1. Study the organizational model of human resource development
encompassing the aspects of human resource development from
orgnisational point of view.
2. Study the role of human resource planning in the development of
integrated plan of an organization.
3. Role of HRM and HRP in extension organizations.
Features of HRM:
The features of human resource management can be highlighted as follows:
1. It is an inherent part of management: Human resource management is
inherent in the process of management. This function is performed by all the
managers throughout the organisation rather that by the personnel department
2. It is a pervasive function: Human Resource Management is a pervasive
function of management. It is performed by all managers at various levels in
the organisation.
3. It is basic to all functional areas: Human Resource Management permeates
all the functional area of management such as production management,
financial management, and marketing management.
4. It is people centered: Human Resource Management is people centered and
is relevant in all types of organisations. It is concerned with all categories of
personnel from top to the bottom of the organisation. The broad classification
of personnel in an industrial enterprise may be as follows: (i) Blue-collar
workers (i.e. those working on machines and engaged in loading, unloading
etc.) and white-collar workers (i.e. clerical employees), (ii) Managerial and
non-managerial personnel, (iii) Professionals (such as Chartered Accountant,
Company Secretary, Lawyer, etc.) and non-professional personnel.
5. It involves Personnel Activities or Functions: Human Resource
Management involves several functions concerned with the management of
people at work. It includes manpower planning, employment, placement,
training, appraisal and compensation of employees.
6. It is a continuous process: Human Resource Management is not a “one shot”
function. It must be performed continuously if the organisational objectives
are to be achieved smoothly.
7. It is based on Human Relations: Human Resource Management is
concerned with the motivation of human resources in the organisation. The
human beings can‘t be dealt with like physical factors of production. Every
person has different needs, perceptions and expectations.
Importance of HRM:
Human Resource Management has a place of great importance. According to
Peter F. Drucker,―The proper or improper use of the different factors of
production depends on the wishes of the human resources. Hence, besides other
resources human resources need more development. Human resources can
increase cooperation but it needs proper and efficient management to guide it.
Importance of personnel management is in reality the importance of labour
functions of personnel department which are indispensable to the management
activity itself. Because of the following reasons human resource management
holds a place of importance.
1. It helps management in the preparation adoption and continuing evolution of
personnel programmes and policies.
2. It supplies skilled workers through scientific selection process.
3. It ensures maximum benefit out of the expenditure on training and
development and appreciates the human assets.
4. It prepares workers according to the changing needs of industry and
5. It motivates workers and upgrades them so as to enable them to accomplish
the organization goals.
6. Through innovation and experimentation in the fields of personnel, it helps in
reducing casts and helps in increasing productivity.
7. It contributes a lot in restoring the industrial harmony and healthy employer-
employee relations.
8. It establishes mechanism for the administration of personnel services that are
delegated to the personnel department.
Functions of HRM:
The main functions of human resource management are classified into two
categories: (a) Managerial Functions and (b) Operative Functions
(a) Managerial Functions: Following are the managerial functions of Human
Resource Management
1. Planning: The planning function of human resource department pertains to
the steps taken in determining in advance personnel requirements, personnel
programmes, policies etc.
2. Organisation: Under organisation, the human resource manager has to
organise the operative functions by designing structure of relationship among
jobs, personnel and physical factors in such a way so as to have maximum
contribution towards organisational objectives.
3. Directing: Directing is concerned with initiation of organised action and
stimulating the people to work.
4. Controlling: It provides basic data for establishing standards, makes job
analysis and performance appraisal, etc.
(b) Operative Functions: The following are the Operative Functions of Human
Resource Management:
1. Procurement of Personnel: It is concerned with the obtaining of the proper
kind and number of personnel necessary to accomplish organisation goals.
2. Development of Personnel: Development has to do with the increase through
training, skill that is necessary for proper job performance. In this process
various techniques of training are used to develop the employees. Framing a
sound promotion policy, determination of the basis of promotion and making
performance appraisal are the elements of personnel development function.
3. Compensation to Personnel: Compensation means determination of
adequate and equitable remuneration of personnel for their contribution to
organisation objectives.
4. Maintaining Good Industrial Relation: Human Resource Management
covers a wide field. It is intended to reduce strifies, promote industrial peace,
provide fair deal to workers and establish industrial democracy.
5. Record Keeping: In record-keeping the personnel manager collects and
maintains information concerned with the staff of the organisation. It is
essential for every organisation because it assists the management in decision
making such as in promotions.
6. Personnel Planning and Evaluation : Under this system different type of
activities are evaluated.
In conclusion, an effective HRM system allows organizations to address human
resource issues strategically. This helps the workforce deliver high quality health
services, despite internal and external challenges to the organization. HRM helps
determine how and where work is done. Human resources management play an
quality and productivity to reach the competitive advantages over competitor and
achieve organization goals and objectives. For gain competitive advantages today
is ability to deal with changing for all business environment; global challenge is a
challenge that organization must both defend their domestic markets from
foreigner competitor and broaden their scope to encompass global market; and for
role of human resources management and its competencies can help organization
design employees work, recruit and select right person for right job, training and
resources management they will not manage their staff at work effective and can
not examine what they will do to make working people more productive and