V K Krishna Menons UN Speech Excerpts-Part 1

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Bullet points of V K Krishna Menon s speech at UN Security Council s 762nd meeting on 23/1/1957 Part -1 (Historical facts & important

V K Krishna Menon begins his speech by stating that The Government of India has given consideration to the statement made by the Foreign Minister of Pakistan before the Security Council on 16th January (761st meeting), a statement expressing desire to establish, maintain and continue the most intimate friendship. India and Pakistan had signed a trade agreement on 22nd Jan 1957 in India. Consideration of the meeting at UNSC on 23rd Jan 1957 arouse due to a letter dated 2nd January 1957 from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Pakistan to the President of the Security Council (S/3767) Pakistan on January 16, 1957 made a mention that India accepted "a spurious offer of accession" of the State of Kashmir. At the time of V K Krishna Menons speech, except for 1 or 2 members of the Security Council, rest were new comers making it imperative for him to explain at length the Kashmir problem. The last time the Security Council considered this matter was on 23 December 1952. It was the Government of India that went to the Security Council in the first instance w.r.t Kashmir issue. The Government of India had gone to UNSC on 1 January 1948. V Krishna Menon refers to document S/1100, annex 28 page 139, contained in the supplement for November 1948 of the Official Records of the Security Council. The original text was in English dated 1January 1948. "Under Article 35 of this Charter of the United Nations {- which means that we did not come here with a request for drastic action as we were entitled to do-"any Member may bring any situation (not dispute)" whose continuance is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security to the attention of the Security Council. Such a situation now exists between India and Pakistan..."(S/.1100, annex 28 para 1) In 1948 there was no dispute about territory. V K Krishna Menon states that if it were a dispute about territory, Security Council would be incompetent to deal with it because that would have been either a political or a juridical question, and under chapter VI or Chapter VII of the Charter the Security Council would only deal with questions of international peace and security. What was taken to UNSC was issue of a situation and not a dispute. Continued aggression against India for nearly 9 years necessitated India to go to UNSC for resolution in a bid to make Pakistan stop it. On 18 July 1947 the United Kingdom Parliament passed the Indian Independence Act whereby India was created as a self-governing dominion and as a successor State of British India. Popularly, we speak about the British Parliament partitioning the country in two, constitutionally that is not correct. "This means that the rights of the States"-and the important word is "rights"- "which flow from their relationship to the Crown will no longer exists and that all the rights surrendered by the States to the paramount power will return to the States" (S/PV.762/Add.1, annex IV, document NO.1). This was part of The 1935 Act, that is to say, the Government of India Act the British Parliament passed in 1935 and which became effective somewhere around 1937, became the Constitution Act. As per annex IV of the document para 5 "Political arrangements between the States on the one side and the British India on the other will thus be brought to an end. The void will have to be filled either by the States entering into a federal relationship with the successor Government or Governments in British India, or failing this, entering into particular political arrangements with it or them." This is the statement of 25 July 1947 by Lord Mountbatten in the chamber of Princes (S/pv.762/Add.1, annex IV, document No.3): "It was necessary to set up two State Departments.... But when I say that they are at liberty to link up with either of the Dominions, may I point out that there are certain geographical compulsions which cannot be evaded. Out of something like 565 States, the vast majority are irretrievably linked geographically with the

Dominion of India. The problem therefore is of far grater magnitude with the Dominion of India than it is with Pakistan. In the case of Pakistan the States, although important, are not so numerous, and Mr. Jinnah, the future Governor-General of Pakistan, is prepared to negotiate the case of each State separately and individually." Pakistan Foreign Affairs minister relies on a document dated 3 June 1947, which is a statement by Mr. Attlee, then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, in the British Parliament on the transfer of power, which stated "The basis of partition of the British Empire in India"- if by that is meant British India plus the States- "as set forth in the statement of the then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on 3 June 1947 was that Pakistan would be constituted by the contiguous Muslim-majority areas in the north-west and north-east of the sub-continent, and India would comprise contiguous non-Muslim-majority areas. It was thus universally assumed that, following the basis adopted for partition, Princely States with a Muslim majority in population contiguous to Pakistan would accede to Pakistan".(761st meeting para.14 and 15). V K Krishna Menon clarifies that there is nothing like this in the 3 June document. [This para is important as it clearly indicates Pakistans intention in trying to show that they are a muslim state which is what is being tried to apply to Kashmir as well] Therefore, I submit that this 3 June document has nothing to do with this matter, and I have said that, because there is some irrelevancy as to such claims as Pakistan puts forward for Kashmir. V K Krishna Menon There are 565 States scattered all over India from north to south and east to west. A great many of them are islands. A great many of them are territories which were separated by bits of British Indian territory. This statement of V K Krishna Menon puts to perspective the enormity of unification effort required after India got independence. Sir Zafrullah Khan, who represented Pakistan in the Security Council meeting on 16 January 1948, referred to these arrangements, so far as they were concerned with Pakistan, and pointed out what they actually meant. He said: "In any case be"- the Maharaja-"had entered into a standstill agreement with Pakistan. It is necessary to explain what a "standstill agreement" is. India, being one political entity before the division on 15 August 1947, had a common system of defence, of railways, post offices, telegraphs, telephones, and a host of other matters. If on 15 August, when at least a nominal division took place between these two Dominions in some places, the actual divisions also took place on that date-all these matters had had to be adjusted, the situation would have been impossible. A new currency could not be started merely by a stroke of the pen.. (228th meeting. p.66). Each State would come to a standstill agreement with the Dominion of India, or the Dominion of Pakistan, according to its own situation and requirements, providing that these matters-mainly communications, and so on-should continue to run on the old basis" Ibid., pp 66 and 67). There was a further statement by Sir Zafrullah Khan. At the Security Council meeting on the next day he said: "I explained yesterday to the Security Council what the standstill agreements mean. Kashmir had arrived at a standstill agreement with Pakistan with regard to her communications, supplies, and post office and telegraphic arrangements."(229th meeting, p. 101). Take note of this last part, it was with regard to communications, supplies, and post office and telegraphic arrangements, and nothing else. Sir Zafrullah Khan went on to say: "This agreement became operative on 15 August 1947." The history of the standstill is contained in the telegrams exchanged between the Prime Ministers of Jammu and Kashmir on the one hand and the Prime Minister of Pakistan on the other, and there was a similar series of telegrams between the Minister in New Delhi and the Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir. As a result of the telegrams that passed between the Prime Minister of Pakistan and the Prime Minister of Kashmir, a standstill agreement was arrived at. The contents of that agreement were submitted to the UNS Council by Sir Zafrullah Khan, Foreign Minister of Pakistan at that time. It must be stated there were no signatures on these, because they were agreed between the Governments by means of telegrams. On the same date an identical telegram was sent to the government of India. The telegram from the Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir to the Government of India stated: "Jammu and Kashmir Government would welcome standstill agreements with Union of India on all matters on which these exist at the present moment with outgoing British Indian Government. It is suggested that existing arrangements should continue pending settlement

of details and formal execution of fresh agreements." It may be said here that "existing arrangements" comprised the use of Indian forces if there was internal rebellion in one of the States. The Government of India telegraphed back: "Government of India would be glad if you or some other Minister duly authorised in this behalf could fly Delhi for negotiating standstill agreement between Kashmir Government and Indian Dominion. Early action desirable to maintain intact existing agreements and administrative arrangements. Before the Prime Minister could come to discuss these matters, Kashmir was invaded. Therefore, the standstill agreements which they were trying simultaneously to conclude with the two countries were interrupted, not by the action of the government of Kashmir or by the Government of India, but by the active aggression complained of. Therefore, it was not possible for the standstill agreement contemplated to go on, and other developments followed. V K Krishna Menon put in the standstill agreement used by the Government of India with regard to all the Dominions and States as a reference document at UNSC. It was a standard document, and every one of the 500-odd people with standstill agreement had to sign it. There was no other agreement between Kashmir and Govt. of India. V K Krishna Menon pointed out the difference between the standstill agreement of India and the standstill agreement of Pakistan. The schedule included air communications, arms and equipment, control of commodities, currency and coinage, customs, Indian States forces, external affairs, extradition, import and export control, irrigation and electric power, motor vehicles, national highways, opium, posts and telegraphs and telephones, railways, salt, central exercises, relief from double income tax and other arrangements relating to taxation, etc. All these subjects were contained in the schedule of the standstill agreement. Therefore, if there had been no interruption by invasion, it is normal to conclude that a standstill agreement would have been concluded and that that standstill agreement would have included external affairs, control of State forces and of other matters which spring from the sovereignty of a country. CHRONOLOGY OF TELEGRAMS presented by V K Krishna Menon at UNSC (Very important) Telegram No.1 was dated 12 August 1947. On 16 August 1947, only four days later, the Government of Pakistan telegraphed that it had agreed to a standstill agreement and a few days later the Chief of Staff of the Jammu and Kashmir forces, Major General Scott, a British officer, submitted his first report to his government, the Kashmir Government which still had not acceded to anybody, on the border raids from Pakistan. On 31 August 1947, the Chief of Staff of the Jammu and Kashmir army submitted a report to his Government on border raids from Pakistan. So the invasion had begun. That was what prevented the officials of the Kashmir Government coming over to India at that time. On 4 September 1947, on the basis of a telegraphic report submitted by its Chief of Staff, Major-General Scott, the Kashmir Government protested by telegram to the West Punjab Government against armed Muslims from Rawalpindi district infiltrating into the State. Protests were also made to the Deputy Commissioner. Two days later there was a marked increase in this activity. On 6 September 1947 a patrol visited Alibeg, twelve miles west of Bhimbar and Major-General Lovett, commanding the Seventh Infantry Division- that is to say, presumably of the Pakistan forces-was informed. On 13 September, a Pakistan Army patrol visited Alibeg and Jatlai, fourteen miles west of Bhimbar, both in the State territory. Information contained in the diary kept by General Scott. On 17 September 1947, India which was only one month from independence-a band of 400 armed raiders, twelve miles southeast of Ranbirsinghpura drove away herds of cattle belonging of State nations. On 18 September 1947, railway service between Sialkot and Jammu was suspended by Pakistan authorities without any reason and in contravention of the standstill agreement. So if there was an agreement it was broken by the

conduct of the Pakistan Government on 18 Septemberand this action is not isolated. Armed gangs entered Kashmir in Palandri (Poonch), across the State border. By 18 September the invasion had gained momentum. On 28 September 1947 hundreds of armed men with service rifles, automatic and spears attached in Kashmir State patrol near Chak Harka. On 30 September 1947 hundreds of armed Pathans entered Dhirkot Than inside the State territory. On 3 October 1947, the Jammu and Kashmir Government protested telegraphically to Pakistan against hundreds of armed people from Murree Hills in Pakistan opeating in Poonch-part of which is ow occupied by Pakistan, part of which is in the other side; it also protested against the essential supplies, including petrol, rice, salt and cloth, being withheld. That is the second violation of the standstill agreement. On 4 October 1947 armed men renewed their activities in the chirala area and near the Jhelum river and fighting between the raiders and State forces began. Now we have reached a state of war. On 10 October 1947 two sections of the Pakistan Army followed by an armed gang attacked Pansar village in Jammu. I submit with great respect and a sense of responsibility that what I have now rad out is one of the key points in the consideration of the whole of this question-that is to say, Pakistan informed us that they were not involved in this matter. They said they were trying to stop them. The Security Council asked them not to get involved and not to do anything. Even as early as 10 October 1947, long before the Indian forces had been there, Pakistan had invaded the State of Kashmir. How does it become important? Because irrespective of whatever claims, whatever relations, whatever titles the Indian Government may have on Kashmir, Pakistan certainly had no rights because it had no accession, no relationship of any kind. At best it was foreign territory. It was an act of aggression. So on 10 October 1947, the invasion began. And here the diary says that two sections of the Pakistan Army followed by an armed gang attacked the village. And this item appeared in the Pakistan papers. "The North-West Frontier Province Premier is reported to have announced that fire-arms would be distributed among the people liberally so that all except the 'enemies of Pakistan' can have them"(S/PV.762/Add.1,annex 1, No.12). On 13 October 1947 the following was stated in a newspaper: "Pakistan has cut off from Kashmir supplies of petrol, sugar, salt and kerosene oil, although a standstill agreement between them has been signed" (Ibid., No/13). Norman Cliff, who was the correspondent of the London "News Chronicle", not an Indian paper from Kashmir, published this news, in that newspaper. On 15 October 1947 the Maharaja appealed to the British Prime Minister, probably by force of habit, because that was the practice in the past days. The Kashmir Government cabled to the British Prime Minister about the economic blockade on the State by Pakistan and the beginning the invasion from Pakistan in Poonch. He goes on to say: "People all along the border have been licensed and armed with modern weapons under the pretext of general policy which does not appear to have been followed in the case of internal districts of West Punjab...whereas military escorts are made available for several other purposes, none is provided for safe transit of petrol and other essentials of life. Protests merely elicit promises which are never implemented. As a result of obvious connivance of the Pakistan Government, the whole of the border from Gurdaspur side up to Gilgit is threatened with invasion which has actually began in Poonch" (Ibid. No.14) that is to say, away from the western border, the western district towards the south of the State right up to the mountain area on the frontiers of sin Kiang, the Soviet Union and other countries. Some days later, on 22 October 1947, the Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister telegraphed the Prime Minister of the North-West Frontier Province-that is, a province of Pakistan-and the Deputy Commissioner of Rawalpindi, both in west Pakistan, about people armed with modern weapons infiltrating from Hazara and Rawalpindi district in West Pakistan into the State and asked them to stop the infiltration. The invaders continued their progress along with Jhelum Valley road towards Srinagar, (Srinagar is the summer capital of Kashmir, founded about 2,300 years by the great Emperor Asoka). Their triumphant march was temporarily stemmed at Uri, a town fifty miles from Srinagar,

by a demilition of a bridge and the gallant resistance of about 150 men under the command of a Brigadier of the Kashmir Army who was killed fighting a memorable last-ditch battle. The raiders managed to construct a diversion about mile long, requiring considerable engineering skill, since, according to "Diwan" of Karachi of 7 December 1947, it was completed in two days- that is to say, in this invasion the Pakistan appears or engineer regiments-their REME-must have participated. It was not possible for them to do otherwise. A fact will be noticed here to which I will refer later. These men were resisted only by the national militia, by the local populations. They were not welcomed as liberators. They fought a last-ditch battle; they resisted these people. That was on 22 October 1947. On 24 October the Maharaja, who is the head of the State, appealed to India for military help-and it makes no difference in this particular matter whether the Maharaja is constitutional, whether you like his face or you do not like it or what is the nature of his domestic life that does not come into it. Here is a question of State theory. He is the head of the State and, according to the constitution, the only person competent to sign an accession; nobody else can do it. Until 24 October 1947 no one from India, neither Army, nor ministers, nor anyone, had gone into Kashmir to persuade the Maharaja. No police had been sent. We did not put any pressure on Maharaja; in fact, in a previous period Lord Mountbatten, on behalf of the Government of India, told the Maharaja of Kashmir, "You will accede to Pakistan if you wish and we will not take it as an unfriendly act" because the Government of India at that time was concerned about not having these States suspended in a vacuum, being the centres of trouble and difficulty, especially a frontier area. If they had acceded in the normal way, we would have accepted it, as indeed we accepted the sorry partition to which we subscribe and which we have no desire to undo. The Maharaja appeared to India. On 25 October 1947 Lord Mountbatten attended the Defence committee at which General Lockhart, the Commander-in-Chief in India, read out a telegram from the headquarters of the Pakistan Army-and this is of importance of my colleagues of Australia and the United Kingdom-stating that some 5,000 tribesmen had attacked and captured Muzaffarabad and Domel and that considerable tribal reinforcements could be expected. Reports showed that they were already little more than thirty-five miles from Srinagar. It was quite normal for those two British officers to exchange telegrams, especially at that time, Pakistan had not acknowledged its invasion. Obviously the Commander-in-Chief and British Officers were working outside the policy region. On 26 October 1947 the Maharaja asked for protection. This is the position up to 26 October 1947. Members of the Security council will look at the pages of document No.1 (S/PV.762/Add.1 annex 1), they will see what happened in Kashmir. It is stated in No.20: "....It is a fact that several top-ranking British officers serving in Pakistan did have an linking of these preparations and plans, though I do not suggest that they took any hand in their execution. "We came to know later"-that is, the government of India came to know later-"that, as soon as the June 3rd plan was announced, Kashmir became the subject of attention and study in certain military circles. Why was there a demand on the survey of India for so large a number of maps of Kashmir? that is, from our Ordinance Department in Delhi? "What was the mysterious 'operation Gulmarg', copies of orders in respect of which fell into the hands of those who were not meant to receive them?" This was because the Government of India also had an intelligence service. The document goes on to say: "...the appearance at the psychological time of Jinnah's private secretary at Srinagar, the presence of Jinnah himself at Lahore, cannot be ascribed entirely to coincidence..." On 28 October 1947 it is recorded in a diary written at the time: "In the middle of today's Defence Committee, Auchinleck was a British Field-Marshal and Supreme Commander of Armed Forces in charge of the partition of personnel and physical assets of these forces-"from Lahore to say that he had succeeded in persuading Jinnah to cancel orders given the previous night for Pakistan troops to be moved into Kashmir"(S/PV.762/Addl1, annex I, No.21). This order was read to convince the Council that as early as 28 October 1947 the invasion by Pakistan, by a State and not by irregulars, not by a lot of holligans, but under the command of the Governor-General, had already taken place. The Pakistan Commander-in-Chief was a British Officer at that time who, in the absence of General Masservy telephoned the Military Secretary of the Governor of the West Punjab, with whom Jinnah was staying. Geneal Douglas Gracey replied that he was not prepared to issue any such instructions without the approval

of the Supreme Commander; that is to say, in those transitory stages it was not quite clear-in fact Pakistan voiced and published a complaint that Gracey had no business to disobey these commands. He was under the command of Auchinleck. "At Gracey's urgent request, Auchinleck flew to Lahore this morning and explained to Jinnah that an act of invasion would involve automatically and immediately the withdrawal of every British Officer serving with the newly formed Pakistan Army". (Ibid.) An order was given by Mohammed Ali Jinnah in 1947 for Pakistan troops to launch an attack on the province of Jammu was ignored by General Douglas Gracey, who was then acting as Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Army. This was revealed on 20 March 1956 at a meeting of the Kashmir Liberation Conference held in Dacca under the auspices of the All-Pakistan-Millat-e-Islam Convention by ex-Major-General Akbar Khan of the Pakistan Army. This is the ex-Major-Geneal Akbar Khan who afterwards appeared on the Kashmir scene under the name of General Tariq or something of that kind, who later was charged by the Pakistan government with the offence of treason and went to prison. Major-General Akbar Khan said that General Gracey thus jeopardized the chance then available of liberating Kashmir. This was the view of the senior Pakistan officer at that time; that the British Commander-inChief, by refusing to carry out these orders, had thrown away the chance of liberating Kashmir. Field-Marshal Auchinleck, was then responsible for superintending the partition of the old Indian army and the transfer of troops from it to the new Indian and Pakistan armies. Pakistans invasion resulted in plunder, rape etc. all the way up to Baramula, only a few miles from Srinagar. The town was sacked and burned. In his budget speech to the Legislative Assembly of the Frontier Province on 7 March 1949, Premier Abdul Qayyum Khan advocatged a special grant for the tribesmen and justified an allotment in these words: "The House will recall with pride the fact that in our greatest hour of danger the Masuds responded to our call by rushing to the rescue of the oppressed Muslims of Jammu and Kashmir state" (Ibid. No.22). No rule of international law which confers upon a State the right to go and protect someone else in another Sate, even if he is oppressed. On 31 October 1947 the Prime Minister of India telegraphed to the Prime Minister of Pakistan: "...Raiders from the Frontier Province or along the Murree road come from Pakistan territory and it is the easiest thing in the world to stop them at the two bridges which connect Pakistan territory to Kashmir". We did not blow up those bridges because at that time we were very careful not to go anywhere near Pakistan territory. "They were not so prevented" says Pandit Nehru "and their equipment and arms including artillery and automatic weapons bear witness to every help being given to them. We are credibly informed that regular officers of the Pakistan Army are advising the raiders" (Ibid. No. 23) The Minister of Health in Sind, another province of Pakistan, at the time appealed to all trained and demobilized soldiers to proceed as volunteers to the Kashmir front. Jinnah invited PM Nehru to Lahore, but he was unable to go owing to ill health. However, the Governor-General went. At that time discussions took place and it was said that both sides should call off their troops; that is to say, the Indian Army should be withdrawn and the raiders, as they were then called should also leave. But the Pakistan side, represented by Mr. Jinnah, had all along been saying: "We really cannot do anything about these people. They are co-religionists. How can we stop them?" Therefore, either the Pakistan government had no control over them, or they were abetting them, or there was a combination of both Mr. Jinnah, therefore, proposed that both sides should be withdrawn. Lord Mountbatten asked the commonsense question of how Mr. Jinnah could be responsible for withdrawing the tribesmen if he had no control over them, to which Mr. Jinnah replied: "If you do this I will call the whole thing off." Alan Moorehead, correspondent of the London "Observer" in Pakistan, wrote as follows: "The Pakistanis look on this as a holy Muslim war." "Alan Moorehead motored to Peshawar and the Khyber Pass from where this crusade began. He wrote: "Everywhere recruiting is goingon... This is happening not only the tribal territory....but inside Pakistan itself" (Ibid No/.24). That was at the end of October and beginning of November 1947. In a report in the "New York Times" by Robert Trumbull, dated 10 November 1947, states the following: "Baramula, India, 10th November-The City had been stripped of its wealth and young women before the

tribesmen fled in terror at midnight, Friday, before the advancing Indian Army. Surviving residents estimate that 3,000 of their fellow townsmen, including four Europeans and a retired British Army Officer, known only as Colonel Dykes, and his pregnant wife, were slain. When the raiders rushed into town on 26th October 1947, witnesses said: 'One party of Masud tribesmen immediately scaled the walls of Saint Joseph's Franciscan Convent compound, and stormed the Convent Hospital and the little church. Four nuns and Colonel Dykes and his wife were shot immediately. The Raiders' greed triumphed over their blood lust'. A former town official said: 'The raiders forced 350 local Hindus into a house, with the intention of burning it down. The group of 100 raiders is said to be holding another five, as hostages, on a high mountain, barely visible from the town. Toda, twenty-four hours after the Indian army entered Baramula, only 1,000 were left of a normal population of about 14,000" (Ibid NO.26). On 22 December 1947, in Delhi, the Prime Minister of India handed over to the Prime Minister of Pakistan a letter requesting the Government of Pakistan to deny to raiders (1) all access and use of Pakistan territory for operation against Kashmir (2) all military and other supplies, and (3)all other kinds of aid that might tend to prolong the struggle. On 1 January 1948, India complained to the Security Council under Article 35 of the Charter. Even then we did not approach UNSC with the idea of using international forces to restrain, or impose economic sanctions, or remove Pakistan from its seat in the assembly, or anything of that kind. We went there to complain to the Security Council under Article 35 of the Charter, requesting that the Government of Pakistan be asked to prevent tribal and Pakistan nationals from taking part in the fighting in the State of Jammu and Kashmir and to deny to the raiders access to and use of its territory in operations against Kashmir, military and other supplies, and all other kinds of aid that might tend to prolong the fighting in Kashmir. On 11 January 1948, the Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Sir Zafrullah Khan, who later became the judge of the International Court of Justice- a jurist of standing- informed the Reuters correspondent that it was impossible for Pakistan to guarantee that no Pakistan national or other people passing through Pakistan should not go to Kashmir and "participate in the struggle for freedom" Here in one part of the country is this rapine going on, and that is called a struggle for freedom. V K Krishna Menon on the atrocities by Pakistan London "Times". On 13 January 1948 stated: "That Pakistan is unofficially involved in aiding the raiders is certain. Your correspondent has first-hand evidence that arms, ammunition and supplies are being made available to the "Azad Kashmir forces" (S/PV.762/Add.1, annex 1. No.31). Here may I interpolate that my Government uses the words "Azad Kashmir" without accepting the connotation of the word "Azad". Although "Azad" means "free", we do not accept the term as meaning free Kashmir forces. They are enslaved Kashmir forces or whatever they are. But we have to use the language as it is given, and it should be understood that we do not regard it in its literal sense. V K Krishna Menon clarifies his stance on usage of the word Azad Kashmir. Russel K. Haight Jr., a former American solider who served for two months in the 'Azad' Kashmir Army, gave a secret interview to 'The New York Times' correspondent, Robert Trumbull, in Lahore and stated that Pakistan had provided petrol. The following is the report: "Mr. Haight also found Pakistan Army personnel running the 'Azad' Kashmir radio station, relaying messages through their own Pakistan Army receivers" - I repeat, 'relaying messages through their own Pakistan Army receivers'- 'organizing and managing 'Azad' encampments in Pakistan, and supplying uniforms, food, arms and ammunition which, he understood, came from Pakistan Army stores through such subterfuges as the 'loss' of ammunition shipments.. Mr. Haight characterized the 'Azad' Kashmir Provisional government, headed by Sardar Mohammad Ibrahim Khan as 'Pakistan puppets'. He also deeply implicated high Pakistan Government officials, notably the Premier of the North-West Frontier Province" (S/PV,762/ADDL.1, annex I, No.33). This is from "The New York Times" of 29 January 1948, and it is also quoted by Lord Birdwood who has written a book on Kashmir, again not a friendly book to India. "Kashmir and the United Nations" by "Criticus" in the News Zealand Labour Party's weekly "The Standard" (Wellington) and it was published in India. It was carried on 28 November 1951 in "The Standard"- It reads:

"....thousands of Muslim tribesmen equipped with arms by the Pakistan Government invaded Kashmir, This was obviously an act of open aggression" (Ibid NO. 34) General Russell asked to be relieved the moment he knew the Pakistan Army was in action. We relieved him, and we asked the General Cariappa, as Commander-in-Chief, to take over. And General Cariappa, when the British Government left, was a brigadier. It was not as though we had ready-made officers to deal with these matters. S/1100 Document II. Paragraph 3, sub-paragraph 5, is a reference to Kashmir, and states: "That India obtained the accession to the State of Jammu and Kashmir by fraud and violence, and that large-scale massacre, looting and atrocities on the Muslims of Jammu and Kashmir State have been perpetrated by the armed forces of the Maharajah of Jammu and Kashmir and the Indian Union and by the non-Muslim subjects of the Maharajah and of the Indian Union." (Ibid. document II, para 3). (Leftists argument that we hear even today against Army, thanks to cooked up stories by Islamo fascist like Angana Chatterji & cohorts) On 21 April 1948, the Council adopted another resolution (S/726). That resolution was a modification, and it gave new instructions to the Commission providing for the withdrawal of the troops and the holding of a plebiscite, and the membership of the Commission was increased to five. On 5 May 1948 Government of India formally informed the Security Council of its rejection of certain parts of this resolution. Goplaswamy Ayyangars statement. "After the fighting ceases, the whole of the State will have to come under one Government. By the whole of the State, I include also the area which is now under the control of the rebels and raiders. When the whole of the State thus comes under one administration- and that, the administration of the State of Jammu and Kashmir- India's garrisons will need to be planted at her outer frontiers on the west of the Jammu and Kashmir State. This planting is necessary for enabling India to discharge her obligations for the defence of the State which she has taken over under the Instrument of Accession" (Ibid. para 14) A resolution passed on 21st April 1948 though unacceptable to both India & Pakistan was passed in UNSC for commissions to be sent to India.

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