Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70 Instructions:: Class - XII Subject - Computer Science
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70 Instructions:: Class - XII Subject - Computer Science
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70 Instructions:: Class - XII Subject - Computer Science
o. 083 Time allowed: 3 hours Instructions: (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii) Programming language: C++ 1. (a) Distinguish between run-time error and syntax error. Give one example of each. 2 (b) Write the names of the header files to which the following belong: 1 i) abs ( ) ii) isupper() (c) Find the output of the following program. Assume that all required headers files have been included. 3 #include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> void main() { char Mes1[ ]=SKy, Mes2[ ]=ThE, Mes3[ ]=LiMIT; int L1=strlen(Mes1), L2=strlen(Mes2),L3=strlen(Mes3); int N=L1+L2+L3; for(int c=0; c<N; c++) { if(c%4==0) { cout<<Mes2[L2-1]; L2--; } else if(c%3==0) { cout<<Mes1[L1-1]; L1--; } else { cout<<Mes3[L3-1]; L3--; } } } Maximum Marks: 70
(d) Find the output of the following program: 2 #include <iostream.h> void Secret(char Str[ ]) { for (int L=0;Str[L]!='\0';L++); for (int C=0;C<L/2;C++) if (Str[C]=='A' || Str[C]=='E') Str[C]='#'; else { char Temp=Str[C]; Str[C]=Str[L-C-1]; Str[L-C-1]=Temp; } } void main( ) { char Message[ ]="SteveJobs"; Secret(Message); cout<<Message<<endl; } (e) Observe the following program Game.Cpp carefully, if the value of Num entered by the user is 13. Write the correct possible output : 2 #include<iostream.h> #include<stdlib.h> void main() { randomize(); int Num, RndNum; cin>>Num; RndNum = random(Num) +13; for( int N=1;N<=RndNum;N++) cout<<N<< ;
} 2. (a) Observe the relationship between a parent class and a child class. If a base class and a derived class each include a member function with the same name and arguments, which member function will be called by the object of the derived class if the scope operator is not used? 2 (b) Answer the following questions (i) and (ii) after going through the following classes : 2 class Employee { int Time; public: Seminar ( ) //Function 1 { Time = 30; cout<<Seminar starts now <<endl; } void Lecture ( ) //Function 2 { cout<<Lecturer in the seminar is on <<endl; Seminar (int duration ) // Function 3 { Time = Duration; cout<<Seminar starts now << endl; } ~seminar ( ) { cout << Vote of thanks <<endl; } (i) In the object oriented programming, what is function 4 referred as and when does it get invoked? (ii) In the object oriented programming, which concept is illustrated by function 1 and function 3 together? (c) Define a class play in c++ which includes : 4 Private members Playcode integer Playtitle Char[25] Duration float Noofscenes integer Public members A constructor to initialize duration 45 and noofscenes as 5 New_play( ) A function to accept code & title
More_info( ) A function to accept duration and no of scenes using arguments Show_play( ) to display all data members on screen (d) Answer the questions (i) to (iv) based on the following: 4 class NATION { int H; protected: int S; public: void INPUT(int); void OUTPUT(); }; class WORLD: private NATION { int T; protected: int U; public: void INDATA(int,int); void OUTDATA(); }; class STATE: public WORLD { int M; public: void DISPLAY(void); }; i) Name the base class and derived class of WORLD ii) Name the data member(s) that can be accessed from function DISPLAY( ) iii) Name the member function(s), which can be accessed from the objects of class STATE iv) Is the member function OUTPUT( ) accessible by the objects of class WORLD? 3. (a) Suppose an array AR containing integers is arranged in ascending order. Write an user defined function in C++ to search for one integer from AR with the help of binary search method, returning an integer 0 to show absence of the number and integer 1 to show presence of the number in the array. The function should have the parameters as (1.) an array AR (2.) the number to be searched (3.) number of elements N in the array. 4
(b) An array A[20][20] is stored in the memory along the column with each of the element require 4 bytes. Find the address of A[10][12], if A[1][1] is stored in location 1000. 3 (c) Write the function to perform Push and Pop operation on a dynamically allocated stack contain real numbers. 4 (d) ) Write a function SWAPARR() in C++, to swap (interchange) the first row elements with the last row elements, for a 2D array of integers passed as argument of the function. 3 Example: if the two dimensional array contains 5 6 3 2 1 2 4 9 2 5 8 1 9 7 5 8 After swapping of the content of first row and last row, it should be as follows: 9 7 5 8 1 2 4 9 2 5 8 1 5 6 3 2 (e) Evaluate the following postfix expression using stack and show the contents of stack after each step : 2 25,20,+,9,7 , - ,1,2,*,+ 4. (a) Observe the program segment given below carefully and answer the question that follows: class Team { long TId; char TName[20]; float points; public: void Accept( ); void Show( ); void PointChange( ); long R_TId( ) {return TId;} 1
}; void ReplacePoints(long Id) { fstream File; File.open (Team.Dat,ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); Team T; int Record=0, found=0; while(!found && File.read((char*)&T, sizeof(T))) { if (Id==T.R_TId( )) { cout<<Enter New Points; T.PointChange (); _________________ _________________ Found=1; } Record++; } if(Found==1) cout<<Record Updated; File.close( ); } Write the statement 1 to position the File Pointer at the beginning of the Record for which the Teams ID matches with the argument passed, and Statement 2 to write the updated record at the Position. (b) Write a function in C++ to create a text file, which is an exact copy of a given file. 2 (c) Write a function in C++ that will read the contents of a file EXAM.DAT and display the details of those students whose marks>75. The binary file EXAM.DAT containing records of student. 3 class student { char roll [4]; char name[20]; int marks; public : //Statement 1 // Statement 2
void Read_Data ( ) ; // Entering data in to the file void Show_Date ( ); //Displaying the content of the file }; 5. (a) What do you understand by DOMAIN and TUPLE of a RELATION? 2 (b) Write a SQL commands for (i) to (iv) and write the output for (v) on the basis of table FURNITURE. 6 Table : FURNITURE NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ITEMNAME White lotus Pink feather Dolphin Decent Comfort Zone Donald Royal Finish Royal tiger Econo sitting Eating Paradise TYPE Double Bed Baby cot Baby cot Office Table Double Bed Baby cot Office Table Sofa Sofa Dining table DATEOFSTOC K 23/02/11 20/01/11 19/02/11 01/01/11 12/01/11 24/02/11 20/02/11 22/02/10 13/12/09 19/02/11 PRICE 30000 7000 9500 25000 25000 6500 18000 31000 9500 11500 DISCOUN T 25 20 20 30 25 15 30 30 25 25
(i) To list the ITEMNAME which are priced at more than 15000 from the FURNITURE table. (ii) To list ITEMANME and TYPE of those items, in which DATEOFSOTCK is before 22/01/02 from FURNITURE table in descending order of ITEMNAME. (iii) To display ITEMANME and DATEOFSTOCK of those items, in which the discount percentage is more than 25 from FURNITURE table. (iv) To count the number of items, whose TYPE is sofa from FURNITURE table. (v) Give the output of the following SQL statement. (a) SELECT AVG(DISCOUNT) from FURNITURE where TYPE=Baby cot; (b) Select SUM(PRICE) FROM FURNITURE WHERE DATEOFSTOCK<{12/02/10}; 6. (a) Prove (x+y)(x+z) = x+yz algebraically. (b) Write the equivalent Boolean expression for the following logic circuit. 2 1
(c) Write the POS and the SOP form of a Boolean function F, which is represented in a truth table as follows: W X Y Z F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 (d) Reduce the following Boolean expression using K-Map. F (a,b,c,d) = (1,4,5,8,9,12,13) (e) Give the dual of (A+BC+AB) 7. (a) Compare Twisted pair and coaxial transmission media. (b) Expand the following terminology (i) XML (ii) GSM (iii) CDMA (iv) TCP/IP (c) Differentiate between packet switching and message switching (d) What are cookies? activities. It has five buildings as shown in the diagram below: 1 1 1 1 1 1
(e) Standard Bank has set up its new center in India for its office and web based
Distance buildings A to B B to C C to D D to E E to C D to A D to B E to B
between 50 Mts 30 Mts 30 Mts 35 Mts 40 Mts 120 Mts 45 Mts 65 Mts
No of computers A 55 B 180 C 60 D 55 E 70 i) Suggest a possible cable layout for connecting the buildings. 1 ii) Suggest the most suitable place to install the server of this organization with a suitable reason. 1 iii) Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification. 1 Hub/Switch Modem iv) The company wants to link its head office in A building to its Office in Sydney 1 1. Which type of transmission medium is appropriate for such a link? 2. What type of network this connection result into?