The Titanic Sinking
The Titanic Sinking
The Titanic Sinking
The RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner that, at the time of its launch in
1912, was the largest and most luxurious ship ever built. It was heralded as
“unsinkable” due to its advanced design, including watertight compartments that
were thought to ensure the ship’s safety. The Titanic's maiden voyage, from
Southampton to New York, began on April 10, 1912. On April 14, after four days at
sea, the ship collided with an iceberg off the coast of Newfoundland. Despite
efforts to avoid the iceberg, the Titanic’s hull was breached, flooding several
With insufficient lifeboats on board for the number of passengers, chaos ensued
as the ship began to sink. Over 1,500 passengers and crew perished, making it one
of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in history. Among the victims were
many wealthy and notable individuals, as well as hundreds of lower-class
immigrants traveling to America. The sinking of the Titanic had a profound impact
on maritime safety regulations, leading to new laws requiring enough lifeboats for
all passengers, improved ice patrols, and better management of communication
between ships. The story of the Titanic has remained a symbol of human hubris,
the fragility of life, and the impact of technology on society.