Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
, 1981), pp. 1218-1228 Published by: Institute of Mathematical Statistics Stable URL: . Accessed: 16/03/2012 23:47
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University California, Berkeley of
It The regression correlation and modelsare considered. is shownthat thebootstrap of approximation thedistributiontheleastsquares to estimates is valid, and someerror bounds given. are 1. Introduction. This paper, a sequel to Bickel and Freedman (1981a), will develop some asymptotictheoryforapplications of Efron's (1977) bootstrapto regression.Autoregressive models and linear econometric models may be consideredelsewhere.Here, only multiplelinear regressionmodels will be considered: (1.1) + Y(n) = X(n)/3 E(n).
the data; is to In this equation,/3 a p x 1 vectorofunknownparameters, be estimatedfrom of Y(n) is an n x 1 data vector;X(n) is an n x p data matrix, fullrankp c n; e(n) is an n x 1 vector of unobservables.The models differ the stochasticmechanismsupposed to in have generated the data. However, in all cases E is supposed random. Throughout this paper,p is fixedand n is large. The case wherep and n are both large will be considered in a futurepaper, Bickel and Freedman (1981b). for givenby to Attentionis restricted the conventionalleast squares estimate /3(n) /3,
Received revised August 1980; April1981. ' Research while I worked this partially supported NSF Grant by MCS-80-02535. on paper enjoying of thehospitality theETH, Zurich. AMS 1980subject 62G15. classifications. Primary 62E20;secondary 62G05, metrics. and phrases.Regression, least Wasserstein Keywords correlation, squares, bootstrap, 1218
The components,-, E2, . .., c, of ?(n) are independent, withcommondistribution F havingmean 0 and finite variance a2; both F and a2 are unknown.
The Y-vectoris consideredto be the observed value of the random vectorX(n),/ + ?(n). Then /3(n)has mean / and variance-covariance matrix t2{X(n)TX(n))}-1 Suppose (1.4) 1 - X(n) TX(n) -* V which is positivedefinite. n
Suppose also that the elementsofX(n) are uniformly small by comparisonwithV4I Then . Vn{/3(n) - /8} is asymptoticallynormal,with mean 0 and variance-covariancematrix a2V1. In particular, the distribution the pivotal quantity{X(n) TX(n)) fl/2{(n) - /)/u of is asymptoticallynormal with mean 0 and variance-covariancematrixIpXp,the p x p identity matrix.
NOTATION. XTX is positive definite, it has a unique positive definitesquare root; so this is (XTX)1/2. "Positive definite"is taken in the strictsense.
The correlationmodel. This is appropriateif,forexample,it is desiredto estimatethe regressionplane fora certainpopulation on the basis of a simple random sample, and to the quantify samplingerrorin the estimate.Now X mustbe consideredrandom,and - may be related to X. The ith row in the data array(X, Y) willbe denoted (X,, Y,), representing the measurementson the ith subject in the sample; so (X,, Y,) is a random (p + 1) dimensionalrow vector. Potentially,there are infinitely many such vectors;the rows of n X(n) consistof the first of the X,'s and Y(n) consistsof the first of the Y,'s. n (1.5) The vectors (Xl, Y,) are assumed independent, with common (unknown)distributionpiin RP+1; and E {11 (X,, Y) 114} < 00, where 11 11 Euclidean length. * is
By convention, is a row vector.Let I = E (X7TX,), p x p variance covariancematrix X, the of any row ofX. Assume (1.6) 2 is positivedefinite. X,,8112);
yThe p-vector/3 parametersis definedas the vector which minimizesE (I1I of is equivalently,Y, - X,/3 orthogonalto X,: (1.7) E(XIJ,?) = 0 for j = 1, * **,p, where = Y, -X,/8.
Of course ?(n) in (1.1) consistsof the first of the El's.Relationship (1.7) entails n (1.8)
/3 =
then the asymptotics in the model can be summarized as follows: X(n)WTc(n)/ asymptotically normal,withmean 0 and variance-covariance matrixM. Since (1.10) and -X(n) n it follows that V4nI{/3(n)covariance matrix I-'ME-'.
TX(n) -- z
v/ {=(n)
The I in the correlationmodel plays the role of V in the regressionmodel. However, the asymptotics quite different, are unless the correlation model is "homoscedastic,"which can be interpreted mathematically follows: as (1.11) E(e I Xi)
a.e., where
2= E
Then M = a2 ; as a result,in the homoscedasticcase, the correlation model has the same as asymptotics the regression model,Perhaps surprisingly, conditionE (ei IXi) = 0 does the not seem to be needed, or even E (ei) = 0. Bootstrapping. The object of this paper is to show that ifthe simulationsare done in a manner consistentwith the model, the bootstrapwill give the same asymptoticresults as classical methods. In the regressionmodel, it is appropriateto resample the centered residuals. More specifically, the observable column n-vectorE(n) of residuals is given by E(n) = Y(n) - X(n),8. However, jn = (1/n) Zin=lE^i(n)need not vanish, for the column space of X need not include the constantvectors.Let Fnbe the empiricaldistribution of = E(n), centeredat the mean, so Fnputs mass 1/nat E^i(n) inand f x dFPX 0. Given Y(n), let e 1*, **,e,En* be conditionally independent, withcommondistribution let e * (n) be the Fn; n-vectorwhose ith componentis e-; and let Y*(n) = X(n),8(n) + e* (n). e Informally, * is obtained by resamplingthe centeredresiduals.And Y * is generatedfrom the data, using the regressionmodel with /8as the vector of parameters and Fn as the distribution the disturbancetermsE. Now imagine givingthe starreddata (X, Y*) to of anotherstatistician, and askingforan estimateofthe parametervector.The least squares estimate is /8* = (XTXfLXTY*. The bootstrap principle is that the distributionof ,/n which can be computeddirectly /3), fromthe data, approximatesthe distribution (Gof vn(/8 - /8). As will be shown in Section 2 below,this approximation likelyto be very is good, providedn is large and a2p trace(XTX)-1 is small. What happens ifthe residualsare not centeredbeforeresampling? Suppose the constant vectors are neither included in nor orthogonal to the column space of X. Then the distributionof vIn (/3*- /3) incorporatesa bias term which is random (depending on normallimiting This is distribution. El, ***, En) and which in general has a nondegenerate so despite the factthat the empiricaldistribution the uncenteredresiduals convergesto of F. In short,withoutcentering, bootstrapwill usually fail.Efron (1977) asks about this the issue in his Section 7. This completes a sketch of the bootstrapforthe regressionmodel; details will be foundin Section 2. Turningnow to the correlationmodel, there is in generalsome dependence between ei and Xi, "heteroscedacity." So it is inappropriate to resample the residuals, for that obliteratesthe dependence. Instead, it is necessaryto resample the vectors.More specifically, let tinbe the empirical distribution the (Xi, Yi) for i = 1, *.., n. Thus, /in a of is probabilityon RP+l, puttingmass 1/n at each vector (Xi, Yi). Given {X(n), Y(n)}, let (Xi, Y*) be independent, with common distribution fori = 1, * , m. Informally, this ti,n, amounts to taking a resample of size m fromthe n observed vectors. The technical advantages of lettingm # n are seen in Bickel and Freedman (1981a). Informally, data froma small sample can be used to judge the likelyperformance a largersample. of 1 Remember /3(n)minimizes/n that I { Yi - Xi,8 } 2 Thus,/3(n)is to tin /8 to as is (n) the true law p of (Xi, YO).Let 8 * (m) be the least squares estimatebased on the resample: (1.12) /8*(m)= {X*(m)TX*(m)}1X*(m)TY*(m). In Section 3, it will be shownthat the conditionallaw of / {,8* (m) - /) mustbe close to the unconditionallaw of -,?/n{(n) -,/), i.e., the bootstrapapproximation valid. Notice is that in the correlationmodel, unlike the regressionmodel, the first rows of the starred m design matrixare random. Notice too that in the correlationmodel, the residuals should not be centeredbeforeresampling:theyare already orthogonalto X.
2. The regression model. Assume the regressionmodel, with (1.1-2-3).Let ',,(F) be the distribution -/ni of {,8(n) -,8), whenF is the law ofthe ?'s. So 4, (F) is a probability in RP. For the next theorem,let G be an alternativelaw forthe ?'s: assume G also has mean 0 and finitevariance. In applications,G will be the centeredempiricaldistribution of the residuals. Bickel and Freedman (1981a) will be abbreviatedB & F, due to frequent citation.
DEFINITION 2.1. Let dP be the Mallows metricforprobabilitiesin RP, relativeto the of Euclidean norm *. Thus, ifp. and v are probabilitiesin RP, dP'(li, v) is the infimum U Et 11 - V Ill over all pairs of random vectors U and V, where U has law p.and V has law v. Abbreviate d, for d'. For details, see Section 8 of B & F. Only i = 1 or 2 are of presentinterest.
NOTATION. In the presentpaper,p is the dimensionof a linear space; in Section 8 of B & F, however, is the index of an Lp space. p
where PROOF. Let A (n) = {X(n) TX(n) })lX(n)T. Then I, (F) is the law of N/nA (n)?(n) ?(n) is an n-vectorof independentrandomvariables E,havingcommonlaw F. Likewise for Also see = G. Now use Lemma 8.9 of B & F, observingthat A(n)A(n)T {X(n)TX(n)}1. ? (8.2) ofB & F.
To proceed, let F,, be the empirical distribution function of i, *.., E,; let F, be the of empirical distribution the residuals E,(n), ..., E,, (n) fromthe originalregressionon n = data vectors,and let F,, be F,, centeredat its mean iAn (1/n) > ?(n). Since?(n) = Y(n) , -X(n),83(n),
(2.2) But
1 nE
C2(p + 1)/n.
(n) -
+ , d2J(Fn Fn,)2
The negativetermin (2.4) is a bit disconcerting. REMARK. However,it is small. To see this,let the n x 1 column vector v(n) be identically1. Using (2.1),
As will now be shown,these resultsimplythe validityof the bootstrapapproximation, in probability, assuming for example (1.4). Recall 1, fromthe beginningof the section. Now
-'. *E
{d2(Fn } , F)
and because d2 is a metric F)2 1/2d2(Ffl, _ d2(Fn,F.)2 + d2(Fn,F)2 The first termgoes to 0 in probability Lemma 2.2; the second, by Lemma 8.4 of B & F: by and n.trace{X(n)TX(n)}1- = 0(1) by (1.4). Of course, condition (1.4) can be weakened appreciably,and p can be allowed to go to infinity slowly:Bickel and Freedman (1981b). Rather than pursuingthis,a theoremforconvergencea.e. will be given.ConsiderX(n) as the firstn of an infinite sequence of rows. Likewise, consider the disturbancesEl, E2, n randomvariableswithcommon ***, -, as the first of an infinite sequence ofindependent F. function The originalregression distribution problemhas now been embedded into an from n. For infinitesequence of such problems. Allow the resample size m to differ motivation,consider again the weighingdesignsused in precisioncalibration.The error distribution depends in principleonly on the apparatus and proceduresused, not on the one designto assess the probable specificweights. Thus, it may be possible to use data from accuracy fromanother. This simulationwill now be spelled out in more detail. Recall that ,/(n) is the estimate n of/3, based on the first data points.The starreddata is generatedby the recipe
Y*(m) = X(m) 3(n) + ?*(m)
mxl mxp pxl mxl
E the c *.* *c being independentwith common distribution the empiricaldistribution F,, Now ,B* is the of the residuals fromthe originaldata set, but centeredat the mean Fun. (m) parameterestimatebased on the starreddata:
3*(m) = [X(m)TX(m)]-l X(m)TY*(m).
pxl pxp pxm mxl
- X(M)13 *(m)
mxp pxl
The theoreticalvariance a2 = E
~~~~2 =1
CFn =-EI-l=,
-2 ?^2(n)
In principle,the starreddata, as well as /8*(m) and c>*,depend on n; this is suppressedin the notation. The estimates a2 are slightlybiased, but this is immaterialfor present purposes. The next result is a special case of results in Lai et al. (1979), which gives further references. Write?(n) forthe n x 1 column vectorEi, n.., c,. Likewise,write ^(n)forthe n x 1 column vectorof residuals from the regression the first data points. on n
LEMMA 2.3.
-- 0
a.e. [
E(n) -(n) 11
1 -2 =
{ X(n)TX(n)
But the first and thirdfactorsgo to 0 a.e. by Lemma 2.3; the middle factorgoes to V` by 0 assumption (1.4) LEMMA2.5. d2(Fn,Fn) -* a.e. 0
PROOF. Use (2.3), (2.4) and Lemma 2.4. LEMMA2.6. d2(Fn, F)-* 0 a.e.
PROOF. Use Lemma 2.5, and Lemma 8.4 of B & F. LEMMA2.7. Let u, and v, be real numbers.Let
= u, and
E-l= n
V, ) 2
PROOF. Clearly,su =
/Vnand likewiseforv, so u- 11 1
n n
n 11U-_v
The behaviorof of The nexttheoremis the a.e. justification the bootstrapasymptotics. the pivot will be consideredin more detail in Bickel and Freedman (1981b).
THEOREM 2.2. Assume the regressionmodel, with (1.1-4). Along almost all sample sequences, given Y1, * , Yn, as m and n tend to oo, of a) the conditional distribution m{/3*(m)-/3(n)) convergesweaklyto normal with
mean 0 and variance-covariance matrix u2V-1. of b) the conditional distribution a* convergestopoint mass at a. (m) - 8(n) } /I * conc) the conditional distributionof the pivot {X(m)TX(m) } 1/2{fl9 vergesto standard normal in R P.
PROOF. Claim (a) is immediate fromTheorem 2.1 and Lemma 2.6. Indeed, in the theorem,one puts m forn and F, forG. Now
m-trace[X(m)TX(m)]1 -d2(F,
Fn)2= trace[
because (1/m)X(m) X(n) TX(m) -* V positivedefinite assumption(1.4). By construction, by is the firstn rows of X(n + 1), so (1.4) entails that the elements of X(n) are uniformly n is asymptotically normal. o(Jn), and X(n)TE(n)/ Claim (b). (2.10) Recall 'a, from(2.7). It will be shown that
Next, let
*2( a.z* =-F1
E*' (i l'E)
Now Recall from(2.8) thatM is the variance of the residuals in the starredregression.
- I EI ('* ,g-*nI Y1 **
Yn)2 cEt{(,*-z*_g)2
1yl, *,Yn
_Et- El=
= anp/m
by Lemma 2.7
a.e. by (2.10).
What remainsis to show that the conditionallaw of u*2is nearlypointmass at 2 This the followsfrom resultsin Section 8 ofB & F. Indeed, conditionon Y1, * , Yn. By Lemma 8.6 of B & F,
d (-1=1 ?1 ,-i=l 1)_di(,-* , El )
(Both sides ofthe displayare random;forthe distancecomputedis betweenthe conditional of of distribution the starred quantityand the unconditionaldistribution the unstarred quantity.) Now ? has conditionallaw Fn; and E, has law F; and d2(Fn, F) -* 0 a.e. by In short,the 2. ] 0 a.e. by Lemma 8.5 of B & F, with4() ? = Lemma 2.6. So di[?2, O [E ? law of 1/mEm=. I, and littlefromthe unconditional conditionallaw of 1/mEm,. ?, differs concentratenear a2. Likewise,the conditionallaw of 1/m E * concenmust therefore tratesnear 0. Claim (c). This is immediatefrom(a) and (b). O
To conclude this section, consider the bootstrap when the uncenteredresiduals are resampled. Let v(m) be a column (m x 1) vector of l's. Applying(1.10) to the starred regression, (2.11)
E[p j,8*(m) -i,n))
where by (2.1)
convergesto a limitL; then the rightside of (2.12) convergesto au2(1- LTV-lL). Assume projectioninto the column space of L is nonzero,and LTV-IL < 1, i.e., v has a nontrivial
X, and this projectionis substantiallyshorterthan v. If m is of ordern, the rightside of (2.11) convergesto a properGaussian limit.If m dominatesn, the rightside of (2.11) blows up. 3. The correlation model. In this section,the object is to justifythe bootstrapin the correlation model,by a straightforward applicationofthe machinery Section 8 of B in & F. The following lemma will be useful.To state it,let i,,and probabilitieson R P", forwhich the fourthpower of the Euclidean norm is integrable.A typical point in RP' will be written(x, y), where x E R P is viewed as a row vector,and y E R 1.Assume
(M)= xTxIt(dx,dy)
is positivedefinite, and let
(t) = E(t)-
If dP4l(tn p.) -* 0, then a) 2( --) (ti) and /(tin) -*,8(), b) the i,i-lawof ?(n x, y)x convergesto the ,i-law of Qi, x, y)x in dS, c) the i,i-lawof ?(,i, x, y)2 convergesto the ,i-law of x, y)2 in di.
Claim (b). Weak convergenceis easy, and then Lemma 8.3a of B & F can be used. Here is a sketchof the argument.
| (n, X, y)XY | = ?( X, y)2 11 X 2
211 112 2YX/B(/I)|| X 112 _ x + Integratewithrespectto ft, and use claim (a).
T(,i)X TX/(,i")
|| X 112
Claim (c). First,the ti-law of c(y, x, y) convergesto the a-law of c(1, x, y) in d2, by the previousargument. Then use Lemma 8.5 of B & F with4(c) = ?2. 0 Now return the correlation to model describedin Section 1. The originaln data vectors are (Xl, Y1) for i = 1, *.., n; these are independent,with common distribution their y; is empiricaldistribution tl. Both tLand tln are probabilitiesin RP". LEMMA3.2. dP4 (tQ, t) -O 0 a.e.
as n -> oc.
PROOF. This is a special case of Lemma 8.4 of B & F; the variables are L4 by (1.5). 0 Turn now to bootstrapping. Given {X(n), Y(n)}, the resampled vectors (X*, Y2*)are independent,with common distribution for i = 1, *., m. Let X *((m) be the m x p ti, matrixwhose ith row is Xl*; and Y* (m) is the m x 1 column vector of Y *'s. The least squares estimatebased on the originaldata is 8(n); on the starreddata, *((m): see (1.12). is In the originaldata, thevectorofunobservabledisturbances e(n), see (1.7); the observable residuals are (3.1) (3.2) e(n) = Y(n)
X *(m)/(n).
The next result shows that the asymptoticsestimated fromthe bootstrap are correct. Recall that E is the variance-covariancematrixof X,; and M was definedin (1.9). The dependence of the starreddata and ,8*(m) on n is suppressedin the notation.
THEOREM 3.1. Assume the correlationmodel, withconditions (1.5-6). Along almost all sample sequences, given (X,, Yj) for 1 i ' n, as m and n go to infinity, a) (l/m)X*(m)TX*(m) convergesin conditionalprobabilityto I {83*(m) -,/3(n)} goes weaklyto normal withmean 0 and b) the conditional law of m variance-covariance matrix -1ME1.
PROOF. As in (1.10),
where (3.5) and (3.6)
** Xl*TXl*
Z*(m) =-imX*(m)T?
Xl I
1 X(m)TX(m)= m
1 El=, m
Z(m) =-X(m)Te(m)
Again,both sides ofthe displayare randomvariables:forthe distanceis computedbetween of of the conditionaldistribution the starredquantityand the unconditionaldistribution the unstarredquantity.The righthand side of the display goes to 0 a.e. as n -> oo;this R followsfrom Lemma 3.2,and Lemma 8.5 ofB & F; the relevant4 is O(x,y) = xTx from P+ to R pXp.In otherwords,the conditionallaw of W* (m) is close to the unconditionallaw of W(m), but the latter concentratesnear E,' the variance-covariancematrix of Xi. This proves: (3.9) The conditionallaw of W* (m) concentratesnear S. Likewise,Z*(m) is a vectorsum in RP. Conditionit on {X(n), Y(n)} and use Lemma 8.7 of B & F to obtain
dZ (m),Z(m)}2'dP2 2{*
-* The righthand side goes to 0 a.e. as n -* oo.Indeed, Lemma 3.2 shows It,, lI a.e. in dS+l; then use Lemma 3.1b. In other words, the conditional law of Z*(m) is close to the unconditionallaw of Z(m), and the latteris essentiallymultivariateGaussian, withmean 0 and variance-covariance matrixM definedby (1.9). This proves:
In the correlationmodel, (XTX)-/2( -8)/& is not pivotal. However, bootstrapping it The only new issue is a. As before, may be of interest. let
n =i
This estimatesa2 = E(E2) from data, as the mean square ofthe residuals:see (3.1). The the estimatebased on the starreddata is corresponding
E j*(*(m)-
*(m) 112concentratesnear 0.
m be the average of the squares of the starreddisturbances(as opposed to residuals); see (3.2-3). Now
(m * )M C-
is so it remainsonly to show that M2 nearly 2 Conditionthe Ec on [X(n), Y(n)]. In view of Lemma 8.6 of B & F,
di (-Elm=
E 2El= 61-
M 2 l
de2, di (E I*
E 12
But the righthand side tends to 0 a.e. by Lemmas 3.2 and 3.1c. In other words, the law of (1/m) E=i c2. And the conditionallaw of (1/m) = *2 is close to the unconditional
latter concentrates near a2.
In particular,as m and n tend to oc, the conditionallaw of {X*(m)TX*(m)1l/2{,&*(m) convergesto the appropriatelimit:normalwithmean 0 and variance-covari/(n)) I/,M* ance matrix Z-1/2ME- /2/a2. In the homoscedastic case, this is just the p x p identity matrixI,,<: see (1.11). What is the role of the 4th moment conditionin (1.5)? To secure the conventional the conditionsseem to be needed: asymptotics, following
the bootstrapwill Preliminary calculations suggestthat under these minimalconditions, < be valid in probability;convergencea.e. can be secured by requiringE { 11 11 2+6} . X/ Convergencea.e. under the minimalconditionsseems to be quite a delicate question. REFERENCES for Ann.Statist. 9 BICKEL, P. and FREEDMAN, D. (1981a).Some asymptotic theory the bootstrap. 1196-1217. D. BICKEL, P. and FREEDMAN, (1981b). More on bootstrapping regressionmodels. Technical report, StatisticsDepartment,University California, of Berkeley. BILLINGSLEY, P. (1979). Probability and Measure.Wiley, New York. EFRON, B. (1977). Bootstrap methods:anotherlook at the jackknife. Ann. Statist. 7 1-26. in 19 HINXLEY, D. (1977). On jackknifing unbalanced situations.Technometrics, 285-292. LAI, T., ROBBINS,H., and WEI, C. (1979). Strong consistencyof least squares estimatesin multiple J. 9 regression. Multivariate Analysis 343-361.