History of Pump Technology
History of Pump Technology
History of Pump Technology
Dr. Arnold Kadish of Los Angeles, California, devised the first insulin pump in the early 1960s. It was worn on the back and was roughly the size of a Marine backpack (Figure 1). Rigorous clinical testing for CSII began in the late 1970s,[3-5] and by the early 1980s, CSII was being considered as a possible alternative form of insulin delivery for patients with type 1 diabetes.[6]
Figure 1. The first insulin pump. The AutoSyringe model, also known as the "Big Blue Brick," was the first commercial pump. [7] Upon its 1978 introduction, excitement spread throughout the medical community, and several companies began to promote the development of insulin pumps. However, many of these pumps lacked the controls necessary to ensure safe insulin delivery. They were not very user-friendly, and some models even required the use of a screwdriver for dosage adjustment.[8] In addition, the idea of wearing a large, heavy pump and being hooked to a machine understandably met with resistance among patients.[7] In the early 1980s, pump therapy was reserved only for the most difficult-tomanage cases, and the results were often unsatisfactory.[8] By the late 1980s, insulin pump therapy was still used in only a minority of patients. The 1990s brought major advances in the field of medical device technology, which allowed dramatic reductions in the size of the pump, brought enhanced safety, and allowed greater ease of use for patients. Currently, most pumps are about the size of a hand-held pager (Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) and have features such as programmable memory, multiple basal rates, several bolus options, safety lockout features, and remote control. [1]
Figures 2-6. Today's insulin pumps are the size of a hand-held pager. (Figure 6 courtesy Pauline Devney.)
consumed. An insulin bolus can also be delivered if the random glucose level is high and there is a need for additional insulin -- "the correction bolus." Insulin pump therapy also can deliver insulin in a more physiologic way than as a single premeal bolus of insulin. Several insulin pump models have 2 additional bolus insulin delivery functions, that is, the square-wave bolus and the dual-wave bolus. The square-wave bolus insulin is evenly infused over a duration determined by the user at the time of administration. The delivery of insulin by the dual-wave bolus is similar to the release of first- and second-phase insulin secretion by the pancreas. The dual-wave bolus combines standard and square-wave bolus delivery. The standard bolus portion of the dual-wave bolus is administered over a period of minutes to address the rapid postprandial rise following carbohydrate intake. The square-wave portion of the dual-wave bolus addresses the postprandial glycemic excursion that occurs following ingestions of protein or fat. [13] Comparisons between standard and dual-wave bolus insulin delivery demonstrate that the standard bolus portion of the dual-wave bolus effectively controls the initial rise in postprandial glucose observed following a high-fat meal, and that the dual-wave bolus provides the best method for managing sustained postprandial glucose excursions after a high-fat meal. Chase and colleagues[14] demonstrated significantly lower postprandial glucose 4 hours following a carbohydrate-rich, high-fat meal and dual-wave bolus combination vs a single bolus combination (P = .04). It has also been demonstrated that dual-wave insulin delivery effectively controls both the initial and sustained postprandial glycemic excursion (over a 14-hour period) observed after a high-fat meal.[13]
than 90% of the mean 6.5-year study duration had HbA1c levels that were on average 0.2% to 0.4% lower than levels of patients using MDI (P < .001).[15] Perhaps the greatest advantage of CSII from the patient's perspective is that it allows a more normal lifestyle. Pump therapy simplifies irregular meal schedules and allows for flexibility in mealtimes and other aspects of a patient's life. Indeed, this flexibility is the most frequent reason patients give for choosing and remaining on CSII. [22] Patients are able to modify insulin availability by the hour, which makes possible activities that would otherwise be risky, such as skipping or delaying meals, sleeping late on weekends, and engaging in vigorous exercise.[23] Studies demonstrate high patient satisfaction and low discontinuation rates for CSII therapy (< 10%). [24-26] Although some would argue that pump therapy is an expensive alternative to MDI, uncontrolled glucose is the major driving factor in escalating healthcare costs for diabetes.[27] Regression analysis was used to estimate the relationship between glycemic control and medical care charges for 3017 adults with diabetes in a health maintenance organization.[27] Medical care charges increased significantly for every 1% increase above an HbA1c of 7%. A recent analysis conducted in the United Kingdom compared the cost-effectiveness of CSII with that of MDI and found that CSII was most cost-effective in patients who had more than 2 severe hypoglycemic events per year and who required admission to hospital at least once every year.[28]
difference in mean HbA1c remained significantly lower than before pump initiation (P < .001). There were no significant increases in admissions to the emergency room or DKA after pump initiation. Another study of 74 youths aged 12 to 20 years found that CSII was more effective than MDI in lowering HbA1c levels and reducing the risk of hypoglycemia (P = .01).[24] In addition, adolescents using CSII found coping with diabetes to be less difficult than did adolescents using MDI. [18] Positive outcomes with CSII in adolescents were also reported at the recent 63rd Scientific Sessions of the ADA. In an Italian study[42] enrolling 15 patients with an average age of 12.7 years, HbA1c was reduced from 9.2% to 7.7% at 6 months and 7.9% at 12 months with pump therapy. Clear improvement in quality of life was also reported. Similar benefits of CSII have been observed in toddlers and preschoolers. Compared with older children and adolescents, younger children with type 1 diabetes are more likely to experience DKA, impaired consciousness, and higher blood glucose levels at the time of diagnosis.[43] A study by Litton and colleagues[44] analyzed the effects of pump therapy in 9 toddlers who developed type 1 diabetes between the ages of 10 and 40 months. After a mean of 13.7 months of therapy with MDI, patients were treated with insulin pumps for 7 to 19 months. In these children, HbA1c levels declined from a mean of 9.5% 0.4% at baseline to 7.9% 0.3% (P < .001). In addition, the incidence of severe hypoglycemia decreased from 0.52 episodes per month to 0.09 episodes per month (P < .05). In a study reported at the 63rd Scientific Sessions of the ADA of 65 children with a mean age of 4.5 years at pump initiation (range, 1.4-6.9 years), mean HbA1c decreased significantly from 7.4% to 6.9% at 12 months, and severe hypoglycemia was reduced by 53%.[45]
Inadequate glycemic control, defined as HbA1c above target (> 7%). "Dawn phenomenon," with glucose levels greater than 8-9 mmol/L (> 144-162 mg/dL) in the morning. Marked daily variations in glucose levels. History of hypoglycemia unawareness or of hypoglycemic events requiring assistance. Need for flexibility in lifestyle. Pregnancy or intention to become pregnant. Low insulin requirements (< 20 U/day).
Dose Calculation
Bode and colleagues[12] recommend that the total daily insulin requirements be reduced by 25% to 30%; half of this dose should be administered in the basal infusion, and the other half should be given as a meal or correction bolus. The remaining portion of the insulin calculated for meals should be divided according to the patient's meal content. It is recommended that the patient adjust meal bolus doses on the basis of glucose response to intake by adjusting his or her carbohydrate-to-insulin ratio. Snacks should be avoided during the first 2 to 4 weeks until basal rates have been established.[12] For children, the total insulin requirement per 24 hours might stay the same once therapy is initiated [1] or it might need to be decreased by about 15% to 20%.[19,53] Approximately 40% to 50% of the daily insulin requirement in children is given as a basal rate, but some may need up to 60% given as the basal rate. Compared with adults and older children, children younger than 12 years of age may show a "reverse dawn" effect, in which the basal rate is higher from 9 PM to 3 AM and lower from 3 AM to 6 PM.[1] Use of lispro or aspart is especially suitable for infants and toddlers receiving CSII because of their unpredictable appetites and eating patterns.[1] A partial "priming" dose can be administered before a meal and the remainder can be given during or after the meal, depending on the amount of carbohydrates consumed. [1]
After the initiation of CSII therapy, the patient should continue to monitor blood glucose at least 4 times a day, and, once stabilized, should follow up with a physician on a quarterly basis.[12] At each visit, the physician reviews with the patient ways to prevent and troubleshoot occurrences of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. If HbA1c is above target, the patient's methods of glucose self-monitoring, recording frequency, diet, knowledge of food intake, and bolus adjustment practices should be analyzed.[12] Questions that can be asked when CSII results in nonoptimal blood glucose control include the following[1]:
Is testing of blood glucose levels being performed 4-6 times a day? Are the basal insulin rates set properly (does hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia occur when meals are skipped)? Are carbohydrate counting or exchange lists being performed accurately and with the proper insulin boluses? Is the proper correction bolus factor to treat elevated blood glucose levels occurring? Is the correct treatment of low blood glucose levels with the appropriate amount of carbohydrates occurring? Is bolus memory on the pump reflected correctly in the logbook records?
maintain glycemic control and avoid dangerous hypoglycemia. [55] Adequate patient training is essential to allow safe changes in the basal infusion rate and to avoid inadvertent disruptions of the catheter site during brisk physical activity.[56]Healthcare providers should counsel patients about how to maintain glycemic control in these situations.[57] A clinical approach to managing appropriate glucose control on the insulin pump is to have a patient check the glucose level at the time of activity, 45 minutes into activity (when hyperglycemia can result), and 2 hours after the completion of exercise (when risk of hypoglycemia increases). Basal rates can then be adjusted on the basis of these glucose levels. An insulin pump can be worn during most sports activities with certain precautions, depending on the activity involved.[57] For patients engaged in contact sports, providers should discuss the possibility of damage to the pump or infusion set. Those who regularly participate in contact sports may need to plan for pump changes or temporary interruptions in insulin infusion during their sport.
Only a decade after the DCCT confirmed the benefits of intensive insulin therapy in achieving tight glucose control, the use of CSII continues to increase. One estimate suggests that more than 40% of people with type 1 diabetes will eventually use CSII.[1] CSII therapy has proven effective in treating many patients with type 1 diabetes, decreases the frequency and severity of hypoglycemic events, and enhances freedom and flexibility in lifestyle. Not surprisingly, more diabetes specialists with type 1 diabetes prefer the use of insulin pump therapy for themselves.[58] Participation and motivation on the part of patients, namely in monitoring glucose and proper use of pump equipment, can help greatly minimize any disadvantages and risks. At one time, the notion of an implanted closed loop system with a glucose sensor and insulin pump seemed only a lofty idea. The "artificial pancreas" is fast becoming a reality. Current investigation offers encouraging data on a closed loop system, which could dramatically improve the glycemic control in individuals with diabetes.