Final LP
Final LP
Final LP
Department of Education
Division of Palawan
South Brooke’s Point District
Brookes Point Central School
School: Grade Level: IV
GRADE 4 Learning
Lesson Plan Area:
Teaching Dates 4TH QUARTER-
and Time: ______ WEEK 6
A. Content The learners demonstrate understanding of the Sun as the main source of
standard heat and light on Earth
B. Performance
C. Learning Describe the changes in the position and length of shadow in
competencies surroundings as the position of the Sun changes;
I. Objectives At the end of 50-minute lesson, the grade 4 pupils will be able to:
1. Identify the beneficial effects of the sun’s heat and light on living
2. Write the beneficial effects of the sun’s heat and light on living
*Integration: things;
Awareness on the 3. Show enthusiasm in performing any assigned task.
effects of the sun to
living things
II. Content Effects of Sun’s Heat and Light
Subject S4ES-IVh-9
Skills targeted
III. Learning Science IV
A. Referenc
1. Teacher’s Guide Science IV Teacher’s Guide 352-357
2. Learner’s Science IV Learner’s Material 314-315
3. Curriculum S4ES-IVh-9
4. Textbook pages
5. Additional Visual aid, Pictures,
materials from
B. Other
IV. Procedures Teacher’s Activity Pupils Activity
1. Daily Routine “Everybody stand and let us pray.” (Will lead the
A. Prayer please lead the prayer. prayer)
What is the main source of heat and The main source of heat and
light? light is sun.
Very good!
(Pupils will
Because an early
What time of the day do you think it is? morning sun gives
vitamins to the
Why do you think babies need to
exposed to the sunshine in the morning?
Please read this word.
The word
harvesting has three
How many syllables?
5. Developing I will group you into three.
Group 1
What to do:
1. Study the pictures. Encircle and
identify the benefits that living
things can get from the sun’s
heat and light.
2. Discuss with your groupmates
the beneficial effects of the sun
living things.
3. Write your group output on a
manila paper and answer the
guided questions.
4. Present the output of your group.
Drying of clothes
Animals can
survive with the
aids of the sun
What to do:
1. Read the sentences carefully.
Identify and encircle the
beneficial effects of the sun’s
heat and light.
2. Discuss with your groupmates
the beneficial effects of the sun
living things.
3. Write your group output on a 1. For drying laundry
manila paper and answer the 2. Drying of salted meat
guided questions.
4. Present the output of your group.
Group 3
What to do:
1. Assemble, study the pictures and
identify the benefits that living
things can get from the sun’s
heat and light. Fishermen can dry their
2. Discuss with your groupmates fish under the sun’s heat
the beneficial effects of the sun and light.
living things.
3. Write your group output on a
manila paper and answer the
guided questions.
4. Present the output of your group. Farmers can dry their
crops under the sun’s
heat and light.
Guided Questions:
1. In what way is the sun beneficial
to plants, animals and human?
2. What activities of people that
need sun’s heat and light?
3. In what way is the sun’s heat
useful to farmers and fishermen?
Teamwork – 5 points
Discipline – 5 points
Delivery – 5 points
Content – 10 points
7.Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills in
daily living Your mother forgot to put out your plant
to let the sunshine, what will you do? I will put out the plants to let
Why? the sunshine because plants
need sun’s heat and light in
order to grow and produce
8. Making
ns and
Yes, because sun
give plants sunlight
about the Is the sun beneficial to plants, animals
to grow. Animals,
lesson and humans? Why?
including humans,
need plants for food
and the oxygen they
9. Evaluation
Direction: Identify and encircle the
beneficial effects of the sun’s heat and
light. Choose your answer inside the box
and write in appropriate picture.
Animals can
survive with the
aids of the sun
10. Assignment
Research on other harmful effects of the
sun on living things.