FAR Mcqs
FAR Mcqs
FAR Mcqs
It is the assets held for sale in the ordinary course of production for such sale or in the form be
consumed in the production process business.
A. Finished goods
B. Goods in process
C. Raw materials
D. Manufacturing materials
A. Trading merchandizing
B. Merchandise inventory
C. Inventories
D. Business inventory
A. Cost of purchase
B. Cost of conversion
C. other cost incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition
D. All of the Above
6. A trading concern is one that buys and sells goods in the same form?
A. Purchased
B. Buyer
C. Seller
D. Owner
7. The _____ of inventories includes cost directly related to the units of production such as direct labor.
A. Inventories
B. Classes of inventories
C. Cost of purchase
D. Cost of conversion
9. A ______ concern in one that buys goods which are altered or converted into another form before
they are made altered of available for sale.
A. Business concern
B. Partnership concern
C. Manufacturing concern
D. Trading concern
10. A ______ is one that buys and sells goods in the same form purchased.
A. Business concern
B. Partnership concern
C. Manufacturing concern
D. Trading concern
11. It is included in the cost of inventories only to the extent that it is incurred in bringing the inventories
to their present location and condition.
A. Other Cost
B. Cost of service
C. Cost of Inventories
D. Cost of Manufacturing
12. The following costs are excluded from the cost of inventories and recognized as expenses in the
period when incurred:
13. The _____ consists primarily of the labor and other costs of personnel directly engaged in providing
the service.
14. Cost formula expressly provides that the cost of inventories shall be determined by using either:
A. First in, first in B. First out, first out C. First in, first out D. None of the Above
15. First in, first out (FIFO) the FIFO method assumes that?
16. Labor and other costs relating to sales and general administrative personnel are not included but are
recognized as expenses in the period in which they incurred.
17. The _____ is thus expressed in terms of recent or new prices while the cost of goods sold is
representative of earlier or old prices.
A. Business
B. Owners
C. Inventory
D. Seller
18. Such _______ cost is then multiplied by the units on hand to derive the inventory value.
A. Total cost
B. Weighted Average unit cost
C. Inventory cost
D. Labor Cost
19. The LIFO method assumes that the goods last purchased are first sold and not consequently the
goods remaining in the inventory at the end of the period are those first purchased or produced?
A. Yes!
B. No!
C. Next question please!
D. All of the Above is correct!
20. The ____ means that specific costs are attributed to identified items of inventory.
A. Cost of purchase
B. Classes of inventories
C. Specific identification
D. Cost of conversion
21. The measurement of inventory at the LCNRV lower of cost and net realizable value is known as?
22. The cost of inventory is determined using either? FIFO cost or average cost.
24. Which the cost of inventories may not be recoverable under the following circumstances
25. The estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated cost of completion
and the estimated cost of disposal.
A. Inventory Method
B. Allowance Method
C. Strategic Method
D. Accounting Method
29. Allowance method the inventory is recorded at cost and any loss on inventory writedown is
accounted for separately, Namely the two accounts
30. The allowance method is used in order that the effects of writedown and reversal of writedown can
A. Skeptical
B. Clearly identified
C. Not transparent
D. None of the Above