In India, the law in relation to marriage and divorce for a Hindu, Sikh, Jain or
Buddhist is codified and governed under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955; in case of a
Muslim by their Personal laws recognized under the Muslim Personal Law
1939. For the Christians, the marriage and divorce are governed under the Indian
Christian Marriage Act, 1872 and the Divorce Act, 1869 respectively. Apart from
personal laws, the Special Marriage Act, 1954 which is a secular law and allows
parties of different religion & castes to be married, governs these matters in relation
to those parties.
Divorce under the Hindu personal law is recognized under the Hindu Marriage Act,
1955 which applies as per Section 2 of the Act to any person who is a Hindu by
religion in any of its forms or developments, to any person who is a Buddhist, Jain or
Sikh by religion, to any other person domiciled in the territories to which this Act
Section 13 of the Act provides for the dissolution of the marriage or divorce, for
which either spouse can file an application before the appropriate court for granting a
decree. The grounds which are available under the provision are:
• The spouse had voluntary sexual intercourse with any other person.
• Has deserted the partner for a continuous period of not less than two years.
• Has not been heard alive for a period of seven years or more.
There are two grounds that are based on the 'break-down' theory of divorce which
• That there is no restitution of conjugal rights for a period of one year or upwards
There are then some specific grounds which are available to a wife who may
• That the husband already married to another woman, who was alive at the time the
• Divorce can also be sought by the wife if the husband is guilty of rape, bestiality or
• Where a decree for maintenance was passed in favour of the wife and there is no
• Where the marriage of the wife took place when she was below the age of 15 years
(consummated or not), and where she repudiated the marriage before attaining the
of 18 years.
Section 13-B provides for divorce by mutual consent where both the parties living
separately for a period of one or more years, present a petition for divorce on the
ground that they have not been able to live together and therefore agreed mutually to
The Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937, under Section 2 states
where the parties are Muslims will be governed by the Shariat or the Muslim
Personal Law. Further, the dissolution of marriage for a party that is a Muslim can be
Divorce by husband
the wife. Now it is being abolished. It was a form of divorce only available to the
husband by which he can sever ties with his wife without the intervention of any court
or without seeking prior approval of the wife. Every husband who has attained
puberty and is of sound mind can talaq his wife. There are no grounds or conditions
for pronouncing talaq and is an arbitrary act based on the whims & fancies of the
Under different schools of Muslim law, some additional conditions may or may not be
applicable. Such as under Hanafi law the pronouncement of talaq under coercion,
compulsion, fraud, and voluntary intoxication etc. is valid whereas under other
schools, the same is not applicable and the consent of the husband at the time of
pronouncing talaq must be free. The talaq operates from the day it was pronounced
and the words used therein must be clear & not ambiguous. The Sunni sect does not
prescribe any formalities for the talaq whereas the Shia sect insists that it be
Talaq further can be in a revocable form or irrevocable form also known as Talaq-ul-
form of divorce which is further categorized into Talaq Ahsan and Talaq Hasan.
of the schools except Sunnis. It is also popularly known as triple talaq which was
Union of India, (AIR 2017 SC 4609). Soon after the judgment, the parliament
enacted The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019 wherein
any declaration of Talaq by the Muslim husband is supposed to be void and illegal.
The Act also provides for stringent punishment in case of any violation of
The divorce by a Muslim wife is recognized under the personal law by the Muslim
The first form of divorce available to the wife is called Khula which is a divorce
purchased by the woman from her husband; where compensation is paid by the wife
to the husband from her property in order to dissolve the marriage. When this form of
divorce is affected all the rights of spouses are extinguished and only the right of
maintenance during the period of iddat is available apart from any right expressly
The second form of divorce is ila which in literal terms means an oath. In law, it
means that, when a husband takes an oath that he will not have sexual intercourse
with his wife for four months or above on the expiry of four months after making ila, if
the husband has abstained from sexual intercourse during this period, the marriage
The third type of divorce available is in the form of Zihar. It is available when the
husband compares the wife with his female relations who are in the prohibited
degree of relationship such as his mother. The same is recognized under the Shariat
Fourthly a divorce can be affected by the wife if the husband accuses her of adultery.
If the accusation levelled by the husband against her is not proved, it gives her a
The divorce by mutual consent is known as Mubaraat which means to release from
each other mutually. It is a form of divorce where both the spouses agree to severe
Judicial divorce
After the enactment of the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939, a Muslim
woman has a right to get a divorce through the courts in India on the grounds
Judicial separation
In certain cases, a Muslim wife is entitled to seek judicial separation such as in case
of impotency of the husband, cruelty by the husband rendering it unsafe for her to
live in the dominion of the husband if the marriage was irregular and on the failure of
the husband to perform marital obligations imposed upon him by the contract
of marriage, etc.
A person professing Christian religion can get a divorce under the Divorce Act, 1869.
The act is applicable if one of the parties to the marriage is a Christian and the
marriage can be dissolved by bypassing a decree by the court under the Act.
The grounds provided by the Act for dissolution of a marriage under Section 10 are
as follows:
4. Where the respondent is suffering from a virulent and incurable form of leprosy for
6. Where the respondent has not been heard alive for a period of seven years or
8. Where decree of restitution of conjugal rights was passed, the respondent failed to
9. The respondent deserted the respondent for a period of two years or more.
10. Where it is harmful for the petitioner to live with the spouse on account of cruelty
11. A wife can seek divorce in case the husband is guilty of rape, sodomy or
The parties to the marriage can also file a petition together for seeking divorce by
mutual consent under Section 10-8 on the ground that they have mutually agreed to
divorce after living separately for a period of two years or more and have not been
The Special Marriage Act, 1954 provides for the marriage of parties irrespective of
the religion, faith or caste etc. followed by either of the parties. Similarly, the divorce
by the parties who got married under the act is also governed by the same
enactment. The grounds for divorce are mostly similar to those under the Hindu
Another enactment, the Foreign Marriage Act, 1969, is availed by parties between
whom at least one person is a citizen of India and the marriage takes place in a
foreign country while adhering to the conditions given by this Act. The divorce
between such parties is governed by the provisions of the Special Marriage Act,
The grounds for divorce under the statutory enactments of the Hindu Marriage Act,
1955 and the Special Marriage Act, 1954 are similar. Under both the acts either
spouse can file an application for divorce apart from some specific grounds
Those specific grounds include bigamy, rape, sodomy or bestiality etc. They can also
file an application mutually for a divorce under both Acts. They also recognize in
some cases, the theory of irretrievable breakdown of marriage where even after a
decree for restitution of conjugal rights or judicial separation is passed the couple are
In the case of Muslims, apart from the Personal laws, the Dissolution of Muslim
Marriage Act, 1939 provides for grounds of divorce. The same was enacted since the
Personal law of Sharia is not uniform, unlike the Hindu Personal law which although
didn't provide for divorce since marriage was considered a sacrament, was largely
codified after the independence through statutory enactments. The different schools
under Muslim religion didn't follow a uniform approach and some schools such as the
Hanafi, didn't allow a woman to divorce whereas others such as Maliki allowed
for grounds of divorce to the woman and only on those specified grounds they could
seek divorce unlike men under Muslim Personal law. The grounds available to
Muslim women under the act are conviction of husband for than seven vears. failure
Both under Hindu Personal law or Muslim Personal law, the statutory enactments
have overridden the effects of the customs and usages. The divorce under both
religions is governed as per the statutory enactments which do not recognize any
custom or usage. In case of Muslim Personal Law, the Shariat, as well as the Muslim
Marriage Act, 1955 as well as Special Marriage Act, 1954. In the case of marriage
under the Foreign Marriage Act, 1969 the divorce proceedings are governed as per