IEIs john
IEIs john
IEIs john
• Agriculture Gross Value Added (GVA): As per the provisional estimates of Annual
National Income released by Central Statistics Office (CSO), Ministry of Statistics
& Programme Implementation, the agriculture and allied sectors contributed
approx 17.8% of India’s GVA at current prices, during 2019-20, marginally
higher than 17.7% in 2015-19.
• The industrial sector is equally vital, since it promotes
▪ Economic growth,
▪ Provides self-sufficiency and employment,
▪ Generates demand for agricultural commodities and produces a ‘ripple
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• IIP : The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) measures the change in volume of
production in a given year (base year 2010-11).
• It is an index reflecting growth in the broad sectors of mining, manufacturing and
electricity and also the growth in use-based sectors of basic goods, capital goods
and intermediate goods.
• Calculated by the National Statistical Office which also calculates the Index of
Core Industries (ICI).
8 Core industries:
• Refinery
• Products
• Electricity,
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• Steel,
• Coal,
• Crude oil,
• Natural gas,
• Cement
• Fertilisers.
• The sector produces ‘intangible or invisible goods’ for businesses as well as
consumers, Trade, repairs, hotels & restaurants, transport, storage,
communication & broadcasting services, railways, road transport, water
transport, air transport, services incidental to transport, storage, financial, real
estate, and professional services are all sub-sectors of the services sector.
• Financial services, real estate, property ownership, and professional
services, communal, social, and personal services, government administration
and defence, and other services are all a part of the services.
• The services sector’s proportion has increased from 33% in 1950 to 53% in
• As per Government of India publication, chapter 9 of Union Budget 2019-20 –
▪ “The services sector accounts for 54% of India’s Gross Value Added (GVA).
▪ Its growth rate moderated to 7.5% in 2018-19 from 8.1% in 2017- 18.
▪ The segments that saw deceleration are tourism, trade, hotels, transport,
communication and services related to broadcasting, public administration and
▪ Financial, real estate and professional services category accelerated.
▪ An important finding is that India’s services sector does not generate jobs in
proportion to its share in GVA.
▪ Foreign Tourist: 2017-18 : 10.4 million
▪ 2018-19 : 10.6 million
▪ Foreign exchange earnings from tourism in India
▪ 2017-18: US$28.7 billion
▪ 2018-19: US$27.7 billion
▪ Many of the high frequency indicators, such as bank credit to services sector,
decelerated in 2018-19.
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▪ However, the IT-BPM industry grew by 8.4% in 2017-18 (US$167 bn) & is
estimated to have reached US$181 bn in 2018-19”.
As per the findings of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
(MoSPI), in the year 2019-20
• As per the World Investment Report 2021 by the UN Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD), India in 2020 was the 5th largest recipient of FDI.
• India has made a global impact by being amongst the top ten service exporter
• India’s and Indians dominance in Software is globally respected. Of the total net
Service Exports, about 40% pertains to Software.
Employment Growth Rate In Secondary Sector
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• Cement, steel, bricks, tiles, sand, aggregates, fixtures, fillings, paints & chemicals,
construction equipment, petro-products, timber, mineral products, metal, glass,
and plastics are all important components of the construction industry.
• The Indian construction sector is an important element of the economy, and it is
positioned for strong expansion as a result of industrialisation, urbanisation,
and economic development, as well as people’s aspirations of higher living
• The construction industry employs over 31 million people and accounting for
around 8% of total employment.
• A sunrise sector is one that is still in its infancy, but has the potential for
significant growth.
▪ strong growth rates,
▪ a high degree of innovation,
▪ a high level of public awareness, with investors attracted to its long-term
growth prospects.
Existing Indian industries that may be categorised as Sunrise sectors are likely to
benefit the economy in terms of job creation and business growth, in the future.
▪ Green Energy,
▪ Fintech, Information Technology,
▪ Electronics,
▪ Pharmaceuticals,
▪ Automobiles,
▪ Healthcare,
▪ Infrastructure Sector,
▪ Retail Sector,
▪ Processing Plants,
▪ and other emerging sectors of the Indian economy
• Organised Sector : where the job terms are fixed and regular, and the
employees are guaranteed work and social security
▪ Comprises : Manufacturing, enterprise, business, school, hospital, and
unit registered with the government.
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Governed by Various acts like Factories Act, Not governed by any act.
Bonus Act, PF Act, Minimum
Wages Act etc.
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Contribution to Yes No
Provident fund by
the employer
• Planning is the skill of reaching any sort of objective utilising the resources at
Types Of Planning
• Depending on the goal, planning may be categorised into several types.
• Territorial standpoint: Planning may be regional or national.
• Political standpoint: Federal, state, or local.
• Participation : Centralised or decentralised planning
• Temporal standpoint: long-term or short-term.
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Regional Planning:
• 1st country : US in 1916
• It was a huge success in achieving its well-defined goals.
• Planning is implemented at the regional level and is targeted to a wide
geographical area (i.e., a region consisting of rural and/or urban communities),
guaranteeing optimal space utilisation and human activity distribution.
Objectives Of Economic Planning In India
In India, the primary goals of planning are not only broad, but also open-ended.
However, the following are some of the broad objectives of planning in India.
• Economic Growth: It aims for a sustainable growth in the economy’s output levels.
Sustained growth in economic output, is one of the primary goals of planning in India.
• Poverty Alleviation: One of the goals of Indian planning is to alleviate poverty. Several
programmes aimed at alleviating poverty have been introduced in India, by all
governments, till date.
• Employment Generation: Fundamental goals of planning has been to reduce
unemployment. Employment generation in India has therefore been an integral aspect
of poverty alleviation programmed in India.
• Social justice and reducing the inequalities: Economic disparities have far-reaching
negative consequences in any society, and there were visible economic inequalities in
India at both the interpersonal and intra-personal levels. By the time India started
planning, economic planning was widely acknowledged, as a technique for addressing
all types of economic inequities and injustices.
• Self-reliant economy: Self-reliance was characterised as an endeavor, to combat a
subservient position in the global economy, not as autarchy.
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