• Let
If φ=0 then v1 and v2 are said to be in phase; they reach their minima
and maxima at exactly the same time.
1. Find the amplitude, phase, period, and
frequency of the sinusoid
• Calculate the phase angle between v1 = -10 cos(ωt + 50) and
v2= 12 sin(ωt + 10).State which sinusoid is leading.
v2 leads v1 by 30⁰
• A phasor is a complex number that represents the
amplitude and phase of a sinusoid.
• A complex number z can be written in rectangular
form as
8.944 sin(10t + 93.43) V
4.472 sin(10t + 3.43) A.
3. Find the input impedance of the circuit in Fig. Assume that
the circuit operates at ω=50 rad/s
4. Find the input impedance of the circuit in Fig. Assume that
the circuit operates at ω=10 rad/s
4. Determine V0(t)in the circuit of Fig
Nodal Analysis
• Find ix in the circuit of Fig using nodal analysis.
Super node
For mesh 2