REC TAx Free Bond Application Form

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(A Government of India Undertaking)


: MARCH 06, 2012 Our Company was incorporated as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1956 on July 25, 1969 at New Delhi as Rural Electrification Corporation Private Limited. The word private was deleted from the name of our Company on June 03, 1970. Our Company became a deemed public limited company with effect from July 01, 1975. Our : MARCH 12, 2012^ Company was converted into a public limited company with effect from July 18, 2003. Registered Office and Corporate Office: Core 4, SCOPE Complex, 7, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003, India. Telephone: +91 11 2436 5161; Facsimile: +91 11 2436 0644; E-mail:; Website: Application No. Compliance Officer and Contact Person: Mr.Surendra Pradhan, Deputy General Manager (Finance), Telephone: +91 11 43091676; Facsimile: +91 11 24365461; E-mail: PUBLIC ISSUE BY RURAL ELECTRIFICATION CORPORATION LIMITED ("REC" OR "ISSUER" OR THE COMPANY) OF TAX FREE SECURED REDEEMABLE NON CONVERTIBLE BONDS OF FACE VALUE OF ` 1,000 EACH IN THE NATURE OF DEBENTURES HAVING TAX BENEFITS UNDER SECTION 10 (15) (iv) (h) OF THE INCOME TAX ACT, 1961, AS AMENDED (BONDS) FOR AN AMOUNT OF ` 15,000 MILLION WITH AN OPTION TO RETAIN OVERSUBSCRIPTION UPTO AN AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ` 30,000 MILLION BY WAY OF ISSUANCE OF BONDS IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2012 (ISSUE) AND IS BEING OFFERED BY WAY OF THE PROSPECTUS. The Issue is being made under the provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008, as amended (SEBI Debt Regulations) and CBDT Notification No. 07/2012/F.No.178/56/2011 (ITA.1) dated February 14, 2012 issued by the Central Board of Direct Taxes, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, by virtue of powers conferred upon it by item (h) of sub-clause (iv) of clause (15) of section 10 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961).


Lead Managers / Consortium Members Name & Code Sub-Consortium Members / Brokers Name & Code

AK Stockmart 23/12695-32



Sub-Brokers / Agents Code

Bank Branch Stamp

Bank Branch Serial No.

Date of Receipt

To, The Board of Directors, RURAL ELECTRIFICATION CORPORATION LIMITED, Registered Office: Core 4, SCOPE Complex, 7, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003, India.
Dear Sirs, Having read, understood and agreed to the contents and terms and conditions of RURAL ELECTRIFICATION CORPORATION LIMITEDs Prospectus dated March 02, 2012, (Prospectus) I/We hereby apply for allotment to me/us; of the under mentioned Bonds out of the Issue. The amount payable on application for the below mentioned Bonds is remitted herewith. I/We hereby agree to accept the Bonds applied for or such lesser number as may be allotted to me/us in accordance with the contents of the Prospectus subject to applicable statutory and/or regulatory requirements. I/We irrevocably give my/our authority and consent to IL&FS Trust Company Limited, to act as my/our trustees and for doing such acts and signing such documents as are necessary to carry out their duties in such capacity. I/We acknowledge that the Applications made by me/us do not exceed the investment limit on the maximum number of Bonds which may be held by me/us under applicable statutory and /or regulatory requirements. By making this application, I/We acknowledge that I/We have understood the terms and conditions of the Issue of the Company as disclosed in the Prospectus. Notwithstanding anything contained in this form and the attachments hereto, by making this application: I/We confirm that: I am/We are Indian National(s)/registered in India, resident in India and I am/ we are not applying for the said Bonds as nominee(s) of any person resident outside India and/or Foreign National(s). Notwithstanding anything contained in this form and the attachments hereto, I/we confirm that I/we have carefully read and understood the contents, terms and conditions of the Prospectus, in their entirety and further confirm that in making my/our investment decision, (i) I/We have relied on my/our own examination of the Company and the terms of the Issue, including the merits and risks involved, (ii) my/our decision to make this application is solely based on the disclosures contained in the Prospectus, (iii) my/our application for Bonds under the Issue is subject to the applicable statutory and/or regulatory requirements in connection with the subscription to Indian securities by me/us, (iv) I am/We are not persons resident outside India and/or foreign nationals within the meaning thereof under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, as amended and rules, regulations, notifications and circulars issued thereunder; (v) I/We have obtained the necessary statutory and/or regulatory permissions/consents/approvals in connection with applying for, subscribing to, or seeking allotment of Bonds pursuant to the Issue.

Please fill in the Form in English using BLOCK letters


d d / m m / 2012

APPLICANTS DETAILS (Name(s) should be in the same order as it appears in the demat account)
(In case of minor only)

AGE DATE OF BIRTH (Compulsory for minor) d d m m y y

years y y

ADDRESS (of Sole / First Applicant) City SECOND APPLICANT Mr./Ms. THIRD APPLICANT Mr./Ms. Pin Code (Compulsory) Telephone
(with STD code)




Category I -

Partnership Firms in the name of the partner;

Regional Rural Bank/ Co-operative Banks Companies / Bodies Corporate / Registered Societies; Public/Private Charitable/Religious Trusts; Scientific and/or Industrial Research Organisations; and Limited Liability Partnership Category II Resident Indian individuals*; Hindu Undivided Families through the Karta*. (*applying for an amount aggregating to above ` 0.1 million) Category III Resident Indian individuals#; Hindu Undivided Families through the Karta#. (#applying for an amount aggregating to upto and including ` 0.1 million)

FOR CATEGORY I DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH THE APPLICATION FORM (For further details, please see general instruction no. 24, 27, 28, 29, 30 & 31) MoA and AoA / Charter Documents Registration Certificate Resolution and Specimen Signature Power of Attorney Others (Please Specify ...................................) DEPOSITORY PARTICIPANT DETAILS
Depository Name (Please ) Depository Participant Name DP - ID Beneficiary Account Number Options/ Bond Series Tenor* Redemption Date Redemption Amount (`/Bond) Frequency of Interest Payment Minimum Application Size In Multiples of Face Value (`/Bond) Issue Price (`/Bond) (A) Mode of Interest Payment Put/Call Option Coupon Rate for Category-I, II and III Applicants (% p.a.) Additional Coupon Rate for Category-III Applicants (% p.a.)*** Aggregate Coupon Rate for Category-III Applicants (% p.a.)*** No. of Bonds applied for (B) Amount Payable (`) (A x B) Total Number of Bonds (Series 1 + Series 2) Grand Total (Series 1 + Series 2) x (A) (`)
*Our Company shall allocate and allot Bond Series 2 bearing longest maturity to all valid applications, wherein the Applicants have not indicated their choice of the relevant Bond Series. ** For various modes of interest payment, see Terms of the Issue Modes of Payment on page 249 of the Prospectus. ***The aforesaid additional interest of 0.20% p.a. shall only be available to the original allottees. In case the Bonds held by the original allottees under Category - III portion are sold/ transfered (except in case of transfer of Bonds to legal heir in the event of death of the original allottee) coupon rate shall stand revised to the coupon rate applicable for the allottees falling under Category - I and Category - II portion. For further details, see Terms of the Issue Interest on page 246 of the Prospectus. Status of Bonds: Bonds are being issued as Tax free Secured Redeemable Non Convertible Bonds of face value of ` 1,000 each in the nature of Debentures having tax benefits under Section 10(15) (iv) (h) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 upto an aggregate amount of ` 30,000 million during the financial year 201112. The Bonds shall be secured pursuant to a Debenture Trust Deed and underlying security documents. The Bondholders are entitled to the benefit of the Debenture Trust Deed and are bound by and are deemed to have notice of all the provisions of the Debenture Trust Deed. REC is issuing the Bonds in accordance with the CBDT Notification. The claims of the Bondholders shall be superior to the claims of any unsecured creditors, and shall rank pari passu with other secured creditors having a first pari passu charge on the identified immovable property(ies) of the Company and/ or first pari passu charge on the book debts of the Company that are charged as security under the Issue.

National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) I N

Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL)


(16 digit beneficiary A/c. No. to be mentioned above) Bond Series 1 10 years At the end of 10th year from the Deemed Date of Allotment Repayment of the Face Value plus any interest that may have accrued at the Redemption Date Annual 5 Bonds (` 5,000) 1 Bond (` 1,000) ` 1,000 ` 1,000 Through various modes available** None 7.93 0.20 8.13 Bond Series 2 15 years At the end of 15th year from the Deemed Date of Allotment Repayment of the Face Value plus any interest that may have accrued at the Redemption Date Annual 5 Bonds (` 5,000) 1 Bond (` 1,000) ` 1,000 ` 1,000 Through various modes available** None 8.12 0.20 8.32
COMMON TERMS FOR THE BONDS Issuer Rural Electrification Corporation Limited Ratings CRISIL AAA/Stableby CRISIL,CARE AAAby CARE, Fitch AAA(ind)by FITCH and [ICRA]AAAby ICRA Market Lot /Trading Lot 1 Bond Pay-in Date Application Date (Full Application Amount is payable on Application) Listing BSE Depository CDSL & NSDL Security The Bonds issued by the Company will be secured by way of first pari passu charge on the identified immovable property(ies) of the Company and first pari passu charge on the book debts of the Company, other than those that are exclusively charged/earmarked to IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited and/or any other lender(s) of the Company, as may be agreed between the Company and the Debenture Trustee, pursuant to the terms of the Debenture Trust Deed with a minimum security cover of one time of the face value of Bonds outstanding at all times. Debenture Trustee IL&FS Trust Company Limited Registrar Karvy Computershare Private Limited Modes of Payment Cheques payable at par and Demand Draft Issuance^^ In dematerialized form Trading In dematerialized form only Deemed Date of Allotment Deemed Date of Allotment shall be the date on which the Board of Directors of the Company or any committee thereof approves the Allotment of the Bonds. All benefits relating to the Bonds including interest on Bonds shall be available to the investors from the Deemed Date of Allotment. The actual allotment of Bonds may take place on a date other than the Deemed Date of Allotment Lead Managers to the Issue A. K. Capital Services Limited, Kotak Mahindra Capital Company Limited, RR Investors Capital Services Private Limited and SBI Capital Markets Limited Consortium Members for A. K. Capital Services Limited, Kotak Mahindra Capital Company Limited, RR Investors Capital Services marketing of the Issue Private Limited, SBI Capital Markets Limited, A. K. Stockmart Private Limited, Kotak Securities Limited, RR Equity Brokers Private Limited and SBICAP Securities Limited ^^ The Bonds will not be allotted in physical form.
Submission of Application Forms: All Application Forms duly completed and accompanied by account payee cheques or drafts and relevant documents as applicable shall be submitted to the designated collection banks during the Issue Period. No separate receipts shall be issued for the money payable on the submission of Application Form. However, the collection banks will acknowledge the receipt of the Application Forms by stamping and returning to the Applicants the acknowledgement slip. This acknowledgement slip will serve as the duplicate of the Application Form for the records of the Applicant. Applications shall be deemed to have been received by us only when submitted to Bankers to the Issue at their designated branches as detailed and not otherwise. Additional/Multiple Applications : An applicant is allowed to make one or more applications for the Bonds, subject to a minimum application size of 5 Bonds and in multiples of 1 Bond, for each application. For further details please see General Instructions no. 35 & 40 Basis of Allotment for Bonds : (a) Allotments in the first instance: i. Applicants belonging to the Category-I, in the first instance, will be allocated Bonds upto 50% of Overall Issue Size on first come first serve basis (determined on the basis of date of receipt of each application duly acknowledged by the Bankers to the Issue); ii. Applicants belonging to the Category-II, in the first instance, will be allocated Bonds upto 25% of Overall Issue Size on first come first serve basis (determined on the basis of date of receipt of each application duly acknowledged by the Bankers to the Issue); iii. Applicants belonging to the CategoryIII, in the first instance, will be allocated Bonds upto 25% of Overall Issue Size on first come first serve basis (determined on the basis of date of receipt of each application duly acknowledged by the Bankers to the Issue). For further details please see General Instructions no. 47


PAYMENT DETAILS (See Payment in to Escrow Account under General Instructions no. 39)
Total Amount Payable (` in figures) (` in words) Cheque / Demand Draft No. Drawn on Bank Branch
Please Note : Cheque/DD should be drawn in favour of "REC Tax Free Bonds - Escrow Account". Cheques should be crossed A/c Payee only. Demographic details for purpose of refunds, if any, shall be taken from the records of the Depositories. Please write the sole/first Applicants name, phone no. and Application no. on the reverse of Cheque/DD.


/ 2012

(Furnishing of Subscribers PAN is mandatory. For additional details, refer General Instructions no. 35 & 42)




^ The subscription list for the Issue shall remain open for subscription at the commencement of banking hours and close at the close of banking hours, with an option for early closure (subject to the Issue being open for a minimum of 3 days) or extension by such period, upto a period of 15 days from the date of opening of the Issue, as may be decided by the Board of Directors/ or a duly Constituted Bond Committee thereof. In the event of such early closure of the subscription list of the Issue, the company shall ensure that public notice of such early closure is published on or before the day of such early date of closure through advertisement/s in a leading national daily newspaper. Further, Allotment shall be on first come first serve basis, with Issuer Company having the discretion to close the Issue early irrespective of whether any of the Portion(s) are fully subscribed.



(A Government of India Undertaking)



d d / m m / 2012


Received From Series Series 1 (10 years) Series 2 (15 years) Face Value (A) ` 1,000/-

Our Company was incorporated as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1956 on July 25, 1969 at New Delhi as Rural Electrification Corporation Private Limited. The word private was deleted from the name of our Company on June 03, 1970. Our Company became a deemed public limited company with effect from July 01, 1975. Our Company was converted into a public limited company with effect from July 18, 2003. Registered Office and Corporate Office: Core 4, SCOPE Complex, 7, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003, India. Telephone: +91 11 2436 5161; Facsimile: +91 11 2436 0644; E-mail:; Website: Compliance Officer and Contact Person : Mr.Surendra Pradhan, Deputy General Manager (Finance), Telephone: +91 11 43091676; Facsimile: +91 11 24365461; E-mail: No. of Bonds applied for (B) Amount Payable (`) (A x B) Cheque/Demand Draft No. Drawn on (Name of the Bank and Branch) Dated

Application No.

Bank's Stamp & Date


` 1,000/-

Grand Total (1+2)

Acknowledgement is subject to realization of Cheque / Demand Draft.

All future communication in connection with this application should be addressed to the Registrar to the Issue KARVY COMPUTERSHARE PRIVATE LIMITED, Plot No. 17 to 24, Vittal Rao Nagar, Madhapur, Hyderabad IN 500 081, Toll Free No.1-800-3454001, Tel: +91 40 4465 5000, Fax: +91 40 2343 1551, Investor Grievance Email:, Website: http:\\, Contact Person: Mr. M. Murali Krishna, SEBI Registration Number: INR000000221. Quoting full name of Sole/First Applicant, Application No., Type of options applied for, Number of Bonds applied for under each option, Date, Bank and Branch where the application was submitted and Cheque/Demand Draft Number and Issuing bank.

While submitting the Application Form, the Applicant should ensure that the date stamp being put on the Application Form by the Bank matches with the date stamp on the Acknowledgement Slip.



A. K. STOCKMART PRIVATE LIMITED Ahmedabad : Jm Financial Services Private Limited Mr Bhavesh Shah/Mr.Girish Shah, Jm Financial Services, G-10 Chinubhai Centre,Gr. Flr, Nehru Bridge Corner,Ashram Road, Ph:079-2657 6666 70. Standard Charterd Securites (India) Limited 101 Popular House Ashram Road 380009 Sharekhan Limited 201/202/301,Dynamic House,Near Vijay Cross Road,Navrangpura,Ahmedabad,380009, Mumbai : Mr Ashit Vora, Jm Financial Services,1st Floor, Patel House, Next To Bank Of Baroda,M G Road, Vileparle (East), Ph:022-2613 5202-03/67077440-43. Mr. Sahil Shah,Jm Financial Services,Palm Court, M- Wing, 4th Floor, Goregaon Link Road,Malad (West), Ph:022-30877000/67617000. Mr.Nilesh Gavle, Jm Financial Services,Ground Floor, Anushka, New Link Rd,Andheri (West), Ph:022- 66191600/612. Mr R Mukundan/Ms Armin Irani,Jm Financial Services,2,3,4 Kamanwala Chambers,P M Road, Fort, Ph:022-3021 3500/2266 5577 - 80,. Ms Jyotsna Solanki/Mr C V George,Jm Financial Services,Shop No 6, Dattani Trade Center,Chandra Varkar Road, Borivali (West), Ph:022- 3021 5400/6695 9120 - 23. Ms Charulata Mehta/Mr. Tilak Sanil, Jm Financial Services, 424/425 Kalidas Plaza, V B Lane,Ghatkopar (East), Ph:022-3097 8700/6710 4738. : Enam Securities Pvt Ltd Khatau Bldg 2nd Floor 44 Bank Street Off Shahid Bhagad Singh Road Fort-400001, 201 A Laxmi Towers Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra East Mumbai-400051 Standard Charterd Securites (India) Limited Standard Chartered Tower 201-B/1, 1s6t Floor Western Express Highway Goregaon East Mumbai-400063 Tel 9869082673 Edelweiss Broking Limited Manisha Pawar Ground Floor Edelweiss House Off Cst Road Kalina Mumbai-400098 Sharekhan Limited: Mr Pravin Darji Ruby Building, 18th Floor, Ruby Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Dadar(West),Mumbai-400028 Bonanza Portfolio Limited Plot No. M-2, Cama Industrial Estate, Walbhat Road, Goregaon ( E ) 400063 Systematix Shares And Stocks (India) Limited Mr Mahesh Oza 3rd Floor J K Somani Bldg British Hotel Lane Mumbai Samachar Marg Fort 400001 Idbi Capital Markets Ltd 3rd Floor Mafatlal Centre Nariman Point Mumbai-400021 Emkay Global Financial Services Ltd B - Ruby Mills Tower 7th Floor, South East Wing Senapati Bapat Marg Dadar (W) 400028 Nirmal Bang Securities Private Limited B - 201, Khandelwal House Poddar Road Near Poddar Park Malad (E ) 400097 Reliance Securities Limited Express Highway Goregaon East 400063 Centrum Broking Pvt Ltd Mr. Rajesh Thadhani Centrum House 4th Level Cst Road Vidya Nagari Marg, Kalina Santacruz (E) 400098 Nj India Invest Private Limited 22/28 Raja Bahadur Compound Near Cams Mumbai Samachar Marg Fort 400023 Ifci Financial Services Ltd 2b(1), Film Centre Ground Floor, 61 Tardeo Road 400034 Integrated Enterprises (India) Limited Dr.V.B.Gandhi Marg Fort 400023 Money Honey Financial Services Private Limited 1st Floor, Nahar Singh Industry Building Opp Movie Star Cinema Ram Mandir Goregaon-W 400104 Emkay Global Financial Services Ltd B - Ruby Mills Tower 7th Floor, South East Wing Senapati Bapat Marg Dadar (W) 400028 Edelweiss Broking Limited 104 P J Towers Bse Building Fort Mumbai-400001, Ground Floor Edelweiss House Off Cst Road Kalina Mumbai-400098 Bonanza Portfolio Limited: Plot No. M-2, Cama Industrial Estate, Walbhat Road, Goregaon ( E ) 400063 Systematix Shares And Stocks (India) Limited:Mr Mahesh Oza 3rd Floor J K Somani Bldg British Hotel Lane Mumbai Samachar Marg Fort 400001 Hdfc Securities Ltd: I Think Techno Campus Bldg B Alpha Office Flr 8 Nr Kanjurmarg Stn Opp Crompton Greaves Kanjurmarg East Mumbai-400042 Idbi Capital Markets Ltd 3rd Floor Mafatlal Centre Nariman Point Mumbai-400021 Way 2 Wealth Brokers Private Limited Hincon House 24/7 Park Towers B 3rd Floor L B S Marg Vikhroli400083 Hyderabad : Jm Financial Services Private Limited Mr Ganpathi Murthy/Chandrasekhar,Jm Financial Services, 9-10 Uma Chambers,3rd Floor, Banjara Hills, Ph:040- 39875900/6636 0009/10/12/46. Mr. Mallesh/Mr. Pravin Chary, Jm Financial, 3rd Floor, 305 Jade Arcade, Opp Paradise Hotel, M G Road, Secundrabad 500 003.Tel : (040) 3982 5200. Integrated Enterprises (India) Limited No.5-10-197/A G4 1st Floor Reliance Krishna Apts Beside Kalanjali Bhavan Navad Pahad Hill Forest Road 500004 Enam Securities Pvt Ltd: Hyderabad 6-3-650/217b & C Maheshwari Chambers 2nd Floor Somajiguda Hyderabad-500082, Standard Charterd Securites (India) Limited Ug - 13 Mekins Maheshwari Mayank Plaza 6-3-866 / 1 / A Greenlands Ameerpet 500016 Karvy Stock Broking Limited: Karvy House Avenue 4 Street No 1 Banjara Hills -500034 Sharekhan Ltd,7-1-22/3/1-5/C,Afzia Towers,1st Floor,Begumpet,Hyderabad,500016 Indore : Mr. Manish Upadhyay,Jm Financial Services, Ug-7 & 8, Ground Floor, D M Tower, ,21/1, Race Course Road, Ph:0731- 3072111/4262111 Arihant Capital Markets Limited F 1 Ahinsa Tower 7 M G Road Indore 452001 Jaipur : Mr. Navneet Sharma,Jm Financial Services, G-7 & G-8,Brij Anukamba,Plot No.K-13, 201 2nd Floor Sangam Tower Church Road Jaipur-302001 Ashika Stock Broking Limited 201 First Floor, Whishpering Palms, D-42,Subhash Marg, C-Scheme, 302001 Bharat Bhushan Equity Traders Ltd 404, Rohit House, 3 Tolstoy Marg, 110001 Hem Securities Ltd 203 Jaipur Tower M.I.Road 302001 Kjmc Capital Market Services Limited 41 Jai Jawan Colny Ii Tonk Road Near Sanghi Motors Durgapura 302016 Nirmal Bang Securities Private Limited 201 2nd Floor Sangam Tower Church Road 302001 Pace Stock Broking Services Pvt Ltd Sharma Bulding Ist Floor , M.I . Road 302001 S S Corporate Securities Limited 201-202, G-8, Geeta Enclave, C Scheme, Vinobha Marg 302001 Kolkata : Jm Financial Services, Kankaria Estate, 8th Flr,6th Little Russell Street, Ph: 033-3987 0330 Standard Charterd Securites (India) Limited Shree Manjiri 1st Floor 8/1 Sir William Jones Sarani 700071 Sharekhan Limited Kankaria Estate,1st Floor, 6-Little Russell Street, Kolkata - 700 071 Bonanza Portfolio Limited 1 Gibson Lane, Room No. 105 Behind Orient Cinema Bentinck Street 700069 Skp Securities Ltd Chatterjee International Centre Level 21 33 A Jawahar Lal Nehru Road 700071 Eureka Stock & Share Broking Services Ltd Gillander House E Block Grnd Flr 8 N-5 Rd 700001 Aum Capital Market Private Limited No 5 Akash Deep 1st Floor Lower Rawdon Street Mintopark-700020 Sharekhan Ltd,Kankaria Estate,1st Floor, 6-Little Russell Street, Kolkata - 700 071. New Delhi: Mr Prasad Nair/Mr C S Tiwari,Jm Financial Services, 114 Himalya House,23,K G Marg, Ph:011-4130 5000/3092 5500.Standard Charterd Securites (India) Limited 159 Aggarwal Citi Plaza Plot No. 17 Manngalam Place Sector 3 Rohini 110085 Pace Stock Broking Services Pvt Ltd A-1/291 Safdarjung Enclave 110029 Bharat Bhushan Equity Traders Ltd 404, Rohit House, 3 Tolstoy Marg, 110001 S S Corporate Securities Limited Ndm-2 D Block 3rd Floor Netaji Subhash Place Pritampura 110034 Smc Global Securities Limited 17 Netaji Subhash Marg Opp Golcha Cinema Darya Ganj New Delhi-110022 Noida: Religare Secureites Limited Gys Global A3/4/5 Sector 125 Pune : Mr Anand Shirke/Mr Sanjay Yelwande,Jm Financial Services,205 Business Guild ,Opp. Krishna Dining Hall,Law College Road, Erandawane, Ph:020-3987 1600-01/ 66033730 Aum Capital Market Private Limited Prasun Arcade, Office No: 5, 2nd Floor, Survey No: 4747, Near Gokul Hotel, Pimpir 411018 Motilal Oswal Securities Limited Lohia Jain Centre 1st Floor 893/6 Near Goodluck Chowk Opp Oakwood Hotel Nr Iipm Inst Bhandarkar Road Deccan Gymkhana 411004 Bangalore: Way 2 Wealth Brokers Private Limited Frontline Grandeur Ground Floor No 14 Walton Road Bangalore 560001 Sharekhan Ltd,#2307, Swanlines Building, 12th Main Road, Jayanagar 3rd Block East, Bangalore 560011 Rajkot : Mr. Sona Verghese, Jm Financial Services,202 Solitaire, 2nd Floor, Swami Vivekananda Marg, Near Municipal Commissioner Bunglow, Ramkrishna Nagar,Ph:0281-3984000/3984101 Ans Private Limited Arham Financial Center, Opp Star Chamber, Harihar Chowk Dr Rajendra Prasad Road 360001 Surat : Mr. Dipen Shah/Mr. Nishant Trivedi, Jm Financial, 407, 4th Floor, 21 Century Business Centre, Near Udhna Char Rasta, Ring Road, Ph:0261-3984000 Way 2 Wealth Brokers Private Limited B 131 International Trade Centre (Itc) Maurya Gate Ring Road -395002 Sharekhan Ltd,M-1 To 6,Jolly Plaza, Mezzanine Floor, Athwa Gate, Surat 395001 Vadodara Mr. Ghanshyam Vyas,Jm Financial Services,G1ground Floor, Shohan, 49 Alkapuri Society, Opp. Hdfc Babk, Alkapuri, Ph:0265-3984 311 Sharekhan Ltd,6-8/12,Sakar Complex,1st Floor,Opp Abs Tower,Haribhakti Extension,Old Padra Road,Vadodara-390015 Visakhapatnam Mr D V Vijayakumar,Jm Financial Services,Door No 9-1-224/4/3, 1st Floor, Nandan Nirman,Cbm Compound, Near Rama Talkies Junction, Ph:0891-3983800 KOTAK SECURITIES LIMITED AGRA: Kotak Securities Limited., 2/220, Glory Plaza, Suer Sadan Crossing, M.G Rd,P: 5538760; RELIGARE SEC LTD., F- 8 & 9, Ist Flr, Block No.- E16/8, Kailash Tower, Sanjay Place,.P: 3013142; AHMEDABAD: Kotak Securities Limited., 207, 2nd Flr, Sakar-II, Ellisbridge Corner, Ashram Rd.P:26587276; Kotak Sec Ltd., 201/A, Amruta Arcade, Nr Maningr Char Rasta, Maningr; Kotak Securities Limited., B/104, 1st Flr, Premium House, Opp Gandhigram Rly Stn.P:26579567; Kotak Securities Limited., B-46, Kamdhenu Complex, Opp.Sahajanand College, Panjara Pole, Ambawadi.P:26308035; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., 314, 3rd Flr Crystal Arcade, Beside BSNL Complex, Near Girish Cold Drink Cross Rd, C G Rd,.P: 40075054 Nirmal Bang Sec Pvt. Ltd., 1st Flr,Shoppers Plaza-2 , Opp Telephone Exchange, C G Rd,Navarangpura; RELIGARE SEC LTD., 201,202,203,2nd Flr,Dev Complex, Opp Parimal Garden, C.G. Rd,.P: 9727746713 Innovate Securities Pvt Limited., 1st Flr,DEVASHISH, 39, Sardar Patel Nagar Rd, Near Nest Hotel, Ellisbridge.P:26564125; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., Chinubhai Centre, Ground Flr, Nehru Bridge, Ashram Rd, Kalyanbhai Mayabhai Stock Brokers Pvt Limited., 705, Sakar 1, Opp Gandhigram Rly Stn., Navrangpura; Motilal Oswal Securities Limited., G 678910, Ground Flr, City Pride Complex, Near Hotel Nalanda Mithakhali Circle Navrangpura.P: 30078100; Nitin Parikh & Co., 101, Akashganga, Nr. Dr. Munshi Nursing Home, Gujarat College Rd, Ellisbridge, Pravin Ratilal Share And Stock Brokers Limited., Sakar-I, 5th Flr, Opp. Gandhigram Railway Station, Navrangpura.P:66302700; Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., 101, Popular House, Opp. Sales India, Ashram Rd.P:55212988; ALIGARH: RELIGARE SEC LTD., 1st Flr, Center Point Market, Samad Rd,.P: 6671317, ALLAHABAD: Kotak Securities Limited., M-4, Mezzanine Flr, LDA Center, 2, Sardar Patel Marg, Civil Line.P: 2561451; RELIGARE SEC LTD., C/o Brij Ford, 2, S.P. Marg, Civil Lines,.P: 2560257 AMRITSAR: Kotak Securities Limited., Unit No.FUF-7, Central Mall, 32, Mall Rd; RELIGARE SEC LTD., Ist Flr, Nagpal Towers -II, SCO-44, Distt. Shopping Center, Ranjeet Avenue,.P: 6612322 ANAND: Kotak Securities Limited., 3rd Flr, Sanket, Near Grid.P: 2573311; AURANGABAD: RELIGARE SEC LTD., 1 st Flr, Bhaskar Meridian, Opp. Swatantra Sainik Colony, Nageshwarwadi,.P: 6645200 BANGALORE: Kotak Securities Limited., Umiya LandmarkII Flr., No:10/7 -Lavelle Rd.P: 66203601; Kotak Securities Limited., no 201, soundrya sampige complex, Sampige Rd, No 412, 8th Cross, Malleswaram. P: 9900133758; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., No. 63, Right Wing, 1st Flr, K. H. Rd,(Double Rd), Opp. BMRTC Big Bazaar, Above Vodaphone Store,.P: 22117859; RELIGARE SEC LTD., 4th Flr, Almas Centre No. 87, Mahatma Gandhi Rd,.P: 40117100; RELIGARE SEC LTD., No 147, EmeraldTowers, 5th Main, 5th Block,Koramangala,.P: 41702028 Enam Sec Pvt Ltd., 10/3, GROUND FLR,NO.29, EMPIRE INFANTRY,INFANTRY RD, P: 40333222; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., 97/4, Residency Rd.P:2998264; Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., Ground Flr, Sri Bhavana Thilaka, 4/2 Millers Rd,. Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., J. R. Complex, No.21/1, Hosur Nanjappa Layout, Adugodi, Koramangala.P:22108140; BELGAUM: Kotak Securities Limited., Shri Laxmi Sankul Complex, T-01, 3rd Flr, Above Cosmos Bank, Maruti Galli, P: 4203033; BHARUCH: Kotak Securities Limited., 235-236, Harihar Complex, Zadeshwar Rd.P:570569; Joindre Capital Services Ltd., 1st Flr, Maruti Darshan, Opp. Hanuman Temple, Kasak Rd, BHAVNAGAR: IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., 108 1st Flr, Shoppers Point,Parimal Chowk, Waghawadi Rd, .P: 9374840644 BHOPAL: Kotak Securities Limited., Third Flr, Alankar Palace, 10-11, MP Nagar, Zone 2.P: 5248133; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., Harisons House, Upper Ground Flr,6 Malviya Nagar,.P: 276 0010 RELIGARE SEC LTD., Ranjit Tower, Ist Flr, Plot No. - 8, M.P. Nagar, Zone - 2,.P: 4087701 Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., K.K. Plaza, Plot No. 1, Zone 2, Maharana Pratap Nagar,. BHUBANESHWAR: Kotak Securities Limited., Plot No 24, 2nd Flr., SCR, Nr Bazaar Kolkata, Bapuji Nagar, Janpath.P: 2597871; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., IDBI House, Janpath, Unit IX, .P: 320 8801 RELIGARE SEC LTD., Plot No - 24 , SCR Bapu Ji Nagar , Janpath.P: 919534397239 Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., 5, Janpath, Unit - 3, Kharavel Nagar, CHANDIGARH: Kotak Securities Limited., SCO-14-15, 2nd Flr, Madhya Marg, Sector-8C.P: 5065301; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., SCO 86, 1st Flr, Sector 44 C, .P: 324 2449 RELIGARE SEC LTD., SCO - 56-58, Sector - 9 - D, Madhya Marg,.P: 4681422 RELIGARE SEC LTD., SCO 56 - 58 2nd Flr Sector 9 D.P: 96466683077 Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., Sco-35-F.F,Sec-21-C, CHENNAI: Kotak Securities Limited., GRR Business Cneter, No.21, Vaidyaraman Street, T Nagar.P:66462000; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., Flat No. D, 1st Flr, Deve Regency, No. 6/11, 1st Main Rd, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar.P: 3293 5830 Nirmal Bang Sec Pvt. Ltd., NEW NO.51, C P RAMASAMY RD,C P MANOR BUILDING ALWARPET RELIGARE SEC LTD., 4th Flr, City Tower, No. 117, Theagaraya Rd, T. Nagar,.P: 43546592, Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., Jamals Santhini, 1/1, II nd Main Rd, Seethammal Colony, Alwarpet,. Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., W-123, 1st Flr, 3rd Avenue, Anna Nagar, Enam Sec Pvt Ltd., 11, VIJAY DELUXE APTS., 4TH FLR, 7/4, FIRST MAIN RD, CIT COLONY,MYLAPORE, P: 39184228; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., Gee Gee Crystal, 5th Flr., 91-92, Dr.Radhar Krishna Salai, Mylapore.P:42255666; COIMBATORE: Kotak Securities Limited., 1st Flr, Red rose chamber, 1437,Trichy Rd.P: 6699666; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., 2nd Flr, 16, Sathya Moorthy Rd, Opp. Ayyapaseva Sangam, Ramnagar,.P: (+0422) 320 8226 RELIGARE SEC LTD., Gowtham Centre, No. 14 , 2nd Flr, 1055 / 22, Avinashi Rd,.P: 9994857779 DEHRADUN: Kotak Securities Limited., 1st Flr, Swaraj Complex, 72, Rajpur Rd, Opp Hotel Madhuban,P: 2745870; RELIGARE SEC LTD., 303, IInd Flr, Laxmi Chambers, 69, Rajpur Rd, Opp. Meddo Plaza, Dehradun (U.P.).P: 0135- 2740093/96- 3202050Joindre Capital Services Ltd., 9 Rajpur Rd., 1st Flr., Opp. Local Bus Stand.P:2654834; DHANBAD: Kotak Securities Limited., 1St Flr, Commerce House - 2, Above Ashoka Bajaj Showroom, Shastri Nagar, P:2308482; FARIDABAD: Chugh Securities Private Limited., B-463, 1st Flr., Nehru Gr., NIT.P:4036500; GANDHIDHAM: RELIGARE SEC LTD., 1st Flr , Khalsa Avenue , Sector - 1/A Plot No 210, Kutcha Kala Rd , Gandhi Dham (Kutch) 270201 .P: 02812466570-73GURGAON: Kotak Securities Ltd. ; O - 107 Arjun Shopping Mall ; Arjun Nagar ; DLF Phase1 ; GUWAHATI: Kotak Securities Limited., Akshay Tower , 4th Flr, Opp. Rupayan Arcade, Fancy Bazar, S.S. Rd. P: 2732243; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., C/o IDBI Ltd., IDBI House, 4th Flr,North Eastern Zonal Office, G. S. Rd,.P: 9864259980 RELIGARE SEC LTD., 4th Flr, Ram Kumar Plaza, Chatribari Rd, Near Himatsingka Petrol Pump,.P: 2630772 HISSAR: RELIGARE SEC LTD., SCF - 8, Red Square Market, HUDA Commercial Estate No. - 1,.P: 282503 HUBLI: Kotak Securities Limited., V A Kalburgi Complex, Ground Flr, Besides Vivekanand corner, Desai Cross, Deshpandenagar.P: 2357512; RELIGARE SEC LTD., Shop No-4, Pacific Plaza, Vivekanand Hospital Rd, Deshpande Nagar,.P: 4265405 HYDERABAD: Kotak Securities Limited., 9-1-777, 4th Flr, Beside ITC Bldg, S D Rd, (LANE Opp to DBR Diagnosis), P:65326394; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., C/o IDBI Ltd., 3rd Flr, IDBI House, D. No. 5-9-89 / 1 & 2, Chapel Rd, P. B. No. 370,.P: 66747540 Nirmal Bang Sec Pvt. Ltd., H No.7-1-22/8-C, 1st Flr,Near Green Lands Flyover,Begumpet RELIGARE SEC LTD., Cauvery City Plaza, IInd Flr|| Sunder Nagar.P: 40144925. RELIGARE SEC LTD., 2nd Flr,7-1-59/2&59/6, Mandhana Towers,Ameerpet,.P: 40180612, Motilal Oswal Securities Limited., 201, Lumbini Amrutha Chambers,Near Nagarjuna Circle, Rd No.3, Banjara Hills, Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., UG - 13, Mekins Maheshwari Mayank Plaza, 6-3-866 / 1 / A, Greenlands, Ameerpet,. Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., 103/402, Mahavir House, Basheer Bagh Square,.Edelwiess Securities Ltd., 2nd Flr, MB Tower, Plot No. 5, Rd No. 2, Banjara Hills,; P 40316911 Enam Sec Pvt Ltd., 6-3-650/217 B &C, MAHESHWARI CHAMBERS, 2ND FLR,SOMAJIGUDA, P: 39893626; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., 3rd Flr, 305 Jade Arcade, Opp Paradise Hotel, M G Rd, JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., 9-10, Uma Chambers, 3rd Flr, Rd No.1, Banjara Hills, (Nagarjuna Hills).P:23350755; INDORE: Kotak Securities Limited., 314, Citi Centre, 570, M.G. Rd.P:2537336; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., Plot No. 11A / A, 1st Scheme No. 54, Opp. Satya Sai School, Vijay Nagar, A. B. Rd,.P: 2554229 RELIGARE SEC LTD., Mazznine Flr, Sterling Tower, 2 , M.G. Rd P: 4254507 Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., UG - 4,5 & 6, Royal Diamond, Y.N. Rd, Opp. State Bank Of Indore (HO),.Edelwiess Securities Ltd., 312, D. M. Tower, Race Course Rd, P. : 4061164; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., UG-7 & 8, Gr. Flr., DM Tower, 21/1, Race Course Rd.P:4262111; Swastika Investmart Limited., 48, Jaora Compound, MYH Rd.P:5043100; JABALPUR: Kotak Securities Limited., Jain Tower, 3rd Flr, Ruseel Chowk,P: 4085850; RELIGARE SEC LTD., Ground Flr, 1627, Shastri Bridge Chowk, Napier Town, P: 4083972 JAIPUR: Kotak Securities Limited., 305-308, 3rd Flr, Green House, O-15,Ashok Marg, C-Scheme; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., 314 3rd Flr, Ganpati Plaza, M. I. Rd, .P: 238 9439 Nirmal Bang Sec Pvt. Ltd., 201,2nd Flr,Sangam Tower Church Rd RELIGARE SEC LTD., No.501& 605, 5th & 6th Flr Luhadia Tower, K-11, Ashok Marg Near Ahinsa Circle, C Scheme JAIPUR 302001 .P: 919982688444 KJMC Capital Market Services Limited., 41 JAI JAWAN COLONY 2 TONK RD, NR SANGHI MOTORS DURGAPURA; Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., 8, Katewa Bhawan, 1st Flr, Opp. Ganpati Plaza, M.I. Rd, Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., 8, Katewa Bhawan, 1st Flr, Opp. Ganpati Plaza, M.I. Rd,. Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., 8, Katewa Bhawan, 1st Flr, Opp. Ganpati Plaza, M.I. Rd,. Edelwiess Securities Ltd., Green House 601 & 602; 6th Flr, Ashok Marg, P : 4045167 Bharat Bhushan Equity Traders Limited., 412, City Mall, C-21B, Bhagwan Das Rd; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., G 7 & G 8 Anukampa, Plot No K, 13, Ashok Marg, C Scheme; JALANDHAR: Kotak Securities Limited., 2nd Flr, 465, Lajpat Nagar Market; RELIGARE SEC LTD., Gobind Niwas, 2nd Flr, 36 GT Rd, Jalandhar City - 144 001 (Pun).P: 0181- 5061885/ 886/ 887 JAMNAGAR: Kotak Securities Limited., 701, 5th Flr, City Point, Station Rd, Near Town Hall.P: 5540355; JAMSHEDPUR: Kotak Securities Limited., Bharat Business Centre, Ho No.2, 2nd Flr, Rm No. 8, Ram Mandir Area Bistupur,P:3090856; Joindre Capital Services Ltd., 6/II, Kamani Centre, 2nd Flr., Bistupur.P:2424388; JODHPUR: Kotak Securities Limited., 1st Flr, Gulab Bhawan, Chopasani Rd,P: 5101956; RELIGARE SEC LTD., 644, 3rd Flr, Near Manidhari Hospital, Residency Rd,.P: 3041786 Joindre Capital Services Ltd., Sancheti Bhawan, Mahaveer Market, Tripoliya Rd.P:2440491; KANPUR: Kotak Securities Limited., 312-315, 3rd Flr, 14/113, Kan Chambers, Civil Lines, Near UP Stock Exchange.P: 3018114; RELIGARE SEC LTD., 1, Ground Flr, Kan Chabmers, 14/13, Civil Lines,.P 3019106 Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., 15 / 59, O Civil Lines, Kanpur - 208001. KOCHI: Kotak Securities Limited., 40/1400, 11th Flr, Ensign Enclave, Jos Junction, M.G. Rd.P: 2377386; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., 2nd Flr, Pavana House, K. P. Vallon K. P. Vallon Rd, Kadavanthra.P: 321 0813 Nirmal Bang Sec Pvt. Ltd., SHOP NO.39/2122 B-FIRST FLR,JOMER ARACADE, CHITTOOR RD,SOUTH JUNCTION RELIGARE SEC LTD., 35/65-D,3rd Flr, Thadikaran Centre, Palarivattom,.P: 9349791773 RELIGARE SEC LTD., 35/65-D,3rd Flr,Thadikaran Centre, Palarivattom, Ernakulam 682 025 Kochi.P: 0484-4040548Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., 1st Flr, Sana Tower, 39/2579C, M.G. Rd, Ernakulam, Cochin - 682016. KOLHAPUR: Joindre Capital Services Ltd., A/12, 1st Flr., Prabjakar Plaza, Station Rd; RELIGARE SEC LTD., C-3, 1st Flr, Royal Prestige, E-Ward, Sykes Extension,.P: 9822652484 KOLKATTA: Kotak Securities Limited., 7th Flr, Apeejay House, Block C, 15, Park Street,P:22273999; Kotak Securities Limited., Govind Bhavan, Ground Flr, 2, Biplabi Trilokya Maharaj Sarani(Brabourne Rd),P: 2235 8105; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., Suit No 2 B, 228 A, Landmark Bldg - Seconf Flr , Mintopark ,AJC Bose Rd.P: 32502896 M: 09748759064 Nirmal Bang Sec Pvt. Ltd., AC Market Complex,8th Flr, 1 Shakespeare Sarani, RELIGARE SEC LTD., Unit No. 410, North Block, 4th Flr, Ideal Plaza, 11/1,Sarat Bose Rd,.P: 44010933 Tarun Shetia., 9 India Exchange place, 3rd Flr, Room No.5, P: 22304481; Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., Shree Manjiri, 1st Flr, 8/1, Sir William Jones Sarani, Kolkata - 700071. Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., Mangalam Bldg., 24 & 26, Gr Flr, Hemanta Basu Sarani, Dalhousie,. Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., Mangalam Bldg., 24 & 26, Gr Flr, Hemanta Basu Sarani, Dalhousie. Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., Premises No 152 First Flr, S.P Mukherjee Rd,.Edelwiess Securities Ltd., 2nd Flr, Savitri Tower, 3A, Upper Wood,; Tel. : 40104635 Ashika Stock Broking Ltd., Trinity 226/1, AJC Bose Rd., 7th Flr.P:22839952; Enam Sec Pvt Ltd., S-205, IDEAL PLAZA, 11/1,SARAT BOSE RD, P: 9830090200; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., Kankaria Estate, 6, Little Rousell Street, 8th Flr.P:22816690; Motilal Oswal Securities Limited., 3rd Flr, Constantia Building,Dr. U. N. Bramachari Street, P: 30274420; KOTA: Kotak Securities Limited., D-8 First Flr, Shri Ram Complex, Opposite Multipurpose School, Gumanpura; RELIGARE SEC LTD., D-8, Unit No.- 104-105, Shriram Complex, Opp. Multipurpose School, Gumanpura, Kota.P: M : 9414184841 LUCKNOW: Kotak Securities Limited., 1-2 Ground Flr, Commerce House, Habibullah Estate,11 M.G. Marg.P:3950119; Kotak Securities Limited., A-1 ; Ashish Palace,Sector E,Aliganj, P: 3232285; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., 1st Flr, Halwasiya House, 11 M. G. Marg,Hazratganj.P: 325 0987 RELIGARE SEC LTD., GROUND FLR, RIZ Building, 5 Park Rd,.P: 9935344009 LUDHIANA: Kotak Securities Limited., SCO-122, 2nd Flr, Firoz Gandhi Market,P: 5047214; Nirmal Bang Sec Pvt. Ltd., Office No.301 & 302,SCO No.15, Scan Plaza,Feroze Gandhi Marg RELIGARE SEC LTD., SCO.16-17,4th Flr, Fortune Chambers, Feroze Gandhi Market,.P: 4691428 MADURAI: Kotak Securities Limited., Shop A First Flr, KRV Arcade, AR PLAZA 16 & 17, North velli Street.P: 2341225; RELIGARE SEC LTD., 16/17, North Veli Street, C - 2, A R Plaza, III Flr,.P: 9940185524 MANGALORE: Kotak Securities Limited., No.4, 3rd Flr, The Trade Centre, Jyoti Centre, Bunts Hostel Rd, Near Jyoti Circle, P: 424180; Kotak Securities Limited., No.4, 3rd Flr, The Trade Centre, Jyoti Centre, Bunts Hostel Rd, Near Jyoti Circle.P: 424180; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., 1st Flr, Bridge Square, Balmatta Rd,.P: 4278032 MORADABAD: RELIGARE SEC LTD., Chadha shopping Complex, IInd Flr, GMD Rd,.P: 9358141476 MUMBAI: Kotak Securities Limited., 32, Gr Flr., Raja Bahadur Compound, Opp Bank of Maharashtra, Fort,P:22655074; Kotak Securities Limited., 6th Flr, Kotak Towers, Building No. 21, Infinity Park, Off Western Express Highway, Goregaon Mulund Link, Rd, Malad (E),P: 6605 6825; Kotak Securities Limited., Nirlon House, 3rd Flr, Dr Anie Besant Rd, Near Passport Office, Worli,P:66529191; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd. Mafatlal Centre , 3rd Flr , Nariman Point.P: 43221212 IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., Shop No. B 4, E Wing, Crystal Plaza, Opp. Infinity Mall, Off New Link Rd, Adarsh Nagar,Andheri (w).P: 2673 3179 IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., Shop No. 8, Thacker Tower PremisesCo-Op Society Ltd., Plot No. 86, Sector 17, Vashi, .P: 2789 3262 IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., Shop No.3, Vikas PalmVillage Pachpakhadi.P: 2544 4441 RELIGARE SEC LTD., 301/302, Viraj Tower, Gundavali, Western Express Hightway,Near landmark building, Andheri (East),.P: 67288000 Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., Shop No. 1&2, Shroff Towers, Sodawala Cross Lane, Borivali (West),. Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., Work Station - 1016, Standard Chartered Tower, 201-B/1,1st Flr, Western Express Highway,Goregaon (E), Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., Sai Plaza, Ground Flr, Jawahar Rd, Opp. Railway Station, Ghatkopar (East),. Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., 6, Sanghrajka House, 1st Flr, 431, Dr. D.B. Marg, Opera House, Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., 6, Sanghrajka House, 1st Flr, 431, Dr. D.B. Marg, Opera House, Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., Ground Flr, Anand Commercial Centre, Near Asha Parekh Hospital, S.V. Rd, Santacruz (W),. ICICI Securities Ltd, Gr. Flr, H.T Parekh Marg, Back Bay Reclamation, Churchgate; ICICI Securities Ltd, SHREE SAWAN KNOWLEDGE PARK, GR. FLR, PLOT NO. D-507, T.T.C INDUSTRIAL AREA, M.I.D.C, TURBHE, NEAR JUINAGAR RAILWAY STATION, Arcadia Share & Stock Brokers Pvt. Ltd., 328, Ninad Bldg., No.7, Nr. Bhavishya Nidhiu Bhavan, Service Rd., Bandra (E).P:26478888; Edelwiess Securities Ltd., 104, 1st Flr., PJ Tower, Dalal Street, Fort.P:67471345; Enam Sec Pvt Ltd., Khatau Bldg, 2nd Flr, 44 Bank Street, Off Shahid Bhagatsingh Rd, Fort.P:22677901; Enam Sec Pvt Ltd., 201, LAXMI TOWERS, A WING, BANDRA KURLA COMPLEX, BANDRA (E), P: 66803600; Enam Sec Pvt Ltd., HARI CHAMBER, GROUND FLR, 58/64, SHAHID BHAGAT SINGH RD, FORT, Pin- 400001, Ph:22677901 IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., 5th Flr, Mafatlal Centre, Nariman Point.P:66371202; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., Palm Court, 4th Flr., Link Rd., Malad (W).P:67617000; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., 2/003 Anushka, New Link Rd, Opp Oshiwara Police Station, Oshiwara, Andheri (W).P:6619 1600; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., 2/ 3 /4, Kamanwala Chambers, Ground Flr, Sir P M Rd, Fort.P:56333030; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., 424/425 Kailash Plaza, V B Lane, Ghatkopar (East).P: 6710 4738; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., 1st Flr., Patel House, Next to Bank Of Baroda, MG Rd., Vile Parle (E).P:26135202; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., 1st Flr, New Pushpanjali II, Jambli Galli, (Factory Lane) , Opp Chintamani Jewellers, Borivali (West), Joindre Capital Services Ltd., 32, Raja Bahadur Mansion, Gr. Flr., Opp Bank of Maharashtra, BS Marg, Fort.P:22658661; KJMC Capital Market Services Limited., 168, 16th Flr, Atlanta, Nariman Point.P:22885201; Motilal Oswal Securities Limited., Queens Mension,2nd Flr, 44 A.K. Naik Marg,Behind Khadi Gramodyog Fort.P:30278090; Nirmal Bang Sec Pvt. Ltd., 201/301, 2nd flr, B wing, Khandelwal House, Poddhar Rd, Nr Poddhar Park, Malad (E).P:30274513; Mehta Equities Limited., 612, Arun Chamber Tardeo, Rd, P: 40070100; SMC Global Securities Limited., 258, Perin Nariman Street, 1st Flr., Fort.P:56518046; MYSORE: Kotak Securities Limited., No: 646 - Kiran Mansion - 2 nd Flr, Above Reliance Fresh, Chamaraja Double Rd, P: 4000861; RELIGARE SEC LTD., No 5 & 12, Vishwamanva Double Rd, Saraswathipuram, Mysore 570009..P: T : 4000169 NAGPUR: Kotak Securities Limited., Plot no. 5, 3rd Flr, Lotus Gorepeth Layout WHC Rd , Dharampeth, P: 6620278; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., Unit No. 104, Ashish Annexe, Plot J-13 A, WHC Rd, Laxmi Nagar,.P: 2230005 RELIGARE SEC LTD., Jain House Opp Patwardhan High School,Near Mahabir Motors , Sitabuldi.P: 9923391430 Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., 101/102, Shriram Shyam Towers, 1st Flr, Kingsway, Sadar,.Joindre Capital Services Ltd., G-16&17, Sai Regency, Ravi Nagar Sq., Amravati Rd..P:3943335; NASHIK: Kotak Securities Limited., G-5, Suyojit Avdhoot Tower, Old Gangapur Naka, Gangapur Rd,P: 6609804; Joindre Capital Services Ltd., s-9/10, Suyojit Sankul, Nr Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan, Saharanpur Rd.P:2319501; NEW DELHI: Kotak Securities Limited., 202-217, 2nd Flr, Ambadeep Building, 14, Kasturba Gandhi Marg.P:66313131; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., Office No. 216217-218, Second Flr,Vardhman Tower, Preet Vihar, .P: 3247 2133 IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., C-1/103-104,Lajpat Nagar -1,.P: 9810316643 IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., C/O IDBI BANK Ltd, 51/3 2nd Flr Deshbandhu Gupta Rd, Opposite Khalsa College,.P: 32047162Nirmal Bang Sec Pvt. Ltd., Flat no.120, New Delhi House, 27 Barakhamba Rd,RELIGARE SEC LTD., G - 16, Marina Arcade, Opp. Shivaji Stedium, Connaught Place,.P: 6615 4195, KJMC Capital Market Services Limited., 221 HANS BHAWAN 2ND FLR, NR ITO OFF., BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG; Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., 159, Aggarwal Citi Plaza, Plot No. 17, Manngalam Place, Sector 3, Rohini,. Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., 52-53, Malviya Smriti Bhawan, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg,.Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., 52-53, Malviya Smriti Bhawan, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg,.Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., E-2/27,Ground Flr, Main Link Rd, Jhandewalan, Near Jhandewalan Metro Station, Gate No.2, Bharat Bhushan Equity Traders Limited., H-45, Connaught Place; Bharat Bhushan Equity Traders Limited., 5E, Jhandelwalan Extn., Rani Jhansi Rd.P:23540997; Bharat Bhushan Equity Traders Limited., 18, Vasant Arcade, Vasant Kunj.P:26894527; Chugh Securities Private Limited., F-23, Kolhapur Rd, Kamla Nagar.P:23846440; Chugh Securities Private Limited., Shop no 22, 2nd Flr, New Mkt, Malviya Nagar; Chugh Securities Private Limited., 1/9277, West Rohtas Nagar, Shahdara.P:9811277210; Chugh Securities Private Limited., 207 BHERA ENCLAVE, OUTER RING RD,Chugh Securities Private Limited., 4 / 5823, DEV NAGAR, KAROL BAGH, Chugh Securities Private Limited., Unit no.201, 205, 207, 2nd Flr., Vardhman Crystal, CD Block, Pitampura, P:27315159; Enam Sec Pvt Ltd., M-39, IIND FLR, OUTER CIRCLE,OPP.SUPER BAZAR, CONNAUGHT PLACE, P: 39893626 ; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., 114, Himalya House, 11th Flr, 23, K.G Marg.P:51305000; Motilal Oswal Securities Limited., 801-806,8th Flr, Prakash Deep Building, 7 Tolstoy Marg, Connaught Place ; NDA Securities Ltd. 16 Krishna Market, 1st Flr, Kalkaji, Ph. 47152222 NDA Securities Ltd. 1002A, Arunachal, 19 Barakhamba Rd, P. 46204000 NDA Securities Ltd.Shop No 31, D B Gupta Rd Opp. ICICI Bank Ltd, Karol Bagh, SMC Global Securities Limited., 17, Netaji Subhash Marg, Darya Ganj.P:23241892; NOIDA: Kotak Securities Limited, 2nd Flr, Above Kotak Mahindra Bank, G-31-32, Atta Market, Sector-18,P: 4606911; RELIGARE SEC LTD., Plot No. 11, A3,A4,A5,GYS Global,Sector - 125, .P: 3394178 PANAJI: Kotak Securities Limited., 2ND Flr,Gurusai Plaza,Isidoria Baptista Rd,Margao,P: 6624833; RELIGARE SEC LTD., Shop No.1 and 2, Vasant arcade, Comba, Margaon,.P: 2702817 Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., 15, 16 & 17, Haroons Arcade, Magnum Center, 1st Flr, M. G. Rd,. PATNA: Kotak Securities Limited., Office No.7, Twin Tower Hathwa, South Gandhi Maidan,P: 2224620; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., Patna Branch Office, 205, 2nd Flr, Grand Plaza, Fraser Rd,.P: 320 0687 RELIGARE SEC LTD., 101,Lok Nayak Jay Prakash Bhawan,1st Flr,Dak Bunglow Crossing,.P: 9771431894 PUNE: Kotak Securities Limited., 2 ND FLR, KUMAR BUSINESS CENTER,BUND GARDEN RD,OPP. BUND GRADEN,P: 66066129; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., Office No. 32 / 33, 2nd Flr, Building B,Wing C, Shrinath Plaza, Modern College, Shivagi Nagar,.P: 3291 3133 Joindre Capital Services Ltd., 2065 Sadashiv Peth Gangavatran Rd Near S.P. College, RELIGARE SEC LTD., Office No.9, Kamla Cross Rd, The Jewel of Pimpri, Opp.PCMC Building, Mumbai - Pune Rd, Pimpri,.P: 40711602 RELIGARE SEC LTD., Vascon Matrix, Ground Flr, Near Shoppers Stop,Wakdewadi,Shivaji Nagar,.P: 30240342 Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., A/2, 1st Flr, Deccan Chambers, C.T. Survey No. 33/40, Erandwane, Karve Rd,. Enam Sec Pvt Ltd., 1248A, Asmani Plaza, Deccan Gymkhana, Shivaji Nagar.P:5521606; Enam Sec Pvt Ltd., 101/102, Silver Prestige, Opp. MCCIA, Near Swargat, Shukrawar Peth.P:4432970; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., 205, Business Guild, Opp Krishna Dining Hall, Law College Rd, Erandawane.P:4033730; RAIPUR: Kotak Securities Limited., Menzanine Fllor, Chawla Complex, Near Vanijya Bhawan,Devendra Nagar Rd, P: 251555; RELIGARE SEC LTD., 1st Flr, Nagvev Plaza,Opp.Hotel Satluj, Jail Rd.P: 9993094983Joindre Capital Services Ltd., 206, Rishabh Complex, 2nd Flr., MG Rd.P:2535384; RAJKOT: Kotak Securities Limited., Nath Complex, 2nd Flr, Opp. Jilla Panchayat, Above Kotak Mahindra Bank, Yagnik Rd.P:2459436; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., 1st Flr, Ankur Bldg.,Dr. Radhakrishan Rd, Near Moti Tanki,.P: 3056091 Enam Sec Pvt Ltd., 308, 3RD FLR, TORAL COMMERCIAL COMPLEX,JAWAHAR RD,NEAR GALAXY HOTEL, P: 2226383; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., 202, Solitaire Bldg, 2nd Flr., 11 R K Nagar, Swami Vivekanand Rd.P:3204242; Jobanputra Fiscal Services Pvt Ltd., 508, Aalap A, Subhash Rd; RANCHI: Kotak Securities Limited., Shop no. 24 & 25, 2nd Flr, A.C. Market, G.E.L. Church Complex, Main Rd, P:2200860. RELIGARE SEC LTD., 2nd Flr,Shop No-39,40.41,GEL CHURCH COMPLEX,Main Rd Ranchi -01.P: 9334452400 SALEM: Kotak Securities Limited., 5/241, F Rathna Arcade Five Rd,Meyyanur,P: 2335476; SILIGURI: Kotak Securities Limited., Nanak Complex, 2nd Flr, Sevok Rd, Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., Pratap Market, 1st Flr, Sevoke Rd, Near Payal Cinema,. SURAT: Kotak Securities Limited., Kotak House, K G Point, 1st Flr, Nr.Ganga Palace, Opp.IDBI Bank, Ghoddod Rd.P: 2254553; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., Unit No. 302, 3rd Flr, Meridian Tower, Nond 2105/2106, Khatodara, Udhana Darwaja, Ring Rd,.P: 322 4936 RELIGARE SEC LTD., 307, 3rd Flr 21ST Century building, Nr, World Trade Centre, Near, Udhna Darwaja. Ring Rd..P: 9825706168 Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., U-18,Upper Ground Flr, Jolly Plaza, Athwagate, JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., 407, 4th Flr., 21 Century Business Center, Udhna Char Rasta, Ring Rd.P: 3048000; TRICHY: Kotak Securities Limited., C-56,1-24-4th cross, Thillai Nagar, TRIVANDRUM: Kotak Securities Limited., Mahesh Estates, 2nd Flr, T L -15/1805, Vazhuthacadu, P: 2337423; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., NH Rd,Killipalam, P: 401 8482 UDAIPUR: Kotak Securities Limited., 222/12, Ist Flr, Mumal Towers, Saheli Marg, P: 513901; RELIGARE SEC LTD., 405-409, HG - 1, D Hajareshwar Colony, Opp. Hanumaan Temple, Court Rd,.P: 2419924 Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., Abhay Niwas, 5, 1st Flr, Residency Rd,. VADODARA: Kotak Securities Limited., 216, Meghdhanush Complex, Race Course Rd (South),P: 2314455; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., G/24 Concorde Bldg., R P Dutta Rd,Near IDBI Bank, B/h IDBI Bank, Alkapuri,.P: 320 1426 RELIGARE SEC LTD., 3rd Flr, Corner Square, B/S west Side Near Natu Bhai Circle, Race Course Circle,.P: 919558816823 RELIGARE SEC LTD., 3rd Flr,Corner Square,B/S West Side,Near Natubhai Circle,Race Course Circle,.P: T: 2390838 Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., F-101, Savoy Complex, Old Padra Rd,. Enam Sec Pvt Ltd., GF 9, SILVERLINE TOWERS, OPP BBC TOWERS,SAYAJIGANJ, P: 3026945; Enam Sec Pvt Ltd., 642 Fortune Towers, Sayajiganj.P:2225412; JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., G1, Gr. Flr., Soham, 49 Alkapuri Soc., Alkapuri, Off R C Dutta Rd.P:5526380; Joindre Capital Services Ltd., 509, Blue Chip Towers, Sayaji Gunj.P:2361094; VARANASI: IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., D-58/12, A-7, IIIrd Flr, Gandhi Nagar, Sigra,.P: 9935397975 RELIGARE SEC LTD., D-64 / 127, Lower Ground Flr, C-H, Arihant Complex, Sigra,.P: 3052053 VIJAYWADA: Kotak Securities Limited., 40-1-48/1, Labbipet, M.G.Rd,P: 6649061; VISHAKHAPATNAM: Kotak Securities Limited., Door No.47-10-15, VRC Complex , 2nd Flr, Railway Station Rd , Dwarka Nagar, P: 6642009; IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., 10 / 1 / 44 3rd Flr, T. L. N. ComplexOpp. IDBI Bank, Siripuram.P: 3201715 Standard Chartered Securities (India) Ltd., Vijayalakshami Nilayam, 1st Flr, 10-50-81, Rock Dale Layout, Waltair Main Rd,. JM Fin Ser Pvt Ltd., Door No 9-1-224/4/3, 1st Flr, Nandan Nirman, CBM Compound, Near Rama Talkies Junction;



RR EQUITY BROKERS PRIVATE LIMITED New Delhi: 47, M.M. Road, Rani Jhansi Marg, Jhandewalan, New Delhi 110055 011-23636363/62 New Delhi: 105, Anchal Plaza,Nelson Mandela Road Vasant Kunj,New Delhi-110070, 011-26891262,26134764 New Delhi: 105, Pratap Bhawan , Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi - 110001 01149505500,41509018 New Delhi: 118, Gagandeep Building, Rajendra Place , New Delhi- 110008 011- 25764872,41538956 Delhi: 106, Pankaj Chambers, Preet Vihar Community Centre, Delhi - 110092, 011-42421238-39, 49504400 Delhi: Shop No. 24, FD Market, Near Madhuban Chowk, Pitampura , Delhi - 110034 011 - 27311419 New Delhi: N-24 - 25, Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110001 011- 41523306, 46308803, 41523229 New Delhi: 111, Jyotishikhar, 8 Distt. Centre , Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110018 011- 25617654 Kolkata: 704,Krishna Bldg.,224,AJC Bose Road, Kolkata- 700017 033-22802963/ 22806878 Mumbai: 18 First Floor,105 bombay Samachar Marg.,Fort, Mumbai- 400023 022-40544201/224 Mumbai: 133A, Mittal Tower, A Wing, 13th Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai- 400021 9324804084 Ahmedabad: 401, Abhijit-1, Opp. Bhuj Mercantile Bank, Mithakhali, 6 Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad390009 079- 40211888 Jaipur: 7,Katewa Bhawan,Opp. Ganapati Plaza, MI Road,Jaipur- 302001 0141-3235456 Lucknow: G-32,Shriram Tower,13- A,Ashok Marg, Lucknow- 226001 0522- 4057612 Chandigarh: SCO-222-223,Gr. Floor,Sector-34A, Chandigarh 0172-2624896 Bangalore: S-111,Manipal Centre,47,Deckenson Road,Banglore-42 080-42477177 Chennai: 3rd Flr.,Percision Plaza,New -397, Teynampet, anna Salai, Chennai- 600018 044-42077370/71 Dehradun: 56, 1st Floor, Rajpur Road,Opp. Madhuban, Dehradun, Uttaranchal- 248001 0135-3258181 Vadodara: 222 Siddharth Complex,RC Dutta Road.,Vadodra- 390007 0265-3256190/2353195 Ghaziabad: 114, Satyam Complex, Raj Nagar DC, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad - 201002, Uttar Pradesh 0120-2828090 Noida: P-5,Sector - 18,Noida- 201301, Uttar Pradesh 0120-4336992 Faridabad: Shop No. 55, 1st Floor, Near Flyover,Neelam Chowk,NIIT, Faridabad - 121001, Haryana 0129-02427361 Indore: 206 Gold Arcade, 1/3 New Palasia, Indore M.P- 452001 9826062666 Agra: 9, Sbi Colony, 1st Floor, Opp. Subhash Park, M.G.Road, agra, UP 9319087289 Varanasi: Shop no. 38, Ground Floor Kuber Complex, Rath Yatra 9415201997 Surat: 9Ravi Raj Society, Behind Gayatri Mandir,New City Light Road Surat Gujarat 395002 0261-2265818, 9925233692 Manglore: F 2 1st Floor Adithi Arcade Karangalpay mangalore 575003 Karnataka 9845288557, Dhanbad: 218,Sri Ram Plaza 2nd,Floor Bank More,Dhanbad Jharkhand-826000 9431721838, 9431159178 Bokaro: Ga-18,City Center Sector-4 Bakaro Steel City, Jharkhand-827004, 9835139765, 9835377584 Patna: 422-23, 4th Floor,Ashiyana Harniwas Complex,New Dak Bunglow Road Patna Bihar 800001 9334114868, 9334114868 Durgapur: Banerjee House- Dakshinayan Durgapur-713218 West Bengal 0343-2556908, 9434009475 Gorakhpur: Gupta Metal Stores, Harbans Gali, Hindi Bazar Gorakhpur U.P 273005 0551-2205986, 9936590296 Kanpur: 26 L.G.F. Roland Tower 17/5 The Mall Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 208001 2079930, 9336219040 Gurgaon: 101,Apna Bazaar Gurgaon Haryana 122001 0124-5108108, 9212048108 Anand: G-1, Silver Oaks,Opp. Swayambar Party Plot V.V.Road Anand Gujarat 388001 9377306968, Jabalpur: Shop No. 5, Unique Tower, Shashtri Bridge Chowk,Opp. Icici Bank. Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 482002 9827066823, 9827066823 Jodhpur: 77, Prem Vihar, Opp-Chopasni School,Chopasni Road Jodhpur Rajasthan 342003 9928388322, Bhubaneshwar: 3-4 Anand Plaza, Laxmi Sagar ,Square Cuttack Road, Bhubaneshwar Orissa 751009 9861196880, 9861196880 Rohtak: 103 Balaji Financial House Scf-28 Huda Complex Rohtak Haryana 124001 9215011706, 9896001705 Bhawnagar: 251 Madhav Darshan,Waghawadi Road Bhavnagar Gujarat 364001 0278-2522120, 9426235681 SBICAP SECURITIES LIMITED Agra : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O Sbi Main Branch, Chipitola 282001 2252079; Ahmedabad : SBICAP Securities Ltd 2Nd Floor, Nirman, Besides Jyoti Plaza, Nr. Shyamal Cross Road, Satellite 380015 26764456; SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O State Bank Of India, 1St Floor, Modi Arcade, Near Rly Station, Maninagar (West) 380008 25469205; Amritsar : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O, State Bank Of India, Main Branch, Town Hall 143001 5030146; Asansol : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O State Bank Of India,Asansol Main Branch,Bijoy Pal Sarani 713301 9641611679; Bangalore : SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi Lho Campus Behind Spb Branch St. Marks Road 560001 32905247; SBICAP Securities Ltd Pb No-483, No-73 K R Road. Sbm Building 1St Flr, Basavangudi 560004 42103575; SBICAP Securities Ltd 1St Floor, C/O Sbi Koramangala Pbb Branch, No.472, Avs Complex, 4Th Block, Koramangala 560034 49074203; Bhavnagar : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O State Bank Of Saurashtra - Kalanala Branch, Kalanala 364001 2520009; Bhilai : SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi Main Branch,Sector 1 490001 0; Bhopal : SBICAP Securities Ltd State Bank Of Indore Paanchanan T T Nagar 462003 6549108; Chandigarh : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O State Bank Of India, Main Branch, Sco 43-48, 1St Flr, Sector 17 B 160017 5079240; Chennai : SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi Main Branch New No.84, 22 Rajaji Salai 600001 42065997; SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi Building No 2 A Prakasam Road Panagal Park T Nagar 600017 42606204; SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi Spb Branch,Plot No.4, Teachers Colony,Indiranagar, Adyar 600020 42607565; Coimbatore : SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi Main Branch,State Bank Road. 641018 2395711; SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi Premises - First Floor, 451, D.B. Road, R.S.Puram 641018 4355527; Dehradun : SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi Main Branch, 4Th Convent Road 248001 2651156; Durgapur : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O. State Bank India, Durgapur Branch, Dsp Maingate, Po Durgapur-3, 713203 2588289; Erode : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O. Sbi Main Branch, D-48,State Bank Road 638003 4270818; Faridabad : SBICAP Securities Ltd State Bank Of India, 1St Flr, Neelam Chowk, N.I.T 121001 2420209; Ghaziabad : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O, State Bank Of India,Navyug Marget 201001 2798891; Guntur : SBICAP Securities Ltd Shop No-13, Second Floor, Raghu Mansion, 4/1, Brodipet 522002 3244001; Gurgaon : SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbicap Securites, Sbi Sushant Lok 1, B/05, Unitech Trade Centre 12209 2385365; Guwahati : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O State Bank Of India , Dispur Branch, Opposite Assam Sachibalaya, Dispur, 781006 2237594; Gwalior : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O State Bank Of India,Basement, Main Branch ,Jiwaji Chowk, Lashkar 474001 2620727; Hyderabad : SBICAP Securities Ltd State Bank Of Hyderabad Ground Floor, Gunfoundry 500001 23321875; SBICAP Securities Ltd Room 4, 1St Flr H.No 10-2-199, Nehrunagar, Entrenchment Rd, Marred Pally, Secunderabad 500026 27700135; SBICAP Securities Ltd 1St Floor, Dmc Center, Above State Bank Of India, St. JohnS Road, East Marredpally, Secunderabad 500026 40137725; Indore : SBICAP Securities Ltd State Bank Of Indore 5,Yashwant Niwas Road 452003 2547517; SBICAP Securities Ltd State Bank Of India Gpo Main Branch 452001 4036625; Jabalpur : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O. Sbi Main Branch, Civil Lines 482001 4218261; Jaipur : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O Sbi Special Branch, Ground Floor, Sangeneri Gate 302003 4006483; SBICAP Securities Ltd 128 , A - Block , First Floor , Opp. Sbbj Bank,Ganpati Plaza, M I Road 302001 3221945; Jalandhar : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O. State Bank Ofindia, Civil Lines 144001 4636317; Jammu : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O State Bank Of India, Railway Road Branch, 180001 2471118; Jamnagar : SBICAP Securities Ltd G-3, Ground Flr, Madhav Darshan Complex, Opposite Cricket Bungalow Near Limda Line 361001 2555170; Jamshedpur : SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi, Jamshedpur Bistupur 831001 3206515; Jodhpur : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O Sbi, Special Branch, High Court Campus, Kachauri, 342001 2546546; Kanpur : SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi, Main Branch Campus, Zonal Office,16/101 Civil Line Mall Road, 208001 2333571; Kochi : SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi Shanmugham Rd. Branch 2Nd Floor, Ktdc Bldg, Ernakulam 682031 3248745; Kolkata : SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi Main Branch Sammriddi Bhavan 3Rd Floor, 1- Strand Road 700001 22481729; SBICAP Securities Ltd State Bank Of India Jeevandeep Bldg,Ground Floor Middleton Street 700071 22886604; SBICAP Securities Ltd C/OSTATE BANK OF INDIA,BIKASH BHAVAN GOC.GROUND FLOOR.SECTORII,SALTLAKE 700091 ; SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O Sbi, 50 A, Gariahat Road, Ballygunge, 700019 24619561; Kota : SBICAP Securities Ltd Kota Main Branch, Chhawani Chouraha 324007 2390147; Lucknow : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O State Bank Of India, 2/103 Vijay Khand First Flr, Gomti Nagar 226010 2303261; SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O Sbi Govt.Business Branch Moti Mahal Marg Behind K.D.Singh Babu Stadium Hajrath Ganj 226001 3202184; Ludhiana : SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi, 1St Floor Fountain Chowk Civil Lines 141001 5025634; Madurai : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O State Bank Of India, Number - 7A, West Veli Street, Opposite Railway Station, 625001 4506404; Mangalore : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O Sbi, Mangalore Main Branch, Port Road, P.B.No-90 575011 4265361; Mumbai : SBICAP Securities Ltd State Bank Of India M.G.Road Ghatkopar East 400077 25020964; SBICAP Securities Ltd 1St Floor, Tulsiani Chembers, Nariman Point 400021 32660218; SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi Admin Building Compound, Madam Cama Rd., Nariman Point 400021 22023214; SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O Sbi Spb Branch, Mumbai Samachar Marg, Gate No 7, Horniman Circle, Fort, 400001 32660216; SBICAP Securities Ltd 2Nd Flr, C Wing, Mafatlal Chambers, N.M Joshi Marg, Lower Parel 400013 42273451; SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O Sbi Jvlr Branch, Ground Floor,Juhu Versova Link Road, Andheri (W) 400053 26707887; Mysore : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O State Bank Of India, Mysore Main Branch,P.B.No-204, Motikhana Building, New Sayaji Rao Road 570024 2435866; Nagercoil : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O Sbi, 14-B, State Bank Road 642001 420737; Nagpur : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O Sbi Seva Sadan Branch, 75 Moti Mohan Complex Seva Sadan Chowk, C.A.Road 440018 3257729; Nashik : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O Sbi Spbb Br., Plot No. 56 ,Opp. Wadnagare Bhavan, Thatte Wadi, College Road 422005 2232152; New Delhi : SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi Spb Branch11, Parliament Street 110001 23744235; SBICAP Securities Ltd State Bank Of India Personal Banking Branch, A-15 Hauz Khas 110016 26511104; SBICAP Securities Ltd 9, New Rajdhani Enclave, Swasthya Vihar,Nr Preet Vihar Metro Station 110092 45108482; SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O, State Bank Of India, E-2/28, Sector-7, Rohini 110085 27055815; Noida : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O State Bank Of India, Sector-26 201301 2532133; Panchkula : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O State Bank Of India,Sco - 14, Sector 10, 140109 4010507; Panjim : SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi, Panaji Main Branch Dayanand Bandodkar Marg Near Hotel Mandovi 403001 3253886; Patiala : SBICAP Securities Ltd State Bank Of Patiala Mall Road, The Mall Near Sherawala Gate, Demat Section 147001 5013356; Patna : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O State Bank Of India ,Spb Gandhi Maidan,Biscoman Bhavan 800001 3260943; Pondicherry : SBICAP Securities Ltd 164, Kamraj Salai, 1St Flr, Above Sbi Adb Branch 605013 4304236; Pune : SBICAP Securities Ltd State Bank Of India Deccan Gymkhana Branch J.M.Road, Deccan Gymkhana 411004 25539399; SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O Sbi Bund Garden Branch, Grale 171/B, 1St Floor, Dp Road 411001 30221091; Raipur : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/ O State Bank Of India,Kutchery Branch,Kutchey Chowk 492001 4075329; Rajkot : SBICAP Securities Ltd 608, Dhanrajni Complex, 6Th Flr, Near Imperial Palace Hotel, Dr Yagnik Road 360001 3043328; Salem : SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi Siruthozhil Branch Bank House,No. 68 Cherry Road 636007 4031780; Shimla : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O State Bank Of India, New Building, 2Nd Floor, The Mall 171003 2652726; Surat : SBICAP Securities Ltd 1/580, Pore Street, Nanpura, Opp Sbi 395001 2464888; Thiruvananthapuram : SBICAP Securities Ltd First Floor, State Bank Of Travancore Building, Sasthamangalam 695010 6454296; Trichy : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O, State Bank Of India, Micr Center, Ground Flr, Asha Arcade, 73 Promenade Road, Cantonment 620001 4002818; Udaipur : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O Sbi, Main Branch, 23/C Madhuban 313001 2420150; Ujjain : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O Sbi Main Branch, State Bank Building, Budhwariya, 465001 4061476; Vadodara : SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi, Alkapuri, R.C.Dutt Road 390007 6535747; SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O. Sbi Mandvi Main Branch, Opp Jamnabhai Hospital, Mandvi, 390001 2516422; SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O. Sbi Makarpura I.E. Branch, Vcci Building, Makarpura 390010 2632533; Varanasi : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O State Bank Of India , Bhelupur Branch 221010 22277558; Vijayawada : SBICAP Securities Ltd Sbi ,Governorpet Branch Ali Begh Street Governorpet 520002 2577887; Visakhapatnam : SBICAP Securities Ltd C/O Sbi Main Branch, Demat Section, Opposite Jail Road Junction, Near Redham Gardens 530002 9949324544;


HDFC BANK LIMITED Ahmedabad: HDFC BANK LTD,Astral Tower, Near Mithakhali Six Raod,Navrnagpura, Ahmedabad - 380 009; 079-32423470 / 093740 21787; Aligarh: HDFC Bank Ltd 3-316 Bhalla Complex Ramghat Road Aligarh 202001 (U.P) ; 202001; 0571-2741973, 09319077737; Allahabad: 58,sp marg civil lines Allahabad; 211003; 3982510505514/9335070679; Amritsar: 26 Kennedy Avenue First Floor Amritsar; 143001; 0183-3018603 and 606; Asansol: P.C Chatterjee Market, rambandhu talaw , asansol , pin - 713303; 0341-2315179 , 9332277661; Aurangabad: HDFC BANK LTD. Divekar Plaza, CTS No 18272, IInd Floor, Railway Station Road, Padampura,; 431001; 0240-6604355, 9371619597; Bangalore: HDFC BANK LTD., Cash Management Services SALCO CENTRE # 8/24, Richmond Road; 560025; 8066633131 09343790037; Bareilly: WBO, 1st Floor, 154, Krishna Place, Civil Lines, Bareilly - 243 001 Uttar Pradesh; 243001; 0581-3299631/ 0581-3201718; Baroda: 1st Floor, Fortune Tower,Vadodara Stock Exchange Building,Opp. Parsi Agiyari,Sayajigunj, 390005; 0265 6585517, /93247468108; Bhagalpur: Triveni appartment, Dr. R. P ROAD ,BHAGALPUR; 812002; 9334391764; Bhatinda: HDFC BANK LTD 83/1 LIBERTY CHOWK,CIVIL LINES BHATINDA; 151001; 9316982824/01642000000; Bhopal: Asha Avenue, 1st Floor, Z-1, Zone-1 M P Nagar, Bhopal-462011; 0755-4002914, 4002916, Bokaro: B-9 , City Centre , Sector-4 , Bokaro Steel City; 827001; (06542) 232787/9334006003; Calicut: HDFC BANK LTD, III FLOOR, SIMAX TOWERS, KANNUR ROAD, NADAKKAVE, CALICUT ; 673011; 9349206616, 9388241847; Chennai: No. 115, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, 2nd Floor, Opp. to CSI Kalyani Hospital, Mylapore, Chennai - 600004. ; 9381750927; Cuttack: HDFC Bank Ltd, Holding No 32, 32/A Bajrakabati Road, Cuttack ,Orissa - 753 00; 0671-2332744 / 9338016590; DELHI: Fig-Ops 1st Floor, Kailash Bldg; 110001; 011-43174071/011-43174072; DHANBAD: SRI RAM PLAZA , 1ST FLOOR, BANK MORE DHANBAD; 826 001; (0326) 2308831; Durgapur: Balai Commercial Complex,3rd Floor. Benachity,Nachan Road.; 713213; 0343-2588501/9330038188; Erode: NO.680,Lotus Enclave,Brough Road,Erode; 638001; 0424-2261287; Gandhidham: Plot no.1, Sector-8, Rabindranath Tagore Road,; 370201; 02836-653251/ 02836-233514; GORAKHPUR: Wholesale Banking Operations,Shreenath Complex, 10, Park Road, Civil Lines, ; 273 001; 0551-2205685 / 0551-3208666; Gwalior: J K PLAZA, GAST KA TAZIA, LASHKAR ; 474001; 07514015007/9300788558; HYDERABAD: WBO 1-10-60/3, III Floor, Suryodaya,Begumpet; 500 016; 040-30472772 / 2770 / 2771; Indore: HDFC Bank Ltd., 1st Floor, Brilliant Avenue, Sch No. 94, Sector -B, Behind Bombay Hospital, Ring Road; 452010; 0731-3912851, 3912856; Jabalpur: HDFC Bank Ltd, 1st Floor, Kumbhare Mension, 636, Vijay Nagar , MR- 4, Main Road , SBI Chowk, Jabalpur (MP) - 482002; 0761-4018773/ 0761-4084853; Jaipur: HDFC Bank House, 2nd Floor, O-10,Ashok Marg,C-Scheme,Jaipur; 302001; 5103486 , 5115476; Jalandhar: HDFC Bank Ltd., 1st Floor, 911, GT Road, Nr. Narinder Cinema, Jalandhar; 144001; 0181-5017790-92/9316939408; Jalgaon: HDFC BANK LTD,3rd Floor, Sugan Heights,P P NO 324/2 , TPS II,Near Central Bus Stand Jalgaon; 425001; Dir :- 0257-2237642; Jamshedpur: HDFC Bank Ltd., 1st floor, 105 ,SNP Area , Sakchi , Jamshedpur - 831 00; 831001; 0657-2442756; Kanpur: 15/46, 1st floor, Civil Lines, kanpur-208001; 0512-3028933, 09369078559; karnal: Basement,Sco 778-779, opp. Mahabeer Dal Hospital; 132001; 0184-2202789/9315135220; Kolhapur: Gemstone, 517/A/2 E ward New shahupuri, Nr Central bus stand Kolhapur; 416001; 0231-2652791/2010099/2651906; Kolkata: Abhilasha - II, 6 Royd Street (2nd Floor); 700016; 22273761, 9331992557; Kottayam: 3rd Floor Unity Buildings , KK Road; 686002; 0481-2302361,9387332717; Ludhiana: SCO-54, Phase -2 Urban Estate Dugri; 141001; 0161-3040060/61/62/63/9316897673; Mangalore: Ideal Towers 1st floor , Opp Sharavu Ganapathi Temple , G T road Mangalore -1; 575001; 0824-6451392/93; Mehsana: Prabhu Complex Nr Rajkamal Petrol Pump, Highway Road,Mehsana 384002.; 02762 243173/9327568081; Moradabad: HDFC Bank Ltd, First Floor, Chaddha Complex, GMD Road; 244001; 05913208473, 9336015976; Mumbai: Ground Floor, Maneckji Wadia Building,Nanik Motwani Marg,Near Kala Ghoda,opp Mumbai University,Fort Mumbai- 400 001; 022-40801570 / 1528 / 1570 / 1560; Muzaffarnagar: 53/4-A, Bagh Kambal Wala, Jansath Road, 251001; 0131-2661333/09319065143; Nadiad: Shootout Building, College Road, Nadiad 387001; 387001; 0268-6540114; Nagpur: 2, Mile Stone Block No 303 & 304, Near Lokmat Square, Wardha Road, Nagpur - 440010, Maharashtra; 440010; 0712-2454417,2451746 ; Navsari: GR FLR , NANDANI COMPLEX , STATION ROAD ; 396445; 02637-280901,9327568065; Nellore: 17/126, G.V.R. Enclave, G.T. Road, NELLORE - 524001; 0861-6450852/0861-2327171; Patiala: Building NO 11520, 1st Floor Leela bhawan, Near Gopal Sweets; 147001; 0175-5022000 ,9317664977 ; Patna: plot no 651 jamal rd patna- ; 800002; 9334384682; Pune: Fortune Square 3 rd Floor, Deep bungalow Chowk, Model Colony, Shivajinagar,; 411016; 020-41224309/ 020-41224328; Raipur: HDFC BANK LTD, Chawla Towers, Near Bottle House, Shankar Nagar , Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492007; 0771-4003110/3112; Rajahmundry: 46-17-20, 1stFloor, Danavaipet, Rajahmundry; 533103; 0883-2428691 / 0883-2428826; Rajkot: Shivalik - V , 3rd Floor, Gondal Road, Rajkot; 360002; 0281-6536982/ 09377408494; Rohtak: Jawahar market, Opp D-Park, Model town; 124001; 01262-326841, 210098; Rourkela: Dewadi Bhavan; 769001; 661250066; Shillong: ANDERS MANSION, POLICE BAZAR,SHILLONG; 793001; 3642506043; Shimoga: HDFC BANK LTD, W B O, No 447 ,Sharavathi Complex, Savarlane Road, Shimoga; 577201; Land Line 08182-261359/9324014897; Siliguri: 136/115 Hill Cart road; 734401; 0353-2520409/9333744964 ; Solapur: HDFC Bank Ltd 8516/11 Murarji Peth,Sun Plaza Bldg,Lucky Chowk,Solapur - 413007; 0217-2320877 - 9325230208; Surat: 1st Floor , Crossway Mall , Near Ram Chowk, Ghod Dod Road ; 395007; 0261-6677807 , Manish Mehta : RIM : 09327026027; Surendranagar: Middle Point, A Wing, Nr : Milan Cenama, Main Road, Surendranagar.; 363002; Rim : 9328208807/02752-650105; Tirupati: HDFC BANK LTD, 19-8-180,Krishna Arcade, Beside IBP Petrol pump, Near Annamaiah Circle; 517501; 9391132489/ 9347527320; Tirupur: HDFC Bank Ltd,No-169,Chidambaram Complex,Kumaran Road,Tirupur - 641601; 0421-4342422; Trichur: GLOBAL CENTRE, MG ROAD ; 680004; 0487 2384870, 9387069206; Trivendrum: BOB Plaza , Second Floor, T. C. 12 / 149 ( 3), Pattom ,Trivandrum-695004; 0471-3083430/9388860244; Valsad: 1st Floor, Ekta Apt, Tithal Road, Valsad.; 396001; 02632 652201 09327568090; Vapi: 1 st Floor , Kanta Trade Center, GIDC Char Rasta; 396195; 0260-6548104, 09377929205; Vishakapatnam: HDFC BANK, FIRST FLOOR, POTLURI CASTLE, # 48-14-9, DWARAKANAGAR VISAKHAPATNAM; 530016; 0891-6671123; Bhilwara: HDFC Bank Ltd., WBO, Shop no. 1-2-3-4, A Block, First Floor, SK Plaza, Pur Road Bhilwara (Raj.) 311001; 01482-512686, 9351302102; Porbandar: OM SHIV SHAKTI R.D.CHAMBERS, M.G. ROAD, PORBANDAR - 360 575; 360575; 0286 6541019/9327568115 INDUSIND BANK LIMITED Ahmedabad : World Business House, M. G. Road Nr. Parimal Garden, Ellis Bridge Ahmedabad - 380 015: 26426105 to 08; Bangalore: Ground Floor, Centenary Building, No. 28, M. G. Road, Bangalore 560 001 : 6546 2881; Bhavnagar: Shop Nos 1 to 7 and 13, Madhav Hills Waghawadi Road, Bhavnagar 364 002: 2512055 / 2011; Bhubaneswar: No. 78, Janpath, Kharavela Nagar, Unit III,Bhubaneshwar 751 001 : 2536124/ 6125; Chandigarh: S.C.O. No.53-54Sector 8-C, Madhya Marg Chandigarh - 160 018: 500 1872 / 3 / 4; Chennai: No.3 Village Road Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034: 044 4596 2500 / 01 / 02 / 03; Coimbatore: 652-662, Tristar Towers Avanashi Road,Coimbatore 641 037: 2223572 / 0738 / 0551 / 0273 / 0550 / 2790; Delhi: Dr. Gopal Das Bhawan 28,Barakhamba Road, New Delhi - 110 001.: 23738040 / 8408 / 8407; Hyderabad: 1-8-448, Sardar Patel Rd.Begumpet,Secunderabad 500 003: 2790 7660 / 64 / 65 / 4663 ; Indore: Industry House15 Agra Mumbai Road,Old Palasia, Indore - 452 001: 2542696 / 7 / 8; Jaipur: Sangam Complex,Gr.Flr.Church Road, Jaipur 302 001 : 2387301-05 ; Jamnagar: Shivam Complex, Teen Batti, Opp. Badri Complex,Jamnagar -361 001: 2664322 / 5760; Jodhpur: Showroom No. 3&4, Olympic Tower Bldg.,Station Road, Jodhpur 342 003: 510 2288 / 2289 / 6990; Kanpur: 113/120, Opposite Moti Jheel Gate,Swaroop nagar, Kanpur 208 002: 2554057-60; Kochi: Gowrinarayan, (Opp. to New Jayalakshmi Silks),40/8399, 8400, M. G. Road, Kochi 682035: 2360888 (4 lines), 442 2288, 236 0720 / 0775; Kolkata: Savitri Towers, 3A, Upper Wood Street, Kolkata 700 017: 30212400 / 01 (30 lines); Lucknow: Ks Trident, 10 Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow 226 001, Uttar Pradesh: 220 4681 / 82 / 83; Mumbai: Premises No. 1, Sonawala Building 57, Mumbai Samachar Marg, Fort, Mumbai 400 001: 66366580 - 83; Nagpur: Shri Swami Plaza, 97, East High Court Road, Ramdas Peth, Nagpur 440 010 : 2547456, 2534188; Nashik: Shop no.1 Thakkers Nexus point, Near Bhosla Military School Gate, College Road, Nashik 422 005: 6695401/02/03; Pune: 2401,Gen.Thimmayya Rd.(Cantonment),Pune - 411 001.: 30461600, 26343201; Rajkot: Pick Point,I Floor,Dr Yagnik Road,Near Vivekananda Statue,Rajkot - 360 001: 2461893 / 94; Surat: G-2, Empire State Bldg., Near Udhana Darwaja,Ring Road, Surat 395 002 : 2366823 / 24 / 27 / 30 ; Udaipur: 2-C, Chowgaan Yojana, Near Lok Kala Mandal,Panchavati Choraha, Udaipur - 313 001 : 2417294/295; Vadodara: Ground Floor & 1st Floor, Gold Croft, Vishwas Colony, Jetalpur Road, Baroda 390 005 : 2332409 / 16 / 18 / 232 6113; Visakhapatnam: CDR Hospital, A. S. Raja Complex Waltair Main Road, Visakhapatnam 530 002: 2702202 / 198; Hisar: SCO No. 91 Red Square Market,Near Telephone Exchange , Hissar 125 001 : 226340 / 2; Agra: Block No.48/6, Ground floor, Puneet Vrindavan Building Sanjay Place, Agra - 282002: 3018380 / 3018390 / 3018420; YES BANK LIMITED Agra: Ground And First Floor, 116/18, Sanjay Palace, 282002, 7830122213, 078-30809091; Ahmedabad: 102/103, Cg Centre, Cg Road, 380009, 919825037104, +91(079) 66099216; Amritsar: 42,Mall Road, Next To Ritz Hotel, 143001, 9872279192, 0183-5031606; Aurangabad: A7, Ground Floor, Aurangabad Business Centre, 431001, 9823226881, 0240-6619010; Bangalore: Ground Floor, Prestige Obelisk, Municipal No 3, Kasturba Road, 560001, 919886496561, +91 (80) 40179035; Baroda: Ground Floor, Corner Square, Race Course Circle, Next To West Side/ Inox, 390007, 919898919292, 0265-6619302; Chandigarh: Shop Cum Office (Sco) No 151-152: Sector 9c, Madhya Marg, 160017, 919988888340, 0172-6659102; Chennai: Uthamar Gandhi Salai, Opp Park Hotel, Nungambakkam, 600034, 919884003935; Coimbatore: Manchester Krishna Landmark, Avinashi Road, 641018, 9655224041: 0422-6649104; Delhi: 11/48 Diplomatic Enclave Malcha Market, Nayay Marg, Chanakyapuri, 110021, 9311098476/+919818988637,124 - 4619205/119; Hyderabad: Mayank Towers, Survey No.31 (Old),31/2 (New) Raj Bhavan Road, Somajiguda, 500082, 919908200333, 040-66739000-228; Jaipur: G2, Ground Floor, Green House, Plot O-15, Ashok Marg, 302001, 919928231100; Jodhpur: Ground Floor,117/4, Pwd Colony, 342001, 9828558456, 0291 3981210; Kolkatta: No.19, Camac Street, 700017, 919830129904, 033 - 3987 9162; Lucknow: Tulsi Complex, 12, Rani Laxmibai Marg, Hazratganj, 226001, 919984819646, +91- (0) 522- 4099107; Ludhiana: B-Xx/2427/928, GF- FF, Gobind Nagar, Ferozepur Road, 141001, 919878823272, 0161-4689002; Mumbai: 1 A Mittal Chambers, Nariman Point Opp Inox Theatre, 400021, 022-66229164, 919833729769; Nasik: Shop No 9 To 13, Agora, Canada, Corner, Junction Of Sharanpur And College Road 422002, 918600993201, 912536619000/6; Panajim: Ground And First Floor, Plot-Santo Agostinho,18th June Road, Opp Hdfc Bank, 403001, 9970499420, 0832-3044004; Pune: Karan Selen, Bhandarkar Road, Shivaji Nagar, 411004, 919890622312, 020-66200861-9; Rajkot: First Floor, Nath Edifice, Plot No 21/2s, No. 450/C, Jct Dr Yagnik Rd And Race Course Rd, 360001, 919879527476, 0281-6691404; Shimla: Ground Level, Timber House, Cart Road, 171001, 9816718811, 0177-6629021; Srinagar: Unit No 1-6, 2nd Floor, M.S. Mall Site, Residency Road Estate, 190001, 9796320520, 11942483132; Surat: Gr Floor,Mangaldeep, Ring Road, Near Mahavir Hospital, Near Rto, 395001, 919979877877, +91 261 6600111; Kanpur: Ground Floor, Padam Towers 14/113, Civil Lines, 208001, 9415058540, 0512-6710138 STATE BANK OF INDIA Kolkata: Samriddhi Bhavan 1 . Strand Road Kolkata WEST BENGAL 700001: 033-22486690; Ahmedabad: Ahmedabad Main Branch Post Bag No. 182, Bhadra, Ahmedabad District: Ahmadabad GUJARAT 380001: 9925002330; Vadodara: Post Box No. 94 Mandvi, Baroda District: Vadodara GUJARAT 390017: 9925227928; Pune: P O Box 6, Collector Office Compound Pune District: Pune MAHARASHTRA 411001: 9423575576; Delhi: Chandni Chowk Delhi District: Delhi DELHI 110006: 9810266423; Jaipur: State Bank Of India Main Branch, Sanganeri Gate, Jaipur District: Jaipur RAJASTHAN 302001: 9950999102; Bangalore: P.B.No. 5310 State Bank Road Bangalore 560 001 District: Bangalore Urban KARNATAKA 560001: 9448993307; Hyderabad: Sbi Buildings Bank Street, Koti Hyderabad District: Hyderabad ANDHRA PRADESH 500095: 9849551001; Thiruvananthapuram: Pb No 14 M G Road Trivandrum District: Thiruvananthapuram KERALA 695001: 9447778710; Visakhapatnam: Rednam Gardens, Old Jail Road, Visakhapatnam District: Vishakhapatnam ANDHRA PRADESH 530001: 9848305116; Chennai: 2, Prakasam Road T. Nagar Chennai District: Chennai TAMIL NADU 600017: 9445861027; Greater Mumbai: Videocon Heritage, Charanjit Rai Marg, Fort Mumbai District: Mumbai MAHARASHTRA 400001: 9821078386; Thane: Sbi, Thane Branch, Mazda Complex, Parsi Agiary Lane, Thane District: Thane MAHARASHTRA 400601: 9819555960; AXIS BANK LIMITED Ahmedabad: Trishul-Opposite Samartheshwar Templelaw Garden, Ellis Bridgeahmedabad 380006 Gujarat: 079-66306102; Ajmer: Amc No.481-485/10,Kutchery Road,India Motor Circle, Ajmerajmer 305001 Rajasthan: (0145)510 1451/61/81; Ambala: Jeevan Jyoti Building,Lic Office, Jln Marg,Jagadhari Road,Ambala Canttambala 133001 Haryana: 0171-2601788/89/90; Amritsar: 29, Kennedy Avenue,Court Road,Amritsar 143001 Punjab: 0183-2566840/41/42; Anand: Satyam Chambers,Amul Dairy Roadanand 388001 Gujarat: 0269-250975/475; Bangalore: No. 9, M.G. Road,Block Abangalore 560001 Karnataka: 080-25317830; Bharuch: Shri Sad Vidya Mandal Institute Of Technolohold N.H No.8,Bharuch 392002 Gujarat: 9925554957; Bhilai: Block A, Plot No.5, Uttar Gangotrioff.G.E.Road,Supela Chowk,Dist.Durgbhilai 490020, Chattisgarh: 0788-2295848/2294579; Bhubaneshwar: Archbishops Housesatyanagarbhubaneshwar 751007 Orissa: 0674-2522137/2504226; Bikaner : Shree Gaurav Complex ,Daga Maidannr Dak Bunglw & Rly Stn,Rani Bazar Rdbikaner 334001 Rajasthan: 0151-2202132/33/35; Chennai: 82, Dr.Radhakrishnan Salaimylaporechennai 600 004: ; Dehradun: 74(New No.250/ 466),Rajpur Roaddehradun 248001 Uttarakhand: 0135-2741398/9; Guwahati: Chibber House G S Road,Dispurguwahati 781005 Assam: 9954499514; Hissar: Sco No. 177commercial Urbal Estate No. 1 Hissarhissar 125001 Haryana: 01662-227442/5/8/56; Hyderabad: 6-3-879/B First Floor,G Pulla Reddy Blgreenlands, Begumpet Roadhyderabad 500016 Andhra Pradesh: 040-23400732/731; Jaipur: O-15, Green Houseashok Marg, C-Schemejaipur 302001 Rajasthan: 0141-4061111; Jalandhar: Sco 30-31, Guru Ram Dass Divine Tower , Opp Mini Secretariate, Ladowali Road , Jalandhar, Punjab 144 001 : 0181-4633970/71/73; Jammu: Highland Tower,Railhead Road Complexbahu Plaza ,Gandhi Nagarjammu 180004, Jammu & Kashmir: 0191-2475734/ 32/531; Jamnagar: Jaidev Arcade,Grnd Flr,Park Cly Mainmain Rd,Nr Joggers Parkjamnagar 361008 Gujarat: 0288-2665219; Kolkata: 7, Shakespeare Saranikolkatakolkata 700071 West Bengal: 033-2822933/496; Kota: 414, Shopping Centerkota Districtkota 324007, Rajasthan: 0744-2365511/13/14; Ludhiana: Shop No.3, Lgf, Surya Towers108 The Mallludhiana 141001 Punjab: 0161-4684680; Meerut: Hotel Crystal Palace, G-2/47 Civillines, Boundary Road, Meerut Dist.Meerut 250001 Uttar Pradesh: 0121-2664519/26/4404; Mumbai: Universal Insurance Building,Ground Floorsir P M Road, Fortmumbai 400001 Maharashtra: 022-66101031/1088; New Delhi: Statesman House,148, Barakhamba Roadnew Delhi 110001 Delhi: 011-23311047/051; Panipat: Gaylord Hotel Buildingnear Hdfc Bank, G.T.Roadpanipat 132103 Haryana: 0180-4015001/02/03; Raipur: Opp New Bus Stand Jeevan Bima Margpandriraipur 492004 Chattisgarh: 0771-2445501/502/504; Ranchi: Main Road ,Near Albert Ekka Chowkbelow Bata Showroomranchi 834001 Jharkhand: 06512301039; Surat: Digvijay Towers, Opp. St Xaviers Schoolghod Dod Roadsurat 395001 Gujarat: 9913761634; Udaipur: 222/21, Saheli Margnear Uit Circleudaipur 313004 Rajasthan: 0294-2424431/2/3/4/5; Ujjain: Hotel Ashray, Ground Floor,77, Dewas Road, Ujjainujjain 456010 Madhya Pradesh: 0734-2525301/2/3; Varanasi: Tulsi Complex C-19/134, M-B,Gr & 1st Flrshastri Nagar, Sigra ,Varanasivarnasi 221002 Uttar Pradesh: 0542-2227395/7/8; Vijayawada: Ground Floor, D No. 59a 1-7matha Towers, Ring Roadmatha Towers, Ring Roadmatha Towers, Ring Road,Vijayawada-520008: 9177774434/ 0866-2497773; Burdwan: 2nd Floor, City Tower,23, G.T. Road, Burdwan 713101, West Bengal: (0342)2565362 / 2566415 / 2569171; Panchkula: Sco 10, Sector 10,Panchkula 134 109: (0172) 464 2200 / 464 2203 / 464 2206 / 464 2211 ; Unjha: Ground Floor, Shilp Arcade,Sardar Chowk, Unjha, Dist. Mehsana: (02767) 240072/73/74/ 9824040589; Bardoli: Manchhaba Sankskruti Bhavan,Sardar Baug, Bardoli 394 601: (0262) 2227828 / 2227822 / 2227929 99798 60002; Gandhi Nagar: Gandhinagar,Gandhinagar Milk Consumers Co-Op Union Ltd/,Plot No/ 436, Sector-16, ,Gandhinagar 382 016, Gujarat: 07923245580; Nagercoil: Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu,Thayammal Harris Towers,,No/ 42, Court Road, Nagercoil 629 001, ,Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu: 04652220940; ICICI BANK LIMITED Ahmedabad: ICICI Bank Ltd., JMC House, Opp. Parimal Gardens,Opp Parimal Garden, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad: 380006: (079) 66523717-719; Bangalore: ICICI Bank Ltd., ICICI Bank Towers, 1, Commissariat Road, Ground Floor, Bangalore: 560025: 080 - 41296007 ; Belgaum: ICICI Bank Ltd., Shree Krishna Towers, #14, Khanapur Road, RPD Cross, Tilakwadi, Belgaum. : 590006: 0831 -2404 203, 2404 204,2404 205 ; Bharuch: ICICI Bank Ltd., Blue Chip Complex, Sevashram Road, Panchbatti, Bharuch: 392001: 02642 - 252451/ 52 / 53 ; Bhavnagar : ICICI Bank Ltd., Ground Floor, Plot No. 2569, Ratnadeep, Opp. Central Salt Research Institute,Waghawadi Road, Bhavnagar.: 364002 : 0278 - 2573626/27 ; Bhopal: ICICI Bank Ltd., Plot No. 11, Zone II, Alankar Palace Near Pragati Petrol Pump, M. P. Nagar, Bhopal.: 462011: 0755 - 4226979 - 80 / 4283120 ; Bhubaneshwar: ICICI Bank Ltd., OCCF Building, Opp Sriya Talkies, Unit - III, Bhubaneswar: 751001: 2380653/2380586/2380582/2380584 ,0674-2380585/2380594; Chandigarh: ICICI Bank Ltd., SCO 9-10-11, SECTOR 9-D. Chandigarh. : 160017: (0172)-5070542 ; Chennai: ICICI Bank Ltd., 110, Prakash Presidium, Uthamar Gandhi Salai, (Nungambakkam High Road), Chennai.: 600034: 044 - 28228003,4,28220713,28222461,28222399,28256359 ; Coimbatore: ICICI Bank Ltd., Cheran Plaza, 1090, Trichy Road, Coimbatore.: 641018: 0422-4292102 - 4292115; Dehradun: ICICI Bank Ltd., NCR, Plaza,24, New Cantt Road, Hathibarkala, Dehradun, Uttaranchal : 248001: 0135 - 2743664/0135-2743663; Faridabad: ICICI Bank Ltd., Booth No. 104-105, District Centre, Sector 16, Faridabad, Haryana : 121007 : 0129-4091401-437 ; Guntur: ICICI Bank Ltd., 5-82-2, PMG Complex, Lakshmipuram Main Road, Guntur, Andra Pradesh: 522002: 0863 - 2233653 / 2252500 / 2234391 ; Gurgaon: ICICI Bank Ltd, SCO 18 & 19, HUDA Shopping Centre, Sector-14, Market Complex, Gurgaon: 122001 : 0124 - 4267151-7 ; Guwahati: ICICI Bank Ltd., Ground Floor, Shanti Complex, G S Road, Bhangagarh, Guwahati.: 781005: 0361 2452748,2452743,2450943, 2457782; Hubli: ICICI Bank Ltd., Eureka Junction, Travellers Bungalow Road, Hubli.: 580029: 0836 - 4265212,4265216,4265223,4265240,4265229; Hyderabad: ICICI Bank Ltd., 6-2-1012, TGV Mansions, Opp. Institution of Engineers, Khairatabad, Hyderabad.: 500004: 040 - 23301534; Indore: ICICI Bank Ltd., 4, Chhoti Khajrani, Malav Parisar, A-B road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh.: 452008: 0731 - 4241136,7,8, 9,; Jaipur: ICICI Bank Ltd., C-99, Shreeji Towers, Subhash Marg, Near Ahimsa Circle, C Scheme, Jaipur.: 302001: 0141 - 5107444, 0141 - 2361992; Jamshedpur: ICICI Bank Ltd., Natraj Mansion, Main Road, Bistupur, Jamshedpur.: 831001: 0657 - 2422509 / 10 / 2425907 / 12 ; Kolhapur: ICICI Bank Ltd., Ground Floor, Vasant Plaza, Rajaram Road, Rajarampuri, Kolhapur.: 416001: 0231 - 2534292/3/4; Kolkata: ICICI Bank Ltd., 22, R N Mukherjee Road, Kolkata.: 700001: 033 - 22428537 / 22100995 ; Lucknow: ICICI Bank Ltd, Shalimar Tower, 31/54 M.G. Marg, Hazratganj, Lucknow.: 226001: 0522 - 2214246 /2214247 / 2214254; Madurai: ICICI Bank Ltd., 33, North Chitrai Street, Madurai. : 625001: 0452 - 2628027/2628072 ; Mumbai (Capital Market Div.): ICICI Bank Ltd., 30, Mumbai Samachar Marg, Fort, Mumbai: 400001: 022-66310400; Mysore: ICICI Bank Ltd., 2950, Aishwarya Arcade, 9th Cross, Kalidasa Road, V.V. Mohalla, Mysore.: 570002: 0821-2414006/2412222/2416888; Nagpur: ICICI Bank Ltd., Vishnu Vaibhav, 222, Palm Road, Civil Lines, Nagpur.: 440001: 0712 - 2540302 / 5614040 /2561983 /2540294 ; New Delhi : ICICI Bank Ltd., 9A, Phelps Building, Inner Circle,Connaught Place, New Delhi.: 110001: 011 -41517954-58 ; Noida: ICICI Bank Ltd., K-1, Senior Mall, Sector 18, NOIDA-201301, Uttar Pradesh. : 201301 : (0120) - 405980175 ; Panjim: ICICI Bank Ltd., 65, Sindur Business Centre, Swami Vivekanand Road, Panjim, Goa.: 403001: 0832 - 2232180 / 2424217/ 2424225/ 2423444; Pondicherry: ICICI Bank Ltd., 47, Mission Street, Pondicherry.: 605001: 0413 - 2332237 / 38 / 42; Rajkot: ICICI Bank Ltd., Jai Hind Press annexe, Opp. Shardabaug, Babubhai Shah Marg, Rajkot.: 360001: 0281 - 2443973 / 74 / 75 / 76; Ranchi: ICICI Bank Ltd., Main Road (near Ratanlal Petrol Pump), Ranchi, Jharkhand: 834001: 0651 - 2330286,2330654,2330789 ; Salem: ICICI Bank Ltd., Swarnambigai Plaza, S. F. No. 6/5, Block no. 7, WardC, Omalur Main Road, Near Bus Stand, Salem.: 636009: 0427 - 2336635 / 36 / 39; Trichy: ICICI Bank Ltd., New no - 58, West Bouleward Road, Trichy.: 620002: 0431 - 2702252 / 2704052; Vijaywada: ICICI Bank Ltd., D-40-1-52/5, Sainag Complex, M G Road, Vijayawada.: 520010: 0866 6610001,6610002,6610003,6610004; Ernakulam (Cochin) : Emgee Square, M.G.Road, Ernakulam, Kochi. : 682035 : 0484 - 4081222 ; Ghaziabad: ICICI Bank Ltd, R- 1/88, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. : 201001 : 0120 - 2833868 / 2833071/2854371/2854372 ;


IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS from the date of banking of the application (being the date of submission of each application as duly acknowledged by Category-I (QIBs, Corporates & Others)*: i) Qualied Institutional Buyers (QIBs) as listed out below: Mutual the Bankers to the Issue) whichever is later upto one day prior to the Deemed Date of Allotment, at the rate of 7.93% Fund, Public Financial Institution as dened in section 4A of the Companies Act, 1956; Scheduled Commercial Bank; p.a. and 8.12% p.a. on Bond Series 1 and Bond Series 2 respectively for allottees under Category I and Category II Multilateral and Bilateral Development Financial Institution; State Industrial Development Corporation; Insurance Portion, and at the rate of 8.13% p.a. and 8.32% p.a. on Bond Series 1 and Bond Series 2 respectively for allottees Company registered with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority; Provident Fund with minimum corpus under Category III Portion. We may enter into an arrangement with one or more banks in one or more cities for direct of twenty ve crore rupees; Pension Fund with minimum corpus of twenty ve crore rupees; National Investment Fund credit of interest to the account of the applicants. Alternatively, the interest warrant will be dispatched along with the set up by resolution no. F. No. 2/3/2005-DDII dated November 23, 2005 of the Government of India published in the Letter(s) of Allotment/Allotment Advice at the sole risk of the applicant, to the sole/rst applicant. 8.3.2 Interest on Gazette of India; Insurance Funds set up and managed by army, navy or air force of the Union of India. Insurance application monies received which are liable to be refunded: We shall pay interest on application money which Funds set up and managed by the Department of Posts, India ii) Regional Rural Banks and Co-operative Banks, is liable to be refunded to the applicants in accordance with the provisions of the SEBI Debt Regulations, or other eligible to invest in the Issue iii) Companies; bodies corporate and societies registered under the applicable laws applicable statutory and/or regulatory requirements, subject to deduction of income tax under the provisions of the in India and authorised to invest in the Bonds; iii) Public/private charitable/religious trusts which are authorised to Income Tax Act, 1961, as amended, as applicable, from the date of realization of the cheque(s)/demand draft(s) invest in the Bonds; iv) Scientic and/or industrial research organisations, which are authorised to invest in the the date receipt of the application (being the of presentation of rms the name of the partners; vi) liability registered under TERMS OF THE ISSUE : The Bonds being offered as part of the Issue are subject to the provisions of the SEBI or 3 (three) days fromBankers toofthe Issue) whichever is later upto one date prior to the Deemedeach application as Bonds; v) PartnershipLimitedinLiability Partnership Act, 2008Limited of 2009)partnerships formed andprovisions of Sub the day Date of Allotment, (No. 6 *Note: With respect Debt Regulations, the Companies Act, CBDT Notication, the terms of this Prospectus, the Application Form, the acknowledged byper annum. Such interest shall be paid along with the monies liable to be refunded. Interest warrant the provisions of the 372A of The Companies Act, 1956, it may be noted that the Reserve Bank to India has vide its Section 3 of Section of terms and conditions of the Trustee Agreement and the Debenture Trust Deed, other applicable statutory and/or at the rate of 5% (in case cation the bank regulatory requirements including those issued from time to time by SEBI, the GoI, BSE, RBI, RoC and/or other will be dispatched/creditedapplicant. of electronic payment) along with the Letter(s) of Refund at the sole risk of the noticent perno. Ref.No.MPD.BC.352/05.03.004/2011-12 dated February 13, 2012, increasedrate on therate to 9.50 the sole/rst Provided notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, REC annum with effect close of statutory/regulatory authorities relating to the offer, issue and listing of securities and any other documents that may applicant,totopay any interest on monies liable tothat,refunded in case of (a) invalid applications or applicationsshall not per determined in pursuance offrom theNoticationbusiness on February 13, 2012. Coupon that the rateBonds has be liable be liable to been CBDT dated February 14, 2012, which provides of interest be executed in connection with the Bonds. rejected, (b) applications fty basis points yield on the Government of equivalent 1) Authority for the Issue: 1. The GoI, by virtue of power conferred upon it under item (h) of sub clause (iv) of bepage 264 and/orProspectus. which are withdrawn by the applicant. Please refer to Rejection of Application on Bonds shall not be less thanthe Fixed Income lower than the and Derivative AssociationSecurities as on the last at of the residual maturity as reported by Money Market of India, clause (15) of Section 10 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, has issued CBDT Notication authorising REC to issue the 9. Redemption: 9.1 The face value of the Bonds will be redeemed at par, on the respective Maturity Dates of each of working day of the month immediately preceding the month of the issue of the Bonds. Although the coupon rates said Bonds upto an aggregate amount of ` 30,000 million during the nancial year 2011-12. At the meeting of the the Bond Series. 9.2 Procedure for Redemption by Bondholders: The procedure for redemption is set outbelow: offered on the Bonds are lower than the prevailing bank rate, it may be noted that since these are tax free bonds, Board, held on January 25, 2012 and February 16, 2012, the Board approved the issue of the Bonds for an amount 9.2.1 Bonds held in electronic form: No action is required on the part of Bondholders at the time of maturity of the the gross/ pre-tax yield to the investors may be higher, depending upon the applicable tax rates. Companies other of ` 15,000 million with an option to retain oversubscription upto an aggregate amount of ` 30,000 million in the Bonds. 9.2.2 Bonds held in physical form: No action will ordinarily be required on the part of the Bondholder at the than banking companies, insurance companies and other Companies as mentioned in Sub Section 8 of Section 372A nancial year 2011-12. Amount names 2) Issue and Status of Bonds: 2.1. Bonds are being issued as Tax free Secured Redeemable Non Convertible time of redemption, and the MaturityRegistrarwill be paid to those Bondholders whose of appear in the Register may however seek independent opinion from their legal counsel about their eligibility to make an application for the REC/ on xed for the purpose Bonds. Networth The following an amount aggregating to Bonds of face value of ` 1,000 each in the nature of Debentures having tax benets under Section 10(15) (iv) (h) of of Bondholders maintained by Bond Certicate(s),the Record Date by the soleholder or all redemption. However, REC above ` Category-II (Highall Series inIndividuals):Resident Indianinvestors applying forUndivided Families through may require the Consolidated duly discharged (signed 0.1 million across the Issue: i) ii) Hindu the Income Tax Act, 1961 upto an aggregate amount of ` 30,000 million during the nancial year 2011-12. 2.2. The the reverse of the Consolidated Bond Certicate(s)) to be surrendered for redemption onthe joint-holdersand sent on the Karta; Category-III (Retail Individual Investors): The followingindividuals;applying for an amount aggregating to Maturity Date by investors Bonds shall be secured pursuant to a Debenture Trust Deed and underlying security documents. The Bondholders the Bondholders by registered post with acknowledgment due or by hand delivery to the Registrar to the Issue or REC upto and including ` 0.1 million across all Series in the Issue: Resident Indian individuals; Hindu Undivided Families are entitled to the benet of the Debenture Trust Deed and are bound by and are deemed to have notice of all or to such persons at such addresses as may be notied by REC from time to time. Bondholders may be requested through the Karta Note: Participation of any of the aforementioned persons or entities is subject to the applicable the provisions of the Debenture Trust Deed. REC is issuing the Bonds in accordance with the CBDT Notication. to surrender the Consolidated Bond Certicate(s) in the manner stated above, not more than three months and not statutory and/or regulatory requirements in connection with the subscription to Indian securities by such categories 2.3. The Bonds shall be secured by way of rst pari passu charge on the identied immovable property(ies) of the less than one month prior to the Maturity Date so as to facilitate timely payment. Applicants are advised to ensure applications made by them do not exceed Company and rst pari passu charge on the book debts of the Company, other than those that are exclusively 10. Payments: 10.1 Payment of Interest on Bonds: Payment of interest on the Bonds will be made to those of persons or entities.maximum number of Bonds that canthatheld by them under applicable statutory and/the limits or be or charged/earmarked to ITSL and/or any other lender(s) of the Company, as may be agreed between the Company Bondholders whose name appears rst in the Register of Bondholders maintained by the Depositories and/or REC investmentprovisions. Applicants are advised to ensure that they have obtained the necessary statutory and/ regulatory and the Debenture Trustee, pursuant to the terms of the Debenture Trust Deed with a minimum security cover of one and/or the Registrar to the Issue, as the case may be as, on the Record Date. 10.2 Record Date: The record date for or regulatory permissions/consents/approvals in connection with applying for, subscribing to, or seeking time of the face value of Bonds outstanding at all times. 2.4. The claims of the Bondholders shall be superior to the the payment of interest or the Maturity Amount shall be 15 days prior to the date on which such amount is due and allotment of Bonds pursuant to the Issue.: The Lead Managers, their associates and afliates are permitted claims of any unsecured creditors, and shall rank pari passu with other secured creditors having a rst pari passu payable(Record Date). In case of redemption of Bonds, the trading in the Bonds shall remain suspended between to subscribe in the Issue. In pursuance of circular no. CIR /IMD/DF/22/2011 dated December 26, 2011 by the charge on the identied immovable property(ies) of the Company and/or rst pari passu charge on the book debts of the record date and the date of redemption. 10.3 Effect of holidays on payments: If the date of interest payment Securities and Exchange Board of India, it is strictly advised that the Lead Managers, their broking afliates, the Company that are charged as security under this Issue. on a Saturday, a public holiday in Delhi any other payment centre notied any other distribution of Issue shall not offer incentive, 3. Form, Face Value, Title and Listing etc: 3.1.1. Form of Allotment: The Allotment of the Bonds shall be only or redemption fallsInstruments Act,Sunday or succeeding Working Dayorwill be considered as the effective in terms or indirect, inperson connected within cash or kind theservices or otherwise anyany person whether direct Negotiable date. In any manner, whether or to for making an in a dematerialized form. REC has made depository arrangements with CDSL and NSDL for issuance of the Bonds of thethe date of payment of interest1881,the or any date specied falls on a holiday, the payment will be made or case or principal application for allotment of Bonds offered in terms of the Prospectus. However, they may pay fees or in dematerialized form, pursuant to the tripartite agreement dated October 16, 2007 among REC, CDSL and the on the next Working Day,without any interest for the period overdue. 10.4. Whilst REC will use the electronic mode commission for services rendered in relation to the Issue. The information below is given for the benet of the Registrar to the Issue and the tripartite agreement dated November 15, 2007 among REC, NSDL and the Registrar to for making payments, where facilities for electronic mode of payments are not available to the Bondholder or where investors. REC, the Lead Managers are not liable for any amendment or modication or changes in applicable laws the Issue (collectively,Tripartite Agreements). REC shall take necessary steps to credit the Depository Participant the information provided by the Applicant is insufcient or incomplete, REC proposes to use other modes of payment or regulations, which may occur after the date of the Prospectus. account of the Applicants with the number of Bonds allotted.The Bondholders shall deal with the Bonds in accordance to make payments to the Bondholders, including through the dispatch of cheques through courier, or registered 21. Applications cannot be made by: a) Minors without a guardian name; b) Foreign nationals; c) Persons resident with the provisions of the Depositories Act, 1996 (Depositories Act) and/or rules as notied by the Depositories provided by the Bondholder and appearing the Register of Bondholders the outside India including NRIs; from time to time. 3.1.2. The Bondholders may rematerialize the Bonds issued in dematerialized form, at any time after post to the address REC and/or the Registrar to the Issue, as theincase may be as, on the Recordmaintained bycase 22. Applications by Public d) Overseas Corporate Bodies e) FIIs and/or the Financial Institutions, Corporations, in Allotment, in accordance with the provisions of the Depositories Act and/or rules as notied by the Depositories from Depositorieson maturity being made on surrender of the Consolidated Bond Certicate(s), REC willDate. Inpayments the Bonds: The application must be accompanied byStatutorytrue copies of: (i) which are authorized to investare of payment make certied Any Act/Rules under which they time to time. 3.1.3. In case of Bonds held in physical form, on rematerialization of Bonds Allotted in dematerialized the date of receipt of form, REC will issue one certicate for each Series of the Bonds to the Bondholder for the aggregate amount of the or issue payment instructions to the Bondholders withinin30 days fromwith the applicable lawsthe duly discharged incorporated; (ii) Board Resolution authorisingofinvestments; and (iii) Specimen signature of authorized personmutual Certicate(s). shall pay interest accordance and above the the Regulations, as amended, no Bonds that are held by such Bondholder (each such certicate,a Consolidated Bond Certicate). In respect of ConsolidatedofBondrelevant Bonds,RECthe event that such payments are delayed beyond a periodovereight days after 23. Applications by Mutual Funds: In terms15% ofSEBI (Mutual Funds)(the NAV) in 1996,instruments issued by a the in of fund to more than its net asset the Consolidated Bond Certicate(s), REC will, on receipt of a request from the Bondholder within 30 days of such coupon rate liable to pay such amounts. 10.5 RECs liability to the Bondholders including for payment or otherwise singlescheme is allowedare invest not below investment grade by avalue rating agencydebt REC becomes company, which rated credit authorised carry out request, split such Consolidated Bond Certicate(s) into smaller denominations in accordance with the applicable shall stand extinguished from the Maturity Date and on dispatch of the amounts paid by way of principal and/or activity. Such investment limit may be extended to 20% of the NAV of the scheme with the priortoapproval ofsuch the regulations/rules/act, subject to a minimum denomination of one Bond. No fees will be charged for splitting any interest to the Bondholders. Further, REC will not be liable to pay any interest, income or compensation of any kind Board of Trustees and the Board of Asset Management Company (the AMC). A separate Application can be made Consolidated Bond Certicate(s) and any stamp duty, if payable,will be paid by the Bondholder.The request to split accruing subsequent to the Maturity Date. in respect of each scheme of an Indian mutual fund registered with SEBI and such Applications shall not be treated a Consolidated Bond Certicate shall be accompanied by the original Consolidated Bond Certicate(s) which will, 11. Manner and Mode of Payment: 11.1 Manner of Payment: All payments to be made by REC to the Bondholders as multiple Applications. Applications made by the AMCs or custodians of a Mutual Fund shall clearly indicate the on issuance of the split Consolidated Bond Certicate(s), be cancelled by REC. 3.2. FaceValue: The face value of shall be made in any of the following manners: 11.1.1 For Bonds applied or held in electronic form: The bank name of the concerned scheme for which Application is being made. In case of Applications made by Mutual Fund each Bond is ` 1,000. 3.3. Title : 3.3.1 In case of: i) Bonds held in the dematerialized form, the person for the time details will be obtained from the Depositories for payments. Investors who have applied or who are holding the Bond registered with SEBI, a certied copy of their SEBI registration certicate must be submitted with the Application being appearing in the Register of benecial owners maintained by the Depositories. ii) Bonds held in physical form, in electronic form, are advised to immediately update their bank account details as appearing on the records of their Form. The Applications must be also accompanied by certied true copies of (i) SEBI Registration Certicate and on rematerization of Bonds allotted in dematerialised form, the person for the time being appearing in the Register Depository Participant. Failure to do so could result in delays in credit of the payments to investors at their sole risk Debenture Trust Deed (ii) resolution authorising investment and containing operating instructions and (iii) specimen of Bondholders maintained by REC/ Registrar, shall be treated for all purposes by REC, the Debenture Trustee, the and neither the Lead Managers nor REC shall have any responsibility and undertake any liability for such delays on signatures of authorized signatories. Failing this, REC reserves the right to accept or reject any Application in whole Depositories and all other persons dealing with such persons as the holder thereof and its absolute owner for all part of the investors. 11.1.2 For Bonds held in physical form: The bank details will be obtained from the Registrar to or in part, in either case, without assigning any reason thereof. purposes whether or not it is overdue and regardless of any notice of ownership, trust or any interest in it or any writing the Issue for effecting payments. 11.2 Modes of Payment: All payments to be made by REC to the Bondholders shall 24. Application by Commercial Banks, Co-operative Banks and Regional Rural Banks: Commercial banks, on, theft or loss of the Consolidated Bond Certicate issued in respect of the Bonds and no person will be liable for be made through any of the following modes: 11.2.1 Direct Credit: Applicants having bank accounts with the Refund Co-operative banks and Regional Rural Banks can apply in the Issue based upon their own investment limits so treating the Bondholder. 3.3.2 No transfer of title of a Bond will be valid unless and until entered on the Register Bank, as per the demographic details received from the Depositories shall be eligible to receive refunds through and approvals. The Application must be accompanied by certied true copies of (i) a board resolution authorising of Bondholders or the register of benecial owners, maintained by the Depositories and/or REC or the Registrar to direct credit. Charges, if any, levied by the Refund Bank for the same would be borne by REC. 11.2.2 NECS: Through theinvestment; (ii) a letter of authorisation. Failing this, REC reserves the right to accept or reject any Application in the Issue prior to the Record Date. In the absence of transfer being registered, interest and/or Maturity Amount, as NECS for Applicants having an account at any of the centers notied by the RBI. This mode of payment will be subject whole or in part, in either case, without assigning any reason thereof. the case may be, will be paid to the person, whose name appears rst in the list of benecial owners, Register of to availability of complete bank account details including the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) code as 25. Applications by Provident Funds, Pension Funds, Superannuation Funds and Gratuity Fund, which Bondholders maintained by the Depositories and/or REC and/or the Registrar to the Issue, as the case may be. In appearing on a cheque leaf, from the Depositories. REC shall not be responsible for any delay to the Bondholder are authorized to invest in the Bonds and National Investment Fund: The application must be accompanied such cases, claims, if any, by the purchasers of the Bonds will need to be settled with the seller of the Bonds and not receiving credit of interest or refund or Maturity Amount so long as REC has initiated the process in time. 11.2.3 Real by certied true copies of: (i) Any Act/Rules under which they are incorporated; (ii) Board Resolution authorising with REC or the Registrar to the Issue. 3.4. Listing: The Bonds will be listed on BSE. Our Company has received Time Gross Settlement (RTGS): Applicants having a bank account with a bank branch which is RTGS enabled as investments; and (iii) Specimen signature of authorized person an in-principle approval vide letter no. DCF/SP/PI-BOND/10/11-12 dated March 1, 2012 from the BSE for the Issue. per the information available on the website of RBI and whose payment amount exceeds ` 2.00 lacs shall be eligible 26. Application by Insurance Companies: In case of Applications made by insurance companies registered Application will be made to the BSE for permission to deal in and for an ofcial quotation of our Bonds. BSE has been to receive refund through RTGS, provided the demographic details downloaded from the Depositories contain the with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, a certied true copy of certicate of registration issued appointed as the Designated Stock Exchange. If permissions to deal in and for an ofcial quotation of our Bonds are nine digit MICR code of the Applicants bank which can be mapped with the RBI data to obtain the corresponding by Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority must be attached to the Application Form. Each Application not granted by BSE, our Company will forthwith repay, without interest, all moneys received from the applicants in Indian Financial System Code (IFSC). Charges, if any, levied by the Refund Bank for the same would be borne must be accompanied by certied copies of (i) Any Act/Rules under which they are incorporated; (ii) a certied true pursuance of this Prospectus. If such money is not repaid within eight days after the Company becomes liable to repay by us. Charges, if any, levied by the Applicants bank receiving the credit would be borne by the Applicant. 11.2.4 copy of certicate of registration issued by Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority; (iii) the Applicants it (i.e. from the date of refusal or within seven days from the Tranche Issue Closing Date, whichever is earlier), then National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT): Payment of refund shall be undertaken through NEFT wherever the memorandum of association and articles of association; (iv) a power of attorney; (v) a resolution authorising the the Company and every Director of the Company who is an ofcer in default shall, on and from such expiry of eight Applicants bank branch is NEFT enabled and has been assigned the IFSC, which can be linked to an MICR code Application and containing operating instructions; and (vi) specimen signatures of authorized signatories. Failing days, be liable to repay the money, with interest at the rate of 15% p.a. on application money, as prescribed under of that particular bank branch. IFSC Code will be obtained from the website of RBI as on a date prior to the date of this, REC reserves the right to accept or reject any Application in whole or in part, in either case, without assigning Section 73 of the Companies Act. 3.5. Market Lot: 3.5.1. The Bonds shall be allotted only in dematerialized form. payment of refund, duly mapped with an MICR code. Wherever the Applicants have registered their MICR number any reason thereof. As per the SEBI Debt Regulations, the trading of the Bonds shall be in dematerialised form only. Since, the trading and their bank account number while opening and operating the beneciary account, the same will be duly mapped 27. Application by Trusts: In case of Applications made by trusts, settled under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882, as of Bonds is in dematerialized form, tradable lot is one Bond (Market Lot). 3.5.2. For details ofAllotment, please with the IFSC Code of that particular bank branch and the payment will be made to the Applicants through this amended, or any other statutory and/or regulatory provision governing the settlement of trusts in India, must submit refer Issue Related Information IssueStructure beginning on page 239 of the Prospectus. 3.6. Procedure for method. The process ow in respect of refunds by way of NEFT is at an evolving stage and hence use of NEFT is a (i) certied copy of the registered instrument for creation of such trust, (ii) Power of Attorney, if any, in favour of Rematerialisation of Bonds: Bondholders who wish to hold the Bonds in physical form, after having allotted Bonds subject to operational feasibility, cost and process efciency and the past experience of the Registrar to the Issue. one or more trustees thereof, (iii) such other documents evidencing registration thereof under applicable statutory/ in dematerialised form may do so by submitting a request to their Depository Participant, in accordance with the In the event NEFT is not operationally feasible, the payment would be made through any one of the other modes regulatory requirements and (iv) speciment signature of authorised signatories. Failing this, REC reserves the right to applicable procedure stipulated by the Depository Participant. discussed in this section. 11.2.5 Cheques or Demand made or reject any Applications in either without 4. Transfer of the Bonds, Issue of Consolidated Bond Certicates, etc.: For further details, regarding Register as the Bondholders whose names appear in the Register ofdrafts: By cheques or demand drafts and/or in the name acceptapplying for Bonds pursuant whole or in part, inensurecase,(a) they assigning any reason thereof. Further, any Bondholders by REC as provided to the Issue must are under applicable statutory/ of Bondholders, Transfers, Formalities Free of Charge, Debenture Redemption Reserve (DRR), etc. please of the Depositories. All Cheques or demand drafts as the case may be, as maintained by registered/speed post at trusts requirements and their constitution instrument tothat and invest authorised (b) they have obtained all by shall be sent regulatory hold in bonds, refer page 245 of the Prospectus. the Bondholders sole risk. 11.3 Printing of Bank Particulars: As a matter of precaution against possible fraudulent necessary approvals, consents or other authorisations, which may be required under applicable statutory and/or 5. Application Amount: The Bonds are being issued at par and full amount of face value per Bond is payable on of warrants due to loss or misplacement, the particulars of the requirements to in not exceed the application. Eligible Applicants can apply for any amount of the Bonds subject to a minimum application size of 5 encashmentbankrefund orders and interest/redemption be provided for printing on the orders/warrants. Applications regulatory number of Bondsinvestcanbonds, and (c) applications made by them doand or regulatoryinvestment limits or account are that be held by them under applicable statutory provisions. (ve) Bonds, in any of the Series(s) or a combination thereof. The Applicants will be allotted the Bonds in accordance Applicants details are liablemandatorily required to in relation to bonds applied for and held in dematerialised maximum without these to be rejected. However, 28. Companies, bodies corporate and societies registered under the applicable laws in India: The application with the Basis of Allotment. mode, these particulars will be taken directly from the Depositories. In case of Bonds held in physical form either on must be accompanied by certied true copies of: (i) Any Act/Rules under which they are incorporated; (ii) Applicants 6. Deemed Date of Allotment: Deemed Date of Allotment shall be the date on which the Board of Directors of the account of rematerialisation or transfer, the Bondholders are advised to submit their bank account details with the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association; (iii) Board Resolution authorising investments; and (iv) Company or Bond Committee approves the Allotment of the Bonds for Issue. All benets under the Bonds including Registrar to the Issue before the Record Date, failing which the amounts will be dispatched to the postal address of Specimen signature of authorized person. payment of interest will accrue to the Bondholders from the Deemed Date of Allotment. Actual Allotment may occur the Bondholders. Bank account particulars will be printed on the orders/warrants which can then be deposited only 29. Scientic and/or industrial research organizations, which are authorized to invest in the Bonds: The on a date other than the Deemed Date of Allotment. in the account specied. application must be accompanied by certied true copies of: (i) Any Act/Rules under which they are incorporated; (ii) 7. Subscription: 7.1 Period of Subscription: The Issue shall remain open for the period mentioned below: 12. Special Tax Benet: For the details of tax benets, please refer to chapter Statement of Tax Benets on Board Resolution authorising investments; and (iii) Specimen signature of authorized person. page 112 in the Prospectus. 30. Partnership rms in the name of the partners and Limited liability partnerships formed and registered Issue Opens on : March 6, 2012 Issue Closes on : March 12, 2012 13. Taxation: The Bonds are tax free in nature and the interest on the Bonds will not form part of the total income. For under the provisions of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 (No. 6 of 2009): The application must be The subscription list for the Issue shall remain open for subscription at the commencement of banking hours and close further details, please refer to chapter Statement of Tax Benets on page 112 in the Prospectus. accompanied by certied true copies of: (i) Partnership Deed; (ii) Any documents evidencing registration thereof at the close of banking hours, with an option for early closure (subject to the Issue being open for a minimum of 3 days) 14. Security: The Bonds issued by the Company will be secured by way of rst pari passu charge on the identied under applicable statutory/regulatory requirements; (iii) Resolution authorizing investment and containing operating or extension by such period, upto a period of 15 days from the date of opening of the Issue, as may be decided by the immovable property(ies) of the Company and rst pari passu charge on the book debts of the Company, other instructions (Resolution); (iv) Specimen signature of authorized person. Board of Directors/ Committee of the Company. In the event of such early closure of the subscription list of the Issue, than those that are exclusively charged/earmarked to ITSL and/or any other lender(s) of the Company, as may be 31. Applications under Power of Attorney: In case of Investments made pursuant to a power of attorney by our company shall ensure that public notice of such early closure is published on or before the day of such early date agreed between the Company and the Debenture Trustee, pursuant to the terms of the Debenture Trust Deed with a Category-I Investors, a certied copy of the power of attorney or the relevant resolution or authority, as the case may of closure through advertisement/s in a leading national daily newspaper. Further, Allotment shall be on rst come minimum security cover of one time of the face value of Bonds outstanding at all times. be, along with a certied copy of the memorandum of association and articles of association and/or bye laws and/ rst serve basis for each Category, with Issuer Company having the discretion to close the Issue early irrespective 15. Events of Default: 15.1 The Trustee at its discretion may, or if so requested in writing by the holders of not less or charter documents, as applicable, must be lodged along with the Application Form. In case of Investments made of whether any of the Portion(s) are fully subscribed. 7.2 Underwriting: The Issue is not underwritten. 7.3 Minimum than 75% in principal amount of the Bonds then outstanding or if so directed by a Special Resolution shall (subject pursuant to a power of attorney by Category-II and Category-III investors, a certied copy of the power of attorney Subscription: In terms of the SEBI Debt Regulations, an issuer undertaking a public issue of debt securities may to being indemnied and/or secured by the Bondholders to its satisfaction), give notice to REC specifying that the must be lodged along with the Application Form. disclose the minimum amount of subscription that it proposes to raise in the Issue in the offer document. In the event Bonds and/or any particular Series of Bonds, in whole but not in part are and have become due and repayable at the 32. Application Size: Applications are required to be for a minimum of 5 Bonds and in multiples of 1 Bond that an issuer does not receive the minimum subscription disclosed in the offer, all application monies received in the early redemption amount on such date as may be specied in such notice inter alia if any of the events listed in 15.2 thereafter. public issue are required to be refunded forthwith. The Company has decided not to stipulate minimum subscription occur. For further details, please refer to page 251 of the Prospectus. 33. Application Form: The prescribed colour of the Application Form for the various categories is as follows: amount for the Issue 16. Bondholders Rights, Nomination Etc. : For further details, on the Rights of Bondholders, such as Succession, CATEGORY; COLOUR OF APPLICATION FORM: Qualied Institutional Buyers (i.e. Mutual Fund, Public Financial 8. Interest: 8.1. Interest: For all the categories, the Bond Series 1 and Bond Series 2 shall carry interest at the Nomination Facility to Bondholder, please refer section titled Terms of the Issue-Bondholders Rights, Nomination Institution as dened in section 4A of the Companies Act, 1956, Scheduled Commercial Bank, Multilateral and coupon rate of 7.93% p.a. and 8.12% p.a., respectively, payable annually from, and including, the Deemed Date etc. on page 251 of the Prospectus. Bilateral Development Financial Institution, State Industrial Development Corporation, Insurance Company registered of Allotment up to, but excluding, their respective Maturity Dates, payable on the Interest Payment Date, to the 17. Trustee: 17.1 REC has appointed IL&FS Trust Company Limited to act as the Trustee for the Bondholders. For with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, Provident Fund with minimum corpus of twenty ve Bondholders as of the relevant Record Date. However, an additional interest at the rate of 0.20% p.a. shall be payable further details on the same, please refer section titled Terms of the Issue-Trustee on page 253 of the Prospectus. crore rupees, Pension Fund with minimum corpus of twenty ve crore rupees, National Investment Fund set up by to the allottees under Category III for the Bonds under both Bond Series 1 and Bond Series 2. Accordingly, the Bond 18. Miscellaneous: For further details on Loan against Bonds, Lien, Lien on Pledge of Bonds, Joint-holders, Sharing resolution no. F. No. 2/3/2005-DDII dated November 23, 2005 of the Government of India published in the Gazette of Series 1 and Bond Series 2 allotted to Category III investors, shall carry an aggregate coupon rate of 8.13% p.a. and of Information, Notices, Issue of Duplicate Consolidated Bond Certicate(s), Future Borrowings, Jurisdiction, please India, Insurance Funds set up and managed by army, navy or air force of the Union of India, Insurance Funds set up 8.32% p.a., respectively, payable annually from, and including, the Deemed Date of Allotment up to, but excluding refer section titled Terms of the Issue-Miscellaneous on page 253 of the Prospectus. and managed by the Department of Posts, India), Blue; All other investors, White. their respective Maturity Dates, payable on the Interest Payment Date, to the Bondholders as of the relevant Record PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION: REC and the Lead Managers would not be liable for any amendment, 34. Instructions for Completing the Application Form: Applications should be: (a) Made only in the prescribed Date. The effective yield to Category III investors would be 8.13% p.a. and 8.32% p.a. for the Bond Series 1 and modication or change in applicable law, which may occur after the date of the Prospectus. Investors are advised Application Form. (b) Completed in block letters in English as per the instructions contained in this Prospectus and Bond Series 2 respectively. Please note that the aforesaid additional interest of 0.20% p.a. shall only be available to to make their independent investigations and ensure that their Application does not exceed the investment limits or in the Application Form, and are liable to be rejected if not so completed. Applicants should note that the Bankers to the original allottees under Category III Portion under both Bond Series 1 and Bond Series 2. In case the Bonds held maximum number of Bonds that can be held by them under applicable law or as specied in the Prospectus. the Issue will not be liable for errors in data entry due to incomplete or illegible Application Forms. (c) In single name by the original allottees under Category III Portion are sold / transferred (except in case of transfer of Bonds to legal 19. Availability of Prospectus and Application Forms: The abridged prospectus containing salient features of or in joint names (not more than three), and in the same order as their Depository Participant details and should be heir in the event of death of the original allottee), the coupon rate shall stand revised to the coupon rate applicable this Prospectus together with Application Forms and copies of the Prospectus may be obtained from our Registered applied by Karta in case of HUF. (d) Applications are required to be for a minimum of 5 Bonds and in multiples of for allottees falling under Category I and Category II Portion. Please note that for the purpose of classifying the Ofce and Corporate Ofce, Lead Managers to the Issue, Consortium Members for marketing of the Issue, the 1 Bond thereafter. (e) Thumb impressions and signatures other than in English/ Hindi/ Gujarati/ Marathi or any of investors into various categories, the applications will be consolidated on the basis of PAN. Consequent to such Registrar to the Issue, as mentioned on the Application Form. Abridged prospectus can also be downloaded from the other languages specied in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India must be attested by a Magistrate consolidation of applications, if an Applicant falls in any category other than Category III, such Applicant will not the respective websites of Consortium Member for marketing of the Issue: A. K. Stockmart Private Limited (website: or Notary Public or a Special Executive Magistrate under his ofcial seal. (f) All Application Forms duly completed be entitled to the additional interest at the rate of 0.20% p.a. for both Bond Series 1 and Bond Series 2. 8.2. Day, Kotak Securities Limited (website:, RR Equity Brokers (P) Limited together with cheque/bank draft for the amount payable on application must be delivered before the closing of the Count Convention: Interest shall be computed on an actual/actual basis on the principal outstanding on the Bonds. (website: and SBICAP Securities Limited ( The abridged prospectus may subscription list to any of the Bankers to the Public Issue or collection centre(s) as may be specied before the closure 8.3. Interest on Application Money 8.3.1. Interest on application monies received which are used towards also be available for download from the respective websites of sub consortium members. In addition, Application of the Issue. No receipt would be issued for the Application money. However, the Bankers to the Issue and/ or their allotment of Bonds: We shall pay interest on application money on the amount allotted, subject to deduction of Forms would also be made available to BSE where listing of the Bonds is sought. We may provide Application Forms branches receiving the applications, on receiving the Applications will acknowledge receipt by stamping (mandatorily income tax under the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961, as amended, as applicable, to any applicants to whom for being lled and downloaded at such other websites as we may deem t. having a date stamp) and returning the acknowledgment slip to the Applicant. (g) Every applicant should hold valid Bonds are allotted pursuant to the Issue from the date of realization of the cheque(s)/demand draft(s) or 3 (three) days 20. WHO CAN APPLY: The following categories of persons are eligible to apply in the Issue: Applicants are advised to read the Prospectus dated March 02, 2012 led with Registrar of Companies, National Capital Territory of Delhi and Haryana and the general instructions contained in this application form carefully and to satisfy themselves of the disclosures before making an application for subscription. Unless otherwise specied, all the terms used in this Application Form have the same meaning as in the Prospectus. For a copy of the Prospectus, the applicant may request us and/or the Lead Managers. Further investors are advised to retain the copy of the Prospectus/Abridged Prospectus for their future reference. Please ll in the Form in English using BLOCK letters. Investors should carefully choose the Series of Bonds they wish to apply for. Please refer to Terms of the Issue in the Prospectus for details.

IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS Permanent Account Number (PAN) and mention the same in the Application Form. (h) All applicants are required to PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS Issue, as may be decided by the Board of Directors/ Committee of the Company. In the event of such early closure tick the relevant column of Category of Investor in the Application Form. All Applications by Qualied Institutional 38. Escrow Mechanism : The Company shall open Escrow Account(s) with one or more Escrow Collection Bank(s) of the subscription list of the Issue, our company shall ensure that public notice of such early closure is published on Buyers (i.e. Mutual Fund, Public Financial Institution as dened in section 4A of the Companies Act, 1956, in whose favour the Applicants shall make out the cheque or demand draft in respect of his or her Application. or before the day of such early date of closure through advertisement/s in a leading national daily newspaper. REC Scheduled Commercial Bank, Multilateral and Bilateral Development Financial Institution, State Industrial Cheques or demand drafts received for the Application Amount from Applicants would be deposited in the Escrow shall nalise the Basis of Allotment in consultation with the Lead Managers and the Designated Stock Exchange and Development Corporation, Insurance Company registered with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Account. For Further details, refer to the section titled Escrow Mechanism on page 262 of this Prospectus. in compliance with the aforementioned provisions of the Prospectus. The Designated Stock Exchange along with Authority, Provident Fund with minimum corpus of twenty ve crore rupees, Pension Fund with minimum 39. Payment into Escrow Account: Each Applicant shall draw a cheque or demand draft or remit the funds REC, Lead Managers and the Registrar shall be responsible for ensuring that the Basis of Allotment is nalised in corpus of twenty ve crore rupees, National Investment Fund set up by resolution no. F. No. 2/3/2005-DDII electronically through the mechanisms for the Application Amount as per the following terms: All Applicants would a fair and proper manner. dated November 23, 2005 of the Government of India published in the Gazette of India, Insurance Funds set be required to pay the full Application Amount for the number of Bonds applied for, at the time of the submission of 45. Grouping of Applications and Allocation Ratio: Applications received from various applicants shall be up and managed by army, navy or air force of the Union of India, Insurance Funds set up and managed by the Application Form. The Applicants shall, with the submission of the Application Form, draw a payment instrument grouped together on the following basis: i) Applications received from Category-I applicants: Applications received the Department of Posts, India) shall be received only by the Lead Managers and their respective afliates. for the full Application Amount in favour of the Escrow Account and submit the same to Bankers to the Issue. If the from Category-I, shall be grouped together, (Category I Portion); ii) Applications received from Category-II (i) APPLICANTS MAY NOTE THAT THE ALLOTMENT SHALL BE ON FIRST CUM FIRST SERVE BASIS ONLY payment is not made favouring the Escrow Account along with the Application Form, the Application shall be rejected. applicants: Applications received from Category-II shall be grouped together, (Category II Portion); iii) Applications AS DESCRIBED UNDER THE HEADING-BASIS OF ALLOTMENT. (j) Applications for all series of Bonds may be The payment instruments from all applicants shall be payable into the Escrow Account drawn in favour of REC received from Category-III applicants: Applications received from Category-III applicants shall be grouped together, made in a single Application Form only. REC would allot Bonds which have the longest maturity to all valid Tax Free Bonds Escrow Account. The monies deposited in the Escrow Account will be held for the benet of the (Category III Portion). For removal of doubt, Category I Portion, Category II Portion and the Category-III Portion applications, wherein the applicants have not indicated their choice of the Bonds in their Application Form. Applicants until the Designated Date. For Further details, refer to the section titled Payment into Escrow Account on are individually referred to as Portion and collectively referred to as Portions 46. Allocation Ratio: Reservations shall be made for each of the Portions in the below mentioned format and shall page 262 of this Prospectus. General Instructions 35. DOs : Check if you are eligible to apply. Read all the instructions carefully and complete the Application Form. 40. Submission of Application Forms: All Application Forms duly completed and accompanied by account payee be indicated in the Prospectus: Particulars; Category-I; Category-II; Category-III : Size in %, 50% of the Overall Applications are required to be in single or joint names (not more than three). Ensure that you mention your PAN cheques or drafts shall be submitted to the designated collection banks during the Issue Period. No separate receipts Issue Size, 25% of the Overall Issue Size, 25% of the Overall Issue Size; Size in Amount, ` 15,000 million, ` 7,500 allotted under the IT Act, Please note that it is mandatory for all applicants to furnish their PAN number as per CBDT shall be issued for the money payable on the submission of Application Form. However, the collection banks will million, ` 7,500 million Notication. Ensure that the details about the Depository Participant and Beneciary Account are correct and the acknowledge the receipt of the Application Forms by stamping and returning to the Applicants the acknowledgement 47. Basis of Allotment for Bonds: (a) Allotments in the rst instance: i. Applicants belonging to the Category-I, in beneciary account is active. In case of an HUF applying through its Karta, the Applicant is required to specify the slip. This acknowledgement slip will serve as the duplicate of the Application Form for the records of the Applicant. the rst instance, will be allocated Bonds upto 50% of Overall Issue Size on rst come rst serve basis (determined name of an Applicant in the Application Form as XYZ Hindu Undivided Family applying through PQR, where PQR Applications shall be deemed to have been received by us only when submitted to Bankers to the Issue at their on the basis of date of receipt of each application duly acknowledged by the Bankers to the Issue); ii. Applicants is the name of the Karta. Ensure that the Applicants name(s) given in the Application Form is exactly the same designated branches as detailed above and not otherwise. All Applications by Qualied Institutional Buyers (i.e. belonging to the Category-II, in the rst instance, will be allocated Bonds upto 25% of Overall Issue Size on rst come as the name(s) in which the beneciary account is held with the Depository Participant. In case the Application Mutual Fund, Public Financial Institution as dened in section 4A of the Companies Act, 1956, Scheduled rst serve basis (determined on the basis of date of receipt of each application duly acknowledged by the Bankers Form is submitted in joint names, ensure that the beneciary account is also held in same joint names and such Commercial Bank, Multilateral and Bilateral Development Financial Institution, State Industrial Development to the Issue); iii. Applicants belonging to the Category-III, in the rst instance, will be allocated Bonds upto 25% of names are in the same sequence in which they appear in the Application Form Ensure that the Demographic Details Corporation, Insurance Company registered with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, Overall Issue Size on rst come rst serve basis (determined on the basis of date of receipt of each application duly in as provided in the Application Form are updated, true and correct in all respects. Ensure that you have obtained Provident Fund with minimum corpus of twenty ve crore rupees, Pension Fund with minimum corpus acknowledgedby the Bankers to the Issue); Allotments,dateconsultation with the Designated Stock Exchange,toshall on a rst-come rst-serve basis, based on the of submission of to the Bankers all necessary approvals from the relevant statutory and/or regulatory authorities to apply for, subscribe to and/or of twenty ve crore rupees, National Investment Fund set up by resolution no. F. No. 2/3/2005-DDII dated be made each Portion subject to the Allocation Ratio. (b) Under Subscription:each application under subscriptionthe Issue, in If there is any in seek allotment of Bonds pursuant to the Issue. Applicants Bank Account Details: The Bonds shall be allotted November 23, 2005 of the Government of India published in the Gazette of India, Insurance Funds set up in order: Category-III Portion in dematerialised form only. The Registrar to the Issue will obtain the Applicants bank account details from the and managed by army, navy or air force of the Union of India, Insurance Funds set up and managed by the any Portion, priorityon aallotments will be given in the following Portion.i. (c) For each Portion, ii. Category-II Portion iii. Category-I Portion rst come rst serve basis within each all applications received Depository. The Applicant should note that on the basis of the name of the Applicant, Depository Participants name, Department of Posts, India) shall be received only by the Lead Managers and their respective afliates. day by to the Issue would be treated at par with each other. Allotment to Depository Participants identication number and beneciary account number provided by them in the Application 41. Online Applications: Lead Managers may decide to offer an online Application facility for the Bonds, as and on the samethe samethe Bankersbe on proportionate basis, where Bonds applied for exceeds Bonds toapplications on date would be allotted Form, the Registrar to the Issue will obtain from the Applicants beneciary account, the Applicants bank account when permitted by applicable laws, subject to the terms and conditions prescribed. Accordingly, the investors may received Portion respectively. (d) Minimum allotments of 1 Bond and in multiples of 1 Bond thereafter would be made for each details. The Applicants are advised to ensure that bank account details are updated in their respective beneciary download forms for this use and submit the same together with cheques/demand drafts to the Bankers to the Issue and in case of each valid application. (e) Allotments in case of oversubscription: In case of an oversubscription, allotments accounts as these bank account details would be printed on the refund order(s), if any. Failure to do so could result in their collecting centres. However, mutual fund, public nancial institution as dened in section 4A of the Companies to the maximum extent, as possible, will be made on a rst-come rst-serve basis and thereafter on proportionate delays in credit of refunds to Applicants at the Applicants sole risk and neither the Lead Managers nor our Company Act, 1956; scheduled commercial bank; multilateral and bilateral development nancial institution; state industrial basis, i.e. full allotment of Bonds to the applicants on a rst come rst basis up to the date falling 1 (one) day prior to nor the Refund Bank nor the Registrar to the Issue shall have any responsibility and undertake any liability for such development corporation; an insurance company registered with the Insurance Regulatory and Development the date of oversubscription and proportionate allotment of Bonds to the applicants on the date of oversubscription delay. Applications under Power of Attorney: Unless the Company specically agree in writing, and subject to Authority; provident fund with minimum corpus of twenty ve crore rupees; pension fund with minimum corpus of (based on the date of submission of each application to the Bankers to the Issue, in each Portion). (f) Proportionate such terms and conditions as the Company may deem t, in the case of Applications made under power of attorney, twenty ve crore rupees; National Investment Fund set up by resolution no. F. No. 2/3/2005-DDII dated November Allotments: For each Portion, on the date of oversubscription allotment shall be made on a proportionate basis. The a certied copy of the power of attorney is required to be lodged separately and relevant documents as specied on 23, 2005 of the Government of India published in the Gazette of India; insurance funds set up and managed by army, method of proportionate allotment is as described below: i. Allotments to the applicants shall be made in proportion page number 258 of the Prospectus,along with a copy of the Application Form at the ofce of the Registrar to the navy or air force of the Union of India Companies can apply only through blue coloured physical application forms to their respective application size, rounded off to the nearest integer, ii. If the process of rounding off to the nearest Issue simultaneously with the submission of the Application Form, indicating the name of the Applicant along with the provided by the Lead Managers and their respective afliates. integer results in the actual allocation of Bonds being higher than the Issue size, not all applicants will be allotted the address, Application number, date of submission of the Application Form, name of the bank and branch where it was 42. Other Instructions : number of Bonds arrived at after such rounding off. Rather, each applicant whose allotment size, prior to rounding deposited, cheque/demand draft number and the bank and branch on which the cheque/demand draft was drawn. A. Joint Applications: Applications may be made in single or joint names (not exceeding three). In the case of joint off, had the highest decimal point would be given preference, iii . In the event, there are more than one applicant Permanent Account Number: All Applicants should mention their PAN allotted under the Income Tax Act in the applications, all payments will be made out in favour of the rst applicant. All communications will be addressed to whose entitlement remain equal after the manner of distribution referred to above, REC will ensure that the basis of Application Form. For minor applicants, applying through the guardian, it is mandatory to mention the PAN of the the rst named applicant whose name appears in the Application Form and at the address mentioned therein. B. allotment is nalised by draw of lots in a fair and equitable manner. (g) Applicant applying for more than one series minor applicant. In case of joint applicants, the PAN of the rst Applicant should be provided and for investors other Additional/Multiple Applications: An applicant is allowed to make one or more applications for the Bonds, subject of Bonds: If an applicant has applied for more than one series of Bonds, and in case such applicant is entitled to than individual, PAN of such other investor should be provided. The PAN would be the sole identication number to a minimum application size of 5 Bonds and in multiples of 1 Bond, for each application. Any application for an allocation of only a part of the aggregate number of Bonds applied for, the Series-wise allocation of Bonds to such for participants transacting in the securities markets, irrespective of the amount of the transaction. Further as per amount below the aforesaid minimum application size will be deemed as an invalid application and shall be rejected. applicants shall be in proportion to the number of Bonds with respect to each Series, applied for by such applicant, CBDT Notication it is mandatory for all subscribers to provide their PAN to REC. Any Application Form without the However, any application made by any person in his individual capacity and an application made by such person in subject to rounding off to the nearest integer, as appropriate in consultation with the Lead Managers and Designated PAN is liable to be rejected. Applicants should not submit the GIR Number instead of the PAN as the Application is his capacity as a karta of a Hindu Undivided family and/or as joint applicant, shall not be deemed to be a multiple Stock Exchange. All decisions pertaining to the basis of allotment of Bonds pursuant to the Issue shall be taken liable to be rejected on this ground. Joint Applications: Applications may be made in single or joint names (not application. For the purposes of allotment of Bonds under the Issue, applications shall be grouped based on the by REC in consultation with the Lead Managers and the Designated Stock Exchange and in compliance with the exceeding three). In the case of joint Applications, all payments will be made out in favour of the rst Applicant. All PAN, i.e. applications under the same PAN shall be grouped together and treated as one application. Two or more aforementioned provisions of the Prospectus. REC has the discretion to close the Issue irrespective of whether any communications will be addressed to the rst named Applicant whose name appears in the Application Form at applications will be deemed to be multiple applications if the sole or rst applicant is one and the same. For the sake of the Portion(s) are fully subscribed. the address mentioned therein. Multiple Applications:An Applicant may make multiple applications for the total of clarity, two or more applications shall be deemed to be a multiple application for the aforesaid purpose if the PAN 48. Allotment Advice/Refund Orders: The unutilised portion of the application money will be refunded to the number of Bonds required and the same shall be considered valid. For the purposes of allotment of Bonds under number of the sole or the rst applicant is one and the same. C. Depository Arrangements: We have entered into applicant by an A/c Payee cheque/demand draft. In case the at par facility is not available, REC reserves the right the Issue, applications shall be grouped based on the PAN, i.e. applications under the same PAN shall be grouped Tripartite Agreement dated November 15, 2007 among us, the Registrar to the Issue and NSDL and dated October to adopt any other suitable mode of payment. We may enter into an arrangement with one or more banks in one or together. Two or more applications will be deemed to be multiple applications if the sole or rst applicant is one 16, 2007, among us, the Registrar to the Issue and CDSL, respectively for offering depository option to the investors more cities for refund to the account of the applicants through Direct Credit/RTGS/NEFT. REC shall credit the allotted and the same. For the sake of clarity, two or more applications shall be deemed to be a multiple application for the and for issue and holding of the Bonds in dematerialised form. As per the provisions of the Depositories Act, 1996, Bonds to the respective beneciary accounts/dispatch the Letter(s) of Allotment or Letter(s) of Regret/Refund Orders aforesaid purpose if the PAN number of the sole or the rst applicant is one and the same. Applicants are requested the Bonds issued by us can be held in a dematerialized form as described under the heading - Applications for to all applicants by Registered Post/Speed Post at the applicants sole risk, within 30 days from the date of closure of to write their names and Application serial number on the reverse of the instruments by which the payments are made. Allotment of Bonds on page 261 of the Prospectus. D. Communications: All future communications in connection the Issue. Further, a) Allotment of Bonds offered to the public shall be made within a time period of 30 d ays from the All Applicants are requested to tick the relevant column Category of Investor in the Application Form. Tick the Series with Applications made in the Issue should be addressed to the Registrar to the Issue, quoting all relevant details date of closure of the Issue; b) Credit to demat account will be given within 2 working days from the date of allotment of Bonds in the Application Form that you wish to apply for. Ensure that the Applications are submitted to the Bankers regarding the Applicant and its Application. Applicants can contact our Compliance Ofcer as well as the contact c) Interest at a rate of 15 per cent per annum will be paid if the allotment has not been made and/or the Refund Orders persons of the Lead Managers and the Registrar to the Issue in case of any Issue related problems such as non- have not been dispatched to the applicants within 30 days from the date of the closure of the Issue, for the delay to the Issue and/ or their branches receiving the applications as may be specied before Issue Closing Date. beyond 30 days. d) REC will provide adequate funds to the Registrars to the Issue, for this purpose. 36. DONTs: Do not make an application for lower than the minimum Application size. Do not pay the Application receipt of allotment advice/credit of Bonds in the Depositarys beneciary account/refund orders, etc. Amount in cash, by money order or by postal order or by stock-invest. Do not send Application Forms by post; 43. Rejection of Applications: The Company reserves its full, unqualied and absolute right to accept or reject any 49. Filing of the Prospectus with the Stock Exchanges: A copy of the Prospectus shall be led with the BSE. instead submit the same to a Bankers to the Issue or any of their branches receiving the applicationsonly. Do not Application in whole or in part and in either case without assigning any reason thereof. Application would be liable 50. Pre-Issue Advertisement: REC shall, on or before the Issue Opening Date, publish a pre- Issue advertisement, submit the GIR number instead of the PAN, as the Application Form is liable to be rejected on this ground. Do not to be rejected on one or more technical grounds, including but not restricted to: Number of Bonds applied for is less in the form prescribed by the SEBI Debt Regulations, in one or more national daily newspaper with wide circulation. submit the Application Forms without the full Application Amount for the number of Bonds applied for. Do not ll up than the minimum Application size; Applications not duly signed by the sole/joint Applicants; Application amount paid 51. IMPERSONATION : Attention of the Applicants is specically drawn to the provisions of sub-section (1) of the Application Form such that the Bonds applied for exceeds the issue size and/or investment limit or maximum not tallying with the number of Bonds applied for; Applications for a number of Bonds which is not in a multiple of one; Section 68 A of the Companies Act, which is reproduced below: Any person who: (a) makes in a ctitious name, number of Bonds that can be held under the applicable laws or regulations or maximum amount permissible under Investor category not ticked; Applications by persons not competent to contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872, an application to a company for acquiring or subscribing for, any shares therein, or (b) otherwise induces a company the applicable regulations; For further instructions, investors are advised to read the Prospectus and Application as amended, including a minor without a guardian name; Application by stock-invest or accompanied by cash / money to allot, or register any transfer of shares, therein to him, or any other person in a ctitious name, shall be punishable order / postal order; Applications without PAN; Minor applicants applying without PAN or applying under the PAN of with imprisonment for a term which may extend to ve years. Form carefully. Bonds permission to deal for an of the Bonds 37. Applications for Allotment of Bonds: As per the provisions of the Depositories Act, the Bonds can be held the guardian GIR number furnished instead of PAN; Applications for amounts greater than the maximum permissible 52. Listing: Theby BSE,will be listed on BSE. If thewithout interest, all in andmoneysofcial quotationthe Applicants not granted we shall forthwith repay, received from in dematerialised form, i.e., they shall be fungible and be represented by a statement issued through electronic amounts prescribed by applicable regulations; Applications by persons/entities who have been debarred from arepursuance of the Prospectus. The Company shall use best efforts tosuch that all steps for the completion of ensure accessing the capital markets by SEBI; Depository Participant identication number, Client ID and PAN mentioned in in necessary formalities for listing at the Stock Exchanges are taken within fteen Working Days from the date of mode. In this context, the Tripartite Agreements have been executed between our Company, the Registrar to the the Issue and the respective Depositories for offering depository option to the Bondholders. (a) All Applicants can seek the Application Form do not match with the Depository Participant identication number, Client ID and PAN available Allotment. Allotment in dematerialised mode only Applications made without relevant details of his or her depository account in the records with the depositories; Application under power of attorney or by limited companies, corporate, trust etc., 53. Utilisation of Application Money: The sums received in respect of the Issue will be kept in the Escrow Account are liable to be rejected. (b) An Applicant applying for the Bonds must have at least one beneciary account with any where relevant documents are not submitted; Applications by Qualied Institutional Buyers (i.e. Mutual Fund, Public and the Company will have access to such funds only after creation of security for the Bonds and as per applicable of the Depository Participants of either of the Depositories, prior to making the Application. (c) The Applicant must Financial Institution as dened in section 4A of the Companies Act, 1956, Scheduled Commercial Bank, Multilateral provisions of law(s), regulations and approvals. necessarily ll in the details (including the Beneciary Account Number and Depository Participants identication and Bilateral Development Financial Institution, State Industrial Development Corporation, Insurance Company 54. Undertaking by the Issuer: We undertake that: the complaints received in respect of the Issue shall be attended with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, Provident Fund with minimum corpus of number) appearing in the Application Form. (d) Allotment to an Applicant will be credited in electronic form directly to registeredrupees, Pension Fund with minimum corpus of twenty ve crore rupees, National Investment Fund twenty to by us expeditiously and satisfactorily; we shall take necessary steps for the purpose of getting the Bonds listed crore set up the beneciary account (with the Depository Participant) of the Applicant. (e) Names in the Application Form should veresolution no. F. No. 2/3/2005-DDII dated November 23, 2005 of the Government of India published in the Gazette within the specied time; the funds required for dispatch of refund orders/allotment advice/certicates by registered by be identical to those appearing in the account details in the Depository. In case of joint holders, the names should of India, Insurance Funds set up and managed by army, navy or air force of the Union of India, Insurance Funds set post shall be made available to the Registrar to the Issue by the company; necessary co-operation to the credit rating necessarily be in the same sequence as they appear in the account details in the Depository. (f) If incomplete or up and managed by the Department of Posts, India) not procured by the Lead Managers or their respective afliates. agency(ies) shall be extended in providing true and adequate information until the debt obligations in respect of the incorrect details are given under the heading Applicants Depository Account Details, in the Application Form, it is Applications made by investors belonging to a particular Category on an application form meant for other applicants Bonds are outstanding; we shall forward the details of utilisation of the funds raised through the Bonds duly certied liable to be rejected. (g) The Applicant is responsible for the correctness of his or her demographic details given in the and vice-versa. The collecting bank shall not be responsible for rejection of the Application on any of the technical by our statutory auditors, to the Debenture Trustee at the end of each half year; we shall disclose the complete name Application Form vis--vis those with his or her Depository Participant. (h) Bonds in electronic form can be traded only grounds mentioned above. Application Forms received after the closure of the Issue shall be rejected. In the event, if and address of the Debenture Trustee in our annual report; and we shall provide a compliance certicate to the on the stock exchanges having electronic connectivity with the Depositories. BSE, where the Bonds are proposed any Bond(s) applied for is/are not Allotted, the Application monies in respect of such Bonds will be refunded, as may Debenture Trustee (on an annual basis) in respect of compliance with the terms and conditions of issue of Bonds as contained in the Prospectus. We shall make necessary disclosures/ reporting under any other legal or regulatory to be listed, has electronic connectivity with the Depositories. (i) The trading of the Bonds shall be in dematerialised be permitted under the provisions of applicable laws. form only. Allottees will have the option to re-materialise the Bonds so Allotted as per the provisions of the 44. Basis of Allotment: The subscription list for the Issue shall remain open for subscription at the commencement requirement as may be required by the company from time to time. Companies Act and the Depositories Act. of banking hours and close at the close of banking hours, with an option for early closure (subject to the Issue being FOR FURTHER DETAILS, PLEASE REFER TO THE PROSPECTUS open for a minimum of 3 days) or extension by such period, upto a period of 15 days from the date of opening of the LEAD MANAGERS TO THE ISSUE DEBENTURE TRUSTEE REGISTRAR TO THE ISSUE

A. K. CAPITAL SERVICES LIMITED KOTAK MAHINDRA CAPITAL COMPANY LIMITED RR INVESTORS CAPITAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED SBI CAPITAL MARKETS LIMITED IL&FS Trust Company Limited Karvy Computershare Private Limited 30-39 Free Press House, 3rd Floor, Free Press Journal Marg, 1st Floor, Bakhtawar, 229, 133-A, 13th Floor, A-wing, Mittal Tower, 202, Maker Tower E, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005 The IL&FS Financial Centre Plot No. 17 to 24, Vittal Rao Nagar, 215, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021 Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021 Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021 Tel: +91 22 2217 8300; Plot No. C22, G - Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Madhapur, Hyderabad - 500 081 Tel: +91 22 6754 6500/ 6634 9300; Fax: +91 22 6610 0594 Tel.: +91 22 6634 1100; Fax.: +91 22 22840492 Tel: +91 22 2288 6627/28, Fax: +91 22 2285 1925 Fax: +91 22 2218 8332 Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051 Toll Free No.1-800-3454001 Email: Email: Email: Email: Tel: +91 22 2653 3333 Tel: +91 40 4465 5000 Investor Grievance Email: Investor Grievance Email: Investor Grievance Email: Investor Grievance Email: Fax: +91 22 2653 3297 Fax: +91 40 2343 1551 Website: Website: Website: Website: Website: Investor Grievance Email: Contact Person: Mr. Hitesh Shah Contact Person: Mr. Ganesh Rane Contact Person: Mr. Brahmdutta Singh Contact Person: Mr. Raman Goyal Contact Person: Ms. Labanya Mukherjee Website: http:\\ Compliance Ofcer: Mr. Vikas Agarwal Compliance Ofcer: Ajay Vaidya Compliance Ofcer: Mr. Sandeep Mahajan Compliance Ofcer: Mr. Bhaskar Chakraborty Email: Contact Person: Mr. M. Murali Krishna SEBI Registration No.: INM000010411 SEBI Registration No.: INM000008704 SEBI Registration No.: INM000007508 SEBI Registration No.: INM000003531* SEBI Registration No.: IND000000452 SEBI Registration Number: INR000000221 *The SEBI registration certicate of SBI Capital Markets Limited expired on July 31, 2011 respectively. As required under Regulation 9(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Merchant Bankers) Regulations, 1992 and in compliance with SEBI Circular No. SEBI/MIRSD/DR-2/SRP/Cir-2/2005 dated January 4, 2005, an application dated April 29, 2011 for renewal of the said certicate of registration, in the prescribed manner, was made on April 29, 2011 to SEBI by SBI Capital Markets Limited respectively, three months before the expiry of the said certicate of registration. The approval of SEBI in this regard is a waited.

Company Secretary : Mr. Rakesh Kumar Arora, GM (F&A) and Company Secretary, Core-4, SCOPE Complex, 7, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003, India. Telephone: +91 11 2436 7305 Facsimile: +91 11 2436 2039 E-mail:; Compliance Ofcer: Mr.Surendra Pradhan, Deputy General Manager (Finance), Core-4, SCOPE Complex, 7, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003, India. Telephone: +91 11 43091676, Facsimile: +91 11 24365461 Investors may contact the Compliance Ofcer or the Registrar to the Issue in case of any pre-Issue or post-Issue related problems such as non-receipt of letters of allotment, credit of allotted Bonds in the respective beneciary account or refund orders, etc. STATUTORY AUDITORS: M/s Bansal & Co., Chartered Accountants, A-6, Maharani Bag, New Dehi 110065 Telephone No: 011-4162 6470 Email: Contact Person: Mr. R.C.Pandey Firm Registration: 001113N; M/s P K Chopra & Co., Chartered Accountants, N Block, Bombay Life Building, Radial Road 7, Connaught Place, New Delhi 110 007 Telephone No.: 011-23315761 Email:, Contact Person: K S Ponnuswami, Firm Registration: 006747N Legal Advisors to the Issue: M.V. KINI & CO., Advocates & Solicitors, Kini House, 6/39 Jungpura-B, New Delhi 100014; Tel: +91 11 2437 1038/39/40 Fax: +91 11 24379484 E-mail: Escrow Collection Banks / Bankers to the Issue: ICICI Bank Limited, Capital Market Division, 30, Rajabahadur Mansion, Mumbai Samachar Marg, Fort, Mumbai 400001, Tel: +91 22 666310322, Fax: +91 22 663310350, E-mail:, Website:, Contact Person: Mr. Anil Gadoo, SEBI Registration: INBI000000004; State Bank of India, Capital Market Branch, Videocon Heritage (Killick House), Ground Floor, Charanjit Rai Marg, Mumbai 400 001, Tel: +91 22 22094932/22094927, Fax: +91 22 22094921/2209422, E-mail:,, Website:, Contact Person: R. K. Prasad; SEBI Registration: INBI00000038; Axis Bank Limited, 148, Statesman House, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 110001, Tel: +91 11 474251020/41521310, +91 9818557400/9911591303, +91 9582202500, Fax: +91 11 23311054,,,,, Website:, Contact Person: Mr. Sandeep Kumar, Mr. Ashish Dhall, Mr. Rajiv Taneja, SEBI Registration: INBI00000017; Yes Bank Limited, 3rd Floor Ion House, Dr. E. Moses Road, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai-400011, Tel: +91 22 66229031, Fax: +91 11 2497 4875, E-mail:, Website:, Contact Person: -, SEBI Registration: INBI00000935; IndusInd Bank Limited, Cash Management Services, Solitaire Corporate Park, No. 1001, Building No. 10, Ground Floor, Guru Hargovindji Marg,, Andheri East, Mumbai 400093, Tel: +91 22 6772 3901 to 3917, Fax: +91 22 6772 3998, E-mail:, Website:, Contact Person: Mr. Sanjay Vasarkar, SEBI Registration: INBI00000002, HDFC Bank Limited, FIG OPS Department Lodha,, I Think Techno Camp us, O 3, Level, Next to Kanjurmarg Railway Station Kanjurmargh (East), Mumbai 400042, Tel: +91 22 30752928, Fax: +91 22 25799801,,,, Website:, Contact Person: Mr. Uday Dixit, SEBI Registration: INBI00000063
Credit Rating Agencies, CRISIL LIMITED, CRISIL House, Central Avenue, Hiranandani Business Park, Powai, Mumbai 400076, Tel - +91 22 33423000, Fax: +91 22 33423050, Email:, Website:, Contact Person: Mr. Suman Chawdhury, SEBI Registration No.: IN/CRA/001/1999, CREDIT ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH LIMITED, 4th Floor, Godrej Coliseum, Samaiya Hospital Road,, Off Eastern Express Highway, Sion (E) Mumbai 400 022, Tel: +91 22 67543456 Fax: +91 22 67543457, Email:, Website:, Contact Person: Mr. Anuj Jain, SEBI Registration No.: IN/CRA/004/1999, FITCH RATINGS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, Apeejay House, 6th Floor, 3-Dinshaw Vaccha Road,, Churchgate, Mumbai 400020, Tel: +91 22 40001700; Fax: +91 22 40001701, Email:, Website:, Contact Person: Mr. Rajesh Patel, SEBI Registration No.: IN/CRA/002/1999, ICRA LIMITED, 1105, Kailash Building, 11th Floor, 26th Kasturba Gandhi Marg,, New Delhi 110001, Tel: +91 124 4545300; Fax: +91 124 4545350, Email:, Website:, Contact Person: Mr. Vivek Mathur, SEBI Registration No.: IN/CRA/003/1999

IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS RISK FACTORS You should carefully consider all the information in the Prospectus, including the risks and uncertainties described below, and under Our Business on page 131 and Financial Statements in Appendix - I, before making an investment in the Bonds. The risks and uncertainties described in this section are not the only risks that we currently face. Additional risks and uncertainties not known to us or that we currently believe to be immaterial may also have an adverse effect on our business, prospects, results of operations and nancial condition. If any of the following or any other risks actually occur, our business prospects, results of operations and nancial condition could be adversely affected and the price of, and the value of your investment in the Bonds could decline and you may lose all or part of your investment. The nancial and other related implications of risks concerned, wherever quantiable, have been disclosed in the risk factors mentioned below. However, there are certain risk factors where the effect is not quantiable and hence has not been disclosed in such risk factors. The numbering of risk factors has been done to facilitate ease of reading and reference, and does not in any manner indicate the importance of one risk factor over another. In this section, unless the context otherwise requires, a reference to the Company is a reference to REC and unless the context otherwise requires, a reference to we, us and our refers to REC and its Subsidiaries, joint ventures and associate companies, as applicable in the relevant scal period, on a consolidated basis. In this Section, all gures are on standalone basis unless otherwise mentioned. Internal Risk Factors 1. Our business and our industry are dependent on the policies and support of the Government of India which makes us susceptible to changes to such policies and the level of support we receive: We are a GoI owned company operating in a regulated industry. Our business and our industry are dependent, directly and indirectly, on the policies and support of the GoI in many signicant ways, including with respect to the cost of our capital, the nancial strength of our borrowers, the management and growth of our business and our industry and our overall protability. Historically, we have been able to reduce our cost of capital and reliance on commercial borrowings because of various forms of assistance received from GoI. Currently, we receive tax concessions with respect to certain types of our bonds that enable us to price such bonds at a lower rate of interest than would otherwise be available to us. We also benet from direct tax benets provided by the GoI. The GoI also impacts the nature of our business in a number of ways. In particular, the GoI establishes the schemes in which we and our borrowers participate. Like any other public sector undertaking, the GoI can also inuence or determine key decisions about our Company, including with respect to dividends and the appointment of directors of our Board. Additionally, the GoI may implement policies that are inconsistent with our business objectives. For example, although we intend to continue to diversify our asset portfolio and continue to increase generation-related lending activity, our lending capacity is not unlimited and the GoI could seek refocus of our lending capacity on transmission and distribution projects in rural areas. Our borrowers are also signicantly impacted by the policies and support of the GoI in a variety of ways, as the GoI regulates the industry in which our borrowers operate. For example, the GoI has established a number of schemes and provides incentives that provide benets to power projects that have enhanced the nancial viability of the projects and the nancial position of our borrowers. Additionally, the GoI has in the past assisted us in procuring the repayment of our loans from our borrowers. Furthermore, the growth of our business is dependent upon the continued growth of the power sector and the overall Indian economy, which are signicantly impacted by the policies of the GoI. Changes in the policies of, or in the level of direct or indirect support to us provided by, the GoI in these or other areas could have a material adverse effect on our business and nancial condition and results of our operations. 2. We have a signicant concentration of outstanding loans to certain borrowers and if the loans to these borrowers become non-performing, the quality of our asset portfolio may be adversely affected: We are a power sector-specic public nancial institution. This sector has a limited number of borrowers and our past exposure has been, and future exposure is anticipated to be, high with respect to these borrowers. In addition, many of these borrowers are public sector utilities that are loss-making and therefore may not have liquidity to repay their borrowings. As on September 30, 2011, the individual borrower to whom we had the greatest amount of outstanding loans accounted for 7.22% of our total outstanding loans and the borrower group to which we had the greatest amount of outstanding loans in the aggregate accounted for 15.66% of our total outstanding loans. As on September 30, 2011 the ten individual borrowers to whom we had the greatest amount of outstanding loans in the aggregate accounted for 45.81% of our total outstanding loans and the ten borrower groups to which we had the greatest amount of outstanding loans in the aggregate accounted for 81.31% of our total outstanding loans. For further details, see the section titled Our Business Our Strengths on page 132. In addition to our exposure to borrowers resulting from our outstanding loans, we may also have exposures to borrowers, including the ten individual borrowers and borrower groups referred to above, in the form of unfunded loan sanctions. In particular, we have signicant exposure to, and derive most of our income from various SEBs and SPUs. As on September 30, 2011, we had aggregate loans outstanding to state sector borrowers of ` 708,783 million, which constituted 78.43% of our total loans outstanding. Historically, state sector utilities have had relatively weak nancial position and have in the past defaulted on their indebtedness. Consequently, we have had to restructure loans sanctioned to certain SEBs, which resulted in our having to reschedule their loans and waive part of their interest dues on account of such restructuring. There can be no assurances that the applicable SEBs and SPUs will be able to perform under the terms of the rescheduled loans. Any negative trends or nancial difculties, particularly among the borrowers and borrower groups to whom we have the greatest exposure, including SEBs and SPUs, could increase the level of NPAs in our portfolio and make us unable to service our outstanding indebtedness. For the foreseeable future, we expect to continue to have a signicant concentration of loans to certain borrowers, including SEBs and SPUs. Furthermore, as we continue to increase our exposure to generation projects, our individual loan size will likely increase in size, thereby increasing our exposure with respect to individual projects. Credit losses on the individual borrowers and borrower groups to whom, as well as the projects in respect of which, we have the greatest exposure could have a material adverse effect on our business, nancial condition and results of our operations. 3. Our ability to compete effectively will be dependent on our ability to maintain a low effective cost of funds; if we are unable to do so it would have a material adverse effect on our business, nancial condition and results of our operations.: Our ability to compete effectively is dependent on our ability to maintain a low effective cost of funds. Historically, our access to funds has been enhanced and our cost of funds reduced by equity nancing and loans received directly from GoI, as well as tax concessions with respect to, and guarantees of, certain types of our bonds and borrowings that enable us to price such borrowings at a lower rate of interest than would otherwise be available to us. For further details, see the section titled Our Business on page 131. There can be no assurances as to the level of direct or indirect support to us provided by the GoI and negative changes in the policies of the GoI could materially increase the cost of funds available to us. In particular, the GoI has not provided us any direct funding since 2001. Similarly, the GoI has not allowed us to issue SLR bonds since Fiscal 1999. In addition, since January 2007 the GoI has limited the amount of our bonds that an individual investor can utilize to offset capital gains to ` 5 million, which has reduced the amount of bonds we have been able to offer for subsequent periods. Consequently, we are increasingly reliant on funding from the debt capital markets and commercial borrowings. As a result of these and other factors, our Companys cost of funds has risen from 6.40% for Fiscal 2007 to 6.90% for Fiscal 2011 (based on our audited nancial statements). While we generally have been able to pass the increased cost of funds onto our customers over this period, we may not continue to be able to do so. In particular, nancially stronger SPUs and private sector borrowers may seek to source their funds directly from the market if our loan products are not competitively priced and our ability to price our products depends on our cost of capital. Our ability to continue to obtain funds from the debt capital markets and through commercial borrowings on acceptable terms will depend on various factors including, in particular, our ability to maintain our credit ratings, which are based upon several factors, many of which are outside our control, including the economic conditions in the power sector and the Indian economy, and the liquidity in the domestic and global debt markets, which has been severely restricted during the recent nancial crisis and may be in the future. There can be no assurances as to whether we will be able to maintain our existing ratings and downgrades of our ratings could materially increase the cost of funds available to us, particularly from the debt capital markets and commercial borrowings. Furthermore, certain of our existing commercial borrowings require us to pay increased rates of interest and/or to repay the loan in its entirety in the event of a ratings downgrade. If we are not able to maintain a low effective cost of funds, we may not be able to competitively price our loans and, accordingly, we may not be able to maintain the protability or growth of our business, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, nancial condition and results of operations. 4. We currently fund our business in signicant part through use of borrowings that have shorter maturities than the maturities of substantially all of our new loan assets and we may be required to obtain additional nancing in order to repay our indebtedness and grow our business: We may face potential liquidity risks due to varying periods over which our assets and liabilities mature. We currently fund our business in signicant part through the use of borrowings that have shorter maturities than the maturities of a substantial all of our new loan assets.In particular, in recent years we have obtained funding through the issuance of 54EC capital gain tax exemption bonds. These bonds are subject to tax concessions for the benet of bondholders that enable us to price such bonds at a lower rate of interest than would otherwise be available to us and thereby reduce our cost of capital. However, these bonds require a holding period of three years from the date of allotment for the bondholders to receive the benet of these tax concessions and typically these bonds have put options or maturity dates at the end of three years from allotment. For additional information with respect to our issuances of 54EC long term tax exemption bonds, see the section titled Our Business on page 131. Our term loans, which constitute the largest component of our loan assets, typically have a maturity of more than ten years. As on September 30, 2011, we had long-term loans outstanding of ` 850,178 million, which constituted 94.07% of our outstanding loan assets. Additionally, our other nancial products may have maturities that exceed the maturities of our borrowings. To the extent we fund our business through the use of borrowings that have shorter maturities than the loan assets we disburse, our loan assets will not generate sufcient liquidity to enable us to repay our borrowings as they become

due, and we will be required to obtain new borrowings to repay our existing indebtedness. There can be no assurances that new borrowings will be available on favourable terms or at all. In particular, we are increasingly reliant on funding from the debt capital markets and commercial borrowings. The market for such funds is competitive and our ability to obtain funds on acceptable terms will depend on various factors including, in particular, our ability to maintain our credit ratings, which are based upon several factors, many of which are outside our control including the economic conditions in the power sector and the Indian economy, and the liquidity in the domestic and global debt markets, which has been severely restricted during the recent nancial crisis and may be in the future. Any inability to obtain new borrowings, on favourable terms or otherwise, may negatively impact the protability and growth of our business, which could have an adverse affect on our business, nancial condition and results of operations. 5. Our statutory auditors have made an observation in their annexure to auditors reports on our nancial statements for Fiscal 2010 - 2011 and the six months ended September 30, 2011.: Our statutory auditors have made an observation in their annexure to auditors reports on our audited nancial statements for Fiscal 2010 - 2011, and the six months ended September 30, 2011. Our joint statutory auditors for six months ended September 30, 2011, M/s. Bansal & Co., Chartered Accountants, and M/s. P. K. Chopra & Co., Chartered Accountants, have examined the summary nancial statements included in the Prospectus, and have included in their report thereon those qualications that they deem to be continuing. See the section titled Financial Statements on page F1. The observation that were deemed to be continuing as of September 30, 2011, are as follows: In our opinion and according to information and explanations given to us, internal control are generally commensurate with the size of the company and nature of its business. However, in certain areas internal control needs further strengthening like utilisation of grants/subsidy received under various schemes, monitoring and supervision of loans given to various SEBs/DISCOMS/TRANSCOS/ GENCOS including obtaining search reports for charges created against the loans given, ascertainment of viability of revised projects at the time of reschedulement of loan assets, generation of various reports from loan module in ERP to have better control over loan assets. During the course of the audit, we have not come across any major failure in internal control system. 6. We currently engage in foreign currency borrowings and are likely to do so at increased levels in the future, which will expose us to uctuations in foreign exchange rates, which could adversely affect our business, nancial condition and results of operations: As on September 30, 2011, we had foreign currency borrowings outstanding equal to ` 90,964.75 million out of which 1.62% is the unhedged position of our total borrowings and we are likely to obtain additional foreign currency borrowings in the future Although we believe that our foreign currency hedging with respect to our existing foreign currency borrowings is effective, there can be no assurances that it will remain effective or that we will enter into effective hedging with respect to any new foreign currency borrowings. We expect to increase our foreign currency borrowing in the future, and we therefore may be further exposed to uctuations in foreign currency rates. Volatility in foreign exchange rates could adversely affect our business, nancial condition and results of operations. 7. The GoI holds a majority of our Equity Shares and can therefore determine the outcome of shareholder voting and inuence our operations.: At present, the GoI owns 66.80 % of our paid up capital. Consequently, the GoI, acting through the MoP, will continue to control us and will have the power to elect and remove our directors and therefore determine the outcome of most proposals for corporate action requiring approval of our Board or shareholders, including with respect to the payment of dividends. In addition, the GoI inuences our operations through its various departments and policies. Under our Articles of Association, the GoI may issue directives with respect to the conduct of our business or our affairs or impose other restrictions on us. In particular, given the importance of the power industry to the economy, the GoI could require us to take actions designed to serve the public interest in India and not necessarily to maximize our prots. For further details on our Articles of Association, see the section titled Main Provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company on page 269. 8. We will be impacted by volatility in interest rates in our operations and may be adversely affected by either declining or rising interest rates: We will be impacted by volatility in interest rates in our operations. Interest rates are highly sensitive to many factors beyond our control, including the monetary policies of the RBI, deregulation of the nancial sector in India, domestic and international economic and political and other conditions and other factors. Due to these factors, interest rates in India have historically experienced and may continue to experience a relatively high degree of volatility. A substantial portion of our loan assets, including all of our long-term loans, permit the borrowers to seek repricing of their loans after three or ten years. As on September 30, 2011 we had long-term loans outstanding of ` 850,178 million which constituted 94.07% of our outstanding loan assets. Additionally, other loan products we offer may permit the borrowers to obtain repricing of their loans from us. When interest rates decline, our borrowers may increasingly seek re-pricing of our loans to them based on the terms of their loan agreements or due to commercial considerations resulting from competitive conditions, which would result in us realizing a lower rate of return on our capital committed to the re-priced loans and adversely affect our protability, particularly if we did not have the ability to reprice our borrowings. Additionally, if we are unable or unwilling to competitively re-price our loans, we are subject to greater levels of prepayments on our loans. In a decreasing interest rate environment, prepayments may also result in a lower rate of return because we may not be able to redeploy the capital in assets yielding similar rates of return, and any prepayment premium we receive may not fully offset these lower rates of return. When interest rates rise, we may be more susceptible to such increases than our competitors that have access to lower cost funds, particularly if we have a higher portion of oating rate borrowings or borrowings with shorter durations than that of our competitors. Further, most of our borrowings are xed rate borrowings and in a falling interest rate scenario, this may impact our results of operations and nancial condition. Our treasury operations are also susceptible to volatility in interest rates and any adverse movement in interest rates, though not quantiable, may adversely impact the value of our treasury operations, and consequently may have an adverse effect on our business, prospects, nancial condition and results of operations. 9. We take advantage of certain tax benets available to us as a lending institution. If these tax benets were reduced or no longer available to us it would adversely affect our results: We have received and currently receive tax benets by virtue of our status as a lending institution, including as a result of our lending within the infrastructure sector, which have enabled us to reduce our effective tax rate. For Fiscal 2007, Fiscal 2008, Fiscal 2009, Fiscal 2010 and Fiscal 2011, our Companys effective tax liability as a percentage (computed by dividing our Companys standalone current tax liability by prot before tax, as per our Companys standalone nancial statements) was 21.35%, 28.48%, 26.40%, 26.26% and 26.13% respectively, compared to statutory corporate tax rates (including surcharge and cess) of 33.66%, 33.99%, 33.99%, 33.99% and 33.22% in Fiscal 2007, Fiscal 2008, Fiscal 2009, Fiscal 2010 and Fiscal 2011, respectively. The availability of these tax benets is subject to the policies of the GoI, among other things, and there can be no assurances as to the amount of tax benets that we will receive in the future, if any. If the laws or regulations regarding these or other tax benets were to change further, our taxable income and tax liability may rise, which would adversely impact our nancial condition and results of operations. 10. If we are unable to manage our growth effectively, our business and nancial results could be adversely affected: Our business has experienced meaningful growth in scope and size since we began operations in 1969. We began nancing projects outside the area of rural transmission and distribution much later in our Companys history. Since 2001, funding for generation projects has constituted an increasingly larger portion of our business. The size of the projects we nance has increased. Further, vide its letter dated September 17, 2010, RBI has further categorized us as an IFC. With this IFC status, REC can now increase its exposure to single borrowers and to a single group of borrowers. We intend to continue to grow our business in both scope and size, particularly with respect to generation projects, which could place signicant demands on our operational, credit, nancial and other internal risk controls. In addition, in September 2009, our mandate was further extended to include nancing other activities with linkages to power projects, such as coal and other mining activities, fuel supply arrangements for the power sector and other power-related infrastructure. We expect that our asset growth will be primarily funded by the issuance of new debt. We may have difculty in obtaining funding on attractive terms. Adverse developments in the Indian credit markets, such as increases in interest rates, may increase our debt service costs and the overall cost of our funds and impair our ability to manage our recent growth or to continue to grow our business. Any inability to manage our growth effectively could have a material adverse effect on our business, nancial condition and results of operations. Furthermore, because of our recent growth and the long gestation period for power sector investments, our historical nancial statements may not be an accurate indicator of our future nancial performance. 11. We may not have obtained sufcient security and collateral from our borrowers, or we may not be able to recover, or there may be a delay in recovering, the expected value from any security and collateral which could have a material adverse effect on our business, nancial condition and results of operations: We have historically granted certain loans to our borrowers where the value of the security for the loan may be less than the amount of the loan, where we have funded the loan prior to obtaining security or where the loans have been granted without security. As on September 30, 2011, we had total loans outstanding of ` 903731 million, of which ` 660,700 million, or 73.10%, were secured by charges on assets, ` 192,012 million, or 21.25% were unsecured but have a state government guarantee as collateral and ` 51,019 million, or 5.64%, were unsecured loans. Although legislation in India has become effective that is intended to strengthen the rights of creditors to obtain faster realization of collateral in the event of loan default, we may nonetheless not be able to realize the full value of our collateral due to certain factors, including delays occasioned by the fact that the loan was granted by us as a part of consortium of lenders or delays in us taking immediate action in bankruptcy foreclosure proceedings, market downturns that affect the value of the collateral, defects in the perfection of collateral and fraudulent transfers by borrowers. Further, upon the occurrence of certain events a specialized regulatory agency may obtain jurisdiction over the assets of our borrowers, which may delay actions on behalf of the borrowers creditors. Any failure to recover the expected value of collateral security could expose us to a potential loss. In addition, the RBI has devised a corporate debt restructuring system that establishes an institutional mechanism for timely and transparent restructuring of corporate debt. The applicable RBI guidelines envisage that, with respect to corporate debts amounting to ` 100 million or more, lenders holding more than 75% of such debt and

60% of the creditors in number, in case of accounts where recovery suits have been led can decide to restructure the debt and such a decision would be binding on the remaining lenders. In situations where other lenders own more than 75% of the debt of one of our borrowers, we could be required by the other lenders to agree to restructure the debt, regardless of our preferred method of settlement. We may also be a part of a syndicate of lenders wherein the majority elects to pursue a different course of action than the course of action favourable to us, whether or not such debt is subject to RBI guidelines. Any such debt restructuring could lead to an unexpected loss that could adversely affect our business, nancial condition and results of operations. Furthermore, some of the rural cooperatives to whom we lend money are required to create a special fund in order to defer interest payments on their loans for a period of ve years. As of September 30, 2011, there was a shortfall in the creation of such special funds of ` 57.05 million. 12. There are a number of legal proceedings involving our Company. Any unfavourable development in these proceedings or in other proceedings in which we become involved could have a material adverse effect on our business, nancial condition and results of operations.: Our Company is involved in certain legal proceedings. These proceedings are pending at different levels of adjudication before various courts, tribunals and appellate authorities. A summary of the pending proceedings involving our Company as on January 31, 2011 is provided below: S. No., Nature of the cases/claims, No. of cases, Approximate, outstanding amount involved, (` million); 1. Income tax proceedings, 10, 514.74; 2. Civil suits and consumer cases, 32, 1.37; 3. Arbitration proceedings, 4, 47.04; 4. Miscellaneous proceedings, 2, N.A. In addition, our Company has led for counter claims aggregating to ` 1.81 million. In addition, our company, has instituted 4 proceedings in relation to recovery of dues payable to us by the borrowers. The aggregate amount claimed in by our company in these cases wherein recovery orders have been passed is approximately ` 9,685.90 million. For further details see the section titled Outstanding Litigation and Material Development on page 212. If any of our current cases or future cases are not resolved in our favour, and if our insurance coverage or any applicable indemnity is insufcient to cover the damages awarded, we may be required to make substantial payments or we may need to make provisions in our nancial statements, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, nancial condition and results of operations. 13. The escrow account mechanism for the payment obligations of our state sector borrowers may not be effective, which would reduce our recourse in the event of defaulted loans and could have a material adverse effect on our business, nancial condition and results of operations.: We have a mechanism of creating escrow accounts with most of our borrowers in the state sector. As on September 30, 2011, 77.10% of our outstanding loans to our state sector borrowers have an escrow mechanism in place. This mechanism provides that certain predetermined amounts from the payments received by such borrowers from their respective customers are deposited in an escrow account. The deposited amount is available for use by the borrower except in the case of a default on account of non-payment to us by the borrower. In such case, the escrow agent is to make the default amount available to us on demand. The escrow agreement mechanism is effective only if the customers of our borrowers, including distribution companies and end users of power (such as power traders, industrial, commercial, household and agricultural consumers) make payment to our borrowers and such payment is deposited into the escrow facilities in an amount sufcient to repay the borrowers obligations to us. We do not have any arrangement in place to ensure that this occurs, which limits the effectiveness of the escrow mechanism. In the event the customers of our borrowers do not make payments to our borrowers, the escrow mechanism will not ensure the timely repayment of our loans, which may adversely affect our business, nancial condition and results of operations. 14. We have granted loans to the private sector on a non-recourse or limited recourse basis, which increases the risk of non-recovery and could expose us to signicant losses: As on September 30, 2011, ` 100,945 million, or 11.17%, of our loans outstanding were to borrowers that are private sector power utilities (including project-specic special purpose vehicles). We expect to increase our exposure to private sector power utilities (including joint sector). The ability of private sector power utility borrowers and, in particular project-specic special purpose vehicles, to perform their obligations will depend primarily on the nancial condition of the projects, which may be affected by many factors beyond the borrowers control, including competition, as well as other risks such as those relating to operating costs and regulatory issues. If borrowers with non-recourse or limited recourse loans were to be adversely affected by these or other factors and were unable to meet their obligations, the value of the underlying assets available to repay the loans may be insufcient to pay the full principal and interest on the loans, which could expose us to signicant losses. Any signicant losses could have an adverse effect on our business, nancial condition and results of operations. 15. Certain SEBs that were our borrowers have been restructured and we may not have transferred the liabilities associated with our loans to newly formed entities: We have granted certain long-term loans to various SEBs, including Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, Tamilnadu, Punjab & Himachal Pradesh. The state governments of these states have restructured their SEBs into separate entities formed for generation, transmission and/or distribution, pursuant to amendments in the Electricity Act. As part of the restructuring, all liabilities and obligations of a restructured SEB were transferred via a notication process to the applicable state government, which in turn transferred them to the newly formed, state government owned transmission, distribution and/or generation companies. However, under the restructuring notication, the transfer of liabilities and obligations under loans granted by us is to be documented by a transfer agreement between our Company, the applicable state government and the applicable newly formed company. Although we have entered into transfer agreements with the separate entities formed as a result of the restructuring of the certain SEBs, we are yet to execute transfer agreements with the separate entities formed as a result of the restructuring of the SEBs of Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Punjab. We cannot assure you that we will be able to enter into transfer agreements within a reasonable period to ensure that the terms of our original loan agreements will continue with the new entities. 16. We are involved in ten tax-related legal proceedings that, if determined against us, could have a material adverse effect on our business, nancial condition and results of operations.: We are involved in ten income tax proceedings which are pending before various authorities in India. Nine of these proceedings are appeals led by us and one proceeding is an appeal led by the Income Tax Department (the IT Department). The total amount claimed by the IT Department aggregates to approximately ` 514.74 millions and the total amount paid by our Company, against the demand raised by the IT Department aggregates to approximately ` 438.60 million. For further details see the section titled Outstanding Litigation and Material Development on page 212. If any of our current cases or future cases are not resolved in our favour, we may be required to make substantial payments or we may need to make provisions in our nancial statements, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, nancial condition and results of operations. 17. Our contingent liabilities could adversely affect our nancial condition: As on September 30, 2011, our Company had on a standalone basis, non-funded contingent liabilities of ` 51,975.12 million, including claims against our Company and equity commitments with respect to our Companys joint venture investments. Our Companys contingent liabilities not provided for and outstanding guarantees as of September 30, 2011 (as disclosed in our standalone nancial statements) are as follows: Contingent liabilities, Amount (` million):Claim against our Company not acknowledged as debts, 47.67; Estimated amount of the contracts remaining to be executed on capital, account and not provided for, 67.68; Others, 51,859.77 If these contingent liabilities were to fully materialize or materialize at a level higher than we expect, our nancial condition could be adversely affected. For further details on our contingent liabilities, see the sections titled Financial Statements-Signicant Notes on Accounts Attached to Financial Statements beginning on page F-1 and Consolidated Financial Statements-Consolidated Signicant Notes on Accounts Attached to Financial Statements beginning on page F-1. 18. We have negative cash ows from operations in recent periods. There is no assurance that such negative cash ows from operations shall not recur in future Fiscal periods.: Our outward cash ows relating to loans and advances we disburse (net of any repayments we receive) is reected in our cash ow from operating activities whereas the inward cash ows from external funding we procure (net of any repayments of such funding) to disburse these loans and advances are reected in our cash ows from nancing activities. Consequently, our Company had standalone negative net cash ow from operating activities of ` 69,367 million, ` 128,104 million, ` 126,852 million, ` 99,986 million and ` 62,027 million for the six months ended September 30, 2011 and the years ended March 31, 2011, 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively, as a result of increases in its lending operations. For further details on our Companys standalone cash ows, see the section titled Financial Statement beginning on page F-1. 19. Our success depends in large part upon our management team and skilled personnel and our ability to attract and retain such persons and departure of our key personnel could adversely affect our business and our ability to pursue our growth strategies: Our future performance depends on the continued service of our experienced management team and skilled personnel. We also face a continuous challenge to recruit and retain a sufcient number of suitably skilled personnel, particularly as we continue to grow our business. There is competition for management and other skilled personnel in our industry, and it may be difcult to attract and retain the personnel we need in the future. The loss of key personnel, or inability to attract and retain new personnel may have an adverse affect on our business, results of operations, nancial condition and our ability to grow. 20. We may not have complied with the terms and conditions set forth in our NBFC registration certicate: We are registered as a NBFC with the RBI. We currently are a non-deposit accepting NBFC and our registration requires us to accept public deposits only after obtaining specic approval from the RBI. The denition of the term public deposit is broad under Section 2(1)(xii)(f) of the Non Banking Financial Companies Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1998 read with Section 45-I (bb) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and excludes any amount raised by issue of bonds secured by the mortgage of immovable property of the company, provided that the amount of bonds raised shall not exceed the market value of the immovable property. However, we have historically issued bonds that are not fully secured and therefore, an interpretation may be taken that we may have accepted public deposits without the prior permission of the RBI. The RBI has, pursuant to its letter no. DNBS. PD.1105/03.02.005/2008-09 dated August 08, 2008 conrmed to our Company that such raising of funds would not be treated as public deposits. However, we are exposed to the risk that the RBI could, notwithstanding its conrmation

IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS to our Company, take action against us, with respect to our historical issuance of bonds that were not fully secured, timely manner or at all, or to comply with the terms and conditions of our existing regulatory approvals and pursuant to a resolution dated August 30, 2005 passed by the Board of Directors of our Company, as approved by its which could have a material adverse effect on our business, nancial condition and results of operations. 21. Our licenses which may have a material adverse effect on the continuity of our business and may impede our shareholders at the Annual General Meeting dated September 22, 2005, Article 84(2) of the Articles of Association of borrowers insurance of assets may not be adequate to protect them against all potential losses to which effective operations in the future: We require certain regulatory approvals, sanctions, licenses, registrations and our Company was amended, consequent to which the Directors of our Company could incur capital expenditure to the they may be subject, which could affect our ability to recover the loan amounts due to us: The terms and permissions (collectively, approvals) for operating our businesses. We may not receive or be able to renew such extent of ` 3,000 million or equal to the net worth of our Company, whichever is lower, without seeking GoI approval. conditions of our loan agreements require our borrowers to maintain insurance on their charged assets as collateral approvals in the time frames anticipated by us or at all, which could adversely affect our business. For example, we 36. Our insurance may not be adequate to protect us against all potential losses to which we may be subject.: for the loan granted by us. However, we have not historically monitored our borrowers compliance with their obligation have applied for, but are yet to receive grant of, certain registrations or renewals for some of our project ofces. If we We maintain insurance for our physical assets such as our ofce and residential properties against standard re and to maintain insurance and our borrowers may not have the required insurance coverage or the amount of insurance do not receive, renew or maintain the regulatory approvals required to operate our business it may have a material special perils (including earthquake). In addition, we maintain a group personal accident insurance as well as coverage may be insufcient to cover all nancial losses that our borrowers may suffer as a result of any uninsured adverse effect on the continuity of our business and may impede our effective operations in the future. Additionally, directors and ofcers insurance policy. However, the amount of our insurance coverage may be less than the event. In the event the assets charged in our favour are damaged or our borrowers otherwise suffer a loss and there any historical or future failure to comply with the terms and conditions of our existing regulatory or statutory approvals replacement cost of such property and may not be sufcient to cover all nancial losses that we may suffer should a is insufcient insurance to offset the borrowers losses, it may affect our ability to recover the loan amounts due to us. may cause us to lose or become unable to renew such approvals. For further details, see the section titled risk materialize. If we were to incur a signicant liability for which we were not fully insured, it could have a material 22. We are subject to restrictive covenants under our credit facilities that limit our exibility in managing our Government and Other Approvals on page 225. 29. We have yet to receive consents/renewals of certain adverse effect on our results of operations and nancial position. In addition, in the future, we may not be able to business.: There are restrictive covenants in the agreements we have entered into with certain banks and nancial statutory approvals required in the ordinary course of our businesses, and if we are unable to obtain these maintain insurance of the types or in the amounts which we deem necessary or adequate or at premiums which we institutions for our borrowings. These restrictive covenants require us to maintain certain nancial ratios and our approvals, our business could be adversely affected: We have applied for consents/renewals of certain statutory consider acceptable. The occurrence of an event for which we are not adequately or sufciently insured or the existing credit rating and seek the prior permission of these banks and nancial institutions for various activities, approvals required in the ordinary course of our businesses. If we are unable to obtain the same in a timely manner, successful assertion of one or more large claims against us that exceed available insurance coverage, or changes in including, among others, change in capital structure, issue of equity, preferential capital or debentures, raising any or at all, our operations may be affected. We have also applied to the Trademark Registry, New Delhi for grant of our insurance policies (including premium increases or the imposition of large deductible or co-insurance deposits, selling or transferring any part of our business, effecting any scheme of acquisition, merger, amalgamation registration for our logo (in bilingual form) under the Trade Marks Act, 1999.Consequently, we currently do not requirements), could have a material and adverse effect on our business, nancial condition, results of operations, or reconstitution, implementing a new scheme of expansion or creation of a subsidiary. Such restrictive covenants enjoy the statutory protections accorded to a registered trademark. We cannot assure you that the applications for and cash ows. 37. Any Cross Default of nancial indebtedness would trigger payment to all other borrowings may restrict our operations or ability to expand and may adversely affect our business. Further, these restrictive registration of such trademarks will be granted by the relevant authorities or when these authorities will grant the made by the corporation thereby adversely affecting the liquidity position of the Company.: REC has given covenants may also affect some of the rights of our shareholders, including the payment of the dividends in case of registration. Any third party claim on any of our unprotected brands may lead to erosion of our business value and our cross default covenant in few of its borrowings which means that if the company defaults in any of its obligation under any default in debt to such lenders. Additionally, these banks and nancial institutions also have the powers to appoint operations could be adversely affected. We may not be able to detect any unauthorised use or take appropriate and its loan, the loan which has the cross default clause will also become payable even if there is no breach of covenant a nominee director on our Board, with the prior approval of the GoI, in case of any default on our part in payment of timely steps to enforce or protect our intellectual property. For further details, see the section titled Government and or default of payment on this loan. The risk may have impact on the liquidity in case of happening of such event. 38. interest or principal towards some of our borrowings. Furthermore, we may not have received the consent from some Other Approvals on page 225. 30. There is ambiguity as to whether we are subject to recent amendments of We have entered and may enter into certain transactions with related parties, which may not be on an arms of our lenders for raising new loans/debentures. For details of these restrictive covenants, see the section titled Reserve Bank of India regulations requiring us to adopt prudential norms: Under the regulatory framework length basis or may lead to conicts of interest.: We have entered and may enter into transactions with related Financial Indebtedness on page 193. 23. Our interest income and protability is dependent on our ability to governing NBFCs, systemically important non-deposit taking NBFCs (NBFC-ND-SIs), which are dened as parties, including our Directors. There can be no assurance that we could not have achieved more favorable terms on grow our asset portfolio; any failure to continue to grow our business could have an adverse affect on our NBFCs having assets of ` 1,000 million or more as per the last audited balance sheet, are required to comply with the such transactions had they not been entered into with related parties. Furthermore, it is likely that we will enter into business, nancial condition and results of operations: Our interest rate margins are determined by the cost of RBIs prudential norms. The RBI has issued detailed directions on prudential norms, which, inter alia, prescribe related party transactions in the future. There can be no assurance that such transactions, individually or in the our funding relative to the pricing of our loan products. The cost of our funding and the pricing of our loan products are guidelines on income recognition, asset classication and provisioning requirements applicable to NBFCs, exposure aggregate, will not have an adverse effect on our nancial condition and results of operations. The transactions we determined by a number of factors, many of which are beyond our control. Our cost of funding has risen from 6.40% norms, constitution of audit committee, disclosures in the balance sheet, requirement of capital adequacy, restrictions have entered into and any future transactions with related parties have involved or could potentially involve conicts for Fiscal 2007 to 8.72% for the six months ended September 30, 2011. While we have generally been able to pass and concentration of credits and investments. However, the RBI vide its notication dated February 22, 2007 has of interest. 39. Our Directors may have interests in companies/entities similar to ours, which may result in a on the increased cost of funds to our customers over this period, we may not be able to continue to do so. In the event exempt government companies, conforming to Section 617 of the Companies Act and not accepting/holding public conict of interest that may adversely affect future nancing opportunity referrals.: Some of our Directors have we were to suffer a decline in interest rate margins, we would be required to increase our lending activity in order to deposit, from applicability of the prudential norms. Although we qualify as an NBFC-ND-SI, we believe that being a interests in other companies, which are in businesses similar to ours, which may result in potential conict of interest. maintain our then current prot level. However, there can be no assurances that we will be able to do so and we may government company, we are not required to comply with the regulatory framework governing NBFC-ND-SIs. Further, Our Director, Mr. Devender Singh is a director on the board of Power Finance Corporation Limited, which is also in a suffer reduced protability or losses in the event our interest rate margins were to decrease, which may adversely the RBI vide notication dated July 2, 2007 has exempt government companies, conforming to Section 617 of the business similar to ours. For further information with respect to directorships of certain of our Directors, see section affect our business, nancial condition and results of operations. 24. The power sector nancing industry is Companies Act, from the norms and conditions stipulated on NBFCs accepting public deposits. On December 13, titled Our Management on page 177 of the Prospectus. Accordingly, potential conicts of interest may arise out of becoming increasingly competitive and our protability and growth will depend on our ability to compete 2006, our Board of Directors approved our adoption of prudential norms that we believe comply with the extant common business objectives shared by us and our Directors and there can be no assurance that these or other effectively and maintain a low effective cost of funds: There is heavy competition among Indian public and private regulation prescribed by RBI in relation to the prudential norms, subject to certain identied variances. In order to conicts of interest will be resolved in an impartial manner. 40. Any downgrading of our debt rating or Indias sector banks, foreign banks operating in India and nancial institutions to lend to the power sector. These competitive bring all systemically important government owned NBFCs within the framework of Prudential norms, RBI has sovereign rating by a credit rating agency could have a negative impact on our business.: Any adverse pressures affect the Indian nancial sector and our growth will depend in large part on our ability to respond in an advised our Company on December 12, 2006 to submit a road map for compliance with various elements of the revisions to our credit rating or Indias sovereign credit ratings for domestic and international debt by credit rating effective and timely manner to competitive pressures. Competition in our industry depends on, among other things, regulations governing NBFCs. However RBI has noted that the date from which our Company was required to comply agencies may adversely impact our ability to raise additional nancing, and the interest rates and other commercial the ongoing evolution of GoI and state government policies relating to the power and nance industries, the entry of with such regulations would be decided later. While our Company has not submitted the said roadmap, it has sought terms at which such additional nancing is available. This could have a material adverse effect on our business and new participants into the industry and the extent to which existing participants in our industry seek to expand their exemption from compliance with the regulations governing NBFCs till the end of XIIth Five Year Plan. Vide letter no. nancial performance, our ability to obtain nancing for lending operations. 41. Our ability to raise foreign currency exposure to the power sector. In particular, the Electricity Act, provided opportunities for increased private sector DNBS.CO.ZMD-N/42/14.18.014/2009-10 dated June 29, 2010, RBI has granted exemption to REC from Prudential borrowings may be constrained by Indian law.: As an Indian company, we are subject to exchange controls that involvement in the Indian power sector. Many of our existing and future competitors may have greater and more exposure norms in respect of lending to Central and State utilities in the power sector till March 31, 2012. Beginning regulate borrowing in foreign currencies. Such regulatory restrictions limit our nancing sources and hence could inexpensive resources than we do. Therefore, our ability to compete effectively is dependent on our ability to maintain April 1, 2007, we have instituted fully the prudential norms initially approved by our Board of Directors and have constrain our ability to obtain nancing on competitive terms and renance existing indebtedness. In addition, we a low effective cost of funds. Our borrowing costs have been competitive in the past due to direct and indirect benets, subsequently instituted the amendments. We therefore believe that we will be able to comply with the requirements cannot assure you that the required approvals will be granted to us without onerous conditions, if at all. Limitations on including nancing we have received from the GoI and as a result of our strong credit ratings, which may also be of the amended regulatory framework if it becomes applicable to our Company. However, there can be no assurances raising foreign debt may have an adverse effect on our business, nancial condition and results of operations. dependent on our relationship with the GoI. If we are unable to access funds at an effective cost that is comparable that we will be able to do so. Although the prudential norms that we have instituted are generally similar to the RISKS RELATED TO UTILIZATION OF ISSUE PROCEEDS: to or lower than our competitors, whether due to a change in GoI policy or a reduction in our credit rating or due to prudential norms prescribed by the RBI for NBFCs, the exposure limits and norms prescribed by our prudential norms 42. The funding requirements of our Company and the deployment of a portion of the proceeds are based other factors, we may not be able to offer competitive interest rates to our borrowers, which could adversely affect our may vary from such norms adopted by other strategically important NBFCs. Specically, the exposure norms on management estimates and have not been independently appraised by any bank or nancial institution protability and growth, which would have an adverse affect on our business, nancial condition and results of prescribed by the RBI provide that systemically-important non-deposit accepting NBFCs are required to have a policy and may be revised from time to time: The funding requirements of our Company and the deployment of the operations. 25. Power projects carry certain risks that, to the extent they materialise, could adversely affect in respect of exposure to a single entity or group. In case of any extenuating circumstances, such NBFCs may apply proceeds are based on management estimates and have not been appraised by any bank, nancial institution or our business, nancial condition and results of operations.: Our business mainly consists of lending to power to the RBI for an appropriate dispensation consistent with the spirit of the exposure limits. Our prudential norms limit other independent institution. Our management will have discretion in the application of the proceeds and investors sector projects in India. Power sector projects carry project-specic as well as general risks. These risks are generally our exposure, separately, for private and state sector borrowers. In respect of loans to state sector borrowers, our will not have the opportunity, as part of their investment decision, to assess whether we are using the proceeds in a outside of our control and include: political, regulatory, scal, monetary and legal actions and policies that may maximum credit exposure varies from 100%(or 50%)to 250% of our Companys net worth, depending on entity manner that they believe enhances our market value. In view of the highly competitive nature of the industry in which adversely affect the viability of projects to which we lend; changes in government and regulatory policies relating to appraisal and status of unbundling of the respective state utilities. On an application made by REC, RBI, in its letter we operate, we may have to revise our management estimates from time to time and, consequently, our funding the power sector; delays in the construction and operation of projects to which we lend; adverse changes in demand dated September 17, 2010 categorised REC as an IFC. With this IFC status, REC can now take additional lending requirements may also change. For further details in this regard, see the section titled Objects of the Issue on for, or the price of, power generated or distributed by the projects to which we lend; the willingness and ability of exposure of upto 5% of its owned funds in case of a single borrower as well as upto 10% of its owned funds in case page 110. 43. We have not entered into any denitive arrangements to utilise the proceeds towards the object consumers to pay for the power produced by projects to which we lend; shortages of, or adverse price developments of a single group of borrowers. The total permissible exposure would hence be 40% of owned funds in case of a single of this Issue: We intend to utilize the proceeds for general lending operations of the Company and other associated for, raw materials and key inputs for power production including domestic and imported coal and natural gas; delays group of borrowers, and exposure for lending and investing taken together can be upto 30% and 50% of owned funds, business objectives, to discharge existing debt obligations which were generally undertaken for business operations. in inviting bids for procurement of power by Discoms; non conversion of letter of assurance by coal suppliers into respectively. In addition, REC becomes eligible for issuance of infrastructure bonds and for raising funds upto US$ Our Company has not entered into any denitive agreements for utilization of the Net Proceeds towards the object of binding fuel supply agreement; delays in development of captive coal mines; delay in obtaining forest clearance, land 750 million through ECB in a year under RBIs automatic route REC has approached RBI, through Ministry of Power this Issue. For further details in this regard, see the section titled Objects of the Issue on page 110. acquisition, right of way clearance and other relevant clearances; adverse geological conditons; effectiveness of letter dated 16/01/2012 for allowing exemption to REC from RBI Prudential exposure norms in respect of Central/ RISKS RELATING TO INVESTMENT IN THE BONDS: current technology and its obsolescence in renewable energy. increased project costs due to environmental State sector Borrowers till at least the end of XII Plan after which the matter can be reviewed. Keeping in view its 44. There has been no prior public market for the Bonds and it may not develop in the future, and the price challenges and changes in environmental regulations; potential defaults under nancing arrangements of project operation in a single Infrastructure Sector and limited number of Borrowers who have considerable need of nance of theBonds may be volatile subject to uctuations.: The Bonds have no established trading market. There companies and their equity investors; failure of co-lenders with us under consortium lending arrangements to perform as well as priority of Government of India to this important sector, REC has also requested for certain modications can be no assurance that a public market for these Bonds would develop or be sustained. The liquidity and market on their contractual obligations; failure of third parties such as contractors, fuel suppliers, sub-contractors and others compared to RBI Norms in the areas of Income Recognition, Asset classication and Provisioning. All nancial data prices of the Bonds can be expected to vary with changes in market and economic conditions, our nancial condition to perform on their contractual obligations in respect of projects to which we lend; adverse developments in the overall in the Prospectus, including our Financial Statements beginning on page F1, is presented giving effect to our and prospects and other factors that generally inuence market price of Bonds. Such uctuations may signicantly economic environment in India; adverse uctuations in interest rates or currency exchange rates; economic, political prudential norms as currently implemented. 31. We are subject to stringent labour laws and trade union activity affect the liquidity and market price of the Bonds, which may trade at a discount to the price at which the Bonds and social instability or occurrences such as natural disasters, armed conict and terrorist attacks, particularly where and any work stoppage could have an adverse affect on our business, nancial condition and results of are being issued. Further, the price of our Bonds may uctuate after this Issue due to a wide variety of factors, projects are located or in the markets they are intended to serve; Technology obsolescence in renewable energy operations.: India has stringent labour legislation that protects the interests of workers, including legislation that sets including: Changes in the prevailing interest rate; Volatility in the Indian and global securities markets; Our operational project; To the extent these or other risks relating to the power projects we nance materialize, the quality of our asset forth detailed procedures for employee removal and dispute resolution and imposes nancial obligations on employers performance, nancial results and our ability to expand our business; Developments in Indias economic liberalization portfolio and our protability may be adversely affected. Furthermore, as we continue to increase our exposure to upon employee layoffs. This makes it difcult for us to maintain exible human resource policies, discharge employees and deregulation policies, particularly in the power sector; Changes in Indias laws and regulations impacting our generation projects, our individual loan size will likely increase in size, thereby increasing our exposure with respect or downsize, which though not quantiable, may adversely affect our business and protability. Moreover, we are one business; Changes in securities analysts recommendations or the failure to meet the expectations of securities to individual projects and the potential for adverse affects on our business, nancial condition and results of operations of the few government enterprises that have a registered trade union under the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926. The analysts; The entrance of new competitors and their positions in the market; and Announcements by our Company of and arise in the event these risks relating to the power projects we nance were to materialize. 26. Negative trends revision in the pay scales of certain class of employees with effect from January 1, 2007 has been implemented its nancial results. We cannot assure that an active trading market for our Bonds will be sustained after this Issue, in the Indian power sector or the Indian economy could adversely affect our business, nancial condition and provisionally by the REC. On nal approval of such revision, additional nancial implication may be involved, which or that the price at which our Bonds are initially offered will correspond to the prices at which they will trade in the results of operations.: We were founded with the objective of developing the power infrastructure in rural areas. For has not been quantied and provided for. Although we consider our relations with our unionized employees to be market subsequent to this Issue. 45. A debenture redemption reserve will be created, up to an extent of 50% the foreseeable future, we expect to continue to be a sector-specic public nancial institution with a focus on the stable and have till date not lost any time on account of strikes or labour unrest, our failure to effectively renegotiate for the Bonds.: The Department of Company Affairs General Circular No.9/2002 No.6/3/2001-CL.V dated April 18, Indian power sector. Any negative trends or nancial difculties in the Indian power sector could adversely affect our wage revisions or other legitimate union activity could result in work stoppages. Any such work stoppage, though not 2002 species that NBFCs registered with RBI under Section 45-IA of the RBI (Amendment) Act, 1997, shall create business and nancial performance. We believe that the further development of Indias power sector is dependent on quantiable, could have an adverse affect on our business, nancial condition and results of operations. 32. Some of debenture redemption reserve to the extent of 50% of the value of the debentures issued through public issue. regulatory framework, policies and procedures that facilitate and encourage private and public sector investment in our immovable properties have certain irregularities in title, as a result of which our operations may be Therefore, we will maintain a debenture redemption reserve only to the extent of 50% of the Bonds issued and the the power sector. Many of these policies are evolving and their success will depend on whether they properly address impaired: We own or lease properties for the purposes of our ofces (registered ofce, corporate ofce and project Bondholders may nd it difcult to enforce their interests in the event of or to the extent of a default in excess of such the issues faced and are effectively implemented. Additionally, these policies will need continued support from stable ofces) and for residential purposes for our employees. Certain of these properties may not have been constructed or and experienced regulatory regimes throughout India that not only stimulate and encourage the continued movement developed in accordance with local planning and building laws and other statutory requirements. In addition, there reserve. However, the maintenance of such DRR may get modied in future as per the applicable law at that time. of capital into power development, but also lead to increased competition, appropriate allocation of risk, transparency may be certain irregularities in title in relation to some of our owned/leased properties. For example, some of the 46. You may not be able to recover, on a timely basis or at all, the full value of the outstanding amounts and/ and more efcient power supply and demand management to the end consumer. The allocation of capital and the agreements for such arrangements may not have been duly executed and/or adequately stamped or registered in the or theinterest accrued thereon in connection with the Bonds.: Our ability to pay interest accrued on the Bonds continued growth of the power sector are also linked to the continued growth of the Indian economy generally. In land records of the local authorities or the lease deeds have expired and have not yet been renewed. Our business and/or the principal amount outstanding from time to time in connection therewith would be subject to various factors, particular, the growth of the power industry will be impacted by consumers income levels and the extent to which they may be adversely affected if we are unable to continue to utilize these properties as a result of any irregularity of title including our nancial condition, protability and the general economic conditions in India and in the global nancial would be willing to pay or can be induced to pay for power. If the central and state governments initiatives and or otherwise. Further, the land allotted for purposes of constructing our staff colony at sector 57, Gurgaon, Haryana markets. We cannot assure you that we would be able to repay the principal amount outstanding from time to time regulations in the power sector do not proceed to improve the power sector as intended, or if there is any downturn in is not yet in our possession. 33. Some of our records with respect to our nancial indebtedness are not on the Bonds and/or the interest accrued thereon in a timely manner, or at all. 47. There is no guarantee that the the macroeconomic environment in India or in the power sector, our business, nancial condition and results of traceable: We are unable to trace documentation with respect to some of our long-term loans granted by the MoF. Bonds issued pursuant to this Issue will be listed on BSE in a timely manner, or at all.: In accordance with operations and the price of our Equity Shares could be adversely affected. Additionally, it is generally believed that Specically, we do not possess sanction letters in relation to loans of ` 150 million issued vide sanction letter dated Indian law and practice, permissions for listing and trading of the Bonds issued pursuant to this Issue will not be demand for power in India will increase in connection with expected increases in Indias GDP. However, there can be December 15, 1981, ` 126 million issued vide sanction letter dated March 30, 1983, ` 100 million issued vide granted until after the Bonds have been issued and allotted. Approval for listing and trading will require all relevant no assurance that demand for power in India will increase to the extent we expect or at all. In the event demand for sanction letter dated January 13, 1983 and ` 150 million issued vide sanction letter dated January 30, 1984. Although documents authorising the issuing of Bonds to be submitted. There could be a failure or delay in listing the Bonds on power in India does not increase as we expect, the extent to which we are able to grow our business by nancing the we believe we are aware of the details pertaining to such loans, including with respect to interest rates, redemption the BSE. 48. Any downgrading in credit rating of our Bonds may affect the trading price of our Bonds.: The growth of the power sector would be limited and this could have a material adverse effect on our business, nancial period, amount outstanding from our records, we cannot assure you that we are not subject to any restrictive Bonds proposed to be issued under this Issue have been rated CRISIL AAA/Stable by CRISIL Limited, CARE AAA condition and results of operations. 27. Material changes in the regulations that govern us and our borrowers arrangements with the GoI pursuant to the loan agreements or that the GoI will not contest our beliefs as to the terms by CARE, Fitch AAA(ind) by FITCH and [ICRA]AAA by ICRA Limited. These ratings may be suspended, withdrawn could cause our business to suffer.: We are regulated by the Companies Act and some of our activities are subject of these loans. In addition, certain of our lenders may not provide timely conrmation of our outstanding balances to to supervision and regulation by statutory authorities including the RBI, SEBI and Stock Exchanges. For details, see us when required, and consequently we cannot assure you that such lenders will not contest our beliefs as to the or revised at any time. Any revision or downgrading in the above credit rating may lower the value of the Bonds and the section titled Regulations and Policies on page 156. Additionally, our borrowers in the power sector are subject outstanding balances of the applicable loans. 34. We have invested in debt instruments that may carry interest may also affect RECs ability to raise further debt. 49. Payments made on the Bonds will be subordinated to to supervision and regulation by the CERC and SERC. Further, we are subject to changes in Indian law, as well as to at a lower rate than the prevailing market rate: As of September 30, 2011, our Company has made investments certain tax and other liabilities preferred by law.: The Bonds will be subordinated to certain liabilities preferred changes in regulation and government policies and accounting principles. We also receive certain benets and take aggregating to an amount of approximately ` 8,368.04 million on a standalone basis, of which ` 8,017.20 million is by law such as to claims of the GoI on account of taxes, and certain liabilities incurred in the ordinary course of our advantage of certain exemptions available to our classication as a public nancial institution under Section 4A of the in debt instruments. While we believe that our debt investments carry interests at prevailing market rates, when transactions. In particular, in the event of bankruptcy, liquidation or winding-up, our assets will be available to pay Companies Act. The statutory and regulatory framework for the Indian power sector has changed in many important invested these rates can change due to various factors that may affect the value of our investments and consequently, obligations on the Bonds only after all of those liabilities that rank senior to these Bonds have been paid. In the event ways in recent years and the impact of these changes is yet to be seen. The Electricity Act puts in place a framework at a particular point in time these instruments may carry interest at a lower rate than the prevailing market rate. 35. of bankruptcy, liquidation or winding-up, there may not be sufcient assets remaining, after paying amounts relating to for reforms in the sector, but in many areas the details and timing are yet to be determined. It is expected that many We have historically incurred capital expenditure without the GoI approval as required under the then these proceedings, to pay amounts due on the Bonds. Further, there is no restriction on the amount of debt securities of these reforms will take time to be implemented. Furthermore, there could be additional changes in the areas on existing Articles of Association.: In Fiscal 2005, our Company incurred capital expenditure of ` 71.69 million for that we may issue that may rank above the Bonds. 50. The Bonds are classied as tax free bonds eligible for tariff and other policies, the unbundling of the SPUs, restructuring of companies in the power sector, open access and the creation of xed assets for which we did not seek GoI approval, although, at the time the Articles of Association tax exemption under Section 10(15)(iv)(h) of the Income Tax Act, up to an amount of interest on such bonds.: parallel distribution, and licensing requirements for, and tax incentives applicable to companies in the power sector. restricted our Company from incurring expenditure more than ` 1.50 million without the approval of the GoI. This is The Bonds are classied as tax free bonds issued in terms of Section 10(15)(iv)(h)ofthe Income Tax Act and CBDT In 2007, the GoI reviewed the Electricity Act. We presently do not know what the nature or extent of review in future notwithstanding the fact that our Company was granted mini ratna I status by the DPE pursuant to its letter dated Notication. In accordance with the said section, the amount of interest on such bondsshall be entitled to exemption will be, and cannot assure that such review will not have an adverse impact on our business, nancial condition and September 20, 2002. In consonance with the powers that vested with mini ratna I companies, our Company could under the provisions of Income Tax Act. Therefore only the amount of interest on bonds isexempt and not the actual results of operations and performance. These and other laws and regulations governing our borrowers and us could incur capital expenditure of up to ` 3,000 million in a year without seeking GoI approval. The limit was further amount of investment. change in the future and any such changes could adversely affect our business, nancial condition and results of enhanced to ` 5,000 million or equal to the networth of our Company, whichever is less, pursuant to a notication operations. 28. We may fail to obtain certain regulatory approvals in the ordinary course of our business in a bearing reference no. OM No. 18 (24)/ 2003-GM-GL.66 dated August 5, 2005 issued by the DPE. As a result however, External Risk Factors: For Further details, refer to the section titled External Risk Factors on page 27 of the Prospectus.

IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS GENERAL INFORMATION upto ` 30,000 million, subject to the provisions of the CBDT Notication. In accordance with the terms of the CBDT Schedule As at As at As at As at As at As at Our Company was incorporated as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1956 on July 25, 1969 at Notication, the aggregate value of the Bonds (having benets under Section 10(15)(iv)(h) of the Income Tax Act) to Description Number 30.09.2011 31.03.2011 31.03.2010 31.03.2009 31.03.2008 31.03.2007 New Delhi as Rural Electrication Corporation Private Limited. The word private was deleted from the name of be issued by the Company during the Fiscal 2012 shall not exceed ` 30,000 million. Thus, the Company shall issue APPLICATION OF FUNDS our Company on June 03, 1970. Our Company became a deemed public limited company with effect from July 01, Tax Free Bonds on or prior to March 31, 2012, for the amount of ` 30,000 million as approved by the Board. Fixed Assets 5 1975. Our Company was converted into a public limited company with effect from July 18, 2003. For further details Eligibility to make the Issue: The Company, the persons in control of the Company or its promoter have not been Gross Block 846.23 844.99 833.76 711.09 838.34 675.55 in relation to the corporate history of our Company, see the section titled History and Certain Corporate Matters restrained, prohibited or debarred by SEBI from accessing the securities market or dealing in securities and no such Less : Depreciation 206.58 192.55 162.81 144.76 135.78 121.85 on page 160. order or direction is in force. Net Block 639.65 652.44 670.95 566.33 702.56 553.70 Registered and Corporate Ofce: Our registered and corporate ofce is presently situated at Core 4, SCOPE Consents: Consents in writing of the Directors, the Compliance Ofcer, the Statutory Auditors, Bankers to the Capital Works-in-Progress 239.28 228.17 228.14 242.70 76.45 82.60 Complex, 7, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003, India. Company, Bankers to the Issue, Lead Managers, Registrar to the Issue, Legal Advisors to the Issue, Credit Rating Investments 6 8,368.04 8,368.04 9,098.59 10,048.64 11,473.97 11,945.39 Details: Registration/Identication number: Registration Number, 055 5095, Corporate Identity Number, Agencies, Consortium Members for marketing of the Issue and the Debenture Trustee for the Bondholders, to act in Loans 7 909,363.28 821,320.59 664,526.14 513,814.46 393,165.12 320,991.02 L40101DL1969GOI005095; RBI Registration Number classifying Company as Infrastructure Finance Company, their respective capacities, have been obtained and shall be led along with a copy of this Prospectus with the RoC. 8 134.14 127.73 73.67 14.000011. For details on changes in our Registered Ofce, see History and Certain Corporate Matters on page The Company has appointed IL&FS Trust Company Limited as Debenture Trustee under regulation 4(4) of the SEBI Deferred Tax Assets 160 of this Prospectus. Debt Regulations. The Debenture Trustee has given its consent to the Company for its appointment under regulation Current Assets, Loans & Advances 9 Address of the Registrar of Companies: The Registrar of Companies, National Capital Territory of Delhi and 4(4) and also in all the subsequent periodical communications sent to the holders of debt securities. 7,496.29 28,318.90 13,903.13 18,860.43 12,530.40 22,972.70 Haryana, 4th Floor, IFCI Tower, 61, Nehru Place, New Delhi 110 019, India, Tel: +91 (11) 2623 5704, Fax: +91 (11) Common Form of Transfer: The Issuer undertakes that there shall be a common form of transfer for the Bonds and Cash & Bank Balances 3,994.41 5,148.82 5,792.89 4,583.91 4,991.20 3,123.59 2623 5702 the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and all applicable laws shall be duly complied with in respect of all transfer Other Current Assets Loans & Advances 631.72 735.67 1,140.99 570.26 304.49 203.56 Credit Rating and Rationale: CRISIL Limited (CRISIL) vide its letter no. MS/FSR/REC/2011-12/1616 dated of bonds and registration thereof. 12,122.42 34,203.39 20,837.01 24,014.60 17,826.09 26,299.85 February 21, 2012, has assigned a credit rating of CRISIL AAA/Stable to the long term borrowing programme of the No Reservation or Discount: There is no reservation in this Issue nor will any discount be offered in this Issue, to Less : Current Liabilities Company aggregating to ` 280,000 million. Instruments with this rating are considered to have the highest degree any category of investors. 10 of safety regarding timely servicing of nancial obligations. Such instruments carry lowest credit risk. Credit Analysis Previous Public or Rights Issues by the Company during last ve years: Our Company had made an FPO of & Provisions 32,848.96 31,338.98 19,613.40 24,464.66 14,886.55 7,149.73 & Research Limited (CARE) vide its letter dated February 21, 2012 has assigned a credit rating of CARE AAA to 171,732,000 Equity Shares for cash at a price of ` 193 206 per Equity Share (including a premium of ` 183 - 196 Current Liabilities 1,067.96 5,637.01 5,535.47 3,394.88 3,681.95 2,389.07 the market borrowing programme of the Company for 2011-12 aggregating ` 280,000 million. Instruments with this per Equity Share) through alternate book building method aggregating to ` 35,299.42 million through a prospectus Provisions 33,916.92 36,975.99 25,148.87 27,859.54 18,568.50 9,538.80 rating are considered to have the highest degree of safety regarding timely servicing of nancial obligations. Such dated February 25, 2010. The said FPO comprised a fresh issue of 128,799,000 Equity Shares and an offer for sale (21,794.50) (2,772.60) (4,311.86) (3,844.94) (742.41) 16,761.05 instruments carry lowest credit risk. FITCH Ratings India Private Limited (FITCH) vide its letter dated February of 42,933,000 Equity Shares by our Promoter. Further, the said FPO comprised a net issue of 171,382,000 Equity Net Current Assets 896,949.89 827,924.37 670,285.63 520827.19 404675.69 350333.76 21, 2012 has assigned a credit rating of Fitch AAA(ind) to the long term borrowing programme of the Company Shares to the public and a reservation of 350,000 Equity Shares for subscription by certain eligible employees. Total aggregating ` 280,000 million. AAA national ratings denote the highest rating assigned in its national rating scale. The opening date of FPO was February 19, 2010 and the closing date was February 23, 2010. Dispatch of refunds STANDALONE STATEMENT OF PROFITS & LOSSES (` in millions) This rating is assigned to the best credit risk relative to all other issuers or issues in the country. ICRA Limited pursuant to the FPO was made on and March 6, 2010 and trading at NSE and BSE in equity shares allotted in Year Year Year Year Half Year Year (ICRA) vide its letter no. D/RAT/2011-12/R722 dated February 21, 2012 has assigned the rating of [ICRA]AAA to FPO commenced on March 8, 2010. Our Company had made an IPO of 156,120,000 Equity Shares for cash at a Description Schedule ended ended ended ended ended ended the long term borrowing programme of the Company aggregating to ` 280,000 million. Instruments with this rating are price of ` 105 per Equity Share (including a premium of ` 95 per Equity Share) aggregating to ` 16,392.60 million 30.09.2011 31.03.2011 31.03.2010 31.03.2009 31.03.2008 31.03.2007 considered to have the highest degree of safety regarding timely servicing of nancial obligations. Such instruments through a prospectus dated February 28, 2008. The said IPO comprised a fresh issue of 78,060,000 Equity Shares INCOME carry lowest credit risk. The above ratings are not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and investors and an offer for sale of 78,060,000 Equity Shares by our Promoter. Further, the said IPO comprised a net issue of Operating Income (Net) 11 48,667.18 82,569.11 65,497.58 47,571.69 33,782.19 26,516.96 should take their own decision. The ratings may be subject to revision or withdrawal at any time by the assigning 152,217,000 Equity Shares to the public and a reservation of 3,903,000 Equity Shares for subscription by certain Other Income 12 762.11 1,530.25 1,578.45 1,626.86 1,592.04 2,022.98 rating agencies and should be evaluated independently of any other ratings. For further details, please refer to eligible employees. The IPO opened on February 19, 2008 and closed on February 22, 2008. Allotment of Equity Total 49,429.29 84,099.36 67,076.03 49,198.55 35,374.23 28,539.94 Appendix - II of this Prospectus, for rationale for the above ratings. For details in relation to the rationale for the credit Shares and dispatch of refunds pursuant to the IPO of our Company was made on March 5, 2008 and March 8, 2008, EXPENSES rating by CRISIL, ICRA, CARE and FITCH, please refer Appendix - II. Interest and other charges 13 29,132.50 47,809.22 38,912.02 28,858.05 20,528.09 17,408.95 respectively. Trading at NSE and BSE in equity shares allotted in IPO commenced on March 12, 2008. 14 611.64 1,274.65 1,171.01 872.24 923.01 498.16 Expert Opinion: Except the letters dated February 21, 2012, February 21, 2012, February 21, 2012 and February Commission or Brokerage on Previous Issues: Our Company has incurred an aggregate amount of ` 386.45 Establishment Expenses Administration Expenses 15 225.01 336.67 276.76 224.05 182.39 143.53 21, 2012 issued by CRISIL, CARE, FITCH and ICRA, respectively, in respect of the credit rating for the Bonds, the million plus service tax on account of fees for underwriting and selling commission in relation to its issue public issues Bond/ Debt Instrument Issue Auditors Reports on our Standalone Financial Statements as on and for the 5 years ended March 31, 2007, 2008, and issue of long term bonds undertaken in the previous ve scal years. 16 547.69 700.89 199.45 113.42 103.52 220.65 2009, 2010, 2011 and six months ended September 30, 2011 dated February 16, 2012 and Consolidated Financials Change in auditors of Our Company during the last three years: In 2009 10: M/s. Bansal & Co., Chartered Expenses 250.00 2.22 2.22 23.71 399.93 210.45 Statements as on and for the years ended March 31, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and six months ended September 30, Accountants and M/s. K. G. Somani & Co., Chartered Accountants were appointed as the joint Statutory Auditor Provision for bad & doubtful debts Depreciation 16.07 30.42 21.55 13.62 13.86 11.29 2011dated February 16, 2012 and Statement of Tax Benets dated February 16, 2012 issued by M/s Bansal & Co. of our Company by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India replacing M/s. G. S. Mathur & Co., Chartered 10.53 (2.39) (0.08) and M/s P.K. Chopra & Co., REC has not obtained any other expert.opinion. Accountants. In 2011 12: M/s. P. K. Chopra & Co. Chartered Accountants was appointed as one of the joint Provision for Diminution in Investments Underwriting: This Issue is not underwritten. Statutory Auditor of our company by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India replacing M/s. K. G. Somani & Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Loss 1,327.58 (853.30) - (114.22) 95.95 18.27 Issue Programme* Co., Chartered Accountants. Total 32,110.49 49,300.77 40,583.01 30,001.40 22,244.36 18,511.22 Revaluation of assets: Our Company has not revalued its assets in the last ve years. ISSUE OPENS ON : March 6, 2012 ISSUE CLOSES ON : March 12, 2012 PROFIT BEFORE TAX & PRIOR PERIOD Utilisation of Proceeds: The proceeds of the Issue shall be utilised towards general lending operations of the ITEMS 17,318.80 34,798.59 26,493.02 19,197.15 13,129.87 10,028.72 *The subscription list for the Issue shall remain open for subscription at the commencement of banking hours and Company and other associated business objectives, to discharge existing debt obligations which were generally Prior period adjustment close at the close of banking hours, with an option for early closure (subject to the Issue being open for a minimum of undertaken for business operations. With respect to interim use of proceeds, the Company intends to temporarily expenses/ (Income) (net) 32.31 1.07 (3.87) 5.67 (33.17) 3 days) or extension by such period, upto a period of 15 days from the date of opening of the Issue, as may be decided deploy funds in the interest bearing liquid instruments including money market mutual funds, deposits with banks or PROFIT BEFORE TAX 17,318.80 34,766.28 26,491.95 19,201.02 13,124.20 10,061.89 by the Board of Directors/ Bond Committee of the Company. In the event of such early closure of the subscription list temporarily deploy the funds in investment grade interest bearing securities till the utilisation thereof for the purpose Provision for Taxation: of the Issue, our Company shall ensure that public notice of such early closure is published on or before the day of as aforesaid. We shall utilize the Issue proceeds only upon creation of security as stated in the Prospectus in the Tax -Current Year 4,477.43 9,084.67 6,955.87 5,068.83 3,738.01 2,148.23 such early date of closure through advertisement/s in a leading national daily newspaper. Further, Allotment shall be (14.65) 36.35 0.28 0.22 - 141.46 section titled Terms of the Issue Security and after permission or consent for creation of security pursuant to - Earlier year on rst come rst serve basis with the Issuer Company having the discretion to close the Issue early irrespective of - (483.51) the terms of the Debenture Trust Deed sought to be provided as Security. The Issue proceeds shall not be utilized - Adjustment for earlier years whether any of the Portion(s) are fully subscribed. (6.41) (54.05) 5.15 1396.07 774.10 1,162.91 for providing loan to or acquisition of shares of any person who is part of the same group or who is under the - Deferred Tax - Current Year CAPITAL STRUCTURE - 44,81.70 same management. Further, the end-use of the proceeds of the Issue, duly certied by the statutory auditors of the Deferred tax earlier year The equity share capital of our Company, as on the date of this Prospectus, is set forth below: - (44,81.70) Company, shall be reported in the annual report of our Company and other reports issued by our Company to relevant Less : Transferred from G/R (` million, except share data) fringe benet taxes 15.17 10.65 6.72 regulatory authorities, as applicable. 4,456.37 9,066.97 6,477.79 6,480.29 4,522.76 3,459.32 Aggregate Value at nominal value Statement by the Board of Directors: (i) All monies received out of the Issue of the Bonds to the public shall be Total Prot after tax available for transferred to a separate bank account other than the bank account referred to in sub-section (3) of section 73 of the A) AUTHORISED SHARE CAPITAL appropriations 12,862.43 25,699.31 20,014.16 12,720.73 8,601.44 6,602.57 Companies Act; (ii) Details of all monies utilised out of the Issue referred to in sub-item (i) shall be disclosed under Add: Reversal of Deferred Tax Liability 1,200,000,000 Equity Shares 12,000.00 an appropriate separate head in our Balance Sheet indicating the purpose for which such monies were utilised; Earlier Years - 3,257.69 B) ISSUED, SUBSCRIBED AND PAID UP SHARE CAPITAL and (iii)Details of all unutilised monies out of the Issue referred to in sub-item (i), if any, shall be disclosed under TOTAL AMOUNT AVAILABLE FOR 987,459,000 Equity Shares 9874.59 an appropriate separate head in our Balance Sheet indicating the form in which such unutilised monies have been APPROPRIATION 12,862.43 25,699.31 23,271.85 12,720.73 8,601.44 6,602.57 C) SECURITIES PREMIUM ACCOUNT 32224.31 invested. The funds raised by us from previous bonds issues have been utilised for our business as stated in the Appropriation respective offer documents. For further details, on Capital Structure please refer page 58 of the Prospectus. Transfer to special reserve u/s 36 (1) (vii ) of Disclaimer clause of BSE: BSE LIMITED (THE EXCHANGE) HAS GIVEN VIDE ITS LETTER DATED MARCH income tax Act 1961 OBJECTS OF THE ISSUE 3,113.00 6,101.10 4,580.30 3,400.00 2,550.00 3,450.00 1, 2012, PERMISSION TO THIS COMPANY TO USE THE EXCHANGES NAME IN THIS OFFER DOCUMENT Reserve u/s 36(1)(viia) of income tax for Issue Proceeds 725.90 1,440.90 1,076.00 800.00 580.00 340.00 The Company has been authorised vide CBDT Notication to raise Tax Free Bonds aggregating upto ` 30,000 AS ONE OF THE STOCK EXCHANGES ON WHICH THIS COMPANYS SECURITIES ARE PROPOSED TO doubtful debt - 3,949.84 3,456.11 2,146.65 2,575.98 1,770.00 million by way of public issue prior to March 31, 2012. The funds raised through this Issue will be utilized towards BE LISTED. THE EXCHANGE HAS SCRUTINUZED THIS OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ITS LIMITED INTERNAL proposed nal dividend - 3,456.11 2,575.98 1,717.32 general lending operations of the Company and other associated business objectives and to discharge existing debt PURPOSE OF DECIDING ON THE MATTER OF GRANTING THE AFORESAID PERMISSION TO THIS interim dividend paid corporate dividend tax : obligations which were generally undertaken for business operations. The main objects clause of our Memorandum COMPANY. THE EXCHANGE DOES NOT IN ANY MANNER: A) WARRANT, CERTIFY OR ENDORSE THE - 640.76 574.02 364.82 437.79 300.81 CORRECTNESS OR COMPLETENESS OF ANY OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS OFFER DOCUMENT; OR B) - proposed dividend of Association permits our Company to undertake its existing activities as well as the activities for which the funds - 573.93 437.70 291.86 are being raised through this Issue. In accordance with the SEBI Debt Regulations, our Company will not utilize the WARRANT THAT COMPANYS SECURITIES WILL BE LISTED AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE LISTED ON THE - interim dividend - 2,600.00 5,000.00 2,550.00 1,400.00 720.00 proceeds of the Issue for providing loans to or acquisition of shares of our Subsidiaries. Further, our Company is a EXCHANGE; OR C) TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FINANCIAL OR OTHER SOUNDNESS OF THIS transfer to general reserve surplus carried to balance sheet 9,023.53 6,936.67 5,571.74 1,450.08 1,057.67 21.76 public sector enterprise and, as such, we do not have any identiable group companies or companies under the COMPANY, ITS PROMOTERS, ITS MANAGEMENT OR ANY SCHEME OR PROJECT OF THIS COMPANY; AND TOTAL 12,862.43 25,699.31 23,271.85 12,720.73 8,601.44 6,602.57 same management. The Issue proceeds shall not be utilized towards full or part consideration for the purchase or IT SHOULD NOT FOR ANY REASON BE DEEMED OR CONSTRUED THAT THIS OFFER DOCUMENT HAS For further details, please refer to Appendix I of the Prospectus. any acquisition, including by way of a lease, of any property. Further, REC undertakes that Issue proceeds from BEEN CLEARED OR APPROVED BY THE EXCHANGE. EVERY PERSON WHO DESIRES TO APPLY FOR OF Bonds allotted to banks shall not be used for any purpose which may be in contravention of the RBI guidelines on OTHERWISE ACQUIRES ANY SECURITIES OF THIS COMPANY MAY DO SO PURSUANT TO INDEPENDENT MATERIAL CONTRACTS AND DOCUMENTS FOR INSPECTION: The Material contracts (not being contracts bank nancing to NBFCs including those relating to classication as capital market exposure or any other sectors that INQUIRY, INVESTIGATIN AND ANALYSIS AND SHALL NOT HAVE ANY CLAIM AGAINST THE EXCHANGE entered into in the ordinary course of business carried on by the Company or entered into more than two years WHATSOEVER BY REASON OF ANY LOSS WHICH MAY BE SUFFERED BY SUCH PERSON CONSEQUENT before the date of this Prospectus) which are or may be deemed material have been entered or are to be entered are prohibited under the RBI regulations Interim use of Proceeds: The Board of Directors of the Company, in accordance with the policies formulated by TO OR IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH SUBSCRIPTION/ACQUISITION WHETHER BY REASON OF ANYTHING into by the Company. The contracts and also the documents for inspection, may be inspected on Working Days at the Registered and Corporate Ofce of the Company, from 10.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon on any working day (Monday them from time to time, will have exibility in deploying the proceeds received from the Issue. Pending utilization of STATED OR OMITTED TO BE STATED HEREIN OF FOR ANY OTHER REASON WHATSOEVER. to Friday) during which issue is open for public subscription under this Prospectus. For further details, pleaser refer the proceeds out of the Issue for the purposes described above, the Company intends to temporarily deploy funds Listing: The Bonds are proposed to be listed on the BSE Limited, the Designated Stock Exchange for the Issue. in the interest bearing liquid instruments including money market mutual funds, deposits with banks or temporarily Dividend: The company has paid dividend of 22.67%, 30%, 45%, 65% & 75% for the nancial years ended March page 299 of the Prospectus DECLARATION: We, the Directors of the Company, certify that all applicable legal requirements in connection with deploy the funds in investment grade interest bearing securities till the utilisation thereof for the purpose as aforesaid. 2007, March 2008, March 2009 , March, 2010 and March 2011 respectively. Such investment would be in accordance with the investment policies approved by the Board or any committee Mechanism for redressal of investor grievances: Karvy Computershare Private Limited has been appointed as the Issue, including under the Companies Act, the SEBI Debt Regulations, and all relevant guidelines issued by SEBI, the Registrar to the Issue to ensure that investor grievances are handled expeditiously and satisfactorily and to the Government of India and any other competent authority in this behalf, have been duly complied with, and that no thereof from time to time. effectively deal with investor complaints. All grievances relating to the Issue should be addressed to the Registrar to statement made in this Prospectus contravenes such applicable legal requirements. Monitoring of Utilization of Funds: For details, please refer page 110 of the Prospectus. the Issue and the Compliance Ofcer giving full details of the Applicant, number of Bonds applied for, amount paid on We further certify that this Prospectus does not omit disclosure of any material fact which may make the statements Proposed Issue Expenses: For details, please refer page 110 of the Prospectus. application and Bankers to the Issue / Designated Collection Centre / Agent to which the application was submitted. made therein, in light of circumstances under which they were made, misleading and that all statements in this STATEMENT OF TAX BENEFITS : For details, please refer page 112 of the Prospectus. Prospectus are true and correct. INDUSTRY OVERVIEW : For details, please refer page 115 of the Prospectus. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Signed by all the Directors of the Company OUR BUSINESS : For details, please refer page 131 of the Prospectus. STANDALONE STATEMENT OF ASSETS & LIABILITIES (` in Million) REGULATIONS AND POLICIES : For details, please refer page 156 of the Prospectus. 1. Mr. Rajeev Sharma 2. Mr. Hari Das Khunteta Schedule As at As at As at As at As at As at HISTORY AND CERTAIN CORPORATE MATTERS 3. Mr. Prakash Thakkar* 4. Mr. Devender Singh Description Number 30.09.2011 31.03.2011 31.03.2010 31.03.2009 31.03.2008 31.03.2007 Brief Corporate History of our Company: For details, please refer page 160 of the Prospectus. (through Mr. Hari Das Khunteta) OUR MANAGEMENT: The Following our the directors on the Board of the Company Mr. Rajeev Sharma, SOURCES OF FUNDS 5. Dr. Devi Singh 6. Dr. Marapalli Govinda Rao** Mr. Hari Das Khunteta, Mr. Prakash Thakkar, Mr. Devender Singh, Dr. Devi Singh, Dr. Govinda Marapalli Rao, Share Holder's Funds (through Mr. Hari Das Khunteta) Mr. Venkataraman Subramanian. For details please refer page 177 of the Prospectus. (a) Share Capital 1 9,874.59 9,874.59 9,874.59 8,586.60 8,586.60 7,806.00 7. Mr. Venkataraman Subramanian STOCK MARKET DATA FOR OUR EQUITY SHARES/DEBENTURES : For details, please refer page 191 of the (b) Reserves & Surplus 2 130,873.99 118,011.56 100,928.76 53,314.16 45,090.45 32,321.07 * vide Power of Attorney dated 24th February 2012. Prospectus. 140,748.58 127,886.15 110,803.35 61,900.76 53,677.05 40,127.07 ** vide Power of Attorney dated 27th February 2012. FINANCIAL INDEBTEDNESS (ON STANDALONE BASIS) : For details, please refer page 193 of the Prospectus. Loan Funds Date : March 2, 201 2 OUTSTANDING LITIGATION AND MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT : For details, please refer page 212 of the Secured Loans 3 449,207.65 462,674.31 462,447.38 376,136.53 294,219.51 265,339.72 Prospectus. Unsecured Loans 4 306,993.66 237,363.91 97,034.90 73,223.05 48,608.35 37,470.29 Place : New Delhi OTHER REGULATORY AND STATUTORY DISCLOSURES 756,201.31 700,038.22 559,482.28 449,359.58 342,827.86 302,810.01 Authority for the Issue: The Board of Directors, at their meetings held on January 25, 2012 and February 16, Deferred Tax Liability 8 - 9,566.85 8,170.78 7,396.68 2012 have approved the Issue of Tax Free Secured, Redeemable, Non-Convertible Bonds of face value of ` 1,000 FOR FURTHER DETAILS, PLEASE REFER TO THE PROSPECTUS 896,949.89 827,924.37 670,285.63 520,827.19 404,675.69 350,333.76 each in the nature of Debentures, having benets under Section 10(15)(iv)(h) of the Income Tax Act, for an amount Total

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