Building Energy Performance

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Project Brief: Adrienne Tuba - Project for Environmental Building Design 2011 Hand- in date Due: 28/06/2011 Student

name: Tuba Adrienne Module code: L32319 Level: 6

Module title: Environmental Design of buildings Assessment technique: Written report INTRODUCTION

A proposed single storey, semi-detached bungalow (see plan in Appendix 1) is to be reviewed exploring the possibilities for energy performance improvement. The aim of this report is to advise alternatives regarding fabric, renewable energy technology and compatible heating system, alternative strategy and waste treatment. The original plan has been assessed with a provisional Building Energy Rating (attached) which results will be considered when recommending improvement in the above mentioned areas. FABRIC When choosing the fabric for the structure of the building, the first factor to consider is the climate factor. As the diagram shows below (Picture 1), Ireland belongs to the Temperate climate zone. The result (Table 1) indicates that the major design factors for the buildings in this climate zone is waterproof fabric and wind protection.

Picture 1 Koeppen's Climate Classification

Climate Region Cold

Design impact/requirements Super insulation

Energy impact High annual space heating

Hot Dry Temperate

Ventilation, thermal mass, shading Waterproof fabric, wind protection

High annual cooling demand Seasonal heating/cooling, moderate temperature difference, infiltration/convection losses Air-conditioning, seasonal cooling Minimal heating/cooling

Hot Humid

Ventilation, breathable fabric

Tropical/High Rainfall Elevation, flood control Table 1 - N22967 Renewable Energy Systems Learning Pack

The main function of the fabric of the wall in this context is to eliminate heat loss, thermal bridging and to provide thermal mass for heat radiation. As the building is designed for durability it is very important to consider factors predictably occurring in the future. Regarding the fabric of the building Prof. Lockwood's recent report is worth to consider. Solar scientists have found that low solar activity - marked by a decrease in the sun's magnetic field - influences the weather conditions across northern Europe (Environmental Research Letters, Issue 5, 2010). In Ireland and the UK we can expect extremely cold winters in the coming years. It is advised to achieve a very good insulating value regarding this matter. The recent trends favour carbon neutral, low embodied energy fabrics such as timber, SPIS systems or hempcrete. In the other hand, the industrial, high embodied energy materials require less labour, time to construct, and some of them are produced locally which contributes to eliminating embodied energy regarding transport. While the following table extracted from a study in Finland is irrelevant to heating requirements and building regulations in Ireland, the overall result is eye-opening.
Heating energy consumption due to heat losses through various building parts
160 Annual consumption of heating energy, kWh/m 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0
ho us e ho us e ho us e ho us e 1 2 20 00 ho us e ho us e en ts bu ilt on el em si te

Air leaks Ventilation Entrance doors Windows Roof Floor External walls

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Picture 2 Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT, Report No: RTE 627/05 Another study by Helena Blow-Hbe, Research Assistant at Lund University in Sweden highlights

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the proportion of energy use in the operation and the production phase of the building. Life-cycle assessment

Table 3 Helena Blow-Hbe, Design of the Building envelope Insulation, Thermal Bridges, Thermal Mass

Summarizing all the aspect of the building strategy as above discussed ,this report is to follow the idea of lowering operating energy rather than production (primary) energy. WALLS According to the recent Building Regulations and the future directives to reduce carbon footprint and to transform new and existing building stock into low-energy constructions the recommended fabric is Quinn-Lite B7 blocks for external and party walls and Qiunn-Lite B5 blocks for internal load bearing walls as seen in drawings. Quinn-Lite blocks: The QUINN-lite thermal block is a unique product in that its microcellular structure provides a wide range of desirable properties including excellent thermal performance, light weight, fire resistance, frost resistance and moisture resistance. Quinn-Lite B5 and B7 blocks are certified for use in the construction of load bearing and non-load bearing internal and external walls above and below dpc (damp proof course) level. B7 blocks are also suitable for use in party wall construction. There are two types of party wall that can be used: a solid block 215 mm thick (which we are using for external walls), sheeted on both sides with 50 mm Moyisover Calibel insulated plasterboard slab; or a cavity wall comprising two leaves of 100 mm block with a 75 mm cavity between them, and 50 mm Moyisover Calibel board on the room side of each leaf. For external build, Quinn-Lite Aircrete blocks must be rendered using Weber.pral D render. Details of approved applications must be obtained from Weber Building Solutions Ltd. 1:1:6 Cement/lime/sand mix must be used above dpc level 1:4 cement/sand with plasticizer is to be used below dpc level. Quinn-Lite B5 and B7 blocks have a Class 0 fire rating. Quinn-Lite blocks are CFC and HCFC free and therefore has zero ozone depletion potential (zero ODP). Constructions using Quinn-Lite blocks (if in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction) will have a design life of 60 years. Quinn-Lite has a medium hygroscopic ability similar to Poroton which means it's quite good at buffering moisture levels and naturally regulating the humidity levels in the home which lowers the risk of fungus and mould growth. Quinn-Lite wall always feels a few degrees warmer than a concrete block wall due to its higher insulating properties (Irish Agrment Board, Quinn-Lite Aircrete Blocks: B3, B5 and B7, Certificate No.: 07/0264). Alternative fabric: Poroton blocks are a special clay block used to build highly insulated walls without a cavity. The blocks have a honeycomb-like pattern when viewed from above. Clay is naturally a very good material at regulating humidity, absorbing and releasing moisture readily. Poroton is also certified for load bearing construction.

Comparison of Quinn-Lite and Poroton blocks: Quinn-Lite Advantage Disadvantage

Poroton Advantage Disadvantage Imported Expensive Standard blocks (365mm) will no longer comply with 2010 Building regulations

Cost effective Still contain considerable Quick construction Quick construction embodied energy Simple construction Widely available and combining structure and manufactured in insulation Ireland Breathable IAB certified IAB certified System built from block is Passive House certified Table 2 Comparison of Quinn-Lite and Poroton blocks

Above recommendation for Quinn-Lite blocks is based on the fact that the Viking House system using Quinn-Lite block can achieve Passive House Standard, and that the product manufactured in Ireland providing jobs in local communities. Block dimensions: Length Height Thickness Strength Dry Density

440 mm 215 mm 215 mm B7: 7Mpa B5: 5Mpa B7: 760 kg/m3 B5: 650 kg/m3

Thermal Conductivity B7: 0.19 W/mK B5: 0.17 W /mK Table 3 IAB Certificate of Quinn-Lite Aircrete Blocks B3, B5 & B7 Insulation: In order to gain a low U-value for the wall construction the system needs quality insulation which is compatible with the recommended Quinn-Lite Aircrete blocks. In order to maintain the heat radiation from block work it is recommended to use external insulation. Regarding manufacturer's description, Weber.therm XL EPS board insulation is recommended for external insulation of the masonry walls. Installation shall be carried out by Weber recommended constructors. The Weber Therm insulation system can be designed to withstand the wind pressures (including suction) and thermal stresses. The external surface of the system is classified as Class 0 in fire rating. As no certification of the thermal resistance of the product itself is available, the value set for high density EPS board in Table A2 of Building Regulation 2008 Part L document will be used to calculate the overall U-value of the structure. Achieving long-term durability of outer surface, fibre glass mesh is to be used between external render and EPS insulation (see Picture 3).

Picture 3 application of fibreglass reinforcing mesh Qualities of EPS insulation: Advantages 100% recyclable Will not support mould or mildew growth Long term, stable U-value Table 4 EPS insulation pros and cons

Disadvantages Exposure to sun will deteriorate the product Incompatible with certain thermoplastics, causing permanent degradation Polystyrene is flammable

Structure: The wall shown in Picture 4 below has an 11 hour decrement delay due to the density of the Quinn-Lite blocks which slows down heat loss and protects against summer overheating. Quinn-Lite has a medium hygroscopic ability similar to Poroton so it's quite good at buffering humidity, naturally regulating the humidity levels in the house which lowers the risk of fungus and mould growth. The Viking House building system eliminates the Cold Bridges around the windows/doors and where the wall meets the roof and floor, so the U-value of the wall isn't compromised by cold bridging.

Picture 4 Viking House Building System U-value of external wall structure: (Please note values are taken from certification as described above or Building Regulations 2008 Part L, Table A2) Layer Thickness Conductivity Resistance Internal surface Plaster (lightweight) Quinn-Lite B7 Weber.therm XL EPS External render External surface Total R= Table 5 Thermal resistance calculation 0.013 0.215 0.2 0.019 m 0.18 0.19 0.035 0.57 0.13 0.07 1.13 5.71 0.03 0.04 7.11

U-value = 1 / R = 0.14 W/m2K

Summary: The original plan suggest a wall structure with U-value of 0.19 W/m2K. The above recommended structure will provide better protection from heat loss through material. The upcoming Building Regulation 2010 Draft Part L sets a minimum U-value of 0.21 W/m2K for walls. The achieved Uvalue by recommended fabric complies with even Passive House standard with maximum U-value of 0.15 W/m2K (Lars Petterson 2009. Passive Houses). It is quite certain that the recommended fabric will comply with future regulation for the next one or two decades. Yet, thermal quality can be improved by applying additional insulation or block layer complying with actual building regulations. GLAZING Glazing will always have higher heat loss values than any other fabric of the construction. New developments of triple or even quadruple glazed, Argon or Krypton gas filled windows and doors provide relatively low U-values to comply with Building Regulations Part L (2008 and 2010), and some products are certified for Passive House construction. The structure of these low U-value windows compromise in radically reducing heat gain and light transmission. As recent regulations and future directives are to minimise the energy requirement of the building it is recommended to use glazing with the lowest possible U-value. However, in Ireland and in the UK the g-value is regulated,

and the Dwelling Energy Assessment Procedure requires the g-value to calculate heat gain through the glazing, too.

Picture 5 - Internorm Varion4 window range Window Quadruple glazing: Top heat insulation values of Uw = 0.63 W/mK reached by using an additional outer pane and blind closed. Combined frame-glass U-value is certified 0.78 W/m2K as seen in Appendix 2. Varion4 window range filled with 98% Krypton gas has a g value of 0.48 (regarding suppliers technical data as g-value is irrelevant in Austria where product is manufactured). Patio Door As patio doors are not manufactured with outer pane and blind a triple glazed glazing will be used from Internorm selection. Edition windows are triple glazed with two 12 mm Argon gas filled gap. Frame and window combined U-value is 0.86 W/mK (Appendix 3). Front Door With its innovative door, Selection, Internorm can offer for the first time a passive house certified front door (Appendix 4), U-value is 0.73 W/mK. It is made from a specialist combination of wood, thermal foam and aluminium. In order to deter uninvited guests, it comes complete with a reliable security system. Not only that; it is available in four different doors series. FLOOR As seen in Picture 4 on page 6, the floor slab is to be constructed regarding the certified Viking House system. The floor structure is built up from 150-200 mm (site survey required) compacted hardcore (18-35 mm), 3 layers of certified 100 mm thick high density EPS for floor structure, reinforced concrete ring beam to support the wall, EPS 300 G element, dpm and radion barrier, low-e reflective insulation (to reflect heat from under floor heating to the interior), and 100 mm Kilsaran Alphaflo screed to improve responsiveness of under-floor heating compared to concrete. Calculating a well-insulated floor U-value the following equation is used regarding TGD Part L 2008. U=/(0.457B' + dt) where is thermal conductivity of unfrozen ground (2 W/mK), B' is 2A/P, dt is w + (Rsi + Rf + Rse), A is floor area, P is heat loss perimeter, w is wall thickness, Rsi is internal surface resistance, Rf is equal to the thermal resistance of the insulation alone, Rse is external surface resistance. U-value of the floor Layer Internal surface Knauf insulation 0.3 0.035 Thickness Conductivity Resistance 0.17 8.57

External surface dt (0.215+2x8.78) Floor area Perimeter B' (2A/P)

0.1 17.78 48.97 m2 28.4 m 3.45 m

0.41 Total R =

0.04 8.78

Wall thickness 0.215 m Table 6 Thermal Resistance Calculation U=/(0.457B' + dt) U= 2 W/mK / (0.457x3.45 m + 17.78 m)

U-value 0.1 W/m2K

Summary: The original plan suggest a floor structure with U-value of 0.19 W/mK. The above recommended structure will provide better protection from heat loss through the structure. The upcoming Building Regulation 2010 Draft Part L sets a minimum U-value of 0.21 W/mK for floors. The achieved Uvalue by recommended fabric even complies with Passive House standard with maximum U-value of 0.11 W/mK (Lars Petterson 2009. Passive Houses). The U-value of the suggested construction complies with TGD Part L requirement of U-value of 0.15 W/m2K where under-floor heating is used (recommended central heating, see Heating section). It is quite certain that the recommended structure will comply with future regulation for the next one or two decades. ROOF Insulating the roof has been required by recent Building Regulations already. Insulation at ceiling level reduces the volume of the building to be heated. Roof underlay is to be used as a secondary waterproofing with the slates. Adequate ventilation is important in an attic to help prevent damp or mould from occurring. It is therefore important to ensure ventilation openings at the eaves of the house are left unblocked after installation of your insulation. When an attic is insulated at ceiling level, its temperature is reduced, as most of the heat previously lost from the house through the attic is now being kept within the house. Therefore, it is necessary to insulate the water tank and pipes to ensure that they will not freeze during cold weather (Picture 6). This will also help to minimise heating costs associated with heating water.

Picture 6 Cold roof insulating the cold water tanks Earthwool insulation is made using recycled, rapidly renewable materials. Using 270 mm of Earthwool insulation provides the required U-value of roof insulation at ceiling level set in Building Regulation 2010 Part L (Picture 8). Applying extra layer in the future can comply with upcoming expectation and regulations.

Picture 7 Roof insulation at ceiling level using Earthwool

Picture 8 U-value of Earthwool applied at ceiling level between and over joists. THERMAL BRIDGES Thermal bridges can occur at various locations of the building envelope and can result in increased heat flow, which causes additional transmission losses, lower inner surface temperatures and possibly moisture and mould problems. The additional transmission losses lead to a higher heating energy need and use, and are becoming especially important in the case of so-called low energy or high performance buildings. Here, the energy loss due to thermal bridges can be even higher than, for example, the energy benefit provided by thermal solar collectors for domestic hot water. The total impact of thermal bridges on the heating energy need is in general considerable and can be as high as 30 %. AIR TIGHTNESS & THERMAL CONTINUITY With average overall standards (U-values) as set in the Elemental Method in Building Regulations 2008 TGD-L (Dwellings) for instance, the proportion of the overall heat loss due to thermal bridging in average dwellings built recently is probably between 10% and 15%. The figure can be substantially higher with certain construction systems and in dwellings with particularly poor detailing. Furthermore, the typical additional heat loss due to easily avoidable air leakage is between 5% and 10%. Other side effects of thermal bridging and air leakage include:- Surface condensation, damaging decorations and enabling mould growth - Deterioration of the building fabric caused by interstitial condensation - Occupant discomfort caused by draughts and cold rooms To reduce the impact of these and to address these problems, insulation continuity and air tightness need to be thoroughly considered at all stages of design and construction. Thermal bridging typically occurs at the junctions between plane building elements, e.g. at wall/roof and wall/floor junctions, and around openings, e.g. at window jambs, where the continuity of the insulation is interrupted. Thermal

bridging increases the heat loss and also the risk of condensation due to the lower localised internal surface temperatures. The air tightness of a dwelling, or its air permeability, is expressed in terms of air leakage in cubic meters per hour per square metre of the dwelling envelope area when the building is subjected to a differential pressure of 50 Pascal (m3/(h.m2)@50Pa). Air leakage is defined as the flow of air through gaps and cracks in the building fabric. Uncontrolled air leakage increases the amount of heat loss as warm air is displaced through the envelope by colder air from outside. Air leakage of warm damp air through the building structure can also lead to condensation within the fabric (interstitial condensation), which reduces insulation performance and causes fabric deterioration. The complexity of the modern building envelope requires that consideration is given to achieving insulation continuity and air tightness early in design. It is also important that the building project reflects the required sequence for effective formation of the air barrier and insulation installation e.g. eaves insulation. All trades must be permitted access to form not only the part of the insulation layer or air barrier for which they are responsible, but also to ensure that continuity is achieved between their works and that of other contractors. Inspection of the insulation will largely be a qualitative assessment during construction. This should be a series of inspections as recommended above. These inspections might be recorded as a series of brief reports supplemented by photographs as well as the completed ACDs (Acceptable Construction Details. The air permeability test is usually undertaken as the building nears completion. The external envelope must be practicably complete with all windows, doors and service penetrations installed and air sealed. The test is a quantitative assessment which culminates in either a pass or a fail result against a design value. Code of Practice at Construction stage: Appoint a site air barrier manager to coordinate and inspect the overall formation of the air barrier. Brief the whole construction team (not just management) on the need for and importance of the air barrier. Inform the team of the air barrier line, the materials which will form the barrier and the critical junctions. Encourage operatives to draw attention to unforeseen difficulties rather than using makeshift solutions. All materials and workmanship including air tightness tapes and sealants are to be supplied and completed as per guidelines in Technical Guidance Document D. Good examples in pictures:

Sealing the junction between Sealing where pipes enter air-tight membrane the joist and the external wall the roof space the concrete floor slab

Bonding an to

Try to locate the following so as to minimise services and penetrations through the envelope:


W.C. toilet overflows, Boiler flue, Outside taps, Soil vent pipes, Waste pipes, Air intake vents, ESB connections and meters, Security alarm systems, etc

Sealing under way at junction of timber frame wall and external wall ope Roof insulation should be installed to minimise the effects of thermal bridging at the eaves. Attention must be paid to the timing of installation of insulation at the eaves to ensure that it is effective as it is impractical to install when the roof has been completed. The insulation should be laid over the top course of blocks and the wall insulation installed right up to the top of the wall. The y value is used to measure how much heat loss occurs at the junctions between insulated areas. To comply with the 2008 Building Regs (40% less heat-loss than Building Regs) a y value of 0.08 W/m2K is necessary and for the 2010 Building Regs (60% less heat-loss than Building Regs) a y value of 0.04 W/m2K is necessary. The more you increase the U-values of the wall and floor the bigger the y value gets, so when you increase the U-value of the wall or floor you also need to increase the y value of the junction just to comply. The Enhanced Construction Details (ECD) developed in the UK by the Energy Saving Trust gives us a good guidance throughout the construction to achieve the y-value of 0.04 W/m2K set in the Building Regulations 2010 Part L. HEATING Biomass boilers When choosing a heating system, there are many factors to be concerned about. Climate/weather, access to fuel, responsiveness of the system and finance. Regarding the predicted cold winters in the coming future, it is very important to chose a heating system which can provide predictable output (does not depend on fuel source), response relatively quickly and adjustable. As fossil fuels are not in future's agenda, it is obvious to choose from a renewable energy source. With the appropriate renewable energy source the residential building will comply with not only the recent but future regulations, reduce carbon foot-print and most importantly the occupants will save money on energy cost. The geo-thermal heat pumps lose their efficiency in extreme cold weather and can cost high electricity requirements. Solar panels and wind turbines output is unpredictable as energy storage is not fully developed just yet. Biomass is the most adequate solution as they are carbon neutral energy sources (wood source only releases the same amount of CO2 which was absorbed during plant growth) and they also have very low embodied energy. Biomass stoves are highly efficient for use in areas where timber and biomass refuse are readily available. Biomass stoves use combustion of renewable resources for heating purposes. They can sufficiently heat an entire house, depending on the size, with little to no cost, especially if agricultural waste is used. As wood logs or chips moisture content could vary hugely and as such the amount of heat you will get out of the fuel may also vary, depending upon the moisture content. In the other hand wood log stoves

does not require electricity for ignition and fuel can be readily available from local forests (after proper air-drying). Every 6 m3 of wood logs used prevents 1,000 litres of oil being burnt, saving approximately 2 tonnes of CO

Wood log price varies between 55-68 per m3. Oil price varies between 0.815 and 0.85 Oil condensing boiler efficiency: 97% Wood log stove + boiler efficiency: 71%

Average 61.5 Average 0.832 price of used oil price of burnt log

6 m3 = 369 1000 l = 832 857 476 Saving: 44%

Renewable technologies Achieving compliance with Part L 2008 regarding Heating and Domestic Hot Water Systems in dwellings the chosen room heater with boiler should have minimum efficiency of 67%. Wood fuel used for the stove should always be seasoned to a moisture content not exceeding 20% to ensure maximum performance and limit the occurrence of condensation and deposits in the chimney system. The Building Regulations 2008 Part L sets the level of renewable technologies provided 10 kWh/m2/annum contributing to energy use for DHW, space heating or cooling, or 4 kWh/m2/annum of electrical energy, or a combination of these which would have equivalent effect. While there is no change regarding minimum renewable energy system requirement in Building Regulations 2010 Part L, Ireland's plan is to achieve all new buildings to be zero energy buildings by 31 December 2020. It is not predictable how this plan will affect existing building stock; however, complying with upcoming regulations will guarantee to keep up with the market value of the houses built in compliance with the newest regulations. Choosing a wood fuel stove or boiler as main heat resource will ensure the compliance with building regulations regarding renewable technology requirements. Heating the dwelling The space heating requirement of the dwelling according to recommended construction in this report is 819 kWh/y. The most efficient heat delivery within the dwelling is under-floor heating as its water temperature requirement is low, approx 35 C. As the rooms are not spacious regarding the overall size of the building, under-floor heating allows free interior design by having no radiators on the walls. The original plan included a wood pellet stove room heater as secondary heating. This plan indicates that the occupant(s) of the new dwelling favours the cosiness of a closed fireplace. Room heater with boiler Rika stoves and boilers combine the fireplace and central heating functions. Appliances available with wood pellet and wood log fuel, room heaters with boiler (picture 11 & 12).

Picture 9 Rika Evo Aqua wood pellet stove room heater + boiler

Picture 10 - Rika Tavo Aqua log stove room heater + boiler

Picture 11 Rika Evo Aqua at work

Picture 12 Rika Tavo Aqua at work

According to HARP Database records the efficiency of these Rika stoves are as follows: Rika Evo Aqua 84.2% Rika Tavo Aqua 71.3%

Picture 13 Energy Efficiency Band Comparison of Rika Evo Aqua and Rika Tavo Aqua: Rika Evo Aqua Advantage Disadvantage Advantage Rika Tavo Aqua Disadvantage Wood log water content is higher max 20%) pellet one, unreliable output, Energy output uncontrollable Low efficiency, HARP rating F Higher emissions than pellet Minimum output 5 kW

Registered in Still contain Wood log is locally HARP Database considerable embodied available Wood pellet water energy Heating available content 8%, LHV 4.7 Uses electricity for (room heating) without kWh/kg ignition, without electricity Automated energy electricity, there is no Works with external air heating output with supply microprocessor Minimum size of buffer Air side output 30%, controls tank is 600 l same as living area Works with Air side output 15%, (31.16% of building external air supply living area (31.16% of area), under-floor heating building area) might need is not required there Relatively high under-floor heating, too efficiency, HARP Works without rating C electricity Lower emissions than log Minimum output 2 kW Table 7 Comparison of Rika Evo Aqua and Rika Tavo Aqua

Better compatibility While Rika Evo Aqua is a more advanced development with impressive efficiency, with the dwelling characteristics the Rika Tavo Aqua is more compatible. As the dwelling is based in a rural area where electricity supply is less reliable, Tavo Aqua will still heat at least the room in case electricity is unavailable from either the mains or the renewable system. Regarding the location of the dwelling it is also advantage that firewood locally available when fuel delivery is unavailable due to icy road condition.

Rika Tavo Aqua is also equipped with remote heat exchanger, top or rear flue outlet, return boiler temperature control sensor and combustion air regulator. Additional safety feature is that Tavo Aqua encompasses a thermal safety valve and safety flush in order to ensure safe operation, even in the event of a power cut. Thermal Store The space heating requirement of the dwelling built with the recommendation of this report is 819 kWh/y (according to provisional BER with DEAP). It requires a system with approx. 3KWh output. As the wood log stove will not have an automatically controlled output such as a condensing boiler or even a wood pellet stove would have, and taking it on account that the output range of the Rika Tavo Aqua stove is 5 kW/h 10kWh, the extra heat energy gained is to be stored in an integrated 300 l Akvaterm Akvair Solar thermal storage.

Picture 14 Akvaterm Accumaulator Tank Thermal storage has been developing for around 25 years. It addresses the particular problem of the temporal dislocation associated with heat sources that provide heat during certain times but when the need for heat is at other times. An example is that of solar heating, where heat is generated during the day, but often needed in the evening or during other periods of low solar gain. By storing heat for future use, the problem is overcome. This technique is often known as buffering. A thermal store provides both space heating (radiators or under-floor) and mains pressure hot water. A thermal storage water cylinder reverses the normal process whereby the boiler heats the water that is to be sent to the taps, this water being stored until required. By contrast, in a thermal storage system, domestic hot water (DHW) is provided via a heat exchanger. Cold water from the mains enters the coil at the top of the tank and is heated by the surrounding hot water before outputting to the taps. Hot water is therefore effectively provided on demand and at mains pressure. The water that passes through the central heating system also passes through the cylinder. This water never changes, it simply flows around the vented or un-vented heating circuits before being re-heated through the thermal store. A boiler, whether supplied by gas, biomass or CHP, is usually the prime generator of heat to a thermal store. Water heated by the boiler passes into the tank and through a heat-exchanging coil and heats the water in the tank. Additional renewable heating technologies (e.g. solar collector or heat pump) can be included by adding a further coil to the bottom of the tank-where relatively low-grade heat can be most efficiently employed in heating the coldest part of the tank. In an integrated thermal store (ITS) the heating primary water is circulated to the space heating, in our case in under-floor heating system. Therefore, the minimum storage volume given by equation below must be available for space heating. VH = 45 + 0.25VS Where VH = Minimum storage volume available for space heating (l) and VS = Storage capacity of the thermal store (l). The minimum storage volume for space heating therefore is 45 + (0.25x300) = 170

litres. The minimum storage volume for solar thermal heating is 1.5 times 40 l / person which equal 120 litres. The 300 l integrated thermal store recommended above will satisfy space heating and hot water need without losing heat by oversized tank. The chosen accumulator tank is insulated with 70 mm seamless urethane. As Akvaterm utilise special requirements, it is advised to order the tank with 100 mm seamless urethane to achieve better performance. Heating system components have to be chosen and installed in conjunction with professional heating system designer and/or heating system supplier/installer. Boiler and tank has to be installed with expansion vessels. CONTROL AND VENTILATION SYSTEM In order to reach optimum output of the heating system, it is necessary to install time and zoned control system with thermostats in the rooms and on the thermal storage. There is advised to install a control system with a feature within the device to delay the chosen starting time for space heating according to the temperature measured inside or outside the building. Please note this type of feature will only save energy in the case of having sufficient water with proper temperature in the accumulator tank. As the designed dwelling according to recommendation in this report is airtight and its fabric is nonbreathable, and also is supposed to keep air change rate below 0.5 ac/h, it is necessary to install a mechanical ventilation system (MVHR) to provide fresh air for occupants, eliminate humidity and pollutants, and mitigate any condensation issues arising from vapour build-up in the building. The whole house mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery will ensure to minimize heat loss through ventilation. This type of ventilation system usually combines supply and extract ventilation and extract ventilation in one system. These systems can be effective at meeting part of the heating load in energy efficient dwellings, and helping adequately distribute the heat. The system is typically dual speed, providing low-speed continuous trickle ventilation, and high speed boost extract flow. The system can be acoustically treated to reduce the ingress of external noise if required, and should be provided with fire dampers where ducts pass through separating walls and floors. MWHV requires minimum maintenance, filters have to be checked and exchanged as operating manual dictates. Advantages Controlled, pre-heated fresh air is provided throughout the house Heat exchanger reduces heating demand Offers air filtration of the incoming air from outside Table 8 MWHV pros and cons Disadvantages Initial costs are high For optimum performance, an adequate level of air tightness must be achieved Complexity of installation and commissioning

Itho Advance MWHV is meticulously tuned, high performance and with a Specific Fan Power (SFP) as low as 0.4 w/l/s and a heat recovery efficiency up to 90%, this system is recommended to be installed in the dwelling. The SFP results in SAP Appendix Q demonstrate that this unit will give improved savings on CO2 emissions. Draught Lobby To reduce air infiltration it is advised to build a draught lobby within the hall. ADDITIONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS

Renewable technology Energy type Biomass Heating



Generates employment Variable fuel quality, Waste as resource system maintenance wood chip, pellets, hemp, grass Reliable, long life Intermittent requires mixed supply, concerns over ecological impact birds, heating of soil, high C footprint, planning, amenity concerns, requires good resource, limited applicability, expensive Environmental concerns about cleaning chemicals with very high C emissions, Expensive

Small Scale Wind




Suitable for retrofit, urban installations, Reliable, long life, good payback for small scale, maintenance free, works in winter (diffuse radiation), portable Easy to retrofit, relatively inexpensive, useful

Solar thermal

Hot water/Heating

Storage requirement, maintenance, replacement

Heat Pumps


Wide variety of Costly, unpredictable applications, integration output, scale, ground into varied systems source impact on site & ecology, noise Limited applicability, planning/fisheries loopholes

Very efficient, good payback, continuous supply good for export Table 9 Differences between the main renewable systems



Solar Thermal Energy Solar energy is a radiant energy derived from the sun as a result of nuclear fusion reactions within the sun's core. The solar constant is the measurement of the sun's radiation, as an average per m2, at the earth's outer atmosphere. Solar radiation comprises of direct and diffuse radiation. Direct is received from the sun. Diffuse radiation on earth's surface scattered by clouds, dust particles, pollution. Global radiation is the sum of direct and diffuse radiation. Diffused radiation makes up between 40% (May) and 80% (Dec) of available radiation. Ireland's daily solar radiation average is between 2.6 and 3 kWh/m2/day. The solar energy yield from incident radiation will be affected by the orientation of the panel and the angle of inclination or tilt angle of the panel. Solar Thermal describes the general technology used to convert the suns radiation to heat. There are two general types of technology used in Ireland for this process: Flat Plate collectors and Evacuated Tube collectors. The main benefit of solar thermal heating is that once installed, it provides 55-65% of annual hot water free and with no CO2 emissions. Typical recommendation for system size is 40 litres

of hot water per person. Storage volume should be 1.5 times the requirement (120 l) which is met by installing a 500 l combined accumulator tank. The size of the solar thermal panel is to be calculated as 0.7 m2 of evacuated tube (high performance) per person or 1 m2 of flat plate panel per person. Evacuated Tube Uses heat-pipe for super efficient heat conduction. No water enters into the collector Thermal diode operation principle. The heat pipe's thermal flows one way only; from the collector to the water and never in reverse Flat Plate Panel Circulates water inside insulated areas. Prone to leakage, corrosion and restriction of flow due to possible air lock Flat plates can actually rob the water of built up heat if the collector becomes colder than the water temperature

Corrosion and freeze free; there is nothing within Flat plate collectors contain water and unless the evacuated tube to freeze and the hermetic well-protected can burst upon freezing. Corrosion sealing of each tube eliminates corrosion can become a major problem reducing performance Easy installation, no maintenance. Lightweight individual collector tubes are assembled into the system at the point of installation. Each tube can be replaced individually Table 10 Flat plate vs. Evacuated Installation is difficult. Entire panels have to be hoisted onto the roof and installed. If one has a leak, the entire collector has to be removed

Summer Hot Water Source As there is no heating required usually during the summer, and thermal store allow more than one heating system, solar panels need to be installed in order to meet DHW requirements throughout the year. With the wood log boiler installed the Building Regulations Part L 2008 requirement regarding Renewable Technologies (same in 2010) is met, the following Renewable systems are to be installed to save energy and to meet 2010 requirement regarding Carbon Performance Co-efficient, which is 0.04. It is worth to design the building with the lowest CPC possible in order to avoid carbon taxes introduced in the future. Kingspan Thermomax HP 100 evacuated tubes are registered in HARP database, therefore its efficiency and other measurements are certified. The designed dwelling indicates maximum of two occupants so the area of the evacuated tubes to meet hot water requirement is 0.7x2=1.4 m2. Kingspan Thermomax HP 100 has 2.158 aperture area (1.418 m x 2 m) which will provide enough hot water for temporary visitors, too. As the house is designed with a South facing roof (32.2 m2) and it has a 26 slope the tubes are advised to be mounted to optimum angle, 30 (Table 10).

Tilt of Collector Horizontal 15 30 45 60 75 Vertical

Orientation of collector South 963 1036 1074 1072 1027 942 822 1005 1021 1005 956 879 773 929 886 837 778 708 628 848 736 644 574 515 461 813 676 556 463 416 380 SE/SW E/W NE/NW North

Table 11 Annual solar radiation, kWh/m2 Photovoltaic System Electricity has the highest primary energy factor, 2.7. This energy source is the second most used in a home for entertaining and domestic appliances. Even the pumps installed for the renewable energy heating and hot water systems use electricity. To meet the MCPC of Building Regulations Part L, to save money and reduce carbon foot-print it is highly recommended to install Photovoltaic panels, connected to the grid for convenience, to cover most of the electricity usage of the dwelling. Photovoltaic system is the direct conversion of light into electricity at atomic level. Some materials exhibit a property known as the photoelectric effect that causes them to absorb photons of light and release electrons. PV`s can form part of the roof structure, walls or be floor mounted. The cost of PV wall or roof can be offset against the cost of the building element it replaces. By connecting to the grid the high cost of storage associated with stand alone systems is avoided and security of supply is ensured. PV`s have long life times. Manufacturers generally guarantee module outputs of 805 of the nominal power for 20-25 years. Environmentally, PVs have the significant advantages of producing no pollutant emissions in use and, by replacing mains electricity, reducing CO2, NOx and SOx emissions. Schott Protect Poly 185 PV panel is equipped with required certification to rely on its nominal power. Due to the one-of-a-kind double glazed technology, the module exhibits excellent long-term stability. Using front and backside glass creates a natural barrier against environmental influences such as high humidity or gases such as ammonia resulting in permanently stable energy yields. The test verified pressure and suction loads of 5400 Pa ensure the module withstands weather conditions including wind, storms, ice and snow. The panel nominal power output is 185 Wp with dimension of 1.35 x 0.993 m. The south facing roof area is 17.8 m2 left after using approx. 3 m2 for evacuated tubes. It is regulated that the distance between the edge of a wall or roof and the panel shall not exceed 50 centimetres (0.5 m). The picture shows below that the roof area left allows to install 12 Schott Protect Poly 185 PV panels with overall 2.22 kWp output.

Picture 15 Roof plan for solar thermal and PV panels The electricity produced by the PV module in kWh/y is 0.8 x kWp x S x ZPV where S is the annual solar radiation from Table 11 and ZPV is the shading factor from Table 12 below. The electricity produced is 1907 kWh/y. Over shading % of sky blocked by obstacles Over shading factor

Heavy Significant Modest None or very little Table 12 Over shading factor

> 80% > 60% - 80% 20% - 60% < 20%

0.5 0.65 0.8 1

Both with solar thermal and photovoltaic panel installation it is important to consider landscape planning to avoid shading effect on those panels (to achieve over shading factor 1). LOW WATER CONSUMPTION Water is widely wasted in developed countries. Ireland is facing water charges in the near future therefore it is important to be prepared for low water consumption. As surveys show an excessive amount of water is wasted in the bathroom. This can be achieved by making simple changes to the bathroom routine or by swapping guzzling taps, baths or toilets for more water friendly alternatives. The average toilet uses 8 litres per flush with old style single flush toilets using as much as 13 litres of water per flush. Households can reduce the amount of water they use, by replacing old toilets with water-efficient dual-flush toilets, which use only 6 litres for a full flush and 4 litres with a reduced flush. An easy and cost free way to reduce personal water consumption is by turning the tap off when brushing teeth. Leaving the tap running for 2 minutes twice a day wasting 6 litres of water per minute equals 24 litres per day. By turning the tap off when brushing, this can be reduced to just 2 litres per day. Fitting flow regulators to taps can also cut down unnecessary water usage. The Environmental Protection Agency has revealed that a dripping tap can waste up to 90 litres of water a day leading to excess water wastage in older bathrooms. It is recommended to fit sinks with water saving mixer push taps, and to fit showers with low flow shower head. Flow restrictors in shower head can reduce water consumption by 20%. Beyond that performance can be affected. Regular tap flow rates can be up to 20 l per minute. Tap flow can be reduced by using mixer push taps.

Picture 16 -

Caroma basin and flush system

- Picture 17

A new development from Caroma who is well-known by their efficient dual flush toilets incorporates a hand-washing basin right into the tank of their toilet to conserve even more water. The water refilling the tank is first routed through a faucet at the top, making that clean water available for hand washing. As the water from your hand washing goes down the drain of the basin, it goes directly into tank to be used next time you flush the toilet Picture 16 & 17). RAINWATER HARVESTING

Roof catchment system with underground storage As part of waste management plan, rainwater harvesting could perfectly compliment the low water consumption approach of the dwelling. The most benefical way of waste management to prevent it at source. Rainwater harvesting is the accumulation and storage of rainwater for non-potable use. Rainfall is usually clean, only when it hits surface does its microbiological, chemical and aesthetic qualities become compromised. The recommended use for harvested rainwater in Ireland is therefore restricted to toilet flushing, clothes washing, washing of machines, garden irrigation, car and fleet washing and some industrial processes. In Ireland each person uses 148 litres of water a day, and less than half of this water is used for drinking and hygienic purpose. As the building is equipped with a 32 m2 North facing roof area, a roof catchment system is compatible with the plans. This system channels rainwater that falls onto the roof into a storage via a system of gutters and pipes (Picture 18). This in-built collection system filters out leaves and other debris and directs water to the underground tank which is recommended for the rainwater harvesting system. It is also advisable to install a header tank with the system, whereby the harvested rainwater is pumped to a header tank in the attic and the services are drawn from there. In the case of power cut or malfunction in PV system, there will be still harvested rainwater available from header tank.

Picture 18 Rainwater harvesting system with underground tank There is a possibility of contamination from bacteria (Cryptosporidium and Legionalla) which with the correct installation should not be a problem. Underground storage tanks do not provide the correct conditions for bacterial growth. Sizing the system In Ireland no specific regulations govern rainwater harvesting, although Building Regulations Part H affect siting of the tank and pipe runs, while Part G refers to internal planning. The maximum water that can be harvested in a year can be calculated by using the following equation. Y = P x A x 0.8 where Y is annual rainwater yield in m3, P is annual precipitation in metres (Picture 19), A is collection area in m2 (usually roof area) and 0.8 is for expecting to collect 80% of this rainwater each year due to losses in filtering and small rainfalls that do not generate enough runoff.

Picture 18 Mean Annual Rainfall (Met Eireann) In County Clare the average annual rainfall is 1055 mm (1.055 m). The rainwater harvesting system can use 28 m2 catchment area of total North facing roof allowing adequate means of access for maintenance. The expected maximum rainwater that can be harvested in the area of the dwelling is 24 m3 (24000 l) Determining the required storage volume, the size of the tank is calculated as follows. With an estimated non-potable water consumption of 20 l/person/day, which is the commonly accepted minimum (and can be achieved by implementing low water consumption plan described above), the water demand will be Water Demand = 20 x n x 365 where n is the number of occupants of the building. In the case of this report the water demand is 14600 litres or approx. 1200 l/month. For a dry period of maximum two months, the required storage capacity would be 2500 litres. Advantages Relatively clean and free source Provides a source of water where it is needed Owner-operated and managed Conserves water resources Disadvantages Increased storage capacity will add to construction and operating costs Possible contamination of the rainwater with animal wastes and organic matter Leakage from cisterns can cause the deterioration of load bearing slopes Cistern and storage tanks can be unsafe for small children if proper access protection is not provided

Uses simple, flexible technologies that are easy to maintain Offers cost savings with rising water costs

Table 13 Rainwater harvesting system Pros and Cons ENERGY PERFORMANCE According to the recommendations detailed in this report the provisional Dwelling Energy Assessment Procedure demonstrates huge improvement in heat loss, heat demand and carbon performance co-efficient as shown in the tables below. Total Heat Loss (W/K) 44 Per m2 0.89

Delivered energy [kW h/y]Primary energy [kW h/y]C O 2 emissions [kg/y] M ain space heating system 633 696 16 M ain water heating system 1322 1454 33 Supplementary water heating system 137 0 0 Pumps and fans 183 495 118 Energy for lighting 221 597 142 Renewable and energy saving technologies Energy produced and saved 1907 5148.9 1226.2 Energy consumed by the technology 1300 3510 835.9 Total 1889 1603 -81 Per m floor area 38.58 32.74 -1.66 Ene rgy R ating A2

Compared to the original plans there is significant improvement is to achieve regarding the Energy Performance Co-efficient and the Carbon Performance Co-efficient. With the renewable technologies recommended in this report Ireland's Zero Carbon Plan for 2020 is achievable straight away. EPC Original Plan 0.538 Original Plan 0.472 Revised Plan 0.155 CPC Revised Plan - 0.037 Part L 2008 0.69 Part L 2008 0.60 MPEPC Part L 2010 0.40 MPCPC Part L 2010 0.49

EPC = Energy Performance Co-efficient MPEPC = Maximum Permitted Energy Performance Co-efficient (permitted according to Building Regulations Part L) CPC = Carbon Performance Co-efficient MPCPC = Maximum Permitted Carbon Performance Co-efficient (permitted according to Building Regulations Part L) APPENDIX 1




References: Laine, J. & Saari, M. 2005. Low energy concrete block house Comparison calculations on energy consumption of single-family houses [Matalaenergiaharkkotalo Pientalojen energiankulutuksen vertailulaskelma]. VTT Building and Transport. Espoo. 22 p. + app. 18 p. (Research Report nro RTE627/05) [in Finnish] ( Prof. M. Lockwood, R. G. Harrison, T. Woolings and S. K. Solanski 2010. Are cold winters in Europe associated with low solar activity? Environ. Res. Lett. 5 (2010) 024001 (7pp) Irish Agrment Board, Quinn-Lite Aircrete Blocks: B3, B5 and B7, Certificate No.: 07/0264 Sustainable Energy Ireland 2008. Limiting Thermal Bridging and Air Infiltration - Acceptable Construction Details

KnaufInsulation 2010. Residential Refurbishment, 3.2.1 Pitched Roof Ceiling Level, Technical Report Energy Saving Trust, UK (pub) Enhanced Construction Details Ideal Standard International, News Release 2010. Ireland is a nation of water guzzlers Environment Protection Agency 2010. Code of Practice: Wastewater Treatment Systems for Single Houses Hot Water Association Performance Specification for Thermal Stores Greenbusiness, Research on Rainwater Harvesting (EN 050 0057) Norma Khoury-Nolde, Rainwater Harvesting (Germany)

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