The Fossil-Fired Power Plants of EnBW
The Fossil-Fired Power Plants of EnBW
The Fossil-Fired Power Plants of EnBW
Turning primary energy efficiently into electricity The fossil-fired power plants of EnBW
Competitive and fit for future Energy generation at EnBW Acting sustainably and responsibly Environmental protection at EnBW Conventional power plant fleet High importance for the regional economy Altbach/Deizisau heat and power plant Valuable energy from waste and coal Stuttgart-Mnster heat and power plant Full performance within minutes Stuttgart-Gaisburg heat and power plant Biggest coal-fired unit in the EnBW power plant fleet Heilbronn heat and power plant Back up for demand peaks Walheim power plant
Airplane turbines for power generation Marbach power plant High performance, efficient and innovative Rheinhafen steam power plant in Karlsruhe Holdings and electricity procurement Bexbach power plant Lippendorf power plant Rostock power plant Buschhaus power plant Stadtwerke Dsseldorf municipal utility Grosskraftwerk Mannheim power plant The technology of a power plant Technology made easy How fossil-fired power plants work Stable and flexible The electricity network of EnBW Glossary Plant tours Publishing details
30 31 32 33 34 35
46 48 52 53
Together with high safety and environmental standards, it is this strategy that enables us to meet the growing demands in terms of the availability, efficiency and above all flexibility of our power plants.
In its energy concept "2020", the state government of Baden-Wrttemberg defined its energy mix using the formula 50/30/20, which translates into a generating structure supplying 50% of electricity from nuclear power and 30% from fossil fuels while increasing the share of renewables in overall generating volume to 20%. EnBW supports this target laid out by the state government. In view of the need for grid stability and the provision of reactive power, controllable conventional power plants constitute key elements in the electricity supply system. In terms of number and geographic location, they need to be distributed based on the peak demand load areas throughout the network so that they ensure the supply of electricity close to the point of consumption. In order to develop the cornerstone of the EnBW business portfolio namely the generation of electricity as the core strategic element in the long term, EnBW is currently building two state-of-the-art coal-fired power plant units in the 900megawatt class: these investments at the Rheinhafen plant in Karlsruhe (unit 8) and at the Gemeinschaftskraftwerk Mannheim plant (unit 9), in which EnBW holds an interest, are both designed to replace older plants.
Conventional power plant operated by EnBW Nuclear power plant operated by EnBW Conventional power plant with EnBW holding, purchase or supply agreements Nuclear power plant with purchase or supply agreements Hydroelectric power plant operated by EnBW Hydroelectric power plant with EnBW holding, purchase or supply agreements
Lippendorf (Saxony)
Cattenom (France)
Ja gs t
Ko ch er
Heilbronn 26 Neckar power plants Karlsruhe Karlsruhe Walheim Baden-Baden Rhine power plants (CERGA/RKI) Pforzheim StuttgartMnster
M ur
Hydroelectric plants on the Jagst river Hydroelectric plants on the Kocher river
Marbach Altbach/Deizisau
Glems Ulm
Da b nu
Fessenheim (France)
Operations ceased on 11 May 2005 as a result of the nuclear energy agreement in Germany.
space is being reserved for the possible integration of a CO2 capture system. We are also currently building a test facility at our power plant location in Heilbronn to test CO2 capture using an aqueous amine solution. The power plant fleet of the future needs to be more flexible. This means that existing and future plants should start up rapidly, cover as wide a partial load range as possible and be able to vary their output in high gradients (load change capability). As gas-fired power plants meet this criterion, EnBW is looking into projects of this kind at locations like Lubmin or in Dsseldorf together with the city's municipal utility. Storage power plants will also play an increasingly important role in the future generating system, as pumped-storage concepts are currently the most efficient and flexible way to store large quantities of electricity that can be called on at extremely short notice. This stabilises the grid and offsets the fluctuations in supplies generated from renewable sources.
The Kyoto Protocol also allows companies to achieve a part of their reduction targets by implementing improvements to facilities in developing countries and economies in transition. This helps to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases; in other words, it results in certified emission reductions. This system is known as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). As the greenhouse effect is a global phenomenon, the funds invested in projects of this kind have a particularly important effect when it comes to reducing emissions, as it is irrelevant whether these emissions are reduced in Germany or, for example, in Kenya or Peru. EnBW develops its own CDM projects on various continents and using a wide range of different technologies including wind farms, biogas generation, hydropower or landfill gas incineration. In order to achieve the ambitious goals, various units at EnBW such as the holding company, the power plant company or the trading division have pooled their core expertise.
Energy generated by the EnBW Group1 by primary source of energy2 in % Conventional energy Nuclear energy Renewables3 Other
Climate protection, saving use of resources, energy efficiency, Sustainable social responsibility, Communication and raising awareness Protection of mankind and the environment.
1 The generation portfolio includes long-term procurement agreements and generation from partly owned
power stations.
2 In anticipation of the change in the method of transfer of renewable energies under the EEG as of 2010
(financial instead of physical transfer), as of fiscal 2009 the quotas are reported on the basis of the electricity generated in the EnBW Groups own facilities without taking into account any supplies of EEG electricity (prior-year values were restated).
3 By analogy to the disclosure pursuant to Sec. 42 German Energy Industry Act (EnWG)
As the company responsible for operating the conventional generating plants, EnBW Kraftwerke AG has addressed these topics and formulated four environmental principles:
Through our actions we ensure the protection of mankind and the environment. As a generating company in the EnBW Group, we are under a particular obligation to fulfil our environmental responsibilities in a farsighted and active manner also in the competitive arena. In doing so, we adhere to the environmental principles of the Group. We operate our facilities in a way that spares the environment and aim at minimising the burden on air and water within the constraints of our operational requirements. We strive to constantly improve our efforts for the environments sake. In particular, this also includes fostering the environmental awareness of our employees and of the external contractors who we commission to perform work on our behalf.
1 Comparison data for German electricity mix, 2008 (source: German Association of Energy and Water
Industries, BDEW)
High importance for the regional economy Altbach/Deizisau heat and power plant
The Altbach/Deizisau combined heat and power plant (CHP) is an important economic factor in the central Neckar region and guarantees the reliable, cost-effective and environment-friendly generation of energy. EnBW operates several units at this location with a total installed capacity of approximately 1,292 megawatts. The two units of the CHP plant are coal-fired and can simultaneously produce electricity and district heat. In addition, there are a combined gas and oil unit and two gas turbines at the location. The Altbach/Deizisau power plant feeds its electricity into both the 400-kilovolt very-high voltage network and the 110-kilovolt high-voltage network and supplies the Stuttgart-Plochingen district heat line.
In 1899, a water-powered plant was created on the Neckarkanal waterway, which had been built specifically for this purpose. The construction of the "Kraftcentrale Altbach" installation was commissioned by Heinrich Mayer, whose aim was to supply electric energy to the Neckar and Fils valley. The first community supplied with electricity from the "power plant" was Obertrkheim. The electricity network continued to grow and further communities followed. From 1902 onwards, the company operated under the name "Neckarwerke Altbach/Deizisau Heinrich Mayer". It was transformed into a stock corporation three years later. Then, Neckarwerke Elektrizittsversorgungs-AG based in Esslingen merged with Technische Werke der Stadt Stuttgart AG , and in 2003 the activities and know-how of the Neckarwerke
Stuttgart AG (NWS) company created by this alliance were merged with the expertise of EnBW. Back in the seventies, the plant was thoroughly modernised and restructured, and aspects such as energy efficiency, environmental protection, landscaping, nature conservation and architecture played a key role in this process. The first step was to replace section I of the plant with CHP plant 1, which went into operation in 1985. When CHP plant 2 was built at the end of the eighties to replace the three units of plant section II, the design successfully integrated the power plant buildings in the surrounding landscape, creating a plant equipped with advanced environmental technology at the edge of a public park.
Special features
Combined heat and power plant 2 (CHP 2)
Hybrid cooling tower By combining wet and dry cooling methods, the hybrid technology allows low structural heights and ensures greatly reduced plume formation.
First, the cooling water gives off part of its waste heat to the air via finned tubes. It then falls down into the cooling tower basin in the form of a drizzle, where it cools further as a result of evaporative cooling, while giant fans press the cooling air through the wet and dry sections. Moist
and dry air mix in the top third of the cooling tower, and this prevents nearly all plume formation. During the day, the cooling tower is always operated in hybrid mode (i.e. wet section and dry section together) in order to minimise plume formation. At night the fans of the dry section are switched off, reducing the self-consumption of the power plant and therefore increasing efficiency levels.
Compound unit The technical concept of the combined heat and power plants (CHPs) is determined by ecological and economic requirements. A high utilisation level allows efficient use of the fed-in primary energy. While CHP 1 is designed for a conventional steam turbine process, CHP 2 is additionally fitted with a gas turbine, which is linked on the water/steam side with the coal-fired unit. Depending on electrical and thermal output requirements, this
combination unit achieves a fuel utilisation rate of up to 70%. Highly efficient systems for denitrification, dedusting and desulphurisation situated downstream of the steam generator clean the flue gases, removing nitrogen oxides, dust and sulphur dioxide. The extraction of district heat, which practically replaces numerous industrial and private heating systems, additionally helps to minimise pollutant emissions.
The central laboratory The central laboratory of EnBW Kraftwerke AG was set up in 2004 at the Altbach/Deizisau location. The lab is a competence centre pooling the corporate know-how in the fields of power plant chemistry, oil analysis and organic analysis as well as trace element and heavy metal analysis. It is also responsible for catalytic converter management at the power plants. With its state-of-the-art equipment, the central laboratory is ideally placed to handle key chemical issues not just within but also beyond the EnBW Group.
Technical data Year built: Units: 1899 2 coal units (1 coal, 1 compound unit) 2 gas turbine systems 1 gas-oil compound block in cold reserve 1,215 MWel 210 MWth
Valuable energy from waste and coal Stuttgart-Mnster heat and power plant
The Stuttgart-Mnster heat and power plant is a unique facility in the EnBW power plant fleet: the main purpose of the plant is not to generate electricity but to handle the thermal treatment of waste and to produce district heat. Electricity and district heat are produced simultaneously in StuttgartMnster based on the cogeneration principle in order to ensure improved fuel utilisation. The heat and power plant comprises three coal boilers, a waste incineration system with three waste boilers, three steam turbines and a gas turbine system. All in all, this location has an electrical capacity of 184 MW and a district heat capacity of 447 MW. Two new waste boilers were built and put into service in 2007. The processing capacity of the waste-fired heat and power plant totals 420,000 tons a year (reference calorific value: 11,000 kJ per kg). In this way, EnBW makes a key contribution to the reliable, environment-friendly and cost-effective disposal of residual waste in Baden-Wrttemberg. The contractual basis for these operations dates back to 2003, when the city of Stuttgart and the Esslingen and Rems-Murr administrative districts signed a disposal agreement with EnBW Kraftwerke AG. According to this agreement, the city of Stuttgart and the two districts deliver around 225,000 tons of waste to Mnster every year. T-plus GmbH, a company belonging to EnBW's disposal division, can draw on an additional 185,000 tons of incinerating capacity. This EnBW subsidiary also disposes of residual municipal waste in the Stuttgart heat and power plant this waste comes from places like the Lake Constance administrative district and the Reutlingen/Tbingen region.
The Stuttgart-Mnster heat and power plant on the Neckar
In 1908, the power plant began generating electricity to meet the growing energy demand in the region under the name "Dampfkraftwerk des stdtischen Elektrizittswerks" (steam power station of the municipal electricity works). From 1933 until the 1970s it also generated traction current, and it started producing district heat in cogeneration mode in 1935. The first district heat customers were the mineral baths and the hospital in the town of Bad Cannstatt. The capacity of the power plant was also extended in the 1950s during the reconstruction of Germany: the waste incineration plant went into operation in 1965, signaling the start of a new era in the history of the location the beginning of generation of electricity and district heat from waste. In the 1980s and 1990s, more stringent environmental protection requirements necessitated the construction of large-scale cleaning systems for the flue gases resulting from the firing of coal and waste. First, the catalytic denitrification systems for the coal boilers went into service in 1986. These were followed in 1988 by the flue gas desulphurisation system to clean the flue gases from the coal boilers. Finally, in 1993, a state-of-the-art flue gas scrubbing system
was started up to clean the waste gases from the refuse incineration plant. Ongoing optimisation work at the power plant such as the construction of the central waste hopper in 1997 ensures that the plant in Stuttgart-Mnster meets all the requirements for a modern waste disposal facility.
Special features Flue gas cleaning The flue gases produced by the waste incineration process contain various pollutants which need to be removed from the gases before they leave the 180 metre-high stack. Cleaning takes place in the flue gas cleaning system, which consists of a dust separator, a wet scrubber and a catalytic converter.
Both electric and fabric filters are used to remove the dust. These filters can remove up to 99% of the dust from the gases. In the next stage, the dedusted flue gas flows through a four-stage wet scrubber which
uses caustic soda to remove primarily the hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, sulphur dioxide, heavy metals, aerosols and fine dust. A small amount of activated carbon is added to reduce dioxin levels and bind the mercury. The separated pollutants are extracted at the end of the process in the form of dry salts and disposed of underground. The catalytic converter the third stage of the cleaning process is where the remaining organic components, in particular any remaining dioxins and furans, are denitrified and destroyed by oxidisation.
Back-pressure turbine At the end of 1999, a back-pressure turbine went into operation to supplement the two extraction condensation turbines. The turbine reduces the pressure of the steam in the boiler to 4.5 bar so that it can be fed in to the heat exchangers for the district heat system and also drives an electric generator (18.5 MW).
Technical data Year built: Units: Gross electrical rating: Extractable district heat output: 1908 1 coal unit with 3 coal boilers and 3 waste boilers 1 gas turbine system 184 MWel 447 MWth
The older of the two current power plant units went into commission as a coal-fired common-heater heat and power plant in 1950 and is today designated as unit 2. In 1958, the Heizkraftwerk Stuttgart GmbH company leased the plant to Technische Werke der Stadt Stuttgart AG, one of the four predecessor companies of EnBW.
Special features Fluidised bed boiler In this boiler type, a mixture of ash, coal and lime is fluidised in an air stream and then burnt. The special feature of this technology is the direct addition of lime, which directly binds the pollutants created in the combustion chamber. This ensures compliance with the stipulated emission limits without the need for secondary flue gas cleaning systems.
Gas turbine The 60-MW gas turbine in power plant 1 is primarily designed to secure electricity supplies in the event of the failure of other plants but is also used to cover peak loads. The only fuel still used today is natural gas. Following a normal start-up, the gas turbine reaches full power after around eight minutes; after a rapid start-up it is fully up and running after just under five minutes. A diesel assembly ensures that the turbine is black start capable; in other words that it can be started up without any outside energy in the event of a complete network black out.
Technical data Year built: Units: 1950 1 coal unit 1 gas turbine system 1 unit in cold reserve 194 MWel 273 MWth
Biggest coal-fired unit in the EnBW power plant fleet Heilbronn heat and power plant
The Heilbronn combined heat and power plant is located in an industrial and commercial estate on the outskirts of the town right next to the Neckar river. The plant is operated in cogeneration mode and is one of the biggest coal-fired power plants of EnBW Kraftwerke AG with an electrical output of over 1,000 MW and an extractable thermal capacity of 320 MW. Three of the original seven units are still in operation today. Units 5 and 6 went into operation in the midsixties and are today equipped with state-ofthe-art flue gas cleaning systems. Unit 7 completed in 1985 is the biggest coal-fired unit in our entire conventional power plant fleet. The plant was technically optimised by the implementation of wide-ranging modernisation measures in 2009 and equipped to meet the challenges of the coming decades. The result? A permanent output boost of around 40 MW and a further reduction in CO2 emissions. Unit 7 was the first coal-fired unit in Germany originally equipped with highly efficient cleaning systems and therefore played a pioneering role in terms of environmental protection. Coal combustion produces air pollutants like nitrogen oxides, dust and sulphur dioxide. The use of efficient flue gas cleaning systems (denitrification, dedusting and desulphurisation) ensures that the pollutant content in the flue gas is within the limits set by legislation.
For more than 80 years, the Heilbronn location has been a byword for coal-fired electricity generation and for over 50 years also for the reliable supply of district heat. The first turbine sets went into operation in 1923 but soon had to compete with the hydroView of the Heilbronn heat and power plant on the Neckar
electric power plants in the surrounding region. Then, in the early post-war period, damage caused by wartime bombing led to operational delays. A new era began in the 1950s, when planning work began on a new large-scale power plant. A total of six power plant units had been built by the mid-1960s: units 1 and 2 were shut down in 1988 and were followed by units 3 and 4 in 2006, but the last two units are still in operation. In 1960, the power plant supplied heating steam to a nearby industrial facility for the first time, and construction work on a district heating network began just one year later. A decision was made in the late 1970s to build unit 7, which was completed in 1985.
Training centre At the Heilbronn power plant location, young people have been trained for future careers in the energy sector for more than 25 years. EnBW set up the centre (originally housed in the mechanical workshop) back in 1983 in response to the growing importance of company-based training programmes. The training centre was modernised in 2002 and extended in 2008.
Technical data Special features Co-combustion of sewage sludge Sewage sludge has been co-combusted in unit 7 since 1998, paving the way for environment-friendly disposal with no pollutants detectable in either the flue gas or the incineration residues from power plant operation. The co-combustion process is a sustainable method of using the energy contained in the sewage sludge to generate electricity and district heat. Year built: Units: Gross electrical rating: Extractable district heat output: 1923 3 coal units 3 auxiliary steam generators 1,010 MWel 320 MWth
In the winter of 1981/1982, a gas turbine housed in a separate building and fired with light fuel oil went into operation. As it can be started up and begin feeding electricity into the network within a few minutes, it is used to cover peak demand and also serves as a reserve unit. Environmental technology was retrofitted to the two coal-fired units between 1987 and 1989 mainly for desulphurisation and the reduction of nitrogen concentrations in the flue gases. When it fitted a nitrogen oxide reduction system for a slag-tap boiler with ash feedback, the company entered uncharted technical territory; and the construction of the system was therefore subsidised by the German Environmental Agency. The gas turbine was retrofitted in 1990 for lownitrogen oxide operation. Unit 1 had been conserved and placed in cold reserve back in April 2000. As part of our reactivation measures for our power plant fleet, we put the facility back into operation in January 2005.
Technical data Year built: Units: 1964 2 coal units 1 gas turbine system Gross electrical rating: 391 MWel
Rapid availability when needed the reserve and peak load plant in Walheim
The coal-fired power plant was once the most important power plant of Energie-Versorgung Schwaben AG, a predecessor company of EnBW. During the post-war period, it made a key contribution to the economic upturn in the region. As new, technically improved and more cost-effective power plants were built in other locations, the volume of electricity generated in Marbach began to decline in the 1960s. Initially just the older installations and soon the entire power plant was used as a reserve only. In 1981, the power plant unit Marbach I was finally shut down. In 1970, the unit Marbach 2 went into operation with a gas turbine plant powered by jet turbines made by Rolls Royce. This plant is still used today to generate peak load energy and as a minute reserve. Marbach 3 is an oil-fired gas and steam turbine plant. When it was started up in 1974, this combination unit was designed to cover intermediate load requirements. Following the rise in oil prices and the introduction of a policy geared towards decreased dependency on
oil in the 1970s, however, the power plant soon became a peak load plant and performed the key generating reserve function. Today, Marbach 2 and 3 are safety reserve units in other words, they need to be constantly ready to go into operation. In January 2005, the steam section of the fuel oil-fired Marbach 3 unit went back into operation as part of modernisation and reactivation measures. This section had been conserved and shut down in 1998; only the gas turbine was still in operation, generating electricity in peak load periods when required.
Technical data Year built: Units: 1940 1 gas turbine system 1 combination unit Gross electrical rating: 413 MWel
High performance, efficient and innovative Rheinhafen steam power plant in Karlsruhe
EnBW Kraftwerke AG operates the Rheinhafen steam power plant situated on the road leading to the Rheinhafen port in Karlsruhe. With a total installed electrical capacity of 1,260 MW and a maximum district heat extraction volume of 220 MW, the power plant plays an important and reliable role in the cost-effective and environment-friendly generation of electricity and district heat within the EnBW power plant fleet. The power plant went into operation in 1955 and today comprises four units: unit 4 is a modern natural gas-fired plant with combined gas turbine and steam power processes. The two oil- and gas-fired units 5 and 6 have been operating in cold reserve since 1993. The biggest unit at the Rheinhafen facility is the coal-fired unit 7, which has been generating not just electricity but also district heat since 1985. The plant received the certificate for the European eco-audit in July 2000 and was the first coal- and gas-fired power plant in Germany to be awarded this certification. A new unit has been under construction at this location since the spring of 2008. Building work on the coal-fired unit 8 is on schedule, and when it goes into operation it will be possible to feed a maximum 220 MW of thermal output in the form of extracted district heat into the district heat network of the city of Karlsruhe.
Energy for the Karlsruhe economic region the power plant in the Rheinhafen port
By the late 1940s, planning had already begun for the construction of a power plant in Karlsruhe. The aim was to meet the rising demand for electricity resulting from the economic upturn and to reduce dependence on power procured from other suppliers. The location selected for the plant was a site in the southern "Maxauer Rheinaue" district on the Rhine, which created ideal conditions for the operation of a power plant: direct delivery of coal by waterway, the ability to meet cooling water requirements for the once-through cooling system by creating a direct link to the Rhine and the option of feeding electricity into the European interconnection grid via the transformer station in nearby Daxlanden. Units 1 and 2 went into operation in February 1955 and were followed by units 3 and 4 at the beginning of the 1960s. In order to be able to meet the growing demand for elec-
tricity in the years that followed, Badenwerk AG a predecessor company of EnBW built a number of additional power plant units: the gas and oil-fired units 5 and 6 were completed in 1967/68, and the next milestone in the history of the Rheinhafen power plant was the construction of unit 7 in 1985. After this unit was completed, units 1 to 4 were later shut down and units 5 and 6 used in cold reserve mode. Unit 4 was repowered in 1997, when it was converted from a coal-fired plant into a combined cycle plant. Today, units 7 and 4 are the key components in the Rheinhafen power plant in Karlsruhe; together with units 5 and 6, they have a total installed capacity of 1,260 MW.
Gas turbine in unit 4
Special features Cooling The power plant units are not cooled using a cooling tower but by a process known as direct cooling. The cooling water is taken from the Rhine river, mechanically cleaned and routed through the condenser. When it flows back into the river, it is at most 10 degrees Celsius warmer than when it was taken out. The Rhine carries around 1,100 m3 of water per second on
average and still carries over 500 m3 when average water levels have already been low for many years. Before the cooling water enters the system, it is mechanically cleaned with the help of coarse and fine rakes as well as a screening belt. In this way, around 75 tons of dirt and waste are removed from the Rhine river every year.
Combined cycle power plant The combined cycle power plant unit 4 allows EnBW to achieve an excellent efficiency level of around 57% using natural gas as a fuel; this spares natural resources and takes the strain off the environment by reducing CO2 emissions, for example. In addition, state-of-the-art combustion technology reduces the formation of nitrogen oxides.
Cogeneration Unit 7 operates according to the cogeneration principle. Heat is extracted at the turbine in the form of hot steam and forwarded via heat exchangers to the hot water system of the Stadtwerke Karlsruhe GmbH utility, supplying district heat to around 23,000 private households and over 1,300 industrial and commercial customers.
The extraction of district heat raises the utilisation rate of unit 7. This not only spares valuable energy resources but also has a positive impact on the air quality in the city of Karlsruhe: this is not surprising, as the central district heat supply system replaces a high number of decentral individual heating systems with relatively high pollutant emissions.
Technical data Year built: Units: 1955 1 combination unit 1 coal unit 2 oil- and gas-fired units in cold reserve 1,208 MWel 220 MWth
ciency level is due to the high steam parameters at the steam turbine inlet, the low condenser pressure and the high internal efficiency levels of steam turbine, generator and transformer. The fact that up to 220 MW of district heat can be extracted from unit 8 will additionally increase the utilisation rate.
The CO2 capture concept is currently not feasible on a large scale. EnBW is involved in the development of new capture techniques and is working on potential solutions together with various universities.
Technical data Start-up: Units: Gross electrical rating: Extractable district heat output: 2012 1 coal unit 912 MWel 220 MWth
Technical data Year built: Units: Gross electrical rating: 1953 1 coal block 750 MWel
The Barbara I power plant was built at this location back in 1953 and was fired using
The Bexbach power plant is the biggest unit-type plant in the Saarland region
As far back as 1926, an industrial power plant was already operating at the Lippendorf location and supplied electricity to the Bhlen chemical factory. A further power plant was added in the 1960s to generate power for the chemical company and to act as a baseload supply plant for the southern region of the former East Germany. When new environmental legislation came into effect in 1990, the owners decided that it would not be feasible to retrofit modern environmental technology and drew up plans to build an optimised lignite-fired double-unit plant. After the
new plant went on line, the old power plants were closed down and decommissioned step by step. The two units have a gross installed capacity of 920 MW each. When they went into operation, they were considered the biggest and most efficient lignite power plant units worldwide. The facility has a net efficiency of around 42%; the extraction of district heat boosts the fuel utilisation rate to 46%. The Lippendorf plant has been co-combusting sewage sludge since 2004.
Technical data Year built: Units: Gross electrical rating: 1999 2 coal units 1,840 MWel
The Lippendorf power plant not only generates electricity but also supplies the city of Leipzig with district heat
Construction work on the power plant began in June 1991, and the facility was modernised to meet the requirements of the liberalised electricity market in 1998. The coal-fired power plant has a gross capacity of 553 MWel and feeds 150 MWth of heating energy into Rostock's district heating network. It therefore currently produces more than half of all electric energy generated in the state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and covers around one third of electricity demand in the entire state as well as 20% of the district heat requirements in the city of Rostock. The power plant has an efficiency level of 43.2%, and full utilisation of heat extraction increases the utilisation rate to as high as 62%. One of the special features of the power plant is the 141.5 metre-high cooling tower that uses seawater and also acts as a chimney stack.
Technical data Year built: 1994 Units: 1 coal unit Gross electrical rating: 553 MWel Extractable district heat output: 150 MWth
The plant always keeps temperatures to below 1,100 degrees Celsius during the combustion process to minimise the formation of nitrogen oxides, thus rendering a denitrification system unnecessary. The special feature of the Buschhaus plant is its stack: at a height of 307 metres, it is the highest stack anywhere in Germany and is easily visible from afar.
Technical data Year built: Units: Gross electrical rating: 1906 1 coal unit 392 MWel
Helmstedt is a lignite mining town and has been generating electricity since 1906. All in all, nine power plants have been commissioned since then, the Buschhaus facility being the most recent addition. The baseload power plant is specially designed to incinerate the sulphurous highsalt lignite from the Schningen open-cast mine.
The first municipal gasworks went on line back in 1866. Today, there are two units operating at the "Lausward" location in Dsseldorf's port district: a gas and steam plant with a capacity of 103 MWel and 75 MWth completed in 2003. This facility is particularly efficient and has an efficiency rating of up to 87%. The unit with the highest output is the natural gas-fired "Emil" combination unit dating back to 1972 with capacities of 420 MWel and 140 MWth. With its combination of gas turbine and steam boiler, "Emil" is a mixture of a gas and steam plant and a heat and power plant. In the city district of Flingern, the steam from the waste incineration plant generates up to 55 MW of electricity and 100 MW of district heat. Two peak-load boilers, each with a capacity of 50 MWth, serve as back up systems. A gas turbine has also been in operation at this location since 1973, and this turbine acts as a kind of emergency power assembly: its six aircraft turbines can produce 90 MW of electricity within the space of just a few minutes.
Technical data Year built: Units: 1866 1 combination unit 1 gas and steam unit 1 waste incineration system Gross electrical rating: 668 MWel Extractable district heat output: 315 MWth
The "Lausward" plant is at the heart of the city and generates energy for Dsseldorf and the surrounding region
MW of extracted district heat. One of the special characteristics of the Mannheim facility is that 190 MW of the net capacity are rerouted to supply a power line of the Deutsche Bahn rail company. As part of the modernisation programme for the power plant fleet, GKM is building a new coal-fired unit on the eastern section of its operating site: unit 9 is scheduled to go on stream at the end of 2013 with an output of 911 MW and will replace units 3 and 4.
Technical data Year built: 1921 Units: 5 coal units Gross electrical rating: 1,675 MWel Extractable district heat output: 1,000 MWth
The Mannheim power plant was set up in 1921 by the Pfalzwerke der Stadt Mannheim utility, the Badische Landeselektrizittsversorgung company (later Badenwerk and today EnBW) and the Neckar AG corporation. The first boilers went into operation in 1923. For around 90 years now, GKM has reliably been producing electricity and district heat for Mannheim and the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. The plant consists of the coal-fired units 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 with an aggregate net capacity of 1,520 MW of electricity and around 1,000
The power plant supplies electricity and heat to the city of Mannheim and the Rhine-Neckar region
Steam generator
Coal mill
Flue gas
Fresh air
As a rule, power plants generate electricity by burning fossil fuels. Plants that produce not only electricity but also heat (e.g. district heat) on the other hand, operate on the cogeneration principle and are also called combined heat and power plants. The heat is extracted from the turbine in the form of hot steam. It is then forwarded via heat exchangers to a distribution system that sup-
plies the heat to private households (heating energy) and industrial companies (process heat). The simultaneous generation of electricity and heat exploits the primary energy of the fuel more effectively and therefore significantly improves the fuel utilisation rate of cogeneration plants. Pollutant emissions are also reduced, as central district heat supplies from the heat and power plant replace a high number of decentral individual heating systems.
Emission monitoring
Cooling tower
Coal mill
Steam turbine
Steam turbine
The guide blades of the steam turbine direct the steam towards the rotor blades at an optimum angle, and the rotor blades then set the turbine shaft in motion. The pressure of the steam falls as it passes through the blades while the volume of the steam increases. This is why the blades are always longer towards the end of the turbine.
Live steam
Gas turbine
Gas turbines can work to full capacity within the space of just a few minutes: large volumes of intake air are compressed in the compressor and flow into the combustion chamber of the gas turbine, where natural gas is incinerated together with the compressed air. The hot flue gas then flows onto the turbine at high temperature and drives the turbine.
Cooling process
There are three main techniques used for cooling in modern power plants: oncethrough cooling, discharge cooling and circuit cooling. In all three methods, the steam flows from the low-pressure turbine to the condenser, which houses a tubular system through which the cooling water flows. The incoming steam condenses to water on the outside of the tubes and gives off its evaporation heat to the cooling water. The condensate is then pumped back into the boiler, which once again generates steam. In once-through cooling systems, the cooling water is extracted from the so-called receiving water course (river, lake, ocean) and discharged directly back into the receiving
water course after the steam has been cooled in the condenser. In discharge cooling, the cooling water is cooled in a cooling tower by giving off its heat to the ambient air before being routed back into the receiving water course. In circuit cooling, the cooling water constantly circulates between cooling tower and condenser. Water is only fed into the circuit to replace the cooling water loss, which is generally visible in the form of the steam plume above the tower. There are also different types of cooling tower. A tall tower is a sign of a natural draught wet cooling tower, in which the cooling water is finely drizzled. The air rising in the tower reduces the temperature of the cooling water. The high tower creates a natural draught that causes the air to flow
through the cooling tower. The mechanicaldraft cooling towers operate on the same principle but do not need to be anywhere near as high but they do need fans to ensure sufficient air flows and this increases the auxiliary consumption of the power plant. The hybrid cooling tower is a special kind of tower which combines wet cooling and dry cooling techniques. This combination almost totally eliminates plume formation. This type of tower also uses fans to generate the cooling air flow. This means that hybrid cooling towers do not have to be particularly high, and they therefore blend in with the surrounding area around a power plant. Only five hybrid cooling towers are currently in operation worldwide, and three of them are part of the EnBW power plant fleet.
Cooling at the combined heat and power plant 2 (CHP 2) at the Altbach/Deizisau location
The denitrification system uses the socalled selective catalytic reduction method: ammonia is sprayed into the hot flue gas and the mixture is then routed via catalysts in which a chemical reaction takes place. During this process, over 70% of the nitrogen oxides are converted into harmless nitrogen (N2) and water (H2O).
During the dedusting process, the fly ash is removed from the flue gas. This process takes place in large electrostatic precipitators, where discharge electrodes create a strong electric field. The ash particles are negatively charged and settle on the posi-
tively charged separator plates before being removed by beater mechanisms. This process removes more than 99.9% of the fly ash from the flue gas.
Voltage between the electrodes: 40,000 to 60,000 volts _ _ Flue gas with fly ash + Discharge electrode Collector plate
Ammonia (NH3)
In the desulphurisation process, the waste gas containing sulphur dioxide flows upwards in a scrubber and is sprayed with a suspension of limestone and water. The SO2 binds and is then captured in the ab-
sorber sump. The injected air causes the calcium sulphite the reaction product of sulphur dioxide, limestone and water to oxidise to form calcium sulphate (gypsum). In the wet scrubbing process, the capture rate for sulphur dioxide is in excess of 90%.
Clean gas
Gypsum silo
Oxidation air
Regulation of the power frequency, in other words, using balancing energy to ensure a stable frequency of 50 Hertz throughout Europe Schedule management the coordination of the import, export and power plant schedules of the electricity traders and power plant companies in the TNG control area Marketing the forecast and actual feed-in of energy volumes from renewables on the electricity exchange
The EEG legislation that gives precedence to renewable sources of energy has extended the remit of the German transmission system operators. As a result and due to the central location of the TNG control area TNG has to transport wind energy feed-in in the north to the core consumption areas in the south.
In 2007, EnBW initiated a study to explore the hazard potential of high and very-high voltage lines. The findings formed the basis for the identification and implementation of a number of effective bird protection measures. The high safety standard is underpinned by constant checks and servicing measures.
Baseload the basic demand for electricity that exists irrespective of all load fluctuations. Baseload is covered by power plants that can operate around the clock more or less throughout the entire year. Black start start-up of a power plant unit without electricity from the electricity network. Black start capable units are used to build up the electricity network again after a black out. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) capture and geological storage of the greenhouse gas CO2 occurring in industrial and power plant processes. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) an instrument under the Kyoto Protocol designed to limit the growth-related increase in greenhouse emissions in economies in transition and developing countries through the implementation of cost-effective and efficient measures. The achieved emission reductions are credited to the investor in the form of certified emission reductions (CERs). Companies can use CERs to meet their surrender obligation in line with the European allowance trading scheme (emissions trading). Cogeneration the simultaneous generation of electricity and heat based on the cogeneration principle ensures the best possible utilisation of the energy contained in the fuel. The heat from a power plant can be used in the vicinity to heat buildings or as process heat in industry. A power plant that produces both electricity and heat is called a combined heat and power plant. Cold reserve a power plant that is not to be used for an indefinite period of time but operated once again at a later date is "conserved" and placed in cold reserve. It generally then takes a few months to prepare the unit to return to fully-fledged operation. Combined heat and power plant (CHP plant) energy conversion plant that simultaneously generates electricity and useful heat (cogeneration). Big power plants are operated on an electricity-led basis (in other words, district heat or process steam is decoupled). Smaller combined heat and power plants tend to be heat-led in other words, they are operated in response to heat consumption and electricity is a desirable byproduct. Heat-led combined heat and power plants have utilisation rates of over 70%. Combination plant, combination unit power plant in which the gas turbine and steam power process are combined. Either the flue gases from the gas turbine are used as combustion air in a steam generator, or steam is generated directly in a heat exchanger (gas and steam turbine plant). Combination unit combination of gas turbine heat recovery steam generator system and steam power plant. The steam generated in the heat recovery steam generator using the gas heat is fed into the steam cycle of the steam power plant. The advantage of a combination unit is that steam power plant and gas turbine can also be operated independently of one another. Demand peak peak load Efficiency ratio of produced output to resource input in the case of a machine, for example, the ratio of energy output to energy input. Only a part of the energy is converted into a new usable form of energy; the remainder is converted into a form of energy that cannot be used at all or is difficult to use. An electric motor, for example, transforms the input energy not only into useable kinetic energy but also to a lesser degree into
non-usable thermal energy. Due to the laws of thermodynamics, the efficiency of a system is always lower than 1, even in ideal conditions.
them. Each market participant is free to decide whether to buy allowance units or implement modernisation measures.
heavy metals, dioxins and furans as well as dust are washed out and removed at the end of the process in the form of dry salts.
Electric output installed capacity Emission allowance trading trading with emission certificates is an environmental policy instrument and is designed to promote climate protection. In the Kyoto Protocol, the industrialised nations agreed to reduce worldwide greenhouse gas emissions. In order to maximise the efficiency with which the reduction quota for greenhouse gases is divided up, the admissible emission volume of each country is split into so-called emission certificates that permit the emission of specific volumes of greenhouse gases. These emission allowances can be traded between countries. In order to achieve its emission reduction targets, the European Union has introduced an allowance trading scheme on company level. European Union allowances (EUAs) are issued to the participating companies based on National Allocation Plans (NAPs). Companies who need more allowance units than they have been allocated have to purchase additional units. Companies who receive more units than they need can sell
Flue gas cleaning extensive reduction in the volume of flue gas components like nitrogen oxides, dust and sulphur dioxide occurring during the combustion of solid fuels like coal. In this process, the flue gases from the boiler pass through separate cleaning stages. Flue gas desulphurisation system serves to reduce the concentration of sulphur dioxide in the flue gas flow. The most common technique is to spray the flue gases with a limestone suspension in a wet scrubbing process. During the scrubbing stage using the absorption solution, the sulphur oxides in the flue gas bind with the limestone to form calcium sulphite, which then oxidises to form gypsum in the scrubber sump following the injection of air. Flue gas scrubbing system flue gas scrubbing reduces the concentration in the gas of pollutants resulting from waste incineration. The system consists of a wet scrubber. The pollutants HCI (hydrochloric acid), SO2 (sulphur dioxide), HF (hydrogen fluoride),
Gas and steam turbine plant in a combined gas turbine and steam power process, the thermal energy of the extremely hot gases from the gas turbine is not discharged into the atmosphere unused but transferred via a heat exchanger to a steam power process which makes use of this energy. This makes it possible to combine the advantages of both processes: the high inlet temperature of the combustion gases into the gas turbine and the lower temperature of the steam at the end of the water-steam cycle. Utilisation of this high temperature differential greatly improves the efficiency level. Gas turbine a gas turbine essentially consists of a compressor, a combustion chamber and a turbine. Air is taken in from the surrounding atmosphere via the compressor and compressed. The compressed air is routed into the combustion chamber of the gas turbine, where it reacts with the feed fuel. In the turbine section of the gas turbine like in a steam turbine the gases are then flashed to ambient pressure. The flashed combustion gases are then discharged through a stack
either directly or via a heat exchanger which utilises the heat of the waste gases.
Gas turbine process cyclical process, the purpose of which is to produce work using air as the working medium. The thermodynamic comparison process is the so-called hot air or Joule process. Generating reserve reserve capacity Interconnection grid the totality of all synchronously interconnected transmission networks. Intermediate load level of increased electricity demand. This is where there are regular fluctuations of the load curve above the baseload in times of increased electricity consumption in the morning, at midday and in the evening, for example. kV kilovolt; 1 kilovolt = 1,000 volts Minute reserve this output reserve is needed if additional output has to be fed into the network in order to prevent the network frequency dropping below 50 Hertz. This reserve is supplied by storage, pumped-storage and gas turbine power plants.
MW megawatt; 1 megawatt = 1,000 kilowatts = 1,000,000 watts. This unit of output measurement is used for large-scale electrical facilities. Peak load the level of highest electricity demand. This short-term peak load on the electricity network is generally foreseeable based on long experience and is mainly covered with the help of storage, pumpedstorage and gas turbine power plants. The machines in these power plants can operate at full power inside a matter of minutes. Power output the product of current and voltage or work per unit of time. Power output is expressed in watts or joules per second. In the area of power plants, the power output is measured in megawatts (MW). Power plant by-products by-products like fly ash, boiler ash and gypsum occur in the power plant industry and are used as secondary raw materials in the building sector. The energy industry believes these by-products fully meet the requirements for by-products under the Waste Framework Directive and are therefore subject to the REACH legislation, an EU regulation that came into effect on June 1, 2007. REACH stands for registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals.
Primary energy the energy stored in natural energy sources like coal, crude oil or natural gas. Reactive power reactive power is the electrical output needed to create magnetised fields (in motors or transformers, for example) or electrical fields (e.g. in condensers) and that does not contribute to "useful work". Repowering repowering is when old power plants are replaced by new, modern, generally more efficient plants. Power plants are only designed for a certain service life. To allow operation after this time, the core components have to be replaced with modern components that are in line with the state of the art. Repowering also provides an opportunity to change the type of power plant. When a power plant is repowered, it generally continues to use the existing infrastructure. Reserve capacity this secures the operation of the interconnection grid even in the event of the unexpected failure of large-scale generating units. Retrofit a term used to describe the modernisation of existing power plants. One of the
main reasons individual power plant components are modernised is to increase their efficiency. Retrofit measures also pave the way for the generation of "green megawatts": this means that a technically optimised facility is able to generate a higher volume of electricity from the same fuel input.
porates. In-depth investigations by certified laboratories have confirmed that, up to a certain volume, the co-incineration of sewage sludge has no effect whatsoever on the quality of the clean gas and residual substances resulting from operation of the power plant.
tubes of the condenser. The steam flowing out of the turbine into the condenser gives off its evaporation heat to the cooling water, which is then discharged back into the river.
Safety reserve minute reserve Sewage sludge co-combustion mechanically dewatered and thermally dried sewage sludge can be incinerated together with coal. The precondition is that the sewage sludge complies with the waste sewage sludge regulations. This waste from sewage plants produced by humans used to be mainly disposed of in landfill sites or used in agriculture and within the framework of recultivation measures at exhausted lignite sites. Since June 1, 2005, however, the "German Technical Regulations on Municipal Waste" have prohibited the disposal of sewage sludge at landfill sites for household waste. This makes thermal utilisation in power plants a technically feasible and environmentally sparing disposal option. The high combustion temperatures ensure that the organic pollutants, in particular the halogenides, are completely destroyed; the residual moisture in the sewage sludge eva-
Steam power process thermodynamic cyclical process designed to produce work. Water and steam are used as working media. All steam power processes are based on the so-called Clausius Rankine process. Thermal capacity in physics, the thermal capacity is a parameter of an energy conversion installation that generates heat. It is normally measured in watts or joules per second. In steam power plants, this is the energy contained in the steam generated by the steam generator based on steam volume, steam temperature and steam pressure. In a steam generator, the thermal capacity corresponds to the heat content of the fuel used (thermal firing capacity) minus the losses due to waste gases and any other heat transfer from the plant to the environment. Once-through cooling in once-through cooling, water is taken from a river, mechanically cleaned and routed through the cooling
Utilisation rate a measure of how much of the energy stored in the energy source is actually utilised as usable energy. In the case of systems generating electricity in cogeneration mode, the utilisation rate describes the ratio of total utilised energy output (electricity and heat output together) to the energy input (primary energy). The difference between the utilisation rate and efficiency is that the latter only takes account of pure electricity generation. Waste incineration plant the purpose of waste incineration plants is to dispose of waste while using the energy it contains to generate (for example) electricity and heat. This also reduces the volume of waste that needs to be stored in landfills. Since June 1, 2005 the "Technical Regulations on Household Waste" have prohibited the disposal of household waste unless it has been processed. Thermal processing of waste in waste incineration plants is therefore also used to pre-treat household and industrial waste prior to landfill storage.
Plant tours
EnBW Info Centres Central Visitor Management Phone: 0800 2030040 E-mail: Power plant locations Altbach/Deizisau heat and power plant Industriestrae 11 73776 Altbach Rheinhafen steam power plant in Karlsruhe Fettweisstrae 44 76189 Karlsruhe Mnster residual waste heat and power plant Voltastrae 45 70376 Stuttgart Grosskraftwerk Mannheim power plant The Grosskraftwerk Mannheim Aktiengesellschaft (GKM) company in Mannheim-Neckarau opened an information centre for interested visitors at the end of 2010. The centre provides information on the GKM itself as well as on the new "Unit 9" construction project. You can find more details at
Publishing details
Publisher EnBW Energie Baden-Wrttemberg AG Durlacher Allee 93 76131 Karlsruhe Internet: Responsible for corporate publications Corporate Communications, Karlsruhe Layout and design Corporate Competence Centre Marketing, Stuttgart Photos Artis Foto, Karlsruhe Volker Dautzenberg, Mnchen Daniel Dbler, Poppenweiler Translation Anthony Tranter-Krstev, Germersheim Lithography Repro 2000, Leonberg Printed by Sommer Corporate Media, Waiblingen
ISBA: B.2567.1012 Published in December 2010
EnBW Energie Baden-Wrttemberg AG Durlacher Allee 93 76131 Karlsruhe Phone +49 (0)721 63-06 Fax +49 (0)721 63-12725