Guidelines For 'Other Awareness Programmes' Objectives
Guidelines For 'Other Awareness Programmes' Objectives
Guidelines For 'Other Awareness Programmes' Objectives
This Programme will fund proposals for promoting environmental awareness the scope of which is beyond that of other programmes of EEAT scheme. Such proposals will be supported by the Ministry based on merits and their conformity with the requirements of the Ministry in its endeavours to promote environmental awareness of different target groups.
Scope of the Programme:
A suggestive list of 'Other Awareness Programmes' that will be financially supported by the Ministry include:
'r Awareness cum action programs in and around the protected area, in wildlife corridors,
biodiversity hotspots, rivers and wetlands. 'r Awareness programs which focus on communities that are critical to conservation of forests/wildlife/environment. 'r Activities like nature camps, Marathonlwalkathons/ Yatras/Quiz Competitions/Green Haat
Eligibility Criteria:
).- The proponent could be a recognized academic/research institution or a government department! government undertaking with at least three years of experience of working in environmental related fields. ).- The proponent could be a registered voluntary/professional organizationiTrustlNGO with atleast three year experience in environment related fields and registered under the relevant provisions for a minimum ofthree years and raising audited accounts. ,.. The proposal should specify the outcomes expected particularly in regard to enhancement in awareness about environmental issues. 'r The proponent would bear a minimum of 15% of the total cost of the proposal which could be from the proponent own funds or form a sponsor,
How to Apply:
,.. Application forms can be obtained either from the Ministry or downloaded from the Ministry's website ,.. Applications from government departments/government undertakings/academiclresearch institutions shall be duly forwarded by the Head of department/government undertaking/institution. ).- Applications shall be accompanied by copies of utilization certificates and audited statement of expenditure for the grants previously received, over the past three years under this programme, besides certified proof of registration.
Scrutiny of Proposals: The Monitoring and Coordination Cell of the MoEF, duly supported by the COEs, will have a key role in scrutiny of the proposals as per specified guidelines and formats. The criteria will be:
).- Conformity with the eligibility criteria. ).- Previous work done in environment. ).- Proponent is not eligible for receiving assistance more than once under this programme in one financial year ).- The nature/scope of the proposed programme/event shall not be covered by that of other programmes of EEA T scheme
Quantum of Assistance:
).- For a state-level event/programme a maximum assistance of Rs.S.OO lakhs and for a nationallevel event/programme a maximum assistance of Rs.I 0.00 lakhs will be considered. ).- The Internal Screening Committee for scrutiny of applications can however, consider a higher quantum of assistance in exceptional cases subject to condition that the assistance recommended shall not exceed 20% of the total annual budgetary provision for 'Other Awareness Programmes' .
Application form For Grant-in-Aid to Awareness Programme About the Organization: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Title of the Proposal/Project: Name and address of the Organization /Institution: Name and Designation of the Key persons of the Organization: Activities of the organization/institutions: Objective of the organization: Designation of person Empowered/Authorized to receive financial grant from MOEF (Details for transfer of funds electronically as per annexure): Status /Category in which the organizing Institution falls whether Registered Society/Academic institution/University/College/School (Govt.jPrivate)/ Government Department/ Non-Governmental organization/Others (Specify). In the case of a registered Society applying for grant, whether copies of the following documents have been enclosed? This includes copies of Registration Certificate (Valid)/Memorandum of Association/Bye-Iaws/Audited Statement of Accounts for last three preceding years/Annual report of the organizing Institute for last 2 years. Key problems / issues to be addressed: Objectives and strategies and proposed activities: Key outputs & outcomes Comment on Sustainability aspect. How the outcome/outputs will be sustained? Institutional capability of the organizing institute in organizing environmental events. Whether the organization has taken up such programme in the past, and the documentary evidence thereof: Date (s) of the event: Place where the event is to be held: Details of target group:
Financial Assistance required from MoEF (Budget Break up): Any other sources of funding: Agencies which can be benefited by the proposed activity:
Have you received any grant during the past 5 years from the Ministry of Environment and Forests or any other organisation?
Financial year Year in which the proposed event falls say 2010-11 2009-10 2008-0?
Verification: The facts and information given in this proforma are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Also no person associated with the above mentioned Organization seeking financial assistance through this application is working in MoEF or any other Government agency to which proposal for funding has also been submitted.
Details required for transfer of funds electronically: Electronic Clearing System (ECS)
(For Local Disbursement)
2. 3. 4. 5.
Bank Account Number (Both in Figures & Words) Nine Digit MICR Code Beneficiary's Name Amount Photocopy of Front Page of Pass Book (For Outstation Disbursement: Entities having Account of Union Bank of India(U.B.I), CBS Branches) 15 Digit Account No. (figure & words) Beneficiary's Name UBI's Branch Name Amount Photocopy of Front Page of Pass Book
2. 3. 4. 5.
(For Outstation Disbursement: Entities having Account in Bank Branches of other than U.B.I.)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Name Address of Beneficiary Name of Beneficiary's Bank, Branch and Address IFSC Code of Beneficiary's Bank Branch Type of account (Saving Bank/ Current/ Cash Credit) Account No. Amount (Minimum amount of remittances under the scheme will be Rs.
Photocopy of Front Page of Pass Book