Web Helper

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[1969-12-31 16:00:00] Client version: no bootstrapper found

[1969-12-31 16:00:00] Startup - webhelper launched with: "C:\Program Files (x86)\

SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" -lang=en_US -cachedir="C:\Users\Yanis\
AppData\Local\Steam\htmlcache" -steampid=144 -buildid=0 -steamid=0 -logdir="C:\
Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs" -uimode=7 -startcount=0 -steamuniverse=Public -
realm=Global -clientui="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\clientui" -steampath="C:\
Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\steam.exe" -launcher=0 --enable-media-stream --enable-
smooth-scrolling --disable-gpu-compositing --disable-gpu --enable-direct-write --
disablehighdpi --force-device-scale-factor=1 --device-scale-factor=1 --log-
file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --disable-quick-menu --
disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --enable-blink-
features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet --disable-blink-features=Badging
[1969-12-31 16:00:00] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[1969-12-31 16:00:00] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=gpu-process --field-
trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --log-
file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve
Steam Client" --lang=en-US --force-device-scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --
buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:2
[2025-02-13 22:01:46] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-
type=network.mojom.NetworkService --field-trial-
handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=network --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --lang=en-US --
force-device-scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:8
[2025-02-13 22:01:47] CreateBrowser 3057672798 type:12 flags:0 (-2147483648, -
2147483648) 0x0
[2025-02-13 22:01:47] UB-65536: AfterCreated handle:65536 type:12: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 22:01:47] UB-65536: SetName: SP Shared JS Context
[2025-02-13 22:01:47] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-13 22:01:47] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-13 22:01:49] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup name:SP
DesktopLoginWindow_uid0 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:4194: (-2147483648.00, -
2147483648.00) 705.00x440.00: url:about:blank?createflags=4098&pid=0&browser=-
1&useragent=Valve Steam Client/default
[2025-02-13 22:01:49] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 805240832,805240832 size: 705x440
[2025-02-13 22:01:49] CreateOutputWindow: SDL_INIT_VIDEO had to be manually
[2025-02-13 22:01:49] SP DesktopLoginWindow_uid0: Created window: size: 705,440
pos: 805240832,805240832 mode: System window: 000F01FA
[2025-02-13 22:01:49] SP DesktopLoginWindow_uid0: AfterCreated handle:131073
type:4: (0, 0) 705x440
[2025-02-13 22:01:49] SP DesktopLoginWindow_uid0-'Sign in to': WasHidden 0: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 22:02:48] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup name:SP
Desktop_uid0 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:370: (-2147483648.00, -
2147483648.00) 1280.00x800.00: url:about:blank?
1&browserType=4&useragent=Valve Steam Client/default
[2025-02-13 22:02:48] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 805240832,805240832 size: 1280x800
[2025-02-13 22:02:48] SP Desktop_uid0: Created window: size: 1280,800 pos:
805240832,805240832 mode: System window: 00010742
[2025-02-13 22:02:48] SP Desktop_uid0: AfterCreated handle:196610 type:4: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 22:02:48] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 22:02:49] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
contenthash=b6f5095e753534f649d7:1: Timed out waiting for initial server clock
drift adjustment
[2025-02-13 22:02:49] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
FriendsUI ReadyToRender - Clock Drift - ERROR undefined
[2025-02-13 22:02:50] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
contenthash=b6f5095e753534f649d7:1: FriendStore Initialization - Still no friends
list from server. Waiting.
[2025-02-13 22:02:52] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup name:Special
Offers browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:98: (340.00, -51.00) 706.00x830.00:
[2025-02-13 22:02:52] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 340,-51 size: 706x830
[2025-02-13 22:02:52] Special Offers: Created window: size: 706,830 pos: 340,-51
mode: System window: 000B03E8
[2025-02-13 22:02:52] Special Offers: AfterCreated handle:262145 type:4: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 22:02:52] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingView 1 browser:1
popup:4 url:https://store.steampowered.com/marketingmessages/list/?
[2025-02-13 22:02:52] UB-327683: AfterCreated handle:327683 type:6: (0, 0) 1x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:52] UB-327683: WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:52] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-13 22:02:52] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-13 22:02:52] Special Offers-'Special Of': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 706x728
[2025-02-13 22:02:52] UB-327683: SetName: MessageDisplay
[2025-02-13 22:02:53] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:friendslist_uid0 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:114: (-2147483648.00, -
2147483648.00) 300.00x650.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 22:02:53] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 805240832,805240832 size: 300x650
[2025-02-13 22:02:53] friendslist_uid0: Created window: size: 300,650 pos:
805240832,805240832 mode: System window: 00010754
[2025-02-13 22:02:53] friendslist_uid0: AfterCreated handle:393220 type:4: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 22:02:53] friendslist_uid0-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 300x650
[2025-02-13 22:02:53] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Couldn't compile textfilter bannedwords regex
[2025-02-13 22:02:53] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Couldn't compile textfilter bannedwords regex
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_1 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:1335658: (100000.00,
100000.00) 2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=1335562&openerid=3
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 100000,100000 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_1: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 100000,100000
mode: System window: 000F0200
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_1: AfterCreated handle:458753 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_2 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (173.00, 2.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=3
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 173,2 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_2: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 173,2 mode:
System window: 00020750
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_2: AfterCreated handle:524291 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_3 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (127.00, 2.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=3
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 127,2 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_3: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 127,2 mode:
System window: 00010760
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_3: AfterCreated handle:589829 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_4 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (233.00, 2.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=3
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 233,2 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_4: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 233,2 mode:
System window: 00010768
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_4: AfterCreated handle:655366 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_5 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (292.00, 2.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=3
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 292,2 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_5: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 292,2 mode:
System window: 00010770
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_5: AfterCreated handle:720903 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_6 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (336.00, 2.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=3
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 336,2 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_6: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 336,2 mode:
System window: 00010778
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_6: AfterCreated handle:786440 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_7 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (1065.00, 6.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=3
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 1065,6 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_7: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 1065,6 mode:
System window: 00010780
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_7: AfterCreated handle:851977 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_8 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (1197.00, 6.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=3
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 1197,6 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_8: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 1197,6 mode:
System window: 00010788
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_8: AfterCreated handle:917514 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_9 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (202.00, 34.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=3
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 202,34 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_9: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 202,34 mode:
System window: 00010790
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_9: AfterCreated handle:983051 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_10 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (299.00, 34.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=3
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 299,34 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_10: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 299,34 mode:
System window: 00010798
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_10: AfterCreated handle:1048588 type:4: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_11 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (430.00, 34.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=3
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 430,34 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_11: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 430,34 mode:
System window: 000107A0
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_11: AfterCreated handle:1114125 type:4: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_12 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (563.00, 34.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=3
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 563,34 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_12: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 563,34 mode:
System window: 000107A8
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] contextmenu_12: AfterCreated handle:1179662 type:4: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingView 2 browser:1
popup:3 url:
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] UB-1245199: AfterCreated handle:1245199 type:6: (0, 0) 1x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] UB-1245199: WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-13 22:02:56] data:text/html,<body><%2Fbody>-'data:text/': SetName:
[2025-02-13 22:02:57] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-13 22:02:57] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-13 22:02:57] SteamBrowser-'data:text/': WasHidden 0: (1, 92) 1278x585
[2025-02-13 22:02:59] contextmenu_10-'Library Su': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:02:59] SteamBrowser-'Welcome to': WasHidden 1: (1, 92) 1278x585
[2025-02-13 22:03:00] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 2 != 1. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 22:03:00] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 1 != 0.
[2025-02-13 22:03:00] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 2 != 1. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 22:03:00] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 1 != 0.
[2025-02-13 22:03:00] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 2 != 1. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 22:03:00] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 1 != 0.
[2025-02-13 22:03:01] contextmenu_10-'Library Su': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:03:01] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Couldn't compile textfilter bannedwords regex
[2025-02-13 22:03:09] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Couldn't compile textfilter bannedwords regex
[2025-02-13 22:03:16] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Couldn't compile textfilter bannedwords regex
[2025-02-13 22:03:22] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Couldn't compile textfilter bannedwords regex
[2025-02-13 22:03:30] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Couldn't compile textfilter bannedwords regex
[2025-02-13 22:03:34] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 22:03:37] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Couldn't compile textfilter bannedwords regex
[2025-02-13 22:03:43] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Couldn't compile textfilter bannedwords regex
[2025-02-13 22:03:50] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Couldn't compile textfilter bannedwords regex
[2025-02-13 22:03:56] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 3 != 2. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 22:03:56] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 2 != 1.
[2025-02-13 22:03:57] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Failed to load app details cache data for 360
[2025-02-13 22:03:57] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 22:03:57] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-13 22:03:57] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-13 22:03:57] contextmenu_1-'Menu': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:03:57] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Failed to load app details cache data for 360
[2025-02-13 22:03:57] SteamBrowser-'data:text/': WasHidden 0: (1, 92) 1278x585
[2025-02-13 22:03:58] contextmenu_11-'Community ': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:03:58] contextmenu_10-'Library Su': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:03:58] contextmenu_1-'Menu': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:03:58] contextmenu_11-'Community ': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:03:58] contextmenu_10-'Library Su': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 22:03:58] SteamBrowser-'Welcome to': WasHidden 1: (1, 92) 1278x585
[2025-02-13 22:04:00] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Failed to load app details cache data for 550
[2025-02-13 22:04:00] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Failed to load app details cache data for 550
[2025-02-13 22:04:23] SteamBrowser-'data:text/': WasHidden 0: (1, 92) 1278x585
[2025-02-13 22:04:23] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-13 22:04:23] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-13 22:04:26] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:friendslist_uid0 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:114: (-2147483648.00, -
2147483648.00) 300.00x650.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 22:04:26] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 805240832,805240832 size: 300x650
[2025-02-13 22:04:26] friendslist_uid0: Created window: size: 300,650 pos:
805240832,805240832 mode: System window: 000E03AA
[2025-02-13 22:04:26] friendslist_uid0: AfterCreated handle:1310724 type:4: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 22:04:26] friendslist_uid0-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 300x650
[2025-02-13 22:05:23] SteamBrowser-'data:text/': WasHidden 1: (1, 92) 1278x585
[2025-02-13 22:05:29] friendslist_uid0-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 300x650
[2025-02-13 22:05:29] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 22:05:42] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 22:05:59] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 22:06:19] CreateBrowser 4003378168 type:0 flags:0 (-2147483648, -
2147483648) 0x0
[2025-02-13 22:06:19] UB-1376272: AfterCreated handle:1376272 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 22:06:19] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-13 22:06:19] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-13 22:06:20] data:text/html,<body><%2Fbody>-'data:text/': WasHidden 1:
(619, 351) 0x0
[2025-02-13 22:06:20] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:overlay_uid2236 browser:1376272 pid:2236 type:0 flags:4450: (0.00, 0.00)
1366.00x768.00: url:about:blank?
createflags=4354&pid=2236&browser=1376272&useragent=Valve Steam Client/default
[2025-02-13 22:06:20] overlay_uid2236: AfterCreated handle:1441809 type:0: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 22:06:20] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:friendslist_uid2236 browser:1376272 pid:2236 type:0 flags:114: (-
2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 300.00x650.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 22:06:20] friendslist_uid2236: AfterCreated handle:1507346 type:0: (0,
0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 22:06:20] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
MultiSourceImage created with no image src [object Object] 0
[2025-02-13 22:06:20] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:GameOverview_uid2236 browser:1376272 pid:2236 type:0 flags:114: (0.00, 150.00)
350.00x475.00: url:about:blank?createflags=18&pid=2236&browser=1376272
[2025-02-13 22:06:20] GameOverview_uid2236: AfterCreated handle:1572883 type:0: (0,
0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 22:06:20] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:notificationtoasts_uid220-10000_uid2236 browser:1376272 pid:2236 type:0
flags:1340266: (-2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 283.00x90.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 22:06:20] notificationtoasts_uid220-10000_uid2236: AfterCreated
handle:1638420 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 22:06:21] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
MultiSourceImage created with no image src [object Object] 0
[2025-02-13 22:06:21] overlay_uid2236-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-13 22:06:21] friendslist_uid2236-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-13 22:06:22] GameOverview_uid2236-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 1: (0, 150)
[2025-02-13 22:06:33] overlay_uid2236-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-13 22:06:33] friendslist_uid2236-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (533, 59)
[2025-02-13 22:06:33] GameOverview_uid2236-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 0: (0, 150)
[2025-02-13 22:06:36] friendslist_uid0-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 300x650
[2025-02-13 22:06:39] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 22:06:39] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-13 22:06:39] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-13 22:06:39] SteamBrowser-'data:text/': WasHidden 0: (1, 92) 1278x585
[2025-02-13 22:06:40] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 7 != 8. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 22:06:40] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 6 != 7.
[2025-02-13 22:06:40] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 7 != 8. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 22:06:40] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 6 != 7.
[2025-02-13 22:06:41] SteamBrowser-'Welcome to': WasHidden 1: (1, 92) 1278x585
[2025-02-13 22:06:41] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 8 != 9. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 22:06:41] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 7 != 8.
[2025-02-13 22:07:20] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 22:07:25] overlay_uid2236-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-13 22:07:25] friendslist_uid2236-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-13 22:07:25] GameOverview_uid2236-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 1: (0, 150)
[2025-02-13 22:20:53] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 22:20:58] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 22:24:08] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 22:38:04] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 22:43:10] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 22:49:16] overlay_uid2236-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-13 22:49:16] friendslist_uid2236-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (533, 59)
[2025-02-13 22:49:16] GameOverview_uid2236-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 0: (0, 150)
[2025-02-13 22:49:17] overlay_uid2236-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-13 22:49:17] friendslist_uid2236-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-13 22:49:17] GameOverview_uid2236-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 1: (0, 150)
[2025-02-13 23:00:19] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:notificationtoasts_1_desktop browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:1340266: (-
2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 283.00x70.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:00:19] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 805240832,805240832 size: 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:00:19] notificationtoasts_1_desktop: Created window: size: 283,70
pos: 805240832,805240832 mode: System window: 001003BC
[2025-02-13 23:00:19] notificationtoasts_1_desktop: AfterCreated handle:1703952
type:4: (0, 0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:00:19] notificationtoasts_1_desktop-'notificati': WasHidden 0: (0,
0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:00:19] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-
type=audio.mojom.AudioService --field-trial-
handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=audio --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\
logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --lang=en-US --force-
device-scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:8
[2025-02-13 23:00:25] notificationtoasts_1_desktop-'notificati': WasHidden 1: (0,
0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:01:35] contextmenu_10-'Library Su': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:01:35] contextmenu_10-'Library Su': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:01:36] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 9 != 10. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 23:01:36] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 8 != 9.
[2025-02-13 23:01:42] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 23:01:42] friendslist_uid0-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 300x650
[2025-02-13 23:03:11] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 23:03:13] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 10 != 11. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 23:03:13] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 9 != 10.
[2025-02-13 23:03:36] contextmenu_9-'Store Supe': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:03:36] contextmenu_10-'Library Su': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:03:36] contextmenu_9-'Store Supe': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:03:36] contextmenu_10-'Library Su': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:03:37] contextmenu_12-'Profile Su': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:03:37] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 11 != 12. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 23:03:37] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 10 != 11.
[2025-02-13 23:03:37] contextmenu_12-'Profile Su': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:04:34] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 12 != 13. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 23:04:34] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 11 != 12.
[2025-02-13 23:04:34] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Failed to load app details cache data for 1712830
[2025-02-13 23:04:34] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Failed to load app details cache data for 1712830
[2025-02-13 23:04:54] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 13 != 14. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 23:04:54] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 12 != 13.
[2025-02-13 23:06:28] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 14 != 15. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 23:06:28] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 13 != 14.
[2025-02-13 23:06:41] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 15 != 16. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 23:06:41] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 14 != 15.
[2025-02-13 23:06:44] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
No match for item [object Object] , deleting row 1 [object Object]
[2025-02-13 23:06:44] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
No match for item [object Object] , deleting row 4 [object Object]
[2025-02-13 23:06:44] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
No match for item [object Object] , deleting row 4 [object Object]
[2025-02-13 23:06:44] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
No match for item [object Object] , deleting row 7 [object Object]
[2025-02-13 23:06:44] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
No match for item [object Object] , deleting row 9 [object Object]
[2025-02-13 23:06:49] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 16 != 17. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 23:06:49] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 15 != 16.
[2025-02-13 23:06:49] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Failed to load app details cache data for 225840
[2025-02-13 23:06:49] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Failed to load app details cache data for 225840
[2025-02-13 23:06:51] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
No match for item [object Object] , deleting row 1 [object Object]
[2025-02-13 23:06:51] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
No match for item [object Object] , deleting row 1 [object Object]
[2025-02-13 23:06:51] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
No match for item [object Object] , deleting row 8 [object Object]
[2025-02-13 23:06:51] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
No match for item [object Object] , deleting row 10 [object Object]
[2025-02-13 23:06:54] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 17 != 18. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 23:06:54] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 16 != 17.
[2025-02-13 23:07:12] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
widgetapi.js:191: Unrecognized feature: 'web-share'.
[2025-02-13 23:07:12] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WARNING:
widgetapi.js:161: Unrecognized feature: 'web-share'.
[2025-02-13 23:07:44] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-
type=video_capture.mojom.VideoCaptureService --field-trial-
handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=video_capture --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --lang=en-US --
force-device-scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:8
[2025-02-13 23:10:03] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 18 != 19. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 23:10:03] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 17 != 18.
[2025-02-13 23:14:19] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 23:15:03] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 23:17:33] contextmenu_11-'Community ': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:17:33] contextmenu_10-'Library Su': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:17:33] contextmenu_11-'Community ': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:17:34] contextmenu_10-'Library Su': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:17:34] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 19 != 20. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 23:17:34] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 18 != 19.
[2025-02-13 23:17:43] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 20 != 21. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 23:17:43] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 19 != 20.
[2025-02-13 23:17:44] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Failed to load app details cache data for 850870
[2025-02-13 23:17:44] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Failed to load app details cache data for 850870
[2025-02-13 23:17:50] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 21 != 22. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 23:17:50] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 20 != 21.
[2025-02-13 23:18:32] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': ERROR:
widgetapi.js:199: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin
provided ('https://www.youtube.com') does not match the recipient window's origin
[2025-02-13 23:20:04] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history length != browser history length! 22 != 23. [object Object] [object
[2025-02-13 23:20:04] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
Router history index != browser history index! 21 != 22.
[2025-02-13 23:20:09] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_14 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (1042.00, 268.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=3
[2025-02-13 23:20:09] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 1042,268 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:09] contextmenu_14: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 1042,268 mode:
System window: 0015053E
[2025-02-13 23:20:09] contextmenu_14: AfterCreated handle:1769488 type:4: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 23:20:09] contextmenu_14-'Menu': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:chat_ChatWindow_0_uidundefined browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:114: (-
2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 740.00x650.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 805240832,805240832 size: 740x650
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] chat_ChatWindow_0_uidundefined: Created window: size: 740,650
pos: 805240832,805240832 mode: System window: 00170500
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] chat_ChatWindow_0_uidundefined: AfterCreated handle:1835026
type:4: (0, 0) 740x650
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WARNING: cancelling DoClose() for
bHideOnClose, but using Window.Close() is preferable
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] contextmenu_1-'Menu': WARNING: cancelling DoClose() for
bHideOnClose, but using Window.Close() is preferable
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] contextmenu_2-'View Root ': WARNING: cancelling DoClose() for
bHideOnClose, but using Window.Close() is preferable
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] contextmenu_3-'Steam Root': WARNING: cancelling DoClose() for
bHideOnClose, but using Window.Close() is preferable
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] contextmenu_4-'Friends Ro': WARNING: cancelling DoClose() for
bHideOnClose, but using Window.Close() is preferable
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] contextmenu_5-'Games Root': WARNING: cancelling DoClose() for
bHideOnClose, but using Window.Close() is preferable
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] contextmenu_6-'Help Root ': WARNING: cancelling DoClose() for
bHideOnClose, but using Window.Close() is preferable
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] contextmenu_7-'Notificati': WARNING: cancelling DoClose() for
bHideOnClose, but using Window.Close() is preferable
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] contextmenu_8-'Account Me': WARNING: cancelling DoClose() for
bHideOnClose, but using Window.Close() is preferable
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] contextmenu_9-'Store Supe': WARNING: cancelling DoClose() for
bHideOnClose, but using Window.Close() is preferable
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] contextmenu_10-'Library Su': WARNING: cancelling DoClose()
for bHideOnClose, but using Window.Close() is preferable
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] contextmenu_11-'Community ': WARNING: cancelling DoClose()
for bHideOnClose, but using Window.Close() is preferable
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] contextmenu_12-'Profile Su': WARNING: cancelling DoClose()
for bHideOnClose, but using Window.Close() is preferable
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-13 23:20:11] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 23:20:12] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-13 23:20:14] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup name:SP
Desktop_uid0 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:274: (53.00, 0.00) 1280.00x728.00:
1&browserType=4&restoredetails=1&x=53&y=0&w=1280&h=728&useragent=Valve Steam
[2025-02-13 23:20:14] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 53,0 size: 1280x728
[2025-02-13 23:20:14] SP Desktop_uid0: Created window: size: 1280,728 pos: 53,0
mode: System window: 000207B0
[2025-02-13 23:20:14] SP Desktop_uid0: AfterCreated handle:1900559 type:4: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 23:20:14] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Couldn't compile textfilter bannedwords regex
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_1 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:1335658: (100000.00,
100000.00) 2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=1335562&openerid=29
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 100000,100000 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_1: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 100000,100000
mode: System window: 000D03C6
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_1: AfterCreated handle:1966098 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_2 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (173.00, 2.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=29
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 173,2 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_2: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 173,2 mode:
System window: 000207AE
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_2: AfterCreated handle:2031620 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_3 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (127.00, 2.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=29
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 127,2 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_3: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 127,2 mode:
System window: 0002078E
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_3: AfterCreated handle:2097168 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_4 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (233.00, 2.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=29
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 233,2 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_4: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 233,2 mode:
System window: 0002076E
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_4: AfterCreated handle:2162707 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_5 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (292.00, 2.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=29
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 292,2 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_5: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 292,2 mode:
System window: 00020748
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_5: AfterCreated handle:2228241 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_6 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (336.00, 2.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=29
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 336,2 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_6: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 336,2 mode:
System window: 001004F0
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_6: AfterCreated handle:2293780 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_7 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (1127.00, 6.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=29
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 1127,6 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_7: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 1127,6 mode:
System window: 00110512
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_7: AfterCreated handle:2359317 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_8 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (1197.00, 6.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=29
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 1197,6 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_8: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 1197,6 mode:
System window: 000A004A
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_8: AfterCreated handle:2424854 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_9 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (202.00, 34.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=29
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 202,34 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_9: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 202,34 mode:
System window: 000B002A
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_9: AfterCreated handle:2490391 type:4: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_10 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (299.00, 34.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=29
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 299,34 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_10: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 299,34 mode:
System window: 000D02CE
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_10: AfterCreated handle:2555928 type:4: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_11 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (430.00, 34.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=29
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 430,34 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_11: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 430,34 mode:
System window: 000F052A
[2025-02-13 23:20:21] contextmenu_11: AfterCreated handle:2621465 type:4: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 23:20:22] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_12 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (527.00, 34.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&openerid=29
[2025-02-13 23:20:22] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 527,34 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:22] contextmenu_12: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 527,34 mode:
System window: 00060170
[2025-02-13 23:20:22] contextmenu_12: AfterCreated handle:2687002 type:4: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 23:20:22] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingView 1 browser:1
popup:29 url:
[2025-02-13 23:20:22] UB-2752539: AfterCreated handle:2752539 type:6: (0, 0) 1x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:22] UB-2752539: WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:22] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-13 23:20:22] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-13 23:20:22] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Couldn't compile textfilter bannedwords regex
[2025-02-13 23:20:30] data:text/html,<body><%2Fbody>-'data:text/': SetName:
[2025-02-13 23:20:30] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-13 23:20:30] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-13 23:20:30] SteamBrowser-'data:text/': WasHidden 0: (1, 92) 1278x585
[2025-02-13 23:20:30] SteamBrowser-'data:text/': WasHidden 1: (1, 92) 1278x585
[2025-02-13 23:20:30] SteamBrowser-'data:text/': WasHidden 0: (1, 92) 1278x585
[2025-02-13 23:20:30] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
contenthash=b6f5095e753534f649d7:1: FriendStore.ForceReadyToRender() - Initial
Persona States not ready: 0 received, friends list: 8 users
[2025-02-13 23:20:30] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
contenthash=b6f5095e753534f649d7:1: FriendStore.ForceReadyToRender() - Initial app
info not ready
[2025-02-13 23:20:30] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
contenthash=b6f5095e753534f649d7:1: FriendStore.ForceReadyToRender() - Per-friend
preferences not ready
[2025-02-13 23:20:31] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:friendslist_uid0 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:114: (-2147483648.00, -
2147483648.00) 300.00x650.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:20:31] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 805240832,805240832 size: 300x650
[2025-02-13 23:20:31] friendslist_uid0: Created window: size: 300,650 pos:
805240832,805240832 mode: System window: 000E0550
[2025-02-13 23:20:31] friendslist_uid0: AfterCreated handle:2818076 type:4: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 23:20:31] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Couldn't compile textfilter bannedwords regex
[2025-02-13 23:20:33] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': WARNING:
Couldn't compile textfilter bannedwords regex
[2025-02-13 23:20:34] friendslist_uid0-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 300x650
[2025-02-13 23:20:36] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_13_uid0 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (879.00,
363.00) 2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&pid=0&browser=-
[2025-02-13 23:20:36] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 879,363 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:36] contextmenu_13_uid0: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 879,363
mode: System window: 001F050A
[2025-02-13 23:20:36] contextmenu_13_uid0: AfterCreated handle:2883613 type:4: (0,
0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:36] contextmenu_13_uid0-'Menu': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:37] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:chat_ChatWindow_0_uid0 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:114: (-
2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 740.00x650.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:20:37] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 805240832,805240832 size: 740x650
[2025-02-13 23:20:37] chat_ChatWindow_0_uid0: Created window: size: 740,650 pos:
805240832,805240832 mode: System window: 000B0594
[2025-02-13 23:20:37] chat_ChatWindow_0_uid0: AfterCreated handle:2949150 type:4:
(0, 0) 740x650
[2025-02-13 23:20:37] chat_ChatWindow_0_uid0-'Comm': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 740x650
[2025-02-13 23:20:49] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:chat_ChatWindow_1_uid0 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:115: (-
2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 740.00x650.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:20:49] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 805240832,805240832 size: 740x650
[2025-02-13 23:20:49] chat_ChatWindow_1_uid0: Created window: size: 740,650 pos:
805240832,805240832 mode: System window: 000C0594
[2025-02-13 23:20:49] chat_ChatWindow_1_uid0: AfterCreated handle:3014685 type:4:
(0, 0) 740x650
[2025-02-13 23:20:49] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:notificationtoasts_2_desktop browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:1340266: (-
2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 283.00x70.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:20:49] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 805240832,805240832 size: 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:20:49] notificationtoasts_2_desktop: Created window: size: 283,70
pos: 805240832,805240832 mode: System window: 000C0552
[2025-02-13 23:20:49] notificationtoasts_2_desktop: AfterCreated handle:3080222
type:4: (0, 0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:20:50] notificationtoasts_2_desktop-'notificati': WasHidden 0: (0,
0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:20:51] contextmenu_12-'Profile Su': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:51] contextmenu_12-'Profile Su': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:51] contextmenu_10-'Library Su': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:51] contextmenu_10-'Library Su': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:20:51] SteamBrowser-'Welcome to': WasHidden 1: (1, 92) 1278x585
[2025-02-13 23:20:55] chat_ChatWindow_1_uid0-'Comm': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 740x650
[2025-02-13 23:20:56] notificationtoasts_2_desktop-'notificati': WasHidden 1: (0,
0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:21:50] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:notificationtoasts_3_desktop browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:1340266: (-
2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 283.00x70.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:21:50] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 805240832,805240832 size: 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:21:50] notificationtoasts_3_desktop: Created window: size: 283,70
pos: 805240832,805240832 mode: System window: 0012050C
[2025-02-13 23:21:50] notificationtoasts_3_desktop: AfterCreated handle:3145758
type:4: (0, 0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:21:50] notificationtoasts_3_desktop-'notificati': WasHidden 0: (0,
0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:21:56] notificationtoasts_3_desktop-'notificati': WasHidden 1: (0,
0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:21:58] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:notificationtoasts_4_desktop browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:1340266: (-
2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 283.00x70.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:21:58] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 805240832,805240832 size: 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:21:58] notificationtoasts_4_desktop: Created window: size: 283,70
pos: 805240832,805240832 mode: System window: 0013050C
[2025-02-13 23:21:58] notificationtoasts_4_desktop: AfterCreated handle:3211294
type:4: (0, 0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:21:58] notificationtoasts_4_desktop-'notificati': WasHidden 0: (0,
0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:22:05] notificationtoasts_4_desktop-'notificati': WasHidden 1: (0,
0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:22:15] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:notificationtoasts_5_desktop browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:1340266: (-
2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 283.00x70.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:22:15] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 805240832,805240832 size: 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:22:15] notificationtoasts_5_desktop: Created window: size: 283,70
pos: 805240832,805240832 mode: System window: 000E057C
[2025-02-13 23:22:15] notificationtoasts_5_desktop: AfterCreated handle:3276830
type:4: (0, 0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:22:15] notificationtoasts_5_desktop-'notificati': WasHidden 0: (0,
0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:22:21] notificationtoasts_5_desktop-'notificati': WasHidden 1: (0,
0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:26:30] contextmenu_7-'Notificati': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:26:31] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:friendslist_uid0 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:114: (-2147483648.00, -
2147483648.00) 300.00x650.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:26:31] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 805240832,805240832 size: 300x650
[2025-02-13 23:26:31] friendslist_uid0: Created window: size: 300,650 pos:
805240832,805240832 mode: System window: 00110562
[2025-02-13 23:26:31] friendslist_uid0: AfterCreated handle:3342366 type:4: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 23:26:31] contextmenu_7-'Notificati': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:26:32] friendslist_uid0-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 300x650
[2025-02-13 23:26:33] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_14_uid0 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (749.00,
229.00) 2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&pid=0&browser=-
[2025-02-13 23:26:33] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 749,229 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:26:33] contextmenu_14_uid0: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 749,229
mode: System window: 00100552
[2025-02-13 23:26:33] contextmenu_14_uid0: AfterCreated handle:3407900 type:4: (0,
0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:26:33] contextmenu_14_uid0-'Menu': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:26:34] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_15_uid0 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:344426: (665.00, 58.00)
2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?createflags=344330&pid=0&browser=-
[2025-02-13 23:26:34] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 665,58 size: 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:26:34] contextmenu_15_uid0: Created window: size: 2,1 pos: 665,58
mode: System window: 002104C4
[2025-02-13 23:26:34] contextmenu_15_uid0: AfterCreated handle:3473439 type:4: (0,
0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:26:34] contextmenu_15_uid0-'Menu': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-13 23:28:24] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 23:29:13] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-13 23:32:03] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:notificationtoasts_6_desktop browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:1340266: (-
2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 283.00x70.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:32:03] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 805240832,805240832 size: 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:32:03] notificationtoasts_6_desktop: Created window: size: 283,70
pos: 805240832,805240832 mode: System window: 00100592
[2025-02-13 23:32:03] notificationtoasts_6_desktop: AfterCreated handle:3538972
type:4: (0, 0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:32:03] notificationtoasts_6_desktop-'notificati': WasHidden 0: (0,
0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:32:09] notificationtoasts_6_desktop-'notificati': WasHidden 1: (0,
0) 283x70
[2025-02-13 23:32:29] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup name:Steam
Dialog_uid0 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:98: (343.00, 109.00) 700.00x510.00:
[2025-02-13 23:32:29] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 343,109 size: 700x510
[2025-02-13 23:32:29] Steam Dialog_uid0: Created window: size: 700,510 pos: 343,109
mode: System window: 001404F6
[2025-02-13 23:32:29] Steam Dialog_uid0: AfterCreated handle:3604508 type:4: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 23:32:29] Steam Dialog_uid0-'Steam Dial': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 700x510
[2025-02-13 23:32:33] CreateBrowser 3418902504 type:0 flags:0 (-2147483648, -
2147483648) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:32:33] UB-3670044: AfterCreated handle:3670044 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:32:33] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-13 23:32:33] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-13 23:32:33] UB-3670044: WasHidden 1: (619, 351) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:32:34] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:chat_ChatWindow_2_uid964 browser:3670044 pid:964 type:0 flags:114: (-
2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 740.00x650.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:32:34] chat_ChatWindow_2_uid964: AfterCreated handle:3735583 type:0:
(0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:32:34] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:overlay_uid964 browser:3670044 pid:964 type:0 flags:4450: (0.00, 0.00)
1366.00x768.00: url:about:blank?
createflags=4354&pid=964&browser=3670044&useragent=Valve Steam Client/default
[2025-02-13 23:32:34] overlay_uid964: AfterCreated handle:3801120 type:0: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 23:32:35] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:friendslist_uid964 browser:3670044 pid:964 type:0 flags:114: (-2147483648.00,
-2147483648.00) 300.00x650.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:32:35] friendslist_uid964: AfterCreated handle:3866657 type:0: (0,
0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:32:35] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:GameOverview_uid964 browser:3670044 pid:964 type:0 flags:18: (0.00, 150.00)
350.00x475.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:32:35] GameOverview_uid964: AfterCreated handle:3932194 type:0: (0,
0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:32:35] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:notificationtoasts_uid550-10000_uid964 browser:3670044 pid:964 type:0
flags:1340266: (-2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 283.00x90.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:32:35] notificationtoasts_uid550-10000_uid964: AfterCreated
handle:3997731 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:32:35] chat_ChatWindow_2_uid964-'Comm': WasHidden 1: (313, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:32:35] overlay_uid964-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-13 23:32:36] friendslist_uid964-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:32:36] GameOverview_uid964-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 1: (0, 150)
[2025-02-13 23:34:06] CreateBrowser 4204068797 type:0 flags:0 (-2147483648, -
2147483648) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:34:06] UB-4063260: AfterCreated handle:4063260 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:34:06] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-13 23:34:06] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-13 23:34:06] data:text/html,<body><%2Fbody>-'data:text/': WasHidden 1:
(619, 351) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:34:06] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:chat_ChatWindow_3_uid2916 browser:4063260 pid:2916 type:0 flags:114: (-
2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 740.00x650.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:34:06] chat_ChatWindow_3_uid2916: AfterCreated handle:4128801
type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:34:06] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:overlay_uid2916 browser:4063260 pid:2916 type:0 flags:4450: (0.00, 0.00)
1366.00x768.00: url:about:blank?
createflags=4354&pid=2916&browser=4063260&useragent=Valve Steam Client/default
[2025-02-13 23:34:06] overlay_uid2916: AfterCreated handle:4194335 type:0: (0, 0)
[2025-02-13 23:34:07] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:friendslist_uid2916 browser:4063260 pid:2916 type:0 flags:114: (-
2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 300.00x650.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:34:07] friendslist_uid2916: AfterCreated handle:4259874 type:0: (0,
0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:34:07] chat_ChatWindow_3_uid2916-'Comm': WasHidden 1: (313, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:34:07] overlay_uid2916-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-13 23:34:07] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:GameOverview_uid2916 browser:4063260 pid:2916 type:0 flags:18: (0.00, 150.00)
350.00x475.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:34:07] GameOverview_uid2916: AfterCreated handle:4325408 type:0: (0,
0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:34:07] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:notificationtoasts_uid550-10001_uid2916 browser:4063260 pid:2916 type:0
flags:1340266: (-2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 283.00x90.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:34:07] notificationtoasts_uid550-10001_uid2916: AfterCreated
handle:4390947 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:34:09] friendslist_uid2916-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:34:09] GameOverview_uid2916-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 1: (0, 150)
[2025-02-13 23:49:48] chat_ChatWindow_3_uid2916-'Comm': WasHidden 0: (313, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:49:48] overlay_uid2916-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-13 23:49:48] friendslist_uid2916-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (533, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:49:48] GameOverview_uid2916-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 0: (0, 150)
[2025-02-13 23:49:48] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:OverlayBrowser_Browser_uid2916 browser:4063260 pid:2916 type:0 flags:370:
(0.00, 150.00) 1024.00x576.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-13 23:49:48] OverlayBrowser_Browser_uid2916: AfterCreated handle:4456483
type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:49:49] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingView 2 browser:1
popup:68 url:http://www.steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2820841589
[2025-02-13 23:49:49] UB-4522020: AfterCreated handle:4522020 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:49:49] UB-4522020: WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:49:49] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-13 23:49:49] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-13 23:49:49] UB-4522020: WasHidden 1: (0, 150) 64x24
[2025-02-13 23:49:49] UB-4522020: SetName: OverlayTab1
[2025-02-13 23:49:56] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 70) 1020x480
[2025-02-13 23:49:56] OverlayBrowser_Browser_uid2916-'OverlayBro': ERROR:
_STRING=false:1: ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded
[2025-02-13 23:49:56] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 254) 1020x446
[2025-02-13 23:50:01] chat_ChatWindow_3_uid2916-'Comm': WasHidden 1: (313, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:50:01] overlay_uid2916-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-13 23:50:01] friendslist_uid2916-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:50:01] GameOverview_uid2916-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 1: (0, 150)
[2025-02-13 23:50:01] OverlayBrowser_Browser_uid2916-'OverlayBro': WasHidden 1: (0,
150) 1024x576
[2025-02-13 23:50:01] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 1: (2, 254) 1020x446
[2025-02-13 23:50:01] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 1: (2, 254) 1020x446
[2025-02-13 23:50:03] chat_ChatWindow_3_uid2916-'Comm': WasHidden 0: (313, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:50:03] overlay_uid2916-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-13 23:50:03] friendslist_uid2916-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (533, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:50:03] GameOverview_uid2916-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 0: (0, 150)
[2025-02-13 23:50:03] OverlayBrowser_Browser_uid2916-'OverlayBro': WasHidden 0: (0,
150) 1024x576
[2025-02-13 23:50:03] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 104) 1020x446
[2025-02-13 23:50:03] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 104) 1020x446
[2025-02-13 23:50:03] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 1: (2, 104) 1020x446
[2025-02-13 23:50:03] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingView 3 browser:1
popup:68 url:http://www.steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3250702224
[2025-02-13 23:50:03] UB-4587557: AfterCreated handle:4587557 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:50:03] UB-4587557: WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-13 23:50:03] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-13 23:50:03] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-13 23:50:03] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 1: (0, 150) 1020x446
[2025-02-13 23:50:03] UB-4587557: WasHidden 1: (0, 150) 64x24
[2025-02-13 23:50:03] UB-4587557: SetName: OverlayTab2
[2025-02-13 23:50:08] chat_ChatWindow_3_uid2916-'Comm': WasHidden 1: (313, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:50:08] overlay_uid2916-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-13 23:50:08] friendslist_uid2916-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:50:08] GameOverview_uid2916-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 1: (0, 150)
[2025-02-13 23:50:08] OverlayBrowser_Browser_uid2916-'OverlayBro': WasHidden 1: (0,
150) 1024x576
[2025-02-13 23:50:08] chat_ChatWindow_3_uid2916-'Comm': WasHidden 0: (313, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:50:08] overlay_uid2916-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-13 23:50:08] friendslist_uid2916-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (533, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:50:08] GameOverview_uid2916-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 0: (0, 150)
[2025-02-13 23:50:08] OverlayBrowser_Browser_uid2916-'OverlayBro': WasHidden 0: (0,
150) 1024x576
[2025-02-13 23:50:08] OverlayTab2-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 104) 1020x446
[2025-02-13 23:50:08] OverlayTab2-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 254) 1020x446
[2025-02-13 23:50:09] OverlayTab2-'Steam Work': WasHidden 1: (2, 254) 1020x446
[2025-02-13 23:50:11] overlay_uid2916-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-13 23:50:11] friendslist_uid2916-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:50:11] GameOverview_uid2916-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 1: (0, 150)
[2025-02-13 23:50:55] overlay_uid2916-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-13 23:50:55] friendslist_uid2916-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (533, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:50:55] GameOverview_uid2916-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 0: (0, 150)
[2025-02-13 23:50:56] overlay_uid2916-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-13 23:50:56] friendslist_uid2916-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-13 23:50:56] GameOverview_uid2916-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 1: (0, 150)
[2025-02-13 23:50:57] friendslist_uid0-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 300x650
[2025-02-13 23:50:57] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-14 00:14:37] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-14 00:15:33] CreateBrowser 783906769 type:0 flags:0 (-2147483648, -
2147483648) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:15:33] UB-4653084: AfterCreated handle:4653084 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:15:33] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-14 00:15:33] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-14 00:15:33] UB-4653084: WasHidden 1: (619, 351) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:15:33] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:overlay_uid2468 browser:4653084 pid:2468 type:0 flags:4450: (0.00, 0.00)
1366.00x768.00: url:about:blank?
createflags=4354&pid=2468&browser=4653084&useragent=Valve Steam Client/default
[2025-02-14 00:15:33] overlay_uid2468: AfterCreated handle:4718626 type:0: (0, 0)
[2025-02-14 00:15:34] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 00:15:34] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:friendslist_uid2468 browser:4653084 pid:2468 type:0 flags:114: (-
2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 300.00x650.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-14 00:15:34] friendslist_uid2468: AfterCreated handle:4784160 type:0: (0,
0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:15:34] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:GameOverview_uid2468 browser:4653084 pid:2468 type:0 flags:18: (0.00, 150.00)
350.00x475.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-14 00:15:34] GameOverview_uid2468: AfterCreated handle:4849695 type:0: (0,
0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:15:34] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:notificationtoasts_uid550-10002_uid2468 browser:4653084 pid:2468 type:0
flags:1340266: (-2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 283.00x90.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-14 00:15:34] notificationtoasts_uid550-10002_uid2468: AfterCreated
handle:4915229 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:15:35] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 00:15:35] GameOverview_uid2468-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 1: (0, 150)
[2025-02-14 00:16:12] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 00:16:12] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 00:16:12] GameOverview_uid2468-'GameOvervi': WasHidden 0: (0, 150)
[2025-02-14 00:16:19] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 00:16:19] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 00:16:25] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 00:16:25] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 00:16:25] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:OverlayBrowser_Browser_uid2468 browser:4653084 pid:2468 type:0 flags:274:
(0.00, 150.00) 1024.00x576.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-14 00:16:25] OverlayBrowser_Browser_uid2468: AfterCreated handle:4980767
type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:16:25] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingView 4 browser:1
popup:76 url:http://www.steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3399399167
[2025-02-14 00:16:25] UB-5046301: AfterCreated handle:5046301 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:16:25] UB-5046301: WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:16:25] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-14 00:16:25] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-14 00:16:25] UB-5046301: WasHidden 1: (0, 150) 64x24
[2025-02-14 00:16:25] UB-5046301: SetName: OverlayTab1
[2025-02-14 00:16:30] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 70) 1020x480
[2025-02-14 00:16:30] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 220) 1020x480
[2025-02-14 00:16:33] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 00:16:33] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 00:16:33] OverlayBrowser_Browser_uid2468-'OverlayBro': WasHidden 1: (0,
150) 1024x576
[2025-02-14 00:16:33] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 1: (2, 254) 1020x446
[2025-02-14 00:16:33] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 1: (2, 254) 1020x446
[2025-02-14 00:16:34] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 00:16:34] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 00:16:34] OverlayBrowser_Browser_uid2468-'OverlayBro': WasHidden 0: (0,
150) 1024x576
[2025-02-14 00:16:34] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 104) 1020x446
[2025-02-14 00:16:34] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 104) 1020x446
[2025-02-14 00:16:34] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 1: (2, 104) 1020x446
[2025-02-14 00:16:34] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingView 5 browser:1
popup:76 url:http://www.steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2929597181
[2025-02-14 00:16:34] UB-5111841: AfterCreated handle:5111841 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:16:34] UB-5111841: WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:16:34] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-14 00:16:34] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-14 00:16:34] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 1: (0, 150) 1020x446
[2025-02-14 00:16:34] UB-5111841: WasHidden 1: (0, 150) 64x24
[2025-02-14 00:16:34] UB-5111841: SetName: OverlayTab2
[2025-02-14 00:16:37] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 104) 1020x446
[2025-02-14 00:16:37] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 254) 1020x446
[2025-02-14 00:16:40] OverlayTab1-'Steam Work': WasHidden 1: (2, 254) 1020x446
[2025-02-14 00:16:40] OverlayTab2-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 104) 1020x446
[2025-02-14 00:16:40] OverlayTab2-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 254) 1020x446
[2025-02-14 00:16:48] OverlayTab2-'Steam Work': WasHidden 1: (2, 254) 1020x446
[2025-02-14 00:16:49] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 00:16:49] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 00:16:51] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 00:16:51] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 00:16:51] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:OverlayBrowser_Browser_uid2468 browser:4653084 pid:2468 type:0 flags:274:
(0.00, 150.00) 1024.00x576.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-14 00:16:51] OverlayBrowser_Browser_uid2468: AfterCreated handle:5177377
type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:16:51] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingView 6 browser:1
popup:79 url:http://www.steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=373048945
[2025-02-14 00:16:51] UB-5242911: AfterCreated handle:5242911 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:16:51] UB-5242911: WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:16:51] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-14 00:16:51] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-14 00:16:51] UB-5242911: WasHidden 1: (0, 150) 64x24
[2025-02-14 00:16:51] UB-5242911: SetName: OverlayTab3
[2025-02-14 00:16:54] OverlayTab3-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 70) 1020x480
[2025-02-14 00:16:54] OverlayTab3-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 220) 1020x480
[2025-02-14 00:16:59] OverlayTab3-'Steam Work': WasHidden 1: (2, 254) 1020x446
[2025-02-14 00:17:00] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 00:17:00] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 00:33:54] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 00:33:54] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 00:33:55] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:OverlayBrowser_Browser_uid2468 browser:4653084 pid:2468 type:0 flags:274:
(0.00, 150.00) 1024.00x576.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-14 00:33:55] OverlayBrowser_Browser_uid2468: AfterCreated handle:5308449
type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:33:55] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingView 7 browser:1
popup:81 url:http://www.steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3250702224
[2025-02-14 00:33:55] UB-5373983: AfterCreated handle:5373983 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:33:55] UB-5373983: WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 00:33:55] Browser - launching child process with: "C:\Program Files
(x86)\SteamEX\bin\cef\cef.win7\steamwebhelper.exe" --type=renderer --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --
field-trial-handle=1348,7803494422995514591,12843094036687831339,131072 --enable-
features=CastMediaRouteProvider --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies --
disable-gpu-compositing --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet
--disable-blink-features=Badging --lang=en-US --log-file="C:\Program Files (x86)\
SteamEX\logs\cef_log.txt" --product-version="Valve Steam Client" --force-device-
scale-factor=1 --disablehighdpi --buildid=0 --steamid=0 /prefetch:1
[2025-02-14 00:33:55] Disabling GPU acceleration due to --disable-gpu-compositing
[2025-02-14 00:33:55] UB-5373983: WasHidden 1: (0, 150) 64x24
[2025-02-14 00:33:55] UB-5373983: SetName: OverlayTab4
[2025-02-14 00:33:58] OverlayTab4-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 70) 1020x480
[2025-02-14 00:33:58] OverlayTab4-'Steam Work': WasHidden 0: (2, 220) 1020x480
[2025-02-14 00:33:59] OverlayTab4-'Steam Work': WasHidden 1: (2, 254) 1020x446
[2025-02-14 00:34:01] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 00:34:01] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 00:48:38] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 00:48:38] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 00:48:38] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 00:48:38] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 01:22:07] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:notificationtoasts_uid550-7_uid2468 browser:4653084 pid:2468 type:0
flags:1340266: (-2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 283.00x70.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-14 01:22:07] notificationtoasts_uid550-7_uid2468: AfterCreated
handle:5439521 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 01:25:04] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:notificationtoasts_uid550-8_uid2468 browser:4653084 pid:2468 type:0
flags:1340266: (-2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 283.00x70.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-14 01:25:04] notificationtoasts_uid550-8_uid2468: AfterCreated
handle:5505057 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 01:36:30] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:notificationtoasts_uid550-9_uid2468 browser:4653084 pid:2468 type:0
flags:1340266: (-2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 283.00x70.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-14 01:36:30] notificationtoasts_uid550-9_uid2468: AfterCreated
handle:5570593 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 01:56:20] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:notificationtoasts_uid550-10_uid2468 browser:4653084 pid:2468 type:0
flags:1340266: (-2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 283.00x70.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-14 01:56:20] notificationtoasts_uid550-10_uid2468: AfterCreated
handle:5636129 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 02:00:29] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:notificationtoasts_uid550-11_uid2468 browser:4653084 pid:2468 type:0
flags:1340266: (-2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 283.00x70.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-14 02:00:29] notificationtoasts_uid550-11_uid2468: AfterCreated
handle:5701665 type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 02:01:03] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 02:01:03] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 02:01:03] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 02:01:03] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 02:01:07] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 02:01:07] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 0: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 02:01:07] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:contextmenu_16_uid2468 browser:4653084 pid:2468 type:0 flags:344426: (819.00,
323.00) 2.00x1.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-14 02:01:07] contextmenu_16_uid2468: AfterCreated handle:5767201 type:0:
(0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 02:01:08] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:chat_ChatWindow_4_uid0 browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:115: (-
2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 740.00x650.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-14 02:01:08] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 805240832,805240832 size: 740x650
[2025-02-14 02:01:08] chat_ChatWindow_4_uid0: Created window: size: 740,650 pos:
805240832,805240832 mode: System window: 00290454
[2025-02-14 02:01:08] chat_ChatWindow_4_uid0: AfterCreated handle:5832735 type:4:
(0, 0) 740x650
[2025-02-14 02:01:08] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:chat_ChatWindow_5_uid2468 browser:4653084 pid:2468 type:0 flags:114: (-
2147483648.00, -2147483648.00) 740.00x650.00: url:about:blank?
[2025-02-14 02:01:08] chat_ChatWindow_5_uid2468: AfterCreated handle:5898269
type:0: (0, 0) 0x0
[2025-02-14 02:01:11] overlay_uid2468-'SP Overlay': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1366x768
[2025-02-14 02:01:11] friendslist_uid2468-'Friends Li': WasHidden 1: (533, 59)
[2025-02-14 02:01:11] chat_ChatWindow_5_uid2468-'ᴀʀʟᴇ': WasHidden 1: (313, 59)
[2025-02-14 02:01:17] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-14 02:03:04] contextmenu_1-'Menu': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-14 02:03:04] SP Desktop_uid0-'Steam': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 1280x728
[2025-02-14 02:03:04] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': CreatingPopup
name:Shutdown browser:65536 pid:144 type:4 flags:98: (393.00, 244.00)
600.00x240.00: url:about:blank?createflags=2&centerOnBrowserID=29
[2025-02-14 02:03:04] CBrowserComposerSystem::CreateOutputWindow: Creating browser
window at: 393,244 size: 600x240
[2025-02-14 02:03:04] Shutdown: Created window: size: 600,240 pos: 393,244 mode:
System window: 002606BA
[2025-02-14 02:03:04] Shutdown: AfterCreated handle:5963804 type:4: (0, 0) 600x240
[2025-02-14 02:03:04] contextmenu_1-'Menu': WasHidden 1: (0, 0) 2x1
[2025-02-14 02:03:05] Shutdown-'Shutdown': WasHidden 0: (0, 0) 600x240
[2025-02-14 02:03:05] SP Shared JS Context-'SharedJSCo': ERROR:
WebSocket close: reason:

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