Solving Linear Systems Using Interval Arithmetic Approach
Solving Linear Systems Using Interval Arithmetic Approach
Solving Linear Systems Using Interval Arithmetic Approach
International Journal of
Science and Engineering Investigations vol. 1, issue 1, February 2012
Solving Linear Systems Using Interval Arithmetic Approach
Karkar Nora
, Benmohamed Khier
Bartil Arres
Electronic, Laboratory of intelligents system (LSI)
Abstract: in this paper we discuss various classes of solution
sets for linear interval systems of equations, and interval
linear programming problems. And their properties, in this
model we let the coefficient matrix and the right vector
hands and the cost coefficient are interval. Interval methods
constitute an important mathematical and computational
tool for modeling real-world systems (especially
mechanical) with bounded uncertainties of parameters, and
for controlling rounding errors in computations. They are in
principle much simpler than general probabilistic or fuzzy
set formulation, while in the same time they conform very
well to many practical situations. Linear interval systems
constitute an important subclass of such interval models,
still in the process of continuous development.
Keywords- linear interval systems; interval arithmetic;
interval model
In many real-life problems we deal with a mathematical
programming problem. In conventional mathematical
programming coefficient of problem are usually determined
by the experts as crisp values. But in reality in an imprecise
and uncertain environment, it is an unrealistic assumption
that the knowledge and representation at an expert are so
precise. Then we know, at best, the intervals of possible
values. Thus it is desirable to analyze how the
corresponding mathematical results will look if we replace
numbers by intervals.
Let | | { } , : , a a a x a x a x R = = s s e ,
Where a and a are the left and right limits of the interval a
on the real line R , respectively. We shall use the terms
"interval" and "interval number" interchangeably. If
a a a = = , then | |
, a a a = is a real number. We use
IR to denote the set of all interval numbers on the real
line R . Interval arithmetic was first suggested by Dwyer [1]
in 1951. Development of interval arithmetic as a formal
system and evidence of its value as a computational device
was provided by Moore [2]. After this motivation and
inspiration, several authors such as (Alefeld and Herzberger
[3], Dubois et al [4], Hansen [5],
In order to develop good mathematical programming
methodology interval approaches are frequently used to
describe and treat imprecise and uncertain elements present
in a real decision problem. Linear systems of equations are
among the most frequently used tools in applied
mathematics. The solution to linear systems of equations is
prone to errors due to the finite precision of machine
arithmetic and the propagation of error in the initial data. If
the initial data is known to lie in specified ranges then
interval arithmetic enables computation of intervals
containing the elements of the exact solution.
Solution of linear interval system of algebraic equations is a
challenging problem in interval analysis and robust linear
algebra. This problem was first considered at the middle of
1960s by Oettli and Prager[6] and was pointed out as very
important for numerous applications. Since that, this
problem has received much attention and was developed in
the context of modeling of uncertain systems (see [7]).
Consider a system of linear algebraic equations
Ax b = (1)
x R e , interval matrix
n n
e and interval vector
b IR e . The matrix and vector are said to belong to
interval family if their elements are from some real intervals
[a; b], a b. Here the standard notations IRnn and IRn are
used for sets of all n-dimensional interval square matrices
and vectors, respectively. System (1) is called the interval
system of equations.
The main principle of interval arithmetic is to replace every
real number by an interval enclosing it and whose bounds
are representable by the computer [5] For instance, can be
represented by the interval [3.14159, 3.14160] if 6
significant radix-10 digits are used Data known with some
degree of uncertainty can also be represented, for instance
data measured with bounded measurement errors. Interval
vectors and interval matrices are vectors and matrices with
interval components .The major advantage of this arithmetic
is the fact that every result is guaranteed.
International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2012 30 Paper ID: 10112-06
An interval | | | | , X x x = is a closed and connected subset
of R ; it may be characterized by its lower and upper
bounds x and x or equivalently by its center
| | ( )
( )
( )
c m x
x x
x =
and width | | ( ) w x x x = .Arithmetical operations on
intervals can be defined by
{ } | | | | | | | | { }
, , , / , , x y x y x x y y e + - = e e
Obtaining an interval corresponding to| | | | x y is easy for
the first three operators as
| | | | , , , , x y x y x y x y x y x y
( (
( ( = + + =
| | | | min( , , , ), max( , , , ) x y xy xy xy xy xy xy xy xy - = (
division, when , 0 y (
| | | | | | / min( / , / , / , / ), max( / , / , / , / ) x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y x y = and
extended intervals have to be introduced
when , 0 y (
e see[6].
More generally, the interval counterpart of a real-valued
function is an interval-valued function defined
| | ( ) | | { }
( ) , f x f x x x = e (
Where | | S is the interval hull of S , i.e., the smallest
interval that contains it. Intervals to continuous elementary
functions are easily obtained. For monotonic functions only
computations on bounds are required.
| | ( ) ( ) ( )
| | ( ) ( ) ( )
exp x = exp x ,exp x ,
log x = log x ,log x if x>0
For non-monotonic elementary functions, such as the
trigonometric functions, algorithmic definitions are still
easily obtained. For instance, the interval square function
can be defined by
| |
( )
| |
( ) ( )
2 2
0, max , , 0
2 2 2 2
min , , max ,
x x if x
x x x x else
For more complicated functions, it is usually no longer
possible to evaluate their interval counterpart, hence the
importance of the concept of inclusion function. An
inclusion function | |( ) . f for a function ( ) . f defined over
a domain D R c is such that the image of an interval by
this function is an interval, guaranteed to contain the image
of the same interval by the original function:
| | | | ( ) | | | | ( ) ( ) , 2 . x D f x f x c c
This inclusion function is convergent if
( )
| | | | ( ) ( )
lim 0
w f x
w x (
and inclusion
Monotonic | | | | | | | | ( ) | | | | ( )
. if x y f x f y c c
Various techniques are available for building convergent
and inclusion-monotonic inclusion functions. Among them,
the simplest is to replace all occurrences of the real variable
by its interval counterpart which results in what is called a
natural inclusion function.
Example 3.1 Consider the function
( )
| | | | ( ) | | | | | | ( ) ( )
| | | |
| | | | ( ) | | | | | | ( ) ( )
| | | | | | ( ) | | | | ( )
| |
( ) 3 exp( ) .
3 exp
0,1 ,
0,1 0,1 3 0,1 exp 0,1
= 0,1 3 0,1 1, 0,1 3 , 0
0,1 0, 3
f x x x x
An inclusion function for f
f x x x x
Evaluate f over
e e
= + | | | | | |
| | ( ) | | | |
| | ( ) | | | | ( )
1 0, 3 1 0, 9.16
0,1 3, 2 3 3, 6.16
, 0, 1 0, 1
compare with
f e
of course f f
+ = + c
= + c
the inclusion in (2) becomes an equality, the inclusion
function is minimal. Usually, some pessimism is introduced
by the inclusion function, as in example3.1
This pessimism is due to the fact that each occurrence of the
interval variable is considered as independent from the
others. Various approaches may be considered to reduce
pessimism. A first one is to reduce the number of
occurrences of the variable by symbolic manipulations.
The detailed description of the solution set for linear
interval systems was given in the pioneer work by Oettli and
Prager [6] for general situation of interval uncertainty, their
result is reduced as follows.
We assume that A is nonsingular, in which case the solution
x exists and is unique. Now, suppose that the elements in A
International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2012 31 Paper ID: 10112-06
and b are uncertain, but we know bounds for each of them.
We can use these bounds as end points of intervals, and
replace (1) with
(1.1) AX b =
Where A and b are the interval matrix and vector as
described above, and we
X IR e that contains the solution
to every problem en-compassed in (1.1). We assume that A
is regular, meaning that every real matrix contained in A is
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
2, 3 1, 2 3, 4
1 2
1, 3 4, 6 2, 4
1 2
x x
x x
+ =
+ =
A vector
( )
1 2
x x x X = e must satisfy both equations. The
first equation can be reformulated to
| | | | | | 2, 3 3, 4 1, 2 ,
1 2
x x =
which has the solution
3 1 3
, 2 for
2 2 2
2 2 2
2 1 3
1 , 2 for 0
2 2 2
3 2 2
1 , 2 for 0
2 2 2
3 1
, 2 for 3
2 2 2
2 2
x x x
x x x
x x x
x x x
+ >
+ s (
+ s (
+ (
Similarly, we find that the points satisfying the second
equation are given by
1 3 2 1
, for 4
1 1 1
2 4 3 6
1 3 1 2
,1 for 4
1 1 1
2 4 4 3
1 3 1 2
,1 for 4
1 1 1
2 4 4 3
1 3 1 2
,1 for 4
1 1 1
2 4 4 3
x x x
x x x
x x x
x x x
s s
s s
s s
The set of solutions to the system is the intersection of the
two domains illustrated in the figureIV.1
FigureIV.1. the set of solutions
we cannot give such a figure as the result, but have to make
do with the interval hull, marked by the discontinued
rectangle in the figure. Thus, the system has the solution
| |
| |
0.4, 6
4, 0, 9
X =
| |
\ .
An obvious approach is to use a generalization of Gaussian
elimination adapted to deal with interval coefficients. A
triangular system can be formed in the usual way but with
interval arithmetic. By the inclusion property, the solution
of this triangular system will give an inclusion of the
solution set.
The usual care has to be taken with division by zero.
Column magnitude pivoting can be used to choose a pivot
as the contender with the largest magnitude, where we recall
that the magnitude of x is defined as
An implementation written in INTLAB [13] of interval
Gaussian elimination with magnitude pivoting is given by
the function intgauss.m[8] .
When interval Gaussian elimination is applied to a general
nn n
A IR and b IR e e problems are soon encountered as n
is increased.
The vector interval obtained by applying a Gaussian
elimination algorithm to the system defined in the
exampleIV.1 is
| |
| |
1.5, 6
4, 3.0001
| |
\ .
As interval calculations are carried out in the Gaussian
elimination process the widths of the interval components
grow larger due to the nature of interval arithmetic. If a
solution is obtained then it is likely that the width of the
International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2012 32 Paper ID: 10112-06
components is very large. Alternatively, at some stage in the
Gaussian elimination process all contenders for pivot, or the
bottom right element in the upper triangular system, contain
zero, which causes the algorithm to break down due to
division by zero [9].
The feasibility of using intgauss.m depends on the
A IR e . For a general A, problems may occur for
dimensions as low as n = 3 if the radii of the elements are
too large. As the width of the elements decreases the
algorithm becomes feasible for larger n. However, even
when intgauss.m is used with thin matrices, it is likely for
the algorithm to break down for n larger than 60.
Despite interval Gaussian elimination not being effective in
general, it is suitable for certain classes of matrices. In
particular, realistic bounds for the solution set are obtained,
for M-matrices, H-matrices, diagonally dominant matrices,
tridiagonal matrices. In the case where A is an M-matrix the
exact interval hull is obtained for many b; Neumaier [7]
shows that if 0, 0 0 b b or b > s e then the interval hull of
the solution set is obtained.
The linear interval system AX b = can be preconditioned
by multiplying by a matrix.
n n
e . Here, we choose C to
be the inverse of the midpoint matrix of A, which often
leads to the matrix CA being an H-matrix. If this is the case
then Gaussian elimination can be used, but it is quicker to
compute an enclosure of the solution by Krawczyk's
Assuming an interval vector
( ) i
x is known such that
( )
( )
A b x _ then
( )
( ) 1 1
( )
A b Cb I CA A b Cb I CA x
= + e +
Holds for all A A and b b so that e e
( )
( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
, , ( )
A b x
i i
A b Cb I CA x x _ _ + This
gives the Krawczyk iteration
( )
( )
( ) ( )
( )
i i i
x Cb I CA x x
= +
To start the iteration we require an initial vector
( )
x such
that the solution
( )
( )
, x A b _
C. Determinant method
Theorem: Let Ax b =
be a system of linear equations
involving interval numbers. If the (n n) interval matrix A
is invertible, then it is possible to find a smallest box
( , , , ......, )
1 2 3
x x x x
= x which containing the exact solution
of the system ( ) 1
Where each
( ) i
( ) i
is the interval matrix obtained when the it column of
A is replaced by the vector ( , , ...., )
1 2
b b b b
( ) i
and A
are the ad joint matrix and the determinant matrix of A
respectively .
Example 5: We consider an example given in Ning et al
The system of interval equations AX b = be given
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
3.7, 4.3 1.5, 0.5 0, 0
1.5, 0.5 3.7, 4.3 1.5, 0.5
0, 0 1.5, 0.5 3.7, 4.3
| |
\ .
| |
| |
| |
14, 0
9, 0
3, 0
| |
\ .
Here |A|=| | 37.103, 74.89 | | 0 and A =
( )
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
14, 0 1.5, 0.5 0, 0
| | 9, 0 3.7, 4.3 1.5, 0.5
3, 0 1.5, 0.5 3.7, 4.3
| |
\ .
=| | 249, 0 ,
( )
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
3.7, 4.3 14, 0 0, 0
| | 1.5, 0.5 9, 0 1.5, 0.5
0, 0 3, 0 3.7, 4.3
| |
\ .
=| | 212, 0 and
( )
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
3.7, 4.3 1.5, 0.5 14, 0
| | 1.5, 0.5 3.7, 4.3 9, 0
0, 0 1.5, 0.5 3, 0
| |
\ .
=| | 98, 3 .
Then by the above theorem we see that
| |
| |
| |
249, 0
4, 482, 0
37.103, 74.89
= = ,
| |
| |
| |
212, 0
3.816, 0
37.103, 74.89
= = and
International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2012 33 Paper ID: 10112-06
| |
| |
| |
98, 0
1.776, 0.006
37.103, 74.89
= = .
In this case, the solution set is
| |
| |
| |
4, 482, 0
3.816, 0
1.776, 0.006
x x
| | | |
| |
= =
| |
| |
\ . \ .
Using interval Gaussian elimination with interval
[ -5.7081, 0.6415]
[ -4.7466, 0.0000]
[ -2.7351, 0.0000]
x =
| |
\ .
Using interval hull method with interval arithmetic we
obtained the solution set (much wider)
[ -5.7770, 1.4437]
[ -4.8173, 1.4840]
[ -2.7921, 1.2088]
x =
| |
\ .
It is to be noted that the solution set obtained by using
interval approach developed by determinant method is
sharper then the solution sets obtained by other techniques.
Intervals containing the elements of the exact solution.
The solution set obtained by using interval approach
developed by determinant method is sharper then the
solution sets obtained by other techniques using interval
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