The word Liberty owes its origin to Latin word “Liber” which
means freedom. Liberty also means free from restraints. It implies
complete freedom to do anything one desire to do. There must not be any
limitation on the individual actions.
”The opposite of over - government” (Seeley) 2. Moral Liberty: Moral liberty is of great importance in the life of
an individual. Moral liberty means freedom to do things according
“The eager maintenance of that atmosphere in which men have the to the dictates of one’s conscience. it is concerned with the
opportunity to be best slave” (Laski) individuals own self.
“Freedom is not the absence of restrain nut rather the substitution of
rational ones for irrational”(M. Kechnic) 3. Political Liberty: Sometimes also called constitutional liberty is
the right of an individual to take part in the affairs of state through
“Liberty is the freedom of individual to express, without external right to vote, right to stands as candidate for election and freedom
hindrance, his personality.” (G.D.H., Cole) of speech, press and meeting. In addition to these, the democratic
state also recognized political liberty i.e., the right to share in the
“Liberty is the positive power of doing and enjoying those things which
govt. of the state. The political liberty involves the following
are worthy of enjoyment and work.” (Gattell)
The above mentioned definitions possess both Negative and a) the right to vote
positive aspects of liberty. Taken together, they emphasis the idea that b) right to contest election
freedom exist not only in the absence of restraint but also in the presence c) the right to criticized the government
of opportunity. d) equal eligibility for government office.