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Demings 14 Principles
Background Recent changes in regulatory requirements for clinical trials pose considerable challenges for the clinical research community. The clinical research Quality Assurance (QA) profession as a whole has not historically utilised quality management tools, and QA professionals may have little to no formal training in continuous improvement methods, to be aware of their value in assessing and improving the impact and value of the QA department to any organisation. This article will present Demings 14 Principles for Management, paraphrasing them to demonstrate how easily they can apply to the clinical trial project management, Contract Research Organisation (CRO) and clinical department management.
Demings 14 Principles
Dr. William Edwards Deming is known as the father of the Japanese post-war industrial revival and was regarded by many as the leading quality guru in the United States. Deming created 14 Principles for Management that summarised his business philosophy. The principles became a basis for transformation of industry. The 14 principles apply anywhere, from small organisations to large ones, to the service industry as well as to manufacturing. They apply to any division within a company.
5. Improve Constantly and Forever
Quality starts with the intent of management. Management is obligated to continually look for ways to improve quality. First of all, teamwork in clinical trial project planning is fundamental. Second, we must remember that chronic problems have chronic causes. Treating the symptoms does not solve the problem. Putting out fires is not improvement of the process. Improvement efforts must shift focus from improving the personnel to improving the processes. We must identify the systemic policies, practices, belief systems etc. that are dysfunctional and change them. As long as these systemic causes remain, the resulting systemic problems will remain. One of the most efficient tools to reveal the causes is quality audit followed by corrective actions that include investigation, a.k.a. root cause analysis. Clinical trial audits and system audits may open our eyes and indicate the process deficiencies and flaws. Appropriate handling of the latest will inevitably lead to improvement.
6. Institute Training
If people are inadequately trained, they will not all work the same way, and this will introduce variation. In our business, every new project calls for study specific training, even when very experienced personnel are involved, both in-house and at site. The more we invest in the development of an extensive and comprehensive training programme, the more field, office and site staff are trained, training effectiveness evaluated and re-training carried out when the need is identified, the more uniformity in results, meaning statistically we will achieve valid clinical data. Management must remove the inhibitors to good work and provide the setting where workers can be successful.
7. Institute Leadership
Deming makes a distinction between leadership and mere supervision. First of all managers, or should we say leaders, must know the work they supervise. That will assist them to know the difference between special and common cause of variation, or in other words to distinguish between a mere mistake and a weakness of a process. CRA Managers or Study Managers are not policemen, neither are QA personnel. We all have a common goal to complete our clinical trial in time, at the lowest possible cost, with scientifically valid results, while strengthening the relationships with investigators and subcontractors/clients. Its everyones job and everyones responsibility. When the management message, not verbal but though action devoted to quality, it will make its way to the field personnel, also reaching to the sites staff.
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Its not people who make most mistakes - its the process they are working within. Harassing the workforce without improving the processes they use is counter-productive.
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Author Biog
13. Institute Education and Self-improvement
Invest in the education of your work forces (including sub-contractors), encourage self-education and introduce training programmes, worship knowledge and professionalism. This is the only recipe for commitment to lifelong employment and business success. As the CRA (that does not necessarily have a clinical background) aquires more knowledge, of the therapeutic area of the study protocol, the better the CRO team is trained on the internal sponsors processes (SOPs, internal communication lines, etc.), as the site staff have more understanding in regulations, the more study management is educated in the topics like teamwork, statistical techniques, risk management, project management and, of course, quality tools, the more chances that our mission - to complete our clinical trial in time, at the lowest possible cost, with scientifically valid results while strengthening the relationships with investigators and sub-contractors/clients will be successfully accomplished.
Rita Gabay
Rita is currently owner and manager of QA INSIGHT - a company providing independent QA, GCP and ISO 13845 consultancy and audit services. With a clinical background, and a MSc in Quality Assurance and Reliability, Rita has over 20 years of experience in marketing, Clinical Quality Assurance, and management of Quality Systems compliant with ISO 9001:2008 and 13485:2003. She served as QA Manager and Auditor in pharmaceutical, medical devices and in-vitro diagnostic companies. She lectures at the professional and educational forums on GCP, ISO and Medical Devices regulations Rita is a certified auditor. She holds the Certificate of International Register of Certified Auditors, and the Health Canada Certificate of CMDCAS Auditor Qualification Programme.
Deming preached that to achieve the highest level of performance requires more than a good philosophy the organisation must change its behaviour and adopt new ways of doing business. Indeed, his 14 Principles pose a challenge for many companies to figure out how to apply them in a meaningful way; however CRO or clinical departments will benefit immeasurably by finding this way and implementation of the principles in the management practice.
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