Bibliography of Varna
Bibliography of Varna
Bibliography of Varna
y Anthony, D. W., J. Y. Chi (Eds.) 2010. The Lost World of Old Europe: The Danube Valley, 5000-3500 BC. Princeton, U.P. y Avramova, M. 2000. Myth, ritual and gold of a civilization that did not take place. In: Varna Necropolis. Varna, Agat, 15-24. y Bahn, P. G. (ed.). 1995. 100 Great Archaeological Discoveries. New York, Barnes & Noble, No. 34. y Bailey, D. W. 2004. Varna. In: Bogucki, P., P. J. Crabtree (Eds.). Ancient Europe 8000 B.C. A.D. 1000. Vol. 1. The Mesolithic to Copper Age (c. 8000-2000 B.C.). New York, Scribners, 341-344. y Chapman, J. 1990. Social inequality on Bulgarian tells and the Varna problem. - In: R. Samson (ed.). The Social Archaeology of Houses, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 49-98. y Chapman, J. 1991. The creation of social arenas in Varna. - In: P. Garwood (Ed.). Sacred and Profane. Oxford University Committee for Archaeology, Monograph 32, 152-171. y Chapman, J., T. Higham, B. Gaydarska, V. Slavchev, N. Honch. 2006. The social context of the emergence, development and abandonment of the Varna Cemetery, Bulgaria. - European Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 9, No. 2-3, 159-183. y Chapman, J., B. Gaydarska, V. Slavchev. 2008. The life histories of Spondylus shell rings from the Varna I Eneolithic cemetery (Northeast Bulgaria): transformation, revelation, fragmentation and deposition. Acta Musei Varnaensis, 6, 139-162. y lure, Ch., D. Raub. 1991. Investigations on the gold coating technology of the great dish from Varna. In: J.-P. Mohen (Ed.). Dcouverte du mtal. Picard, Paris, 13-30. y Fol, A., J. Lichardus (eds.). 1988. Macht, Herrschaft und Gold: das Graberfeld von Varna (Bulgarien) und die Anfnge einer neuen europischen Zivilisation. Saarbrcken, Moderne Galerie des Saarland-Museums. y Gimbutas, M. 1977. Varna: a sensationally rich cemetery at the Karanovo civilization: about 4500 B.C. Expedition, Summer, 39-47. y Hayden, B. 1998. An archaeological evaluation of the Gimbutas paradigm. - In: The Virtual Pomegranate, 6. y Higham, T., J. Chapman, V. Slavchev, B. Gaydarska, N. Honch, Y. Yordanov, B. Dimitrova. 2007. New perspectives on the Varna cemetery (Bulgaria) AMS dates and social implications. Antiquity, 81, 313, 640-651. y Ivanov, I. 1977. La ncropole chalcolithique de Varna. Obzor, 38, 8796. y Ivanov, I. 1978. Les fouilles archologiques de la ncropole chalcolithique Varna (1972-1976). Studia Praehistorica, 1-2, 13-26. y Ivanov, I. 1982. The Varna Chalcolithic necropolis. In: The First Civilization in Europe and the Oldest Gold in the World Varna, Bulgaria. Nippon Television Network Cultural Society, 21-24. y Ivanov, I. 1986. Der kupferzeitlishe Friedhof in Varna. In: G. Biegel (Hrsg.). Das erste Gold der Menschheit. Die lteste Zivilisation in Europa. Freiburg, 30-42. y Ivanov, I. 1988. Die Ausgrabungen des Grberfeldes von Varna. In: Fol, A., J. Lichardus (Hrsg.). Macht, Herrschaft und Gold. Moderne-Galerie des SaarlandsMuseum, Saarbrken, Krger, 49-66, 67-78. y Ivanov, I. 1991. Les objets metalliques de la necropole chalcolithique de Varna. In: Dcouverte du metal. Paris, 9-12. y Ivanov, I. S., M. Avramova. 1997. Varna i razhdaneto na evropeiskata tsivilizatsiia. Sofia (in Bulgarian). y Ivanov, I., M. Avramova. 2000. Varna Necropolis. The Dawn of European Civilization. Sofia, Agat, 55 p. y K nchev, K. 1978. Microwear studies of the weapons and tools from the chalcolithic necropolis at the city of Varna. Studia Praehistorica, 1-2, 46-49. y Kostov, R. I. 2004. Prehistoric weight system among the gold objects of the Varna Chalcolithic necropolis. Geology and Mineral Resources, 11, 3, 25-28 (in Bulgarian with an English abstract).
y Kostov, R. I. 2007. Archaeomineralogy of Neolithic and Chalcolithic Artefacts from Bulgaria and their Significance to Gemmology. Sofia, Publishing House St. Ivan Rilski, 126 p., I-VIII (in Bulgarian with an English summary). y Kostov, R. I., O. Pelevina. 2008. Complex faceted and other carnelian beads from the Varna Chalcolithic necropolis: gemmological analysis. In: Proceedings of the International Conference Geology and Archaeomineralogy. Sofia, 29-30 October 2008. Sofia, Publishing House St. Ivan Rilski, 67-72. y Kostov, R. I., T. Dimov, O. Pelevina. 2004. Gemmological characteristics of carnelian and agate beads from the Chalcolithic necropolis at Durankulak and Varna. Geology and Mineral Resources, 11, 10, 15-24 (in Bulgarian with an English abstract). y Kuleff, I. 2009. Archeometric investigation of gold in the Chalcolithic necropolis of Varna (5th millennium BC) Advances in Bulgarian Science, 2, 16-22. y Manolakakis, L. 2008. Le mobilier en silex taille des tombes de Varna I. Acta Musei Varnaensis, 6, 115-138. y Marazov, I. 1997. The blacksmith as 'King' in the necropolis of Varna. - In: J. Marler (Ed.). From the Realm. y Marler, J. 1999. A response to Brian Hayden's article "An archaeological evaluation of the Gimbutas paradigm". - In: The Virtual Pomegranate, 10. y Nikolov, V. 1994. Der soziale und religios-mythologische Kontext des Goldes in der Nekropole bei Varna. Ann. Department of Archaeology, New Bulgarian University, I, 4-7. y Renfrew, C. 1978. Varna and the social context of early metallurgy. - Antiquity, 52, 206, 197-203. y Renfrew, C. 1986. Varna and the emergence of wealth in prehistoric Europe. In: The Social Life of Things: Comodities in Cultural Perspective (A. Appadurai, Ed.). Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 141-168. y Renfrew, C., P. Bahn. 1996. Archaeology: theories, methods, and practice. New York, Thames and Hudson. y Slavchev, V. 2004. Fragmentation research and the Varna Eneolithic cemetery Spondylus rings. - Proceedings of the Varna Round Table. y Todorova, H. 1982. Kupferzeitliche Siedlungen in Nordostbulgarien. Mnchen, Beck, Materialien zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archologie, Band 13. y Todorova, H. 1978. The Eneolithic Period in Bulgaria in the Fifth Millennium B.C. Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, BAR supplementary series 49.