title and Properties (B) View → Page title → Properties
(C) Insert Page title → Properties (D) Edit Page title → Properties
15.Which of the following is a variable that is stored on the users computer ?
(A) Java (B) HTML (C) Integer (D) Cookie
16.From the following, who offers limited free space on the Webserver ?
17.What is the full form of FTP ?
(A) First Tool Process (B) File Transfer Property (C) File Transfer Protocol (D) File
Transfer Process
18.From the following wliich are the open source web development tools ?
(A) Aptana Studio (B) BlueGriffon (C) Amaya (D) All of these
19.If ‘str’ is the object of string class and its content is “I_Like_Computer”, then what is the
value of str.length( ) ?
(A) 15 (B) 19 (C) 17 (D) 13
20.What stands for AM and PM in integer constant of calender class ?
(A) 0 and 0 (B) 1 and 1 (C) 1 and 0 (D) 0 and 1
21.Which braces is used in 2-D array using comma separated values of data elements ?
(A) < > (angled bracket) (B) ( ) (simple bracket) (C) { } (curly bracket) (D) [ ] (square
22.Which of the following refer to the starting index value in arrays ?
(A) 1 (B) 0 (C) null (D) All of these
23.In Java, all kinds of error conditions are called what ?
(A) Error (B) Exception (C) Abbreviation (D) Anomaly
24.Which exception class observed when an attempt to access a non existing file ?
(A) NumberFormatException (B) NullPointerException (C) ArithmeticException (D)
25.__ is a computer program that detects, prevents and takes action to remove the malicious
codes like viruses, worms and trojan horses from the infected system ?
(A) Antivirus software (B) Encryption (C) Cryptography (D) Digital certificate
26.In which way of programming, the focus is on writing functions or procedures which
operate on data ?
(A) Object oriented programming (B) Procedural programming C) Query language
(D) All of these
27.In object oriented programming, attributes that describe the object are known as what ?
(A) Object (B) Data Field (C) Method (D) Behaviour
28.What is in the middle section of class diagram ?
(A) Method of class (B) Attributes or properties of the class (C) Behaviour class (D)
Name of the class
29.Which sign is used for ‘Package’ visibility ?
(A) ~ (B) + (C) # (D) –
30.In which feature, object oriented programming allows defining more than one method
having same but different signature in class ?
(A) Aggregation (B) Data abstraction (C) Function or method overloading (D)
31.__method of java.util.Arrays will fill whole or partial array with specified value ?
(A) sort() (B) put() (C) print() (D) fill()
32.int compareTo(String str) method returns which value if invoking string is equal to ‘str’ ?
(A) 0 (B) >0 (C) <0 (D) -1
33.__ methods of string class returns a string after appending ‘str’ with the invoking string ?
(A) char indexAt(int index) (B) byte [] getBytes()
(C) String concat(String str) (D) String append (String str)
34.In Java, if ‘str’ is the object of string class and it’s content is “Thank GOD”, then what is
the value of str.length() ?
(A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 8 (D) 11
35.__of Date class of Java returns a string representing date and time of invoking object ?
(A) long getTime() (B) Date (long elapsedTime)
(C) void setTime(long elapsedTime) (D) String toString()
36.In Java, Calendar class is provided into which package ?
(A) java.date (B) java.calendar (C) java.year(D) java.util
37.In Java, what type of value is returned when we use get method of Calendar class with
the constant DAY_OF_YEAR as an argument ?
(A) int (B) char (C) string (D) Boolean
38.___ refers to an error condition in Object Oriented programming terminology ?
(A) Anomaly (B) Abbreviation (C) Exception(D) Deviation
39.In Java, wliich exception class is used when there is an attempt to divide any number by 0

(A) ArraylndexOutOfBoundException (B) ArithmeticException

(C) NumberFormatException (D) NullPointerException
40.In exception handling of Java, which block is always executed before the program ends ?
(A) try (B) catch (C) finally (D) throw
41.In Java, ___ block handles or takes appropriate action when an exception occurs ?
(A) try (B) catch (C) throws (D) handles
42.___ elements are not included in try block ?
(A) the keyword try (B) the keyword catch
(C) the curly bracket (D) statement that might cause exceptions
43.In Java, which keyword is used to explicitly throw an exception object ?
(A) try (B) catch (C) finally (D) throw
44.The data hierarchy occurs in ___ order from the smallest to largest piece of data ?
(A) file : character : field : record (B) file : character : record : field
(C) character : field : file : record (D) character : field : record : file
45.___ is an example of binary extension ?
(A) .txt (B) .java (C) .jpeg (D) .c
46.In Java, ___ class returns the name of files and directories in a directory ?
(A) String[ ] list() (B) boolean isFile()
(C) String getName() (D) String getPath()
47.In Java, read() method of FileReader class returns which value to indicate the end of
stream ?
(A) 0 (B) -1 (C) 1 (D) e
48.In Java, which method of Scanner class returns true of there is a token in input ?
(A) next() (B) boolean hasNext() (C) intnextint()(D) String nextLine()
49.In Java, ___ class provides a – method for reading password ?
(A) Console (B) FileOutputStream (C) FilelnputStream (D) Scanner
50.In LaTeX, optioned arguments are written into which brackets ?
(A) [ ](B) { } (C) ( )(D) < >
51.___ is a reserved character of LaTeX ?
(A) % (B) + (C) – (D) =
52.In LaTeX, ___ document class is used for writing individual articles ?
(A) book (B) slides (C) letter (D) article
53.In LaTeX, which command is used to insert a break in line ?
(A) # (B) ? (C) \\ (D) $
54.In LaTeX, ___ operation is used for superscript ?
(A) – (B) < (C) > (D) ^
55.In LaTeX, which environments displayes mathematical content inline with the text ?
(A) displaymath (B) math (C) equation (D) text
56.In VLC media player, which menu – option is used to convert multimedia files from one
format to another ?
(A) File → Converter (B) Media → Converter / Save
(C) View → Converter / Save (D) Edit → Converter
57.Which program is used to enter Unicode characters into any application ?
(A) Character Map (B) Character Insert
(C) Character Input (D) Character File
58.___ is a free software environment for statistical computing ?
(A) Mathematica (B) Matlab (C) ‘R’ Software(D) MS Excel
59.In ‘R’ software, which command is used for viewing some demonstrations ?
(A) disp() (B) demo() (C) view() (D) helpview()
60.___ are different variants of Rational Plan ?
(A) Single, Multi, Viewer (B) Singular, Multiple
(C) View, Preview (D) Server, Client
61.___is the tag used to implement form element in HTML ?
(A) <form>…</form> (B) <form>…<form> (C) </form>…</form>(D) <ffm>
62.Which of the following method sends the data as a block through the HTTP transaction
63.Which of the following element allows multi¬line text input in HTML ?
(A) textarea(B) input (C) select and option (D) form
64.Which of the following is a free open source web development IDE ?
(A) HTML (B) KompoZer (C) SciTE (D) Base
65.In KompoZer, which of the following menu- option is used to view different toolbars and
statusbar ?
(A) Show/Hide (B) Edit → Show (C) View → Show/Hide (D) Insert → Show
66.Which keyboard shortcut is used to close the site manager pane in KompoZer ?
(A) F1 (B) F9 (C) F2 (D) F10
67.In KompoZer, which of the following menu- option is used to insert label ?
(A) Tools → Define label (B) Edit → Form Define label
(C) Insert → Form Define label (D) File → Define label
68.Which of the following menu-option is used to create selection list option in KompoZer
(A) Edit → Selection List (B) File → Selection List
(C) Insert → List (D) Form → Selection List
69.Which of the following allows specifying styles for the visual elements of the website ?
(A) Cascading Style Sheets (B) Webpage (C) Form(D) Animation
70.Which of the following are two main parts of CSS rule ?
(A) Selector, Declaration (B) Select, Declaration
(C) Selector, Declare (D) Selection, Declaration
71.Which of the following symbol signifies the start and end of a JavaScript block ?
(A) semicolon (B) square bracket (C) curly bracket (D) round bracket
72.Which of the following is a container for storing data in JavaScript ?
(A) Variable (B) Integer (C) Event (D) Event handler
73.In KompoZer, which tabs are available on the right side of CSS Style Sheets dialog box ?
(A) General, Text (B) Background, Box (C) Borders, Lists (D) All
74.Which of the following toolbar contains CSS button in KompoZer ?
(A) Menu bar (B) Toolbar -1 (C) Composition Toolbar(D) Format
75.Which of the following company has developed JavaScript scripting language ?
(A) Microsoft (B) Sun Microsystem (C) Oracle (D) Netscape
76.Which built-in function takes the text and displays it in an alert box in JavaScript ?
(A) display( ) (B) alert( ) (C) message( ) (D) submit( )
77.In JavaScript, which event occurs when user leaves a page ?
(A) focus (B) unload (C) abort (D) blur
78.Which of the following is the most important object in the browser object model ?
(A) document (B) history (C) location (D) link
79.Which of the following helps in promoting the business, selling the products and
attracting a large number of customers ?
(A) Website (B) Webpage (C) Form (D) CSS
80.Which of the following information should a website contain ?
(A) Complete, Relevant (B) Complete, Irrelevant
(C) Incomplete, Irrelevant (D) Incomplete, Relevant
81.Which of the following is the first page that opens when the user enters the URL address
in the address bar of the browser ?
(A) Home page (B) Last page (C) Web page (D) First page
82.Which menu-option is used to change color of the text in KompoZer ?
(A) Insert → Color(B) Change Color (C) View(D) Format → Text Color
83.Which menu-option is used to create link in KompoZer ?
(A) File → Link (B) Edit → Link (C) Tools → Hyperlink (D) Insert → Link
84.__ inbuilt JavaScript function data can be converted into number ?
(A) isnumber ( ) (B) parseFloat( ) (C) perse( ) (D) convertNumber( )
85.Which of the following languages are supported by Aptana Studio IDE ?
(A) HTML, CSS (B) Ruby, Rails (C) PHP, Python (D) All of these
86.Which website is used to download Blue Griffon HTML editor ?
(A) www.bluegriffon.org (B) www.bluegriffon.com
(C) www.griffon.org (D) www.griffon.com
87.Which of the following is a feature of traditional commerce ?
(A) Operates within a certain period of time or during business hours
(B) Advertising of the product is done electronically
(C) E-payments systems are used for receiving payment
(D) Customer can browse through products and offers
88.Which of the following is a disadvantage of E-commerce ?
(A) Privacy (B) Improved Customer Service
(C) Speed (D) Conduct business 24 × 7
89.Which of the following is a feature of E-commerce ?
(A) Operates within a certain period of time or during business hours
(B) No sharing of information with competitors
(C) Location renting or purchasing
(D) Advertising of the product is done electronically
90.Which of the following is a popular website for online auction ?
(A) www.gseb.org (B) www.flipkart.com
(C) www.ebay.com (D) www.axisbank.com
91.Which of the following statement is true for services provided by Online Banking ?
(i) Customer can check account balance at any time
(ii) Customer can deposit cash using online banking
(iii) Customer can transfer the money from one account to another
(A) only (ii) and (iii)
(B) only (i) and (iii)
(C) only (i) and (ii)
(D) (i), (ii) and (iii)
92.Which E-commerce business model refers to business and organisations that sells
products or services to customers over the internet using websites ?
(A) Business to Consumer (B2C) (B) Business to Business (B2B)
(C) Customer to Customer (C2C) (D) Government to Business (G2B)
93.Which of the following is an example of Business to Business (B2B) model website ?
(A) www.commodity.com (B) www.tradeindia.com
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of the above
94.Which of the following refers to buying and selling of goods or services through the use
of internet enabled wireless devices ?
(A) Internet (B) M-Commerce (C) M-Banking (D) www
95.Which of the following is the transformation of encrypted text back into normal text ?
(A) Firewall (B) Digital Certificate (C) Decryption (D) Vims
96.Which of the following is the symbol for trademark ?
(A) TM, MT and © (B) TM, MS and ® (C) TM, SM and ®(D) TM, SM and ©
97.Which is the most accurate in determining a mobile device’s position ?
(A) Website (B) SSL (C) TCP/IP (D) GPS
98.Which of the following is used for securing web transactions on the internet ?
99.Which is the most popular and widely accepted method of payment on internet ?
(A) Credit Card (B) Debit Card (C) Internet Banking (D) All of these
100. Which of the following is provided using encapsulation ?
(A) Data protection (B) Data sharing
(C) Separation of data and methods (D) All of these

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