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AN10221 In-system programming (ISP) with the Philips P89LPC932 microcontroller

Richard Soennichsen 2003 Sep 08

Philips Semiconductors

Philips Semiconductors

Application note

In-System Programming with the P89LPC932


The Philips P89LPC932 Microcontroller is programmable via the following methods: In-System Programming (ISP) In Application Programming (IAP) Parallel Programming

Although this document only describes ISP in detail, the differences between each of the programming methods are explained below. In System Programming occurs when an outside device causes the processor, rather than executing its normal application code, to execute code at a location that contains memory erase and programming routines. This programming takes place with the microcontroller in its normal hardware environment. i.e., soldered on a printed circuit board. In Application Programming is similar to in system programming described above, but rather than having an external device initiate the programming process the normal application code branches to the memory erase and program routines. Similar to In System Programming this operation takes place with the microcontroller in its normal hardware environment. Parallel Programming requires an external programming device. In general it can only be accomplished on a part that is not in its normal hardware environment. In-System Programming (ISP) As mentioned above the In-System Programming mode allows the microcontroller to be programmed even after it has been soldered in a printed circuit board. This feature can be used to perform firmware updates at the end of the production line. Typical applications include adding calibration information or installation of the latest software release. In-System programming may also be used during product development as a quick and easy way to modify program code. All P89LPC932 devices are shipped with a factory boot-loader which is programmed into the upper 512 bytes of sector seven of the code space. This firmware provides the interface between low-level routines in the device, which perform the requested function (program, erase, etc.), and the serial port. If the user wishes to utilize ISP, care must be taken to not erase or overwrite the code sector containing the ISP firmware (1C00H to 1FFFH).

Using In-System Programming Hardware Interface Figure 1 shows that the only hardware needed to connect the LPC932 to a PCs RS232 port is a simple RS-232 level shifter, such as the Maxim MAX3322.

2003-Sep 08

Philips Semiconductors

Application note

In-System Programming with the P89LPC932


LPC932 MAX3322


PC RS232 Port

Figure 1 While ISP may be accomplished on a PC running a simple terminal emulation program, it is far easier to use one of the available programs, such as Flashmagic, which incorporate all of the ISP functions. Entering ISP Mode There are three ways to enter the ISP mode: Via the status bit and boot vector. (Default condition on initial power-up.) Through a break detect reset. By pulsing the reset pin upon power-up. (Hardware Activation)

Figure 2 shows a flowchart of these alternatives. A more detailed explanation of each follows.

2003-Sep 08

Philips Semiconductors

Application note

In-System Programming with the P89LPC932


Figure 2: ISP Entry Diagram The Status Bit and Boot Vector Upon reset, entry into ISP mode is controlled by the state of a status bit that is stored in a reserved location in flash memory. Following a reset, the device will examine the contents of the status bit, if it is zero, program execution begins at address 0000H which typically contains user code. If the status bit is not zero, program execution then begins at the address made up of the boot vector, also stored in a reserved flash memory location, concatenated with 00H. When new, parts will have the status bit set and the boot vector programmed to 1EH, Thus upon reset new parts will start execution at address 1E00H; the location of the factory supplied ISP boot loader. For those applications where the user wishes to start execution at 0000H the status bit can be cleared on a parallel programmer when the user code is being loaded. The ISP program itself can reset the status bit. If this is done after application code has been loaded the next reset will result in execution of the user code. The ISP program can also alter the value of the boot vector e.g., to a location where a custom boot loader resides. However if altered from its initial, factory set, value, 1EH, it will not be possible to execute the factory boot loader. If the boot vector is changed to point to a location which does not contain a boot loader a parallel programmer will be needed to reset it to point to the entry point of an ISP program. Break Detect Reset A second mode of entry is through a UART break detect reset. A break condition is defined as a low on RxD for the length of one frame time. Frame length depends on the particular mode of the UART. In mode one for example a break condition is defined as ten bit times. When a break is issued RxD is typically held low for multiple frame times. The break is reported after the first frame that meets the condition of RxD being held low. Note: If a break condition is created by pulling RxD low with a mechanical switch, and the part is configured with serial interrupts

2003-Sep 08

Philips Semiconductors

Application note

In-System Programming with the P89LPC932


enabled, then the RI (receive flag) must be handled in an interrupt service routine or the part will enter an undefined state. The method requires that the users code initialize the UART. This means enabling the UART and enabling break detect reset by setting the break enable bit (EBRR) in SFR AUXR1. Once this is done a break condition on the RxD pin will cause the part to reset and program execution to re-start at the location pointed to by the boot vector. An example of this user code follows. void initialize_ISP (void) { SCON = 0x50; BRGR1 = 0x04; BRGR0 = 0x70; BRGCON = 0x03; AUXR1 |= 0x40; } void UART_ISR(void) interrupt 11 { RI = 0; //This is necessary if the break condition is //created by a mechanical switch and serial interrupts //are enabled. } Hardware activation This mode of ISP entry is always available regardless of user code or the state of the status bit. (Assuming that the boot loader code is intact and the boot vector is 1EH) By presenting a timed waveform of low-going pulses (see Figure 3) to the reset pin after power up, the part will begin code execution at the address pointed to by the boot vector. This entry mode has the same effect as having a non-zero status byte.

//select the Baud Rate Generator as UART baud rate source //9600 BAUD at 11.0592 MHz

//enable BRG //enable reset on break detect by setting EBRR

Figure 3 SYMBOL tVR tRH tRL PARAMETER RST delay from VDD active RST HIGH time RST LOW time MIN 50 1 1 MAX 32 UNIT s s s

Table 1: ISP Entry, AC Characteristics Note: Providing more or less than the required three pulses will result in the device not going into ISP mode.

2003-Sep 08

Philips Semiconductors

Application note

In-System Programming with the P89LPC932


Hardware Activation of ISP Mode, an Example By introducing some low-going pulses to the reset pin after power-up we can put the device into ISP mode. This assumes that the boot loader is intact and the boot vector is still set to 1EH. Figure 1 and Table 1 describe the required waveform. A typical application might have a header on the PCB to accept a pre-made dongle that will control power and reset to the P89LPC932. In this example a P87LPC760 microcontroller controls the voltage to the P89LPC932 via a Philips SA57000 voltage regulator and also provides the pulses to the P89LPC932 reset pin. The code is written so that, after the dongle is plugged onto the application, the LED (two-color) will glow red. After the button is pushed, power is applied to the P89LPC932 while it is also being held in reset. After a delay the reset is released, the pulses are sent, and the LED glows green. The P89LPC932 is now in ISP mode. Pressing the button again puts the P89LPC932 back into reset. Pressing the button again repeats the entry process. (The application code is listed at the end of this document.)

2003-Sep 08

Philips Semiconductors

Application note

In-System Programming with the P89LPC932




U1 - Philips P87LPC760 Microcontroller

U2 1 2 3 Vin GND PWRON SA57000 Vout PWROK 5 4

U2 - Philips SA57000-33D 3.3V Voltage Regulator

R1 5K Ohms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


LPC760 14 13 12 11 10 09 08


P1.7 RST!/P1.5 Vss X1/P2.1 X2/CLKOUT/P2.0 SDA/INT0!/P1.3 SCL/T0/P1.2

P0.3/CIN1B P0.4/CIN1A P0.5/CMPREF Vdd P0.6/CMP1 P1.0/TxD P1.1/RxD

C1 0.1uF

R3 3 120 Ohms D1 1 1

D2 3 120 Ohms R2

Vcc VCC_To_Micro

Single two-color LED

4 3 2 1

Pin1 = Vcc to power micro in application Pin2 = Vcc, supply provided by application Pin3 = Reset to LPC932 in application. Socket on "Dongle" Pin4 = Ground

Header on Application PCB

4 3 2 1

Application Vcc

(Pins one and two are normally jumped together when not programming the LPC932)

"Rest of Application"



RS-232 Level Shifter


Philips P89LPC932

PC RS232 Port

Figure 3: Hardware activation dongle Schematic Alternatively, with a small amount of additional circuitry, a four-pin header with no jumper is all that is necessary in the application.

2003-Sep 08

Philips Semiconductors

Application note

In-System Programming with the P89LPC932



Pin Pin Pin Pin

4 3 2 1

Ground Reset Vdd Vdd Control

4 3 2 1


3 5K 2

Philips BSP254

Vdd Reset

Figure 4: Alternative application Design with a four pin header and no jumper necessary.

Figure 5: The Hardware Activation Dongle

2003-Sep 08

Philips Semiconductors

Application note

In-System Programming with the P89LPC932


Using Flashmagic with the P89LPC932 Flashmagic is a very popular (and free) utility to program many Philips devices, including the P89LPC932. It is available at Upon starting, Flashmagic will attempt to connect to the device selected. It is normal that a connection error message appears as there is probably no device present in ISP mode or the settings need to be adjusted. Select the correct COM port for your PC, select the P89LPC932 as the device. Now the device needs to be put into ISP mode, if it is a new device it will already be in ISP mode. If it is not a new device (The status bit is not set) then enter via hardware activation (three pulse) or use the break detect reset. Before we use the break condition to enter ISP mode Flashmagic must be configured to use this method to initiate ISP. Under the menu options/advanced options/ hardware config the Use DTR and RTS to enter ISP mode must be unchecked. (Leaving the box checked configures Flashmagic to use DTR and RTS to produce the signals necessary to enter ISP mode via the hardware activation method. The hardware necessary to implement this must be used, i.e. the Keil MCB 900 evaluation board.)

Flashmagic will create the break condition for you, select start bootrom under the ISP menu and select send break condition.

2003-Sep 08

Philips Semiconductors

Application note

In-System Programming with the P89LPC932


At this point the device should be in ISP mode. All ISP functions are now available to you including erase, program, read status bit and boot vector, security bits, etc. Note: By default Flashmagic will protect the bootrom code in sector seven. The user may over-ride this setting in the options/advanced options/ security menu. Hardware Activation Code ("dongle")
/******************************************************************************************************************* P89LPC932 Hardware Activation code for P87LPC760 based "dongle" The delays are written for a P87LPC760 running from the internal RC oscillator (6 MHz) Richard Soennichsen Philips Semiconductors September 8, 2003 ********************************************************************************************************************/ #include <Reg762.h> //Include file for Raisonance Compiler #define on 1 #define off 0 //#define on 0 //#define off 1 void main(void); void init(void); void msec(int x); void LED(char led); void ext0(void) interrupt 0; void pulse(void); void rled (bit red); void gled (bit green); at 0x93 sbit button; at 0x85 sbit reset; at 0xA0 sbit vdd; //Use these if using the jumper header in the application

//Use these if powering the P89LPC932 with the MOSFET (alternative design)

//Function Declarations

//Button located on P1.3 //Reset control is on P0.5 //Vdd control is on p2.0

2003-Sep 08


Philips Semiconductors

Application note

In-System Programming with the P89LPC932


at 0x86 sbit rled0; at 0x90 sbit rled1; at 0x91 sbit rled2; at 0xA1 sbit rled3; at 0x97 sbit gled0; at 0x83 sbit gled1; at 0x84 sbit gled2; bit led_status=1, pulse_out = 0;

//port pins associated with the RED LED

//port pins associated with the GREEN LED

//Initialize LED and pulse control flags

//******** Initialization Routine ***************************** void init(void) { P0M1 = 0x00; P0M2 = 0xFF; P1M1 = 0x00; P1M2 = 0xFF; P2M1 = 0x00; P2M2 = 0xFF; P1M1 |= 0x08; P1M2 &= 0xF7; LED(1); vdd=off; reset = 0; EX0 = 1; EA = 1; } //************ Main Program Loop ******************************** void main(void) { init(); //Initialize while(1) { if(pulse_out) pulse(); } } //************ LED Control Routine ********************************* void LED(char led) { if(led==1) { gled(0); rled(1); } else if (led ==0) { rled(0); gled(1); } } //************ LED Blinking Routine ************************ void blink(void) { char j=0; while(j<6) { //If the pulse_out flag is set, send pulses //send pulses //except external interrupt zero which is set to be high //impedance //Turn LED on red //Turn off Vdd to P89LPC932 //Hold the P89LPC932 in reset //Enable external interrupts //Global interrupt enable //Initialize all ports to push-pull mode

//make red

//make green

2003-Sep 08


Philips Semiconductors

Application note

In-System Programming with the P89LPC932


LED(0); msec(200); LED(1); msec(200); j++; } } //************* External interrupt (button) Service Routine *************** void ext0(void) interrupt 0 { msec(50); while(button==0) { msec(10); } if (led_status == 0) { led_status = 1; pulse_out = 0; } else { led_status = 0; pulse_out = 1; } LED(led_status); } //*************Pulse Generation Routine ***************************** void pulse(void) { char j; reset = 0; vdd = on; blink(); msec(10); //Hold the P89LPC932 in reset //Turn on Vdd to the P89LPC932 //Blink the LED //wait for Vdd to stabilize //turn LED green //send pulses //Change LED accordingly //Turn LED red //Don't send pulses //De-bounce //Wait for button to be released

reset = 1; //release reset for (j=0; j<10; j++); //Pulse high time reset = 0; for (j=0; j<5; j++); //Pulse low time reset = 1; //Repeat two more times for (j=0; j<10; j++); reset = 0; for (j=0; j<5; j++); reset = 1; for (j=0; j<10; j++); reset = 0; for (j=0; j<5; j++); reset = 1; msec(2); LED(0); while (pulse_out); vdd = off; reset = 0; } //****** Generic Delay ****************************** //Turn LED green //Wait here until the button is pressed again //Button pressed, turn off Vdd to P89LPC932 //Hold the P89LPC932 in reset

2003-Sep 08


Philips Semiconductors

Application note

In-System Programming with the P89LPC932


void msec(int x) { int j=0; while(x>=0) {

//P87LPC760 running from internal RC oscillator (6MHz)

for (j=0; j<300; j++); x--; } } void gled (bit green) { if(green) { gled0 = 1; gled1 = 1; gled2 = 1; } else { gled0 = 0; gled1 = 0; gled2 = 0; } } void rled (bit red) { if(red) { rled0 = 1; rled1 = 1; rled2 = 1; rled3 = 1; } else { rled0 = 0; rled1 = 0; rled2 = 0; rled3 = 0; } }

2003-Sep 08


Philips Semiconductors

Application note

In-System Programming with the P89LPC932 microcontroller

Revision history: 2003-09-08 Revision 02


Short-form specification The data in a short-form specification is extracted from a full data sheet with the same type number and title. For detailed information, see the relevant datasheet or data handbook. Limiting values definition Limiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC134). Stress above one or more of the li iting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of the specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability. Application information Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. Philips Semiconductors make no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.

Life support These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Philips Semiconductors customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Philips Semiconductors for any damages resulting from such application. Right to make changes Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes, without notice, in the products, including circuits, standard cells, and/or software, described or contained herein in order to improve design and/or performance. Philips Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of any of these products, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to these products, and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or mask work right infringement, unless otherwise specified.

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For additional information please visit Fax: +31 40 27 24825

Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2003

All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A Date of release: 09-03 9397 750 12027

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