Obstacles to Early Diagnosis and Treatment of
Obstacles to Early Diagnosis and Treatment of
Obstacles to Early Diagnosis and Treatment of
Giancarlo Castaman Abstract: Von Willebrand disease (VWD), the most common inherited bleeding disorder,
Silvia Linari is highly heterogeneous, and its early diagnosis may be difficult, especially for mild cases
and in qualitative von Willebrand factor (VWF) defects. Appropriate VWD diagnosis
Center for Bleeding Disorders and
Coagulation, Department of Oncology, requires the combination of personal and/or family history of bleeding and abnormal
For personal use only.
Careggi University Hospital, Florence, VWF laboratory testing. The use of bleeding assessment tools has been helpful in
standardizing bleeding history collection and quantification of bleeding symptoms to
select patients who may benefit of further hemostatic testing. Type 1 and 3 VWD
which represent quantitative VWD variants are relatively easy to diagnose. The diagnosis
of type 2 VWD requires multiple assessments to evaluate the effects induced by the
responsible abnormality on the heterogeneous functions of VWF. Sensitive and reprodu
cible tests are needed to evaluate different VWF activities, starting from measuring
VWF-platelet interaction. In the recent years, several increasingly sensitive, rapid and
automated assays have been developed, but they are not widely available so far. Genetic
testing for VWD diagnosis is not a common practice because VWF gene is very large
and highly polymorphic and therefore it is used only in specific cases. It is evident that
the early and correct VWD diagnosis allows optimal management of bleeding and
situations at risk. Tranexamic acid, desmopressin, replacement therapy with plasma-
derived concentrates with a variable content of VWF and FVIII, or the new recombinant
VWF are the different therapeutic options available. Careful VWD classification guides
treatment because desmopressin is widely used in type 1 while replacement therapy is the
cornerstone of treatment for type 2 and 3 variants.
Keywords: von Willebrand disease, von Willebrand factor, bleeding history, laboratory
assays, desmopressin, replacement therapy
Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is the most common inherited bleeding disorder,
characterized by an extreme variability of clinical manifestations and laboratory
phenotypes. The clinical spectrum varies from subjects with dubious, mild symp
toms to patients with spontaneous, severe, sometimes life-threatening bleeds. Due
Correspondence: Giancarlo Castaman
Center for Bleeding Disorders and to the complexities of clinical and laboratory assessment, the diagnosis can be
Coagulation, Department of Oncology, difficult, especially in mild forms, so that the disease may be under-diagnosed also
Careggi University Hospital, Largo
G. Brambilla 3, Florence, 50134, Italy among symptomatic patients.
Tel +39 055 7947587 In this paper, we analyze the actual obstacles to early diagnosis and subsequent
Fax +39 055 7947794
Email giancarlo.castaman@unifi.it treatment of VWD.
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Table 1 Classification of Von Willebrand Disease or replacing missing VWF with plasma-derived (pd) coa
Quantitative Deficiency of VWF gulation factor concentrates containing FVIII and VWF.
Type 1 Partial quantitative deficiency of VWF- autosomal DDAVP (1-deamino-8-D-arginine-vasopressin) is
dominant transmission (~60–70% of all cases) a synthetic analog of the antidiuretic hormone
Type 3 Virtually complete deficiency of VWF - autosomal vasopressin18,19 which can be given by intravenous, sub
recessive transmission (~ 1–2% of all cases)
cutaneous, or intra-nasal route. In responsive patients,
Qualitative Deficiency of VWF a peak of the released FVIII and VWF > 50 U/dL is
Type 2 Qualitative deficiency of VWF (~ 25–30% of all cases) usually obtained 60 minutes after its administration.
Type 2A Qualitative variants with decreased platelet-dependent
Usually, 0.3 µg/kg is used for intravenous or subcutaneous
function associated with the absence of high and
administration, and 300 µg in adults and 150 µg in chil
intermediate-molecular–weight VWF multimers
Type 2B Qualitative variants with increased affinity for platelet dren with intranasal spray. DDAVP is cheap and carries no
GpIb risk of viral transmission; however, progressive reduction
Type 2M Qualitative variants with decreased platelet-dependent in magnitude of response (tachyphylaxis) is observed after
function not caused by the absence of high- repeated closely spaced doses due to the cellular depletion
molecular–weight VWF multimers
of VWF/FVIII. DDAVP is mostly efficacious in patients
Type 2N Qualitative variants with markedly decreased affinity
with type 1 VWD with normal VWF content in cells and
baseline VWF and FVIII levels >10 U/dL.20 In type 2B,
Note: Adapted with permission from Sadler JE, Budde U, Eikenboom JC, et al.
Update on the pathophysiology and classification of von Willebrand disease: a DDAVP causes a transient occurrence or aggravation of
report of the subcommittee on von Willebrand factor. J Thromb Haemost. thrombocytopenia and is considered contraindicated21
while heterogeneous patterns are observed in other type
2 varieties.14,22 Type 3 patients do not show any significant
Typically, type 2A is caused by mutations resulting in increase post-administration.
a decreased binding to platelets caused by the absence of Plasma-derived VWF-FVIII (pd-VWF/FVIII) concen
significant reduction of high and intermediate-molecular- trates are the treatment of choice when DDAVP is not
weight VWF multimers and. In type 2B, the mutant VWF useful.14,22 Several intermediate and high-purity pd-VWF
shows an increased affinity for GpIb on platelet surface, /FVIII concentrates are available (Table 2). All these con
which induces a rapid clearance of VWF. Type 2M is centrates proved effective and safe in VWD although they
characterized by a decreased in or absent binding to have different VWF and FVIII content and show variable
GpIb, with an apparently intact VWF multimer structure. lack of high molecular weight (HMW) multimers.23 There
Type 2N (Normandy) VWF presents variable binding abil are several national or international guidelines on the
ity for FVIII with a shortened FVIII half-life. Most type 2 dosages to be used according to different clinical
are usually inherited as a dominant trait with high pene situations.14,24,25 A significant accumulation of FVIII
trance and expressivity apart from type 2N which is trans may occur after repeated infusions of pd-VWF/FVIII
mitted in a recessive manner. since FVIII endogenously synthesized is stabilized by the
infused VWF thus adding to that exogenously
VWD Treatment provided.26,27 This phenomenon may lead to the risk of
The correction of the dual hemostatic defect represents the deep vein thrombosis or cardiovascular complications,
aim of treatment in VWD. Bleeding history together with especially if other pro-thrombotic risk factors are
FVIII and VWF and levels in plasma allow to define the present.28 Thus, daily monitoring of FVIII:C to maintain
bleeding risk in each patient. When FVIII level is greater plasma levels below 150 U/dL is recommended to prevent
than 40–50 U/dL, the risk of serious bleeding is limited thrombotic risk especially during major surgery. Also,
and tranexamic acid alone may allow to control most a pd-VWF high purity concentrate containing little FVIII
minor bleeds. In patients with a more severe defect or (Wilfactin ®; LBF, Les Ulis, France) could be chosen in
VWF as in qualitative variants, VWF and FVIII plasma patients with mild FVIII reduction. In this case, the co-
levels must be corrected to allow for effective hemostasis. administration of a priming dose of FVIII is recommended
The available therapeutic strategies are based on increas in patients with basal FVIII:C levels <30 U/dL, when
ing VWF and FVIII by releasing VWF from stores in immediate hemostasis is required, since 6–8 hours are
endothelial cells triggered with desmopressin (DDAVP) necessary for endogenous FVIII to reach levels higher
Alphanate Grifols Heparin ligand chromatography S/D + dry heat (80°, 72h) 0.47 ± 0.1 0.91 ± 0.2
Fanhdi Grifols Heparin ligand chromatography S/D + dry heat (80°, 72h) 0.47 ± 0.1 1.04 ± 0.1
Haemate P CSL Behring Multiple precipitation Pasteurization (60°, 10h) 0.59 ± 0.1 2.45 ± 0.3
Immunate Baxter Ion exchange chromatography S/D + vapor heat (60°, 10h) 0.47 1.1
Wilate Octapharma Ion exchange + size exclusion S/D + dry heat (100°, 2h) – 0.9
Veyvondi/ Shire/ Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line None 1.16 ± 0.25 >100
VonVendi Takeda co-expressing the VWF and FVIII genes,
in absence of any animal or other human
plasma proteins; purified by immune-
affinity chromatography
Abbreviations: VWF, von Willebrand factor; RCo, ristocetin co-factor; Ag, antigen; FVIII, factor VIII; S/D, solvent/detergent.
than 50–60 U/dL after infusion.29 Recently, a human individuals than in those with other blood groups.35 Subjects
recombinant VWF (r-VWF) Vonicog alpha has been pro with blood group 0 show a VWF accelerated clearance36 and
duced by using a genetically engineered Chinese Hamster an enhanced ADAMTS13-mediated proteolysis.37 Thus,
Ovary (CHO) cell line co-expressing VWF and FVIII low VWF level alone does not suggest the presence of
genes and purified by immune-affinity chromatography VWD and the cut-off for the diagnosis especially in type 1
and approved in some countries.30 Vonicog alpha is is still discussed.38 However, it has been proposed as
a >99% pure r-VWF molecule with the full range of a diagnostic threshold the presence of VWF level <30 U/
VWF multimers because ADAMTS13 is not present dur dL14,24 because an increased risk of bleeding is evident39
ing the manufacturing process. Therefore, also the ultra- and the chance of detecting a causative mutation is very
large multimers (ULMs) are present, which are the most high.40 Subjects with levels between 30 and 50 U/dL may
active forms,31 similarly to those observed after release in represent a difficult challenge.41,42 These subjects, and espe
plasma from Weibel-Palade bodies of endothelial cells. cially the females, may have increased bleeding scores, but
These ULMs are however rapidly cleaved by ADAMTS- inconsistent linkage to VWF locus and mutations identified
13 when infused for treatment. Several studies in VWD roughly in 50% only and they have mostly blood group
patients have demonstrated the efficacy and safety for 0.41,42 The category “Low VWF” has been designed for
treating spontaneous bleeding and during surgery.32–34 these very frequent individuals.41 From the therapeutic
Two Phase III studies are assessing its safety and efficacy point of view, these patients can be safely and effectively
in children and for prophylaxis. managed by using antifibrinolytics and/or DDAVP.43
Therefore, the definite diagnosis of VWD requires the
VWD Diagnosis combination of personal history of bleeding, family history
The diagnosis of VWD may be complex, especially in mild of bleeding or diagnosed VWD and abnormal laboratory
form, due to the extreme clinical variability, the difficult testing for VWD.
standardization of diagnostic tests, the presence of physio
logical and pathological variables influencing the plasma Bleeding Assessment Tools
level of VWF. VWF plasma levels vary with age, increase Mild bleeding events may frequently occur also in subjects
during pregnancy, physical activity, inflammation, infections without a specific bleeding disorder. Furthermore, report
and cancer. Furthermore, plasma VWF levels are influenced ing and interpreting bleeding episodes may be subjective.
by blood group with VWF levels 25–30% lower in type-0 The development of bleeding assessment tools (BATs) has
allowed to standardize bleeding history collection and to complex not only for the number of tests that may be
assign a quantitative score to bleeding symptoms.44 These necessary, but also for the poor reproducibility for some
questionnaires generate a cumulative score of different of them. Furthermore, some tests are still limited to a few
bleeding symptoms according to their severity and fre selected laboratories.
quency. The ISTH-BAT is designed for both pediatric VWF:Ag measurement is usually carried out with auto
and adult subjects and it evaluates 12 different bleeding mated ELISA or latex immunoassays (LIA).49 Although
symptoms, scoring from −1 (eg, no bleeding after invasive these tests have a high reproducibility, they are of limited
procedures) to +4 (eg, blood transfusion required after value for type 2 VWD in which sometimes they could be
invasive procedures) according to the presence and sever normal and must be used with other functional assays.
ity of a specific symptom. An ISTH-BAT score ≥3 in VWF:RCo activity is the time-honored assay for asses
children, ≥4 in males, ≥6 in females is considered positive sing the interaction of VWF with its platelet GpIb receptor.
for the presence of a significant bleeding history.45 BAT is Ristocetin induces a conformational change in VWF, thus
an important mean to gather a detailed and standardized exposing the A1 domain which binds to GpIb and pro
bleeding history thus selecting patients requiring addi duces platelet agglutination proportional to the function of
tional hemostatic evaluation.46 VWF. A VWF:RCo/VWF:Ag ratio <0.6 suggests the pre
sence of a qualitatively abnormal VWF (type 2 VWD).24
Laboratory Testing for VWD However, traditional VWF:RCo assays using normal fresh
Among the hemostatic screening tests, the aPTT (activated or formalin-fixed platelets have low inter-laboratories
partial thromboplastin time) and PFA-100 (Platelet reproducibility,50 high coefficient of variation and poor
Function Analyzer) may be used as an initial screen for sensitivity for very low VWF values. The optimal ristoce
possible VWD patients. However, the aPTT may be pro tin concentration may be another limitation of the test,51 as
longed only in those patients in whom FVIII plasma level well as also the erroneous low levels in presence with p.
is reduced (Type 3 or Type 2N VWD). The PFA-100 P1467S and p.D1472H VWF polymorphisms.52
mimicks in vivo primary hemostasis after small vessel The search for assays with less variability and
wall injury and has a high sensitivity (90%) when VWF increased sensitivity than VWF:RCo has prompted the
is significantly reduced (<20–25 U/dL) and thus most development of new tests. VWF:GPIbR uses recombinant
patients with type 2 are also identified.47 However, PFA- GPIbα fragments (rGPIb) adhered to microparticles, elim
100 is normal in type 2N and in many patients with VWF inating the use of whole platelets.53 Instead, VWF:GPIbM
levels only slightly reduced. Furthermore, a complete uses recombinant GPIbα fragments containing two gain-of
blood count is also required to assess the presence of -function variants to induce spontaneous binding of VWF
thrombocytopenia which may suggest type 2B VWD. without ristocetin,54 but introducing a non-physiologic
The appropriate VWD diagnosis is based on several mutant GPIb receptor. Both assays have an excellent coef
laboratory assays, which explore the different functions of ficient of variation, a more sensitive lower limit of detec
VWF14 (Table 3). Laboratory testing for VWD initially tion, and excellent correlation with VWF:RCo,55 besides
includes VWF antigen determination (VWF:Ag), a VWF- not being affected by some common VWF variants.56
platelet binding test, usually VWF-ristocetin cofactor FVIII:C assay must also be performed because VWF is
activity assay (VWF:RCo) or less widely used newer the carrier for FVIII and usually a reduction of VWF
tests (VWF:GPIbM, VWF:GPIbR), and the measurement causes also a variable reduction of FVIII. FVIII:C/VWF:
of coagulant activity of FVIII (FVIII:C). Ag ratio is around 1 in normal subjects while in type 2N it
Type 1 and 3 VWD are characterized by equally low or is decreased (<0.5). In type 3 patients, FVIII:C is typically
absent VWF:Ag and VWF-platelet binding activity. The <10 U/dL.
qualitative type 2 variants require additional tests to make The VWF multimer pattern analysis is useful to identify
an appropriate diagnosis, like VWF:collagen binding type 2 cases, although the traditional procedure with agarose
activity (VWF:CB), platelet-rich plasma agglutination at gel electrophoresis is technically difficult and time
different ristocetin concentrations (RIPA), VWF-FVIII consuming.57 Recently a semiautomated rapid, and sensitive
binding (VWF:FVIIIB) and VWF propeptide (VWFpp). method58 has been made available. All size multimers are
The assessment of VWF multimer pattern may be also present in Type 1 VWD, although reduced in concentration,
needed.48 VWD laboratory diagnosis can therefore be while they are absent in type 3. The absence of HMW
FVIII:C Low or normal Low or normal Low or Normal or low Low Low (<10
normal U/dL)
VWF:Ag Low (<50 U/ Low or normal Low or Normal or low Normal or Very low
dL) normal low (<3 U/dL)
VWF:RCo Low,rarely Low (<30 U/dL) Low,rarely Low or normal Normal or Very low
VWF:GPIbR normal normal low (<3 IU/dL)
VWF:CB Low,rarely Very low (<15 U/dL) Low (<40 Low or normal Normal or Very low
normal U/dL) low (<3 U/dL)
VWF:RCo/ Normal (>0.7) Low (<0.7) Low (<0.7) Low or normal Normal Variable
VWF:Ag ratio (>0.7)
RIPA using Reduced or Reduced or normal Increased Reduced or normal Normal Absent
patient normal
VWF Normal Large to Large Normal VWF multimer distribution Normal Multimers
multimer pattern, VWF intermediate multimers (but with possible abnormal bands) absent
pattern reduced multimers lacking missing
multimers is observed in type 2A and 2B VWD, while VWF:CB is usually tested by an ELISA but recently an
a normal pattern is present in type 2M and 2N.59 automated and rapid chemiluminescence method has become
VWF:CB measures the VWF ability to bind to exposed available.61 Typically, a mixture of type I or type III collagen
collagen at the site of vascular injury. This ability correlates is used because it increases specificity.62 The A3 VWF
with the presence of HMW multimers, and patients with type domain binds type I and type III collagen, while the A1
2A or 2B VWD have reduced VWF:CB.60 In Type 1, VWF: domain binds type IV and type VI collagen, but assays testing
CB/VWF:Ag ratio is approximately 1, while a VWF:CB/ this latter interaction are not widely available.63
VWF:Ag ratio <0.6 suggests the deficiency of HMW multi The VWF-platelet binding assessed in platelet-rich-
mers as in type 2A or more rarely a specific collagen binding plasma at different ristocetin concentrations (RIPA) may
defect without loss of HMW multimers. The ratio is normal help in distinguishing type 2B from type 2A because in
in type 2 M which has a normal VWF multimer pattern. type 2 B (and platelet-type VWD) platelet aggregation
occurs even at low-dose ristocetin concentration gene and the time required. Furthermore, VWF is highly
(≤0.6 mg/m).14 polymorphic.14,66 Therefore, it is used in specific cases,
The VWF-FVIII binding (VWF:FVIIIB) test is where it may have implications for diagnosis, patient’s
required to diagnose type 2N, characterized by an abnor management or counseling.14 Genetic testing in type 1
mal VWF-FVIII binding.64 The ELISA microplate assay VWD is poorly informative, because an average of 62%
explores the capacity of patient’s plasma VWF to bind to of subjects shows a sequence variant in VWF gene. In
recombinant FVIII. particular, when VWF is <30 U/dL, the detection rate of
The VWF propeptide (VWFpp) is in a 1:1 ratio with identifiable sequence variants is around 80%67 and in
VWF in plasma.65 Its measurement is used as a surrogate patients with VWF:Ag >30 U/dL, mutations in VWF
marker of VWF synthesis and secretion. An increased gene are not consistently identified.40,68 Mutations are
VWFpp/VWF:Ag ratio identifies those patients with more detectable in type 2 and type 3 VWD. Mutations
a shortened VWF half-life from plasma, commonly causing type 2A usually are located in A2 domain, near
referred as Type 1 C (clearance), like the Vicenza variant. the site of ADAMTS13 cleavage, or in the N or C terminal
VWFpp/VWF:Ag ratio is usually slightly elevated multimerization domains.69 In type 2B and 2M, mutations
increased in type 2A and 2B. The assay is still not widely are mainly identified in the A1 domain and in type 2N
performed. mutations are located in the VWF D’ and D3 domains.
Finally, genetic analysis for VWD diagnosis is not Identifying mutations responsible for type 2 B rule out the
common practice because of the large size of the VWF possible diagnosis of platelet-type VWD. Identifying
Figure 1 Algorithm for laboratory diagnosis of von Willebrand disease, modified with permission of Nancy International Ltd Subsidiary AME Publishing Company, from Von
Willebrand disease in the United States: perspective from the Zimmerman program, Flood VH, Abshire TC, Christopherson PA, et al, volume 3, 2018]; permission
conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.54
mutations responsible for type 2 N is helpful to exclude This algorithm starts with the evaluation of bleeding his
the possible diagnosis of mild/moderate hemophilia tory in the patient and take advantage of the different
A. Mutations responsible for type 1 and 3 are scattered laboratory assays used in different steps for a possible
over the entire VWF gene. In type 3 VWD, genetic ana diagnosis of VWD (Figure 1).
lysis may help to determine the risk of alloantibodies When not all laboratory assays are available for
development with possible anaphylactic reactions upon a definitive VWD diagnosis, minimal diagnostic criteria
treatment, a complication more common in presence of may be considered an increased BS and VWF:RCo <40 U/
homozygous large gene deletions.70 The online ISTH dL. Based on the significance of these two criteria, an
VWF database includes most of the mutations and poly adequate VWD management may be provided
morphisms so far identified (http://www.vwf.group.shef. (Figure 2).72
Diagnostic Flow-Chart and VWD is a common inherited bleeding disorder; however,
Therapeutic Management its early diagnosis still may be complex. Several reasons
VWD is a frequent and very heterogeneous bleeding dis are responsible for these diagnostic and consequently ther
order. Bleeding severity increases from type 1 to 3 and apeutic difficulties. The first difficulty lies in understand
treatment differs. Several laboratory assays are available to ing the significance of the reported bleeding. Mild
properly diagnose VWD. In clinical practice, a flow-chart bleeding symptoms may occur also in normal subjects
can be very useful to support a laboratory diagnosis.71 and interpretation of hemorrhagic events erratic. For this
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