Participant Information
Participant Information
Participant Information
Leo Youth Ministry Steubenville Atlanta Youth Conference July 13-15, 2012 Registration Form and Payment Information Cost $250
($75 fee due with registration; Balance of $175 due May 20, 2012)
Participant Information:
Name_______________________________________________ T-Shirt size: Adult S M L XL XXL (Circle One) Address_______________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Name & Phone:___________________________________________________________________________ Phone_________________________________ Email______________________________________________
Health Information
Do you have health insurance? Yes No (Circle one)
*By selecting no, you are declaring that you are solely responsible for any and all medical costs incurred by going to this event
Participant Allergies_____________________________________________________________________________ Participant Chronic Medical Problems_______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Participant Other Physical Restrictions______________________________________________________________ Current Medications and Dosage___________________________________________________________________ Allowed to Administer Medicine? Yes No (Circle one)
*By selecting yes, you are allowing the nurse/medical professional to administer over-the counter medication to this participant.
Medication Usage Permission (Check all the medication that is permitted to be administered to the participant. Tylenol / Acetaminophen Benadryl /Diphenhydramine HCL Tums / Mylanta / Antacid Motrin / Ibuprofen Cough Drops
Questions? Contact: Lauren Garner, 724-0561 or Tom Young, 724-9596 or **Make checks payable to St. Leo Catholic Church.
St. Leo Youth Ministry Steubenville Atlanta Youth Conference July 13-15, 2012
I hereby acknowledge and accept that: 1. There are certain risks arising from various activities, including but not limited to bodily injury, that could result from my/my childs participation in The Event. I have knowingly and voluntarily decided to assume the risks of these inherent dangers in consideration of Life Teens permission to allow me/my minor child to participate in The Event; My and, if applicable, my childs personal property is at my risk entirely;
St. Leo Youth Ministry Steubenville Atlanta Youth Conference July 13-15, 2012
Life Teen reserves the right to decline to accept or retain me/my child in The Event at any time should my/his/her actions or general behavior impede the operation of The Event or the rights or welfare of any person. I understand that I/my child may be required to leave The Event in the sole discretion of Life Teens agents and representatives. In such an event, no refund will be made for any unused portion of The Event. I understand that Life Teen, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to cancel The Event or any aspect thereof prior to commencement.
I represent and warrant that I am/my child is covered throughout The Event by a policy of comprehensive health and accident insurance which provides coverage for injuries which I/ he/she may sustain as part of my/his/her participation in The Event. I agree to complete the HEALTH INFORMATION above to the best of my ability and, by its completion, I hereby release and discharge Life Teen of all responsibility and liability for any injuries, illnesses, medical bills, charges or similar expense/he/she may incur while participating in The Event. By completing the form, I hereby authorize Life Teen to obtain any necessary medical treatment to myself/ my child, consent to any necessary examination, treatment, or care under the supervision and/or advice of any properly licensed medical professional and explicitly authorize Life Teen to release medical information about me/my child to any person or entity to whom Life Teen refers me/my child for medical treatment. I agree that this Agreement is to be construed pursuant to the laws of the State of Arizona and is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by law, and if any portion hereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance hereof shall continue in full legal force and effect. In addition, I agree that any legal action arising out of or in relation to this Agreement must be brought in a Maricopa County, Arizona court. I hereby grant to Life Teen my consent without reservation to use, assign, convey, reproduce, copyright, publish or sell my/my childs name, voice, image, and/or likeness that arises from his/her participation in The Event, whether still or motion pictures, audio or video tape, for promotional, instructional, business or any other lawful purposes, at Life Teens sole discretion. I agree that I am, or the minor whom I am signing for, is in good standing with the local diocese for which I belong. In signing this Agreement, I hereby acknowledge and represent that I have read this entire document, that I understand its terms and provisions, that I understand it affects my legal rights as well as, if applicable, those of my child, that it is a binding Agreement, and that I have signed it knowingly and voluntarily. ______________________________________________________ Parent or legal guardians signature _____________________ Date