25 Essential KBD Shortcuts, PCmag##+++
25 Essential KBD Shortcuts, PCmag##+++
25 Essential KBD Shortcuts, PCmag##+++
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02/20/2012 09:59 AM
Note: Single letter keys are shown capitalized, but you do not have to hold Shift unless it's written. You also don't have to type the plus sign; plus sign just means push the keys on either side of it at the same time. Commonly Used OS-Level Shortcuts 1. Command + Tab (toggle between programs) 2. Command + M (minimize active window) 3. Swipe three fingers up on trackpad (show all active windows) 4. Command + Shift + 3 (take screen shot; the default settings will save it to a predefined location, usually the "Pictures" folder and name it "Picture1," "Picture2," etc.) 5. Command + N (opens new Finder from desktop; new window/file in most other programs) Browser Shortcuts 6. Command + T (open a new tab) 7. Command + Shift + t (reopens the tab you last closed in Chrome, Firefox, Opera; works multiple times) 8. Command + R (reload page) 9. Backspace (go to previous page; works multiple times) 10. Control + Tab (cycle between tabs/go to next tab in Chrome, Firefox, Opera) Commonly Used Shortcuts in Most Applications 11. Command + Z (undo last operation) 12. Command + Y (redo last operation) 13. Command + O (open file) 14. Command + S (save) 15. Command + W (close active window or file) 16. Command + Q (quit application) Copy-and-Pasters' Delight 17. Command + A (select all in active window; e.g., select all text on page) 18. Command + X (cut to clipboard) 19. Command + C (copy) 20. Command + V (paste) Find, Select, and Navigate Text 21. Command + F (find; helpful if you're searching for a particular word on a website or document) 22. Command + Shift + down arrow (select until end of line) 23. Command + Shift + up arrow (select until beginning of line) 24. Command + up arrow (move cursor to top/start of document) 25. Command + down arrow (move cursor to bottom/end of document) Get Organized is a weekly series of articles on PCMag.com to help you keep your digital files and online life organized. Check back every Monday for new tips and tricks.
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02/20/2012 09:59 AM