d30 Swampcrawl b1 revised

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D30 Swampcrawl Encounters This table gives general nature, hostility and idea of
encounter. For example lawful or good monster might not
& Random Locations Table have bad intentions when chaotic or evil healing
mushroom might have really nasty side effects. Be
creative. Can be used with both tables 2 and 3.
Version 1
Written by Thaumiel Nerub (2014) d3 Nature
cryptofrabies.blogspot.com for: 1 Lawful or Good
2 Neutral
David Brawley's challenge hosted at: 3 Chaotic or Evil
This set of tables is for use with swamp
areas for random encounters, monsters and D10 table for random swamp wandering monsters,
creatures and men.
locations. Use as stand alone when you feel
like it or as a tool with swamp hexcrawl! d10 Creatures
1 Giant Spitter Frog
Have fun! 2 Merchants
Compatibility: Old-school rules and simulacrum games 3 Lost Swamp Children
with HD, AC etc. 4 Swamp Treant
5 Swamp Spawns
Instruction: To use this set of tables efficiently you
need to have a 30-sided-die (d30). It can generate you 6 Carnivorous Swamp Tea
three different ranges of numbers: 7 Yuck Fish
8 Mosquito Soldiers
a. 1–3, as d3 (1-10 = 1; 11-20 = 2; 21 – 30 = 3)
b. 1-10 as d10 (just drop the 10s digit, so 3, 12, 23 are 3; 9 Rolling Snake
10, 20, 30 are 10 etc.) 10 Witch Of The Swamp
c. 1-30 unmodified
1. GIANT SPITTER FROG is an ugly, bloated and disfigured infected. Loose 1 CON per day. If CON reaches 0
dark green mass size of a pony. There is nothing in the the victim dies. Some serious medication is
world what resembles this creature, but frog is quite needed to get rid of the parasites. When cured, 1
close. Its only purpose seems to be to just stay there and CON point is gained back per week.
spit nasty slime on by-passers. When at 0 HP it explodes
spreading vile smelly intestines all around the place in 2. MERCHANTS. No one wants to be in these swamps for fun
30ft. radius. and there is no one to sell items to. Well, except you dear
Adventurers. So lucky we met here in the middle of
HD 3+2; AC: 9 (11); Attacks 1 (spit); Damage: special; Save nowhere. Are you interested in...
F2; Morale 12; # of appearing 1 (50%) or 2d4 (50%).
Stats as normal 0-level men. 3 bodyguards are 1st level
Spit: Save or: Fighters. # of appearing 2d4.
1d3 Result
1 Puke slime for 3d6 rounds. The cramps are so bad 3. LOST SWAMP CHILDREN lurk the swamps. No one knows
you cannot do anything but suffer and gack. where their parents are, but rumors tell evil swamp
Every round you puke there's 1 in 3 change that spirits lure and manipulate children to eat their
you loose 1 HP because the cramps really are parents and move into this swamp. When Lost Swamp
killing you. Children grow up they turn into evil swamp spirits. This
is how the story goes anyways.
2 That spit is like glue. All movement and They avoid contact and will keep distance still being
maneuvering actions are 50% harder than curious. They will only fight if there is no other
normally. Must be washed off. If the glue-spit solutions. They prefer running. They are extremely agile
has been on a victim for 6 or more rounds it in swamp environment and outrun anyone easily.
starts to work it's way through the armor and And they are cannibals.
clothes and burn the skin. 1 round for clothing,
2 for lighter armor, 3 for heavier armor to get HD 1; AC 7 (13), Attack 1 (improvised weapon); Damage 1d4;
through. Save Halfling 1; # of appearing 1d6 (roll 6s again and
When in contact with skin 1 HP per round is lost add).
because of the irritation. The locations this
stuff burns are permanently swamp green for now 4. SWAMP TREANT is like its cousin, Treant, a mobile
on. -1 CHA. intelligent tree-like creature. Swamp Treant has dark
3 The spit is just that but there's some nasty bark, moss growing all over and long poisonous vines
parasites within. The parasites start to crawl swinging around. Their intelligence is not of men, but
and find new intestines to conquer. They try to of swamp.
crawl through eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth.
Save to avoid parasites. If failed, then you are HD 10; AC 3; Attacks 3d6 (poisonous vines); Damage 1d6 per
vine + poison; Save M-U 14; # of appearing 1 (5% change 2).
Save or blood is thinned. Suffer additional 2 points of
Poisons effect lasts for 20-CON days. Save to avoid. damage from sharp attacks for as many rounds as Save
1d3 Result roll failed.
1 Eyesight is lost. 7. YUCK FISH. Small slimy and ugly seven eyed fish living
2 Hearing is lost. in swamp ponds that emit gas bubbles from the bottom
sludge. These fish adsorb these gasses and in self defense
3 Touch is lost. excretes it. Yuck Fish eyes are a delicacy and expensive.
HD ½ (1 HP); AC 3 (17); Attacks 2 (bite and gasses); Damage 1
5. SWAMP SPAWNS. Rarely those spawned from spawning and special; Save F1; # of appearing 1d30×10
pools stray too long from their moist birth pits, but
sometimes they do. Weird mutated creatures with idiotic Gasses: Gas covers 10ft. Radius, lasts 4 rounds and
intentions. Might be anything from aggressive to everyone suffers different symptoms (1d10):
curious to even friendly. Randomly decide things (legs, 1d10 Result
arms, tentacles, heads, eyes, what ever) and roll d30 for
everything (decide do you use it as d3, d10 or d30). HD 1 Burns eyes, hard to breath. Extremely
usually is 1-3 but in rare occasions it might be even 10 uncomfortable. -4 penalty (or 20%) to all
for those Swamp Spawns melted together into a weird actions. Duration as long as in gas or 1d6
chaotic mass of creatures. Attacks usually are swing rounds after exiting gas cloud.
extensions or bite. 2 Horrible hallucinations. Every round 1 in 6
They worship The Swamp Lord Who Created Us. Small weird change to hit a fellow because thinks the
shrines crafted from bones, branches and stones can be fellow is a demon instead. 1% change the
found near swamp spawning pools. hallucinations are permanent.
6. CARNIVOROUS SWAMP TEA. From far looks like an 3 Lungs fill with it and victim starts to
ordinary swamp tea plant, but is a size of a man. levitate 1ft. above the ground. Hard to
Intelligent as predator animals and hunts in packs. It's maneuver (-2 penalty or 10%).
leaves are razor sharp and it uses them to sprinkle blood 4 All hair (including body hair) falls off. For
with slashes. The blood drops it saturates from the someone this might be devastating.
ground and on its body to feed itself. In the middle of
the flower there is one eye. Favorite diet is men (human, 5 Items start to rust. 1 round to react for this
elf, dwarf, halfling, etc.). or items are ruined (basically try to get
items out of the cloud).
HD 3; AC 6 (14); Attack 2 (razor sharp leaves) or 1 (eye-ray); 6 Skin starts to melt starting with burning
Damage 3d3 or special; Save F4; # of appearing 4d4 feeling. If not dipped in water (or other wet)
suffer 1d6 and 1 CON damage per round until
Special: Shoots ray from its single eye. The target must at 0 HP you die or 2 CON you are skinless and 0
CON you die.
9. ROLLING SNAKE. Because of all the creatures eating
7 It replaces all oxygen. Everyone except the snakes (rats, moles, cranes, giant frogs...) some snakes in
fish around start choke. hazardous areas for get rolled and packed together. If
8 Mosquitos really love the gas and gather there are 1000 snakes in a thick roll change of an
around eating everything in the cloud. -2 to individual being eaten is smaller. They can even move
rolls (10% penalty) and loose 1 HP every slowly in a roll. These snake packs are only temporary,
round. Also extremely annoying. but can be encountered sometimes. Extremely vicious. Use
9 Gas penetrates flesh tainting it. Roll a snake venoms and bite rules of your favorite rules book.
permanent mutation from a chart of your When Rolling Snake's HP reaches zero all the snakes flee
choice! in different directions.
10 This gas is toxic! Roll twice, combine and HD 6; AC 9; Attacks as many as in reach; Damage bite (as
double effects. normal snake bite xd30) and poison (as in your rules);
Save F1; # of appearing 1 roll
8. MOSQUITO SOLDIERS. 6ft. tall armed mosquito soldiers
walking on four are patrolling the area. Their spear 10. WITCH OF THE SWAMP. Witch of the swamp is a weird
ends are hollow and with small hooks around. A tube is in lady. She can imitate any creature she has ever seen and
the other end leading to their proboscis. This is how usually does observing unnoticed. She prefers mice,
they feed while they fight. Their armor is of black snakes and birds but may also be a big beast when trying
unknown shiny material. Behave more like soldier ants to protect area around her hut. She has many potions and
than mosquitos, but can fly. recipes for different conditions you can catch in this
swamp. Not much is known of this lady. (Have fun making
HD 9; AC: 1 (19); Attacks 1 (spear), Damage 1d8 and special; Witch Of The Swamp your own!)
Save F2; # of appearing 4 + 1d6.

Special: When an attack is successful the spear is

attached to the victim. Mosquito soldier drinks 1d3
blood and 1d3 (temporary, get 1 per day back) CON per
round. Also wiggles the spear making additional 1d6
normal damage automatically.
Roll 1d30 under your STR score to remove the spear tip
and loose 1 point of CON doing it.

Black armor: Not suitable for other beings but

astonishing Dwarven blacksmith can modify it to suit
people. Extra light (no encumbering) and AC 2.
TABLE 3. RANDOM ENCOUNTERS & LOCATIONS 6. Witch Hut. Like the Witch Of The Swamp already is your
creation, so should be her hut. But there should be all
Roll 1d30 for random swamp locations. You might fill kinds of medicines for different conditions you can
your swamp hex map beforehand or use this as random catch in the swamp. (Listen to the band Acid Witch for
encounter table for every new hex entered. What ever inspiration, especially Witchtanic Hellucinations
rocks your boat. album!).

1. Spawning pond of Giant Spitter Frogs. The croaking of 7. Weird rock formations can be found around the swamp.
dozens of (1d10×5) Giant Spitter Frogs can be heard When sun is set and sky is dark they start to glow. Around
thousands of feet away. These are more likely aggressive midnight Mi-Go fly there and start to do weird space
than randomly encountered ones. (Table 2 Entry 1 for insect rituals. Better not get caught or your brain might
creature). end up in a jar!

2. Village of Lost Swamp Children. Village of 1d3×5 weird 8. Old ruins. Old ruins are always full of danger, traps,
children. The village is built: and many treasures. Add a random cool ruin/dungeons map
here and stock it with random rolls. Old ruins are
1d3 Result totally random and weird. And if you survive, those pay
1 On weird crooked swamp treetops. well.
2 Caves in rock formation.
9. River. Rivers are nice, they always lead out. There's
3 At pond on floating platforms. also fresh water (if you don't mind leeches, mosquito eggs
(Table 2 Entry 3). and nasty things like that). Alligators can be a problem.
Also weird half-human half ape (make up yourself) men of
3. Spawning pool of the Swamp Spawn. Nuff' said. Lots of the swamp clan live around the river bend (1 in 3 change
weird creatures around. LOTS of them. At least d30×100. right here!).
(Table 2 Entry 5).
10. Alien artifact from the times before this location
4. A pond. Nice and refreshing, unless in 2 in 3 change it was a swamp. Look around. Imagine how to make an ancient
is not nice and refreshing and the water is bubbly of gas alien artifact of the first item to catch your eyes. Be
and smelly and there are Yucky Fish. (Table 2 Entry 7). wild, creative, what ever comes first in your mind
should work as long as it is cool.
5. Mosquito Soldier HQ. Black large monolith like tower
made of weird black material. Mosquito soldiers are 11. Rough terrain extremely hard to proceed. Also when
heavily patrolling the area. Intruders are captured and you start, it's impossible to find your way back. The
taken to their god-queen... (Table 2 Entry 8). swamp feels like living around you. No matter what you
do it takes at least one day (1d3) to get out. Camping will
be extremely uncomfortable – and dangerous.
are a mixed chaos of rats, snakes, insects flying and
12. Corpse Lights. Nice flickering lights what lead you crawling and some unrecognizable weird beasts.
to bog eye.
20. Someone actually lives here, and he is a weirdo! Make
13. Hell's toilet. You have heard stories where snakes up a weird dude/dudette.
crawl out of toilet seats in apartments? This is hell
version of it. Instead of toilet seat this is a wet hole on 21. Bog eye to Anotherswamp. If someone steps on this bog
the ground. Instead of pet snakes here crawl demons. eye it sucks him in. Beyond the bog eye is Anotherswamp.
Like this swamp, but nice, sunny, warm, smells nice with
14. Flickering sky. In this area sky is flickering like it flowers, butterflies instead of mosquitos. Unicorns and
is a thunderstorm, but there is no sound. elflings. Opposite of the nasty swamp character was
seconds ago. But as the swamp is opposite now so is the
15. Nothing. No sound, no movement, no smell, no colors. rest of the world. But how can you get back now, as the
Nothing except dead still swamp. And a feel that opposite bog eye obviously doesn't suck you in?
”something” is watching you.
22. Temple of The Swamp Lord Who Created Us and many
16. Hanging tree. There is no reason why in the swamp swamp spawns worshiping it. Deep within the temple
there should even be a hanging tree, but there it is. 9 there is a tunnel what leads to The Swamp Lord Who
skeletons are hanging from the dry branches. In dusk the Created Us.
skeletons wake alive and start dancing their struggle to
get free. They never success. 23. Voodoo dolls everywhere. It seems that where ever you
lay your eyes on this location, there's a weird voodoo
17. Zombies. Every nasty location, for example a swamp, doll. At some point the Adventurers will encounter
needs walking and wandering corpses. Make them extra voodoo dolls what resemble them. Better be careful with
nasty, rotten and smelly. those, you know how these dolls work? What happens to
them happens to you too!
18. Escapee from a prison. Exhausted and lost. Would
appreciate any help. Will pay, because knows where he 24. Dinosaurs! Yes, you heard it, dinosaurs:
has hid treasure in the swamp. 1d10 Result
1 Tiny running. Might bite (1 in 3 change).
19. A nest of swarming critters. Swarm does 1d3 HP direct
damage per turn. With successful attack against AC 7 the 2 3d8 small vegetarian, will flee.
swarm looses 1 HP per attack. When suffered 15 HP of 3 3d4 small carnivorous, might attack if hungry.
damage dispatches. Every round victims must Save or
suffer fever. In fever maximum HP is ½ of normal max HP 4 3d6 medium eating plants.
for CON – 20 days (minimum of 1 day). Swarming critters 5 3d6 medium hunters.
6 2d3 big eating plants. 3 Blue
7 1d3 big carnivorous. 4 Orange
8 1d4 huge vegetarians, watch your toes! They 5 Purple
don't watch their steps. 6 Green
9 1-2 huge carnivorous. Better run or hide! 7 Black
10 Roll twice, results interact. 8 White
(I suggest to get 1e “manual of monsters (MM) for dinos!) 9 Transparent
10 Multi-colored. Roll twice!
25. Mushrooms. Roll these tables to find out what:
Size: Mushroom effects last 2d6 hours:
1d4 Result 1d30 Result
1 Small (size of a finger tip). 1 Nausea (-2 to all saving rolls).
2 Medium (fits in palm). 2 Trippy-hippy (+2 Wis, +2 Initiative, -2 Int).
3 Big (needs two hands to carry). 3 Shrinking (reduce size one category).
4 Gigantic (must cut pieces of it). 4 Growth (increase size one category).
5 Stomach discomfort (-1 Con, -2 Cha).
1d4 Result 6 Poisoning (-1 HP per 10 mins).
1 Round 7 Healing (+ 1d30 HP).
2 Flat top 8 Change color (roll Color table to see your new
skin color).
3 Tube
9 Hair growth (add 10ft. to all body hair).
4 Sponge
10 Slippery skin (-2 grapple for enemies, being
barefoot or naked could bring problems in
Color: stairs and other situations).
1d10 Result
11 Dragon barf (1d6 fireball damage 10ft. cone).
1 Red
12 Good odor (sweat smells like flowers, +1 Cha).
2 Yellow
13 Bad odor (swampsweat -1 Cha).
14 Nimble (+2 Dex). looks like one from the party. He god guy! He must be
15 Tiredness (-2 Attributes and Initiative).
16 Sharpen senses (sense based rolls roll twice, 28. Earthquakes shatter the ground making new ditches
choose better). and bog eyes. Moving rivers and crashing trees.
17 Slooooow motion (everything takes twice as Earthquake itself is very dangerous and after it the
long to perform). landscape has changed.
18 Weakness (carry capability halved). 29. Undead dragon what was slain in this swamp, now
19 Sickness (-5 Con). keeping it as its home and sanctuary. Doesn't like
disturbance. Will negotiate to get treasures. Shiny
20 Mighty (+5 Str). items are what it likes.
21 Magical wisdom trip (learn 1 random spell).
22 Mutation (use your favorite random mutation 30. Farm animal gotten lost. In the bog eye there's
table). drowning a:
1d6 Result
23 Paralyze (cannot move at all).
1 Duck
24 Turn to stone (forever until dispelled).
2 Goat
25 Mute.
3 Pig
26 Shrink head (Int, Wis, Cha all -2).
4 Cow
27 See dead people.
5 Lamb
28 Turn into zombie like.
6 Horse
29 Be one with the swamp.
30 Roll twice, combine.

26. Weird vegetation. Nothing anyone has ever seen. Also

the critters are weird. There might be something worth
to study, if someone is into brewing potions – or quick

27. Village Of The Ape-men. Half ape and half men they
think Adventurers are gods. The village is simple and
huts not very cozy. In the middle is a rough totem what

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