Reflection Paper On Special Education
Reflection Paper On Special Education
Reflection Paper On Special Education
DEFINING DISABILITY The Plight of those who are called to be Persons with Disabilities or otherwise referred as PWDs would be the existing social stratification from Persons without Impairments in which they are subjected into discrimination and treated as second class citizens therefore Disability is not a physical and mental incapacity rather it is a social construction formulated by majority opinion which are not consistent with actual scientific findings and with the emerging trends that seeks to bring the People referred as PWDs into a better social environment that would manifest Social Equality and Social Justice in their part. Thus, this kind of perspective would eventually enable social inclusion to PWDs eliminating the latter social stratification and as well as practicing a better form of social pedagogy.
CLIENT SELF-DETERMINATION Each Person has the right to decide for themselves and if not able for their closest love one to decide for them in which institutions, groups, and persons should not compel them to be subjected under rehabilitation by imposition. The value of ones worth and dignity is disregarded if we violate ones freedom to decide for his/her life whether or not he/she is young and old, literate and illiterate, male or female, with impairment or
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KYU, EDUARD AUNG JR. COLOD B.S. SOCIAL WORK 3 SOCIAL WORK 22- SPECIAL EDUCATION MWF, 1PM-2PM, SECOND SEMESTER ACADEMIC YEAR 2011-2012 ROOM 504, WALDO PERFECTO BLDG., SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY without impairment thus in all future cases that we as future social workers would encounter, we should see to it that we will never forget this principle. Rehabilitation, Development, and Enhancement must always be the choice of the client or in rare cases, the person legally in trusted for him/her. III. PARTICPATORY DEMOCRACY AND PEOPLE EMPOWERMENT As e advocate for Equality to all persons, it is a must that it should always be from the consensus of the people and the said consensus depends on the bases of their rebuttals and surrebuttals which are nonetheless the existing information and form of consciousness socially constructed to them. There should be participatory democracy in the sense that it doesnt only refer to decision-making rather systematic and comprehensive information dissemination among the people thus leading into a more considerate and more thorough deliberation which is done critically and consciously consistent to the betterment of the people as the first step of social inclusion of PWDs. People Empowerment on the other hand is the outcome of participatory democracy in which by allowing them to be properly informed, and to participate in carrying out simultaneous tasks in decision-making and implementation it leads to them to use their attributes which results to their empowerment.
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KYU, EDUARD AUNG JR. COLOD B.S. SOCIAL WORK 3 SOCIAL WORK 22- SPECIAL EDUCATION MWF, 1PM-2PM, SECOND SEMESTER ACADEMIC YEAR 2011-2012 ROOM 504, WALDO PERFECTO BLDG., SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY IV. COMMUNITY-BASED REHABILITATION Popular opinion often defines Rehabilitation to be institutionalized and marginalized which results to the exclusion of Persons with Impairments to the society, the consequence of such action resulted into the lack of understanding in both sides which eventually to social disparities. As the concept of Community-Based Rehabilitation emerged, the step for bringing Equality to all was furthered in which this concept enables both sides to interact to one another allowing each one to understand each other better and establish rapport to the said parties. It also allows the society to be more socially inclusive as it addresses the plight of PWDs as a whole thus their Rehabilitation is more accessible and acceptable in its form creating a Social Environment that reduces the barriers both environmental and social and develops a more friendly environment to all. V. ROLE OF THE SOCIAL WORKER The Role of the Social Worker based on the interventive roles would be primarily an Enabler, a Social Broker, and an Advocate in which the said Worker should see to it that all the persons involved and the client system are properly conditioned as well as the linking of support from all sectors involved. As an Enabler, the Worker should provide the necessary information as well as the sources of support for these emerging operational activities to push through. As a Social Broker, the Worker should link them to the necessary connections needed in order to provide all the necessities in the said operations. As an Advocate, the Workers vital role is to bring Consciousness-Raising to the Communities and Institutions in order for them to carry out their own agendas consistent
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KYU, EDUARD AUNG JR. COLOD B.S. SOCIAL WORK 3 SOCIAL WORK 22- SPECIAL EDUCATION MWF, 1PM-2PM, SECOND SEMESTER ACADEMIC YEAR 2011-2012 ROOM 504, WALDO PERFECTO BLDG., SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY with the goal of ending the plight of PWDs in terms of social stratification. VI. ROLE OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR The Public primarily the Government has the highest degree on Social Responsibility and Public Accountability for the People. It is the role of the Public Sector and the Government to ensure that the Welfare of the People is properly provided as well as to ensure Social Protection to all Persons within the State. Thus, the Public Sector should be the first to initiate the goal on bringing Social Justice and Social Equity to all persons which does not exclude anyone and aimed for the General Welfare of the People. VII. ROLE OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR The private sector though private in its label and form is still subjected for Social Responsibility and is still involved in the mode of the Society. Thus, it is just proper for the aforementioned sector to aid the initiators of the said agenda on promoting Social Justice and Social Equity to all especially in the part of PWDs and other marginalized sectors. VIII. COORDINATION AND COLLABORATION Coordination and Collaboration is the key for the unification and over-all development of our nation. As much as possible, the initiators of the said agenda on CBR and as well as on Social Transformation should be inclusive in order for it to be in a broader range, in a more effective and efficient implementation, and a more consolidated one. Each one should cooperate and contribute so that the movement would eventually be
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KYU, EDUARD AUNG JR. COLOD B.S. SOCIAL WORK 3 SOCIAL WORK 22- SPECIAL EDUCATION MWF, 1PM-2PM, SECOND SEMESTER ACADEMIC YEAR 2011-2012 ROOM 504, WALDO PERFECTO BLDG., SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY adequately addressing the dilemmas, genuinely implement change, and sustainable. IX. INSTITUTIONAL VIABILITY Institutional Viability should be prioritized creating a broad network of stakeholders on advancing various socially transformative agendas which in the long run would not just be sustainable but also highly organized, highly efficient and effective, and highly recognized in the degree of its significance. A joint-action on all existing structures in the entire society would eventually lead a great impact to the aforementioned agenda thus leading into a more feasible plan of action for Social Development. X. POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION Policies are the sole bases of all operations in a society. The mode of operation of the Society is based on the provisions enacted in its jurisdiction. It is a social contract that binds the people into one state with a government in harmony and order thus the policies should always be consistent with the socially transformative goals therefore there should be social legislation bringing social reform that would enable the legal framework to consistent with the maximization of the provision for the general welfare of the people. It is our role to determine the effects of these policies and its advantages and disadvantages to the people and give certain professional recommendations to local and national legislators.
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KYU, EDUARD AUNG JR. COLOD B.S. SOCIAL WORK 3 SOCIAL WORK 22- SPECIAL EDUCATION MWF, 1PM-2PM, SECOND SEMESTER ACADEMIC YEAR 2011-2012 ROOM 504, WALDO PERFECTO BLDG., SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY XI. CONSCIOUSNESS-RAISING AND ADVOCACY ACTIVITIES Information is the primary tool for empowerment. Social Pedagogy cannot be possible without social awareness on the part of the people. The initiators of the said agendas stated earlier in this reflection paper should first inform the people in order for them to understand, be involved, and to participate resulting into their empowerment. We should begin in advocating the cause before starting the movement, an advocacy of informed choice and solutions which are universal to all. XII. ROLE OF THE INDIVIDUAL FOR SOCIO-CULTURAL RENEWAL The Individual may not be the start of change for I believe that change can only be possible if both the person and the social environment would start the move for genuine change in which the individual can be a coinitiator of change and a propagator of such movement for betterment. The Individuals willingness, determination, commitment, and dedication would be the core of the aforementioned change but it doesnt end there for it should always be in uniformity with the others who are in the same movement and thus by adhering to one another, change can be done. A world without discrimination and prejudice can be attained that is socially inclusive and adaptable to all persons if only each individual begins the movement with other individuals in the same cause and the same line of operation.
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