Inter Hostel Rulebook
Inter Hostel Rulebook
Inter Hostel Rulebook
CODE OF CONDUCT : OATH "We swear that we will participate in our Inter-hostel sports and games in fair competitions respecting the regulations which govern them and with the desire to participate in the true spirit of sportsmanship for the honour of our INSTITUTE and for the glory of SPORTS" 1. ELIGIBILITY The players must be on the rolls in order to qualify for participation in the Inter-hostel matches.
2. PANEL OF REFEREES / UMPIRES The Institute Captain before the start of Inter-hostel matches should suggest the panel of Officials for each discipline. This panel may also include the staff members,
PTIs, Ground staff or competent persons agreed by sports officer incharge and the involved captains. 3. SEEDING The seeding should be decided by the concerned sports captains based on the available records of the previous year inter hostel results. 4. PROTEST COMMITTEE : The protest should be lodged only in exceptional cases. Whenever any protest is lodged the Sub-Committee consisting of students will discuss it. If the sub-committee does not resolve, the protest committee will take it up. The decision of the protest committee should be taken as final and binding. No appeal against the decision should be entertained at any level. The protest letters received from the hostel sports secretaries should be counter signed by the respective wardens. 5. On and off the field no player will resort to any unsportive behavior, unfair play and abusive language etc. leading to violence. If it happens, the officials of the matches and the Gymkhana officials are authorised to act as per the federation rules of the respective games. 6. The inter hostel sports will be held annually, among all the hostels.
AIM AND OBJECTIVES The objectives of the inter hostel are to encourage sportsmanship generally, and to promote friendly relations among the students of the various hostels and to foster a close association among them. To raise the standard of sports in the hostels and to work for the development of character values through sports amongst the students of the various hostels of IIT Madras. The meet shall be conducted in accordance with the following provisions, which consists of basic rules as well as bye-laws formulated from time to time.
The Inter hostel sports committee shall be constituted for the purpose of efficient conduct and effective supervision of the inter hostel sports. 1. The Dean students, is the Chairman of the Inter hostel sports committee, IIT Madras 2. Advisor Sports, Institute Gymkhana, IIT Madras 3. All sports officers of the Institute Gymkhana, IIT Madras
4. Institute sports secretary 5. Institute team captains of the various games and sports 6. Hostel sports secretaries of various hostels.
It should be noted that each hostel should enter only one team for each tournament. The points secured by each hotel in various events will be added separately. The hostel securing the highest points will be awarded the SCHROETER cup, Deans Trophy and Informal trophy. In case of a tie for the above, the hostel with largest number of first places to its credit shall be adjudged as the champion Hostel. All team events will be conducted on knockout cum league basis. Team positions in the various team events will be based on the points (3 for win, 1 for a draw and 0 for a loss in each match in league). Incase of a tie for one or more of the first three positions, the tie-breaker rules as given under the individual games shall be applied.
One member of the physical education staff of the IIT Madras, shall be the organising secretary of the Inter hostel sports and games. The Convenor of the inter hostel tournaments is Institute sports secretary. The Sports activities are divided into three categories SCHROETER, DEANS TROPHY AND INFORMERS TROPHY. The events in SCHROETER are Athletics, Badminton, Basket ball, Cricket, Hockey, Foot ball, Table Tennis, Lawn Tennis, Volley ball, Water polo, Swimming and Weight Lifting. The events in DEANS TROPHY are Ball Badminton, Bridge, Carroms, Chess, Cycling, Road Race, Powerlifting and Triathlon. The remaining events come under INFORMALS TROPHY. I 20 10 5 5 II 14 7 3 3 III 8 4 2 2 IV 2 1 1 1
ELIGIBILITY All bonafide students who have paid their Gymkhana fees and also registered his name for that semester are eligible to play in the inter hostel competitions. This includes those who are on study leave from their employment. Ph.D. and M.Tech. and M.Sc. students are eligible to take part in the hostel matches as long as their names are in rolls. Note: However such of those students who have not completed their viva and not joined any job either in IIT or elsewhere are permitted to play the inter hostel matches.
Athletics All other Scroetetr events All Deans trophy events All informal events
DAY SCHOLARS called. All day scholars will represent that hostels which they have been assigned during joining of the institute. Students residing at Taramani guest house will be associated with PG hostels on the basis of draws. SPECIAL CASES Those under graduate students who have obtained a branch change shall represent that hostel in which they are currently residing.
For draws the following committee members may be 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Institute sports secretary Sports officer incharge for inter hostel Sports officers of the various games Institute captains of the various games One representative for each game from each hostel. (once the draws are drawn in this meeting, they are final and no more alterations and no more protests from any hostel regarding draws) If any hostel fails to send their representative, it cannot claim for re-draws. While fixing the dates for inter hostel tournaments, the following points must be kept in mind. a. No matches shall be fixed two days before the quiz. b. No matches shall be fixed four days before mid term examinations c. No matches shall be fixed one week before the end semester examinations d. However if two hostels mutually agree to play their match, they can bring to the notice of the PTI incharge in writing, addressing the Advisor sports. The respective games captain should conduct the matches and submit results to the inter hostel coordinators through the PTI incharge of the game. The PTI-in-charge should make necessary arrangements for officiating with help of captains.
6. 7.
DUTIES OF THE INSTITUTE SPORTS SECRETARY 1. In consultation with the sports officer incharge of the inter hostel, will call a meeting of the sports secretaries of the various hostels. 2. He will give one copy of the rules of inter hostel tournaments to all the sports secretaries of the hostels 10 to 15 days before the start of the inter hostel matches. He will fix a date in that meeting for draws and will request the sports secretaries of the various hostels to send one representative for each game, preferably the captain of the hostel team or senior player of particular game. DRAWS
All the trophies of the inter hostel tournaments shall be (rolling) trophies and a stock list of trophies available for award shall be maintained by the Gymkhana office. In team games, certificates of merit and medals shall be awarded to the winner and runner up for each game. 3 Also in individual events like athletics, weight lifting, swimming, skating, etc., merit certificates and medals shall be awarded for first three places. Protest Rule : If the following day or days are holidays, the next working day before 12 pm. the protest letter can be handed over in the Gymkhana office, in case the advisor sports/ PTI in charge is not available in the office. Whenever any protest is lodged the sub committee consisting of the following will discuss it : 1. Institute sport secretary 2. Institute captain in the respective game 3. Concerned sport secretaries of the hostels. If the sub-committee is not in a position to get suitable solution, then only it would be taken up by the inter hostel protest committee for consideration. The decision taken by the inter hostel protest committee will be final and binding. No appeal against the decision will be entertained at any level.
Note : The protest letters received from the hostel should be countersigned by the respective wardens/assistant wardens.
PROTEST COMMITTEE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Advisor sports, Institute Gymkhana, IIT Madras Sports Officer in charge for inter hostel tournament Institute sports secretary PTI incharge of the game Institute captain of that sport Protesting hostel
If the sports secretary's hostel is involved in the protest, Sr. PTI of the Institute Gymkhana will act as a member in his place.
DUTIES OF THE CAPTAIN OF THE INSTITUTE TEAM 1. He will be totally responsible for organising the inter hostel matches with the help of PTI incharge of the respective game to make arrangements for officials 2. The draws and other arrangements should be arranged through the PTI in charge
3. He should intimate the information to the IP co-ord for circulating the IPs RULES REGARDING POSTPONEMENT The request for postponement of any match should be made atleast 3 days in advance before the scheduled date of match. The letter should be addressed to the Advisor sports /PTI incharge with a copy to Institute sports Secretary. The postponed match should be played within a week, on a mutually agreed date by the respective team captains (hostel sports secretaries). They must give in writing, the agreed date to the Institute sports secretary with a copy of the letter to the institute captain of the sport. Valid reasons for request of postponement of matches. 1. 2. 3. Examinations (Institute) Interviews (Placement) Representing the Institute
Athletics Badminton Table tennis Tennis Bridge Carroms Chess Foot ball Hockey Cricket Basket ball Volley ball Water polo Ball badminton
Three One One One One One One Three Three Three Two Two Two Two
It is imperative that the name of the players due to whose absence the postponement is sought is mentioned clearly in the request. It is compulsory that these players be a part of the starting line up (playing) of the team when the postponed match is played.
All requests shall carry an attestation by the Warden/PRO/Sports Advisor, Professor incharge of examination attesting the cause of postponement. Postponement for any other unforeseen reason lies at the discretion of the institute sports secretary and PTI incharge. Number of players who should be attested so as to validates postponement. Game No. of players
RULES FOR CONDUCT OF GAMES Athletics: All Inter hostel athletic championship events will be conducted under the rules of international Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) as modified from time to time by the Amateur Athletic Federation of India (AAFI).
Each hostel is permitted to enter three participants for each individual event with one as reserve. For relay races only one team from each hostel is permitted. A relay team consists of four athletes and two reserves. There is no limit to number of events per athlete. S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Event 100 metres 200 metres 400 metres 800 metres 1500 metres 5000 metres 110 metre hurdles 400metre Hurdles 4x100 metre relay 4x400 metre relay High jump Broad jump Pole vault Triple Jump Shot put Discus throw Javelin throw Hammer throw Points for Individual events 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 10 6 4 2 10 6 4 2 5 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 5 3 2 1 5 3 2 1
No. of tied team position tied for 1st position 2 position 3rd position 4th position
3 3.5 2 1 -
4 3 1.5 0.5 -
The tied participants shall be deemed to have taken up as many positions as the number of participants tied together and the following participants shall thus be given. The next position for example in case of a two-way tie for the first positions the next participant shall be given 3rd position in Athletics.
Points will be given in athletics according to the following table to each ties participant in case of a tie for any position.
Merit certificates and medals shall be awarded to the athletes securing 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions and for 1st and 2nd positions in relay races.
Best athlete title award will go to the competitor securing the maximum number of points, collected by him from the events. In case of a tie, the competitor securing highest number of golds among the tied participants will be awarded the title. Still tie is not resolved, number of II positions and like wise will be taken into consideration. Badminton: Knock out cum league basis The competition shall be conducted under badminton association of India, unless and otherwise modified in these rules, 3 singles and 2 doubles. In case of tie, the tie will be resolved by successively applying the following criteria: 1. Games won by the team / games lost by the team 2. Points for / points against The points for all the matches played in the league fixture will be considered. All hostels shall submit a list of players not exceeding five, who may participate in the tournament. Not more than 5 certificates and 5 medals shall be awarded to a team.
ball federation of India (BFI), unless, other wise, modified in these rules. In case of a tie between 2 teams, the team, which has won the matches between these two teams in the league, will be placed above the other team. In case of a tie between three or more teams, the tie will be resolved on the basis of the ration of "points for" to "points against" considering the scores of the league matches between tied teams alone. The number of players representing any hostel shall not be more than 10 and not more than 10 merit certificates shall be awarded to a team. Cricket: Knock out cum league basis Matches shall be played according to the MCC rules in force as adopted, from time to time, by the board of control for cricket in India, unless and otherwise modified in these rules. All matches shall be conducted on knockout cum league basis. Each side is allowed to complete 30 over unless the opposing team is dismissed earlier. Each bowler can bowl a maximum of 6 over. The bowling team is given 2 1/2 hours to complete its quota of 30 over. The penalty forever short over will be 6 runs.
Basketball: Knock out cum league basis The tournament shall be conducted according to the international rules as adopted from time to time by the Basket
At league stage all matches shall be played on 30 over basis. Each bowler can bowl a maximum of 6 over. The
bowling team is given 2 1/2 hours to complete its quota of 30 over. The penalty forever short of over is 6 runs.
If there is a tie after the completion of the league, it shall be resolved as follows: a. b. The team having better runs/ over in all the matches together If the tie is unresolved, then the team having better runs / wickets in all the matches.
If the team batting second has batted for more than half the number of over, and if further play is not possible by the team with better scoring rate at the particular point where end when the second team stopped batting. (that is runs / over at the end of that many over as the second team has batted)
Each hostel shall submit a list of players not exceeding sixteen more than 16 merit certificates shall be awarded to each winner and runner up teams.
Ball approved by the umpire of the match shall be used. The umpires are empowered to rearrange the number of overs to bowled by each side in the event of a delayed start or if play is suspended. The number of over for the team batting second will not be reduced, if the team batting first has been dismissed in less than the agreed number of over.
Foot ball: Inter hostel foot ball matches shall be played according to the rules of the all India foot ball federation, (AIFF) unless modified in these rules. All the matches shall be played on knockout cum league basis. At knock out stage each side 30 mts. with break of 5 mts. In case of draw after 60 mts. of play, the extra time 5 mts. on each side, with a break of 1 mt. If the tie is still persists, the tiebreakers rules as per the FIFA rules will be adopted. Note: In case of poor light, the tiebreaker will be conducted on following day at 4.00 p.m. or whichever day is convenient to both teams. a) All matches starts at 4.45 p.m.
RULES REGARDING POSTPONEMENT OF CRICKET MATCHES AFFECTED BY RAIN: 1. When rain affects play during the innings of the first team itself, the match will be continued, from where it was discontinued. The umpire shall decide whether the ground is fit for play. When rain affects play, during the innings of the second team and if the team batting second has not yet batted for half the number of over (15 in case of 30 over match). The match will be continued as in (1)
b) 15 mts. grace time will be allowed and still if the team does not report the team which present will get walkover. If both the teams don't turn up, both of them will be out of competition. c) If any match is stopped due to rain, it will be replayed (30-5-30) d) If the match is stopped on account of bad light, the game will be continued on the next day. The left out time alone will be replayed.
All hostels shall submit a list of players not exceeding fourteen, who may participate in the tournament. Not more than 14 certificates and 14 medals shall be awarded to a team
Hockey : Inter hostel Hockey matches shall be played according to the rules of the Indian Hockey federation, (IHF) unless modified in these rules. All the matches shall be played on knockout cum league basis.
MATCHES AT LEAGUE STAGE Duration 30-5-30 mts. All matches starts at 4.45 p.m. with a grace time of 15 mts. (since the league matches conducted in the month of February, the sunset will take place at 6.00p.m.) It is the responsibility of the hostel captain to bring the team on time. 1. If there is a tie goal differences (i.e. goals 'FOR' MINUS GOALS AGAINST) of all the league matches played by the teams in tie shall be considered. In case the goal difference is also the same, goals for in the league stage shall be considered. The next criterion will be the result of the match between the two teams.
The duration of each match 30-5-30. In case of tie after 65 mts. of play. a) All knockout matches start at 4.45 p.m. b) 15 mts. grace time will be allowed and still if the team does not reported the team which present will get walkover. If both the teams don't turn up, both of them will be out of competition. (No protest is entertained in this regard)
If tie still persists, points will be split equally among the tied teams. Certificates and trophies will be awarded to tied teams. Example: If there is a three way tie for the first position, each hostel will be awarded (10+7+4)/3=7 points.
c) If any match is stopped due to rain, it will be replayed (30-5-30) d) If umpire on account of bad light stops the match, the game will be continued on the next day. The left out time alone will be replayed. (for example if the match is stopped 10 minutes before the end of the match that 10 minutes of game will be replayed on the next day).
Swimming : Competitions shall be conducted under FINA rules adopted by the Swimming Federation of India (SFI), unless otherwise modified in these rules.
LEAGUE MATCHES The duration of each match shall be 30-5-30 mts. The tie will be resolved on the basis of the goal difference (i.e. goals 'FOR' MINUS GOALS AGAINST considering the scores of all matches in the league fixtures). If tie still persists, points will be split equally among the tied teams. Certificates and trophies will be awarded to tied teams. Example: If there is a three way tie for the first position, each hostel will be awarded (10+7+4)/3=7 points. All hostels shall submit a list of players not exceeding fourteen, who may participate in the tournament. Not more than 14 certificates and 14 medals shall be awarded to a team. Matches stopped on account of rain or bad light, the same rules as in the case of knockout will be followed.
Events 100 mts. breast stroke 200 mts. breast stroke 100 mts. back stroke 200 mts. back stroke 50 mts. butterfly 100 mts. butterfly 50 mts. Free style 100 mts. Free style 200 mts. Free style 400 mts. Free style 1500 mts. Free style 200 mts. Ind. Medley 4 x 100 free style relay 4 x 100 medley relay
3rd 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4
4th 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
Best swimmer title award will be given to the competitors who scored maximum points from all the individual events in the competition.
Table Tennis : The rules of the International Table Tennis Federation as adopted from time to time by the TTF of India shall apply, unless otherwise modified in these rules. The tournament shall be played on knockout cum league basis. The matches between two hostels shall be played on new swathling cup lines. The order of play shall be as follows: Where three players on one side are numbered A, B and C and three players on other side X, Y and Z. 1st match : 3rd match : 5th match : A Vs.X C Vs. Z B Vs. X 2nd match : 4th match : B Vs. Y A Vs. Y
In case of tie in league matches- considering only the league matches played between the tied teams- the following rules will be applied. 1. Games won by the team / Games lost by the team 2. Points for / points against All hostels shall submit a list of players not exceeding four, who may participate in the tournament. Not more than 4 certificates and 4 medals shall be awarded to a team.
Tennis : The rules of the International Tennis Federation as adopted from time to time by the all India Lawn Tennis Association shall apply, unless otherwise modified in these rules. The Inter hostel Tennis tournament conducted on knockout cum league basis. KNOCK-OUT STAGE Two singles and one doubles: Each single and doubles will be played on best of 19
A,B,C and X,Y,Z shall be determined by Teams. Matches will be based on five singles Each single-Best of five games with each game of 11 points The number of players representing any hostel shall not be less than three or more than four. Not more than four certificate and medals shall be awarded to a team.
Each match shall be played on the best of 19 basis. The matches will be played on Davis Cup Lines i.e. in the sequence two singles, doubles and two reverse singles. The two single players on one side are name A and B and the two single players on the other side are named as X and Y. The order of play shall be 1st match A Vs. X, 2nd match B Vs. Y, 3rd match doubles, 4th match A Vs. Y, 5th match B Vs. X. A, B, C and X, Y, Z shall determined by a draw of lots. In case a tie extends to reverse singles both the reverse singles will have to be completed. The results of the full match shall be declared when either team wins 3 matches. The Tennis tie breaker rules shall be applied in all the sets (7/12 points). Tie will be resolved by successively applying the following criteria. I lost. II III Sets won by the team / Sets lost by the team Points for / points against - set score to be taken. The score standing when the match is decided shall be considered for the calculation indicated above. Individual matches won / Individual matches
The rules of the Volley ball Federation of India shall be followed. The tournament shall be played on knock-out cum league basis. All matches shall be played on the basis of best of 3 sets in knock out stages and best of 5 sets in league stage. LEAGUE The following points system will be followed, for the matches played on league basis. Match won : 3 points Match lost : 1 point Technical forfeit: 0 point Any team refusing to play match without justification, will be eliminated from the competition and the results of the matches already played will be cancelled. In case of teams having equal points, the following equation will determine the ranking.
Example: C = A/ B A - total number of sets won B - total number of sets lost A team 11 4 11/4 = 2:75 B team 9 3 9/3 = 3:0
The number of players represented from a hostel shall not be less than three or more than four. Not more than four certificates and medals shall be awarded to a team. Volley Ball :
C - Ratio of set
The team with higher ration "C" will be ranked higher. If the tie still remains, then the following system will be applied. Example : Z = X/Y A - total number of winning points B - total number of lost points A team 120 90 B team 90 125
The competition shall be conducted in accordance with the rules framed from time to time by the Weight Lifting Federation of India, unless otherwise modified in these rules. S.No. Class Points points 1st 5 5 5 5 5 for 2nd 3 3 3 3 3 individual 3rd 1 1 1 1 1
Z - Ratio of points
Below 56 kg. 56 kg. To Below 62 kg. 62 kg. To Below 69 kg. 69 kg. To Below 77 kg. 77 kg. Above
The team having higher ratio "Z" will be ranked higher. If the tie still remains, then the following procedure will be adopted. Two teams involved : precedence will be given to the team winning that match, in which they played against each other. In no circumstances will extra match be played to determine which team is ranked higher. The tally for all the matches played in the league fixture shall be considered. A Team shall consist of maximum 10 players, not more than 10 certificates and 10 medals shall be awarded to a team. Weight Lifting :
Each hostel shall be permitted to enter two competitions for each weight class. The competition for a weight class will beheld even if there is only one competitor. BEST LIFTER A separate prize will be awarded to the best lifter on the basis of the following formula. Let x be the weight of the competitor Let a be the weight lifted by SNATCH Let b be the weight lifted by jerk Then K = (a+b) - 2x The lifter with highest K gets the best lifter award. This event will not carry points for team championship. However,
the winner will be awarded Mr. Strong Man and will be given a cup.
Water Polo : The competition shall be conducted under FINA rules in force at the time of competition, unless otherwise modified by Swimming Federation of India. The water polo tournament holds on knockout cum league basis.
The total No. of goals "FOR" minus the total goals "AGAINST" in the league matches shall decide the tie. During the Knock out stage the time period of the quarters will be reduced to 5 min on agreement of captains of both teams. Each hostel shall submit a list of players not exceeding 11 players (7 playing + 4 reserve), who may participate in the tournament. Not more than 11 merit certificates and medals shall be awarded to a team. The detailed rules are available at the following link:
LEAGUE STAGE GENERAL RULES : 1. 2. During inter hostel sports the current rules of the respective federation will be followed If any student change from one hostel to another hostel, if he has already played to one hostel, he will continue to play for the same hostel irrespective of change of his hostel. In case of examination to any student of any hostel and if they request for post-ponement, it will be given and it is treated as Gymkhana post-ponement. It cannot be questioned by any hostel. Non-Inter IIT events : a. Ball badminton b. Carrom c. Chess d. Bridge
e. f. g.
The points system for non-Inter IIT Sports events will be discussed at the Inter hostel Committee meeting at the beginning of the Academic year. The SCHROETER Trophy will be awarded to a hostel which secured maximum number of points from Inter IIT events only.
DEANS TROPHY RULES 1.Ball Badminton The ball badminton tournament shall be played on the basis of the rules adopted by the Gymkhana, IIT Madras.
There can be a maximum of one team per hostel with seven players per team. (Five players and two reserves) The tournament shall be played on knockout cum league basis. In case of tie, the tie will be resolved by successively applying the following criteria: 3. Games won by the team / games lost by the team 4. Points for / points against The points for all the matches played in the league fixture will be considered
2.Bridge Inter hostel bridge tournament to be played for Deans trophy, shall be conducted according to the standard international rules. The matches shall be played on knockout basis. The draws will be decided before the tournament. Matches will be played in duplicate fashion with eight to ten boards per match. Points will be converted in the imps and then to the VPs and then finally awarded to the hostels.
In case the VPs of both the teams are equal than they will be forced to play 2 more boards until they get some VP difference. There can be maximum six teams per hostel. A team may comprise of 4 to 6 members from the same hostel. Individual medals and certificates shall be given to the top three positioned teams. For the Deans trophy, points will be awarded on the basis of the top performing team of each hostel. The points to be given are 5, 3, 2 and 1 for first, second, third and fourth positions respectively. Total number of medals and certificates to be given away is -: gold (6), silver (6), and bronze (6). 3.Carroms The standard rules of International caroms federation shall be followed and binding in case of any ambiguity.
The tournament shall be played on knockout cum league basis. Fixtures will be on the basis of last years results. Four players per team are allowed. There can be only one team per hostel.Players on the one side are numbered A, B, C & D and on the other side 1, 2, 3&4. This will be fixed before the tournament starts and cant be changed. The sequence of the games of a match shall be as follows: 1st game A Vs 1 2nd game A Vs 2 3rd game B Vs 1 4th game B, C Vs 2, 3 5th game C, D Vs 3, 4 The team which wins more games will be the winner. In case of a tie in the leagues between two or three teams it will be resolved on the basis of the difference of games won and games lost by each team considering only the matches played between the tied teams.
4.Chess All the standard FIDE rules will be applicable to the game. In case of any controversy, latest FIDE rules will be binding. The matches shall be played on pool cum league basis. The top team of each pool shall make it to the final league. In the final league again all the teams will play against each other once. The event shall be a team event where each hostel can send one team of 4 players each. The matches shall be conducted in the order 1st player of team A vs. 1st player of team B, 2nd player Vs 2nd player and so on. The position of players will be decided by the hostel captain and any player can play on any position (but only one position). For each win 1 point shall be awarded to the winner, for a draw to both the players and 0 point will be given for a loss. Then the results of all the four boards will be added to decide the winning team. Team having higher point score will be declared winner. In case of scores being equal, tie-breaker rules will be applicable as mentioned below: In case of total score of two teams being equal, the board numbers of the players on which the team scored points will be added. Team which has a lower sum will be declared as winner.
For example consider two teams A and B, and assume the team A scores 2 points by winning on first and second board whereas team B won its matches on third and fourth board. So in this case team A (which has a total of 3 against 7 of team B) will be declared winner. Similarly team winning on 1st board and 3rd board will get preference over team winning on 2nd and 4th board. In case of the sum of the boards being equal i.e. say team A won on boards one and four whereas B won on second and third board, preference will be given to the team whose first player has won. So a combination of one four will be preferred over two three. In case all the matches ending up in a draw or any situation where tie cannot be broken by above mentioned rules, the tie will be broken by conducting rapid matches (or on other terms agreeable to both the tied teams). Due to non availability of clock, time limitation wont be applied ordinarily but at any stage, if required clock can be put and players may be asked to finish off the game within certain time limits as per FIDE norms.
Total number of individual medals and certificates to be given away: 4 gold 4 silvers and 4 bronze medals. 5.Cycle Race The cycle race is a team event and hence a minimum of three participants is required per hostel, otherwise no individual medals will be awarded. There can be at the most 10 members from each hostel. The respective hostel captains should collect the chest numbers assigned to their hostel from the Institute captain, well in advance and against a specified caution deposit. The deposit will be returned on receiving all the chest numbers in good condition. The ranking of a hostel is decided by considering the ranks of the top three performers from it. The hostel with lowest sum of top three ranks is the winner. Similarly second and third positions are decided. In case of equal tally of top three ranks of two or more hostels, the hostel with better ranking of the top performer will be preferred in the overall ranking. The hostel with first position shall be awarded 5 points for Dean's trophy. The points to be awarded for subsequent positions are 3, 2 and 1 respectively.
The first to finish the race will be awarded individual Gold medal and the next four will be awarded silver. The results of previous year (i.e. seeding) will be considered to decide the starting lanes at the start line. In this matter the decision of the Captain will be final and binding. Only racing cycles (BSA Mach and of similar make) are allowed to be used in the race. The cycle stands must necessarily be removed in advance. Wearing the assigned chest numbers during the race is mandatory. Failure to comply with any of the rules above may lead to disqualification of the team/ participant. 6.Powerlifting The competition shall be conducted in accordance with the rules framed from time to time by the International power lifting Federation , unless otherwise modified in these rules. Bodyweight categories : 1) 60kg class: below 60 kg 2) 67.5kg class: above 60kg and below 67.5kg 3) 75 kg class: above 67.5kg and below 75kg 4) Open class: above 75kg
Each hostel shall be permitted to enter two competitors for each weight class. The competition for a weight class will beheld even if there is only one competitor. Weighing will be done 2 hours before the competition, and no participants will be allowed once the weighing is over. The distribution of points for each weight category will be as follows:2nd 3rd 1st 5 3 1 The hostel with the maximum sum of points will be the winner.
7.Road Race The dean's trophy road race is run over a distance of approximately 7.8 km, This race is conducted in the month of April (first week) ,under the rules of IAAF for cross country events. There can be at the most 12 members from each hostel. The ranking is decided by considering top three performers of each hostel. The hostel with lowest sum of top three ranks is the winner. Similarly second and third positions are decided. In case of equal tally of top three ranks of two or more hostels, the hostel with better ranking of the top performer will be preferred in the overall ranking. The hostel with first position shall be awarded 5 points for Dean's trophy. The points to be awarded for subsequent positions are 3, 2 and 1 respectively. For the dean's trophy road race , one individual gold medal , four individual silver medals and ten individual bronze medals are to given away. The results of previous year (i.e. seeding) will be considered to decide the starting lanes at the start line. The race shall start exactly at the time specified, after three warning calls at 5 min, 3 min and 1 min respectively before the start of the race. All the competitors must wear the jersey number assigned to him/her. The cheering hostel mates must not run along with the participants and shall by no means have physical contact with the participants on the route. Neither can the participants help each other by means of physical contact. The hostel mates though may offer drinks/Glucose etc energy reviving fluids at specified positions on the route. A competitor may compete in bare feet or with footwear on one or both feet. Failure to comply with the rules may lead to disqualification of the participant.
Each hostel will be represented by a team. Not more than 8 members can participate from a hostel. The course of the event will be: 1. 500mts Swimming 2. 7.1kms Cycling ( 3 Rounds) 3. 3.3Kms Running (1 Round) The first to finish the course will get a gold medal and the next four will get Silver. The first three positions from every hostel will be summed up and the hostel with minimum sum of ranks will be awarded 5 points in deans trophy. Similarly the second and third hotels will be awarded 3, 2 and 1 points respectively.