Mpuau Guide 03
Mpuau Guide 03
Mpuau Guide 03
IT DOESNT GET MUCH simpler than this. Here are the steps you can use to immediately get better results. I could string out this chapter and make into a book but just because I have made it as succinct as possible, dont underestimate the importance! These are the three characters you can assume during every interaction with women. No, it doesnt mean acting, it just means being aware of how you are presenting yourself at different stages of an interaction. We all have different ways of behaving with our parents, our girlfriend, our friends. What we do here is use our different ways of behaving to consciously progress an interaction or even an existing relationship to the next level. The three characters provide a structure to a pick up from a cold approach to a kiss close. It is a very simple to follow formula, and by knowing at what point you are failing (hooking sets, connecting, seduction) and by looking at the character attributes, you will be able to easily see which areas you need to work on.
problem will be the oft mentioned nice guy who finishes last, who the girls just want to be friends with. At work, I sometimes went with the team for lunch; they were all women, and theyd openly talk about sex and relationships in front of me. They did this because I was in no way sexual. They saw me as similar to the gay best friend, and could probably have got changed in front of me as if I were one of their girlfriends. There is a point in an interaction where a woman makes the choice between seeing you as a friend or as a possible romantic interest. You need to be able to spice things up at this point to avoid going down the friend route. Over time and without any pre-planning, I developed my other two characters, Mr. sociable and the seducer, and my success rate with women increased hugely. You can think of it in NLP terms its like pacing and leading. First you grab their attention, its like a James Bond film which always has the action scene at the beginning. Next you lead them into a more normal interaction which is like the plot and character development part of the film. Finally you lead them into the
seductive vibe. If you watch a James Bond film, you cant start with the conversation, it will be boring and wont get you invested in the movie, but this part is not sexy, this is not the part where the girl you are with wants to make out with you. Its loud and fast moving. The seductive scene is slow, smooth and soft. You can lead her through a mini-adventure by applying the Three characters. To increase your success rate, you need to use the three characters as follows:
This is the guy that makes a great first impression; he has high energy levels (see subsection on energy levels), is animated, and makes people feel comfortable. He will be able to get in with any group, make them laugh and generally brighten up their evening. We are glad this person is around because there will be no awkward silences, hell keep the conversation going.
Someone who is naturally Mr comfort might think too much about what he says; he thinks hes being considerate, but people relax a lot more when the person they are with is relaxed himself. Mr. sociable personifies because he is obviously being very natural, and saying what comes to mind. Because he is comfortable, people will relax around him. on the other hand, MISSION:
Pick a long opener and deliver it either on video or in the mirror. First deliver it with no eye contact or movement, then do it again and this time look at yourself or the lens. Next add in some gestures and hand movements to mark out the words. Now do it again with some more movement in your body. Now add some facial animation maybe a curious face if its a question or whatever the applicable emotion is. Finally work on your verbal delivery by recording yourself and repeating the opener until you have perfect pacing, no errs and umms, and sound like you mean it!
he will be very good for the first few minutes but might find it hard to connect with the person, or to seduce them, simply because he is too high-energy and his conversational topics are too light and shallow. After a while women will probably become tired of talking to him, because he cant be serious or deep. Weve all been in
situations with someone who constantly tries to crack jokes; its good for a few minutes but quickly becomes tiresome. Use this character for the first few minutes until youre into a comfortable two-way conversation and they want you to stick around. Extroverts will find it easier to step into this character, whereas introverts will find it harder. I knew for a long time that I needed to be more sociable, outgoing, funny, and interesting but how do you do that? Everyone can think of someone who is the archetypal Mr. sociable, and to be him yourself you need to: Be high energy. remember: voice tone variation, body movement, eye contact, gestures, facial animation. If you are not hooking your sets, if you are not getting their attention, this is what you can work on. Make sure you have each of the 5 elements, and work on it until you do. Film yourself, practice delivering openers in the mirror, do whatever it takes to get it Be positive. People in england are generally less positive than our american cousins. We like to moan about the weather, how stressed we are, how bad the food is, and
whatever else. although we can connect with people by talking about negative stuff, people would much prefer to be surrounded by those who make them feel good. Find the positive aspects, and if someone starts a negative conversational thread try to switch it as soon as possible. Im not talking about being happy clappy; you can be realistic, but if you have the choice of talking about something negative or positive, accentuate the positive. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy the music, the company, the venue, the drinks, the food. Most people dont seem to enjoy themselves much, but we are always drawn towards people that look like they are having fun. Enthusiasm, passion and happiness are contagious. You will make people want to be part of your life if you look like you are enjoying yourself. One man might be a billionaire with the perfect life, but look bored and uninterested; another might be average in every regard, but have a real passion for life women will want to be with him subconsciously, because this person can make them feel good. Smile. youll already stand out, as most people dont smile! Do most of the talking. Ask few questions. Keep the
conversation light and situational. To develop this character, there are a few active steps and exercises you can undertake: Do something that involves public speaking and being the centre of attention toastmasters club, Tefl course, standup comedy class, acting. Try this acting exercise with a friend: one- word impro. The way it works is that you try and make a story one word at a time: you say a word (I) and then your friend says a word (will) and you continue like this. (Go. And. See. My. Friends. At. The. Beach. And. Build. A. Sandcastle. Then...) when you come to a full-stop, you use words like next, afterwards and then to carry it on. You try to increase the speed and, when you get good at this, it should translate directly into natural conversation. You can see this character at work in actors like owen wilson and vince vaughn in wedding crashers. Id imagine that quickwitted Tv hosts also could have the Mr. sociable character down pat.
After youve integrated into a group, you can bring out Mr. comfort. when you first approach strangers, they are usually in a wait and see mode. It might happen quickly, or might take a while, but soon they should open up to you and commit to the interaction. How do you know when this has happened? Nonverbally: they will stop looking at each other, or around the room, and will be focused on you and what you say. Verbally: they will start to commit more to the conversation, giving longer answers and asking you questions. Mr. comfort is interested and interesting. He listens fifty percent of the time, doesnt talk too much about himself and tries to understand women, find common interests and build rapport. He should stick around until youve a connection with a girl, at which point he should start to bring in some elements of the next character, the seducer. Usually, Mr. comfort cannot start conversations very well and is not very seductive, so it will be awkward when he goes in for the kiss. Being Mr. comfort was always my strong point. Most introverts will be at home in this mode. The problem is getting stuck in it! ninety percent of the
time, when guys tell me they have been put into the friend zone by a woman, its due to being Mr. comfort for too long. Having no sexual vibe, no matter how good you are conversationally, means youre no more use than her girlfriends or gay best friend! In this stage you can also use attraction builders if you sense that the interaction is lacking a spark. you can dip back into The fun sociable guy if you sense their attention is waning. The connection, and rapport skills that can be used in this stage are described in the rapport, deep rapport and skills of the natural chapters.
The seducer, coming in after Mr. sociable and Mr. comfort, will be very effective. The seducer is creating sexual tension. He is creating a situation that will slip a girl into a sexual state. even if she wasnt even attracted before hand, it will be possible to make her want to kiss you by creating sexual tension in the right way. The following are behavioural traits of the seducer:
He looks at a woman in a way that tells her he wants her. There is a difference in eye contact between you when you are having a normal conversation and when you are attracted to someone. let your desire show through in the way you look at her. Dont break eye contact or hide your feelings. Seeing this is one of the things that will slip her into a sexual state. He speaks more slowly, with a deeper voice. Imagine the crazy high energy guy, hes interesting, sure. But is he sexy? Does the girl look at him and want to kiss him? A seduction has a rhythm, and it is a slow one. Slow down and deepen your voice, speak from the diaphragm. He touches her in increasingly sensual ways. This is an optional element, you can actually have sexual tension without kino escalation! But if you do touch her, it should linger more, be softer and smoother and caressing.
He holds her hand when he talks. He holds eye contact. This is the 100% essential element of the seductive character. His eye contact needs to be constant and comfortable. It is IMPOSSIBLE to seduce a girl if you are not holding eye contact with her. Think of the Hollywood moment, the part right before a first kiss. They are gazing into each others eyes, they arent speaking, they slowly get closer and then there is the kiss. Imagine that working without the eye contact! In fact, imagine any seduction without eye contact! He is comfortable with pauses in the conversation and uses them purposefully. The basic definition of sexual tension = eye contact + a pause. This is the second most important part. Sexual tension is created by eye contact + a pause and there are two ways to release the sexual tension (something you dont want to do!): The first is to break the eye contact and the second is to blurt something out. Keep it there, sense the receptiveness of the
girl and smoothly go in for the kiss. If she blurts something out, or if she has a micro-reaction of moving her head back, then it might not be the right time. The best thing however is that you havent made a big play. You havent grabbed her, asked if you could kiss her or done MISSION: You might good at one or two of the characters, but need to work on the others. Sorry, but the best way is to use a mirror! You can also watch films, and see the transition in play. The woman is never going to feel turned on in the action scenes, just as is she isnt with Mr. Sociable. She isnt going to feel turned on by the coffee-shop conversation, thats Mr. Comfort. Watching how actors escalate the mood by looking at her differently, and speaking in a seductive way, its easy to see how this can apply in the real world! Become aware of yourself and practice your seductive looks in the mirror.
anything where she could say hey, what are you doing? Its nice but and smooth, devastatingly
effective. The seducer should smoothly emerge from Mr. comfort as you find out more about the woman and become more attracted. When he is there from the start, it looks like youre just
into her for her looks. By matching the way a woman becomes attracted to a man (generally, they warm up to a man over time), youll separate yourself from other guys and shell feel a deeper connection. Learn the three characters of the seduction and youll smoothly move from starting conversations to getting intimate. Its one of the most useful skills that you will learn.