nfectious Pulmonary Diseases
nfectious Pulmonary Diseases
nfectious Pulmonary Diseases
a, b,1
Rachel Rafeq, PharmD *, Lauren A. Igneri, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP
Community-acquired pneumonia Hospital-acquired pneumonia
Ventilator-associated pneumonia Antimicrobial stewardship Allergies
Cross-sensitivity Procalcitonin MRSA nasal screening
Community-acquired pneumonia is most commonly caused by Streptococcus pneumo-
niae and requires various antimicrobial therapy depending on patient disposition and
severity of disease.
Patients with hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated pneumonia are at risk for
multidrug-resistant pathogens, especially following exposure to intravenous antibiotics
within the last 90 days.
Immunocompromised populations may require broader spectrum antimicrobial therapy to
accommodate additional organisms not typically seen in non-immunocompromised
Although guidelines serve as an important source for appropriate treatment of pneumonia,
a shift in emphasizing individualized approaches to antibiotic therapy is needed to
improve patient outcomes.
Pneumonia is a lower respiratory tract infection caused by the inability to clear path-
ogens from the lower airway and alveoli. Cytokines and local inflammatory markers are
released, causing further damage to the lungs through an inflammatory cascade lead-
ing to an accumulation of white blood cells and fluid congestion, leading to pus in the
parenchyma. The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) defines pneumonia
as the presence of new lung infiltrate with other clinical evidence supporting infection,
This article was previously published in Emergency Medicine Clinics 40:3 August 2022.
No commercial or financial conflicts of interest or any funding sources to disclose.
Statement of authorship – both authors contributed equally to this article.
Emergency Medicine, Department of Pharmacy, Cooper University Healthcare, 1 Cooper
Plaza, Camden, NJ 08103, USA; b Critical Care, Department of Pharmacy, Cooper University
Healthcare, 1 Cooper Plaza, Camden, NJ 08103, USA
Author contributed equally to the publication of this article
* Corresponding author.
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2 Rafeq & Igneri
Pathogen Characteristics
Streptococcus Aerobic, gram-positive diplococcus.
pneumonia The most common cause of CAP; however, the incidence has decreased
over the years with the widespread use of pneumococcal vaccine.
Haemophilus Aerobic gram-negative coccobacillus.
influenza Spread person to person via airborne droplets or through direct contact
with respiratory secretions of an infected or colonized individual.
Legionella Atypical pathogen
pneumophila Gram-negative bacilli, classified as an atypical pneumonia.
Implicated in <4% of all CAP cases.
Mycoplasma Atypical pathogen
pneumonia Unlike other bacteria, it does not contain a cell wall rendering beta-lactam
antimicrobial ineffective.
Unable to be gram stained due to the lack of cell wall.
Chlamydia Atypical pathogen
pneumonia Obligate intracellular gram-negative bacteria.
Moraxella Gram-negative diplococcus that commonly produces beta-lactamase,
catarrhalis rendering it mostly resistant to amoxicillin.
Most frequently found as part of normal flora in infants and children but
decreases in adults.
Pseudomonas Implicated in up to 8.3% of severe CAP requiring ICU admissions.
aeruginosa Pseudomonal infection is associated with poorer clinical outcomes and
multidrug resistance.
CAP pathogens include coronaviruses (in 2020, primarily SARS-CoV-2), influ-
enza A, RSV, parainfluenzea, adenovirus, human metapneumovirus, and
The Center for Disease report of 2300 adults hospitalized with CAP showed the
most common identified pathogens were rhinovirus (9%), influenza (6%), and
S pneumoniae (5%). No pathogens were identified in 62% of cases.
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Infectious Pulmonary Diseases 3
Diagnostic Strategies
Microbiologic studies are integral to guiding antimicrobial treatment and vary
depending on whether outpatient or inpatient management is required. In the outpa-
tient setting, pretreatment sputum gram stain, the culture of the lower respiratory se-
cretions, and blood cultures are not recommended.5 However, these studies are
crucial in hospital patients, particularly in patients being managed for severe CAP
or the patients who are empirically treated for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA) or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In addition, these tests should be per-
formed for all patients previously infected with MRSA or Pseudomonas spp., or who
were hospitalized and received intravenous antibiotics in the last 90 days. In patients
with severe CAP, urine Legionella and pneumococcal antigen testing are
The 2019 CAP guidelines address the use of PCT and corticosteroids, which differs
from the prior 2007 guideline. PCT, regardless of level, is not recommended to deter-
mine the need for empiric antibiotic initiation. Instead, clinical criteria and radiograph-
ically confirmed infiltrate should guide the administration of antimicrobials. Although
corticosteroids also are not recommended for routine use, they may be considered
in patients with septic shock (Table 3).5
Therapeutic Options
Antimicrobial treatment is initiated on an empiric basis and in hospitalized
patients may be streamlined once the causative organism is identified (Tables 4
and 5).
The etiology of disease is important for several reasons. As empiric therapy tends to
be broad to cover a wide range of possible pathogens, the culture results will allow
providers to narrow therapy and determine resistance if applicable.
Risk factors for MRSA or P aeruginosa:5
Prior respiratory isolation of MRSA or P aeruginosa
Recent hospitalization plus receipt of parenteral antibiotics in the last 90 days
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4 Rafeq & Igneri
Table 1
Pneumonia severity index
Aspiration Pneumonia
In the new 2019 guidelines, the IDSA/ATS suggest not routinely adding anaerobic
coverage for suspected aspiration pneumonia unless there is suspicion of or known
lung empyema or abscess. Many patients with aspiration pneumonia are found to
have self-limiting symptoms that resolve in 24 to 48 hours and only require supportive
care without the need for antibiotics. Avoidance of unnecessary antimicrobial therapy
has become paramount in light of the growing body of evidence for increased
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Infectious Pulmonary Diseases 5
Table 2
CURB-65 criteria
Score Recommendation
0–1 Low risk; outpatient treatment
2 Moderately severe; short inpatient
hospitalization or closely
supervised outpatient treatment
3–5 Severe pneumonia; hospitalization
required; consider intensive care
unit admission
Antimicrobial Dosing
Although the CAP guidelines provide clear dosing recommendations for some treat-
ment options, dosing ranges are provided for severe infection treatment options to
allow clinicians selection of an optimal dose based on patient-specific characteristics.
A systematic review and meta-analysis by Telles and colleagues evaluated the effi-
cacy of ceftriaxone 1 g versus 2 g daily for the treatment of CAP based on data pooled
from 24 randomized controlled trials. Of note, trials including critically ill patients were
excluded: 12 studies evaluated ceftriaxone 1 g and 12 studies evaluated ceftriaxone
2 g. Comparator regimens show similar efficacy ceftriaxone 1 g daily dosing [OR
Table 3
Severe community-acquired pneumonia criteria5
Severe CAP Is Defined as Having Three or More Minor Criteria OR One Major Criteria
Minor criteria Confusion/disorientation
Hypotension requiring aggressive fluid resuscitation
Hypothermia (core temperature <36 C)
Leukopenia from infection along (ie, not related to chemotherapy)
defined as white blood cell count <4000 cells/mL
Multilobar infiltrates
PaO2/FiO2 ratio 250
Respiratory rate 30 breaths/min
Uremia (blood urea nitrogen level 20 mg/dL)
Major criteria Respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation
Septic shock with the need for vasopressors
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6 Rafeq & Igneri
Table 4
Outpatient community-acquired pneumonia therapeutic options5
1.03 (95% CI [0.88–1.20])], and dosages higher than ceftriaxone 1 g daily did not result
in improved clinical outcomes for CAP (OR 1.02, 95% CI [0.91–1.14]).6
Hasegawa and colleagues supported these findings in their evaluation of ceftriax-
one 1-g versus 2-g daily dosing. A similar rate of clinical cure was seen with ceftriax-
one 1 g (94.6%) versus 2 g (93.1%), risk difference 1.5% (95% CI 3.1–6.0, P 5 .009 for
non-inferiority). These studies prove that ceftriaxone 1 g daily is as safe and effective
as other CAP regimens, including higher ceftriaxone dosing.7 This is important as cli-
nicians look to reduce antimicrobial resistance by minimizing excessive antimicrobial
Treatment Duration
Treatment duration varies based on the resolution of vital sign abnormalities, ability to
eat, and normal mentation. IDSA recommends no less than 5 days of therapy in un-
complicated outpatient CAP, and several meta-analysis studies have demonstrated
successful efficacy with 5 to 7 day treatment durations.5,8–10 Inpatient CAP treatment
should also be not less than 5 days unless MRSA or P aeruginosa is involved, then it is
not less than 7 days.
In patients with complicated CAP, such as those with concurrent meningitis or
endocarditis, 5 to 7 days of treatment is not sufficient, and longer durations are war-
ranted.5 PCT may be a useful biomarker to help guide treatment duration and is dis-
cussed further in the Antimicrobial Stewardship section.
The IDSA, the ATS, and international guidelines define hospital-acquired pneumonia
(HAP) as a nosocomial infection of the lung parenchyma not present at the time of
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Infectious Pulmonary Diseases 7
Table 5
Inpatient community-acquired pneumonia therapeutic options5
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8 Rafeq & Igneri
were seen with the two sampling strategies.13 In addition, noninvasive sampling can
be performed rapidly and avoid delays in the initiation of effective antimicrobial ther-
apy.11 Blood cultures should be obtained for patients with suspected HAP/VAP as
they may provide insight into the severity of illness and direct antimicrobial initiation
and ultimately play a role in determining appropriate definitive therapy.
In general, clinical criteria for pneumonia should guide the initiation of empiric anti-
microbial therapy in HAP/VAP. Although biomarkers such as PCT, c-reactive protein,
or bronchial alveolar fluid soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells
(sTREM-1) have been studied for the initiation of antimicrobial therapy in HAP/VAP,
none have been associated with acceptable sensitivity or specificity for the diagnosis
of HAP/VAP compared with using clinical criteria alone.11
Therapeutic Options
Although prior guidelines differentiated empiric treatment for nosocomial pneumonia
based on the bacteriology of disease onset, early (within 4 days) versus late (5 days
or more), recent literature indicates that patients with the early-onset disease may still
be at risk for MDR pathogens.12 Therefore, risk stratification for MDR organisms should
not be based solely on disease onset. Prior intravenous antibiotic use within the last
90 days is the major risk factor for the development of MDR (eg, MRSA, Pseudomonas
spp., and so forth), VAP (OR 12.3; 95% CI 6.48–23.35), and HAP (OR 5.17; 95% CI 2.11–
12.67).11 In addition, patients with VAP may be at increased risk of MDR pathogens
when infection occurs on hospital day 5 or later or is complicated by septic shock, acute
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), or need for acute renal replacement therapy.11
Empiric antimicrobial therapy selections for HAP and VAP should be stratified based
on patient risk factors for MDR pathogens, as outlined in Tables 6 and 7. Antipseudo-
monal beta-lactam therapy is the cornerstone of nosocomial pneumonia treatment.
Empiric, dual antipseudomonal coverage from different antibiotic classes is indicated
in VAP when the patient has a risk factor for MDR pathogen, greater than 10% of
gram-negative isolates are resistant to the antimicrobial being considered for mono-
therapy or local ICU susceptibilities are unavailable, and in HAP when there is a risk
for MDR pathogen, need for mechanical ventilation, or presence of shock.11 However,
dual antipseudomonal therapy is controversial, and ultimately local sensitivities should
be taken into consideration when determining empiric therapy. Intensivists should
collaborate with antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) to develop local treatment pathways
that are based on the national guidelines but are tailored to local data.14
Anti-MRSA antimicrobials are indicated for patients with HAP or VAP when there is a
risk factor for MDR organisms or if an infection develops in hospital wards whereby
greater than 10% to 20% of Staphylococcus aureus are methicillin-resistant. Other-
wise, empiric treatment for HAP or VAP should target methicillin-sensitive S aureus.11
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Table 6
Empiric antimicrobial therapy for hospital-acquired pneumonia11
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Linezolid may increase the risk of serotonin syndrome when given with serotonergic
medications (eg, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, serotonin–norepinephrine re-
uptake inhibitors, serotonin receptor agonists, tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine
oxidase inhibitors, and opioid medications.)11 If linezolid is chosen as either empiric
or definitive therapy for HAP/VAP, careful screening for other serotonergic medica-
tions is needed. Temporary cessation of concurrent serotonergic medications may
be needed if linezolid remains the preferred anti-MRSA therapy.
Pharmacokinetic (PK)-optimized/pharmacodynamic (PD)-optimized antimicrobial
dosing should be used when treating serious infections. As antipseudomonal beta-
lactam therapy is the backbone of nosocomial pneumonia treatment, the time-free
drug concentrations are above the minimum inhibitory concentration (fT > MIC)
must be enhanced. Critically ill patients with altered hemodynamics and organ func-
tion may benefit from the use of prolonged or continuous infusion dosing strategies
and the emerging practice of beta-lactam TDM to ensure PK/PD goals are
met.11,14,16 In addition, vancomycin dosing and monitoring strategies have shifted
to targeting an area under the curve to a MIC ratio of 400.17 Future nosocomial pneu-
monia guidelines should be updated to reflect recommended vancomycin PD targets.
Definitive Therapy
Culture data revealing antimicrobial susceptibility testing should guide definitive antimi-
crobial therapy. In general, empiric regimens should be de-escalated to the most narrow
spectrum agent covering the pathogen to avoid complications, such as Clostridioides
difficile infection.14 However, in cases whereby pathogens express expanded-
spectrum beta-lactamases or carbapenem resistance, antimicrobial therapy should
be targeted to treat these organisms.11 Patients with pneumonia secondary to MDR
gram-negative bacilli only sensitive to aminoglycosides or colistin may benefit from
the initiation of inhaled antimicrobial therapy in addition to IV systemic therapy.11
Treatment Duration
Historically, HAP/VAP were treated for long durations up to 2 weeks, but updated ev-
idence demonstrates that 7 days of therapy is suitable for most patients.11 One pivotal
clinical trial showed that 8 days of VAP treatment was non-inferior to 15 days in that
there was no significant difference in mortality (18.8% vs 17.2%, difference 1.6%,
90% CI -3.7%–6.9%) or recurrent infection (28.9% vs 26.0%, difference 2.9%, 90%
CI -3.2%–9.1%), but increased mean SD antimicrobial-free days in the 8 days group
(13.1 7.4 vs 8.7 5.2, P<.001).18 However, a subgroup of patients with non-lactose
fermenting pathogens (eg, P aeruginosa) had a higher rate of recurrent infections,
which was confirmed in one meta-analysis.18,19 Updated meta-analyses of HAP/
VAP treatment duration did not show a significant difference in recurrent infections
with shorter courses regardless of the causative pathogen.11,20
Ultimately, clinical criteria should guide HAP/VAP resolution and antimicrobial
discontinuation. Select populations may require an individualized duration of treat-
ment, including those with severe immunocompromised state, initially treated with
inappropriate antibiotic therapy or highly resistant pathogens, including P aeruginosa
or carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae or Acinetobacter spp.12
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12 Rafeq & Igneri
Table 8
Pathogen-directed therapy for immunocompromised patients21
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Infectious Pulmonary Diseases 13
PCT is a precursor hormone of calcitonin that is upregulated by cytokines released in
response to bacterial infections. With a half-life of 25 to 30 hours, a rapid rise in PCT
levels is seen within 6 to 12 hours of bacterial insult which decline as the infection re-
solves. Although PCT was first approved by the FDA in 2005 as a diagnostic aid for
sepsis, it has proven useful as a tool for antimicrobial de-escalation.24
Numerous randomized studies have examined whether PCT-based algorithms can
assist clinicians in deciding whether to start or stop antimicrobial therapy without
adversely impacting patients through delayed antimicrobial therapy or inadequate
treatment courses.24 Efficacy has been demonstrated in adult patients with suspected
respiratory infections. Improving antibiotic use in these scenarios carries the potential
for important clinical benefit as respiratory infections are the most common indication
for antibiotics in hospitalized patients, and antibiotic use is most prevalent in the ICU.
A systematic review and meta-analysis by Lam and colleagues evaluated PCT-
guided antibiotic cessation (using PCT drop of 50%–90% from baseline with an abso-
lute value <0.5–1 mcg/L) compared with standard of care in adult critically ill patients
was associated with a decrease in 30-day mortality, RR 0.87 (95% CI 0.77–0.98,
P 5 .02). However, there was no decrease in short-term mortality when PCT was
used for either initiation or initiation and cessation of antibiotics.25 In addition, they
demonstrated that PCT-guided cessation of antibiotics was associated with a signif-
icant decrease in antibiotic durations. This finding was confirmed in another meta-
analysis, which showed that PCT-guided cessation was associated with a mean anti-
biotic duration of 7.35 days versus 8.85 days in the control arm 1.49 days (95% CI
-2.27–0.71, P<.001).26
Overall, serial evaluation of PCT in patients with sepsis is associated with signifi-
cantly reduced 30-day mortality and may allow for a 1 to 3 day shorter duration of anti-
microbial therapy with no apparent compromise in clinical outcomes. Of note, there
are limitations with PCT as false positives and false negatives may be seen in some
patient populations (Table 9).24
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14 Rafeq & Igneri
Table 9
Common causes of false-positive and false-negative procalcitonin results
False-Positive False-Negative
Burns Abscesses
Circulatory shock Empyema
Inhalation injury Mediastinitis
Severe trauma
likely to remain positive in patients already receiving antibiotic therapy than culture
regardless of bacterial viability.28
Anti-MRSA therapy is often prescribed empirically for pneumonia in critically ill pa-
tients and de-escalated if MRSA is not isolated in a sputum or blood culture. However,
there may be challenges with obtaining adequate respiratory cultures that may result
in longer durations of broad-spectrum antimicrobial use, especially in non-intubated
patients. Respiratory samples obtained after receipt of empiric antimicrobial therapy
may have a lower yield in identifying a causative pathogen and also result in prolonged
empiric regimens. Therefore, non-culture-based testing is an important tool for AMS
de-escalation strategies.
Several studies have demonstrated high negative predictive values (NPV) of MRSA
nares screening for MRSA pneumonia. One study out of the Veterans Affairs system
evaluated MRSA nares colonization screening at admission and transfer and data
from 561,325 cultures to determine NPV of MRSA screening in determination of sub-
sequent positive MRSA culture. Overall, the NPV of MRSA nares screening for ruling
out MRSA infection at any site of infection was 96.5% and 96.1% for respiratory infec-
tions.29 A systematic review and meta-analysis confirmed a high NPV (96.5%) in
Overall, MRSA nares screening has a high specificity and NPV for ruling out MRSA
pneumonia. Although many studies used protocols to screen for MRSA in the nares at
ICU admission, with some repeating the screening weekly, Mallidi and colleagues
demonstrated the NPV remained high (98%) even when using nares screens from
within 60 days of hospital admission, indicating MRSA nares screening from a recent
hospital admission may successfully guide empiric antimicrobial therapy in the ED and
ICU settings.31 When nares screening is negative for MRSA, it is reasonable to with-
hold or rapidly de-escalate anti-MRSA antimicrobial therapy.
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Infectious Pulmonary Diseases 15
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16 Rafeq & Igneri
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